>sex and fighting style
>love interest
>favorite unit
>worst unit
>who you recruited from other houses
>how far you are in the story
Also I have 8 hours of playtime but only been through 4 battles, anyone else experiencing this? I'm not complaining since the dialogue is actually a pleasure to read through. First time this year I find a game with good writing.
Other urls found in this thread:
its very persona like
Is there a deadline for MC romances in this game? I'm fairly early on but I don't want to get Chrom'd or whatever equivalent this game has.
You can't even marry anyone before the timeskip so don't worry.
>blue lions
>no one yet cause I suck, close to getting dorothea
>Flayn missing
Oh good, every game seems to change it up and never actually tell you.
>a game with good writing
I don't have the game, and to be clear i don't even think you're lying necessarily.
But for my part, how am I supposed to read that and believe it?
The characters are just fun. Dimitri, the leader of Blue Chads, seems like a generic good guy when you first meet him (and he is), but just some hours later you quickly realize that he is not just the "Generic good guy", he is the ONLY good guy in the entire game, because everyone else is an eccentric asshole playing some archetype (like the lady's man, the guy that wants to be the greatest swordsman, etc). And the game plays all these archetype beautifully, makes for a great cast.
So he's a harem protagonist?
How many chapters is the prologue?
Wait, by "prologue" I meant "pre-timeskip".
Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.
>M Swords and Bow
>Blue Lions
>Dedue and Felix and Annette
>Chapter 4
Oh and working on recruiting Bernadetta
>Male Swordsmaster
>Blue Lions
>Probably Catherine
>No one Blue lions for life
Just finished the kinoest chapter in FE history The post skip battle btwn eagle and lion. I hate Edelgard even more now for letting Bernie die on a hill
>M, Swords.
>Petra and Ferdinand.
>Lysithea; working on Annette and Felix.
>Chapter 6.
This may sound like a noobish question, and it's been a while since I played FE game, but is it normal to receive such poorly stats when leveling up? Only 2 or 3 stats go up per char, that seems... Weird, I guess.
Male, currently Priest.
Blue Chads
Felix and Dedue
No one
Trying to get Leonie I really don't know how this works.
End of Month 7
I'm curious how folks are developing their Byleth. I feel that it's really hard to keep him caught up to even those of your students
>Male spellsword
>Blue Chads
>My boy Dimitri
>Don't really have one, maybe Dedue because mages instantly destroy him but he takes zero damage from physical attacks
>no one yet, planning to recruit Petra and Bernadetta
> saving Flayn
>I really don't know how this works.
You can poach people in two ways
>meet their stat requirements and ask them to join your house.
>get them to B support and they'll ask to join your house.
Doing it through supports sounds way easier.
It is, and just raising their support level to C will lower their stat requirements.
Why is recruiting units from other house's so hard bros?
He's not wrong in the sense that the game isnt as terrible as other jap games with a school setting, but the writing is nothing to write home about.
If you want examples of why people like the writing, just check plebbit and you'll see why. Basically
>yass queen
>not as bad as other games
It's like baby SJW's first nip game where women have actual personality and can fight, unlike western games that write with feminist mindsets and make all women generic garbage
No if you play as FBlyth though he really wants to fuck his teacher.
Funny thing is western SJWs hate 3H. And the devs don't care.
When do I promote people out of Noble/Commoner?
What requirements do I need to meet to poach Beru? Also, how do I even raise specific stats? Game's coming in on Tuesday so fuck it.
as soon as possible
this is not like other games where you max them out before promoting
but try to max their class before promoting, you get a (possibly) useful skill from that
>Start out planning to marry Lysithea
>Oh shit Marianne is cute too
>Oh fuck Flayn joined up too and she's doki doki material
>Male and none yet
>None yet, trying to get to know the girls better
>None yet
>Claude's retainer is a faggot
>None yet, debating a few
>Still super early, haven't had time to play much yet
STR and Bows.
Though the easiest thing to do if you just want specific students is to pump gifts into them and get them to B-Rank which is an auto join during the next instruction session.
>have five activity points now.
>starting to have trouble deciding what to use them on.
>expected Sylvain to be generic ladies man
>he's actually smart as fuck when he isn't being an idiot
>figures out how to perform magic that Annette spent a day trying to figure out in mere seconds
>immediately noticing problems with how the events leading to the Duscur massacre line up and figuring out that it was obviously a set-up
>always thinking of a way to combat crest discrimination
>treating commoners as equals and even Duscurs
You can just gift students at will? I thought there are stricter circumstances to gifting people, like you can only gift them if it was their birthday.
>just got a bunch of teachers
I use them with tea and food for that support, then spend the rest with training
How big and fun are the intermissions in the castle or whatever? What activities are there? Do you actually feel a sense of accomplishment after each battle? Are there dialogue options in conversations? How well
does the game run for you?
male, mercenary
lance guy
im trying to recruit mercedes
a few months in, i just got the glowy sword out of the coffin
this whore gets my juices flowing too.
Does 3H have the Grandmaster class or something equivalent? I absolutely love sword mage infantry.
Yes, you get it after the time skip, it's a Swordmage class.
Birthday is a freebie for 200g, which is nothing. Otherwise you can just gift whenever during the Monastery mode if you have gifts, flowers are the easiest thing since you can grow 10+ of them each time. Lost items are another good source of support points and Bernadetta's lost item is literally always right outside her door so if you see the blue glow outside her door grab it.
Thank god
He's only a ladies man because he pumps and dumps women who wants to use him.
Unironically based as fuck.-
Any class can use any weapon, classes only change stat growth
Now admittedly magic is the one exception. Only a few classes can wield magic, so go for these
The MC can't be Chrom'd but if you're looking to pair anyone else up, it appears to be the first A rank you get with them determines the paired endings
Jesus fucking christ
I actually thought I was special when I entered my birthday and it was the same as Sothis'.
>faggot loves the Black Eagles house
Kek, like pottery. Eagles really are the worst house with shitters like Edelgard and Dorothea.
W-wait, aren't we?
13th April bros...?
>Dorothea's C rank is has you talking to her right after she finished a date with someone else
Who the fuck would romance her
I'm pairing her with Ferdinand
I hope they are consequential and end up hating the house for being literally Hitler despite the lesbians.
I am from Duscur.
Why do you want to hang out with me, don't you know I'm from Duscur?
I am from Duscur, you absolute retard. Why are you still here. Don't you know I'm from Duscur?
That's kinda what I meant though, I'm still early on and I'd prefer a generally even growth between my magic and strength, and my sword and reason growths
That's the lord class early on
And later on spellsword
>that teacher who Naruto ran around campus
>that student who lived in the stables more than their dorm
>that teacher who solicited young men for sex
>that teacher who cosplayed as Char Aznable
>accidentally guessed Bernadetta's favorite tea
>i like sweet thing teehee~!
how hard could it have been? dumb smelly shut-in.
>Also I have 8 hours of playtime but only been through 4 battles, anyone else experiencing this?
Yea, its called shit game design that takes away the focus from strategy maps and delegates it into the anime-academy fetch quest gifting simulator.
>Caring about redditards/Black Eagles
>Male swords
>Blue Chads
>Ether Felix or Ashe
>So far no one
>Flayn just went missing
Quick, who's the best dancing queen for Golden Chads?
Despite being 13% of the population of the kingdom of Faerghus
Can I fuck Shamir?
No, already taken by me.
why did you post worst faggot?
Why can't i marry both Leonie and Shamir?
Is it worth getting the beginner class skills before promoting to intermediate?
>male, swords
>Black Eagles
>love intetest Dorothea since day 1
>fav unit Hubert
>least fav unit Ferdinand
>none so far
>still early, just beat bandits
Even worse, eventually teacher training stops giving professor exp
Felix is my favorite character in the game so far
He does the battle addicted swordsman archetype without being edgy somehow
>How big and fun are the intermissions in the castle or whatever?
They take up a lot of time but theres a fair bit to do and they are mostly optional if you dont like them, you can do extra battles or rank up student's stats instead.
>What activities are there?
In the Monastary? Fishing, Training, Gardening, having tea with characters, doing sidequests for characters, finding lost items while wandering around and figuring out who they belong to, Weapon Tournaments, Cooking, Eating a Meal with other characters, Choir Practice, giving advice.
>Do you actually feel a sense of accomplishment after each battle?
No more or less than usual I guess? It may be a bit on the easy side and some of the tension is drained due to the limited rewind introduced last game, but it still feels nice to beat something you were having trouble with and see your choices with the students have good results.
>Are there dialogue options in conversations?
Yes, the main character only speaks through dialogue options. They dont really do much besides increasing relation with characters if you do a response they like.
>How well does the game run for you?
I've noticed no framerate drops at all, I'm sure there are some, it might be dipping a bit while im sprinting through areas but I honestly cant tell you, far more consistent than BotW at least since I havent exactly noticed any of the drops if they are there.
>Most of Hubert’s supports are him shitting on the other Black Eagles for being lazy and useless
>He’s actually nice to Bernadetta
Lost Felix on first map on hard, am i a shitter anons?
>Start romancing Dmitri with MC
>The self-insert is dead silent in supports and is completely fucking boring
>Every other support he has with actual character girls is way more interesting
Fuck this. I'll leave my MC to masturbate to her Tulpa. I'm hooking Dmitri up with Marianne.
I'll take shipfaggotry over self-insert shit anytime of the day.
Are you literally me?
Raphael is cool as fuck
That's literally the only hard part of the game, aside from your first encounter with a dark beast.
Who should ingrid marry lads
Dudue, who else
Thank you, exactly what I wanted. I'll buy this now.
Dedue, obviously.
>Losing one of the best characters on the first map
Not gonna make it breh
From the merchants in the market at the south end of the monastary.
>this fucking guy shows up in my 10 ten most gifted one day
Fujos, why?
>Male, currently focusing on Bow but only so I can recruit Bernadetta
>Golden Deer
>Leonie or Bernadetta
>No one so far
>Chapter 5
Do I have a time limit for recruiting characters from other houses? I'm not sure what chapter the time skip is
you're fucking joking
im too far in to reset now, ffffffuck
So is this dude the Death Knight?
>Blue Lions aka Chad Lions
>On the fence with Flayn, Anette or Marianne
>None in particular
>Edeldyke (for her autism)
>None so far
>3rd week of school
Felix is so good I'm trying to poach him for the Leicester team
No, he isn’t
>sex and fighting style
Sword and Reason (Battle Mage)
Golden Deer
>love interest
Lysithea or Marianne, letting it be somewhat organic
>favorite unit
Hilda, surprisingly
>worst unit
Raphael, again surprisingly
>who you recruited from other houses
I’m working on all the commoners from the other two (Ashe, Petra, Mercedes, and Dorothea) aside from Dedue since he’s hard for the prince
>how far you are in the story
I’m still in school, wondering when it ends but I’m still so far from recruiting those guys
You're a pussy. I lost Felix at the very end of the tomb mission when the three mage reinforcements caught up to me and I had no rewinds left.
That was like an hour of gameplay and I just manned up and hit the fucking reset button.
Okay, the way he talks to Byleth was making me extremely suspicious, but he might just seem different because I'm in Deer
>>love interest
>Lysithea or Marianne, letting it be somewhat organic
Literally me
However, if I see someone come onto them to strongly before something happens with the MC, I WILL let them get killed before they make a move on either of them
If I've never played fire emblem, should I check this game out?
>Male Merc
>Blue Lions
>aiming for Leonie, but Annette and Bernadette are also interested
>Dedue: Not a fan of the character, but as as unit he's wrecking shit and practically immortal as an Armored Knight(with Mov +1 ring)
>Mercedes: her voice are nails on a chalkboard and she had shit magic growths
>Leonie, Bernadette, Dorothea and Ignatz, not sure who to get next
>Battle of Lion & Eagle
FByleth - Swords
Black Eagles
Dorothea because I cant gay Petra
Castor or whatever that retards name is
Sylvain and Leonie
Post Battle of the Eagle and Lion
look, i said to myself, play this on hard classic and live with whatever happens, im just gonna keep going
You have to protect trade routes in a mission, that gets you two new traders who sell bait, seeds, gifts and tea.
Linhardt is so fucking frail but the RNG has been good to him. Meanwhile Ferdinand is as tough as wet tissue paper. Do I replace them?
So, you're supposed to master the Beginner classes before using Intermediates, yeah?
I don't know what it gets you
>DLC is going to be a completely unrelated story with new characters
Damn. I just wanted to romance Dmitri and Edelgarde together.
In the corner Merchants from the south,east,west, and north will arrive they sell tea and gifts. The calendar tells you when they are around. Amiibo's also give tea.
abilities Myrm give plus 2 speed.
check the Mastery to see if you care enough about the bonus, otherwise just move on.
Didn’t mean to quote. Forgot that my Byleth is male. I replay with female when I want to wiggle into the bed of the prince and another male for my Emperor playthrough.
My byleth is really OP. Most of my students are garbage though
>arrive at Stratholme 2.0
>people getting killed left and right
>"i will save them, i will save them all, that's my duty as a noble"
Absolutely fucking based.
So what’s the significance about choosing a character with high affinity for the goddess tower?
i never head my switch becoming this loud as with this game
its getting extremely hot
anyone else?
>Hilda constantly talks about how she's an awful fighter, not attuned to it whatsoever and is incredibly weak
>Attacks enemies by doing front flips with large axes, desecrating the earth beneath her as she deals 70+ damage with a critical
I feel like no one sells themselves as short as she does.
My Byleth and Edelgard are overleveled and everyone else on my roster is too fragile to be on the front lines.
Jesus Christ, all those left over fishing tournament fishes for Flayn’s favorite fish I caught can’t be given or sold. How do I get rid of them?
not really. Its pretty much the same as it always is here
Sword + Fists + Magic
Going for monk
Joined Blue Lions
Favorite ‘s. Annette. She surprised me
Lead favorite is Ashe + Mercedes. But hopefully they’ll get better.
Looking to get Bernadette and Lysithea to balance out the men...
But I kinda wanna snag Hilda from Claude.
Does anyone know the special conditions to snag Hilda?
>Byleth has great STR/SPD growths and will easily be the first character to start doubling shit for 10/15 damage
>Has a crest that can steal HP for damage tanking
>Minmaxing swords gets you the +hit/avoid skill making you hit and Dodge better
Hilda is for making into a musclegirl and maxing out axes.
>Bernadatte's backstory
>"I've always been shy. I'd spend my time inside when the other kids would go out to play.."
>Wow, I can relate, Bernadette
>"My dad wanted me to be the perfect subservient bride, so he'd tie me to a chair and leave me locked in our home for days on end..."
>Sex and Fighting Style
Male, Swords, probably gonna stick with Hero
Blue Lions
>Love Interest
>Favorite Unit
>Worst Unit
Ingrid. She's probably fine statistically but she doesn't seem as useful as everyone else
>Who you recruited from other houses
>How far you are in the story
Just hit Chapter 14. Burned out just a bit by all the battling, gonna get back to it in a few minutes.
I think every single one of the Blue Lions are great. The other houses don't seem to have as many good characters by comparison. Which route should I go when I finish this one lads? I like Claude better but Black Eagles seems to have the better cast overall.
How the fuck do you sell fish? I caught these golden fucking fish and can't find where to unload.
Do Edelgard and Dimitri get paired up or do I have to find him a GF?
Are there any students I can pair Manuela with?
Why are dimitri and felix so fucking broken
I can't see her using anything else, i'm trying to get her to become a Wyvern Rider
>Lorenz and Sylvain end up being based while Ferdinand undergoes 0 character development
>Do Edelgard and Dimitri get paired up
why is hilda such a thot and the only girl that has panties instead of blacked out upskirt?
Big titty female gorillas are the best.
What level do I need to be to recruit? I’ve been boosting both reason and faith but I still can’t snag Annette(?)
>Male mercenary with swords
>Blue Lions
>I'm thinking Shamir
>Mercedes for utility; shame about her voice
>I'm actually pretty happy with all the Lions so far; haven't had the chance to use my recruits much yet
>Bernadetta and Dorothea (also Shamir and Catherine if you want to count them)
>Mid-month before the battle of Lion and Eagle
Recruitment is ridiculously easy once you learn the trick to it. My next move is to recruit all the other girls.
>planning on making her Axes + Heavy Armor
>but the armor hides her giant tits
>made her Brigand instead
Shit, I guess I'll just pump everything into Axes
Who needs substats?
What month is the timeskip?
It circles a full year to month 3 again before the timeskip.
>Hero is Male Only
For what purpose
Claude and musclechad are the only reason I'm going with the yellows for my second play through.
I'm doing blue chads first, of course.
>Blue Lions
>Aiming for Annette
>Dedue is not only effectively immortal against all non magic attacks but has a punch on par with something out of Fist of the North Star and is so fast that he routinely gets 4x attacks. The only opponent he’s come across that he wasn’t able to completely obliterate on his own was the death knight.
>I actually don’t have any bad units to speak of so far. They all have useful strengths and their weaknesses are made up for by batallions and other squad-mates. If one of them croaks then that synergy might fall apart though.
>Nobody, waiting for them to come to me if they’re interested since the game says that’s possible.
>Just rescued and recruited the dour green manlet’s little sister
Having a blast so far.
>Felix is literally Shadow the Hedgehog with everyone in their supports
>Except for Annette who he softly bullies
Yeah these two are getting paired up.
>Felix is Shadow the Hedgehog
But that's wrong, he is not edgy
>Didn’t mean to quote.
Np. But I will, haha.
I will replay the game (and play with fem) much later, when all DLCs are out.
... There are no lesbians in this game?
What’s the trick??
Anyone managed to beat the Death Knight and get a dark seal? How's the dark bishop class?
You need to raise your support rank to at least B.
A B support can cover for one lacking skill, I am 100% sure. I imagine an A support works even better.
For example:
I recruited Dorothea with a B support and C rank leadership, but subpar charm.
I recruited Bernadetta with a B support and 20+ strength, but only an E+ rank in bows.
The easiest way to do this is to invite the characters you want to meals every time you're in explore mode. It doesn't have to be every single week, but even once a month is fine. You can do as many meals as you have actions, and with two characters per meal, it's pretty efficient.
The remaining actions should be spent on tea parties. These are less efficient, but give you a good boost regardless. Unlike meals, not everyone will want to have a tea party every week, so ask around if you have to. Successful tea parties can also raise your charm stat, which Dorothea wanted you to have.
If you've unlocked the travelling merchants, they sell gifts that you can give. For example, Bernadetta loves teddy bears, Lysithea loves sweets, and everyone loves owl feathers.
Also don't forget the advice box. It's random which character you get, but it's a free action, so it's usually worth it.
Wandering around for lost items is also random, but gives a big boost if you get the right character. Bernadetta's lost items are always right near her room.
You'll want to raise your professor level as high as possible, so make sure to garden every time you're at the monastery, because it's a free action as well.
I just met him for the first time
Absolutely impossible, all units would get one hit killed by him
>But for my part, how am I supposed to read that and believe it?
Actual world-building.
Support conversations that develop the characters and aren't just a pretense for making babies.
Significant choices and route differences so which house you pick isn't just deciding what color your banner is.
And more.
>Please note that the current month will end
Fuck that, It's only the first sunday, you're not gonna Adachi me here
>choose support talk between Dimitri and Felix while expecting cheesy dialogue typical of FE
>that happens
Thanks, didn’t know a support made up for skills. I’ve been slamming the skills hard to get just one person in. I also suck at tea parties since I don’t know what everyone likes only the MILF teacher was truly satisfied.
Can you save scum the pass rates? Every time I've tried to reload and retake it I still fail even at 70%. Is it predetermined on the day?
Is this the true sequel to P3, P4?
Not that P5 garbage.
>mfw I would have been able to pretty safely beat him without that fucking avo square
The guy’s already level 16, that was some absolute cancer map placement.
If it’s like most FEs rng seeding is set 3 actions ahead of time so you’re probably fucked.
What is Authority even used for
>want to farm beasts for materials
>student fucking faggots one-shot everything
Fuck this shit, i am even playing on hard.
Good to know, thanks
Figured. It's fine I guess, my Byleth is just kinda stagnating from focusing on the students way more than myself and now I can't get any advanced classes
>Paralogue: Sword and Shield of Seiros
>Recommended level 13
What the fuck? I did recommended level 15 aux missions when my guys were all level 12 and it was easy, this shit seems impossible even though everyone is level 16. These wyvern riders basically one shot my entire team and I need two archers just to take down one.
You can talk with professors and skilled individuals during exploration to get pretty beefy boosts to certain disciplines. Takes an action though.
Is Caspar shit? On that random online statistic all the other black eagles are in the top 8 but not him
What should I do with Lorenz?
He wants to focus on being a cavalier but in my run so far he's been getting shit STR/DEX boosts so I've been thinking of making him a mage
I've though that too, and might aim for him to be a mounted black mage or whatever
I only have 1 other offensive magic user anyways
Oh, I wasn't aware there was a mounted magic class
Looks like the Dark Knight is the perfect master class for him which requires Lance/Reason/Riding
Not sure, I'm having good luck with him now and he's basically one shotting everything, but early on he was dieing a lot. The statistics might be kinda bogus since you can basically deploy everyone, and I guess if you were going to ditch an Eagle, it would be him.
>already recruited half of the Black Eagles to the Golden CHADS
Get fucked Edelgard
M merc
Golden chads
Marianne or Petra
Chap 10
Cucking Edgelord's team feels so good.
>Black eagles
I just started honestly. This school shit feels like it's going to be a major drag, being pressed for what you can do in free time puts me off
If you want a good challenge play Hard/Classic and don't use the time rewind feature. Also, auto-instruct where possible so you have to make do with the limited options you have. I've been doing this and it's fun as hell.
How much motivation does resting give?
Don't rest, all it's good for is refreshing Sword of the Creator
I haven’t auto instructed, I just assumed it worked toward their goals? Does it just randomly throw them a lesson?
I'm pretty sure a B support is just a free recruit because that's how I got Mercedes despite having single-digit Mag and absolutely no investment in bows.
Who would be the best choice for the dance competition between these:
Dorothea (Mage with a good sword skill rating)
NTR is only satisfying when you have to work for it.
>Male/Hero+Authroity (My Byleth can basically one shot most bosses)
>I really wish I could delete Ignatz
Do I get anything extra for beating it on hard?
I'm about 6 hours in on normal mode and I'm considering restarting. I'm not super familiar with FE but even this feels a little too easy.
A bit more challenge.
But you may as well wait for the patch if you want difficulty.
>>sex and fighting style
Male, melee focusing on swords but I'm using lances a lot to recruit
blue lions
>>love interest
not sure. Shamir and leonie are my top candidates but marianne and dorothea are in the running.
>>favorite unit
Byleth, Dimitri, and Dedue are my heavy hitters. Felix is trailing just behind them but doesn't have the same oppurtunities to shine. Sylvain and Ingrid can't quite hang with them but I've grown to enjoy their quirks. I like just about all my units.
>>worst unit
maybe Ashe as bows don't seem particularly useful so far.
>>who you recruited from other houses
no one yet but i'm def getting leonie for story reasons.
>>how far you are in the story
early. I'm at the assassination plot.
doesnt gardening give tea
What patch are you talking about
Male, swords, really, the game seems to want you to use them so whatever.
Blue lions.
Dimitri because why not, last time I played a girl it was conquest and I hated every moment of it as a character.
Dimitri or Felix.
Working on Lysithea and maybe I'll try luck with Lindhardt.
I'm like 6 hours in, so not too far in.
when do i unlock blacksmith? it feels like its taking forever
>Really, the game seems to want you to use them so whatever
Yeah this really annoys me. Byleth should have just started with an iron axe,sword, and lance and D rank in all 3.
I'm on Chapter 5 (Golden Deer, if that matters) and just got access
>Here bro, a weapon with 20 uses, mediocre MT, and you have to waste an entire day doing nothing to repair 1/4 it's durability this is the power of....noble blood....
Wow they're both so autistic.
I love it.
Is S ranking him with FByleth the equivalent of marrying Jackob to someone that isn't Corrin?
>tfw stopped playing at the part where you decide your allegiance
i just can’t pick between black eagles and blue lions bros...
Ferdinand is a bit faster in exchange for speed. Cavalier fixes this.
You did make him into a Cav, right?
Can you recruite Cathianne absurdly early if you jusut have tea with her all the time or is having X level mandatory?
Also what's even the max level in this game I'm level 12 at chapter 6 this is silly.
Savescum bro.
Just do a second playthrough with the one you didnt pick the first time bro.
I just got the weapon and I'm dumbfolded, is that all there is to it?
Well maybe it can be useful if you only use it when you absolutely need to, but what the fuck was their excuse to not have the weapon be 100% repaired when resting
Could have just made the sword have 5 uses then break, and automatically repair itself after the battle
They take turns being autistic which makes it cuter.
Pre timeskip Dimitri is all out to fuck her and post he becomes Byleth's heroine.
In the marketplace in chapter 5 he asks you to look for a rock that's literally 10 steps away
I just got it too, I'm just laughing my ass off at how pointless it is. I assume it gets a powerup later on.
>retarded questions, one of which can easily be found with Google
checks out
Is there a reason I can't A rank the girls yet?
I don't like to google questions on games because "DID YOU KNOW SHE DIES NO POINT TO RECRUITING HER" or something that's not a spoiler I don't know if it happens but you get it.
Right, because asking here has no chance of that happening
Just make another save file lmao
Depends on how much you like flat out psychopaths who only show remorse once they horribly fuck up.
You can't recruit Catherine pre timeskip, especially because she becomes your enemy and you need to fight and kill her in BE route
I'm at month 5 and haven't seen anyone's support conversations other than Byleth. Is there a place you're supposed to go where you can watch them?
i like that a lot actually.
a question i have: black lions specialize in magic, but can you respec some units to be more tanky and up close? or is their lower hp too fucked to do that?
I never expected this little autistic girl to be so powerful. Like Jesus I just use her as a font line unit with a bow equipped.
You can just steal units from other households
Press X in explore, scroll to Support, watch away.
Do I actually get to romance any of the evil chicks like I did in the previous games? Or is Edelgard my only option?
Holy shit, the absolute state of people new to FE
Open the menu and click fucking Support
Only her.
And romancing her pretty much implies Byleth got a lobotomy in the process.
>flayn doesn't get a new portrait 5 years later
also manuela is now too old to marry right?
Well, she's way too old.
And Manuela can get married and pump out 4-5 babies.
Its because shes a dragon
Just killed the Death Knight in Chapter 6, Lysithea just fucking one shot him when everybody else would die in a full battle with him.
>Male & Brawler
>Chad Lions
>also Mercedes, but all of the Lions have been prettt endearing
>not from other houses, but Cyril
Wanted to Recruit and possibly wife Leonie, but her only defining character trait is that she wants to fuck Byleths Dad
>just got the fancy whip sword
What class did you guys go with for Byleth?
I really felt like he'd make a good mage but apparently MAG is his one sub-par growth. Plus I'm unsure if making him a mage would somehow make him worse with Sword of the Creator.
They clearly wanted him to be a sword user. The only other thing worth going would be unarmed, but that's mostly just because it's stupid broken compared to everything else.
>Male, I'm into gorilla warfare with mages in the back
>Blue Lion
>Marianne or Flayn/Ingrid
>Felix or Dedue
>I'm when you have to search for Flayn
oh shit
well now dunno whether to bang her or not
Normies don't understand the glory of Golden Deer. Don't forget to rescue Bernadetta from her shitty house as soon as you can for glorious 6 range sniping
Does it matter if Gilbert retreats in ch 5? Is there any reward for keeping him alive?
Nah just let hm die
it('s not worth it
>Just rescued and enrolled Flayn
>Go into battle to complete a mission and to try and get some of my aces to level 20 for that sweet new seal
>Leave her and a few other lower level recruits behind for this one
>Suddenly when I attack she’s standing right next to me
>Completely forgot about how the pairing system works in this game so it’s like she just followed me into the battlefield like a lost puppy
>male, juggling between mercenary and thief with swords and bow
>Golden Deer
>Lorenz as a tanky mage
>Bernadetta, Annette, Ingrid, working on Petra and Mercedes
>In the middle of the month after rescuing Flayn, working on paralogues
How does it work?
Golden CHADS
who did you marry?
I'm kinda torn
He’s the ultimate Paladin without a horse. sword, faith, authority.
Non-combatants for a given battle can be “equipped” to combatants for various buffs that work almost the same as as pair-up.
>losing Felix
You’re fucked.
In the nip version he stops beating around the Bush and just tells Blyth that gre wants to fuck her.
And retards think Claude is the chaddest king just because he's flirty when this mountain parades you all around the camp.
Marianne or Lysithea but suddenly Mercedes had a support with me so I guess she’s in the running. I thought I’d hate Petra, assuming she’d be the snarky rogue cunt that every fantasy game has but her foreign naivety is adorable. Might recruit her to romance.
Lysithea or Marianne are the only correct choices.
>he doesn’t know
>Male Mercenary
>Golden Deer
>Trying to recruit bernadetta
>Hide and Seek with Flayn
Which student should I make a dancer?
vros do I go blue or golden? I don't want to join the cuck house
Riperoni paisano.
You might want to start over or you’re in for a rough school year.
>Want to fuck Edelgard
>But don't want Dimitri to die
It's not fair bros
Blue is core plot and drama, gold is lore and that's it.
Don't bother S Supporting Edelgard. Byleth gets cucked.
I love Bernie!!!
If you find the idea of socializing with students and building them up through teaching then absolutely go for it. This has to be one of the best switch games I've played this year.
It's not going anywhere user
I don't think anyone in this thread knows what that word means.
Too late for that she's been trying to kill him from before the game starts.
Hell yeah it’s worth 50.
Best FE in a long time.
>two missions requiring battles.
>first paralogue available.
Shit, what do I do?
>in a long time
echoes isn't that old
I love my queen
What do you mean? Gold has a worse story?
Sometimes, but you would mostly do gardening for flowers
not that guy but i'm playing gold as my first rout eand it's pretty ok
majority is picking black eagles though
The worst out of the three houses, the route is to fill in lore/background stuff because Claude just isn't relevant to the central (Edelgard) conflict.
ok what the the fuck
i was in the monastery and the audio started buzzing but the game was fine but i got spooked so i closed it and it freezed mid-fade of the close software menu except i could still use volume control and the power menu showed up after holding the button down but all the options were grayed out so i held it more and force shut down
what kinda fucking weird-ass shit is that
I was in the dinibg hall btw giving sylvain and bernadetta some lunch
also, handheld mode
>sex and fighting style
Male, and I guess I tend to mix heavy front line with backline
Black Eagles. Liked their characters overall the best.
>love interest
It's gonna be Edelgard. I will be her king and together we will paint the streets in blood.
>favorite unit
Edelgard because 18 strength is retard. I can send her in and she UNGA BUNGAs everyone. Petra is good too.
>worst unit
Probably Caspar which sucks because I actually like him. He just isn't getting the growths he needs.
>who you recruited from other houses
None yet. Looking at Sylvain and Leonie because they will round out my team
>how far you are in the story
Chapter 5. Didn't get to play as much as I wanted to this weekend. Game is fun. I do feel like the character drama would be more interesting with the Blue Lions from conversations with their members. I'd recruit Ashe if I wasn't so desperate for front-line fighters.
I don't play Fire Emblem games, I'm just here for the music. How is the OST?
>I will be her king and together we will paint the streets in blood.
Oh you, you actually think she'll make you her husband and rule with you.
That's cute.
I'm just before that mission, had the same issue with the pegasus knights on lorenz paralogue. Can't the mc of whoever your tank is tank the shits?
Fug, I see. Guess I'll go Blue first then Gold or something. I was leaning gold but I want to see the main conflict
It's literally only good for killing bosses the first one being fought on the next chapter, but most of your team ends up getting a monster killer skill anyways
Pretty dull. For game that only has ~20 maps per campaign it sure reuses the same tracks over and over.
Pretty good
That's 80 maps, you know.
If a map says "rare enemies approaching" do I need to do it right now or will the enemies still be there if I do it next week instead? Deciding between a paralogue and rare enemies.
>Male, mercenary class
>Blue Lions
>cavalier Dimitri
>fucking Ashe
>none because I'm shit at FE
>Just killed the minor lord guy/Ashe's adoptive father
I haven't played FE in years but I'm having a blast
>do a support conversation
>they fight and insult each other
>"Support level increased!"
D*scurs as I like to call them
>all of manuela's supports are about her failing to get dicked
Are all the men of fodlan gay?
She's gross and desperate
She's a thirsty slob user. Yeah they're probably gay.
They probably can't stop thinking of Ash Ketchum when they hear her voice.
I thought she was getting pumped and dumped
She says one of her dates wouldn't go into her room because it was so messy. So she's not even getting pumped
Should have tried luck with Sylvain, he fucks everything that moves and then some more.
Swords or Fists for Felix? I'm torn between them as he starts with skills for both.
even scarecrow trannies
>Blue Chads
>Bernadetta, Marianne, and Hilda
Any recommendations or tips for new players? Grabbing it after work
Sword, his best class works best with it.
Is my Hilda salvageable or should I turn this slut into a dancer?
Seriously, there are units three levels lower than her with better stats in everything.
>Can't A rank lysithea for some reason
>S rank says I have to wait for the end of the war
I-I'm not gonna get NTR'd into banging someone other then lys right?
I went full swords, but either way he just fucks everything in his path
game is fairly easy, play it on hard classic if you want
Blue Lions is your typical FE storyline, i like it.
Theres a dance competition right before the 2nd part, you get it then
That's what I like the most about the game
It's like the nips finally decided to try their hand in character development
Golden deers is closer to the typical storyline, at least nu-FE.
His ability works better with fists since it hits twice as much
Are fist weapons and heavy armor a good combination?
I feel like you won’t be initiating much combat being so slow.
fuck missed it
It's also pretty obvious, but the person you send to the dance competition is the only one to get dancer, so have that figured out. Don't be an idiot like me and send your lord.
Persona 5 is terribly written
I use this on raphael and it's pretty good
use axe when you defend and fist on the offense
lol lazy devs, they actually recycle Robin's down B from smash ultimate. I just noticed that Mercedes can use it in the game.
I personally find it very strong on Dedue since his strength is so high he can get away with the low might of Fist weapons. Plus do to it's weight if find in the early game it pumps his AS up to the point where he can occasionally quadruple slower enemies.
What the fuck actually determines attack speed?
I heard people say strength/weight and others say speed.
It's been varied in previous games, I don't know what they're using here, but that's probably why people are answering differently.
>male swords + magic
>golden deer
>lysithea the one shot wonder
>everyone but linhardt and ferdinand
>part 2 ch 14
My hot take: This game feels like a followup to Echoes more than anything and it's lacking the mechanical depth of Fates. The maps are pretty mediocre too and are constantly reused. So if you liked Echoes, this game is better in almost every way.
>the mechanical depth of Fates
Yeah, birthright and revelations had such amazing mechanical depth, yep.
Hilda is fucking great, she's strong and fairly fast for someone with good axe usage.
Mine is only a few points over yours.
All three routes have the same mechanics you retard.
This game pleases my otome side.
>Otomoestacies get to heal punished Dimitri
>Waifufags get cute insane gorilla empress Edelgard
>Fujos totally btfo
Good times
>Male. Was gonna go Mortal Savant but Enlightened One is pretty good so I might just stick with that.
>Blue Lions
>Dimitri or Dancer Flayn
>Ashe. Every time I think he's finally doing good he just lets me down again.
>Marianne, Dorothea, Caspar, Hilda, Leonie, Lysithea, Ferdiand
>Just got back to the Monastery after the timeskip.
How long did it take you to recruit someone? I'm on ch 5 and haven't gotten anyone yet
Hey, he's well adjusted compared to two of the three other main lords.
fuck you switchfags nintendo shouldve dropped out of the console game a long time ago.
They keep selling shitty, oudated and overpriced hardware and you keep eating it up.
If it werent for you babies eating up whatever they shit out everyone could enjoy this game but now because of your retarded asses people have to buy a shitty plastic box to play a gimped expierence because that shitty plastic box limits how good the game can be.
Good Job ruining videogames for everyone like always retards.
>monk edelgard
How can you tell if a unit has mastered their current class?
On chapter 7 now. Poached Lysithea, Felix, Marianne, and Annette so far. Working on Ingrid now.
I got Marianne around chapter 5 but that was because I was specifically beelining it for her, and everyone else started coming sporadically. It gets a lot easier once you start getting more activity points.
I believe if you go to the reclass option(which is under the item menu for some reason) you can see how many class points they have left. There doesn't seem to be a way to see it in the roster screen which is unfortunate
>go to the library for a quest
>you can read random lore
It's amazing that we went from Fates to this, the world building and lore are great
>fates had no lore
>hell, the world didn't even have a name and there's like six cities total
>also the kids were shit and tacked on
>and most supports were redundant and sucked because everyone had too many
I'm happy they addressed all this.
You mean just insane gorilla empress Edelgard
Eh, she's kinda cute when she's fawning over you in the highschool section, then the timeskip replaces that cute with undickable insanity.
Is there anything stopping me from trying out lost items on random people?
Conquest's story gave me cancer. Revelations made it come back after going into remission.
Revelation's story was cancer, but its maps were straight into stage 4 no cure possible.
Fuck gimmicks I'll gladly take what 3H has over that bullshit.
she's still dickable desu
>mfw I encounter the first dragon
Is there a way to get Dark Seals that doesn't involve waiting for the Death Knight to show up?
Felix seems like he opened up a bit post time skip. All his edge leeched into Dimitri ten times over
Have you seen Tumblr?
They're literally the majority of 3Hs fanbase. The hell are you smoking? They love all the gay shit and the fact that this game is Harry Potter with a literal self insert. There are some that always bite more than they can chew but that's the minority.
Nope, if you give it to the wrong person they just tell you it's not theirs
>Dimitri has hidden potential in riding
>his unique class doesn't use horses
Wish they would let you preview the unique classes so you don't waste time skilling up shit you'll never use. I had A+ in riding on him pre time skip but aside from movement all the riding classes are inferior to high lord.
I really hate that Jeritza isn't a party member
Three houses has a ton of supports too, but they actually got lore and backstory on them instead of random memes
>Playing Blue Lions
>Recruit Dorothea
>Unique paralogue chapter involving her and Ingrid unlocks
>It gives Ingrid a legendary weapon
This is better than I could have imagined.
It's not a waste to level on your hidden potential up to the point when you get the skill
You don't need to recruit Dorothea for the paralogue. I got that same one on Golgen Deer with recruited Ingrid and the only difference is that you get Dorothea temporarily for the quest, but she earns no exp
That's a shame.
>>sex and fighting style
Myleth, swords
Black Eagles
>>love interest
idk yet
>>favorite unit
Edelgard, Hubert and Dorothea
>>worst unit
>>who you recruited from other houses
>>how far you are in the story
just defeated Sylvain's bro.
How have you all chosen your wives? I fapped to the r34 of each girl and made my decision based on that
Also, Bernie said that eating at night is bad for you. Is that true?
so fucking sick of seeing all this weebshit on my fucking board fuck off
anyone know how many hours a normal playthrough takes?
Dont talk shit about based Ferdinand he's my MVP at this point.
Around 60 for one "route".
I checked the height of the girls from every house and chose the smallest one.
nice, that's lengthy
the RNG gods fucked my Ferdinand.
>Is that true?
it's unhealthy because then you'd be sleeping with a full stomach and as a result you turn into a massive fucking land whale.
soccer mom science
Her mom is the only good person in her house, I'll believe her
Just bought this on switch. Havent played a fire emblem game since which ever one had Seth in it. Which house should I pick?
you cant fuck the crazy out of her
why does she need to chimp out and why did I do this to myself?
Any house that doesn't have Edelgard
No but really which house do I pick? Does it matter much?
Just pick whichever you want. In terms of story quality it goes Blue > Black > Gold but you may like the characters from one house more than another. You'll probably end up doing multiple playthroughs anyway for the other routes.
My negro
>MByleth and still on first class, leaning towards a swordsman, hoping the Memedons are good here
>Blue Lions
>Hoping Annette
>Fuck Ashe
>No-one yet, want to get Bernadette and Lysithea
>Like 2 hours, just done the battle between 3 houses and before fighting the first bandits
Yes, routes are completely different after the branching. Only objective thing is that Edel is a bitch
>Felix supports show that Dimitri is already an absolute madman
>Lorenz has supports that explain relations between different Lords of the Leicester alliance
N e a t
I never replay games. Just once and thats it. Why is Blue better than the other two?
Can I do random battles to level up? Haven't played a Fire Emblem in like 10 years
If they pretend everything's gay, of course they can enjoy shit that mocks their faggotry.
Best end
Why is it so weeb compared to the old Fire Emblem games? Too much talking and not enough fitein
Just the story tone and stuff, its basically 3-4 games in one game, so you have multiple completely different stories, and Blue just sorta edges the other ones out in terms of story quality.
you mean bad end
Male / Brigand
Golden Deers
Caspar and the hat bitch
Saved the students from the "demonic beasts"
Holy shit Claude is the absolute best. Going to do Blue Bros next probably. But man. Claude's little dumb autistic rant about a God who exists outside of borders really made me like him a lot as a character.
The characters in this game feel a lot more grounded than any FE, and a lot retards uninformed about GD say Claude's a snake and a schemer but he's actually just a cautious guy trying to do the best for everyone's sake. Truly the biggest and bestest bro.
There are ways of infinitely grinding in normal difficulty but it is not possible in Hard mode.
>golden deers
you are kind of based dude
Claude is just trying to be Odysseus.
I'm still not clear on supports. I've A ranked multiple people with byleth, and they have gotten A ranks with other characters. How does the ending work out?
Supposedly raising your support level reduces the stat requirements.
So if I'm only going to play the game once you say I should pick blue?
I want nothing more than for Ingrid to cuck Ashe with Dedue's BBC
I'll be playing on normal mode. Is it easy to grind?
I think it's pretty problematic that a teacher is able to romance students in this game. It's not even about the age differences, it's about the authority, it almost feels like grooming. I think I'm gonna skip this one fellas.
There's basically maps you can do an infinite number of times, so you just do those on repeat until you're however overleveled you want to be. Not that you will need it since Normal is pretty damn easy to begin with.
yes, blue is canon route. red is shit and yellow feels more like a gaiden.
I just did her C rank and she sperged out at the end and ran away.
Are you talking about Bernadette?
Her father was overly stern but that's about it. He was stern because he worried about Bernie's future.
Is there really that big of a difference? How different could it possibly be? I assume the main bad guys are the exact same?
Lorenz is my favorite character I thought would be just a dick and he is a lore encyclopedia
I'm around 12 hours in and barely anyone has supported each other, Byleth meanwhile has at least c or b rank with almost everyone. do I seriously have to pair people off for lunch or group activities constantly just to do this?
Give ME sex AND fighting style user! Give ME house WITH Catherine! My love interest IS Catherine! My favorite unit IS Catherine! I do NOT have worst unit user! I will ALWAYS recruit Catherine! I do NOT play this game user! Give ME cute knight wife! Give ME strong Catherine wife!
Most of the love interests are already 18 yo when you start teaching them. Only the fertile as fuck loli characters are below that I think
You're only 12 hours in, I havent been trying at all and everyone is at rank B now 20 hours in. But my Byleth doesnt really have a very high rank with anyone. What are you doing during your free days?
embrace the madness user
>Is there really that big of a difference?
> I assume the main bad guys are the exact same?
The shell of the game is the same, but the tone and route you follow for the story is totally different.
I get the impression this game is more focused on waifu shit instead of fighting. Am I wrong?
I like and agree with this post
Hmm fair enough then. I'll pick blue.
It's about 50/50 but the waifu shit and world building is better than the previous games so I'm giving it a pass
It DOES have CUTE wifes LIKE Catherine user! It IS a GOOD game WITH many CUTE wifes user! You SHOULD play Fire Emblem Three Houses! (You should! You should!)
Catherine is pathetically larping as a man and you must be a sissy and closet homo. Masculine men want to protect submissive, feminine girls like Bernie or Annette.
Its focused more on customization than either of those. Its far less waifu focused than Awakening or Fates. But you'll spend a lot of time outside of battles working towards improving student motivation so you can train their stats more and stuff.
Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! Is YOUR wife Catherine too user! You DO have GOOD taste IN wifes!
If you played fates is pretty similar, a few more chapters are shared, but this game has lots of dialogue with the core cast of characters for each route.
Stay away from me please.
What! I am male! I am NOT gay user BUT gay IS okay! You need male wife! Here IS a CUTE male wife Linhardt user! You ever need wife you tell me I give you wife IF possible!
Should I bang her or the archer chick?
It's a hard one?
Also isn't catherine much older than you?
Golden Bantz is the best house.
Not really wrong, but its mostly due to the exploration bits and random events in which you visit characters that shoehorn waifu shit down your throat.
>Yurifags get cute insane gorilla empress Edelgard
Yeah, but the sex isn't obnoxious and lots of supports aren't sexual at all and quite endearing. It's an RPG with good character development. Gameplay is competent on hard mode with less rewinds and some actual strategy, the actual fire emblem gameplay is like an inbetween of conquest and awakening, and I say this as someone who isn't a big fan of conquest. It's not insultingly bad though.
The bottom dialogue option in Japanese here has Byleth saying they were planning on sneaking into a girl's room to have discreet sex (aka "yobai").
Catherine is 28, Byleth is ???
Buy a mace, use the combat ability that doubles damage against armor.
Congratulations, Edelgard one-shotted him for you.
They ARE both CUTE user BUT I prefer Catherine! She IS like my BEST wife Valerie FROM Pathfinder Kingmaker! Catherine IS older THAN you user SO she IS mommy wife! I AM wife scholar user I CAN give ALL wife BUT I specialize IN mommy wife! Here IS your archer wife Shamir user! You need MORE wife you tell me I give you MORE wife IF possible!
linhardt isn't even gay. he seems drugged and confused and doesn't understand byleth is going to butt rape him.
I wish the game didn't have lesbo shit and blew fags the fuck out like with the other male S supports. But girl lesbos don't have real agency like guys and japs understand this.
Why does Ingrid hate based Dedue?
I am NOT gay BUT gay IS okay user! If anons need male wifes I CAN give male wifes BUT I specialize IN female wifes TO share WITH anons!
he's a fucking nigger dude and niggers killed her husbando when she was a loli
So, how long until someone makes this with Byleth, Flayn, and Seteth?
Alright what the fuck is this Sothis Paralogue, suddenly there's like a dozen fucking multi-health bar big monsters? How the fuck am I expected to do this? I spammed Gambits to deal with all the other ones I ever had to face and those were just one per mission.
Is sothis playable?
I have like 5 more chapters and she's nowhere to be seen
>brown character
>name him doo doo
wtf japan literally calling him a shitskin
>Male, Fists
>Golden Chads
>None (I've exclusively romanced Anna in nuFE, and she's not in this one)
>Jeralt (he shares the same voice actor with Kenpachi Zaraki's original dub voice actor, he's great)
>Ignatz, but he's getting better
>I'm eyeing Linhardt and maybe Bernadette
>I just got the Sword of the Creator
Wait DLC
how do you unlock paralouges? are they specific to certain routes? i've only done a handful but I only recruited a few characters from other houses. Like how do i get bernies paralouge, assuming she has one.
Do adjuncts give support levels?
Where do you get a two-tonned whetstone?
There should be an item right next to them, you gotta trade that item to the person who wants it, you'll eventually get the whetsone.
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are gray.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away
can someone explain a retard how to equip magic? i supposedly already know heal but cant use it on byleth
Always gonna shine again and
I believe a pot of gold
Waits at every rainbow's end, oh
I believe in roses kissed with dew
Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?
I believe in make believe
Fairy tales and lucky charms and
I believe in promises
Spoken as you cross your heart, oh
I believe in skies forever blue
Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?
You may say I'm a fool
All magic auto equips but you can only use it if the class description says you can.
>Edelgard doesn't finish her sentence
>Dimitri seems like he has a stick up his ass and has had the least amount of characterization in the 30 seconds you've seen the characters
>Claude just wants to shoot the shit and chill
>Hurry up, pick a side asshole
Do I seriously need to pick the course of my playthrough 20 minutes into the game
Just did that one today, and most of my units were actually under leveled for the mission(it said lvl 15 and most of mine were around 12 or 13)
Honestly it only got a little tense near the end when the boss kept gunning after one of my weaker units, based edelgard and bernadetta pulled through with the clutch though
ingrid is forever glens waifu. I'm not doing supports with her because I don't want some support to tell her to move on and accept some marriage.
Yes no
You're gonna lose your soul, tonight
You're gonna lose your soul
You're gonna lose your soul tonight, tonight
You're gonna lose control, tonight
You're gonna lose control
You're gonna lose control tonight, tonight, tonight
If you're talking about right after the tutorial fight then no, your answer there just gives you points with the corresponding person. You don't choose until you get to the school and get a chance to chat with everyone.
Why is Ashe such total dogshit, seriously is there anyone worse than this clown
I watched Clint Stevens play this yesterday and it seems a bit TOO waifu focused. It seems more like a Persona game than a Fire Emblem game.
Female, Mage
Blue Lions
Annette, Mercedes
No one.
About 8-10 hours in. I think I made a lot of mistakes but I plan to play again for the church route anyway.
The game itself is simple but Sylvain is a frustrating unit that I'm considering retiring. I've lost count of how many maps I've completely restarted on account of his death. This play through he just got terrible level-ups and I don't know if I'll ever get the opportunity to fix it with the stat boosters that were available in previous titles.
I didn't use him but got good growths. he's essentially your thief and meant to just open doors and chests
the hardest decision of my life
>claude wants to open the border
after fates i legit didnt expect them to put you agaisnt the other 2 houses in a fight so early on, hell they dont even attack eachother
you don't get it. She is made for me. She reminds me alot of a girl i made in a wafiu generator awhile back. I love her.
I put him in fighter and I think if you want to use him you'd need to continue pumping his strength since he seems to gain speed and dex in absurd quantities. Also he's cute and innate locktouch is a godsend.
>Claude gives his country his ancestors fought for over to Dimitri because he's so self-centered and wants to "find himself"
even more based.
The deadline is the end of the game, Sothis rapes you if you try to go incel mode
>wondering why he's shit
>male, sword
>Blue Lions
>Ingrid but I'm tempted to go with Petra
>Felix by far, he's strong as fuck
>just Petra for now
>beat chapter 4 last night and I'm halfway to the chapter 5 battle
>Professor I plan to overthrow the hierarchical burden that crests and the Church impose upon the people
>And I'll wade through a river of blood to do so
>BTW every single person in my family went insane and died
M-maybe I'll fuck the foreign girl or the gold digging slut instead.
Imagine being a crestlet
Sorry I am a bit new to the game.
So is it actually possible to poach all students from other houses or some are locked? If so, which?
This game's length is insane, I don't understand how people are so far already I'm at chapter 7 and feel like I have hours and hours of gameplay already.
Hilda and the big dark dude are locked
I'd assume Herbert is locked in Black Eagles
Just at point where I have to choose which group to join. How do I know which is best?
Hilda isn't locked. I got her on my Blue Lions playthrough.
Talk to the house leaders, you can see stat sheets and get a description of every student in their house.
>Sothis rapes you if you try to go incel mode
must be locked just for BE then because she keeps telling me that I smell
Hilda doesn't seem locked, but there's some fuckery going on in the background with her that makes her unavailable depending on what you do. Nobody's really sure what that is, though.
That's kind of hot.
>Mercenary for now, but I was a fighter before
>haven't decided yet, maybe Catherine?
>Catherine, but if that's cheating, Hilda
>that twat with the rose and the purple hair. Hate that uppity bastard.
>only Catherine so far
>I think chapter six? I just fought the first monster
I've had the game for a week. Pirates always win. I took my time talking to everyone after every fight and micromanages and just beat dimitri.
The actual chapter count per route is low so If you skip cutscenes/automate post battle stuff each route is like 8 hours.
I mean the plot
is there actually a time limit in this game? callendar in top left of the screen horrifies me
I'm at the month of the battle of the lion and the eagle and so far ive only got shamir, wyvern kid, Catherine, and two other churchfags to join
Should I just give up on getting any other students from other houses?
I'm in BE and I have the option to recruit her when I talk to her but I'm not fucking with Axes to get her.
Does anyone take Felix autism seriously? I like how the game doesn't go full pandering mode and everyone ignores or makes fun of his edge.
You have until March to poach students, but March is cut in half. Keep spamming gift and dinners, borrow units for a month you're planning on doing lots of fights and do you faculty trainings and you'll be good.
I like Felix. He makes a good myrmidon.
>FByleth, plan to make swordmage
>Black Eagles
>I honestly have no idea what to do with Hubert because I already plan to have so many mages that he seems pointless.
>Lysithea and Annette so far. Might want to go for Felix if I will be able to. I also got Shamir
>Just before Battle of The Eagle & Lion
I just did Lorenz paralogue and his relic is fucking insane. Just straight up +2 magic range. Lysithea has a Crest of Gloucester too so she becomes a long range nuke. Can't wait to test this shit out.
>actually like enough characters this time around that i have the bulk of a second roster figured out for my second run
This is honestly a rarity, I'm usually pretty indifferent to most of the characters and I've been playing since PoR.
There's no fail state via time limit but the game is designed so that you are given a limited number of optional encounters per month to advance your troops before the next chapter battle.
>so fast that he routinely gets 4x attacks
lucky bastard. My Dedue is level 9 and only has 8 speed. His physical defense and attack are no joke though
anyone playing magic archer
Is it enough time to poach everyone?
I want to but I just don't go the growth this time around.
>playing Blue Lions
>end up loving every one so much that I don't even want to recruit anyone besides Lys and Flayn which I already have
Why are they so best?
If the character limit on the file stays at 10 I will definitely don't need anyone else besides this team.
I beat him by using Felix's Wrath Strike and Annette's Fire to weaken him, then Dimitri's Knightkneeler with a steel lance to finish him off. Haven't used the seal yet though
>Catherine joins the party 4 levels below everybody in an advanced class she shouldn't even be allowed to have with the highest strength in the group and a unique weapon and A rank swords
How the fuck is this fair?
>male swordmaster
>black eagles
Mainly because I already have a healer, hybrid and black mage. Plus I got her late and underleveled.
>chapter 9
I'm thoroughly enjoying this game.
The fuckery with Hilda is, she can't join Eagles but can Lions
>male with freckles in anime
absolute death sentence, he looks so autistic when he "smiles", permabenched from level 1
On a first playthough probably not cause you have to raise so many stats and only have to many teachers. I only managed to get 7 kids in my playthrough.
Probably on NG+ though.
That mission was a fun time running circles around the wall formation trying to avoid Edel/Dimitri
I have him as an Archer and he is seriously my MVP every time there is a flying enemy present.
I can't give her her lost items so they're taking up space. No clue as to why
not him but when I do my Black Eagles playthrough I'm gonna play as F!Byleth so I can marry Ferdinand and cuck Edelgard
She literally eats food off of the floor.
Shes the tumblr cunt self insert but attractive.
She's for Hanneman.
Oh sorry I'm retarded my head went Blue=Blue ignore me Lions can get her.
How explicitly does Sothis want (You) if you get her at the end?
I might save Byleth's virginity for some divine cunny.
The cutest nuke in the world.
how do i recruit her to blue lions bro
Headpat repeatedly.
He seems edgy on the surface. I like his rational mindset.
I killed him on Hard/Classic
Chip down his HP with units who have soldiers.
Finish him off with MC + Lord
she literally goes on a rant about how in love with you she is
I am still in the beginning of the game, going to check out that noble who betrayed the church.
One question, what the fuck should I be doing with Dorothea? She has been completely useless so far. She is barely doing any damage with Thunder and she is extremely weak. Her healing units next to her is nice, but she can barely do damage and is an easy target.
Harder mode patch. Current hard is basically normal.
So I can't go full MGTOW and the sleepy loli is forced on me if I don't pick anyone?
Sounds gay
Sounds like you got bad luck friendo. If she's that bad just use her as an adjutant until she's level 20 and then make her a Dancer. She's been almost as good as Lysithea for me, though.
You can go mgtow with male S support gilbert.
Can you only set adjutants to Byleth? It never lets me set one for any other units.
She saw how lonely (you) were and wills herself into existence to be with (you)
You have a limited number based on professor level, you can't set more because you already put it on Byleth and at C you only get one.
>You will never eat a meal cooked by Dedue.
Truly horrifying the existance that we share.