Fuck WoW classic, war3 reforged chads unite

fuck WoW classic, war3 reforged chads unite
>footie wars
>helms deep
>anime arena
soon bros

Attached: warcraft-iii-remastered.jpg (1000x563, 468K)

Currently playing StarCraft Mass Recall which is basically StarCraft 1 Reforged using SC2 Engine but with everything accurately remade from BW including balancing, tech tries, unit/structure models etc.
Cautiously hyped for WC3 Reforged.

ah yes, another "remaster" that fucks up the art style, I can't wait!


that looks worse than the current models

>removed footman's alcohol flask
>retarded looking WoW tauren models

i'd say fuck warcraft in general

Is it available for android or just Iphone?

>buying remasters
I'm glad it will bring new life to the game but I don't get the appeal of buying the same game twice

It's a remake, not a remaster.

what defines remake? the entire game is being remade

Remaster = Original game just in higher resolution with some minor touchups here and there like high-res UI.
Remake = everything being remade
Fucking dumb zoomer.

lol calm down grandpa

seriously, its been like a year and we haven't heard a fucking thing about this
>warcraft 3 forever

>dude it's been only 1 year that means its vaporware
I wish I could leave this fucking place so I wouldn't have to deal with literal ADHD children and zoomer trash like you


>pre-ordered within 20 minutes of announcement
>ZERO news about it since

Get on my Age of Empires level. I don't even know what to expect.

this. the fuck is the deal here? take your money now and MAYBE deliver the goods a year and a half from now?

Still no reason to buy it again

>new content
>greatly expanded mod/map tools
>expanded levels
>new cutscenes
>proper widescreen (original's 16:9 is just stretched for eSports reasons so widescreen users don't have advantage)
>fucking DIO as Arthas
Good enough reasons for me.

i am worried more than excited. I used to play battlenet custom games all the time. However my problem is they're going to fuck with the system somehow like they did for sc2 and kill the scene before it even had a chance. Also probably going to have some censorship in there so we wont have great things such as escape gay space...

>one of a kind RTS, the likes of which hasn't had a successor in nearly 2 decades
nigga just the fact its going to bring in fresh players and not the same handful of korean adhd incels that kick the shit out of you is reason enough

What did they do to SC2 exactly?

same thing they did to warcraft and diablo, made it cartoony and cheesy as fuck, I mean like taking the piss cheesy. bad writing kind of cheesy, the kind of one liners you just face palm to and have second hand embarrassment to.

gameplay is pretty tight at least but not even a time machine could save that story. I attempted multiple times to get through legacy of the void its just so god damn BORING and LAME

its going to be released during blizzcon

fwiw reforged sounds legit
>the existing custom maps will port over 100% intact
>you can play with vanilla war3 players
starcraft 2 has a decent multiplayer system and i dont think warcraft 3 will be any different

the lobby system was shit. Instead of having a list of games hosted they just had a list of all custom games and then you clicked a game and then a lobby would be created for you and youd have to wait for other people to click the same game as you(different versions split people up.) Youd have to hope the game you wanted to play had others interested in playing it too.

In wc3 you just had a list of games being hosted by other players and you knew exactly which games were popular and being played at that moment.

Top 3 Custom games
>1)Pyramid escape
>2)Angel arena
>3)Island defense
> honorary mention to uther party too.

website hasn't been updated since they announced it. as far as I can tell they haven't even completed modeling all 4 factions

You're a zoomzoom poser that never played SC1 if you think it wasn't cartoony and cheesy full of dumb shit.
Besides you completely avoided my question and moved the goalpost you subhuman shitgrobbler because you complained about them fuckign with modding scene but now deflected to story which has nothing to do with modding.
Unironically get cancer and die.

>people are bigger than the houses

They already said the MP will work the same as it does in WC3 currently because like SC1R they want it to be cross-compatible with original WC3.

Let's be real Blizzard writing has always been shit.

its going to be released during blizzcon

They did? Thank fuck. I was worried id have to skip one of my fav games. Thx buddy for the info.

its a remaster you dumb retard
remaster is when game gets new looks but plays the same
remake is when its completely remade, look at FF7

I assume it will be just like SC1R where they will basically remove WC3 client entirely and everyone will be using the WC3R client, but only people who paid for it will have access to the updated visuals and new SP features/content.

its not to scale for gameplay purposes, dumb zoomer. not everything has to be 100% realistic you fucking idiot, you're the reason why gaming is so shit nowadays

>remaster is when game gets new looks but plays the same
Get cancer and die die die mother fucker die already fucking bitch DIE

>>fucking DIO as Arthas

Look a the the fucking doors though. Who are they built for?

I like both, get fucked

Attached: [One-Stuff] Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind - 39v2 [1080p] [BB7003B8].mkv_snapshot_01.25_[ (1920x1080, 3.9M)

Like I said, dubnigger.
Even my fucking 13-16 year old cousins recognize that dubs are largely shit, what the fuck is your excuse?

I think world of warcraft made it very clear what the actual scale of the characters and shit would be like if you were "in" the warcraft world. war3 is an RTS, hence why it doesn't have to be 100% accurate to scale

I think company of heroes is the only RTS ever made that has realistic proportions

Why don't you just play current TFT? Its a good game without the shit graphics.

Imagine being asshurt over someone enjoying things on the internet :^)

the aspect ratio hasn't been stretched for 2 years now

Look, I'm not saying it has to be 100% realistic but this is just cartoonish. Like it makes no sense on purpose.


Most RTS don't have realistic proportions for the sake of visual clarity you goddamn retard.

Did you ever play WC3? It's the definition of cartoony and literally every single RTS at the time proceeded to copy its art style.

sounds okay as long as i get to play good ol custom games again. God i spent sooo many years of my childhood playing only warcraft 3 custom games.

its populated purely by incel faggots that have done nothing but play war3 for the past 18 years and will shitstomp you if you aren't korean. its an uphill battle that will crush you over and over again. I've been playing it on and off ever since they announced reforged and shit you not haven't won a single fucking game since

Why would I play reforged when the original seems to be superior

Ironic, coming from the guy who's visibly upset that someone understands that dubs are better than subs.

clearly need to play more rts, you clueless retard

i think it was done on purpose because the camera is so close in warcraft 3 that if everything was proportioned properly it would be impossible to play


Cossacks, Age of Empires, Command and Conquer, StarCraft, WarCraft, Dawn of War, Battle for Middle Earth, War of the Ring, Battle Realms
Literally some of the most relevant RTS ever made and none of them have realistic proportions.
Be a poser somewhere else faggot.

funny lad, you got some issues (along with being wrong)
remember SC1 remake? Neither do I. It was a remaster. Same is being done to WC3 to a degree.

Literally all of those you just googled have realistic proportions. Way to out yourself as someone who's never played RTS games.

>every single RTS at the time proceeded to copy its art style

No not really, age of mythology, dawn of war

MP won't be the same for two reasons:
Zoomers don't make OC
Useful Boomers are all busy with life now

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does War3 Reforged include the Frozen Throne campaign?


the custom maps are already made though

>In wc3 you just had a list of games being hosted by other players and you knew exactly which games were popular and being played at that moment.
which was 90% dota games that blocked out everything else because it can only list so many games at a time.

>developed by retard mongoloids that can barely write a line of code
Can't wait for 2030 when it comes in early access.
Just a decade of wait bros!

We know at least that the Culling of Stratholme mission was completely overhauled to bring it more in line with WoW. The map, available units, enemy placement, etc are all changed.

What other missions do you think will get enhanced? I'm guessing the Battle for Hyjal, Attack on Dalaran, and Warsong stuff.

Do you think they're going to remove all of the "problematic" shit? (Sorceress being sexy, orcs having "black" accents, etc)

Lorderon The Aftermath moved to Reforge
A man can dream

hopefully all of them, ive played the campaigns so many times i could use a change

but reforged is garbage

just play vanilla

So glad it will have the option for original graphics. The new style is cancer.

Here's your night elf archer bro

Attached: 9840.jpg (1590x690, 263K)

Looks pretty awesome.


Attached: 15874326341286.jpg (1105x341, 90K)

see >clean up the dialogue

Attached: Loktar.png (606x1234, 299K)

i hope this won't kill the custom game scene on original it just got good again

This, it would be nice. And before any of you autists start screeching "NO CHANGES", you know some guy is gonna redo the entire original WC3 campaign in Reforged, so you can satisfy your autism with that

This isn't bad though. What she's saying is that characters who aren't "YEAAH FUCK YOU EAT SHIT AND DIE" aren't "gay". You can have a spread of characters, from badass manly ones to positive, kind ones.


Trying to explain it to dub retards. Nice try senpai
>Removes your toxic masculinity
>Wat do?

They also made it so everything made in the map maker is property of Blizzard. They couldn't afford another DoTA incident but this also completely stifled the variety of maps and possibilities available since everything had to be censored and copyrighted.

Thrall was never toxic. He was always kind and compassionate.

The only shit I played was
>NOTD Aftermath
>Preschool Showdown and all its varients
>Poker TD
>that final fantasy RPG map that had Kefka as the final boss
>Vampire Hunters
Thousands of hours spent on those maps

>instead of running with the artstyle and making something cool they base it off wow instead


aw yess i cant wait to get fucking cheesed by blademaster windwalk harassment

jesus christ my blood pressure is shooting through the roof just thinking about it

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>That RP map where everyone could make shit Titans Lands or smth
>Run kitty run
>101 rounds
>Jurassic Park