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xcom3 when?

What feature or change would you guys want most out of a new xcom game?
I want them to fix the difficulty curve already so late game is actually hard.

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ability to marry the sneks

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Shit game that attracted a sonic-tier fandom to the franchise. Ruined the series.

Fix the loopy AI and pod-alerted system.

>implying sneks will be in the next game

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I've found that the most frustrating thing about the games is how pods work. I hope they could somehow make the enemies not come in clusters that randomly walk around and fuck you in the ass.

I don't know what could replace them, but all I know is that they're by far the most frustrating feature in the game

Rework alien awareness and group discovery completely.

Why was he so fucking cute tho? Any porn of him?


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shadow organization with secret government backing > scavenging freedom fighters

Why'd they cut the genemodding room and that other faction? Jake didn't want to go all in?

XCOM 3 when?

What was that other game that sold its ass to the chinkstore despite having the required kickstarter money?

After seeing Benis Boint, there's... kind of a lot of things I want Jake to fix up. Projectile-based damage and cover protecting you even if you're not glued to it are at the top of the list.

I want the next game to balanced around being able to get 100%, guaranteed hits and Ayyy-pods not getting free movement when triggered.

Because Jake had a underdog/guerilla warfare fetish and Mecs/gene mod soldiers didn't fit. He only added sparks because people kept complaining about no mecs and made them absolute shit as a joke.

Larger operations with combined arms

1. Less reliance on proccing pods correctly to win maps
2. Lategame weapons less OP, fix the difficulty curve
3. Laser weapons Power Rangers belong the less you individualise the soldiers and just make them fat retards like in EU, in XCOM where they're more realistic and individuals make them stay on regular weapons level
4. More mission variety rather than just "kill all the aliens" every single map
5. No scripted maps aside from maybe tutorial and final map, having to do the two chosen maps three times in a row just sucks.
6. More varied customization
7. Much smaller penalty for refusing to do mission, doing shitty maps in the lategame when you're waiting for research is retarded.
8. No more "you only have one of this type of weapon", XCom is about losing soldiers and keep fighting despite it, you need to make savescumming less interesting.
9. Make psionics a regular class. Having you not want to use them in XCOM2 sucked. Also not nearly worth the price until they were fully leveled.
10. Either make the Aliens weird or make us fight regular humans, or both like EU. ADVENT sucks.
11. Make the story cheesier with weirder and more fun characters. Valen as a mad scientist was fun. Tygan is just boring and Shen jr sucks (and she also has a pig face for some reason).
12. Grizzled Central sucks.
13. Balance the research time so I won't be at the final mission with T2 weapons and armor. I want to experience what the game actually has to offer.
14. Pre made soldiers like Zhang and Anette are fun.
15. Make the voice actors HAVE SOME FUCKING VARIETY! What's the point in having 10 American voices if they all sound identical?

>5. No scripted maps aside from maybe tutorial and final map, having to do the two chosen maps three times in a row just sucks.

XCOM2 has an option to disable those, so they're okay

You can ignore the DLC maps (but you have to research the ruler weapons and don't get the absurdly expensive spark for free), but if you wanna kill the chosen can get their shit, you gotta do their maps, three times in a row.

Make it easier to recover from losing soldiers

I like to play ironman but hate how a single squadwipe can cripple an entire run, while in the original it's barely a speedbump

this, its annoying to have a soldier get one shot when each individual soldier means so much

next game will probably have those human-alien mutts as operatives, like those rogue advent guys with grappling hooks

>I like to play ironman but hate how a single squadwipe

More like a single soldier, if that soldier is armed to the teeth with chosen weapons and power armor and permanent buffchips (forgot their name).

Too much emphasis on going tall individual soldiers rather than going wide with an actual army you're supposed to be.

Grizzled Central is fucking based you're just a faggot, but i agree on other points

ditch the pod system, right now it encourages inching your way forward to avoid a fight where you don't start with full TUs.

if he had the same VA and was less... shiny? he'd be cool

no pods
time units/action points
weapons that don't look and sound shitty

More shit like original are 15 buildings and 200 items

>I want the next game to balanced around being able to get 100%, guaranteed hits


It's boring when every single character is grizzled. Plus despite how grizzled he is, he still doesn't do anything except whine about the Avatar Project.

If he was a useless drunk it'd be funny at least, but now he's just an unrecognizable exposition machine.

>install custom mission mod
>it just has every advent be on alert at once
>more advent comes in by dropships
>by turn 3 theres 20+ advent on your position
Why can't people make missions that are actually balanced and don't just throw a bunch of shit at you?

No 95% hard cap on hit chance. If you flank and are within optimal range for the gun the unit is using then your shot cannot miss.

Post the snakes, it's not much to do in the game at this point, but i still can fap to snek.

>No 95% hard cap on hit chance.
But there is no hardcap.

/xcg/ when

they do that to so you always have to plan around failure. it's like a complexity thing. by capping it at 95%, the game is telling you "hey, you should have a plan B if this attack fails", which means you need to spend a longer time thinking of your move

sadly these games are mostly played by brainlets so they don't catch onto these things and they instead get mad when they miss an attack they had a higher than 50% chance to hit

People are playing X-Piratez in /civ4xg/


It's not the same.
It's not like i wasn't browsing /civ4xg/ before merge, but it's not the /xcg/

I like using the armored viper mod because it makes sneks still a threat, but I don't like how it makes them less cute

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remove ayy lmao

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nigga next game will be Terror from the Deep inspired, didn't you fucking see the ending of 2?

No I don't like it. If I've used unit skills and finite equipment to create a favourable situation I should be rewarded for that. XCOM discourages risks by making the penalty high but at the same time doesn't allow the player to be too safe either because of greater enemy strength or missions timers. You both can't avoid risks and aren't encouraged to make them either.

Tactic = risk management, deal with it, it's the same way in real life

No more "pods". Just have it work where characters can prepare actions based on conditions like you can in Dungeons and Dragons. This means the enemy can actually ambush you or you can actually set traps.

There was one. It died. Its in the 4x general now.

I obviously meant resurrection of /xcg/

you are rewarded. you get a 95% chance to hit. you should still plan for failure, because that's what the game is about. you aren't playing to succeed at stat rolls, you're playing to beat the game.

That could be done by adding enemies that are functionally between the Chosen and normal fodder, so that despite you being able to easily kill them in the early game; new, more powerful ones will appear later in the campaign

95% chance to hit is not a reward. XCOM has been so far too limited in tools that help the player make plan b without putting them at disadvantage. To beat the game you have to win at rolls.

>To beat the game you have to win at rolls.

if you're consistently failing at 95% chances to hit, enough to cause you to lose the game, then you should just return the game from wherever you bought it because obviously your version of the game is bugged

Can we have a remaster of the original com. I want it with cooler graphics and better quality of life controls.

I hate this 4-6 man team chewing through 20 aliens
I want my 14 dudes getting fucked by 2 sectoids hiding in a barn

play xenonauts

I did its meh. Im hoping xenonauts 2 will be better. Im scratching the itch playing open xcom mods

>Im hoping xenonauts 2 will be better
It's not out yet?
Will it ever release?

yeah it wasnt that great but its much closer to original xcoms
also hope the 2nd is is better

Lookes into it. Apperently they were gonna do early access for it in March but decided against it and have just been doing closed betas. So probably never.

What would be the best way to get rid of pods? I'd say first give some enemies dedicated patrols. You'd be able to possibly learn them during stealth and use it to your advantage or get bonuses later on that automatically tell you enemy patrol paths.

Why are pods even necessary to begin with? Just have the enemies act normally. Just have them patrol like you said and actually do things that make sense for the map. To me pods just feel like laziness, it's easier to "seed" a random group of enemies in one place randomly and then have them take positions once the player arrives, than it is to actually build a convincing scenario for the player to approach.

Just do it like the original xcom. Pods are laziness to not make proper AI.

Good mods for a second run?