First game is fucking fantastic and gets you excited for the future of the series

>First game is fucking fantastic and gets you excited for the future of the series
>Everything after is an extreme disappointment.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What is halo?

What’s a series with 6 great games and then everything after is abysmal have anything to do with wolfenstein? If anything halo should be compared to star wars.

Halo CE was pretty flawed though, Halo 2, despite the campaign issues, was a step up in almost every regard. Halo 3 even more so.

t. Halobaby! Play a real fps faggot!

Seething neo Nazi

You're on the wrong side of history and noone will remember you

Halo 2 is only better if you never learned how to play CE.

Based killzonechads defeating the competition without even providing an argument

Wolfenstein 09 > nuWolfenstein
Fite me

>use Nazi imagery in all your art and promo material
>Because Nazi shit is fucking COOL
>NAZI robots are cool
>Future Nazi outfits look cool
>Nazi zombies are cool
>Nazi occult demons are cool
>Nazi babes in leather BDSM are cool and sexy
>Can't ever play as said cool shit because "bad guys" and "problematic"

Why won't anyone acknowledge that Nazis are fucking cool and let us play as them.

There's no need to, you're correct. 09 had the fun magic abilities, while TNO and onward are just shitty CoD clones.

>6 great games
You'd seriously be pushing it at 4. But 6 simple means you enjoy the taste of cocks.

>CoD clones.
You couldn't have picked a worse argument. Well, unless you goal was to not be taken seriously at all.

new colossus was fine...much better not having to press a button to pick shit up...what was wrong with it?

>what was wrong with it?
Overblown hate for it because of some social media debacle, Yea Forums claiming that it's a SJW game, etc.
You know, the usual Yea Forums retardation.

You could just play a strategy game like Company of Heroes 2, strategy games give no shit

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>>First game is fucking fantastic
You lost me here. The first game was just yet another bland console shooter.

Not going to explain how it isn't?

I just been plaing New order this shit is so annoying. Like why would I ever not want ot pick something up, every fucking little fight I'm spamming E all over to pick up all the shit

no clue what were they thinking
it's like they fired level designers an hired someone else, because everything else is same is first game
level design got way way worse in colossus
I didn't play youngblood yet but I assume it got even worse?

>The shitty sections with the officers walking around and calling for reinforcements if you get spotted is now the majority of enemy encounters
>Cutscenes are nearly one third of the game, and the burger king kid's club of allies is atrocious
>it ends with a qte event where you brain an old lady with an axe, that's your climax
>the weapon sandbox has seen no improvement since New Order
>there's no new interesting locales, in fact the amount of steel rooms and corridors have increased since New Order
>the game focuses heavily on story, and it's one of the shittiest stories in the series
>you're actually even weaker than the last game, and spending more than a few seconds out of cover is a death sentence, turning the game into a first person cover shooter

halo 1 2 3
wars odst reach
Fuck you

true except first part
it's an okay mechanic, want less combat - sneak
and semi true about last part, you still can go boom, you just have to get used to the game more to make it play like rage 2(which is a better shooter dammit)
takes more effort to make it play without cover, gotta be fast with those headshots

>Not going to explain how it isn't?

You didn't even explain why it is, so why should I bother when you can't even back up your original statement. The onus is on you.


>iron sights
>health regen
>all of the weapons are generic hitscan rifles
>cutscenes and scripted segments everywhere
TNO opens with a gunship segment.

user, did you play the game?

>these things are exclusive to or even pioneered by CoD
You've never played a game that came out before 2007, have you?

I did, but I didn't finish it. I dropped that gabrage after the first hour.

>hurr your influences can't show through unless you copy everything
Do you honestly believe nu-Wolfenstein would be the same as it is not without Call of Duty's popularity?

>First hour
>"all the weapons"

>what is looking at gameplay videos
How is it not a Call of Duty clone, again?

so you only played tutorial level, okay

>what is looking at gameplay videos
being a retard

>hour-long tutorial for a console shooter
Are you trying to make me feel bad for not playing it?
How is it not a CoD clone?

Look, having the option between stealth or combat is fine, that's why it was okay in the New Order, but there's nothing fun with having 90% of the encounters being this exact setup, it makes the game tedious. So instead of having new and inventive level design between each mission it's always going to be rooms designed for the officers patrolling around

>barely play the game
>mention superficial or wrong things

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No, because it made everything far worse that The New Order made so fucking good.
And everyone who isn't retarded could tell it was because they wanted to have this gigantic political-opinionated shitfest that was absolutely fucking tonedeaf compared to the original, that actually made the nazis fucking menacing and seem dangerous.

Who knows? Who knows what the gaming landscape would look like if COD never existed. It probably would be different, but not in the way that you think. TNO was praised precisely because it was a modern throwback to classic FPS games amidst a sea of COD clones, it bucked the trend. A trend that, for better or for worse, wouldn't exist without COD.

>>mention superficial or wrong things
Like? You're clearly the expert here.

considering all things you mentioned are wrong and not part of the game, how is it a CoD clone again?

>considering all things you mentioned are wrong and not part of the game
How are they wrong?

>You're clearly the expert here.
No that you, according to yourself.
Also why bother try to reason with someone that admits to being ignorant and is massively close-minded.
You won't listen to anyone but yourself. Because you can't accept that you of all people could be wrong.

So you can't tell me how I'm supposedly wrong?

>because they wanted to have this gigantic political-opinionated shitfest
sotry isn't even that bad, sure it was quite significantly weaker than the first, the levels are bad
FPS lives on level design, TNC just made a ton of short uninteresting levels

Old Blood was the best in the series though

>game uses a riddick health system
>calls it cod
You have to be above 18 to post here, child.

lul I'm convinced Yea Forums doesn't even play the games they shit on

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How can a neo-nazi like Wolfenstein: The New Order, but hate the rest of the games in the series. A real neo-nazi would hate all of the games in the series, retard.

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Health regen is cancer no matter how you want to limit it.

Doesn't open with a gunship segment for starters.

fuck off already, if you have no real arguments
as wrong - not in the game wrong

>didn't play the game
>throws a bunch of nonsense around
>complains people call him out for it
that's majority of Yea Forumsnow, in every fucking thread

Return to castle Wolfenstein>Wolfenstein 09 > nuWolfenstein.

I miss when bait was good.

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Looks like someone needs to play escape from butcher bay and the first darkness game. They both help inspired the new order's gameplay.

I guess you're right, it's been a few years. It starts off with a Sony-tier "totally not a cutscene" of the inside of a gunship.

The one thing I hated about TNO is that you had to manually pickup ammo. Other than that the game was fun as fuck.

pirating youngblood lole


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>all that was needed was the same tried and true wolfenstein formula, but with the ability to play it in co-op
>instead, we get looter shooter mission structure, a level system for yourself and enemies, raids, microtransactions and a bunch of other shit that make no sense in a wolfenstein game
It wasn't fucking V2 rocket science. Goddammit.

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>iron sights
A feature that tons of games have, and one that is barely needed in the game anyways
>health regen
Alongside an armor system and health overcharge along with health pickups. Health regen is barely a factor in fights.
>all of the weapons are generic hitscan rifles
Not even close.
>cutscenes and scripted segments everywhere
So Halflife? And are you ignoring the nonlinear level design which is directly at odds with the straight and narrow paths that CoD games have?

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they're all good though

>iron sights
This doesn't mean it's like CoD. Many games even before modern warfare and cod had this. The game also has things like allowing you to carry all weapons, dual wield, etc. but you conveniently ignore that because everything that seperates it doesn't help your idiotic and pathetically weak case.
>health regen
As another user already mentioned, it's the Riddick health system which is not used by CoD. You can't have played a lot of games if this is the first time you've seen it and you erronously equate it with CoD.
The game still makes use of health packs, health upgrades and shit.
>all of the weapons are generic hitscan rifles
There are some different ones, but I'm not sure what you expected?
RtCW did the same. But you obviously forgot this.
>cutscenes and scripted segments everywhere
They are not excessive at all. But considering you only played the game for maybe 1 hour and saw stuff like the opening cutscene and some basic exposition you obviously don't know this.

Now please, make the predictable post where you brush aside all of this and further prove how close-minded you are.

Again, you still haven't even remotely proved that TNO is a CoD clone. Your pellet sized brain probably thinks that similarites = identical. Meaning using your logic pretty much any game you like can be called a clone of something you don't like.

The characters in new colossus felt like over exaggerations of themselves, instead of actual people like in new order. I felt like new colossus had too many damn cut-scenes, and it also felt less atmospheric than new order.

But The Old Blood was better than TNO.

Did the person making that poster even see what the characters look like ingame?

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>A feature that tons of games have,
So it suddenly doesn't count?
>Alongside an armor system and health overcharge along with health pickups. Health regen is barely a factor in fights.
It's still there, and is apparently a defining enough addition that BJ even has it in Quake now.
>Not even close.
There's like 2 laser guns. The rest are all reskinned Call of Duty guns.
>So Halflife?
Half Life is shit too.

>Health regen is cancer no matter how you want to limit it.
No, that's only what a monkey like you that can't even back up their own ideas thinks.
Riddick is well-regarded as a fantastic game, but that is something a child like you wouldn't know.

You won't fit in on Yea Forums for hating on all forms of regenerating health, despite what mommy told you to try and fit in with the cool kids.

>my face is tired

I mentioned that earlier to a streamer and he flipped the fuck out on me, it was glorious.

Retards who defend this shit is what Jay talked about when he said "Just consume product and then get excited for next product."

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>It's still there, and is apparently a defining enough addition that BJ even has it in Quake now.

You're saying that a health system that CoD doesn't even use makes it like CoD.
Do you even listen to how fucking retarded you sound.

Why do devs have to make female characters so fucking ugly. They can't make them look decent, or even somewhat attractive.

>guns from a WW2 shooter series are like guns from another WW2 shooter series

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>dude they're totally different but it's okay that they're exactly the same

Man this guy is really doubling down on his retardation. God forbid he loses an argument.

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old blood was so weird. its not a prequel its not a sequel. it doesnt take place during the old is it? a dream? it cant be

I mean, it's not a gunship either. So not sure why I'm suppose to take you seriously when you don't even remember the game.

>Old Blood much better than New Order

Swing and a miss, OP. You dumb faggot.

It's a direct prequel to TNO dummy

It still is a scripted movie segment.

mein neger

Literally takes place in summer '46 and in-game text, dialogue and obviously BJ's nightmares reference the events of Wolfenstein 3D and RTCW.

The worst thing the MachineGames' Wolfensteins did was make people think Wolfenstein 2009 is worth remembering.

it cant be. replay both of them trust me its not
hes wearing clothes from the new order than he doesnt have until later

Now remind us how TNO starts

>wearing clothes

He's literally half-naked for most of the game.

ok then theres definitely some plot holes i cant remember what they were but i just replayed the new order/old blood like a year ago

How about make people think ANY Wolfenstein game is worth remembering. There was a reason that it was Doom that was the huge success for id and not Wolfenstein back in the day. RTCW wasn't anything more than yet another mediocre Quake 3 engine game either. The franchise has never been good.

TNC was the same thing as TNO but better in every way. The father sequence might have been a bit too long but it set up the context for his mother which lead to a pretty good sequence later on.

Weapons were de-fucked.
Missions were less arbitrary, along with the cutscenes.
The story was more cohesive.
Slightly less digging through trash and park benches.

Halo is fucking garbage. if you’re talking about campaigns, CE is by far the weakest in the series. The amount of level rehashing and room rehashing in those levels is disgusting.

desu the first one had some pretty bad monents, but it was a really good return to form

I’ve always thought the FPS genre sucked in general. They are almost always the most barebones, basic games with the mechanical complexity of an NES title. There may be minor exceptions but it is an apt description for Halo, CoD, Wolfenstein, Far Cry, etc.

>Halo is fucking garbage
lmao its always funny seeing people hate on this series for all the wrong reasons
same shit happens with ninja

Shit level design is a pretty good reason to hate Halo.

More popular game bad
Less popular game good

Bad game good
Good game bad

Reach yeah. Odst? Gay Halo 3 reskin. Imagine being so autistic that you don't even get annoyed at there being no stealth mechanics or anything you just fucking clap to the Firefly cast like a Mickey Mouse bitch

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inb4 pc csgo kids think reach is fucking amazing when it started the actual downfall of halo

DOOM looks to be going the same route

I really hate how you can see his face now.

>I really hate how you can see his face now.
so much this LOL its kinda cheesey

The New Collossus felt like a game made by a completely different team that failed to understand why The New Order recived a good reception and completely ignored why The Old Blood is usually regarded as the best of the two. TNO had a pretty solid story with fantastic music and characters you could genuinely care for, while Old Blood ditched the story focus for a fast paced shootout prolonged into a whole short and sweet game.
Meanwhile TNC is cutscene galore and any improvements to the core guns is killed with shit AI having no enemy variety and atrocious level design to the point they fixed that in Youngblood by literally getting Arkane to do them. Dont get me started on how ass the pc port is.
Like, listen to the ending songs of each game and try telling me with a straight face that it’s the same developer, how out of touch and can you get and miss the mark so hard?

I agree. I loved the shit out of order, even more so Old Blood

>I really hate how you can see his face now

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is TNO really worth playing? give it to me straight.

Fuck off indie tranny.

>Youngblood by literally getting Arkane to do them
holy fuck, this is why i was getting mad Dishonored vibes

>Less level and location variety
>No final showdown with the cunt Frau
>1/3 is cutscenes with atrocious writing and ruining the characters of TNO while introducing unbearable new ones
>Awful weapon wheel
>Weapon mods no longer change the type of ammo (sniper rifle to laser gun for example)
>Terrible music/audio mixing
>Horrible level design
>PC version crashes like 90’s Nascar
>Awful hit feedback so you can almost not tell you are hit


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I'm playing it right now, and it won't blow you away, but you'll have a good time with it. Stealth is an option but not a necessity. Going akimbo looks and feels awesome. There's lots of collectible bullshits if you're into that kind of thing.

Yes. Old Blood is also worth a play.

It is. Personally I enjoyed the shit out of it. Level design, the scope, enemies and atmosphere. Old Blood has also oldschool Wolfenstein vibes which is great.

Acually, I played Old Blood first, then jumped into New Order and I think that's a very good way to play it. OB acts as a sort of transition between Old Wolfenstein and New Order

Pretty long, standard shooter as far as gameplay goes. Guns feel better than most modern FPS games though some are wasted like the double barrel shotgun being locked to one level. The story jumps back and forth from absurdly cheesy and comical to suddenly real heavy and fucked up on a dime. Everything in the story is also delivered pretty deadpan and semi-narrated by Blasko in his stoic action hero voice, the way the game pretty much plays all the ridiculous shit straight makes it very charming compared to the LOL SO WACKY sequel games. 999 mode is awesome, and I'd probably recommend going through on Uber difficulty anyways even if the game does get kind of bullshit at parts because of hitscan and one level with a really really fucked checkpoint

I'll never understand why leftoids need to date their works with twitter politics

The thing I enjoyed most about TNO is a pretty kino rendition of Berlin constructed in Hitler's vision desu

Old Blood was good as well, but you're pretty much correct aside from that. The series has become a joke and I won't waste HD space on it.

Play all the games and try to have an open mind, Yea Forums has been pretty retarded about them since the tweet.

Many have said it, Old Blood is better than TNO.
Get fucked OP, please play more video games before posting again.


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TNO is not dated by politics in the slightest. Youre thinking of TNC.

Get your facts straight, shitposter.

>White girls dancing.
>Borderlands shit
>"Epic clap backs"
They made this game for white women, why would I buy this?

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Why would you think I was talking about TNO?

>all that was needed was the same tried and true wolfenstein formula, but with the ability to play it in co-op

That's what i thought it was before the reviews came out, i wanted to play through it on the hardest difficulty with my younger brother as we both beat the New Order on UBER. Feels bad man.