So who did you guys decide to go with?

So who did you guys decide to go with?
Kind of a tough choice when you have to choose between waifu-tier b8, dude with the greasy hair, or jamal the closeted homo.

I for one, chose the golden deer to have a slip in with the other white haired chick

Attached: Gold deer all year baby.jpg (1600x1200, 265K)

Other urls found in this thread:

allways pick the eagle

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I picked Golden Deer. From what I've seen popularity seems to be Black Eagles>Golden Deer>>Blue Lions

>to have a slip in with the other white haired chick

I am genuinely confused as to why somebody would pick the Blue Lions. Their whole roster is completely bland, their leader as zero charisma, they're basic sword weilders and the color blue is objectively worst than red

blacked eagles

imagine being this wrong

I like the colour blue for them because it matches with the menu representing your team as blue. Golden Deer is probably the best.


t. hasnt spoken to Sylvain

Which one is the cuck route?

i would probably pick Golden Deer , because i want Fodland to be in total chaos since Leicester Alliance seems to be the most incompetent nation in the Continent

>picking the gay black guy
says a lot about you, user

If I marry Edelgard, can I dick away her crazy? Seems like something Jon Snow should have done instead of killing her.

Black is "HURR DURR MUH EMPIRE" disregard immediately. Blue is stick-up-the-ass,type of faggot who bows to their opponent in Dark Souls, I'm not into it. Golden is the least bad choice.

antlers literally have historical cuck symbolism

>dick away the crazy
>tame the crazy for yourself only in bed sexytime

I bet you would like for Azula from ATLA to be another one boring vanilla housewife.

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I never played a Fire Emblem game but this one is really getting my attention
There's some deep lore that links this title to other games in the series?

That would be so hot. You think Zuko did it? His grandson proxy has blue lightning like Azula.

I choosed Edelgard because muh dick told me so

Even if you make the crazy go away she'd still be a retarded gorilla. Enjoy having your children born with downs.

Eagles because Dorothea had a cute hat

Its better to side with Dimitri, than a snake and a mentally deranged axe wielding dyke.

... please elaborate.

I think that's what happens. Who could put up with Azula?
It's just that the writers can't admit it.

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Blue Lions

Black Eagles so I could sex Edelgard.

But she's actually TOO batshit for me. In fact, she seems like the worst character in a roster of at least passable characters. Ah well, that just means I probably got the worst one out of the way first and things can only go up from here.

Did you mean to say Black Eagles, user?

Went Blue Lions, but I've stolen enough kids that I can almost start a whole new hose with them.

Is there any reason not to recruit as many students as I can, besides having to divide out experience more?

Reminder that Golden Deer allows you to have the most possible Waifus on team.

Reminder that Blue Lions

Reminder that Edelgard is a fucking psychopath and literal monster and the only reason to ever go through with her route to the end and not bailing on it at the first opportunity is because you really want to stick your dick in Edelgard exclusively, the woman who burned down your village, indirectly killed your fathet, sacrifices her own house students for experimentation, and is willing to publically marry Ferdinand and have his babies but will only be with you in secret until she's in her 50's or 60's when she finally steps down after fixing her empire and then runs off to live with you in a cave

Trying to romance Edelgard doesn't work out even if you stick with her when she turns evil.

No. The more you recruit the better.

i'm really edging towards going with Marianne
stop me now if i'm making a bad decision

thanks for the spoilers man

This marketing was intentional.
IS made the Blue Lions look as boring as possible during the Academy years so you'd be more likely to pick evil house first.

You're welcome.
People really should be warned about that cunt going in.

can i ng+ with my older party members?

>Reminder that Blue Lions

Edelgard is the only bad decision. Every other waifu is still on the table. Enjoy.

I don't quite get the class system.
Should I even bother maxing out beginner classes (monk, warrior, etc) or should I switch straight into the intermidiate?
Beginner classes don't seem to have any abilities at the end and all intermidiate are straight up stat boosts.

No, but you do get to keep you Professor level and get enough Renown stat boosts that recruiting other students in the second playthrough is piss easy.

Claude. The other two are generic as fuck. Also having a bow using lord is pretty cool (and broken as fuck)

Brown dude is the coolest

What relationship rank to auto recruit someone? I want Mercedes but 15-20 magic rating on my fucking Myrmidon Baeleth doesn't seem feasible.

Also do you get points for bringing them as retainer and fighting near them?

>Ingrid is cute and has an ability that sounds useful (it wasn't but I thought it was)
>Felix has nothin personell kid as a built in mechanic
>Claudio's team is boring as fuck

I almost joined Edelgard just for the bedhead shut in girl but liked Ingrid better. Everyone on team blue is super likable even if Dmitri is boring. Only on chapter 6 now though. So far Dedue and Felix are both overpowered shitheads.

You have a site with class abilities?

There's probably a min-max path but really just changing over ASAP is probably best. You might lose out on a couple of insignificant points.

I've noticed the little heart pops up no matter how far away from them you are, I think just fighting with them raises your support level as long as you're using them to make up for them not gaining xp.

It's funny how people are still defending her. If she were just crazy or just ruthlessly ambitious, I'd be fine with her. But she's so fucking stupid on top of all of that, I just don't see her appeal. Edelgard is so dumb she makes Aqua, Celica, and Eirika look like brilliant geniuses.

I've genuinely found most of the students outside the three lords likeable. As shit as BE are for Edelgard alone, Dorothea, Petra, Bernie, Lindhart, and Caspar are all a treasure. Even boring Ferdinand has some moments

By bland you must mean least retarded looking. Annette and Sylvain are great.

is Edelgard's yuri ending any better or are they both shit

If Edelgard and Dimitri swapped places in the story and he was the crazy imperial heir and Edelgard was the jaded eyepatch wearing punished queen who wanted justice, Edelgard would be the top tier waifu in the game and absolutely nobody would defend Dimitri outside of a select few contrarians, neo-nazis, and dumb ass women who think they could "Tame him"

Edelgard has defenders because she has a vagina and is attractive. That's it.

>implying anyone plays this shit for politics

I have Tactics Ogre for that.

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>You have a site with class abilities?
Talking about those that appear in the menu.
Was thinking maybe there were some kind of hidden class abilities (like the personal traits)

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No reason to stay a class unless you want the mastery bonus.

I honestly have no idea

Is there any way to tell what the bonus is before you actually get them?

Can I marry my teacher?

you are the teacher

Can I marry the other teachers?


I will buy this game, thank you user

Dimitri because he's not american and not a weak female.

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Trying to stay blind, thinking I want to get this game now, I'm thinking Black Eagle.

can you change the gender for the second run?


>wanting to marry a old man

knights are probably what you're looking for user

i am liking this game more than i thought i would
was hyped till e3 and it look boring as hell but now that i play it my only complains are the shitty designs and the smooth 15 fps

Why is Hilda the only thot who has white panties?

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can you fuck the Cornelia ?

>you will never be able to touch her
its not fair

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She's pure.

I pick sticking it in the crazy.

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I won the dancing competition but I can't find the dancer class in my Certifications?
What am I doing wrong?

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Fucking demented sadistic psychobitch

>This is your brain on waifusim

Take off your cumbrain blinders

She looks like she's just as likely to blow you as she is to bite your dick clean off.


So I'm on month 11 and have only recruited teachers.

Which student should I try and take?

I'm blue lions and so far have waifu'd annette for not being weird like mercedes.

every class has a mastery skill. The Beginner skills aren't really worth delaying promotion for.


it's only available for the character who won

Go to reclass and should be in the Unique tier.

(only unlocks for the character who won the contest)

Dorothea is pretty great magic user, which you're likely lacking as Blue Lions.


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I rolled Deer but I'm probably going to re-roll into Eagles.

In general, Lions have the best boys and Deers have the best girls.

I just really want to stick my dick in the evil crazy gorilla girl.

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Lions for me but I got Edgelord's route outta the way first


shes pretty cute
shame about her future haircut

You can have the most husbandos? Though since you can romance Dimitri, you don't need the others anyway

You mean bringing external house members on missions? I’ve been using Bernie and little hearts show up when bylethe and her are near each other. I’m not sure of the max distance but at least within 2 spaces seem to trigger it, maybe three. Haven’t tested it really.

She has a stupid-looking face there.

Dedue deserves at least an honorable mention

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Blue lions. Then when i unlock the next difficulty I'll do Black niggers

I chose BL over GD and ~10 hours in I still don't know if I fucked up or not. Dimitri is a bro though.

Blue Lions if you care about the central plot

Golden Deers if you just want to chill and read lore

Black Eagles if you really just want to stick your dick in crazy

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are the Black Eagles in the wrong
from playing the story so far the Church seems like a bunch of niggers

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Cute boy!

How are the endings determined? I want multiple people to do A ranks with each other

Best house

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Has anyone else gotten this weird semi-crash in the monastery where the audio will turn into buzzing but the game will still run fine, but when you go to close it the Switch will freeze in the middle of the confirm close box fading away, except the volume control works and the power menu shows up, but all the options are grayed out so you have to do a force shut-down?

only for those who's brains have already been rotted by waifushit


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I'm recruiting

you spelled her name wrong ya dingus

But you aren't the one sticking it in the crazy, Ferdinand is. Have fun with that.

first M/F combo that gets an A rank is the canon ending.

And she loves me

No need to go into a school shooter rage about it

I don't think that's how it works. That was just some autist sperging out about not seeing kids in the ending.

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Enjoy being dead.

Happy ending for everyone where

I wish there was a route where I could destroy the church, the remaining three powers and Walhart the continent.

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I went shit Eagles first so I could get the two routes I care about the least out of the way until Lunatic drops. Then it's Blue Chads next and Golden Chads last.

Yes, the church isn't THAT bad, compared to the empire especially.
And Edelgard is a full blown psycho who razed the continent to the ground. There's a reason she's the mid/final boss in the other routes.

There are no good fire emblem video games

Edelgard's route is literally Walhart's route as a fuckable waifu, you just put up with her crazy and done.

So is Ashe a good Husbando? I went black eagle and edlegard seems kind of crazy.

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>kind of crazy

you don't even know

also that's the best part


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picking House is useless because all students get the same skillsets,only change the name and characters, you're stuck in the same playstyle from beginning to end.

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>people outright stereotype Claude as being gay when he was first shown
>he isn't
>those people get mad at their discrimination-tier assumptions being incorrect
Why does no one point out the hypocrisy in these people?

I just got to the part where shes talking about her siblings being sacrificed to make her stronk and she seems to have a lot of determination/ambition also everyone says she gets super crazy towards the end.

The best part is that they wanted him to be gay because he was the fun and flirty guy to Dimitri's seriousness.
It was retarded and I'm glad it backfired and Dimitri got the most romantic stuff in the game for a lord.


Can you please red pill me on the shit she does that's genuinely retarded? I just got to the post-timeskip part and I'm on the Blue Lions route so I haven't seen much of her other than her being the retarded flame emperor guy.

Fire emblem sucks

You can only understand her retardation if you do her route.
In BL, you'll see her as a villain consumed by her ambition which isn't too bad in itself. But being the flame emperor and thus responsible of all the retarded shit that happened at the monastery is pretty bad.

students have different personal skills and growths, and I think they have different spell lists too

It's not like growths and personal skills are a thing, nope.

Do you actually get to see stuff play out that's hinted at in the first part? Like are you actively a part of the whole Flame Emperor thing on the Black Eagle route or is it supposed to be some big reveal at the end like in Blue Lions?

I wonder who would be on top, and would it be ruff or cozy sexy time?

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It's the later for all routes and once you understand the scope of all the shit Edelgard has pulled and what she's trying to do, the game itself gives you an out so you can fuck off and not side with her.

Antlers have so much more historical symbolism than that, from religious and spiritual, to the taboo and mysterious, but you go ahead and focus on the cuckoldry.

What determines spells learned? I raised Annette's faith and she learned recover, meanwhile Mercedes learned physic and restore.

Same for black magic, Mercedes learned fire/thunder/bolganone, Annette learned wind/cutting gale/sagittae.

it's a unique list for each character, like in Echoes

Byleth has white panties.


dmitri has the best post-ts design

She looks like she's caught the FE COCKS disease.

I went with Nohr because I'm not autistic.

They do.
I went with a magic-based Bernadetta because she looked kind of like Lute.
She gets Rescue at A in Faith.

>Lysithea getting flustered in the Goddess Tower meeting
ugh she's almost impossibly cute

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EZ choice

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Well shit. Blue is the only house that doesn't have someone who learns four black magic spells, that's kind of really annoying.

Err, I mean five black magic spells.

Blue usually wants to poach some mages from the other houses. There are a bunch of good options though.

Dorothea is pretty easy to recruit, fortunately

>tfw Edelgard is a descendant of Sakura

At last, I truly see.

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Fucking hell, I didn't realize only specific classes could even use magic even if they've learned some. For fuck's sake, there goes some of my character build plans...

Good job ferdinand ! mind if I watch ?

>like the fuckboy on the right
>turns frumpy later on


You also can't use gauntlets on mounts fyi

Yeah I knew that at least, didn't plan to use gauntlets anyways.

like who? do any of your recruits get supports with your class?

Dorothea gets supports with multiple people, including Sylvain and Ingrid.

Lysithea and Dorothea are good mage options

also, is there an equal amount of males to females, including byleth? i remember in awakening and fates there'd be an odd man out if you didn't fugg a MU-sexual character

you should, they're incredible


Nobody seems to have the same spell list, Lisythea Has a massive black magic spell list while Lorenz has Miasma and a bunch of fire spells.

Some spells seem so much more valuable than others, Like lysythea anti cavalry nuke who can 1 shot the death knight

Fire emblem's new art style is garbage.

>ferdinand impregnates edelgard dorothea and mercedes
>three women that byleth can't impregnate cause of dyke shit

>As the Adrestian emperor, Edelgard appointed Ferdinand\nas her prime minister, and the two devoted themselves to\nruling Fódlan. Their sharply contrasting views made for\nfrequent and lively debate, but with each enhancing the\nperspective of the other, Fódlan was better for it. As they\nworked tirelessly to create a better future, they were soon\nbound together by marriage as well. Their children,\nborn to those who had torn down the old social hierarchy,\nwere encouraged to choose their own paths.

>After officially becoming the new Duke Aegir, Ferdinand\nset about reforming his territory. Thanks to the wisdom of\nhis wife, Dorothea, Ferdinand's policies were of massive\nbenefit to the commonfolk and brought about a swift\nrecovery. In recognition of this achievement, he was called\nupon by Emperor Edelgard to introduce these reforms to\nthe Empire at large as the new prime minister. Though the\nwork kept him very busy, he always managed to find time\nfor Dorothea. It is said that their children filled their\nloving household with beautiful music ever after.

>After the war, Mercedes traveled to Fhirdiad to pay a visit\nto her adoptive father. Though she introduced Ferdinand,\nshe left out the small detail that they were engaged to be\nwed. Married in secret, Ferdinand and Mercedes worked\ntogether to reform the new Duke Aegir's territory, and\nthe effort was so successful that Emperor Edelgard named\nFerdinand her prime minister. It was a busy life for him\nindeed, but as he was known to say to his government\ncolleagues, coming home to a smiling family made all the\nhard work worth it.


Attached: Ferdinand_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 822K)

Blue Lions has an uneven mix, and I think the Church has an extra guy.

Are there still no armored mages?

Serene’s forest, I think it was even linked to in this thread. Although I don’t think they have a list of what the spells actually do yet.

yes there are, greath knight is a master class, a knight on a horse. There's a LOT of riding master classes in fact, more than footies

I posted it a few posts up.


Truly lesbian options were a mistake.

thanks, i missed it.

Lorenz sure is full of himself for fresh-squeezed bench juice

gay options are fine but having a "1 size fits all" ending isnt

Based Chadinand

>byleth's 1 size fits
>ferdinand's doesn't

>one ending mentions marriage and kids
>the other doesn't
Would feel bad.

it's because of dykes that male byleth can't impregnate them in s rank but ferdinand can in a rank lmao

Wait, when did my Annette learn fire? According to the spell list on Serenes she shouldn't learn it???

is she a Mage? They get Fire as a class skill.

they could've just said that byleth and edelgard have children/byleth(female) and edelgard adopt. like can't you spread your ass for niles and still have nina since she's adopted?

Ferdinand "Dick the Dyke away" von Aegir

Most mage classes have a ''base'' spell it grants.

If you already have it double uses.

What hidden aptitudes are worth getting on Deerchads?
Already got Lys's spell sword art.

Ah, that's it, thanks.

the Seal skills on Hilda and Ignatz are great

>put him on the bench
whats the next step of your master plan

I picked Eagles because it was the first option and I'm going through all 3 of them anyway. I'm now at the point where I have to picksomeone to dance at the ball and they are pretty much hinting that I can reclass that unit into a dancer. I should just pick Dorothea for this, right? Right now she's a monk but Linhardt is outhealing her and has psychic, and Hubert is outdamaging her by a huge margin.

How do you get those?

>they're basic sword weilders
The one sword guy has a completely broken set of passives for +5damage forever no matter what and another +5 about a third of the time on basic attacks. Everyone else is either a horse, a mage, or DA DUDE

if you go fuck the church do you still get to keep byleth's special class?

>still a monk at dance chapter
>hurr why are my other mages outperforming her

the skill with three stars next to hit unlocks a hidden potential skill

>fears ferdinand's dick he has to use god powers to compete

Just grabbed the one on Igz, holy shit STR down fucking SIX points

It's the ones with three stars, a hidden talent. Lysithea has one that lets her do MAG damage with swords.

>you have the Crest of Flame
What did they mean by this?

Could it be... the FIRE EMBLEM?

"To cuckhold [someone]" means "to put dear antlers on [someone] head"

Adopting doesn't make sense story wise. They really hammer it in that the crests are passed down by blood and are immensely valuable. Gays adopting would wash away those abilities.

She's at 19, the others are one or two levels stronger. I like Thoron but Hubert has 2 of those spells, one of which has a extra crit chance.

Nina and kana don’t exist for homos

so their solution is to ruin male byleth ending to pander to dykes lmao

Unlock by training them. Tutoring them for a few weeks to a month unlock them, generally. Many of them are greath.

Marriane one is Frozen lance, which is good because her Str is subpar. Give her something to do vs really magic resistant people

Oh fuck.

Enjoying the Blue Chads route so far. Anyone know the deal with missing supports because of timeskip? And can you still poach students post timeskip?

You have the FIRE EMBLEM

oh in that case then there's always the option of a sperm donor

>the waifu house are the most blatantly evil and insane
They couldn't have just made the choice simple. I would have gone for Black Eagles, but after all the shit I found out I don't know how I could not go Blue Lions

fucking hacks

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>Spend all my point
>The bell is fire emblem theme

I heard it and was like, fuck, they got me

Shit thanks, those sound ridiculous.

>waifu house
where does this meme come from
Dorethea is a slut, Benedetta has a shitty haircut, and Edelgard is is shit
Petra is the only good one

That savage girl is pretty speedy!

Attached: The maximum of stats.jpg (904x1376, 341K)

you gimped your growths by staying in Monk instead of promoting to Mage

>go to fishing tournament
>cast first line
>fuck up a couple of prompts
>still fish up a 5* Huge Fodlan Carp
What, is this scripted, or is the tournament just more forgiving than the rest of the fishing games?

What the fuck are those, fully modified growths with all class bonuses or sonething?

That,s not the fish she wants. but you can show that 5* to every other fisher and they'll give you stuff.

stat caps

Absolute maximum, i think? Probably some fuckery with new game + and farming stats boost would allow you to reach those, but you'll never get even close to that in normal play

Apparently I caught it right after that one, the Teutates Carp. I really like the fishing minigame, it's more fun than other JRPGs' I've played recently. What is with Japan and fishing minigames anyway?

Is this the best Fire Emblem up to date?

Fuck, I mixed up Monk and Mage. Everyone is at their highest class level available and I'm at 19 or 20 for pretty much everyone.
But still, does she get a dance class if I put her up as a rep or does she just get an extra ability?

she gets Dancer if she's the rep and she wins

>Ingrid has shit str AND mag

For fuck's sake, what good is that speed stat if she's going to hit like a wet noodle?

around half way through the year and now getting swarmed with paralogues, are all of them worth doing over other options?

>You possess the Crest known as the Fire Emblem Three Houses


You can switch to and from it at will like everything else.
But the dancer class has 2 extra move over a regular monk/mage.

Just make her your dancer and put her in the back.

If you care about the cast, and you should, sure.

Why is Leonie such a bitch all the time

I was gonna make Dorothea my dancer...

muh jeralt

she's still pretty cute though

God bless the gentleman of fine taste who decided to give you a smug lolibaba companion character. Sothis and her jap voice is worth the price of entry alone.

The Fire Emblem has been a thing in many FE games. They kind of shoved it into Fates for some reason as the upgraded Yato

>picked Eagles as well
put off promoting Hubert to Mage because I wanted to make him a dark mage and I had to get a dark orb for that which I got when he was like lvl 18.
Am I fucked?

To be fair, Jeralt is fucking sexy.

>Ashe, the pure archer has a hidden talent in lances
>Felix has hidden talent in reason which he is weak in

what in the fuck am i supposed to do with this information

So is timeskip Leonie imo

So was post time skip Hubert supposed to be a vampire but they changed it or something? Dude is freaky

You could make Felix become that sword/tome class.

Nobody actually uses swords on Dimitri, lances suit him way better. Felix is the only sword autist on blue and I made him a sniper anyway.

Look at high level classes. Bow Knights use lances and bows.

leonie doesn't give a fuck about you lmao even her s ranking and ending she won't shut the fuck up about your dad hahaha

Felix transform into a strenght once you unlock the hidden ability

But let's be factual, the only reason he get's reason is so he can be a Mortal Savant, he's literally build for it. Same way that Marianne spear talent basically shoive her into Holy Knight,

Pretty much every unit has a master that fits them

So is it too easy like everyone’s been saying?

He's just a younger Snape.

This game is trying way too hard to be like Persona, and is also a gross mix of Harry Potter.

It's pretty easy if you metagame it.

Hard is just about right if you don't.

Seteth radiates manlet energy

Imagine not picking the Chad Lions

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The difficulty names are pretty much one tier higher than they should be.
With some luck, lunatic is appropriately hard.

Really disappointed after finding out about the magic-class restriction. Was going to make a pegasus spear/caster, thankfully I can still replicate the mage knight from Sacred Stones.

Yes and no. Random skirmish vs Bandits are easy as shit. Paralogues are a bit challenging if you wanna complete the bonus objective.

The real problem is that Byleth is completely broken strong.

The sudden onslaught of siege magic at endgame on blue route is making me actually have to think a bit on hard mode. Up until this point it was pretty braindead though.

Am I the only one who dislikes the school segment? it makes the game paced weird, like nu-persona. i'm liking everything but

>skip a bunch of days
>thing on weekend

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Imagine Edelgard's which doesn't even have that.


Brigand (or bandit?) get's Deathblow.
Deathblow + Gauntlet = Easy wins

Damn I just got Bernadetta's C support with Dorothea and now I gotta recruit both of them fuck
I know you have to kill some students in the Black Eagles if you don't recruit them, do you have to kill any Golden Deer? I don't really like any of them that much anyway

Too bad she has shit stats and growth

The only thing I dislike about it is that I have to autistically check every corner of every room for secret items every month.

That's mostly my own fault though.

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I was totally going to pick Golden Deerprior to launch, then I met and talked with them all, and literally all of them seemed like lazy punk kids. I chose the Blue Lions because they seemed like a hard working group of kids that would be willing to learn, and the house leader is a guy did a good job of keeping them in line.

Please forgive me fron role playing my ideal Hogwarts teaching fantasy user!

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Is this another one of those faggy Fire Emblem games where it locks you permanently out of the other two houses when you pick one, until you rebuy them as DLC?

I'm surprised that they didn't put in a flying magic class, since Camilla and Aversa were popular, and Falcoknights could heal in some games. I think it might end up being a DLC class.

I tend to just explore once a month, talk to everyone, pick up all the sidequests, battle once a month to clear out the sidequests/rare monsters if they have a unique weapon/paralogues and rest through the remainder. Talking to people is probably still like 1/3 of your playtime if you do it every month though. I'd call it padding but mostly everything people say is actually relevant to the story and the generics tend to give you huge loredumps on the kingdoms if you care at all. They could have done it worse.


What would be the best way to balance out the difficulty for Lunatic? I think you absolutely need to Nerf the main lords and Byleth in particular - perhaps give them lower bases and probably also lower their growths so that they're more in-line with the rest of the cast.

No, they hopefully won't go the turbojew Pokemon route ever again.

>He doesn't know about Dimitri

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Lowkey they have the best looking classmates.
The other two houses have one or two per.


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Just increasing enemy hit would already help a lot. Byleth is broken because he dodges almost everything

>waiting to initiate an attack as the music builds up so you get a more hype crescendo

I can't be the only one. I love when games do the dynamic music thing.

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Are there any magic immune/resistant enemies later in the game? If not, I'm stealing the mages from every house and playing Harry Potter Emblem.

Shoo shoo waifufag

Felix: ...

Sylvain: Well? Are you gonna just stand there, don't act like you didn't expect this to happen.

Felix: I chose my own path and I will slay all in my way.

Sylvain: That's all it with you isn't it? You and your sword, not even a shred of care for the people you left behind.

Sylvain: Oh yeah good job with killing Rodigue, by the way really nice job job slaying your own flesh and blood. I wonder how Glenn would react to this one.

Felix: ...

i've been only exploring once a month too and battling the rest, i dont feel as seminars give enough to matter.

Lads I think I love dimitri

That's pretty gay and he doesn't swing that way

Felix got murdered by fucking words, holy shit Sylvain is based.

Serves him right for betraying Dimitri like that. Fuck Felix the edgelord, literally just Sasuke in fire emblem

Normally I'm pretty disinterested in FE music but that track especially does things to me when you attack at the right moment. Map themes are truly great this time around.

Did this all the goddamn time with Alight from Fates. Mostly with the section from 0:28 and 1:10

except Catherine, where the fuck does she go

Explore is really good to get Supports and Prof level up. you can get LOTS of gifts for motivation too. Reaching the point where i have a shitload of paralogues to do so explore is falling off the wayside, sadly.

Mommy Mercedes is perfect for waifufags though. I'd say Ingrid as well but she's made for Sylvain.

I'd put her into Savant but it's true she doesn,t have a standout

It's sad that's where your mind first went. You can love someone without it being romantic or it being sexual in any way.

Master classes are ugly as fuck so I'd rather just keep her as a warrior/swordmaster. She has too good of a design to waste.

fortunately you can get 2 battles per week eventually, and paralogues don't expire until the timeskip (mostly)

Finished BE Edgygard route. And fuck, her crazy made my dick hard the entire playthrough. Are most of you just boring faggots? You know that this is pretty much a game in medieval fantasy warfare right?

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>level up Bernie
>cannot get her to double attack with a bow no matter what
>Somehow recruit Shamir without even trying
>She has 2x the stats Bernie has with lvl 11

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I do have 2, i still have 5 paralogues to do this month. To be fair it's mostly because i just invited all the prof to join me, so that's that

>Want to impregnate the slutty milf teacher and breed her until I die
>Annette is waiting for me in the Goddess' tower and wishes we'll be best friends forever
f-fuck, I want to ruin the milf but Annette is so pure.

I don't know if I'm missing something but seminars(and rest) really seem shit most of the time. Unless you and some of your students all really need specific skills, it seems like you're better off with Explore. You rank up your teacher thing faster, allowing you to learn more skills from your colleagues, steal students and bond with your existing ones. You can also buy & search for presents to rank up their motivation and spend that when teaching.

The brown guy is whiter than you, you mutt Jew

I picked the Black Eagles house to have some groundshaking brutal sex with my wife Bernadetta and make her the most op legendary warrior ever

How's the church route? Picked Beagles but getting intimidated by all this shit about Edelgard being a psycho

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Oh whoops Ferdinand, looks like I was a bit hasty in sending you into that enemy's base. If only I could turn back time I would do things differently. RIP buddy.

Blue Lions has the best bros, you can always steal girls from the other teams but you can't buy friendship.

This, he's basically a Michael Jackson scenario where he's only technically not white, he just wants too chill and live in feudal Australia without the autistic retardation that is faerghus or the sheer batshit that is edelgard.

Eagles for the 4th route

Despite being only 13% of the population of Faerghus

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Rest IS shit, but it also restore your sword a bit.

Just shitposting. Is just a little more drama than FEcucks are used too. Imagine Griffith and Guts and so on.

>afraid of ferdinand's superior cock stealing your waifus
>send him to die out of jealousy

is this game good

Duscar isn't even Faerghus, they are they're own people

What happens if you don't get the C & B supports before the timeskip?
Do they just play out as if it was a memory from the past that actually happened?

She's the most op characters of my army, she became MVP in every chapter without even trying

Probably the best nu emblem game, it's also got persona styled interactions with the cast in between battles but generally it seems good but a bit easy.

Is it like Fates where 2/3 have trash gameplay or will I be able to use more than half the classes and characters?

Also, I know they don't have children as a forced gimmick, but did they continue to fuck up deaths? I just got to where Iago is bothered by me getting so far without losing even a limb on a single person, when I sacced Aqua a few maps back. Iago's a clown either way since I solo his precious stairway with one unit who doesn't take any damage from anything and oneshots everything so they can't even get savage blow procs.

Doodoo's make up over 50% of violent loyalty.

Forgot pic

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are you implying Edelgard is Griffith?
user you realize Griffith is a retard and did everything wrong right
you're not a Griffith sympathizer are you?

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Ask again in a week to get actual answers.

I'm thorn between Black Eagles and Blue Lions help

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>40% of the game is now Persona
>Removed shipping shit
>Fucked the homos over by only having bara
>Fucked the dykes over with cucking them
>Straight is the best way to play with a side of bromance
>No Pokemon ripoff with half game gone
>It has right amount of edge
Is pretty sweet.

follow your dick

What's Golden Deer route like? I see a fuckton of people talk about the Blue Chads and Black Cucks, but no one's talking about the Gold boys.

>30+ hours in and still at the school.
Motherfucker I didn't really believe them when they said it was a significant portion of the game.

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>Black eagles route is edge supreme
>black eagles also have Petra, Dorothea, and Bernadetta
fuck the other girls with the exception of Lysithea are too bland for my taste
Do I get locked out of Catherine and Shamir by going the Black Eagles route?

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are you evil or a bro

>want to romance Lysithea, Dorothea or Bernadetta
>suddenly meet Shamir
Why does this game have so many god-tier girls

>Bernadetta's B Support

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Griffith the little bitch did everything wrong, but thanks to that, we got real juicy storytelling and tragedy. So is alright.


Gold chads are actually the only ones doing their jobs and bitch slapping the retards that actually caused edelgards and the church's full on retardation off. Basically gold boys are the proper FE route if you want too be the good guys.

Church is the canon BE route. It's also the reason Edelgard's route is so short.

don't follow your dick, let your dick make the chicks follow you.

Reading the post I thought you would call it shit in the end.

My Byleth and Dimitri are about level 15 and steamrolling everything while the rest of my units are level 5 and constantly getting their asses kicked. Is this normal or am I just retarded and bad

You gotta spread your xp out more. Everyone should be the about the same level

I love Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn since they were released, and kinda felt meh about Awakening when I played it. Got it when it first came out and felt the maps themselves were underwhelming compared to those.

How does Three Houses maps hold up to those older console games? Worth to play? Or is it more pandered to Awakening babbies?

You should have promoted and levelled up your guys early on instead of ignoring them.

Put some better gear on your weaklings and get them leveled up. Nothing wrong with having 1-2 indestructible gods but there are some maps where they just can't do everything necessary.

You're supposed to let your weaker units get some hits in to keep leveling up. If you're not too far into the game, you should have Byleth and Dimitri hang back just a bit and watch over the weaker folks in random bandit battles so they can catch up.

You tunneled EXP too hard into Dimitri and Byleth, focus on weakening enemies rather than outright killing them, then let the units who need to level get the kill

It's almost not Fire Emblem

Welcome to Fire Emblem. Juggernauting is the optimal strategy is pretty much every single game, enjoy.

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Fire Emblem newfag here. Where the fuck do I start? PC- and PS4-only so emulating is the way to go.

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nigga you jagening yourself. if this was pre-3ds you'd probably have to start over. salvage it by doing side battles.

It's probably the best nu emblem game from what i've seen, it's a little bit easy at times but it actually feels like a proper FE game most of the time.

Just let other units get some kills.
All my units always have the recommended level for the mission but my Byleth is like lvl 19 right now compared to my other units being lvl 12-15.
Do not forget that all lords + MC get 1.2x exp for every attack and kill.

Fire Emblem, on GBA. Play all the GBA games.


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GBA/Gamecube ones are the most solid options to start off at, as it was most westerner's first. From there go where ever you want.

Sylvain is literally a free recruit if you're playing as a female character.

>Jagening yourself
Jagen himself takes care of most of FE1 though. This isn't really a bad thing.

You can have Shamir but not Catherine

>want to go through brigand for death blow
>e rank in axes
Well that’s not happening this playthrough. What the fuck does unarmed even do? Treat the unequipped slot as a 0mt weightless gauntlet or something?

And after I'm done with that old shit? The GameCube one? Wii? 3DS?

Which house allows me to destroy the church?

The Tellius titles are my favorites too, but probably only because I played them on release as a kid. 3DS ones didn't really do anything for me and I didn't even finish a route in Fates. Loving this one so far, but it's definitely on the easier side again. Go with hard mode if you do pick it up.

Doesn’t really matter since this game doesn’t have child units

All my units are lvl 15, but the recommended level for this month's mission is 13. Is the game just gonna be a cake walk from here on out? I feel live I've outpaced it

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Just try to get a core of 5 indestructible gods instead of a mere 2, and then youre good. The good news is physics are fucking free and grow on trees, so all of your shitters are astonishingly less shit than they would be in other FE games.

tip your fedora at m'lady edelgard's side

GameCube, then Wii and then 3DS. You can skip Fates on 3DS because it's terrible. The DS games are shit.

>snowflakes good
>nice looking normal characters bad
Literally the worst character of blue is better than 80% of the two other houses.

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how u guys liking this game so far?

Best FE game by far

Apparently the only one that emulates well on Citra is Awakening, so I'll be grabbing that one. Cheers, faggot.

Lions are the fucking best but Ingrid is pretty trash man.

Better than Fates and Echoes

Fire Emblem 4 is solid and its side story 776 it's my favorite one. You can't go wrong with the Gamecube one either, that one has a direct sequel on the Wii. the DS ones are remakes, theyre very eh. DS has 3 titles, Awakening is alright and Shadows of whatever is much better. I hate Fates.

>Treat the unequipped slot as a 0mt weightless gauntlet or something?
Yes, but you cannot do special attacks with it.

Again, ask again in a week if you don't want replies like this

Fuck this guy. Do not start with the gamecube titles. They are some of the most complex titles in the series with the harshest learning curve for newbies.

it is, pleb

Have fun retard, Awakening is my favourite.

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Fates was better in every way tbf but this is good.

Probably a different poster baiting but for all the shit Awakening gets, it's actually an excellent entry point into the franchise and should be high on consideration to mention whenever anyone wants to try and break in.
The game is at the same time never as good or as bad as people make it out to be. It's a true and competent Fire Emblem experience at least.

tfw I like knightly girls and i like ingrid. then she was used goods whilst catherine and shamir showed up

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If she wants to end all the crests why doesn't she start with her own?

Fun but too easy. Some units turn into beasts that can use every weapon even with rank E and 2x everything.

i want to fuck that genocidal maniac

>No shipping
Bros, I hate this game. It stripped almost everything I loved with the FE:A on my DS. Granted it was my first FE if you discount the Wii one, but it was also just so much fun. TH seems to just be another game entirely. Does it get better after timeskip?

So glad I joined Blue Lions
Mercedes is a cutie, Dedue and Dimitri are bros, Felix fucking deletes anyone on the field
Good shit all around

Are you honestly expecting any sort of reasoning from a gorilla?

literal child in the honeymoon phase mindlessly shilling his newest toy, i have just shy of 60 hours and like it a lot, still need to let people feel it out and come to a consensus

I dunno what you're talking about, cause A ranks lead to paired endings like the old games and it trigger my cancerous shipping autism like no other.
Unless you mean the lack of child units, but fuck em.

Not everyone is a brainlet.

shut up, nerd

Any feet?

Huh. Might actually not be that bad. Don’t use gauntlet arts anyways.

I don't buy into the used goods memes that're so popular but she's a mediocre unit mechanically and her supports are universally weak, only decent on the token that even the worst supports in this game are decent. She's also the only Blue Lion that doesn't involve themselves in the main plot somehow which is baffling since they went out of their way to give all the others something to do. Just the biggest disappointment in the cast.

>Hating on the color blue
Dude fuck you

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Ingrid's fiancée died before they did anything.

>I am genuinely confused as to why somebody would pick the best house
wow bro

Wait a fucking minute. You guys were all so tired of SJW MUH STRONK Women. For once, we get a women done right, and you are all crying about it? Do you want another perfect Lucina 2.0? Purge crazed anime females are goddamn great.

>if this was pre-3ds you'd probably have to start over. salvage it by doing side battles.
Have you heard about Conquest and Echoes ?

first part is a joke my guy, cause japanese game and used goods. I do agree she is mediocre as fuck, i think it wanted me to make her a peg knight, but even then her rates suck so much it wouldn't matter.

>Unless you mean the lack of child units, but fuck em.
Based zoomer. Is not like that is the ultimate proof of relationship that will last a life time.

What I did was have Dedue's Cleanup Crew(TM)
I had Dedue go out in front, have everyone attack him as he takes 0 damage, then have the lower levels go in for the kill to get the bulk exp

>As Margrave Gautier, Sylvain devoted his life to improving\nrelations with the people of Sreng. Under his leadership,\nnobles were persuaded that Relics and Crests were not\nnecessary as they'd previously thought. >Though he went\ndown in history as an extraordinary lord, he could not\nhave done so without the constant support and counsel of\nhis wife, Ingrid, whose wisdom and tenacity ensured that\nthe people would prosper. >Sylvain was ever loyal to his\nbeloved wife. The couple had many children, and while\nnot one of them bore a Crest, they were all equally and\nwholeheartedly loved.

>As Margrave Gautier, Sylvain devoted his life to improving\nrelations with the people of Sreng. Under his leadership,\nnobles were persuaded that Relics and Crests were not\nnecessary as they'd previously thought. >Though he went\ndown in history as an extraordinary lord, he could not\nhave done so without the constant support and counsel of\nhis wife, Mercedes, whose wisdom and guidance brought\nprosperity to the people. >The couple built a loving home\nlife, surrounded by happy children, and when Sylvain at\nlast passed away, he was succeeded by his oldest child, who\nbore no Crest.

*BTFO's Edelgard*

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Conquest is easy though, echoes i'll give you.

I think it just caught a lot of people off guard.

A lot of people have been considering switching off of Black Eagles to something else when they found out that Edelgard was a maniac.

While I switched into Black Eagles as soon as I found out that Edelgard was a maniac. I wish she clued me in on it earlier.

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I made her a Mercenary first and beelined it toward Swordmaster and it helped fixed her shitty strength that she can kill now while being super speedy. Hell, she even has a preset learning plan for sword only.
She also ended up getting enough Res to tank everything magic but I dunno how that happened.

I was gonna pick here but they ruined her in the timeskip

>Literally end the crest problem without Edelgard's retarded conquest
Why are Blue Lions so based?


You have to factor in that most FEfaggots never liked warring part of FE. Bland vanilla shipping is 99% of why they are playing the game. Is not even all that edgy, is your usual hardcore idealism character doing something for once.


Are all of the Blue Lions this much of a chad?

>Edelgard is so retarded she thinks the only solution to crests is killing massive amounts of people all across the continent
>meanwhile side-characters just randomly solve the problem with no real effort at all
Imagine putting an entire route into a game and then making it so that the route is not only pointless but downright wrong. Imagine being a retarded gorilla like Edelgard.

>mop up ketchup
>take plate/tray
>slide glass off edge of table onto it, invert
>empty, fish out the tip
still a dick move but easy to deal with
looks like just 3bux too

Edelgard did nothing wrong. The crestlets must be purged.

This, being the bad guy is fun.

Just Sylvain whose problem is literally that he's way too cool.

Just finished Blue Lions end. Holy shit Eldegard is the fucking worst.

crest are disgusting and should be destroyed
>creates artificial crests
she's lucky she's a woman and have the dumbass waifufags enthralled

When can I increase the number of battles I can do on my free days? Right now I have three paralogues and two quests I have to choose from, but I'm not sure how long I have.

So is Doodoo just gonna continue to not take damage for the entire game

Any way to get dark seals other than the Death Knight?

So male Byl can't have kids with some (most?) of the women, is it the same with female Byl?

Raise your professor level. The downtime between getting more battles is pretty long though. I just hit the timeskip sitting at B+ and I still only have two battles.

Installing the game now, give me a quick rundown on these factions. Haven't played Fire Emblem since the GBA days btw.

Playing the villain's side is fun, I agree. Except Edelgard's retardation takes away the fun of being the villain. Langrisser handled villain routes much better.

lol The final boss did like 6x2 dmg to him and he had 70 hp.

Giganigga is strong

Red = Bad Guys
Blue = Good Guys
Gold = Chill Guys

I think i may be the only one who waifus mercedies

Will the death knight automatically attack me if I move within 1-2 spaces of him, or does he remain completely passive until I attack him?

there's also a 4th route tailored exclusively for mommyfags

Any big gameplay differences? All worth playing for that?

As long as you don't swing first he should ignore you

I did too. I dislike her "forced kind young female" voice that you see in games all too often, but as a unit and character she's great, definitely in my top three right now, if not my top unit period.

They each have their own route

First half of the game plays similarly for all of them, then it branches out significantly

remember that's AFTER the events of the game tho
if he just tried from the get-go his big happy family probably wouldn't have done diddly to fix the crest problem, and you have to put into consideration the shift in social climate across the regions compared to the state of it at the start of the game(or at least right at the timeskip start)
I'm not defending Edelgard you dummy
cute endings

Red = Cao Cao/Nobunaga
Blue = Boring justice run
Gold = Whiny faggot run

8 different units, different maps, totally different story


Cao Cao and Nobunaga were actually smart and competent though. Especially when you consider that Nobunaga would not disdain crests, and instead exploit them in every manner possible in order to improve his army's chances of unifying the continent.

Haven't gotten an answer on this
Is there a hub post-timeskip or do you go chapter-to-chapter like classic FE?
Can you still train units stats at all? Like do they get completely locked out of riding/armor if you don't train it during school?

serious spoilers mate, you'll understand when you play though

timeskip just changes charcter art and stops poaching from other houses.

Gold is the only one trying to solve the real problem. Also their leader is the only one of the three who seem like a cool guy and won't kill you for some random bullshit.

pick Edelgard at first, eventually you'll get the option to branch off and defect from her and side with a top-tier mommy waifu

bro that's not Dimitri's fault that after timeskip he is hotter than Edel, calm yourself

Naw your new base of operations is the school, nothing changes except the other 2 houses are no longer around

>The one sword guy has a completely broken set of passives for +5damage forever no matter what
At the expense of no battalion. I question myself every single time I move him if it's worth the sacrifice.

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How do they justify you still teaching a high school class of mid-20s adults

More like
Red = Gorilla
Blue = Boar
Gold = Spider

>Nobu competent
That faggot didn´t see all the betrayals coming from a mile away. He treated a lot of his vassals like dirt, and a lot of them were afraid that he might just kill them on a whim, cause that was what he did. He failed on his quest to unify Japan.

i want to fuck that gorilla

>dick gets in control
>waste the entire month's worth in tea leaves so I can barely boost my support with a qt
>waste all activity points of two free times on that
>feel dumb as fuck afterwards as nothing else got completed
reminder to bust a nut before playing

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Wait doesn't Edelgard say fuck the church though
What happens with that
I'm playing Blue Lions

That problem were simultaneously dealt with in both Blue Lions and Black Eagles. They're literally a non-factor

Talking about that, why did he attack in the Gondar mission. It was a blue vs red battle until he decided that Hilda should spawn behind me

and you get to put down a gorilla.

how they justify you teaching the other teachers? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Boar dick is good


>That one battalion that Dimitri gets that gives +8 phys dmg
Well its half ruined, and the church doesnt really exist till you make it again

no you can't cause of dyke pandering

Okay, just tested it. If you're two spaces away, he apparently leaves you alone. If you're adjacent, he attacks. Had to waste a reset.

For those who already finished it, how long did you take? Isnt this game supposed to be 80+hrs per house?

fuck off back to /vg/ please

>this post with that pic
why am i laughing so much

People aren't crying about it, they're hating on a well created villain. That isn't a knock on the writing, but a result of good writing.

>muh honeymoon
the game was leaked a week ago


If youre an autist who has to talk to everyone

Mine clocked in at 40

I've stolen leonie and lysithea anyone else?

Is you don't marry anyone and haven't A ranked anyone else you can marry Sothis since she's the default end with Byleth

You can only get supports to B rank before the timeskip.

The people saying Edelgard is crazy are nothing but slanderers, just look at how happy she i when you romance her, doe this look crazy to you?

Attached: 1564028792624.png (2048x2048, 2.34M)

I fucking love crazy chicks like that, is that guy spamming about her cucking you just making shit up, because I want her bad.

Its a 7/10.

Decent FE but nowhere near the franchise peak.

-Exploration is just allocating bonus XP inbetween missions but 100x as time consuming and clunky.
-Unecessary fetch quests out of the ass(the whole exploration mode is basically one huge fetch quest)
-Red FFXII lines that show you exactly which of your characters is gonna be attacked, effectively killing the positional strategy aspect by always warning you when you're about to make a wrong move.
-Ze Warudo in case you ignore the red line handholding and have a character die
-Too much le anime academy/student relationship nonsense

The actual FE game behind all of this is pretty good, but all the coating an handholding for casuals is lowering its value quite a lot.

Yep, like a crazed alien

>just making shit up
Not made up. But it is overblown. She doesn't marry you but it's implied that you settle down somewhere together after fucking off from the empire

I enjoy being able to micromanage my characters to boost their exp. I wish the monastery had fucking icons for where items were located since finding them is a bitch.

So she never takes the ring from you? That's kinda sad.

>Not made up
So it is made up, because that's not cucking at all

yep, she apparently gives up Emperorship to run away with Blyat, which to me is better than being stuck tethered to an empire of brainlets.

Yeah, it's made up.

The autist sperging out is mad because the game explicitly states Ferdinand has kids with her, but the Byleth ending is more open-ended and he can't wrap his head around it.

if you dont marry her she has kids with someone else
Im playin new game plus and I hope to god i dont need to do the fetch quests to unlock the shops or so

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I meant the ending of them not married. Having the lesbian option available bmeant that Male Byleth couldn't marry her either and they give the bullshit excuse of her not marrying because you're not nobility. People are just mad because Edelgard's paired end with Ferdinand made him into the Prime Minister and marrying him despite Aeigir no longer having the same status they had previously.

I would enjoy it too, if it wasnt 90% running errands and taking up my time just so I can allocate some bonus XP, whereas a game like PoR just let me do it per menu inbetween missions.

So far the whole exploration thing is a huge turn off for me.

she looks like someone who'll go in somewhere and shoot a bunch of people for no reason

>a week isn't still honeymoon phase
I know, I've been playing since Monday. People always relentlessly shill new games in the first week. Asking for honest opinions in this period is retarded, of course everyone who bought it will say it's the best thing ever.

>made him into the Prime Minister and marrying him despite Aeigir no longer having the same status they had previously
This is bullshit

if his logic is correct every other girl cucks you because they end with a different character

Just skip the lost items, it's a massive waste of time unless you're building support with a particular character to recruit them fast, you don't need the extra motivation at all.

>if you dont marry her she has kids with someone else
That's pretty much the case with real women too and I don't see people going around saying they've been cucked by like a third of the Earth's total population

I bought it and I'm pretty disappointed with it.
Where does that place me?

Ahh. The whole if I can't have her in all routes then I'm being cucked yes?

Does Byleth have the Robin issue, where the MC can solo maps?

That and the disparity between Byleth's ending and Ferdinand, I guess which made people angry

A little bit, but not as bad.

>A rank Edelgard and Ferdinand
>then turn around and S rank Edelgard
That's the true cucking. Get fucked, Fagdinand.

Byleth has the issue of, unlike Robin, being incapable of having kids in any ending.

Yep. Same with the three other lords though not as bad with Claude or in Hard Mode

I'm not too far into the game, but the fact that the sword of creator only has 20 durability and he is encouraged to just be a swordsman makes it so he isn't invincible.
Robin being a one man army was kind of fun in a way though.

A character's A rank is locked immediately after A ranking someone. Thereby you can't A rank Edelgard, congratulations laddie, you played yourself and got yourself even more cucked

no it fucking isn't, Byleth automatically takes precedence

No. You can't A rank anyone who already has an A rank with someone else.

Play the game

Lunatic WHEN I really hope it's not just a lazy stat bump

Will paralogues start to pile up if I explore the monastery too much?

>Black Eagles
>Girl who is obviously a warmongering psychopath from the first introduction, a right hand man with literal evil eyes, a cocky skirt-chaser, a lazy suspicious ass-hole, a manlet, a NEET who steals cake, a foreigner who no can speak word right, and a bimbo pop idol

>Blue Lions
>Blonde dude, dude who clearly isn't a teenager, sword autist, kid on helium, a more likeable skirt-chaser, a religious girl, and good girl Annette. There should be an 8th person here but they're completely forgettable.

>Golden Deer
>Bro rogue leader, bro muscle man, shy nerd, a comic relief skirt-chaser, a hard-working sassy child, a pure-hearted horse whisperer, a Stacy, and your father's trusted apprentice

I can see why you MIGHT pick Blue Lions instead of the blatant good guys that are the deers, but you're crazy if you pick the Eagles first.

You could reclass him to a support role if you don't want him to clear maps on his own. I made him a priest and I'm having more fun using everyone.

You can also use training weapons on him so he could damage enemies while your other characters finish them off.

the only hard mission so far is when that crazy thot professor started in the middle of the map and the only way to win was to make sure she was behind you at exactly the earliest possible turn so she doesnt get her shit pushed in by two pegasus riders

Lions are actually the good guy route, though

>sword of snowflakes only gets 5 uses back when you rest
Huh, is resting even worth doing? Does it max everyone’s motivation or only leave them at half or something?

Just use Umbral Shards to repair it

eh, hubert was actually the best character from the gorilla route imo.

Not really since they kill best girl.

I was really hoping Claude would be the Delita house.

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Haven’t found any or unlocked the forge yet but it’s good to know that there’s an alternative.

it's up to you to save her, then

>go for the Edelgard/Bern ending
>Bern wants to be more like Edelgard
Oh god. I'm creating a monster, aren't I?

I picked Deers and re-rolled into Eagles after around 6 hours.

Deers are great but I want some crazy pussy.

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I thought Ingrid was some kind of god because i saw her tear Eldegard a new asshole in the eagle and lion fight. Seems like the opposite
