The atrocity that has befallen upon us traderbros is no different than the brazilian heist of 750 million USD worth of gold, Gaben MUST and WILL pay for his crime against us

Any traderbros up for filling a class action lawsuit against Valve? We gotta organize and hire a lawyer because this is BULLSHIT and a great injustice towards Valve's most loyal consumers

Attached: 86394a.jpg (1280x688, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Still trying to make a mountain out of TF2 trading.

its literally just pixels
the day that TF2 finally shuts down all of this is gonna be worthless and there's nothing you can do about it


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I don't understand how people can have inventories full of hats without paying a single dime. I think in all my time playing TF2 I must have earned about 2 or 3 hats. Lost most of them crafting them together cause I don't care about them. But still.

If you have this much passion for trading, pick up a real business, not some virtual-toy market.

And just like trading comodities, they dont mean shit until you cash in.

>wojak shit

Attached: Conspiracy_Cap.png (763x1117, 468K)

Correct, only the odds of someone building some universal constructor nanomachine shit that will make gold out of thin air and devalue it are astronomically smaller than odds of f2p game economy crashing. So yeah, it's just pixels and you're an idiot for choosing to invest in pixels out of all possible things in this world to trade in.

Attached: shodanoff.png (500x500, 449K)

It's mostly smart swindling from dumb kids. I built my entire backpack without ever paying a cent. Also should I cash them out right now?

Attached: tf2_items.jpg (289x68, 6K)

Except some fat fuck is in control

So you're saying we should sue america because of the 2007 recession?
No the market fucking sucks and got trashed.
Cope traderfag.

forums backpack tf/topic/72021-boycott-valve/

Except it is just pixels. Unlike gold or diamonds, you can just conjure up another Burning Team Captain. Also this

seethe harder

Gold is has an extremely limited supply and has use in electronics, diamond as well is extremely rare and is the most durable metal we know of.

uh, i'm pretty sure my gold didn't plummet like 2000% in the past few years, buddy.

I ain't going in a thieves' den
bring back salt if you want

>They have value because someone decided they have value
No, they have value because they are scarce. Dirt doesn't suddenly have a value of 10,000 dollars because someone decides that. It has a value because its a rare commodity you fucking ingrate.
Something like Steel can have value because it's hard to make, and doesn't grow naturally which makes it a rare commodity. The rarer you get, the more expensive something is because it takes more human effort to dig it up.

This is literally economics 101, and if you can't hire a lawyer yourself, then your a poorfag who never made it in trading anyways

cope harder, its just pixels and one day the game will shut down and then what?

Diamond&gold have properties that makes them valuable
virtual Hats are worthless shit made under an hour that serves nothing but to fuel a circlejerk.

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Yeah, if you dont play the game anymore.
Valve's fuckup will probably result in a bunch of panic selling which will further drop the prices.

>OP pretending to be outraged over nothing.

OP go get laid.

Diamond is about as rare as copper.

Press D to dab on tradercucks

Attached: 1467308801577.png (352x548, 481K)

Need a hug?

Attached: best ending.png (500x717, 367K)

>diamond as well is extremely rare
Diamonds are probably closer to the hat situation. They're not particularly rare, but their supply regulated to manipulate value.

>diamond as well is extremely rare and is the most durable metal

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Even Bitcoin is useful for transferring wealth across borders and avoiding chargebacks from niggers
TF2 hats aren't useful in any of Bitcoin's usecases

we can make artificial diamonds, what do you think they put on diamond-tipped tools like drills?
the only reason diamonds are expensive is a select group of people manipulate a market to make their shit look valuable, and seethe super hard if anything threatens their value (like the method of making artificial diamonds)
sounds quite similar doesn't it?

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I really despise how heartless and toxic Yea Forums can be, while places like reddit and resetera were quite sympathetic, and i was even gifted gold on the former (Thanks kind stranger, wherever you might be!)
Some of us had our life savings invested into TF2 hats.
Some of us had a guaranteed future.
That money was supposed to pay for my wife's son college, now i can't even afford my next Ades and Emmy's cookies meal

You and the bronies ruined the game
>hurrr but without traders TF2 population would be cut in half
Good then maybe we'll have players who actually care about the game and not just trying to put some get rich quick scam

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demand and supply makes value, it applies to e v e r y t h i n g

I don't even like TF2. Get fucked hatfags

Autistic work of trying to swindle up even the pettiest profit. Sell 1 weapon for 2, buy a tag for for X and resell it for for 10% extra. Maybe trade a hat for other one that is supposedly worth 15% more than previous one. Literally buy low - sell high, but because there is 1000s of pajeets like you it's more like buy low - sell slightly higher. Someone normal would just buy couple of keys and trade them for whatever cosmetics they want. Traders "gain profit" over the months or years of scanning trade websites and playing the market.
I'm just happy that I got my first unusual.

Way too high bait to noise ratio.

pretty good and funny bait, i'll give you a (you) for your effort user

should have bought Bitcoin
>wife's son
lol 3D

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I DID NOT PAY THREE FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS JUST TO LET SOME WORTHLESS GIBUSVISION SCORE A LUCKY KILL ON ME AND USE MY GOD DAMN GOLDEN FRYING PAN. Just when I decided to leave this board and think things would get better for me, no, now this fucking shit happens. Now I'm going to be leaving the game entirely unless someone does the right thing, and makes a server pluggin that completely disables this new feature. This is the biggest fucking loadout of bullshit to ever have been dumped onto TF2. This makes EoTL look like a good update. I think it's safe to say all other gold pan owners, saxxy owners, and gold wrench owners agree with me 100%. IS NOTHING SACRED TO YOU PEOPLE? Suuuuuuuure people only are able to use the imbued weapons until someone kills them or they leave the server BUT EVEN THEN that is PLENTY of time for them to enjoy WHAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE. They didn't save money up for months. They didn't do hundreds of tours in MvM. They didn't make an amazing short film that earned them a saxxy award. They didn't get super fucking lucky and crafted a gold wrench. This is by far the single most unfair, inconsiderate, atrocious, move valve has ever fucking pulled. And it doesn't stop there, anyone who owns anything nice, something you hold dear to your heart. It could be something as simple as a specialized flaregun. Someone could just walk right along, pick it up, and use it against you. YOUR OWN WEAPON. How would you feel after getting blasted with your own pro ks aussie RL? or any other aussie for that matter? YOU'D FEEL LIKE SHIT. Now Imagine the situation I'm in. even if they killed someone else using MY pan, they do NOT deserve that kind of privilege upon scoring a melee kill.

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Based sharkee

god damn this is some ancient pasta

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Shut the fuk up memetard diamond is not a metal

It's almost as if you shouldn't invest in products that can vastly change in value, especially if they're being managed by valve of all people.

FFS, I love TF2 and I'm hoping this doesn't destroy the game, but I'll be damned if this wouldn't be an amazing way to go, devastating the cancerous trader-centric economy in one fell swoop.

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It really is just pixels. Any fag caring or having an unusual is the big gay

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No, because gold and diamond have real world scarcity. Nobody totally controls the supply and production of diamonds and gold, other than the earth. This exact scenario itself is proof to why tf2 trading is fundamentally different from diamonds and gold. You're an idiot.


>buy tem for cash money
>people expoit a mistake made by company
>item worthless
>money stolen
someone is getting sued for this shit for real

> Nobody totally controls the supply and production of diamonds
yeah about that...

Nobody totally controls the supply and production of diamonds.

I legit got into an argument with someone in a hightower server just now.

Poor fool was deluded as hell, thinking the people who unboxed all the unusuals were the losers. As well as being the type of faggot who declares victory if someone get's tired and leaves the argument.

diamonds are hilariously common and we can make perfect artificial ones
but the market (in terms of jewerly) is heavily manipulated to retain their value

lmao you sure, look at de beers or whatever their name is

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>it's just pixels
Isn't every game ever just pixels

Women and jewelers value diamonds for their wide range of industrial and academic applications.

>lmao you sure, look at de beers or whatever their name is
Nobody totally controls the supply and production of diamonds.

Not if they're voxels.

With tf2 trading valve owns everything with no consumer protections.
Real cash and gold have real protections and real people own them just not one company.
Valve has the right to fuck you over. Also the economy was dying anyways since a majority of shit was horded and low tier was dead or sold on community market.
Valve has no obligation to make items they hold worth more or less.

of diamonds as a whole both normal and artificial? sure, i'll give you that
but the jewelry market is stupidly manipulated so that only non-artificial diamonds are seen as the "genuine" ones
and non-artificial ones are controlled by a select few companies to keep the price massively inflated
the diamond industry is a fucking scam

DeBeers own most of the diamonds developed in the world (to sell). They literally cannot come to the US because they've got a monopoly. Just like if you buy sunglasses it ultimately gets back to one company, so does it when you buy a diamond. People want to make money off of rather useless shit all the damn time. Bottled water (unless you live in a shithole where clean running water isn't available ala mexico, possibly canada), diamonds, most holidays, love (or rather romantic shit), etc.

This TF2 hat thing is just Valve making money. Shit, at least with digital games you can get SOME value, and can maybe pirate them again in the future. I've paid for several games multiple times after pirating them for years (SotN, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, etc), and have pirated them again later on. Best hope for hatfags is that they'll clone TF2 hats in a private server, and even then good fucking luck if you only had them because of buying/hoarding/reselling. Should have gotten a real job you homos.

>I really despise how heartless and toxic Yea Forums can be, while places like reddit and resetera were quite sympathetic

You're just point at a random bait shop.

Why does this shit have my laughing like a Hyena?


This conversation might've gone more smoothly if I had just said production. That being said, supply is still true, valve has complete control over your steam inventory, being it can cease to exist should they choose to shut down. Diamonds sold to people are no longer a part of the diamond "monopoly," because they do not cease to exist once used like Standard Oil was with Rockefeller, who had the closest thing to a true monopoly.


Attached: tf2 the unusual day.png (972x1006, 688K)

>Like gold or diamonds
>But gold and diamonds have value
You guys are missing important point here. Hats sell most at 300$, but mostly in .7 - 5 dollars. These are children's pocket moneys. You're not buying your first house or 4th boat with hat peddling. This is an economy run by children, for children.

>artificial rarity of bits == actual physical rarity of minerals and elements
Impressively retarded

>create rare marketable items
>people invest money into them
>a fuck up devalues them
>not any normal market forces, but a mistake not intended
>haha fuck you tough shit

i'm fucking farting on everyone with an unusual, it's like the new gibus but people actually spent money on them.

tradefags suffer and eat shit now we can focus on actually playing the fucking game instead of trading fictional hats

you could always do that if you weren't autistic

>t.spy main that works at valve

u mad

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Yeah I'm fucking mad, Getting mad is what people do. Not getting mad when you get screwed over is what faggots do. Turn the other cheek, laugh it up, no fuck you GET FUCKING MAD YOU NANCY BOY FAGGOT

You're mad over pixels, that makes you pathetic in our eyes.

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>tradefags, scriptkiddies, and sharks mad
Explain why I shouldn't laugh at them derisively without coming off like a turd

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>TF2 shutting down ever
good one m8.

get fucked idiot lmao

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fuck tradefags

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I might be using the wrong term, but basically tradefags that specialize in ripping off retards who just got unusuals and have no clue how the market works

OP has no value so his opinions are worthless.

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So you mean just plain Scammers?

Just like before, unusualfags just wanna show off their pixels rather than playing the game

...pretty much
I don't really have a clue about this shit, I'm just laughing hysterically

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reminder that stranges > unusuals and weapons > cosmetics as both actually have relevance in gameplay and aren't just for vanity

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i need that serious sam kamikaze wojak PLEASE

>its literally just pixels
And gold and diamonds are literally just rocks

Except you can hold those rocks.

I can bash your head in with a rock, I can't with a TF2 hat

Except both have value in other fields other than monetary. Gold is awesome for electrical connections and diamond cuts everything. Your vidya hat? Has no value at all.

To be fair, 99% of people buy gold and diamonds because it's shiny and pretty, not to build electronics and drills with

>those plebs who don't listen to lossless music via cables crafted out of unusuals
>those utter morons who still use diamonds to cut shit when single plasma team captain melts through anything with no effort at all

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>not to build electronics and drills with

>Being THIS dense.

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Pretty sure people buy gold without knowing it (pc/audio components) and some people renovate their own homes, I just recently bought 2 diamond cutter blades so I could cut thick tiles for my new kitchen.

Pretty much all electronic devices have some amount of gold in them, do you really think we make more jewellery than tech stuff?


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highlander player detected

Diamonds aren't rare, there's just hoarded by the big corps to inflate their price. Kinda like the hats really. This would've been the equivalent of a diamond mine suddenly opening in the middle of a shopping mall.

i wonder what they'll do to all the new unusuals after this weekend.

It's like the april fool's day where some boards were joined into one. For one day we had /vbiz/

Anons choose one
>one free unlocked crate for each unusual
>5 usd steam credit for each unusual
>a new hat with a shit effect for each unusual
You have until monday to choose

This man gets it

it'll happen eventually
its inevitable

it'll never happen

i choose the 4th option
>shut down the market forever without an option for cash out

The day Wojack and pepe are banned is the day Yea Forums improves.

Has Valve ever shut down the servers for one of their games? I think even Day of Defeat still has servers up. At most they'll shut down their own servers but still let people use community servers.

Option D: DAB!

>Tradefags getting rekt kek

Hell no. See you all on Ricochet

Sad that some people would rather have their shitty virtual hat investment than have Valve ship actual games again

except gold and diamonds have actual value

*power dabs*

Quick rundown?

I have only heard of it but looking at some footage I never understood the joke. Is it just a bad game or something?


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>people actually take hat trading seriously

Did I miss something?

Because tradeniggers are autistic.

Kinda. It's one of those so bad it was good. It's wonky tron pretty much. Also everyone was promised Ricochet 2 long ago which is the real Half-Life 3.

ez. Autism. Don't you see the sparkly effects those unusuals have?

Attached: dab.gif (1920x1080, 1.27M)


retard decides virtual hat has value
gets angry when the rest of the world tells the retard the virtual hat has no value

Attached: DABBBBBEEDD.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

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I've still got 30 britbucks left from this shitshow. How's Divinity 2?

>triggered autists

Ah okay. Looking at the footage I can actually see the potential in the gameplay. It's just that it looks like the alpha of the game, not a finished product.


Gold and diamonds are actual, physical objects whose rarity is not artificially created, unlike your gay hats

Imagine if these tradefags actually traded in the grownup world instead of videogame hats

"What do you mean the market crashed and now my stocks are worthless??? CAN'T THE GOVERNMENT JUST ROLLBACK???"

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It's a long wind but here I go.

>July 25th, 2019
It's been over a year since any kind of major update, so Valve finally puts out a new cosmetic crate series for the summer. Nothing noteworthy other than a hat for Soldier based off the Ricardo meme made it in.

>July 26th, 2019
Sometime between 11pm and sometime after Midnight, Central Timezone, people discovered, and word got out, that a glitch was in the update, where certain classic Mann Co. crates guaranteed Unusual hat drops. Crate prices went up, people bought crates and keys at frenetic pace, opening up unusual after unusual. Then said unusuals were either quickly traded, or sold for cash, some even using the sudden influx of unusuals to "Cash out" of TF2 by selling their Backpacks, and making decent money out of it.

Meanwhile tradefags, mostly those of the Unusual Trading variety, threw shitfits all over the internet where they could at the sight of their valuable pixels being turned into regular pixels.

In the end the whole chaos lasted for a little over 12 hours! Valve stepped in during the early afternoon, and shut down all trading, until later that evening, where trading was opened, but all "Counterfeit Unusuals" were basically frozen into people's accounts until further notice.

>July 27th-28th, 2019
Right now it's basically just tradefags having a collective seethe and us laughing at them. Some cocky tradefags try to be smug, thinking we'll get banned or have our unusuals taken from us, but they don't understand that we don't care about getting unusuals or money off crates, it was watching the chaos unfold, and watching people who have spend a decade and lots of money in TF2 trading, all shitting their pants crying.

The only thing waiting now, is for Valve to make a final decision about this whole situation, if they do anything at all.

Attached: Pepe reads a paper.jpg (657x527, 40K)

It's a socialist revolution. Wage cucks of the world unite

tradefag here, I'm only annoyed that I wasn't able to unbox for a tf2g event while this was going down.
Quite a lot of scm botters ate shit, and they deserve it.

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they have value because of rarity. the rarity is enforced. diamond cartels are unethical IRL because they're artifically restrict rarity of a real, physical resource, but in virtual goods created in order to be rare it's a different proposition. an error which destroys the rarity should be repaired, by any measure, from any perspective. i doubt any real hardcore traders (which I doubt very many of exist, in TF2, any more) are actually upset by this. they're probably happier for the existing unusuals to hold what value they still have. It's a little sad for all the normies who jumped on the bandwagon just for the sake of getting their first unusual, but the fact that they'll be allowed to keep them is at least something. If Valve really cares they'll make a special craft recipe that takes these particular locked unusuals and gives a key back.


wagie wagie back to slavy

my hats flew under the radar, i can still sell them on the market

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Gold and diamond trading are also cancer.
Econemys should run on goods and services, fuck stockniggers especially with their constant ruining of goods and services in the quest for increasing profits over reliable profits.

They didn't fly under the radar you probably just got a real unusual dipshit.

i renamed them and painted them

Valve should just accept defeat and give everybody one of everything.

*distant autistic tradefag screeching*

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>Valve's fuckup will probably result in a bunch of panic selling which will further drop the prices.

Damn and i thought I did well with only $170

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I choose to keep the unusuals I rightfully obtained

>over 100k new unusuals
holy fucking lmfao

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her you can see the duality of man


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Imagine thinking your exploited hats wont get taken away tomorrow.

Attached: 1564253444087.jpg (700x988, 85K)

god damn what a classic

new pasta?

Good luck ever getting a lawyer to take that class action. I'd like to see you faggots try. If you do I will be reporting the plaintiffs to the IRS and their respective governments for tax evasion on capital gains and holding assets worth more than 5K in foreign accounts and not reporting it.

lmao, fucking seething retard
Gold is an actual physical metal with actual practical purposes, its not only used for jewelry, the thing is the most valuable metal because of its high electricity conductivity, it has also a number of different applications, same could be said about diamonds, even tho they're not as scarse as gold they are the strongest metal we know
they both have way more value than a bunch a 0s and 1s on a computer, hats are literally no different from the gambling textures from CSGO


Are we going to see a repeat of the McSkillet rampage?

Attached: McSkilletFace.jpg (393x543, 26K)

What happens when they let them back on the market, tradie? :)

nice bro. well done.

I can't believe how wrong you can possibly be. But here you are.

>mfw due to some sperg at Valve fucking up I got $15 free dollars out of thin air by selling imaginary boxes

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So you buy gold for personally making your own computer parts?

*dabs on your exploited hats*
*trade bans you*

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source on that? I've heard only around 25k-40k keys were taken out of existance

This but unironically. When you really think about it value and pricing are weird concepts that don't make much sense, especially when you start comparing completely different things.

Personally I don't understand the appeal of spending a thousand hours for a $1000 inventory

I love how every tradefag out there is talking about this like it was Le Hacking. People that got unusuals by unboxing are entitled to have them since that was Valves mistake not an actual exploit. Im just want to see what happens killing the economy of tf2 can eb a good incentive for valve to make a sequel.

This is on purpose because valve is using this to have an excuse for tf3 to exist

>be gone from TF2 and my PC for a week
>This fucking happens
Does it still work though? Valve didn't say they fixed it yet

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95k of those are gen 3 garbage nobody wants.

>Punishing your paying customers
In China maybe

Yeah but everyone it applies to thinks that not reading the terms you agree to means they don't apply to you and that you can kick and scream class action.

and that's a good thing

in your dream sweetie

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>Revoking a rightful and completed purchase because “n-no wait...”

Dumbass we have a new rage face

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Pixels at the end of the day and unlike diamons and gold they can be erased steam if they wished it.

Legal contracts don't care about narcissist zoomer logic.

I'm assuming they already patched the glitch, right?

yeah thats why this "costumer cant sue us regardless of what we do" is against the law you can sue no matter what shitty clause of inmunity they put on their TOS because law ofcourse is over those.

I unboxed unusuals fair and square. That’s the legality

Attached: 079A8BB1-EB15-4003-A110-416D12837198.jpg (225x225, 6K)

I'm pretty sure the market's still down
Ya blew it

>imagine investing in pixels


>I'm pretty sure the market's still down
Yeah, but can people still unbox glitched hats?

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user, you've been infected by SCP 3312,
we suggest you stay where you are, we're sending some help.

Don’t think so, it got shut down after 12 hours

Good luck finding a lawyer to ever take the case.

Here's how it always goes.

>Digital platform does something addicts don't like

>Addicts scream and cry and bleed salt saying X is illegal or that they are justified in being shitters

>Nothing ever happens and the TOS holds strong because a lawyer will only ever take a case like that they know with near 100% certainty is a win and an easy win at that

>Lawyers avoid addicts like the plague because the reality is the case will be thrown out or lost while the plaintiffs are made to pay legal fees

So please do call a lawyer and find out what happens in the real world instead of your self righteous fantasies.

Nah, not anymore.

Diamonds are not metal you ignorant retarded monkey

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Laid it on too thick with the whole "my wife's son" thing

>Nothing ever happens and the TOS holds strong because a lawyer will only ever take a case like that they know with near 100% certainty is a win and an easy win at that

Genuinely the dumbest post ITT

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People think that because a bunch of words are written on a contract that the contract is untouchable by law even if it breaks laws already put in place

Cite examples of it then in US court. Euros get basic protections for 90 days when it comes to purchasing games but nothing in the realm of what you're describing. You cannot and will not cite precedent because it doesn't exist.

They CAN
that doesn't mean they will because even if the terms of service allow it it would still be terrible pr, and people now know that consumer outrage has power after zenimax reneged on the doom drm.

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That consumer outrage would be justified if they decided to refund all the money spent on keys for unboxing

Realistically, what are Valve's likely options for this whole mess? I hope the economy stays dead forever.

Keep the unusuals in and just keep them as they are: untradeable and unmarketable. That’s the SENSIBLE thing to do

How could I hope to argue against something as concrete as "lawyers never take cases they might possibly lose"?

rocks that have limiter supply and are hard to obtain

>tf2 after the f2p patch
you fucks need help

Make them tradable and marketable but give them a special Summer 2019 tag, or a new quality. Then the market that loves dictating hat prices so much can decide what it wants to do while leaving "real" unusuals unaffected.

Attached: 1564269462987.png (560x771, 220K)

This is true, and especially so now that steam actually has real competition in Epic Game Store (not that I'd ever consider going to it, and I can't speak for normies about their commitment to Steam, but for the sake of argument, let's pretend this is true), they have to tread lightly or risk losing thousands of dollars worth of autismbux.

I like this option and the fallout that would ensue

Until asteroid mining becomes a thing. Also artificially created diamonds exist

keep them untradable is most likely, which I don't like since its the most boring option. Either make them tradable and crash the low-tier market (it will not crash the entire economy and actually likely give it a good short term boost), delete them all, or create a new quality of items like csgo contraband and reroll with new effects/remove the unusual effect, which creates a bunch of new unique items to trade, but that requires actual effort from valve so it wont happen

It might be the most boring but it’s the one that keeps a large majority happy

it would still crash the market, even if it has a new quality/tag if people are selling the unusual for 5 dollars no one will buy the legit unusual for 50, its the same thing with duped hats, unless its super high tier people don't care.

Sounds good to me

Well you spelled out your solution to your problem then. Just decide they didn't devalue from what happened.

G-guys did yo- Ha ha did you K-know s-some R- HA ha ho Retard INVESTED WAHA ha HO INVESTED!! on Virtual F-uc ha HA HHA fucking HH-ha hhats MWAHA hA HA ha

Attached: 1462905960139.png (1680x1625, 3.93M)

When it comes to things like class action they don't. Same type of situation with work related injuries. Law is a game of probability and the end game is making money and no one wants to face the potential of wasting time and effort only to wind up footing the defenses bill. It doesn't matter how wronged you feel or if damage was actually done to you unless you can absolutely win the case.

Diamonds are forever.
Your pixels wont exist in 10-20 years when the TF2 servers are taken down.

They’re delusional but they’re not inter dimensional

Saved this for pasta purposes.

Attached: 1563386153618.gif (250x282, 1.99M)

>being this stupid

Unusuals labeled duplicates already go for lower prices, same story here. Or make them something like Contraband-quality in CSGO.

dota2 had a couple of events that tagged items like that ie frozen and auspicious which only affected the price of everything since nobody gives a shit about a tag. Genuine items are worth as much as regular items 99% of the time.

I do support crashing the market so these fuckwads stop playing stocks with hats

I got #14 and I'm worried if I open it, I will get some shit like paint like I did in #15.

Attached: Beter.png (587x433, 222K)

The call that saved Teufort.

Attached: 1564156398382.png (3840x2160, 2.41M)

It was just a 30 second shitpost, please save my actual effort shitposts instead

>It doesn't matter how wronged you feel or if damage was actually done to you unless you can absolutely win the case.
Counterpoint. If Valve was to go through and refund everything regarding the unusuals, the most likely outcome is that everyone gets steam funbucks, store credits, not actual monetary compensation.

It would be a winnable class action on the basis of valve stealing money because of their own internal fuckup

the glitch has been fixed since friday dude

ok now you're retarded

All valve has to do is roll transactions and data back. The banks and payment services they do business with would be more than happy to oblige them in that case. Net result is valve made no money off people exploiting on their platform while pissing off exploiters.

>roll back everything
>disappoint everybody, except a niche minority pocket of traders
>make no money
>make unboxed items some unique new quality
>everyone is excited there's new hats and a way to keep or trade/sell them
>valve makes even more money when they trade/sell them
>niche traders arent upset because now there is something new to barter over, but their old stock retains value

I'm not saying Valve wont make a dumb, boring decision but it doesnt benefit anybody.

>All valve has to do is roll transactions and data back.
That sounds alright until it’s taken into account how many people still bought things without using the exploits. Sure they can rollback the unusuals and all that, but the money has already been used to buy games and other things. To roll that back is impossible without pissing off almost everyone l

>make unboxed items some unique new quality
Why do this? The unusuals are already unable to be marketed or traded

Because when you opened a crate it didnt say "items will be indefinitely untradable and unmarketable." Going back and doing that violates trade laws.

problem with rollback is that a crap ton of unusuals were sold on cash trading sites like marketplacetf, if valve rollsback even legitimate trades from these sites will be undone and will lose thousands of dollars, more than they have already from this.

>Valve lets the exploiters keep their hats because they pumped loads of money into the marketplace and Mann Co Store
>but they roll back any Unusual exchange not done through the Marketplace since they see no profit from exchanges done using Paypal or other third party sites
>Traderfags commit sudoku because they realize that muh EULA applies to them too

I would prefer they make that boring and dumb decision than entertain the ego's and whining of petty plebeians. Honestly the ideal situation is that along with a roll back they also take a hard line against professional traders who have done nothing but be a blight on the market in the first place.

True. The crate also said there was a chance to get unusuals, which people got. Going back on that also violates trade laws

>Diamond&gold have properties that makes them valuable
Only in a modern market do they have any intrinsic properties that denote value beyond being shiny. Any time before 1950 they had value purely based on appearance.

>you can just conjure up another Burning Team Captain
Just like money then. Literally just pixels in your bank account bro

>exploited Unusuals are still functionally Unusuals
>now have a distinction that sets them apart from old Unusuals
>they're a limited quantity and there will never be more of them
>Traderfags blown the fuck out as duped Unusuals become infinitely rarer and more valuable than their """real""" Unusuals
>also no one gets a Cheater's Lament
I unironically hope this happens

Attached: 1564306142319.jpg (660x990, 187K)

>changing the effect of items that people paid cash money for
Not happening. At worst they'll be made untradeable.

Who is that girl

We know Valve is doing SOMETHING, and making them unmarketable is both the path of least resistance and the least likely to stir up legal/financial trouble


The absolute state of the TF2 fanbase

Attached: tf2fags.jpg (500x374, 45K)

Shit's fixed now, user.

lol imagine wasting all of your money on things you will never be able to hold in your hands

What in the hell are you going on about, retard?
We are talking about how companies cant just make arbitrary rules to hide their asses. There are plenty of examples of costumers calling AAA companies for they bullshit suing them and winning.
>B-but m-muh a-a.adicts!
Fucking holy shit fag, Strawmans are not arguments, Moron.

If you make them permanently untradable it's still legally risky. Every hat you unbox is supposed to be sellable and tradable eventually, so singling out these hats people received by doing nothing out of the ordinary will make waves. In fact that presence of a clear cut TF2 "item economy" is all the evidence a lawyer needs to demonstrate Valve knowingly tried to jew you, which is an easy win in court.

Cite examples then, burden of proof is on you.

Addicts is a proper descriptor because it defines and describes the professional sellers and the exploiters all in one neat package.

I made £618 during this whole debacle and I feel vindicated that collecting crates has paid off.

Pepe’s been a member of this site longer than you have, faggot.

I've been sitting wondering just how much I could have made if I didn't get rid of my crates years ago, but at least I got a few vidya out of this whole mess.

>Opened one summer crate
>Got the ricardo hat

Now I literally don't care about anything else. Just going into random matches and seeing all the salt this has produced is more than enough. I'd say it was $2.50 well spent.

Attached: 1551158655813.png (650x650, 10K)

So how are people who invested in trading supposed to "cash out" exactly?
How do you convert your steam wallet funds to real money?


can the heavy wear that or just soldier?

>fellow one case ricardo bro
Traderfags can't handle our big dicks.

Gold and diamonds actually have utility, idiot.

Can you even call it a fanbase anymore?
When all the people that were interested in the game actually left when they introduced crates?

Attached: 1564023287582.jpg (1200x1200, 191K)

Soldier only but Heavy already has a bandana hat you could use instead

>its literally just pixels
I couldn't give less of a fuck about tradefriends, but a good part of our modern economy is just 1s and 0s in some banks server

It's just soldier, sadly.
I honestly wish demo, medic and sniper could wear it.

Aw man. Soldier always gets the cool stuff

Yeah, Heavy's Do-rag is very similar. You could combine it with the Triad Trinket to get the necklace. Don't know what to do about the chin though.

No you fucking retard, you do your research. Im not here to educate your stupid shit nigger ass.
>b-but m-muh a-adicts (insert funny maimai insult)
It literally doesn't retard, pick a fucking dictionary and stop using words you dont understand the meaning off just because the sound nice and inflamatory.
>Inb4 b-but you w-wont j-just spoon feed me so you are w-wrong XDD
Get fucked retard.

Value is still subjective at the end of the day, idiot.

Attached: HONHON.png (324x200, 144K)

Here we have an example of the brainlet /pol/tard who insist everyone but himself prove his wild assumptions while he flings shit everywhere like some lower form of monkey.

You're a perfect example of why addicts is a proper descriptor. Seethe more brainlet.

I mean I would still have fun with the game if they took every cosmetic away


Attached: C1B7BD6D-6CFC-4AF9-ADBF-DC67913940A2.jpg (500x500, 27K)

I had a lot of fun with the game until it went f2p and I was able to solo pub stomp matches with stock loadout spy, medic, and scout.


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Based user exposing newfags

It is different from Gold or diamond due to the fundamental fact that you can't get real money for it. Steam funbux are fundamentally different from legal tender even if they function the same within steam itself.

> buy tem for cash money

Attached: 640469d6cc3f2659654f230e1017e886.png (206x176, 42K)

>I-its /POL/ guys amiraite? XD
And you are the perfect example of a fucking retard moron that cant fucking put an argument together and just stays off topic in a pathetic attempt to hide the fact that he doesn't fucking knows or understand the topic at hand.
>muh pol
>muh adicts
>muh reddit
>muh seethe
>muh dilate
Kill your self normalfag.

This. Situations like these remind me most people are financially illiterate.

Watch out the aspie is about to blow! Take cover!

Attached: 1477061119208.gif (225x249, 1.25M)

thing is, there's only a few of those rocks in the world because the world can only make so many of them within millennia. the only thing that stopped the crate depression from happening sooner was an arbitrary percentage of how often unusuals dropped alongside the fact that most people aren't willing to open crates in the first place. If I had a million monkeys with a million keys and a million crates each, I mean I can't be fucked to do the math but that would inevitably create a large influx of new unusuals because the limitations would be shattered and it just becomes a brute-force waiting game until the market's flooded.

Anything new happen today?

you can literally buy a valve index and sell it on ebay to get real money now

Attached: 1527868461692.gif (258x297, 2M)

Whats that? Normal fag has nothing but "le epic memes"? have a last (you) for the effort you are really trying i guess.

>shit goes haywire
>valve takes OVER 8 HOURS to fix shit
>”ok guise we fixed it”
>”btw we will only take action after the weekend lol”
what the fuck are they doing? not that I care anyway, I already used the money to buy vidya

Attached: FBFEC93B-F852-416C-B377-9B3713D1B679.jpg (773x397, 18K)

actually they're minerals

I think I only spent like 3 dollars on hats because there's plenty that costs a few cents. Other hats I've got from just crafting out of refined metal.

because leaving them marked untradeable is the only thing that's going to happen

They ARE just pixels though. It's like saying those people who bought 100k USD starships for Star Citizen are right to have done that and not idiots.

I imagine they need to go over their options before making a final decision. My money is on them just marking the hats as untradable and nothing more. Shit becomes too complicated for them beyond that.

They can't legally keep them unmarketable & untradeable.

When you bought a key and crate, and opened it, and did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, obeying all of Valve's rules, you were promised a shot at a rare item that will, eventually, have its trade and market restrictions lifted. Even leaving it uncraftable is skirting disaster. If Valve were to keep these items totally isolated with ANY difference from the typical rare crate prizes, it could easily be pointed out, in a court of law, that Valve didn't want you to win as others have in the past. It would be the equivalent of winning a mountain of chips in a casino, but rather than let you cash out they just let you keep 20 thousand otherwise-worthless plastic chips.

Valve is between a rock and a hard place with this fiasco (which is entirely their own fault.) They can offer you an alternative to your unusuals, like trading/crafting them for a new incentive by your own volition, or otherwise keeping the prize you received, but they can't alter or remove the thing after the fact because of their error or because they didn't like you winning so much. There is so much precedent for this relating to casinos that there's simply nothing else they can do without risking a lawsuit. And considering how much money TF2 players already willingly dump into virtual hats you can bet your ass they'd try suing.

>Update on the Unusual situation: All Unusuals from the bugged crates have been marked as non-tradable for the time being. We are evaluating what steps to take with these items and will have another update for you after the weekend.
from their twitter. it could be nothing, but the possibility that tradefags could be shafted even harder, even if it’s a small one, is what puts a smile on my face

Do us all a favour and shut the fuck up

I feel like their best case scenario is leaving it untrade/unmarket but letting you cash in any unusuals like that for any unusual of your choosing. Can't get rid of it outside of outright deletion, and wouldn't affect the actual market since they aren't *really* hurting the amount for sale, but the people that did get them can have whatever they want it to look like at least.

Doubt they'd go that route, and I'm sure it'd still leave a legal hole for them, but it's all I can honestly think of off the top of my head that won't result in a lawsuit one way or the other (outside of just unlocking them; I don't think there's any legal precedent for butthurt tradefags to fall back on in this instance.)

>but the possibility that tradefags could be shafted even harder, even if it’s a small one, is what puts a smile on my face
me too friend

kinda salty I was late to the news and didn't get my own, but it turned out I didn't have any of the special crates anyway so kind of meh

>They can't legally keep them unmarketable & untradeable.

What is the source on this? Does the ToS mention anything about glitches/malfunctions? Casinos have disclaimers preventing wins from malfunctioning/glitched machines from being cashed in, how exactly is this different?

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Demo got pic related which is pretty good

Attached: 1714414364_preview.png (1475x830, 1.11M)

maybe, that was just my guess
Valve really is in a pickle here

You obviously have a disability user. The only thing you can do is make a claim that AAA studios have somehow faced legal repercussions but in no way can cite precedent just like every other salty fag in every single one of these salt mine threads. You do a good job of freaking out and nothing else. The only solution is to look at you and laugh. You're worth nothing else.

i can tell you never worked in a factory before

I could see them making them untradeable but everyone gets a free special event item or something to compensate

This reminds me a lot of that one McDonald's promotion they made fun of on The Simpsons. The idea was you get a voucher with an Olympic event on it, and if America took home the gold, you got a free burger. But then the Soviet Union boycotted the Olympics so America fucking SWEPT and McDonald's was forced to give out thousands, if not millions, of dollars in food for free.

The usefulness of gold as a conductor isn't subjective, idiot.

People will bitch and whine if they get "punished" like that while the sellers (which includes traders btw) walk away with all their profits.
If anything, Valve should just give a middle finger to the 1% who genuinely feel wronged and just honor their deal, like when they accidentially price a game at 99% off in the store.

>Valve takes away all glitched unusuals
>instead gives EVERY player one untradeable unusual of their choice with an effect of their choice
how would you feel

>burden of proof is on you
Valve has literally no way of proving that those who opened the crates or played the market weren't just innocently opening crates or buying Unusuals/selling crates because the prices changed.

Unless they can definitively prove without a doubt that 100% of the people in possession of these new Unusuals knowingly acquired them as a result of knowing about Valve's fuckup, they have literally no case.

Cope harder, tradetranny.

good if I could get a burning TC just to dab on those fags who paid $6000 for it

I would love to see burning team captains’ prices plummet not because everyone is selling one, but because everyone has one. I’d be happy with a pyro unusual to further enrage people who can’t play the game

>no way of proving
Not him, but there's chat logs, but I really doubt they'd fucking bother.

>use Steam monopoly money to acquire virtual pixels
>go to third party site
>use third party sites to exchange pixels for actual cash money via PayPal or Venmo
>Valve doesn't see a dime of it
This is why Valve has exactly no business incentive to take ANY action that would benefit tradecucks in any way, shape, or form.

What's your point? We live in a modern market.

anything that is bad for valve/ people that pay a sinlge penny for a pixel is good for me :)

It's going to be interesting to see their response. I'm not expecting anything groundbreaking to happen but the speculation surrounding this is fun. They're in complete legal limbo at the moment, they're options are so tight.

>cash in my ugly tier-3 unusuals for any effect I want on any hat I want

Can we do this? I want Sunbeams on my Grizzled Veteran badge.

Attached: scooby doo ridicules a PS3 game.png (512x512, 214K)

Honestly im glad they did that

Fuck poorfags

>buy a key, use it on a crate
>receive an unusual

That's it. You did nothing wrong. There was no "exploit" or rule broken. Valve fucked up on their end, you received a fancy reward that you were effectively promised.

Altering that reward after the fact because Valve doesn't like how much you won is illegal.

Well deserved for making me have to filter out your shit ass servers in my search list

>Casinos have disclaimers preventing wins from malfunctioning/glitched machines from being cashed in
that were summarily thrown out in court

It's honestly their own fault, it shows just exactly how little they care about the game.
If it had been CSGO, there would've been a reaction within an hour even in the middle of the night.

I'd imagine they're consulting with their legal counsel over the weekend to figure out how they can minimize financial fallout while still not opening themselves up to any kind of law fuckery, especially with how prevalent lootbox suits are becoming nowadays

anybody got that pic that divides hats into a tier list considering how well fit into the setting of the game?

Imagine actually "investing" in hats.

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>Any traderbros up for filling a class action lawsuit against Valve? We gotta organize and hire a lawyer because this is BULLSHIT and a great injustice towards Valve's most loyal consumers
Lawfag here.

Without wishing to go into detail, you have a very low chance of actually being successful in a class action lawsuit. Don't let me stop you, though.

so is tf2 banned anywhere because of pretty much gambling

>getting gifted Yea Forums gold

Fucking BASED.

one more day till we find out whether this hurts traders or kills traders

Attached: hatholocaust.png (810x323, 33K)

Are anyone else’s unusuals STILL tradable?
Nice one, valve.

Fucking this.
Tradekikes blown the fuck out.

It's not a glitch. Valve changed 1% to 100% by accident and everything from that point functioned exactly as it was supposed to.


>no proof of trade/purchase prior to the date of the hat holocaust
Thought there were fucking sites that kept track of item history.
Anyway, if they refuse to trade those items they're basically locking themselves in an echochamber, and theres still people who will pay for that glitched Burning Team Captain.

>gold and diamond has no functional use to make it more valuable than other things
zoom zoom the fuck outta here

>I can trade in my Terror-Watt Cadavers Cranium for a Dead Presidents White Russian
>I can rename it "WHERE'S THE MONEY, LEBOWSKI?" and perfect my Dude Heavy loadout
I'd be fine with this

I think it's safer to assume he's retard that skipped chemistry than thinking he's poorly referencing a decade old meme.

You can synthesize diamonds in a laboratory that are more perfect than any found in nature.


Attached: frozone.png (570x695, 215K)

You guys haven't heard?
the Unusuals unboxed during the glitch will disappear after 3 days

Attached: grin.gif (800x430, 564K)

I just wish I was at home instead of playing D&D when it all happened. I missed out on cheap unusuals.

Attached: 1495344647376.png (168x184, 67K)

i don't know whether to say seeing this many people get fucked over is amusing or sad

Attached: 1561435181152.png (444x331, 166K)

A much bigger thing to point out - if this goes to court they're betting on a 60 to 80 year old fucking fossil making decisions and interpretations on information it'd take for fucking ever to properly understand.

Valve very likely fears this because they don't want loot boxes beholden to a judge that doesn't own a cell phone.

>but ripped

We'll have lost one unusual, you will have still put 50% of your income into a virtual hat economy that will lose value the moment Valve announces it's shutdown.

50 niggers havent been killed over those though

>The same people spewing "YOU DON'T OWN YOUR ITEMS YOU'RE LICENSING THEM FROM DADDY VALVE" are declaring war on Valve by intentionally manipulating the market to hurt Valve's bottom line
I can't wait to see how this bites them in the ass

>he believes the hoax image

worse, it'll open up the whole lootbox case to the media again, something that Valve is absolutely NOT interested in

7/10, feel like it'd be funnier with a different hat, but overall not bad at all


Attached: Sound economic investment.jpg (720x514, 69K)

It's pretty funny.

uhhh guys?

Attached: uhh.jpg (1330x486, 55K)

>mfw tradefag but also actually like playing the game
>never got lucky enough to get an unusual so nothing bad happened to me

Attached: 52528693_288962261778168_8492133646889648128_n.jpg (720x753, 105K)

>TF2 no longer has any tradable or marketable items in it whatsoever

Now that is a trader holocaust

oh it was a hoax?
that's news to me.

I can't wait to see valve deal with this horse shit they themselves are responsible for

Attached: 1443281537715.jpg (500x440, 103K)

nice b8 m8


Can confirm this is real. Gabe called me up earlier about it.

Top fucking kek, these dellusionals believe this.

>>buy tem for cash money

Attached: Temmie is SHOCKED.png (259x260, 81K)


People said the same about sad panda

panda didnt shut down voluntarily

>didn't care about unusuals or the market before
>still don't care after
>missed the glitch, but didn't have any good crates for free money anyway
I win no matter what

Attached: 1544106300043.png (292x296, 143K)

>still trying with this stale ass bait
Maybe on Reddit, friend

Did you not see the newest update?

Attached: up.png (572x246, 19K)

Savour the booty bamboozlement, user.

Attached: 1554066292881.png (726x606, 103K)

I would marry her if she gave me nursing handjobs in that voice. it's so fucking cute.

ultra seethe


Attached: e.png (497x520, 370K)

>yfw you didn't invest in shitty hats with obnoxious effects

Attached: 1564158894896.jpg (500x500, 25K)

Everything is random chucks of void.


Attached: best worst costume.gif (250x235, 1.47M)

I want this to be SFM'd.

fucking kek

Attached: 1559520027198.gif (540x498, 3.75M)

everything is finite

fucking amazing

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mmmm cunny

Attached: 1555938571473.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)

Reminder whatever Valve does tommorow it will effectively kill off this games tiny playerbase for good or at the very least piss off half of them enough to split up the community

spending $3000 on a virtual weapon skin

Attached: 1490319110478s.jpg (226x249, 6K)

Interesting hat choices...HOWEVER

Attached: blackula.png (475x698, 151K)

>Mention the crate depression anywhere

These dumb fucks.

You are the cancer that ruined gaming.

Attached: cancer.jpg (945x642, 159K)


Attached: loadout (5).png (456x757, 228K)

I'd blame furries more than I'd blame bronies.

Nowhere. This was Valves own fuck-up. It makes zero sense to give out the cheaters lament.

Turn off of the Valve oopsie unusual into unusuals with a new effect, circling burning crates

Attached: 1374031534302.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

these Valve drones and idiots that pay for this shit are mentally ill and retarded

One thing's for sure, it will make a lot of people realize they should cash out before their pixels become worthless.

I'm just fucking happy tf2 is getting attention again, jesus. Feels like Valve were content to just sit on their ass and not give us updates until their money was on the table.

Attached: 1563691118840.jpg (846x960, 50K)

>my rediculously high end pc costs less than a yellow piece of kitchen utensil
Are tf2 traders mentally handicapped?

Attached: cate.png (1260x1964, 1.77M)

SFM animators, you know what to do

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based as fuck

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tradetrannies SEETHING at this absolute truth

Attached: 1557672416689.png (359x390, 138K)

great post, my friend.

Attached: heavys_boyfriend_busts_a_god_damn_groove.gif (400x400, 265K)

I think tf2 trading is 100% dead after tomorrow
>People who have duped hats will have to get compensated if deleted
>The new items given out will be worth a bunch
>Traders will be mad
>Some big traders will cash out
>When cashing out items will be sold cheaper than they are "worth"
>someone will put something like a gold pan for over 1/4 off
>Everything will be worth less
>Once one big traders starts selling even more will since everything is going down in value
>Big crash happens
>Nobody buys unusuals since they are dirt cheap
>Everything is very cheap now
>Everything is done with the steam market since it is so cheap
>Valve wins with having everything on the steam market

>valve takes OVER 8 HOURS to fix shit
last remaining actual game developer working at Valve must have had the day off

Cant wait
Tradecucks ruined everything with their metal farming.

If Valve deletes the hats and they choose to compensate they will just give back the keys idiot

pretty good since it'd be my one shot at getting a sunbeams dome shine

And face a lawsuit for doing that lmao

that was pretty specific my guy


Attached: dindu.gif (431x509, 3.65M)

>because leaving them marked untradeable is the only thing that's going to happen
Why does it matter if they're tradeable? It's a market, markets go up and markets go down and valve makes no money off tradefags trades

would completely kill the economy, fine by me

Green Black Hole Law, or if its only normal effects, than Sunbeams.

That diamond and gold for nearly the entirety of human history have also been worthless shit that did nothing but fuel a circlejerk

Alright lads, let's see your BEST pyro loadouts.

>tradecucks vacate the game
>every cosmetic becomes dirt cheap and readily available
Sounds fantastic

I have a rough idea of how he should look.

Attached: loadout (10).png (1140x757, 166K)

why exactly

>not engineer or sniper

Fuck, copyright detection.

I like the sunbeam and the cards ones

It's not against the law to make an economy implode for publicity instead of making a single new class.

Attached: ra,unisex_tshirt,x925,101010-01c5ca27c6,front-c,217,190,210,230-bg,f8f8f8.lite-1.jpg (210x230, 7K)

>the fucking state of trolling during summer
Holy shit reddit won

>Punk's Pomp
>Fast Learner

>wojakfugee misses the joke entirely
Of course. Of fucking course. Go blend the waffles at midnight.

I haven't been following this but TF2 traders were the most cancerous thing I've seen on Yea Forums in all my time here. Glad they're mad and experiencing /biz/ level agony.

Tradetrannies, how does it feel? Us filthy poorfags are now on the same realm as yours

I've seen way more people saying that traders are mad and falseflagging than I have seen actual tradefags getting mad

Attached: 1537749137404.jpg (1024x756, 45K)

I'd suggest this

Attached: 20190728233418_1.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

Attached: fireman.png (436x614, 224K)

t. seething trade tranny

Most tradefags use reddit, steam forums and backpack(dot)tf forums.
When the glitch was found out there was a shitload of pissed off traders here. A majority of the general is seething


i see one right here

Go check the steam forums

bitch I had nothing but keys and am hoping the market crashes, I'm just saying that you guys are falseflagging a bit too hard

go to backpacktf and see for yourself

Attached: laughing teammates.png (483x533, 128K)

>muh false flags
It's clear you haven't been following the situation until just now, otherwise you'd have seen the LOADS of trader tears that sprung up in the immediate aftermath. Check the Twitter replies to Valve's "we'll have a decision on Monday" tweet, it's literally nothing but

>cheater's lament
it's funny because most of those people will defend themselves by saying they didnt open any crates, but they probably sold a fuckload of them for hundreds of dollars

Nah, I suspect most were too late to get sum

All I can say is I'm glad I quit TF2.

i tried

Attached: loadout.png (648x937, 245K)

When I was younger I actually paid for hats in this game, I probably spent like $10 on fucking hats and nametags, man I was a faggot. Also why is there not even one single vanilla server that I can find

>have a few expensive unusuals that I bought with cash to look good because my immense disposable income allows it
>have never participated in the jewery that is trading
>even if the game servers go down, I will be perfectly content with my hundreds of dollars spent on pixels because that small amount of money is nothing to me
>didn't participate in the glitch because i have the hats i want already with the effects i want and playing the market doesn't interest me
>get to watch traderfags have a melty over their (((investments)))
>get to watch poorfags have a melty over their bugged hats getting restricted
Feels really fucking good to be honest

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former scraptf dev ama

why are you so gay


>miami nights is my favourite unusual effect
>crates break
>crate 61 is broken
>get cotton head
feels good.

>Administrator defeats mercs and achieves ethernal life
>Engie redeems himself, launches her into space and saves the gang
>All the mercs pose for a photo
>Cut to grey-haired Saxton Hale holding a photo album
>"...and truly, they were Team Fortress 2"
>closes the album and looks at 9 people in front of him (we can see only the shadowy silhouettes)
>"Alright, story time's over, ladies, now get to work!"
Notice how Hale says "ladies" so it's vague whether he's just mocking the newbies or if it's an all-female team

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Unban me. I need to use the auto trade duplicated weapon bot

nope sry, not outing myself nor breaching NDA but there's about two people I could be anyway
I'm not, it was just a job, and a pretty good one

Bro the universe is going to end eventually fucking red dwarfs

don't be afraid of geel


Wouldn't that make those pixels more valuable.

Look at how retarded RMT retards are lmao. Hey faggog, several individual lawsuits will do far more to hurt a company. Much more than any class action, but you have no case anyway. Just eat shit and KYS already

>bunch of people saying they should get cheater's lament for not abusing the glitch
Do people really care about getting the halo these days? Back when I played, the halo was such a bottom bin welfare hat that nobody fucking wore it anyways.

... Khonjin?

>"...and truly, they were Team Fortress 2"

bitcoins are just pixels too though

>Team Fortress 3 gets released
>With more of the gameplay TF2 fans love
>It's just a mobile first collectable card game about hats

Post your favourite unusual hauled from the glitched crates. I wanna see some unusuals.

If valve let's me sell the hats I might make around 100 euros. Pretty sure that the prices are going to drop before aug 2 so fuck.

I think the fact that one of them can have it’s entire supply wrecked by a single glitch in a patch says a lot.

he paid me quite well tho

Bitcoins has mining behind it and it is impossible to hack it directly so one bitcoin can never be duped and bitcoin is open sourced

the fact that valve didnt react quicker shows that they don't really give a shit
imagine if it was CSGO, that shit would've been shut down immediately

>Fake money can’t be hacked
The layers on this guy

but its just a pixel, if the internet goes down bitcoins are worth nothing

Not wallets
also it is impossible to kill the blockchain bitcoin uses.
Bitcoin is based on an open system that everything is shown though the blockchain.
People can hack each others accounts but dupes do not exist with crypto.

Lets place our bets on what we think is going to happen


Attached: strongscotsman.png (507x697, 241K)

At most; the bugged hats become untradable. Most likely; nothing.

valve made loadsamoney, poorfags got their unusuals, traders are gay

Safe and Likely
>Valve makes all the exploit Unusuals untradeable/unmarketable
>gives everyone some free goodies as a way of saying sorry/dissuading lawsuits for changing the quality of items people paid money for

Best Case Scenario
>Valve does literally nothing, lets tradecucks burn and crashes third party trade sites with no survivors

Dream Scenario
>same as above, but the massive increase in marketplace sales and players in that 12 hours the exploit was live inspires them to begin updating it regularly again, both to capitalize on renewed interest and maintain security

>Valve deletes all exploited Unusuals, refunds people's real money with Steam funbux, lets crate sellers get away with it I guess, and gives all good good boys a free Cheaters Lament for being just the goodest bestest most loyal boys

I like to go to trade servers and pretend I’m selling rare hats. I offer extremely low prices so the other jew traders on the server scramble and are forced to lower theirs.

Attached: 442A81C8-2574-43E6-BA92-4C089EDCB057.jpg (402x377, 37K)

i only ever wanted two unusuals that i thought looked cool, so i just bought them and that was it
imagine actually, sincerely and unironically grinding tf2 trading for $$$

Top kek

You're doing a good job.

Someone is going to get anally devastated.

gold and diamonds don't have an EULA


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shiny fags on suicide watch


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>not persian persuader

Valve has to keep up the illusion that you can end up rich by spending money on their games, so they will always try to please traders

That Medic one's a beauty

what's the chance of this happening again?

50% is valve

hope so, i wanted sunbeams but got cloud 9

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post them ILLEGAL HATS

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aw man wrong sword

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reminder if you gift wrapped your unusual you can still trade it and it isn't viewed as duped