VR Virtual Reality



Attached: samsungodyssey.jpg (1920x1080, 531K)

The 'sale' is a joke. It only goes off that 'sale' price for like one week every two months.

Right now it is technically 'one of the best', but only technically, as Odyssey+/Reverb are the only real options there are for you ONLY if the Index is truly impossible.

Reverb has a far higher quality display (highest resolution currently available anywhere) but with the major downside of lacking IPD adjustment (so make damn sure it fits, ideally trying one before buying or being ready to immediately return), and costs $200 more than the Odyssey+ 'sale' price (same as the 'normal' price, $500). Otherwise they're the exact same shitty WMR tracking and controllers.

Attached: knucklesev2.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

is it wireless?

Attached: 1541117987034.png (400x400, 6K)

can't wait for my index to get here desu so I can dunk on poors.

I wish more headsets had knuckles controllers.

There are no natively wireless HMDs for PC yet. The only natively wireless VR system is the Quest, but that's because it's actually a 'standalone' mobile device (games run entirely on the HMD itself, leading to shit like pic related). It's also a Facebook Console, avoid it like the cancer it is.

Wireless for PC VR is done by wireless relay adapters. There are adapters for the original Rift and Vive (the latter also working for the Vive Pro) but they're kind of shitty and definitely overpriced. There will probably be a wireless adapter for the Index sooner than later.

Wireless VR is very difficult because of the latency demand, and probably won't be really good until some alternative tech is developed just for it (eg. LIFI).

Attached: nextgenvr.jpg (960x1080, 164K)

>but they're kind of shitty and definitely overpriced.
they work really well actually. If you put it on and nobody told you you wouldn't notice it was wireless.
Unless you're talking knockoffs.

>Wireless VR is very difficult because of the latency demand, and probably won't be really good until some alternative tech is developed just for it (eg. LIFI
Latency, actually, isn't an issue at all.
Do you even know what you're talking about?

probably not. I don't expect Index wireless anytime soon. Vive Wireless is already bordering on what's possible to transfer wirelessly.

I wish Occulus made Touch SteamVR compatible. Knuckles are trash and fuck Valve.

144hz propably not but 90hz definetly possible.

touch sucks. Rift1 sucks as well.
t. had them for a month as a loaner and it almost convinced me vr was a meme

latency is the entirety of the issue, for everything in VR. the fact that the wireless always adds latency on top of already barely-adequate VR refresh rates and native latency, making the wireless adapter always a bitter tradeoff, that is the problem with them. wifis idea of 'low latency' is

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over. It's on sale for a reason, no one wants it.

>not abusing the tf2 unusual bug a few days back to basically get a free index

its a good headset but i really wish valve would licensed the knuckles controllers because these dont look good for gaming

There's no point licensing them, no one else is going to set up manufacturing to try to sell a $280 pair of controllers.

I bought the odyssey while back actually. It was $500 for me, but well worth it. I don't have a dedicated room for VR so I needed something I can easily pull out and setup on the fly. I use it in the living room mainly with family. Its really easy and simple to setup. I recommend getting hdmi & usb extension cables, but thats with all VR headsets. Other than that, tracking is amazing and I rarely have issues with games that don't require you to do shit with your hands out of FOV. No screen door effect and only time I got motion sickness was when I was sick. Coming with a built in headset already is definitely what drew me to it most out of all the WMR.

kek sure

sounds like a retarded statement. if they licensed them and/or made them available to all platforms, it wouldnt matter who buys or sells them because you could use the same superior pair of controllers across everything. they wouldnt even have to manufacture or sell those shitty controllers at all and could sell the headsets for cheaper.

That's a complete non-sequitor to what I posted; I'm saying there's no commercial motive to compete with valve in manufacturing and selling expensive controllers for a niche market for the amount of tooling and effort it would involve

licensing would remove the competition, not create it. theyre already competing, mostly on price. it benefits both to license it, because valve clearly isnt selling them to make a huge profit on vast quantities. theyre selling them to improve vr and licensing them and/or having them usable universally would further that, on top of others not needing to bundle shitty controllers and raise the price of their headsets.