Post your rosters

Post your rosters

Reterning Veterans:

1st Party:
Sly Cooper
Sir Daniel
Nathan Drake
Sweet Tooth
Colonel Radec
Cole MacGrath + Evil Cole*
Emmett Graves
Princess Plump (Fat Princess)

3rd Party:
Isaac Clarke


1st Party:
Specter (Ape Escape)
Alundra (The Adventures of Alundra)
Darc (Arc the Lad)
The Good Hunter (Bloodborne)
Toan (Dark Cloud)
The Slayer of Demons (Demon's Souls)
Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Delsin Rowe + Evil Delsin (Infamous)*
Baron Praxis (Jak and Daxter)
Robbit (Jumping Flash)
Lucas Kellen (Killzone)
Maya "Echo" Visari (Killzone) (Colonel Radec Echo)**
Knack (Knack)
Vahn (Legend of Legaia)
Kutaro (Puppeteer)
Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet and Clank)
Chimera Hybrid (Resistance)
Nathan Hale (Resistance)
Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
Carmelita Fox (Sly Cooper)
Joel (The Last of Us)
Ellie (The Last of Us)
Dart Feld (The Legend of Dragoon)
Rose (The Legend of Dragoon)
Tomba (Tomba)
Doll Face (Twisted Metal)
Rudy (Wild Arms)

3rd Party:
Crash (Crash Bandicoot)
Dr. Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
Dante (Devil May Cry)*classic
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
Old Snake (Metal Gear)
Spyro the Dragon (Spyro)
Ripto (Spyro)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

* Evil Cole and Evil Delsin both share a slot with their Good counterparts, you select which one you want to play as on the selection screen

**Maya has relatively the same moveset with some animation differences, and she is faster

***Kratos has 2 movesets, a moveset with the Blades of Chaos and a new moveset with the Leviathan Axe

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cut: Donte, Big Daddy, Ecoli,
Add: REAL Dante, Klonona, SMT/Persona rep, Dragons Crown rep, Nep, Kiryu, og Lara, Resident Evil rep, SE rep, Crash, Spyro, Snake, Doomguy, Lammy, Carmelita, Raven, Jimmy/Kei/Yumi/Jake/Natalie, Jak/Ratchet reps
Change: Spike's design, Sly's art style, Parappa's art style

Give Sweet Tooth the design from Head On or even something unique
Give Parappa characters the ability to either be full 3D or fully flat
Give Sackboy the ability to mimick other characters with costumes

What will the general public's reaction be if this game gets made?

If it's good, porn

Why Baron Praxis? I don't think he really lends off much of a moveset aside from "big angry man in techno armor". It'd work better if we got Ashelin Praxis, a character who actually fought alongside some battles with Jak and has a moveset.

Also if Nefarious gets in, then you can't leave out Captain Qwark. With Kat returning, give her an echo fighter of Raven. And let Chop Chop Master Onion be a fighter

probably the same
"wahh smash clone blahh"
"its not exactly like smash blahhh bad game"

Yumi as a clone of Spike

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What about stages?

In my other list I have her down, along with other 3rd characters from series, this list was just a shortened version
But Praxis has alot they could work with, various Krimzon Guard weaponry, and he always has a sword with him, that he never used until towards the end. So he fills the role of a villain rep, and he could have a creative moveset that can differ from Jak's

Honestly, to hell with all-stars, they should just bring smash to PS4 and xbox.

>Also if Nefarious gets in, then you can't leave out Captain Qwark. With Kat returning, give her an echo fighter of Raven. And let Chop Chop Master Onion be a fighter

all these I have on my longer list, with those exact reasons
also have Lammy as a 3rd-ish Parappa rep

like I went a litle crazy with this stuff.
I made 2 lists, one for Round 2 and a second for a 3rd game, most of the ones not listed for my Round 2 list are in the 3rd game list

she can just be a skin with new voice lines

Hear me out, Hekseville from Gravity Rush, and the twist mash-up would be Electro and Vulture from Spider-Man PS4 flying through and causing havoc everywhere

I will never understand why anyone liked this game. It tried to be smash bros and an actual fighting game and succeeded at neither.

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All stages return

New stages
>in order
Ape Escape - The Lost Valley
Bloodborne - Grand Cathedral
Crash Bandicoot - Cortex's Castle
Crash Bandicoot - Gladiator Arena
Demon's Souls - Boletaria Palace
Fat Princess - Black Forest
God of War - City of Rhodes
God of War - Lake of Nine
Gravity Rush - Hekseville
Horizon Zero Dawn - Meridian
Infamous - New Marais
Infamous - Seattle
Jak and Daxter - Haven City
Jak and Daxter - Percurser Temple
Killzone - Vekta City
Medievil - The Museum
Ratchet and Clank - The Great Clock
Ratchet and Clank - Nefarious Space Station
Resistance - New York
Rogue Galaxy- Zerard
Spyro the Dragon - The Dragon Worlds
Spyro the Dragon - Winter Tundra
Tearaway - Sogport
The Legend of Dragoon - Bale
The Order - London
Tomba - Village of All Beginnings
Twisted Metal - Carnival of Carnage
Uncharted - Shambhala
Uncharted - Atlantis of the Sands
Uncharted - Statues of Ganesha

forgot pic

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Jumping Flash too and also Wild Arms and Vib Ribbon fuck

I wanted to include Vib Ribbon, but I cant possibly see how they would make a moveset for her. She could work better as a stage hazard I think

A lot of Smash characters had low movesent potential until they went creative
It can come to how the moveset fits into the series' personality and spirit however

What about Patapon?

I just want it to play the same but refined, and have Alundra, Ellen or Keats, and Toan, Max, Monica or Jaster, and William-sama.

what about minigames

and Justin, Feena or Ryudo.

who was at the top of the tier list in the original PSASBR?

Dream roster. Max 3 guest (third party) characters per gen, and only one rep per third party franchise, lets imagine sony got crash and spyro in the game in the crash trilogy timed exclusivity deal, so those dont count

Sir Daniel Fortesque
The apes
Parappa the rapper
Sweet Tooth
mitsubishi lancer evolution 3 GSR 1995

Cloud Strife
Lara Croft
Leon S kennedy

Jak and Daxter
Adult Jak
Ratchet and Clank
Doctor Nefarious
Sly Cooper
Carmelita Fox
Rau Utu
Gabriel Logan


Ps3 and Psp
Nathan Drake
Joel and Ellie
Cole Mcgrath
Colonel Radec
Saint Astraea and Garl Vinland
The Patapon

Ezio Auditore
Old Snake
Knight Artorias

Old Kratos
The Good Hunter
Ludwig, the Holy Blade
Adult Ellie
Chloe and Nadine
Delsin Rowe
Sam Porter

Geralt of Rivia
Dutch Van der Linde

Special edition exclusive DLC characters
Cristiano Ronaldo Fifa Ultimate team card

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Make it happen

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Playstation Allstars: Title Fight

All characters return

1st Party:
Captain Blasto (Blasto)
Sam Porter (Death Stranding)
Ellen (Folklore)
Raven (Gravity Rush)
Ashelin Praxis (Jak and Daxter)
Jeane d'Arc (Jeane d'Arc)
Kulche (Locoroco)
Princess Kiya (Medievil)
Master Onion (Parappa the Rapper)
Patapon (Patapon)
Captain Qwark (Ratchet and Clank)
Jaster Rogue (Rogue Galaxy)
Murray (Sly Cooper)
Sorcerer/Sorceress (Soul Sacrifice)
Sir Galahad (The Order)
Lammy (Um Jammer Lammy/Parappa the Rapper)
Leonard (White Knight Chronicles)

3rd Party:
Croc (Croc)
Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy)
Gex (Gex)
Raziel (Blood Omen/Soul Reaver)
Abe (Oddworld)
Aya Brea (Parasite Eve)
Rayman (Rayman)
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)

>mitsubishi lancer evolution 1995
>cristiano ronaldo fifa card

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>this entire post
literally WHOMST'D

>this entire post

literally a retard

I'm torn between wanting Blasto in and respecting Phil Hartman

I believe it went

Good Cole
Nathan Drake
Sly Cooper
Evil Cole

Fat Princess
Sir Daniel
Sweet Tooth
Emmett Graves
Isaac Clarke

Colonel Radec
Sack Boy
Big Daddy

He was good, but I think patrick warburton could do the character and phil justice

Fuck yes, my nigga. Haseo would also be cool too.

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I'd prefer Elk or Endrance

It depended a bit on game mode but best were Kat, Kratos, and Drake with the worst being Sir Dan, Radec and Spike.

Sir Dan got bumped up to mid tier after the last buff he was given
Zeus was worse

10 per console (5 for PSP, 5 for Vita)

I tried my best but I had to make some cuts to stick to the 10 limit. Only Sony own characters. That means no third parties like Snake, Lara or Cloud. Additionally, I didn't do PS4, because I don't care.

01) Vib Ribbon
02) Heat (Bust a Groove)
03) Parappa
04) Spike
05) Sir Dan
06) Gabe Logan
07) Robbit
08) Arc
09) Dart
10) Ratchet and Clank
11) Jak and Daxter
12) Sly Cooper
13) Kratos
14) Toan
15) Jaster
16) Wanderer
17) Captain Qwark
18) Carmelita
19) Rau Utu
20) Cole McGrath
21) Drake
22) Sully
23) Kutaro
24) Nariko
25) Toby/Kari (Kung Fu Rider)
26) Ellen and Keats
27) Fat Princess Minions (NOT Fat Princess)
28) Colonel Radec
29) Chimera Grunt
30) Slayer of Demons
31) Uberhero
32) LocoRoco
33) Jeanne
34) Talk Man
35) Pursuit Force Cop
36) Kat
37) Iota
38) Soul Sacrifice Rep
39) Criminal (Freedom Wars)
40) Destiny of Spirits rep

I had little experience fighting Zeus but I never saw anything from him that made him look that bad. Meanwhile Sir Dan's buffs while nice never really gave him enough to fix his issues, and his grab range was still stubby as hell regardless so it only helped so much.

Elk would probably be a bitch to fight and a pain to make up moves for. I can already see Elk players running away while hitting me with long range attacks and taunting me as they do it. Endurance would be better.

Why do you dumb FAGGOTS keep making these threads. This game won't happen, Killian went on to make other garbage stop making these.

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what would Elk's taunts be

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Zeus was just so slow for all his attacks they he was easily bodied by most of the cast

Sir Daniel's grab game was weak, but that didnt matter, his lvl 2 super got a crazy confirm and basically if he got you against a wall, you were dead

He does something cute with his staff.

the wall confirm also made his lvl 1 stupid easy to land

like shoving it up Mia's pussy?

>There's a tier list for this game
Did people actually enjoy this beyond concept? This game looks terribly sluggish.

Why yes, that exactly what I had in mind.

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I want to play as him.

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>Nero (DMC5)
>NuCloud (FF7R)
Swordsmen with big swords

>Joel and Ellie (TLoU)
>Kratos and Atreus (GoW)
Father/child dynamics

>Tifa Lockhart (FF7R)
>Gene (God Hand)

>Pyramid Head (SH2)
>Subject Delta (BS2)
Big scary helmets

>Aloy (H:ZD)
>NuLara (TR Reboot)
Bow-wielders also Cory Barlog did some work for TR so she's very likely

>The Hero/Uberhero (Patapon)
>Delsin Rowe (Second Son)

>Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
>Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell)
They both hang upside down? I dunno.

>Did people actually enjoy this beyond concept? This game looks terribly sluggish.
yes people did
the same wasn't sluggish

he makes that retarded "UHHH" sound after he casts a spell

This. Would probably make me laugh more than anger though.

He was big and slow sure but he also had armour and huge damage on pretty much every button along with some actual ranged options and ok supers, so I figured all that should at least carry him to mid.
Getting a throw confirm was all well and good but as you say his grab game really sucks and it leaves him really unsafe on top of all his other weaknesses and generally being unsafe unless you do nothing but axe toss, plus just about the entire cast got similar confirms by then.

Everything should be 2D Sprites, like MvC2
Here's the ideal roster
>Sir Daniel Fortesque
>Chris Redfield (Barry Burton and Albert Wesker (human) costumes)
>Solid Snake (Old Snake, Raiden and BiBo costumes)
>Crash Bandicoot
>Harry Mason
>Ratchet & Clank
>Sly Cooper (in his original PS2 style, not that ugly Sly 4 style)
>Pyramid Head
>Dante (the original)
>Nathan Drake
>Kratos (the original)
>Sweet Tooth
>the Tearaway guy
>one of the Resistance ayyyyyyys
>Kiryu Kazuma
>Fat Princess
That's your entire starting roster.
The gameplay should be reworked to get rid of that Ultimate meter, just have it so that people die when they are knocked far off to the side. Keep the ultimate meter if you want, but just find another way to do it.
If it's successful, 2 DLC packs.

>leans up against his staff in a wimpy manner
>pulls out a piece of Aromatic grass and starts chewing it
>Mia appears and she forces him to eat her out
There's a couple good ones

Sir Dan didnt have a grab confirm from what I remember, he had a 1 2 3 lvl 2 confirm and both lvl 1 and 2 were easy confirmed against a wall

One of these is not like the others.

>Everything should be 2D Sprites

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I know, I dont think Aromatic grass even has a model ingame

Surprised Monokuma only appeared once so far

The character models in All Star were fucking ugly. I'd rather have spritework done, it worked in MvC2.
I just don't trust them like I do Nintendo with their models in Smash.

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The last patch gave him them from his upthrow into level 2 or just a sword combo. He could get a lot of really good stage specific shit like that or jump stab/axe into level 1 if they were on a higher platform, but he was too slow to actually force it most of the time so it didn't matter much.

I blame the studio more than anything. 3D Crossover fighters can look fine. See MvC3. Sony just got a backburner studio to develop their "Smash killer."

Im sorry you have such bad taste

Holy fuck. I just realized this game will automatically have a better storymode than Smash because Sony is better at making cutscenes than actual exciting gameplay.

Go play Playstation All Stars again. I have a Platinum for it on the Vita and almost have one on PS3.
I know some shit about how ugly those models were.

Not to mention Sony clearly doesn't care anymore about making actual games or respecting its IPs.

the only one I find ugly is Fat Princess

the rest are fine

oh man what an ugly model...

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I'll only want a sequel if they get Sakurai on board

Reminder that pic related was part of an actual commercial held in Italy where they just stopped random cosplayers in a con dressed like some of the roster characters, asked them to pose for a few seconds each and calling it a day.

Attached: Cosplayer di Sir Dan.gif (360x225, 911K)

What's his name again?

Assblasted Alejandro

Sir Daniel Fortesque
man that was not that hard to remember

The funny thing about this post is that Zeus has a terrible matchup against Sir Dan because Dan has an easy level 1 confirm against Zeus that's guaranteed.

>Sir Daniel's grab game was weak, but that didnt matter
Absolutely not true in doubles. Sir Dan's grabs were practically kill set ups for his partners as they all lasted a ridiculous amount of time. You can pair him up with anyone and he would be an asset to the team.

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this is true, I take back what I said


2v2 should have been the default format for Playstation All-Stars. Team compositions were more interesting than the boring 1v1 plays.

Provided he could hit them, but yeah his throws was extremely good for everyone else, and someone watching his back actually lets him breathe a lot more and utilize his kit.

I've never had a problem with his grabs, especially when used in combination with his Air.F Square or Axe to force a knockback. I'm not sure where you're getting this idea that his grabs are hard ti use but it sure as hell never popped up as an issue during my sessions.

t.Level 999 Dan Main with Platinum on PS3 and Vita

2V2 was the default, there wasnt 1v1 unless it was a custom match

>Nobody including the Demi-fiend
absolutely shit tier tastes here.

Sir Dan's ideal range is at the edge of his sword where he can pressure with his range and freely move back for setups with his axe and other tools. His grab range is way shorter than anything he has so even with the knockbacks going for throws puts him in situations that end up far better for his opponents most of the time and for less payoff if he guesses right. He's still forced to go for grabs often but it's really unsafe
t. same but lolVita

this isnt a meme, I actually do not know who this is?
are you talking about Jersey Devil?

Main character from SMT: nocturne.

oh, the little devil bear thing with the two-face?

I agree that his ideal range shouldn't be right next to a player, but grabs aren't as unsafe as you're claiming it to be. Dan does have safe options, especially with his axe out on return. A blind grab will get you punished no matter who you play as. The way the game's meter denial works, grabs must be part of your kit and playstyle, and thankfully Dan does have ways to make that possible without being exposed. As mentioned earlier, in a duo set up, Dan's grabs are crucial to getting kills without having to bother with reading or confirms.
None of this matters anyways. The "scene" is dead now that online is dead too. I really wish the Super Arcade tournament series was 2v2 because that was a lot more fun to see on a stream. The 1v1 stream was a mistake and no one got to see the fun side sets we had offline.

It's been a while, but wasn't the default a free for all?

This game's 1v1 had nothing on Smash but damn doubles was kino.

I can’t tell if this is bait.

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Free for All was the default, and by default, I meant the tournaments the community were holding. Barely any 2v2 tourneys, strictly 1v1.

No one call CTR a mario kart clone. CTR is good though, I don't think Snoy is capable of making a good platform fighter.

No, him
At the center. (file too large Yea Forums)

OH ok I was thinking of this guy
yeah I guess I thought he looked more like a devil with horns and wings

Attached: Monokuma_Fullbody.png (800x800, 335K)

oh, well yea the tournaments were 1v1

You’re pretty uncreative then, she can change forms and distort things, her ultimate could have been her running through a musical course while the opponents all fail and die.
>Tfw no Coke Zero level

Post Never Evers
>Jack Baker
>Leon Kennedy
>Big Boss
>Borderlands character
>SMT or Persona character like Deifiend or Yu Narukami
>Soulcalibur character like Ivy, Sigfreid/Nightmare or Voldo

I stil remember clearly throwing a guy (with Ratchet) across the whole map into my buddy's Jak lv2, snatching the kill mid air. Shit was cash.

Had no idea this even existed.

When I say that, I'm not specifically saying the grab is unsafe, even though it is. It's that he has to forfeit his positioning to attempt one, and afterwards has to rely on his other tools in a poor situation since most of his buttons are bad up close. Of course they're far better in 2v2 but that's because a whole other person fills in the gaps but a grab itself is a read/confirm. It is a damn shame it's dead now though, all these fake rumours of a sequel don't help but it would be nice to actually get one so they can do it right, as it was far better than expected or assumed.

>porn of Fat Princess

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the aqua teens are 100% never evers in my book

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>Bought a PS2 for Ape Escape 2
>Bought a PS3 for Spike in PSASBR

I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe

Anyway, who Spike here? Fuck tiers, he was so fun.

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Skins never ever

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I mained Spike early on. He was fun but I hated getting kills