Why aren't you playing a JRPG with cute girls during the weekend?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG with cute girls during the weekend?

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I feel ill
only have enough energy to shitpost

Because I'm not a cumbrain

Because I prefer stuff with gameplay.

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because they're usually awful
specially the one you posted, dungeon travelers 2, a big piece of shit

>Look these up
>It includes footage from dungeons and battles
Cringe. At least check out the sources of your shitposting before making a fool out of yourself.

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I do play JRPGs but I don't give a shit about the girls

I don't have a vita ;_;

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Playing some CTR and Ace Combat instead. The closest thing to a JRPG I'm playing these days is Sdorica on my phone, which admittedly does have cute girls. Why, do you have any recommendations?

I feel like I've played all the switch JRPGs that are worth playing
I played Xenoblade 2, Ys VIII, Tales of Vesperia, Octopath, Labyrinth of Refrain and Disgaea 5
Any others that are good?

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Finishing up TWEWY right now (excellent game, btw) Have some more JRPGs on my backlog to finish afterwards and I’d like some opinions on what I should get started on next.
>Radiant Historia
>Chrono Trigger
>Tales of the Abyss
>SMT 4
>Devil Survivor 2
>Mother 3

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Any recommendations for a comfy, not so stressful, jrpg that isn't like 80 hours long? After playing Celeste, Hollow Knight and Castlevania CoTM one after another this month I need something to wind down with.

it can be both ass and tits right?

just give it up, he's spamming that shit everywhere

Is there a version of DT2 that isn't on the Vita. PSP doesn't count because it's untranslated

No ero no read


not strictly a jrpg but get shiren the wanderer 5+


couldn't find a copy of FEH:3H in my area

Lads do I play three houses, Etrian odyssey V, or Devil survivor 2 record breaker?

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>not 80 hours
good fucking luck
I can't think of anything unless you go with a retro one like Phantasy Star or something

All of the games you mentioned are really good except maybe Tales of the Abyss, just start with whatever you feel like

>comfy, not so stressful jrpg
Try the Mario RPGs, the N64 Paper Mario is a 10/10 game and some of the DS games are a lot of fun too

>school murder simulator + SRPG
take your pick