Now that the dust has settled, what's the Yea Forumserdict?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the Yea Forumserdict?
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its alright
Hitman is good
More hitman is good
There should more hitman
Good shit.
all the levels feel the same. game has no atmosphere.
It's kinda small but still good
too easy
some nice contracts already for the Bank level.
It's good but I wish there was more to do.
SASO was a bit to easy as well.
I still haven't played it.
No references to the mysterious anglo-Iranian Batman villain Ewan Yerfrenzarded.
2/10 I am disappoint
I forgot about it
Gonna play it
How long did it take for you completionist lads to get matches for ghostmode?
I want the suit for killing 100 targets but I'm wondering if it's populated enough to get the suit legit or if I should just buy the cheap package with santa fortuna on a second account and grind out the suit with my main.
shitty level system that forces you replay missions over and over doing their shitty on rail questmarker shit to get exp and unlock a freaking sniper
>weapons feels like complete trash
Short but fun and sweet
>tfw HitmanChads keep winning
How can other Yea Forums core even compete in the current year
>Using firearms
yikes that's a cringe bro
i agree with this, despite liking the game alot. the mission stories shouldnt be so fucking rigid or even need to be followed. I mean in the paris level you can drop the light stage on novikov but you wont get credit for it unless youre following the mission story from the start, despite coming to the same end
>not using a silenced sniper rifle and getting SA
cringe yikes
They literaly cannot,
>Not using an unsilenced shotgun and getting SA
Mega Yikers, like seriously oof cringe bro.
Fuck off retard, you either put weapons in the game and you make them decent or you don't. Shooting a woman with a dress point blank shouldn't make her fall, get back up and run away.
What locations are on your wishlist, user?
For me it's a zoo.
It was a prison with a prison riot opportunity but that's not happening cause of the prison sniper map
..and one of the "redacted" challenges shows a soap bar on the ground.
A movie set for a spaghetti western where you can duel the target but with a real gun. Too bad the movie set idea got filled by The Icon.
also I want a revolver
Obligatory airport level post
A zoo is a tricky level to make because you have to model and animate a whole bunch of animals only to use them in that one level
Why couldn't they have just made absolution 2 instead of this boring fucking garbage. NEVER listen to a fucking "fanbase"
>Too bad the movie set idea got filled by The Icon
There's also a movie set in Mumbai so that doesn't mean much.
Japanese dojo or monastery where you can kill the target challenging them to a sword fight or something.
>>tfw HitmanChads keep winning
Dunno, i really really want a season 3 but WB are a bunch of bitches.
I hope it sold well enough to warrant a final season
I appreciate the optimism but that set was only on one small balcony, and it wasn't the main theme of Mumbai like The Icon was
Is there a way of downloading just the bank map? I can't find it on the steam list and I don't wanna download 130 fucking GB just to play one map
nvm, the map is called New York that's why I couldn't find it
A gaming convention would be fun. Think of all the cosplay disguises.
Yeah user, im sorry, but thats way too similar to The Icon and Curtains Down
>he didnt play hitman 2
>make a fucking bank
>don't make the most obvious opportunity where you either infiltrate bank robbers who let you take care of the target alone while they hit the vault or infiltrate cops taking down the robbers and they leave you alone to escort the target to safety
>cruise ship
>vegan convention
>theater movie/opera premiere
Play Splinter Cell Double Agent for this type of map
Airport or Mall but an airport would basically be a mall with added planes to infiltrate and use as assassination opportunities and with higher security so preferably airport
or Area 51 unironically
Highly enjoyable level
I already have a solid route but I don't know why some shit does not unlock no matter what I do, or it does but it's missing on my next playthrough
Ie: the bitch falling from the clock. No matter if I do it myself or if she falls by herself, it resets
I somehow have the season pass and I only bought the main game, I have the legacy dlc because I owned 2016 does anyone know why? I'm not complaining.
> I have the legacy dlc because I owned 2016 does anyone know why?
Yes so you don't have to buy the same maps twice you retarded corporate cuck.
Maybe it was a gold edition key
That's not what I was asking I just wrote it horribly. Why are you so angry?
A sport event like the Olympic Games. Similar to the Miami race.
Can I grab it alone? I don't want to shell out money for thr seasin pass for shitty sniper maps I won't even play.
He said he also has the season pass despite not buying it, retard
And as you can see I have the DLC and did not pay for it so I'm the farthest thing from a corporate deep throater my man.
Best level design and interiors of any videogame. Guns all still feel and sound like shit and every unlock is mostly redundant like 2016. They need to bring back Blood Money's upgrading
Sneed's Feed and Seed
>Tobias Rieper wins the gold medal
>causes the target to commit suicide or OD on a performance enhancer
It's not as bad as in the first one (shotguns actually kill people in this one) but yeah, I truly don't understand why weapons are so unlethal. Especially when you can one shot anyone with literally any item, including toy cars.
Think of javelin accidents.
I miss how snappy shooting and killing people used to be in Blood Money with a silence baller
It's one of my favorite maps.
There are bank robbers you can catch in the map, but unfortunately they don't really do any complicated AI scenarios.
No, not possible.
You can oneshot anyone with a headshot with the weakest weapon.
>7 bullets in the neck and upper body
>still fighting
Nice game, faggots.
Fucking RAM hog. When will the prices fucking drop? 8gb minimum my fucking ass.
I feel the same
I wish they would allow us to just put a third item in the mandatory weapon slot instead. I'll take a lockpick or scramblers over a gun I can't take to 80% of the level's areas because of frisking any day of the week
That webm is clearly from when the original game had just released and headshots weren't 1-hit-kill yet.
then why was it posted and why do people keep parroting this shit about weapons being shit when they are actually very lethal?
doing gun runs is actually pretty fun and tactical, I don't get this meme
Headshots were always one-shot kills, but they were affected by damage falloff for some reason. Pistols have garbage falloff, so you needed to be 5 feet away from a person to kill them in one shot.
Alternatively, when will they fix the damn memory leak?
the first one is good but I only played 2 levels, waiting til I get a new gpu to play through the rest of it
>for some reason
Sniping everything in the map with a pistol wouldn't be exactly balanced.
Do you get to play as Dunnheir?