How does it feel to have your precious video game be hung drawn quartered and have the pieces scattered to the wind. this show is more canon than the games themselves kek
Witcher fans massacred
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not really
I like how Cavill does some alchemy himself haha real method actor
but , it looks good and is not an adaptation of the game
i'm not going to watch it
The existence of a shitty Netflix adaptation does not cancel out the existence of the books or the games.
this cant be real.. movie magic or something right? those arms are making me question my entire life up to this point
Used to it. I quit Star Wars and probably quit this if it's bad. Spoilers: it will be bad.
netflix watchers are confirmed cucks
that man is too handsome for his own good, no homo
we need an uglier geralt
Do you not know what steroids are?
how does it feel to be below 18 on a 18 only site?
My old manager had arms like that, dude had been lifting religiously for like 10 years.
more like mr steel your wife amirite
how can they get everythign so wrong, geralt is suposed to be unattractive and the sorceresses are meant to be ungoldy attractive but the show has it backwards wtf?
Tell me about it.
Silent Hill was my favorite game series.
i shouldn't of laughed at that but i did, time to kill myself thanks for showing me the door
I don't remember Yennefer was a poo, Triss was a jew and there are niggers in Temeria. Geralt is ok, thought.
I don't get this show. The creators are left wing fems but they include the hottest white dude in the planet. Going against their ideology.
I'm opening a business in about 2 months. I don't really give a shit.
Feels great. I'll replay the games every so often. I'll pirate the show and probably forget about it after deleting it.
yes but even still, i've been lifting my maximum for years and still.. im seriously envious, if thats real
>literally looks like Geralt from Witcher 2
maybe they should add a scar? or maybe hell get one
lq bait my man
What don't you get? Feminists have always fawned over white Chads.
Bodybuilding is predicated on steroids and if you're lifting to get bigger and not taking tren you're a fucking retard, user.
how is first post also so succinct and accurate every god damn time
im going to make my dad watch it and tell me how it is
>How does it feel
Why do leftists talk like this, fuck feelings woman they're irrational. Have a insertion of 10" of cold hard logic
True, but they usually never add them and cry when others do. This show is like a combination of weird creators.
This is stupid as fuck, lifters like Scooby are big and don't use crutches like tren
surely all those medical journals on steroids are fake right? either way id rather push my natural limits even if that makes me a retard ill embrace my flaws
The games still exist. I can simply ignore the existence of this shit show.
yeah! scoobs only uses HGH, none of that cheap nasty horse steroid shit.
You're misunderstanding the modus operandi of feminists, they will absolutely put hot white dudes (only 6'1+ ripped chads though) in EVERYTHING and if you call them out on it, they'll say "it's fine it's for the male power fantasy". What they wont do is put hot women in because they feel threatened by hot women and do everything in their power to put them down, just not in an overt manner.
If a chick is hot in a movie, she's "sexualized'. If grid girls are making a shit ton of money doing fuck all, they're being "exploited" (even when they kick up a huge shitstorm over losing their jobs to feminism).
>How does it feel to have your precious video game be hung drawn quartered and have the pieces scattered to the wind. this show is more canon than the games themselves kek
doesn't feel like anything, nothing of the sort happened to my video game. It's still there and it's still the way it is and it's still the game of the decade.
That witcher show? oh, just remembered they have a shitflix adeptation going on. Well I couldn't be arsed to give a shit about it. It adapts the books, not the games.
just eat clean and lift hard. i've been following SS for 3 months and I'm on 1/2/3/4 for the big four lifts. steroids are a meme. be yourself.
>fuck feelings
>gets this emotional
>video game
>surely all those medical journals on steroids are fake
You'll have to be more specific than that. Tren has never been approved for human testing, there isn't a lot of writing on the subject because it's a veterinary steroid.
>id rather push my natural limits
Bodybuilding is an absurdly inefficient and unnatural process, best of luck though.
Oh I get it now, it's because the same actor played superman who is also known as the man of steel *chortle*
I'm going to watch it to spite the trumptards.
Don't forget your gallon of milk a day.
if you read that as emotional then youre more fragile than you think you are, i bet you wet yourself as soon as anyone raises their voice a little. face facts you are bitch-made
milk is for infants, so go ahead consume
im gonna watch it too, but not to spite anyone lol
basically it ruins your testosterone development as the body becomes dependant on the drug and causes you to stop making natural test. and then when you stop gearing your hormone levels get all fucked up? obviously not an expert but thats the gist right?
thanks brother, stay strong.
>still getting emotional
>i bet you wet yourself
Nice projection kek
This much distilled autism in so few pixels, perfectly sums up the witcher fanbase.
He's not supposed to be >unattractive
There is no indication in the the books that Geralt is unattractive. If anything, he should be more or less good looking but looks too much like a freak to be considered handsome. Though almost every woman he comes across takes an interest on him. Either way, Henry is indeed way too good looking for the role, but honestly this particularity doesn't even matter so much.
That's basic bitch steroid use. Work out natty for 3 years and then juice for one and you too could look like that.
If you're okay with playing on expert mode skip the natty workout and go ham with the drugs and you could do it in eighteen months.
>muh projecting
bitch youre pathetic. you're quite glued to this subject aren't you? the thought you so afraid in a puddle of piss rabidly refreshing this page completely out of control due to your rage, it brings me closer to climaxing.
It's not even related to the games so it's also not breaking anything related to the Witcher that is worth shit.
basically if you don;t look like the actor in OP pic after 12 months give up. it's all genetics. some people are destined to be DYEL-tier their whole life, others are born male
I don't understand this idea that this adaptation is supposed to make the video game fans upset or something. The video games already exist and are done. The show directors have nothing to do with the games directors.
The success or failure of the show has no relation to the games, so why should anyone who only cares about the games feel anything about it? It's like getting mad whenever someone draws a bad fan art of your favorite thing, irrational. Is it wasted potential to have someone miscast or poor directing? sure, but the game fans weren't really caring for an adaptation in the first place.
The only reason I could see a Witcher game fan get upset is that the show will be the first mainstream exposure to the source material and now they have to rectify they liked Witcher, the games not the show, before it was *cool* and mainstream which is another level of pathetic or caring about the opinion of normalfags.
>basically it ruins your testosterone development as the body becomes dependant on the drug and causes you to stop making natural test.
>and then when you stop gearing your hormone levels get all fucked up?
>obviously not an expert but thats the gist right?
If you do it right (i.e. take a bunch of other drugs as well to manage the side effects, come off slowly, and don't stay on for too long) most people can do most steroid courses with minimal or no long term side effects aside from balding.
The real dangers of steroids are
>oral steroids fucking your organs
>bad reaction while on the drugs (psychological problems e.g. paranoia, schizophrenia, severe side effects, etc.)
>psychological addiction leading to abuse
>heart failure/stroke for a variety of reasons over a long period of time if abused
The other shit like acne only lasts while you're on the drugs and is the price of admission to the big man club. Steroids affect different people differently. Always read the label and use only as directed.
Genetics can be compensated for with more steroids.
>still responding to me, getting emotional, and projecting
>thats the gist right?
I wont go into a full endo lecture but suppression is easily manageable and can be bypassed entirely if you don't mind subcutaneous injections. There are plenty of comprehensive case studies on the NCBI that support that statement.
Joke's on them, I already hate the cringy Witcher games enough to have no interest what so ever in this adaptation.
annd done, thanks toots now off you go im done with you
>implying im going to watch it
Ok thanks, it does sound interesting, no need to lecture you've given me keywords to start.
>im done!!! i need to change my pants after i wet them :(
>now who is projecting kek
but seriously ive had fun, later. youve made my day ill be smiling about how afraid i made you all day with those broken record remarks get more buzzwords next time
Dude, just like, calm down
have sex
bloo bloo bla bla poor baby gonna peepee cry baby waaaaa
>still getting emotional and he just keeps going by sticking around in the thread
so much for facts over feelings :^)
I wanna lick Henry Cavill's dink.
was anyone expected a jewflix show to not be trash though?
having an anal ragnarok about people enjoying a video game to try to BTFO them by weaponising a TV show completely irrelevant to their game sums up how much you are seething at this very moment.
Not exactly a new observation. All their feminist shit about gender rolls and blah blah blah always goes out the window when there's a handsome chad.
I'm more offended by the fact that every streaming service is full of trend following fucks who are desperately trying to catch GoT audience.
They cast the ugliest females with the hottest men. the ugly women, so their egos aren't bruised and the hottest men to project their desires.
I bet he smells nice
It's fine. GoT itself was riding on LoTR hype, with Sean Bean and all.
Why are Netflix shoes so bad? I've tried some of more popular ones like stranger things but it all just seems so soulless. I don't know if it's the production values/writing or what.
The only Netflix shoe I watched was Upgrade.
>that medallion
Wow are you off mark with that comment, but digging the enthusiasm pal. keep doing you.
I will absolutely keep doing me. Meanwhile you keep doing you, starting a thread about a shitflix show because you're pissed off that there are people, who despite having nothing to do with you, are enjoying a video game you didn't enjoy. I'm living in your head rent-free for liking a game, and that feels satisfying for some reason.
The games officially ended with the 3rd so I don't really care much.
Have sex, dilate, etc. Or better yet, kill yourself. Fucking retard.
>Y-you're the mad one
>geralt is suposed to be unattractive
>multiple women hanging off his dick 24/7
Books themselves also explain women were hot on witcher dick because they could fuck one without getting pregnant, back when anticonceptives weren't a thing
The games were always of dubious canon due to the feud with the author.
The new series just pushes the games down a notch in relevance.
Witcherchads don't even know what the word "canon" means, it'll do just fine.
>Can't fuck Philippa
>Can't fuck Bea
>Can't fuck succubus
>Can't fuck the Nilfgaardian twins
>Can't fuck Anna Henrietta
>Can't fuck dead Iris
>Can't fuck _____Ciri____
No STDs either. It's wish fulfillment fantasy.
God I want to fuck his titties so much but no homo tho
It's not out yet. Why all the hysterics?
Trailer showed enough of to kill lots of fan boners.
it's from people who only played witcher 3
>all women 6/10 negresses
>Greek god Cavill as Geralt
can we finally agree that women in hollywood are just as bad as men? I bet cavill will spend most of the time topless.
Bitches can't stop thinking with their cunt, the thruth is out.
Wheres the image that shows the foot soldiers looks like a dickheads because the writers(women) said so?
Is this pozzed dogshit already out?
Bullshit. The whole thing about witchers being immune and sterile isn't common knowledge.
Read the books again, it is specified it's mostly noblewomen, who are actually in a position to know shit like that, and not random peasants
Can you find me a quote somewhere? 'cause I know that Calanthe had no fucking clue that witchers were sterile and she's as noble as you can get.
We already have superior witcher movie coming soon.
Also even the oldie tv show was better than netflix shit ever will be.
I'm not going to waste my time going through the first two witcher books to find the exact quote, nigger. Look it up if you care so much, or call it bullshit if you don't believe me
It's called toxic femininity.
If slavic fanboys actually do a better witcher kino than multi billion dollar american corporation, I'll laugh
I come at your command master. I listen and obey, as a genie would.
They had contraceptives since Siliphum, odds are they had some herbs and shit that weren't reliable but still could do the job generally
both you and the op are peak autism what is it with this franchise that draws you tards in like a moth to a flame, top keks
>based traffic coordinator
i kno right? but this shit keeps happening day in day out. solid effort
>being this triggered
get a healthier hobby m8 you cant handle the banter here
>Eternal reminder
>utterly ghastly paleness
>imagine Cavill banging that on the right
Is the show out already? Did it bomb?
if I cared about that I would have hated it before just because normalfags like the games too
I don't care what they do, you aren't supposed to reveal your power level anyways so I don't talk about videogames with anyone
normies ruin everything whats now
even tho witcher 3 was a normie game
which makes it even worse
except its not accurate, the show is adapting the books and the games are pure fanfiction, they arent canon
This but unironically.
Not into the witcher series but do they juice in that universe?
Witchers take all sorts of drugs
shouldn't have
You realize you're correct a hanging corpse on its grammar, right?
>still seething.
2015 is a long time to still be so angry. Time to relax tranny.
Fuck time to off myself now.
this is a cursed chain of messages be warned all who dare to tread
Half of it is makeup, the other half is that he is a professional actor and literally gets paid to look that good. His job will entail a tailored meal plan and exercise regimen to achieve that look.
logic doesn't exist, only emotions do, your whole world is a solipsistic hell inside of your head whether you want it or not
the difference is that female mind hell is bitchy and compliant, thus trying to undermine things to be the way she wants it to be, while male mind hell is straight forward and constantly in retarded competition, thus we like to determine, define and prove
in the same vein males care about things more and females about people and people stories
anyone who claims to be logical is doing so only insofar as the society and what is useful from an almost utilitarian perspective because no human brain has enough capacity to grasp things that are truly logical, otherwise complex things wouldn't be so often counter intuitive to our logic, be it complex computations or quantum physics where shit works backwards from what you would expect
I want to fuck your dumb whore mouth so much right now.
have sex
It doesn't affect games or books in the slightest. If it did I wouldn't like Resident Evil or Silent Hill anymore.
Ciri and Cavill are the only redeeming factors here, because the other cast choices brutalized the characters to the point where it is hard to accept them as the character.
>No red hair
>The bald black chick who is supposed to be a horny goth chick
ok what now?
They're not adapting the games. Nor the books. They're Bethesda fallouting it.
I have sex and am getting married soon
At least ciri is adorable.
I bet you and your husband are both very happy for each other now that gay marriage is legal
Pretty much this.
games are still my favorite RPGs literally grew up on them since tw1 and will forever love
the trilogy the books are good and im sure the show will suck but it doesnt stop me from loving the games CDPR made
Luckily I don't live in degenrateistan and gay marriage isn't legal here, nor are any sort of gay meetings which we have been bashing nationwide circa 2013
Must feel weird living in a country that forces completely alien and fabricated "morality" upon you
based Schopenhauer was right.
>didn't deny being a homosexual
case closed, later faggot.
that already happened with witcher 2 and it happened again with witcher 3. Ive gotten used to it by now.
>tfw I look like that guy but without the muscles
damn i need to get some muscles
All videogame adaptations are trash and all Netflix does is shit so nobody cares, this was expected.
how are they going to do the scene with nukes starting the first conjunction of spheres?
Imagine cyberpunk
This is true, people with shit diets, after 6 months can atleast get ottermode, starting from skinny fat.
I stuck on exercising, and only my quads got slightly bigger, sure some of my lifts improved but I literally stayed the same, only fatter in some areas. I'd rather take up swimming one day.
In the end its all genetics, height and predisposition to retain fat in certain areas.
it's not a video game adaptation and you completely misread the OP lmao your IQ is showing
Not him but being gay is preferable to dealing with roasties. Although 2d is a win win scenario for modern straight man.
Holy fuck, this oozes SOUL! Will check it out when it's done, thanks bro!
>more canon than the games
>bad guys have dick helmet armor because they are dickheads and fuck patriarchy
sure buddy
How are they massacred? This is just some dumb show on Cuckflix.
It looks cheap as hell like all Netflix shows zoomer
It's not my game you fucking dickhead. I didn't make/write/code it. It certainly doesn't reflect on me.
He looks fucking awful for this role. He is way too buff. This shit looks bad.
The "lodge of sorceresses" in the Witcher novels is hardcore feminist. Expect the worst from this Netflix series.
Christian Bale would have been a top tier Geralt
A younger Mads would have been an even better one.
Literally who cares? Kotor isn't cannon but it's better than the movies just like the wticher games are better than the writing it's based off of.
I just won't watch it.
imagine giving a shit about hollywood kikery
>yfw you realize the worlds of the witcher and shrek are literally build on the same premise and overlap in a ton of places
Games are their own seperate canon.
This show follows the books more closely, while also not at all.
This existence of this doesn't change my perception of the games any more than the first Witcher TV series.
Nobody outside poland gives a shit about the books.
The games are some of the most critically acclaimed titles ever, and the show is going to bomb or at best languish in irrelevance like the rest of sapkowskis work.
I hate capeshit like this but at least it seems to be making incels hysterical
But she is not bad
>this show is more canon than the games themselves kek
>No Jan Zizka-style moustache
Yeaaaaaah. No.
The lodge of sorceresses mocks hardcore feminists and sexists, but netflix will take it seriously.
sorry to ruin this for you.
just returned to my thread and by god i did not expect this many (you)s to be generated its free real estate
Not bad but she looks fuckloads younger than she should.
I want mommy-tier Yen with pale skin.
Yenefer was a huge toxic bitch in the books. Never understood how much of a cuck Geralt actually is.
Highwaymen is bretty gud.
Yen's actress actually looks like Fringilla there. Goddamn, Yenn's in game model looks good, can't think of a better looking face model.
>this show is more canon than the games themselves
says who? nobody is the boss of me
nobody can force me to watch this crap
>no moustache on the skull
come on now
Daredevi s1 and s3, Dark - these are the only things I enjoyed torrenting
She's terrible.
Yennefer in the books:
>How ravishing she is, he thought. Everything about her is ravishing. And menacing. Those colours of hers; that contrast of black and white. Beauty and menace. Her raven-black, natural curls. Her cheekbones, pronounced, emphasising a wrinkle, which her smile–if she deigned to smile–created beside her mouth, wonderfully narrow and pale beneath her lipstick.
Yen looks hot but she isnt white, i dont know if im going to like it. She better be a convincing actress.
Geralt and Ciri look fucking great, Triss can fuck off, they should have dyed that bitches hair red. The writing for triss needs to be exceptional or its going to be real hard to acept the character.
Daredevil and the punisher were great, what fucked them up was lack of communication between the writers and directors of the other netflix marvel shit.
When one of the hand ninjas turned up in daredevil it was scary and thrilling because daredevil had to use all his skills just to fight one of them, when iron fist and his non super powered girlfriend were just ploughing through waves of hand ninjas and they were just regular goons now, it was shit.
They made the hand scary in daredevil and then turned them into the fucking footclan from turtles without the ninja costumes in all the other netflix shit like iron fist and the defenders.
They fucking ruined it.
I don’t care. The books and games are still there.
no it doesn't, well it does partially but also not
witcher as a series is partially leftie in books
Geralt and Yen are in a literal open relationship where both of them fuck around and spitefully cuck each other sometimes
How is that not leftie
I've read the books like four times each and from what I've seen that show has NOTHING to do with it
yeah real base as in retarded using tranny logic there
>she looks fuckloads younger than she should
>want mommy-tier Yen
Yen is canonically tiny and looks like a 20 year old.
>I've read the books like four times each
My condolences.
>Geralt and Yen are in a literal open relationship
No, they're not. Stop making shit up.
How do you call a relationship where the guy fucks everyone he sees on the road, while the woman cuckolds the guy with her ex-boyfriend big dick wizard
they fuck around constantly, what do you call this relationship dumb fuck?
Who the fuck talks like you? It's just a game, and just a show. Get some social training my dude.
>tranny logic
Also nu witcher a shit.
>tfw I will just play the games again
>tfw they will not get my hate watch
>guy fucks everyone he sees on the road
He doesn't. For example: Triss had to literally rape him.
> the woman cuckolds the guy with her ex-boyfriend big dick wizard
And it ended the relationship for 10 years.
>what do you call this relationship dumb fuck?
A relationship that doesn't exist.
>seeing a lot of normie posters
Enjoy today wagie tomorrow you are back in the cage.
They were in an on again off again relationship. Geralt only slept around when he wasn't with Yennefer and he was beyond mad when he found out about Istredd. It wasn't an open relationship and it if wash Geralt as sure as hell didn't agree to it.
as they said it's adapted from the books not the game. best shitty excuse to cast actors that are nothing like how they are described in those very same books Games are better than that old boomer book desu
While they weren't constantly cheating on each other while seeing each other, Geralt is still a cuck and Yen is a roastie slut
Maybe it's the lack of bitchface and darker skin, at least that's the mental image I got from The Last Wish.
fuck right off with that fact based reasoning and get back to shitposting
ill take 1 and 3 to go thx
I'm just glad I get to see more naked Cavill
I mean I'm sure the show will have plenty of sex scenes
>noone is the boss of me, noone can force me
wheres the oxymoron, i dont think that word means what you think it means dearie
As long as his ass is on screen 80% of the time, it'll be worth it. No homo.
The Witcher is a rip-off of the Elric books.
ill check back in another 5 hours
Everything described looks to be there, down to the pronounced cheekbones. How is that interpretation any inferior to that of the game?
>chuds fear this
>Geralt is still a cuck
He's not. He didn't tolerate her cheating or manipulation.
>Yen is a roastie slut
She WAS a roastie slut.
>tranny logic
Being a tranny by definition is illogical and retarded therefore
tranny = illogical/stupid
tranny logic = illogial stupid logic = oxymoron
Now go dilate.
Once a roastie slut, forever a roastie slut.
sure fugly
trial of the steroids
eh more or less, i see it from your point of view. rather i see that as a double negative but youre getting beside the point.
do you have a dictionary on hand? better yet use google retard
he tolerated it by getting back together
she was also constantly bitchy
>double negative
>nobody is the boss of me
Where the fuck do you see a double negative in that? user you need to stop and pick up a grammar book
They got back together 10 years later and it wasn’t same relationship.
they only have a "relationship" because they are cursed.
>noone is the boss, noone can force me
kinda the same thing added on to each other isnt that a double negative? back to special ed for me i guess.
Can't wait to watch that train wreck.
A double negative is like saying no nobodies will help you save your retarded ass in this. i.e. a negative verb followed by a negative noun is a common example.
His hands looks so short what the hell