Comfy PS4 Thread

What are you lads playing atm?
What are you looking forward to?
Could you have a thread not filled with shitposting?

I just picked up Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and I'm considering:
>Wolf: Youngblood
>Tekken 7 (A lot of DLC though, two seperate season pass)
>Assassin's Creed: Origins DLC
>Assassin's Creed: Triple Pack
>Assassin's Creed: Rogue
>Wolfenstein 2
>Tales of Vesperia: Remaster
>Dead by Daylight, with Ash & Krueger DLC

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I'm on Japanese PSN so all my purchases are imports.
Completed Catherine: Full Body recently. Damn, doing the Axis Mundi babel challenge was a pain, I had to drag a friend along and force feed the game into him until he was good enough to do the pair mode.

Looking forward to Code:Vein, Persona 5 Royal, Atelier Ryza, and the 13 Sentinels.

just got a pro, every 30 minutes or so the screen flashes black for like 4 seconds. if I turn off HDCP the black flash is only about 1 second. anyone else have this bs issue?

Got like 10 PS2 games from the latest PSN Store sale, also I bought the Dead Rising 1,2 Off the record games as well, I'm currently enjoying Vice City, gonna finish it and jump to San Andreas.

My backlog is fuckin huge, I guess I really need to finish RDR 2 and jump to Last Guardian.

Also, can't wait for Code Vein.

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Sounds like you should get your screen checked. Or re-seat the cables, or get another cable.

detroit become human now. it's kinda shit but kara is a cute android.

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Wolfenstein Youngblood turned the series into some borderlands offshoot, fuck that game.
Im almost finished with Judgment, 1 more chapter should be done this week, it was an hell of a ride.

>Resident Evil 4 on playstation
>"Resident Evil 4 will definitely release only on GameCube, not on another console, if it happens, I will cut my head off."

Is it really that awful? I imagine that's why it's half the price of the other Wolfenstein on release.

I'm replaying God of War 2018 on a fresh GMGOW save and I'm liking it even more.

Thinking about buying REmake and RE0, but I'd probably have more fun by sticking with the original game.

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>San Andreas
Fuck, this game is so unimaginably comfy. Listening to K-DST while driving in the desert at nighttime hits me right in the feels

>RE4 proceeds to be released in a 3 different Playstation consoles
Mikami owes us 3 heads

I have the means of paying for ps4 games in Japanese yen for a Japanese account and dollar for an American account.
Paying in yen is slightly easier for me right now.
What are some games on Japanese digital store that come in full English?

Yeah, also I really like that PS2 games on PS4 has trophies so they have more replay value

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Nier Automata is the only game that readily comes to mind.

apparently its a handshake issue with samsung TVs, tried a premium hdmi cable

what does reseat the cables mean

Any good games on sale, ps4friends? I'm eu-friend & I don't like FIFA, so my options might be limited.

Usually western titles, i ended up buying GoW 18 from the nippon store since I had a lot of leftover yen at the time and it came with English and Japanese subs and dubs.

any word on the PS+ games for august?

Classic Japan vs Korea rivalry.

Reseat means "plug it out and plug it back in", on both ends, in case something is loose.

HDCP signals are quite finicky and hopefully your cable is short. Try changing the display resolution.

If there isn't any leaks you'll only know this wednesday, there was something about Battlefield V being marked but that was just for EA access.

Despite knowing there will be a PS5 soon Im thinking of selling my old PS4 and get a PS4 pro once I find one cheap. Is it still worth it? Most games I play are titles that will benefit from a Pro, Im just not sure if its worth spending the money.

People shilled me on FF XII enough that I picked up the steelbook edition. What am I in for?

If you aren't thinking on upgrading to a PS5 right away sure, i usually wait 2 years before upgrading to next-gen.

>What are you lads playing atm?
DQ11 as well as replaying Horizin.
>What are you looking forward to?
Control at the moment, Death Stranding going forward.

I'm an Xbro convert and it baffles me that my XMB is full of a huge backlog of games and 95% are exclusives. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking in owning a One X.

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I am looking forward to the MediEvil remake, but that's about it. Whenever Dreams leaves early access I'll get it too, but aside from those games I'm not interested in much of anything else.

Bring on PS5

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>considering nu-doom
>considering stein: babyblood
>considering asscreed kangz overpriced low content dlc
>considering asscreed
>considering stein 2: jew collossus
>considering tales of weeberia
>considering dead game with character dlc

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I downloaded Beyond Two Souls and Binding of Isaac earlier this month. Both gave me that CE-38whatever corrupted data error after a few hours. I gave in and just re-downloaded like suggested and haven't had issues in weeks.
Is my HDD finally dying? Anyone else experience this?

playing any exclusive after 2017 pretty much requires a pro unless you want to have a horrible horrible time.

No idea

>shitty opinion

I just realized I have the P.T. demo still on my ps4. I think I'll play that.

CE 38 errors are usually some database fuck up, enter recovery mode, rebuild.

About to start The Surge. Waiting for my copy of Remake 2 to arrive though

Nice collection!!

>What are you lads playing atm?
SCVI. I like it so far, although III beats it by a mile.
>What are you looking forward to?
I'm unironically hyped up for Modern Warfare
Hopefully there'll be enough anons to make a general on /vg/ for it. I've already made a community for it on PSN
>Could you have a thread not filled with shitposting?
Hopefully yes

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Based negrochad

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I too am hyped for MW. i'm hoping it revives some good old fashioned MW1/2 lobby shittalking

RDR2. I'm trying to hurry up and beat this so I can go back and finish up Days Gone. I then plan to play Hitman and MGSV. And then maybe take on Far Cry 3 and 5.

But I probably won't because Fortnite season 10 is coming up and I'll probably end up redownloading that and playing that. Plus NHL 20, NBA 2K20, and Madden is coming out soon.

>tfw you used to love single player games but now multiplayer dominates majority of your time
>it's just you and friends getting mad at the game and raging when instead you could be having a comfy time hunting deer and bison in RDR2

Probably the worst color imaginable. A red DS4? Yikes.

>thinks jojo is shit
t. homosexual

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Anyone play the transformer game from a few years back? Any good?

I'm just hoping for good maps, weapon variation, cool camos and some good challenges for unlocking stuff (I think this part is really really fun)
The guns so far shown look and sound really fucking good, so I'm quite hopeful.

Party chat killed that. The closest I got to that MW2 lobby shit talking nostalgia feeling, was going back and playing Search and Destroy on Modern Warfare Remastered. Fucking amazing seeing 7-8 mics light up and everyone calling each other bitches and pussies for camping or sniping or using "x" perk. Regardless of how toxic it is I honestly miss it. I can somewhat simulate the experience playing SND on Black Ops 4, but there's way less people in game chat.

If you're talking about that one game they gave out for PS Plus like 3 years ago, it was complete and utter shit. Please don't pay actual money for it.

the maps shown off so far look promising. hopefully it's not absolutely gutted with lootboxes, though it probably will be.

Been playing SD Gundam G Gen:Genesis lamenting the fact I'll never get that Johnny Ridden DLC

I honestly don't care about loot boxes, as long as it doesn't hinder natural progression or allow some sort of upper hand in the game.
If people want to spend their money on cosmetic shit, I say let them do it

last guardian is not god tier, spiderman is atleast mid tier

I'm talking about the cell shaded one?

Playing Sekiro and Nier, waiting for Celeste DLC

Ace combat 7
Last guardian
Wipeout omega
I have a massive backlog I am trying to rush through these.

What retard put this list together?
Spider-Man and uc4 low tier Resogun isn’t on the list wtf

I'm playing the newest super robot wars. It's very good. I want to get the newest OG one. I just hope it has a lot of the units the gba og ones had

Why are PSN Store games so absurdly overpriced in Australia? They're honestly charging $14 dollars or more for 20 year old PS1 games easily pirated and emulated on cheap laptops.

I havent really had any money since march, life is cursing me, would have bought a bunch more games by now


>Ass Creeds on sale
maybe, but they run liek shit on console

>Tekken 7
honestly dead game people just idle it for memes

>Dead by Daylight
>Wolf 2
GOOD games

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