> No SJW Shit.
> Better narrator than Darkest Dungeon.
> Less RNG bullshit
> Better art style.
> No Reddit.
> More classes and class variation.
> Actual storyline.
> Characters have actual development.
Where were you when Darkest Dungeon got BTFO?
> No SJW Shit.
> Better narrator than Darkest Dungeon.
> Less RNG bullshit
> Better art style.
> No Reddit.
> More classes and class variation.
> Actual storyline.
> Characters have actual development.
Where were you when Darkest Dungeon got BTFO?
what was SJW about darkest dungeon?
>> No SJW Shit.
what does that mean? no black people? no women? there's a woman of color right there in your OP picture.
yeah, explain yourself OP
looks like a mobile rip off
>better art style
I like that they felt the need to steal from Diablo too
>better narrator
Lol no.
>Better art style.
Yeah this game doesn't looks based and redpilled
Art and design looks atrocious.
>they're all non bleached
Good fucking job, gets rid of the ugly whitoids
it's not a nigger, it's a zombie
>actual storyline
Darkest Dungeon did have a story, you autist
I'm not going to buy your game, user
>actually an ugly ageing twink
>Better art style
>unwarranted racism
Looks like a chinese knockoff of Darkest Dungeon. Is it for phones?
looks asset flipped
Looks like it's trying too hard.
> Female plague doctor
> black arbalist
> strong female Hellion and Shieldbreaker.
> White heroes can be palette swapped to black.
> Black heroes can't be palette swapped white.
> Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
Looks better than skyrim and rick and morty at least
Character design looks like paper cutouts on a backdrop. Looks trash.
not SJW in any sense
>having to unlock the other types of classes through retarded bullshit
Yeah let me just unlock ghoul by doing 20,000 damage to my own units that only have like 80.
>Less RNG
Sure, but more constant loss because enemies legit begin to 1shot even your strongest monster no matter what you do.
Oh lets not forget
Shit is unbalanced as fuck right now, the animation looks shitty, and it doesn't feel rewarding to play. Its like Overwatch. When you lose you're mad, and when you win, you're frustrated.
Come back when your game is done, Unfrozen. And don't ever insult Wayne June again by saying your shitty hack with the old-rickey-man-voice is a better narrator. I fucking refunded your game gladly because of how shit it was.
Looks like a game made by chinks trying to rip off DD
>Female plague doctor
>strong female Hellion and Shieldbreaker.
>> Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
was Lovecraft racist or not?
he was based
>> Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
>still use Lovecraft as a source for the sequel
Extremely but that's like saying everyone today is vaccinated. Product of his times and he mellowed out towards the end of his life
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
Is it a bad thing if he was? Certainly not evil.
“My eldest cat, “Nigger-Man,” was seven years old and had come with me from my home in Bolton, Massachusetts;”
― H.P. Lovecraft, The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft
evil people do tend to repent for their crimes when they face death
kys niggerfaggot
lol, nice
>> Better art style.
0/10 bait that garbage in the op is the worst looking shit I've ever seen
The alternative would be them not getting any money. People tend to care more about money than principles.
is it better than dark dungeon?
does it have any cheap bullshit like stress dealers?
>better art style
do you have cataracts. also where the fuck is the sjw shit in Darkest Dungeon
so how do you feel about white replacement and affirmative action?
not evil right?
I just want Darkest Dungeon 2, man
Racist as fuck to the point its actually funny. Just listen to later parts of Horror at Red Hook, read by the Darkest Dungeon narrator, and you'll hear what a lot of people consider to be his most racist story. Its so racist, every fucking "LOVECRAFT MUST-HAVE STORY COLLECTION" book on shelves in major book stores don't EVER include it.
There's a few segments in Reanimator that are also racist when he talks about the black fighter they zombify.
That artstyle doesn't look better, looks soulless and generic
stress dealers weren't bullshit, learn to manage that shit.
What is worse being a racist or being a nigger and inventing slavery and child mutilation?
being a dumb racist
He was racist until he wasn't, that's how i understand it
>muh racism
why can't you amerifats just shut the fuck up and talk about videogame and not fucking political shit
Looks okay, but the limbs and proportions seem doll-like or a clay model, just looks off. Otherwise it is great and does the job, the giant icons in the ui seem kind of out there but everything else about it is fine.
It's a better game. Art and all that other stuff are pretty mediocre.
If you didn't care about the reddit meme narrator and shit, it's probably more enjoyable than DD.
I wanted to try it out but it seems that no one has ripped it.
all the migrants invaded the board
it was a tedious mechanic
way to contribute to the video game discussion with your post, europoor
Lovecraft did not enact black replacement nor affirmative action in black countries.
>Women exist
>It's SJW!
Absolutely fucking obsessed.
A truly enlightened human
Thank god people don't think like this anymore. Could you imagine what our societies would be like if black people weren't around?
People of African ancestry are the most racist extant subspecies of humans, as they are the ones closest to their tribal roots and racism is a required and core component of tribalism.
if you only want to bash things without much strategy there are plenty of games that fit the bill, pleb
you're so clever and coy
now tell me your feelings on white replacement and affirmative action.
Is it evil or not?
>no sjw shit
>playable femoids
fuck off, cuck
Yeah, that must be why big devs keep trying to force diversity like in battlefield 5 right? Because of all the cash games like that bring the company.
>> Better art style.
Advertising and begging is not allowed on 4channel, fuck off.
Women exist, they should just be in appropriate rolls. Otherwise it's pandering SJW shit.
Hi, Swedistani, how's bacha bazi treating you? Having fun I hope! You better, or I'll call Fuhrer Merkel and tell her you're being intolerant again eh?
>Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
this is the only thing that seems out of line
> Black heroes can't be palette swapped white.
> Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
These are the only two things that could be considered SJW from what you listed.
>lmao just use the same combo of characters all the time
>only use the combos WE the developers allow!
>balances single player game
>removes fun builds
>makes dlc pathways longer on purpose
>haha you're just bad bro, :^)
game was a fucking waste of time and I hated every second of it, is this what autism is bros?
>Better art style
Based on that image, it looks like fucking shit.
so you're saying black people are the most redpilled?
It's evil in the sense of wanting to replace an existing population.
Are you implying a hot Plague Doctor isn't an appropriate role?
telling you to shut the fuck up your bitchy mouth is the best contribution to this thread.
female fighters (in bikinis) is a very old fantasy trope
>Could you imagine what our societies would be like if black people weren't around?
Reported to FBI and ADL for wishing for genocide as a way to improve society. Genocide is NOT the solution to crime.
He was and rightfully so. Have you seen Detroit? I'd rather visit Innsmouth.
wheres the difference?
Battlefield 5 was pushing an agenda, Darkest Dungeon just has options. Sorry they're not all white, bro.
Imagine caring about race.
The universe is infinite, somewhere some other time, there exists an Earth with a humanity free of (((black people))). Take solace in that.
zombies are pretty chill
The cat example just makes me laugh. It was a different time and people bitching and throwing mud on him years and years after the fact won't magically change history. George Washington had slaves and its accepted that it was just a different time in history.
> Female plague doctor
What's the issue exactly?
> using Lovecraft as a source is racist
this can't actually be true
A zigger?
Who made the waifu skins and are they on steam workshop?
based frogposter
Looks good, I might try it if it has no Lovecraft shit
>devs don't balance single-player
>devs balance single-player
>"game was a fucking waste of time and I hated every second of it"
A nimbie?
well he described the fishpeople of innsmouth as "niggerish with big lips" lol
desu he never had contact with many people in general and his racism tamed down after his mom died and he started to mingle a little bit. His racist slurs weren't based on any racial hatred but were rather a product of his time and upbringing.
But who cares, it's literally the most drawn out topic when it comes to lovecraft.
I think its more that when you realize your life is getting close to ending, you realize that all this dumb shit and these arbitrary differences between people are unimportant.
>Better art style
roguelikes are a waste of time
You can't seriously look at this gamejolt looking shit and say it's better than DD
>video games are a waste of time
fixed that for you
SJWs can find racism in fucking anything they are evil liars that's why everyone who isn't a retard hates SJWs way more than /pol/tards. "Lovecraft is racist" is barely scratching the surface of their insane lunacy.
But in this case, if the quote is true (I can't be bothered to verify) it just means the devs are standard issue cowards afraid of being attacked by an SJW twitter mob. Other than that, this is accurate :
Why yes, I would fuck a negress and treat her body with care. How did you know?
Imagine shilling a game by instantly scream about muh sjws. You'd have better luck at 8cuck, OP. They obsess over that.
>Scott will never make a DD clone based on a desolate hope
To be fair, I actually like girls, so i guess the game is pandering to me as well.
You are quite a petty cunt, aren't you?
there are plenty of enjoyable games out there, old and new.
Stop playing only AAA trash
looks like mobile trash
>> Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
sauce me, tried googling key words but came up with nothing
>stop playing video games
fixed that for you
The art is fucking trash
Not even the titty-jiggle on the female monsters is worth it because I can just mod that into Darkest Dungeon. Get fucked.
It's not even a roguelike
i'll consider it after it's released
Sauce is my lying ass
Women can't be doctors. They're at best nurses.
>Dated a basketball player gf from zimbabwe
>Most fun and honest girl i ever dated
>Had to break up because i won't get baptised for her
Why are white women so fucking empty inside?
>Burgers still SEETHING Swedes jailed a burger and told trump to fuck off from attending to manipulate the Swedish court
Does this have the same grindy structure as DD or is there a chance for it to be good?
Typically they were not professionally trained nor experienced physicians or surgeons, but rather they were often either second-rate doctors unable to otherwise run a successful medical practice or young physicians seeking to establish themselves. These doctors rarely cured their patients; rather, they served to record a count of the number of people contaminated for demographic purposes.
Man I'd love to see your wimpy ass at the local medical point where you're probably assisted by female doctors.
Honestly as much as I liked Darkest Dungeon it relies way too much on you not knowing what you're doing. Once you "get it" it becomes painfully easy and just a torturous grind instead of a fun game. Also the trinket balance was horrendous.
she's not in a bikini. if she was she'd unironically be better.
>rips a concept entirely
Was this game made by Russians? They all look like slavs,
buy her game
men are actually better nurses
>Once you "get it" it becomes painfully easy and just a torturous grind instead of a fun game.
More or less, the bosses still demand a bit of your attention
There's plenty of good ripoffs.
You go through the map once and then move on to the next one, there's zero grind.
>Is it evil or not?
Yes, but only because it pretends not to be, convincing even itself that it isn't.
bait is better when it's actually funny, dickbrain
I pirated her game. It was eh.
name 237
Years on and you fags still just use "reddit" as a generic term to make something sound bad but you can't quantify it as anything but "kind of quirky or trying too hard".
This. He actually shifted his opinions after traveling, and toward the end of his life lamented the narrow minded ignorance of his youth. It even shows in some of his later works.
this is a Russian game right?
I don't want some twink touching me, faggot.
big yikes. it's well known that racism is little brain, anti-racism is bigger brain, and racism again is biggest brain.
a challenger appears
Races should be kept separate so that a white person can enjoy the naivety of lesser races in peace.
>zen pencil
>doesn't know shit about buddhism
>had to break up because i won't get baptised for her
You cucked yourself. I would have been extremely happy if I had a gf who was into sports and exercised on a daily basis. Imagine having a fit, sweaty negress gf with a curvy body and a nice pair of cute feet and cute armpits. This is truly the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
but doctors are the ones who grab your balls in physicals
This game just looks wrong to me. For one, the characters look like they are made of clay instead of flesh. It gives off terrible uncanny valley feelings, and I can't quite put my finger as to why.
I wouldn't play this solely based on how bad the artstyle looks.
Guys, troll and shilling aside, is it good?
I liked Darkest Dungeon.
Female black archer character wearing european armour with a "girls can be tough too" personality.
>a female
Realism is boring.
Who is that qt? A vampire?
I like how you play as the bad guys in Iratus. I'll probably give it a try.
this wasn't a selling point of the game, not sjw in any way
post the alternate version where he visits places like Detroit, Liberia, Syria, a reservation, etc
>better art style
shill harder fucker, this looks embarrassingly bad
Banshee, she screams and wails, stress damage dealer and debuffer.
Never played darkest dungeon because it looks shit but I think op was trying to say it doesn't have sjw shit in addition to have all that stuff over darkest dungeon, a premtpive reassurance since so much stuff these days is sjw.
Yeah but after unloading a particularly nasty dihareea during a hospital stay, I want to demean women by making them wipe my smelly asshole. Make them really dig in to my prostate
I just bought it. Tell your boss you did well.
it's not realism, this is realism
>nazis are bad
>female squad member
I rank this 8/10 on the sjw barometer.
Yea Forums can't spot an obvious marketeer from his clumsy of the SJW to get support here, but it's OK, maybe I'll pirate it later.
> White heroes can be palette swapped to black.
> Black heroes can't be palette swapped white.
This seemed really weird too. Exactly something SJWs would do.
It nerds with guns. I don't see a single demon vampire or skeleton. So it's gay and lame.
> Better artstyle
No, not really.
Darkest dungeon stands out. It has a unique quality that makes it instantly distinguishable from its peers. This, whatever it is, just looks like any other mobile phone game on the market.
> Better narrator.
I find that sincerely hard to believe.
yes from that hotbed of SJWs, poland
One is a brainless creature that feeds on others and the other is a zombie
Sorry but i'm a man of principle and won't join a church for any pussy.
I didn't buy this and advised others to avoid it based on your thread OP. Tell your boss to think twice before trying this shit again.
>Neat, an Iratus thre
Lovecraft was the first Incel
But Lovecraft WAS racist. Granted, everyone was racist back then, but a lot of his stories implicitly condemned miscegenation and linked non-whiteness to being less 'human'.
>> Better narrator.
>I find that sincerely hard to believe.
I'm not going to claim the Iratus narrator is better than Wayne June but is Stephan Weyte who is pretty fucking stellar.
*Tipped, m'gentlesir!
Where I live. EMTs first need nurse training. Those dudes are always badass big guys.
well, he's not wrong.
Eh, you can't win them all. If you really don't want to embrace religion, it would've fallen apart sooner or later even if you faked it. There are some things that are too big to compromise on, so you should make these things as clear as possible from the get-go, saving yourself a lot of trouble.
He got married, so no.
by god, the artstyle is so 2005 it hurts
You will forever remain a virgin for your sins!
>>> White heroes can be palette swapped to black.
>> Black heroes can't be palette swapped white.
Is that serious? I haven't played it.
>No SJW Shit
Don't tell me you guys are still pissed because DD had a few non-white classes
>no SJW shit
fuckin snowflakes these days cant handle shit, jesus
have sex
Just take SSRIs guys, being a virgin becomes as easy as it was when you were a kid.It completely kills your libido.
yeah that's what i think too.
b... but we fucked already... do i get re-virgined now?
Heard it's shit.
most white heroes have a palette with a darker tan, calling them black is a bit of a stretch. user is yelling bloody murder over nothing.
Yes, you will get re-virgined.
Yes, the fedora's aura makes your penis hymen grow back
that looks soulless
i guess r9k is my new home then
>>Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
source: (You)r ass
>better artstyle
Is Darkest Dungeon worth buying now?
>Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist"
I'm going to need a citation on this.
>a fucking necromancer game
Is it good tho?
Yeah, most of the white heroes have a skin which darkens their skin tone.
None of the non-white heroes have skins which change their skin tone.
It's a pretty weird choice.
Isn't there like literally just a single black character, the arbalest or whatever?
tbf most darker skintones look more like dark tans than full on blackwashing
No, its actually shit. Its in early access so MAYBE. MAYBE. they'll do something to make it better, but as of now, its unbalanced, actually unfair and not in a "the challenge is good" way, and otherwise looks like shit.
Yeah, but so what? Either be influenced by him or not, and here's a tip: If you're writing horror today you are influenced by him, either directly or indirectly. Apologizing for people who died decades before you were born is retarded.
user is probably counting the two Arabs
It's funny because some people think it's sexist because of some of the sacrifice lines at the final boss.
> Female plague doctor
I know this is bait, but come on dude.
You can make any character black by color-swapping them but the arbalest.She's always black.
Canonically, she's the only African American.
But, there's an Indian, a North African and that kind of stuff. Plus you can blackface a few of the heroes with the skins.
Try not to use logic against these retards, it'll get you nowhere.
>Better artstyle
>That generic Reddit "realistic" style that's used by Tumblrites
No thanks.
You're telling me that this art style is better than Darkest Dungeon's? Come on. That's some extraordinary shit taste.
there's a free official skin to change it
link sources or get the fuck out
If you don't mind RNG fucking you hard in the ass with a flaming poker from time to time then definitely.
It often goes on sale so you might want to wait for that though.
That's probably just the crappy art style, honestly. If they went too dark, you wouldn't be able to make it out for the thick shading.
>muh rng
Get good. Have sex. Dilate.
Stop being such a gay retard, none of this is a problem except for the lovecraft thing which you made up. This is just stupid.
Half of the characters don't even show skin, dumbass.
Ok, thanks! Here's a fine choco ass!
Watched northernlion play it for like 2 hours, look too number dependant compared to darkest dungeon.
And the narrator is objectively worse in every way, you get the same voice line every time you use a spell, which is incredibly often and gets annoying fast
>crappy art style
I'm not going to buy Iratus, user
the arbalest is black and can't be palette swapped to white. a handful of the other characters like man-at-arms are white by default but have black palette swaps.
what he failed to mention however, is that the arbalest is the only class with an entire reskin released by the devs (the musketeer) and it's one that makes her white.
plus the pink inners of her pussy makes a kino contrast with the dark skin
I'd say the narrator is pretty bad. But, it's better than the reddit shit in Darkest Dungeon.
>Darkest Dungeon
>The game the devs arbitrarily added shit to make the game harder
>The game where you traverse the same low level dungeons multiple times to grind gold
>The game that boils down to a meat grinder of just beefing up dudes for the last few dungeons
Rougelikes were a mistake
Politics is rotting your brain.
What is reddit about the narrator?
why do black girls wear that shit on their heads? It can turn a 10/10 girl into a 2/10 instantly.
it had women and minorities in it
except they added radiant mode which removed all grinding
It's a cultural way to signal you're a woman if you've shaved your head
Because they have disgusting hair naturally. Every black girl with long straight hair you've ever seen worked for fucking HOURS and paid BIG money to get that shit. Its probably a white girl's hair dyed black.
Most black girls hate their curly hair and either braid it, get a weave or otherwise hide it.
You can say whatever reddit thing about the narrator's VA outside the game, but there's nothing reddit about it in the game itself
> meme catch phrases that redditors spew at each other.
> Not reddit.
A lot of that is complete meme material or just frankly bullshit.
The game IS harder than darkest dungeon though, so theres that. Though that might just be because im far more knowledgable about specific synergies and party compositions in DD
people quote him, which I guess is Reddit
In fairness I haven't touched the game since they added heart attacks, which was forever ago so I'm not entirely sure what Radiant Mode does
I will say that adding an "additional" mode to correct all the stupid shit about the game is hardly a pass though, just make it right the first time.
dd ripoff with worse art.
wow it's fucking nothing. go shill somewhere else.
>redditors can make something retroactively reddit by repeating it constantly
Guess your wojaks are your pepe's are reddit too because there are far more of them using it than you retards
>narrator is pretty bad
God, Yea Forums has fallen.
Yes, absolutely. What's your point?
europeans are a minority on this planet, user
So if you create something quotable it's instantly reddit? Gotcha.
>implying Ghoul isn't best girl
If reddit quotes it, yes.
she was not and official
she was assisting a doctor who died, she disected him and ran away
and then joined the covenant thats it
fucking retard
>wahhhh SJW game
Shitty buzzword for games you don't like, stop using it
That Yea Forums is also reddit too. After all, they have an entire reddit dedicated to Yea Forums posts and likely crosspost here as well
When you call something "reddit" because reddit people do it then literally everything becomes reddit.
Beat 3 early access levels once with these niggas. EZ stressing everyone, but got everyone but dark knight killed on the last allahu akbar pyromancer boss.
Overall, I think it's a pretty average game. Would only recommend to people who'd want more DD-style games.
awful artstyle
> Literally the blackstory comic is "lol, silly man, woman is far smarter than idiot man, I shall dissect him to prove it".
This game is very promising as a early access game.
I'm enjoying it so far. Seems pretty good unlike the travesty that was graveyard keeper.
post the alternate version where everyone around the world is just as racist as he is
What do you use the Shade for? I can't seem to find a use for him.
She was studying the disease he had and unofficially dissected him and proceeded to get kicked out of school.
Pain Amplification mostly, plus when shit hits the fan the dodge skill because I crafted sick dodge components for my banshee and spectre. He also finished off some dudes with the "deal % of lost sanity" claw. The comp I used early-game had the archer waifu, she just did her stress shot and broke stances.
what does this game have to do with graveyard keeper?
>> Better art style.
It looks like a fucking mobile game, are you absolutely retarded?
>It's evil in the sense of wanting to replace an existing population.
white man's favorite past time
I can see why you'd be upset.
>womyn fighters
>can turn whites into niggers in customization but not vice versa
Festering fear consumes the mind!
How is the game so far? I get it's EA and shit, but I kind of want to get it since it looks interesting. My only gripe I see is the artstyle is a little offputting, but I could probably get used to it over time.
>Early Access
No thanks OP
I'll check it out again if it becomes a finished product
women outnumber men and white people are a minority on earth.
> No SJW Shit.
Then explain a woman with a bow and arrow? Women are too weak for that type of weapon
An early access game that failed horribly to live up to its expectations,and the devs quickly abandoned it to pursue work on another game.
Hmm. I like his design so I want to use him but I just beat the game with a stress team (Lost Soul - Lich - Lich - Dark Knight), I wonder if I can tailor him to spamming Gloom Claws for big damage.
She's a woman, why would she be studying?
Explain Hellion's.
but graveyard keeper has a mostly positive on steam
Nobody's going to call OP out for greentexting incorrectly?
To make you mad.
Eh, I'd wait for the full game. They're obviously gonna change a lot balance-wise. Overall, I find it somewhat "simpler" than DD because you only really have minion health/your mana/components/buildings to manage and losing high level minions doesn't hurt you as much as losing heroes in DD. Overall, it speaks to my edgy 14 years old self and combat is pretty cool, so that's my 5 cents.
How did you use liches for stress build? I thought their schtick was mostly minion summoning and dealing damage to everyone.
>dude women and minorities
Have sex for christ's sake
>How did you use liches for stress build?
Toxic Cloud. It places stress gas that ignores armor/resistance and block/wad that deals huge stress damage to anyone standing in it. If you shuffle enemies (Lost Soul did this for me) then whoever gets shuffled into it takes stress damage immediately and then at the end of their action as well. With two Liches in two turns the entire enemy team was standing in the clouds and I would just shuffle them around and kill shit super fast.
Top kek, I always loved his literature.
Hey, shade has health draining cloud. Maybe you can use that in damage builds.
>Waifus are sjw now
Really nigger?
>Better art style
Looks like Tigtone but worse user.
A good section of his stories contain thinly disguised commentary on the horrors of race mixing; often allegorically monsters but occasionally straight fear of half black people infiltrating the white race.
>> Better art style.
looks fucking disgusting compared to DD user this is an obvious shill thread from that blatant lie alone
>Black heroes can’t be palette swapped white
There’s like what? Only one amongst an entire crew comprised almost entirely of white heroes? Also, instead of a palette swap, you have an entirely “new” white character to swap said class without losing anything. I seriously fail to see the problem here.
Where's the white version of the shield breaker?
>Not reading any of his later works when he saw the error of his and started rethinking his racism
Woman who went out to the outside world to try and redeem herself and prove she CAN be strong (but she's not though and she never will be, because she's a girl)
I said this years ago and I still believe it now; the concept of Darkest Dungeon would have worked better is a properly funded H-game where all the classes were sexy female versions of themselves (The leper is a chuuni who just thinks she has leprosy because she was inspired by the Leper King back when she was a child).
As they travel through the dungeon, the monsters have some moves that don't damage them but instead strip/damage their clothing or as usual, damage sanity.
When they are stripped naked, they are now vulnerable to getting fucked by a monster's fuck move/s
When they reach 0 sanity, and despair instead of virtue, they randomly start fucking monsters on their own
>sourceless garbage
clean my anus with your tongue you stupid fearful unironic incel double nigger cuck
have sex.
now THIS is based
> Asking for sources about shit that's in the game.
Do you niggers just not play the game or something?
now go make $1M on kickstarter
That's what the monsters are for, user.
>bullshit 'lovecraft apology' -still- not sourced
>unironically crying about best girl, plague waifu, and color swaps for a back of the bus char anyway
swirl your tongue around in there real good and get the corns you heaving cunt
Oh mama
pretty sure I will die if I do this solo
and all the women fighters turn out to be cowards in the end, play the game retard
it looks like a mobile game and that UI is disgusting
True but it's an ultimate and a lot less spammable. I'll figure something out but I still need to unlock a few more minions.
Darkest Dungeon looks like a mobile game too, to be fair.
Did you? No, show me when the Curator starts apologizing about the plight of white men or whatever you are trying to pull out from your ass
>>No SJW Shit
>>Better narrator than Darkest Dungeon.
voicelines or it didnt happen
>>Less RNG bullshit
git gud
>>Better art style.
It looks like complete fucking ass.
>>No Reddit.
again, what?
>>More classes and class variation
mind showing the classes then?
>>Actual storyline.
story =/= good, darkest dungeon is perfectly fine without a linear defined story line.
>>Characters have actual development
Define development. Do they grow in power moreso/better than characters in Darkest Dungeon or do they grow as characters? The latter completely missing one of the points of Darkest Dungeon, mind you.
just do it on Patreon, pornbrained retards will give you thousands of dollars a month for minimal updates
yeah but an actually better mobile game, this one looks like a cheap chinese knockoff
it's on switch and ipad, it is a mobile game
>>can turn whites into niggers in customization but not vice versa
This pisses me off whenever it happens in any game. Even a 'lightly toasted' or 'half n half' option would be welcome but you rarely ever even get that. I love and adore DD but that is one of my vidya pet peeves
not him but not really dude. as someone who unfortunately plays a lot of mobile shit, DD is way too polished
Keep your degenerate fetishes out of my vidya
>There will never be a palette that turns Arbalest into a sexy redhead or blonde or pale girl with silver hair
So pic related?
Instead you get an entirely “new” qt to replace that niggress.
> White heroes can be palette swapped to black.
> Black heroes can't be palette swapped white.
That's the only creepy one though.
>apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
is unfortunate but merely spineless.
Undead Waifu Tier List
>God Tier
>Great Tier
Lost Soul
>Good tier
>Cuck Tier
Bride of Iratus
He was xenophobic, but properly not just /pol/ shit. Like if he saw a Mexican he'd run and hide in his house petrified for his life.
The utter butthurt of the retarded anti-/pol/chads to this post are astounding. Congrats on the (You)s by these leftard user.
Also DD always sucked so being better than it is barely good.
Wait which game are you talking about?
moving the brightness slider up and down does not make a negroid
> Better art style.
>it is SJW because it has wamyn on it
lmao how gay do you even have to be to want to play a game where everyone is a dude lol for real
There's a male in that pic, so no
I guess a version where all the classes were young inexperienced boy adventurers and all the monsters were some kind of big titty MILF out to get your party's sperm would also work
Yeah yeah yeah, 'muh anglo/mongo/negroid features' but why offer any skin color swaps beyond a few shades north or south at all then?
The art looks like shit
Everyone is still racist, they are just oppressed by the state if they express it. All hail the 15th amendment :^)
The lich went from the worst to the best character just because that 4% chance to intakill of the poison gas
>complaining about PD of all things
The day of the rope can't come soon enough
>hurr durr its polande no sjw there
>ohnononono ese don't show me cyberpunk! ay
pathetic and retarded the SJW are.
Why are people responding to this as if its anything other than bait? In fact why did people even respond to this thread if OP is blatantly contradicting himself in the OP?
everybody was racist in his era
The art style is all over the place, it's just a rip off of multiple games. Fuck rip offs with no added value, fuck shills and fuck you.
Excuse me but this thread ISNT the kitchen
kindly fuck off back to it
Mate you're reading a dynamic that wasn't there. She was just pumped to disect him.
>> Developers apologized for using Lovecraft as a source because he was "Evil and racist".
that's clearly a tomboy
>muh SJW
I don't recall Darkest "Nigger-Man" Dungeon being terribly SJW nor do I get giddy at 'anti SJW' games
>better narrator
Doubt it
>less RNG
Could be neat
>better art
>more classes and class variation
Could be neat
>actual story
Could be neat; could be a bad thing too
Could be neat
I'm not seeing it but I'm okay with this game giving it its best shot
You misspelled "everything"
darkest dungeon is a shallow game that is carried by art and narrator. literally fucking ripping off dd just shows how impotent your game is. why the fuck bother.
Whites can get tan but niggers can't turn themselves into humans.
This. People are so blind to SJW antics they don't even recognize it anymore.
HP was more so than others. Like, even for the time he was very outspoken about his disdain for the negro
>comments are disabled for this video
alpha kek
No, it is not
You sound like a touchy snowflake.
An Iratus thread died for this
>turn based
into the trash it goes
It's memorable so redditors quote him. Cause being good is a sin if it brings joy to idiots I guess.
A real shame. Nice quads though.
>that art style
You have to understand a hundred years ago pretty much everyone excepted that blacks were inferior to whites. It took decades of constant propaganda to get people to unsee the truth right in front of them.
>t.a nigger
That's a boi
It's not he pulled it out of his ass to get (You)'s like every other bait post in this thread.
You lost me at better art style since you just provided evidence that it clearly ain’t.
They literally released a free dlc that replaces the only black only female character with a white one.
>better art style
>glittering adidas, tracksuits, and vodka...
>Better art style
Sorry user but that looks like shit. Can't speak for the rest.
Can you name one thing women don't ruin?
this has got to be bait
Fuck off, shill. Take your mobile-looking garbage with you.
It's a fucking WW2 game where you play as Polish resistance, you dumb nigger faggot.
>not going all the way to the end with a rhodie gf
what a fag.
You have to understand how to spell, "accepted".
so what
they shoudlnt be there in the first place
Talk about videogames you dumb faggots
It doesn't matter how good your game is if it's so obvious you just copied another game and added things to it, all the way down to the HUD.
I don't even know what game OP is talking about. Pretty shitty marketing.
>Better artstyle
Nice bait, but that part gave it away
Based and H-game pilled.
No, this is a Vampire.
No, people are just not obsessed over them
absolute garbage
>Yea Forums is so shit that DD is considered sjw becuase it has 3 non-whites and women in the game
> Better art style
> Better narrator than Darkest Dungeon
And nothing of value was lost.
>Could you imagine what our societies would be like if black people weren't around?
That's his point, tho.
Comically so
Actually I think there was a skin on the workshop that did just that
Dude, even for his time he was extreme in his racism.
>better artstyle
>better narrator
You don't ACTUALLY think this, right?
>Running a stress focused party
>beat first boss, dont really have much trouble with anything
>get to second boss
>3/3 of his possible spawnable minions are machines, unaffected by stress
>2/3 constantly buff him, heal his stress and HP (he loses 100hp everytime he rebuilds turret)
>even with my best party i got him to max of 1/3 of stress
I suppose ill just go fuck myself, i can see that he can be easy when you have plenty of AOE physical/magic damage, but with stress build, fuck
I found him to be the easiest boss with my stress team. Just stacked that shit on him and he went down in like 5 turns tops.
>No more rap music, fighting games, or black women
Guess I'll go make a mayo sandwich and watch a Disney remake
Hag is kicking my ass, any tips?
Do anons think blacls only made rap?
Hit her harder.
AKA bring leper
>Better art style
Debatable. Your pic looks stale, and that interface? Talk about plagiarism.
> No SJW Shit
All you had to do was post this and the titties and you have my money, honestly. There is an entire market not being properly exploited and I'm sure as shit not buying Assassin's Creed Xer/Xir.
I seem to be missing some extremely crucial part then, even with all my dudes built with purple parts, i still couldnt do it....
What also could have been it, my party was focused on enemy attacking and then the attacker taking stress damage, which obviously hasnt worked out against this boss
Have two tanky characters like Man-at-Arms or Abomination gwt into the pot and wail her with some Randged Damage. Arbalst is good to bring
With a hooker? Cuz that's all women are nowadays, even the ones who pretend otherwise. Not a homemaker or shred of femininity to be found.
The women isn't a problem IF they were fucking naked
I don't like mobile games.
is the game actually good though
That's a consequence of letting women have rights they don't deserve.
This shit looks something out of the appstore
It's fun so far but it's EA and pretty unbalanced at the moment. They've been tuning it these last few days so its future seems promising.
No it isn't.
Just don't fucking ask me to have sex again, I had sex when I was 15 with my 15 year old girlfriend and honestly I don't think going out there are contracting herpes simplex is gonna make my life any better.
>light skinned people can get tan
>black people cant naturally make their skin lighter
is the sun and SJW?
it would be great
it looks awful
just a shit DD clone
How do you explain characters with darker clothing turning lighter in their alts?
>pls buy my actually disgusting looking shovelware
>it doesn't have niggers
The desperation is palpable.
I like the look of this one
Leper can only target the frontline i.e. the pot
Thanks, haven't ran MaA in a while so I'll use him. Gotta fix him up first though, he's got negative traits up the ass.
Also, isn't the Hag area bad for Abom's blight?
sure I will give it a fap
Yea he gets them right out of the pot.
>throw ridiculous or downright wrong arguments into the OP to bait people into posting to keep the thread alive
>people respond anyway
Next level shilling, I see.
I want to impregnate that bot
Use Abom basically for his high health and stuns he should really be there just to buy you time. You can use two MAA tho
This art style is shit
people are mostly taking about SJW shit in DD and that one is correct
he is porbably wrong about narrator (it would be really difficult to beat), i disagree with him on art-style (outside of sjw shit of course), i know nothing about actual development of characters
>SJW shit in DD and that one is correct
Get off my board retard.
who cares about art style, slay the spire looks jank but is fun
>no skeleton shit
>he can't handle the tasty wine
>western indie game
>No SJW Shit
>No Reddit
judging by this pic the art looks like garbage, I'll pass on that alone
>SJW shit in DD and that one is correct
well at least it looks better than op's pic
At least zombies want brains
> No SJW Shit.
He's talking about there being black skins for white chars and not vice versa, conveniently forgetting that they made an entire reskin for one of the black characters that is white.
> Better narrator than Darkest Dungeon.
Completely subjective, there just to bait people because everyone loves DD's narrator
> Less RNG bullshit
Never played the other game, can't speak for it, but people often say that you don't fail in DD because of RNG, but rather because you didn't plan for RNG, so it could be an attempt to bait those people
> Better art style.
See narrator
> No Reddit.
100% bait
> More classes and class variation.
Haven't played the other game
> Actual storyline.
Which DD doesn't have?
> Characters have actual development
See storyline
I dunno user, it's not lookin too good for OP. I think he brought out the whole tackle box for this one.
He married a jew you retard.
King Chadorah
Banshee is my fucking WIFE
Is that by the artist of succubus tower?
Darkest Dungeon was complete fucking trash though.
What was so correct about calling it SJW?
Everything is SJW if you're retarded enough. Same principle as everything being offensive to SJWs really.
The state of americans.
>better art style
That shit is the epitome of SOULLESS
>> Female plague doctor
>What's the issue exactly?
I can only masturbate so may times a day, user.
Not gonna lie, most hospitals have a preference for hiring women, specially the not-ugly kind over male nurses as they are more comforting to the patients. But every single hospital MUST have at least 2-3 ogre nurses to handle the hard work which is cleaning and doing procedures on fatasses like you that the other puny nurses can't handle alone.
Also for any guy thinking of going to nursing school. Being the only guy on a class full of aspiring nurses that crave your attention might sound rad on paper but nothing will make you despise women more than 20 hours a week of girl drama
They aren’t a minority in game dev companies or civilized society in general.
Personally I just wish the female designs were lewder. Thank god we have mods for that, I'm not looking for straight up porn, I want like, perky DD cup tits stretching out their revealing top and maybe show a little bit of panties or something.
t. thinks europe is the only civilized society on the planet
It's funny because I have a friend who talked about that shit verbatim.
>girls all over you
>don't necessarily want you; just your attention
>start treating one special, it all gets ugly
Women are terrible
Looks like a late 2000 flash game
Doesn't fit the setting or artstyle.
That's not true at all in the slightest. Some mods do it very well, and it matches perfectly fine in both the setting and artstyle. It baffles me that people throw those two points out like it has any substance.
you had to try to to be upset to find this shit holy shit.