"Why aren't you playing my game anymore, user?"

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>tfw unironically miss legion
it was so fucking fun, fuck

i play for the goats

>Take legion
>Instead of improving upon the stuff from Legion, just remove everything in BFA and replace it with fucking shit

What the fuck was Blizzard even thinking

I resubbed for 6 months but I'm overwhelmed by all the shit I need to do to catch up. Trying to get Dark Iron dwarfs and Kul tirans and flying and it's making me very unmotivated to play seeing how much further I have to go.

because of disgusting mutants like you.
i will return when all elves are dead, or at least not in the horde.

I'm not a cumbrain

Because it's shit and I prefer the old and soulful fehum/femnelf models anyway

I would come back if you give me source

because it's fucking shit

Because you took away any semblance of character building the game had. All of the stats are homogenized, talent trees and rotations have been retard proofed, classes don't have special niches to fill anymore and abilities seem to do the same amount of damage/healing, just delivered in a slighter different package.

Just let me choose for my fucking self. Give me agency over my own fucking character apart from cosmetics.

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>it was so fucking fun
what? are you serious? I mean, compared to the pile of shit that was WoD it was alright, but it sure as shit wasn't great

Wow always had the most homogenized character building though. It got worse but it was never great.

because they took away your boobs babe

Well, yeah, but it was at least slightly more interesting than what they have now.

It was but it was in a good way. The masses and myself included want a simple MMO...

In reality though BFA is actually one of the hardest MMO's though because the only fulfilling content is from mythic raiding and very few guilds do that anymore. Old expansions did the game better because you could set your own personal goals because the game had many things to offer.

Old wow was balanced for the masses in a better way and its probably why more people played it :)

Can't fucking wait for classic to come out, partially because thots and goats won't be in it
They ruined their respective factions

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I'd play your game if it looked like that

Because your kind becoming playable ruined it

Wonder if silvermoon had one these elves around

Because I ceased being the target audience considering all the nerfs after the first raid tier in Cata

I like to progress through multiple raid tiers instead of just the latest one. Is that really so much to ask for?

The only people left playing WoW are the most pathetic of losers, ERPing with other fat virgins in Goldshire as futa draenei. Look at /wowg/ these days. It's a fucking disgrace.

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>late WotLK is a literal walk in the park
>Cataclysm begins, purples are actually fucking rare and gearing up for raids actually takes effort
>shit's feeling great
>then the purple piñata daily dungeons start being added
I liked raiding in blues with just a couple crafted purples, not being literally gifted a full purple kit for jacking off to a rehash of Zul'Gurub

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i never played it, only morbid obese americans play that shit.


Blood elf female was a mistake

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Done to equalize the faction numbers, Humans were the mistake that needed fixing.

>Be alliance player.
>Everything in BFA is just another Massive Horde Circle Jerk by Ion and Lore.
>OP is using bewbs to attract players back into the game cause everyone fucking left.

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Saurfang not killing Malfurion pissed me off more than the stupid tree. Who cares about the replacement (formerly corrupted) tree when the original is back in action? At least if Malfurion died thier would be something to be seriously angry about like when Varian died

I already finished it 13 expansions ago.

what's the fucking source

Blood elf female was the greatest thing ever

>no lolis
That's why I've NEVER played with your game.

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There are elven children, the horde literally babysits 1 every single year. Nevermind that most of then are dead thanks to a certain asshole death knight

It's so weird that the new models are so old now that people aren't still angry about how fucking hideous the new models are.

Humans and Draenei in particular look like complete dogshit.

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Cause your design theory seems towards forcing me to spend as much time as possible in your shitty game.
Who seriously finds island expeditions or warfronts fun?
Design the game around FUN instead of protracted chores. I wanna grind as much rep as possible sometimes but NOPE cant do that. Gotta be a good boy and wait for the next emissary or world quest round.
Classed play like SHIT too. Fuck your forced downtime to hell and back.
Im done with this until they fix it.

Jesus Christ only a couple of the new ones are even passable

>cumbrain big boob belf poster
I'm sure you don't actually play it either, erping and doing mount runs isn't playing

>consider coming back to the game when the model upgrade made it live
>mained troll rogue
>see new troll faces
>don't resub

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Its sad when people look to Legion as fun compared to what was before and after it. Though in the grand scheme it was a sub par expansions overall.

Because honestly all I need is a free account and I'll fuck around in the Lion's Pride.

The worst part is people were celebrating the new troll look. Even celebrating the removal of the one "cute" troll face.

No one finds tits that big attractive.

Fuck off homo

serves you right, you subhuman scum! Trolls are never cute! You should count yourselves lucky Blizz didn't go for the WoW alpha designs...

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Fuck off Elf.

I do.

The creator of the OC however is a cuckold/interracial obsessed freak who lashes out at anyone pointing it out.

What's worse is that the animations weren't updated so they still look clunky but now with Disney faces.

BfA just isn't that fun of an expansion. As much fun as I had running around killing monsters as a panda warrior, I just didn't feel like dealing with that level of slog.

Blizz did an exceptionally terrible job masking the grind this time around. Everything is just so obviously a timegated skinner's box and once you see it it's hard to see anything else.

Love this meme. BfA is more of the same garbage you retards are just now realize how fucking awful it all was.

>Reverse search

Today, user was not a faggot.

Post more big blood elf tiddies then.

Never played WoW, you stupid knife ear thot.

As someone who has played WoW since vanilla, I quit a week or so back. While I do genuinely enjoy WoW's gameplay (at least for my class: windwalker monk) and the raiding it has as well as the people I raided with, the systems in place just slowly chip away at players even like myself.

Mechagon/Naz'jatar is just more stuff to do on your daily/weekly grind on top of everything else. I didn't like having to do M+ every week, the bare minimum of 28 world quests every week, and 4 island expeditions as well as daily warfront turnins. There is, quite simply, too much to do - too much you HAVE to do to stay competitive as a mythic raider. This isn't even taking into account the Diablo design philosophy. I hate how ARPGs "reset" every few months for a new league, and while WoW always had new tiers, it wasn't until Legion (although BFA has made it even worse) where you had to go hard as fuck every new season doing dozens of M+, every single AP world quest, and tons of other shit.

I think that more than anything else, WoW would benefit greatly from capped weekly AP gains. Let me choose what content to do, don't force me to do all of it. Random heroics? Mythic dungeons? World quests? PvP? Raiding? Why can't I just stick to one of these and be done with it? I enjoy options, I don't like having to do everything. Another point, and this is a more of a personal issue, but gold is just fucking annoying to make now. I've been spoiled by mission rewards and mythic raid sales over the years - the first now being practically non existant, and the second being cracked down hard on by Blizzard even if they are perfectly legitimate and have no RMT involved. So in order to keep playing the game and paying my sub, I have to do even MORE work. I'm just tired of it.

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>the previous expansion is always better when the next ones comes out with the current one always being shit
Like clockwork

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Pretty sure that mindset started in WotLK not in BC

People did not miss WoD during Legion.

>Horde circlejerk
>Horde has the best ships now, they win over and over in scenarios, they plague Undercity and fuck little boy prince that does nothing and lets Genocide furry and Crazy PMS Lady do whatever they want
>In a single video the whole zandalari ships get utterly devastated by the "genius" of Mekkatorque, he gets to live after being saved by drones, PMS Lady gets to teleport away,alliance steals stuff from the Horde, Rastakhan (which is a fucking retard BTW) dies even with the help of Bwosamdi.


Fuck off, MoP was way better than Cata and everyone thought so at the time.

Not really. Even if I think early Cata was better than MoP in general, MoP was pretty good despite the blatant Chinese pandering. Legion is better than WoD, neither were good but Legion is at least a tier or two above WoD in quality

>log in
>do like 50 mind-numbing world quests so as to not fall behind in necklace ilvl
>feel burnt out
>log out
>log in later in the day
>do some dungeons
>get nothing
>join a heroic raid
>get kicked out after first mechanic wipe because the leader blames low dps and that my spec isn't viable this patch
>try to do some world pvp
>servers shit up and freeze when there's 40 people on screen
>log out
>repeat the next day

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>servers shit up and freeze when there's 40 people on screen
How does that happen in this day and age?

too big

You don't make boatloads of money by actually investing the money you get in better infrastructure, user

>servers shit up and freeze when there's 40 people on screen

WoW has many flaws but this has never once happened to me.

But the old infrastructure could handle that just fine? AV is a thing

>could handle that just fine?
Relatively for the time, it was far from smooth

True but 40v40 didn't actually crash the servers, it just made everybody lag rather badly. Outright crashes seems like a all time low

you're not the game I fell in love with anymore.

>I think that more than anything else, WoW would benefit greatly from capped weekly AP gains
I agree, if the cap is 0 and artifacts are removed. It was a shitty infinite-grind mechanic in Legion (although the cool weapons almost made up for it), and carrying it over into BfA was a terrible idea.

Artifacts were mostly tolerable because COOL WEPON and it also felt like you were working towards something every level.

>Oh man, 2% more frost damage next level and then I unlock a Golden Trait after that! It's gonna be awesome!

>Oh man, 3% stamina and then nothing for 2 weeks until I get 3% more stamina!

Also it's a fucking sick joke that they took artifact traits and legendaries off of us and then replaced talents with them instead of making a new 120 tier with those abilities.

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It’s like the progression from Fallout 3 to 4 where they focused on everything that didn’t work.
I don’t think i even finished one zone in BFA. What a fucking waste

Blood Elf from World of Warcraft.

Pie graph confirms Human X Blood Elf OTP

>Man, I really miss Mists of Pandaria, it was actually good
>Man, I really miss Legion, it was actually good

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There is no point in paying for a WoW subscription when I can join F-list for free.

>1 raid makes it a far playing field.
>meanwhile in patch 8.2's storyline.
>Filled with crap tons of amateur hour writing.
>Clear favoritism for Horde by the writers.
>BuT user ThErE iS No HoRdE CiRcLeJeRk.

>Anyone missing WoD
>Anyone missing Cata
>Anyone missing BFA

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Your tits are fat, but your game is not.

i want a human gf so badly

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>want to pvp as arms just to switch it up from fury
>will be underpowered compared to just staying fury
>don't want to grind, AGAIN just to play another spec
its a flawed system

I want to marry and impregnate a Human.


Literally nobody would play horde if there wasn't blood elves.

based WoWposter dishing out the truth

you could make a case for cata, and legion was decent. WoD was a fuck up, but everyone's allowed one fuck up. there is no excuse for BfA

Everyone does. Not everyone admits it.

>implying you will play classic for more than 20 hours anyway

I hope that one day, all people's browser history gets leaked, and pedos like you get strung up by their family or coworkers

Because Tab-target/Dial-a-rotation/Don't stand in the thing combat mechanics are trash.

>Be me
>Be WoWlet, never really got into WoW
>Pick up Legion to play with my bro who has been playing since BC
>Casual content was fun, loved the world events and invasions. Basically just running around on the broken islands on a blood DK
>PvP was pretty good
>Some of the zones had nice stories.
>Dungeons were bretty gud too.

>BFA hits
>Its literally all boring.
I'm so sorry Blizzard is retarded WoW frends. I hope Classic is good and you all have a good time with it.

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I do.

It never feels like you're doing anything worth a damn. You don't feel like you get stronger, you don't feel like you're learning from past experiences, it just feels like you're running in circles doing the same shit you did yesterday only this time in a different colour scheme. Level sync was a mistake, homogenization was a mistake, every ham fisted idea thought up to fix something has been thrown out in favor of another ham fisted idea thought up to fix something, and it kills any desire to current year WoW because by the time the next expansion comes out anything that happened in this one from a mechanical and gameplay standpoint will be irrelevant.

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I have never get this "welfare" epic meme. The stats were still shit in those early epics compared to raid loot. Is the rarity color really that important to you? If the same item was rare with literally identical stats you retard would have never noticed anything.

Their immense size is precisely why they're attractive

the real World of Warcraft:Battle for Azeroth is the friends we made along the way

Much like WoD and Cata before it, BfA will be remembered as so bad that the other expansions surrounding it - the one preceding and the one following - will be remembered as great by comparison. So no, legion wasn’t good, just like mists wasn’t good. You just think they’re good because in comparison to the trash heap following it, it looks like a work of Art.

>Is the rarity color really that important to you?
That's exactly why started making vendor shit blue.

Because Blood Elves were a mistake on the Horde.
But the biggest mistake were Undead on the Horde. Doesn't make any fucking sense lorewise and more or less invalidates Thrall's character along with not trying to make peace with the Night Elves.
>Hamuul Runetotem, Malfurion's friend can convince Thrall to take in humans turned by the Scourge from another continent, a continent whom Thrall swore he never wanted to have to do with again, and it also puts him at odds with the humans, AGAIN, which he said he didn't want, and he wouldn't gain any strategical advantage from going on that continent anyway, but could not mediate peace between the Horde and Night Elves.
HURR DURR. The writers for WoW were retards.
Pic related is directed towards me.

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You mean it was the greatest thing to happen ever next to Night Elf female.

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