you mean the game 10 year olds win tournaments at? lmao
The absolute state of "competitive" gaming.
Controllers get aim assist in Fortnite
If you tap aim your sights will set on the player closest to the reticle
It's not as bad as aimbot obviously but you can see a clear improvement in terms of hitting far away targets
Still, it takes skill to get 2nd so it doesn't matter I guess
>second place
>second place
>second place
>second place
>caring about Fortnite
>visiting Polygon
>trying to stir shit where nobody cares
Should have at least shat on fightsticks or something. I wonder if you're old enough to know what that is
By beating a lot of unironic boomers. Geezers hate Fortnite because their rotting brains can't handle it.
>key to winning is building a house in with snapping that covers the entire map
You'd need a negative aimbot to lose at Fortnite.
>second place in duo's
So he was third?
>Pubg clone
You mean pubg successor
>second place
in other words, someone with KBM beat him....?
I remember that name alone would trigger harder than any headline. Truly Bob Dylan was right when he said, "For the times they are a changin".
>second place
You mean the first to lose.
>msm pushing fortnite
>not a single article on dotas 40million prize pool for the 3rd year running
umm i wonder which tencent subsidiary is behind this
>takes second place
isn't third place taken but second place given?
I think they really hate Fortnite because it's like the concept of marketing useless cheap shit to kids took a DMT trip
B-But... First is the worst a-and second the b-best!
>epic drops the price of stw by 50% before making it f2p
so they still lost to keyboard players?
Ok so how many kills did he have?
Second place is the first loser.
No, you hate fortnite because it's fun but fun that's not for you.
The game just released and then the entire world played it because it was fun and never stopped. Deal with it.
incredible, you are the best at fortnite in the world
a truly epic gamer moment
>aim assist
it is blatantly offensive how much of a non-game this retarded shit is, and domestic-terrorist encouraging in how more offensive it is that this dumb shit is considered worthy of a tournament.
human existence is rapidly becoming worthless. That is the feeling i got from reading your post. Like "this post gave me cancer" but instead it's more like "this post condemned an entire population to hell".
Any video of him playing? Is it like Modern Warfare 2 and just constantly mashing the aim button?
This is how you can tell that a game takes zero skill.
Maybe you should quit believing everything people say on Yea Forums, retard. There is no aim assist in Fortnite on PC, with or without a controller.
Isn't it an auto aim game made for children? Who cares then?
Who are you trying to fool?
You're proving my point even more.
You're going to hell.
>game designed around a controller plays well with a controller
Well duh. Starting with Halo, shooters began being designed around controllers, with shit like iron sights, bullet magnetism ,far lower movement speed than PC-exclusive shooters like Quake. All thse things lower the skill ceiling and limit the advantage M/K has over controller.
now that explains why bongistan state news is pushing this shit.
Except the guy did use aim assist, retard. Read any article about this.
This. The idea that controller CAN'T beat M+KB is misleading. It's the fact that to be somewhat equivalent you have to throw in aim assist which removes burden from the competitor. The second you throw on aim assist it is not longer competitive with M+KB because it's a different playing field, it will never be absolutely even.
I know there's no aim assist option on PC like there is on console, but in tournaments players that use controllers get aim assist or at least used to in the past right?
My bad if I was wrong
You're so off the mark it's ridiculous. I had to say this, but usually I don't make reply posts because I can't tell if it's a troll post or the person I'm responding too is actually retarded.
ummm, it says second place.
OP is too retarded
Paid StW gives you access to vbuck missions. Have farmed over 300 bucks worth of cosmetics off of it
Free version will not have dailies and daily login rewards it seems
Now, they are British. :^)
There is aim assist but it's way too weak, especially on console. PC has stronger aim assist because for some reason it's bound to FPS count but still, aim assist is only worth it on ARs and it will give you a very situational advantage
Anyone would rather be able to crank 90s and do lightning fast edits with KBM, especially in these cups where a tiny 20m circle holds 30 people and you have to be extremely quick on your toes
Good ol' Patricia. Still writing provocative vidya shit for clicks I see.
Fortnite is the least aim-heavy shooter to ever exist so that's no real surprise
fortshit isn't a game of accuracy
it's autistic fort building ""APM"" with no real strategy behind it coupled with outright RNG shooting that literally got more casualized than it was already due to weapon updates
I bet there's a guy at epic jerking off right now because he's been in charge of the pew pew for years and finally he managed his goal, to make actual aiming worth as little as possible, keeping mechanical skill in a border that requires some but not too much competency so the entry barrier is as low as mathematically possible while still attaining player retention due to perceived ""depth"", or as he jokingly calls it with his buddies and chink bosses "the git gud *dabs*"
kys faggot
>Patricia Hernandez is STILL alive and shitting out garbage articles on command
mios dios
la creatura
I demand no cool time aim assist for kbm in competitive as well.
>second place in duos
So was he third or fourth in single player stats?
Or was the faggot carried heavily and wouldn't have even been anywhere near "second" if not for a keyboard/mouse teammate?
Yea fort nite is a not game for children. Its my new insult in games so cus i cant use real insults. “Maybe you should go back to fort nite, this game seems a bit too complex for you” etc :)
t. shitter who thought could get free vbucks with ftp stw
What a fucking retard
wow. this kid won second place in an extremely competitive fortnite tournament using a controller against highly skilled fortnite veterans with keyboards and mice, and the /pol/tards and incels here try to spin the narrative by shitposting the idea he was getting an honorable mention by SJWs game journalist in a virtue signaling attempt because he's a britain of arab and muslim origins?
now imagine being an actual /pol/tard and taking fake news, conspiracies, organized shill efforts, russian troll farms and SJW bogeyman fearmongering shitposts like this seriously everyday. Yikes.
jesus christ
Yeah that's why console and PC competitions should be kept separate, if tool assists are a thing then they should always be available to every competitor
Although when I last followed the game it seemed that it was way more popular on console and the idea of aim assist being removed or even questioned always garnered a lot of hate. Fortnite devs know that removing aim assist would prove that consoles can't compete with PC so they can't really do anything about it, separating the tournaments by platform would just hurt their popularity
Everyone tries to carry infantry rifles in the world cup since they're hitscan and have no bloom. There's also first shot accuracy and they abuse that a lot with deagles. ARs with blooms are for spamming shit especially in tight boxes at end game
Ironically "fort building" is the last thing you should be doing in comp or end game. 2x2s and branching with edits fishing for people is the meta
I don't know if I should be surprised or to by the amount of retards that try to shit on a game without even knowing what they're saying
You made me read the fucking article you cunt.
>duos so he got carried by his teammate with KBM
>controllers were given aim assist.
Fuck you.
M+KB will always be better for snapping heads and faster aiming, but if your positioning is better when using a controller then you're practically almost at a level playing field. Yeah you can't 240 degree whip around to some guy's head that you didn't see in 0.001ms but if you're already aware of where that guy is then you can set yourself up and already aim where he's going to be.
Besides, games like Fortnite/Siege/Overwatch/more modern shooters designed around console limitations (which are getting smaller every day) don't have the character speed that older shooter games had. You can't really play Quake 3 with a controller because you *need* to be able to snap+click heads, everything is moving too fast and you need precision. These games everyone moves the same speed, give or take some variables, so you don't need to take into account as much.
With things like less verticality overall in movement and slower player speed, I'd even say that controller users are at somewhat of an advantage these days. You have slightly more control over fine movement with the analog stick, and to a certain extent aiming with a controller allows you to track targets smoothly with the other stick since you aren't constantly readjusting. I'm not going to give up M+KB any time soon but the fact that you can dominate in most of those games with a controller says quite a bit. I made it up to Plat in PC OW comp playing Mei with a controller, and used to do pretty well for myself in Ranked Siege with a Dualshock set up. It's not perfect but it's 100% doable
Nothing lasts forever. Interest in Fortnite is already waning. This tournament was an attempt at keeping it relevant, but it's a band aid really. In a little more than a year it will join the ranks of Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, and PUBG.
>aim assist
oh no no no no
Bait using Animay is some of the best
200% bait or zoomerpilled, either way, waste of oxygen
>You have slightly more control over fine movement with the analog stick
In what way? Yes, an analog stick gives you finer control over your movement, but in most games you always want to be moving as fast as possible, so that added control is useless. The most important thing in a game responsiveness, and WASD + mouse to change your direction is a billion times faster than slowly dragging an analog stick.
What's happens if you get mkb with aimasist?
Ban :DDD
i keep telling you guys i can outshoot you with a controller in third person games against mice but noone ever believes me
Better positioning is borderline impossible in end game comp. There's literally only one solo/duo/squad that can get that kind of positioning and it's the people that hold high when the tiny zone moves. Everyone that's down below is in a warzone where everyone tunnels while watching their backs sides and fronts for opportunists. That is a fucked up playground for a controller player since everything you do there is flicks. You flick for edits you flick for boxing and you flick for shotgunning if someone shows up
So only one of the duo used a controller? What was the kdr of both?
its incredible how such a bad game concept and execution got so popular
but im almost certain its only because the game is free to play online on consoles
Polished free to play pubg when pubg was hot as fuck, then the marketing came and then the Chinese
I get it. Same reason LoL got fairly big
According to an article I read it's like a playground of sorts for kids. They shoot the shit about their school day, make friends and bully each other during matches. According to one teacher, he noticed kid's using default as an insult out of context, kids physically assaulting other kids for sucking and costing them a match, or even for being good at the game wearing just the default skin and weapon assortment. Back in my day you physically assaulted a kid for pushing you off your bike, whatever happened to that?
he looks brit to idk why youre trying to imply otherwise
The amount of seer COPE in the title alone is insane.
kill yourself faggot and praise shartifact like a brave steamfaggot
It's actually alot easy to build and edit with a controller than keyboard. So controller players build faster but aim worse.
This just in:
A game designed around the limitations of a controller performs well with a controller.
Lets take another example:
Call of duty 2 was heavily designed around the limitations of controllers. CoD2 was absolute trash on PC because of how much they bastardised the game to work on consoles.
CoD2 has:
Grenade indicators (Because console players didn't use headsets and couldn't hear grenades)
No recoil (Because controllers can't handle CoD1 style recoil)
Hi markers (Because SD tv's made it hard to see when you hit)
Showing enemies on minimap (Because console players couldn't hear where shots came from)
No pistol slot (Too many keybinds)
The FPS genre over the years has been watered down for console trash. These players would NEVER compete in CS or Quake.
by controller aim assist
Okay, cool. Call me when a controller player wins a Starcraft tourney.
Watching competitive battle royale is really unsatisfying and annoying to watch, wonder how it could be improved so it's not such a mess to watch.
>giant room where all 100 players play at the same time
>when they lose the floor gives way and they fall into a pit where they have to wash old people
The real reason Fortnite is playable on controllers because it has aim assist (ie. aimbot).
the issue lies with the way building works and how it is more important than aiming skill. this is why fortnite is popular, it isn't as skilled and has more rng than games like CSGO or even fucking CoD.
Is that skin just Q from SF3?
second place LULW
>it takes skill
If we all decide to make coin toss tournament with all the anons someone will eventually reach the first and second position.
Did it take skill?
the instant fort building is incredibly tedious, but they take pride in it cause it makes the game "unique".
Love how many PC players are complaining about aim assist when it is a proven fact that MKB is easier to be more accurate with. In just about every shooter ever all the most competitive players play on PC and by extension, MKB. In games like the division and Destiny 2, all record raid clears are by PC players because of how much easier it is to be more accurate. Sorry if you’re garbage and getting killed by controller players.
someone explain this shit
>give controllers auto aim when they ADS
>killed by raw skill
>killed by robot aim assist cause the player got "close enough"
gee why would that make people upset, i wonder
There are non-white people in the UK.
are you retarded?
controller gives you auto aim
>there are no whites left in the UK
>It's not as bad as aimbot obviously
considering you can spam it, it's damn close to being as bad
It's British people Britain.
The British literally did this to themselves by conquering half the fucking world, including the hell known as Indian. Fucking retards, though I guess they were simply ignorant for what would happen to their country.
>defending aim assist
spotted the true consolefag
>it doesnt matter what handicaps I get
>your input method is still easier so shut it!
>b-but my robot aim
>MKB still easier to be more accurate
just goes to show just how competitive fortnite actually is
So the guys that won the world cup used Keyboard and Mouse?
i think that speaks to just how shitty this game is
> patricia hernandez
The human equivalent of cancer.
>Population by ethnicity
>Ethnic group Population (2011) Percentage of total population
>White or White British: Total 55,010,359 87.1
>Gypsy/Traveller/Irish Traveller: Total 63,193 0.1
>Asian or Asian British: Indian 1,451,862 2.3
>Asian or Asian British: Pakistani 1,174,983 1.9
Fucking retard
>haha fucking hands casual, play with your feet
That's how retarded you sound. Of course it is harder, because it is not built for it.
>harder because not built for it
your concession is accepted
That wasn't my point. I wasn't criticizing anybody's accuracy or skill. If anything I'm criticizing the idea of having a competition where some players have tool assists and others don't
>Have farmed over 300 bucks worth of cosmetics off of it
you have farmed zero bucks worth of cosmetics, retard. you have wasted your limited time on something worthless.
>Second place
First Loser
>getting carried by his partner who was using MKB
I feel bad for his partner doing 90% of the work.
Because tool assist closes the gap of every negative there is to playing a controller against a MKB? If it is easier to be more accurate with MKB then it is easier to win with it. If the gap weren’t there you would have people in the division 2 aim botting their way to raid clears - and no console player completed the raid within 24 hours. PC players got through it within a few hours.
>According to one teacher, he noticed kid's using default as an insult out of context
how did the jews do it? they managed to create literal millions of little goys that are convinced giving them money gives their lives worth.
I am genuinely impressed
>Competitive Fortnite
What a fucking joke, this isn't newsworthy.
someone post the siege webm
Are those kids from academic contest show? The only explanation is those "shitskins" had better grades than the "white" kids, since they could get on the competition instead of the so called "masterrace".
If you aint first you're last.
Aim assist doesn't help for shit in building which is the biggest issue for controller players.
White people are to busy being leaders and owning the world to care about "muh big brain games"
come on, it's obvious they got affirmative action'd because otherwise it'd be racist
No wonder the president of USA acts like a 10 years old.
so what you're saying is that even though there's a clear gap between the performance of the two different platforms they should compete against one another?
how do you get more and more retarded every day
>british police arrest at least 3,395 people for 'offensive' online comments in one year
what the fuck why waste resources doing that
Serves you right for destroying my country with your opium war. I hope your kinds will be destroyed from within by those shitskins.
cool it xiang
I hate the game because I just want to shoot people, not have an autistic house building contest
The ideal solution would be just to separate the tournament by platform but I get why it's set up the way it is. Closing the gap between players isn't inherently bad either, it's fine in non-ranked play
Fair point
>originally started Fortnite with STW when it first launched
>Started getting into BR a couple months ago because I was bored
>can't into build autism
I just can't make a wall let alone a fortress the second someone looks at me
woah it’s almost like the PC controller experience simulates the console controller experience and comes with similar baggage aside from sens and FPS
i actually wanted to buy it but my card got rejected, dont know if its the bank doing me a favor or epic games being absolute shit
the number of players who use controller in kbm games on PC are so insignificant that I dont understand where you are even deflecting to
If you can't control yourself when it comes to buying skins then STW would be "worth the money" for the premium currency
STW itself isn't worth any money though, it's horribly bugged, terribly balanced, worst of all it's a lootbox grindfest. It's been like that for years and it won't change because the monthly playercount for it is probably less than 100k, the devs don't give a shit
What's wrong with that? Controller IS the second best input device.
yeah because anyone who would bother to buy a 2000 dollar rig to play fortnite would never willingly handicap themselves with a controller
you type like a 5 year old
I think that certain aim assists, such as aim acceleration and cursor drag, are objectively worse on KBM. While on controller, a pure linear curve is worse. It's all about accommodating the strengths and weaknesses of each input.
>rise up
Where are the hurt feelings brigade to tell polygon that they're making light of harassment?
that has nothing to do with anything. the topic is about how controllers fags should be put in their own containment competitions.
...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand kb+m got first place. What's the point?
It's a habit
not a real game
Bong here, we have awful border control.
We're completely fucked in that regard, the tories wont do anything about it and if labour get a majority it'll get even worse.
Right now migration is really only bad in the south and some northern cities though though.
Police here are actively discouraged from tackling actual crime as well as being underfunded.
They arrest shitposters so it looks like they're at least doing something while letting actual criminals run free.
I've used a controller in all PC shooters and consistently shit on them. Controllers don't get aim assist on PC. Mouse in general is easier but most people are just bad at shooters
Flicking on player is piss easy with aim assist. That's literally been the core gameplay of COD games on console. You put your sens on the high, vaguely scan for enemy and ads+shoot whenever you think someone's around your crossair, the aim assist will do the rest.
Them conquering too an extent "half of the world" isn't a direct consequence. UK isn't the first empire in the existance. If brits didn't want immigrants they wouldn't have to take a single one. Cheap labour is desirable even for middle class if you don't want to clean your own toilet.