"pLeAsE hElP mE fUnD mY vIdEoGaMe SiTe

"pLeAsE hElP mE fUnD mY vIdEoGaMe SiTe


Absolutely Pathetic.

Attached: quartering.jpg (642x642, 69K)

Who is this hon?

God damn marsupial looking fucker

Why do you watch his videos?

This guy is pure faggotry incarnate. I don’t get the appeal of this boring loser.

not as pathetic as you OP. another literal fucking who thread creating drama over nothing. fuck off.

If you dislike this e-celeb, like, just don't watch their shit? I don't think posting or giving them free advertisement on Yea Forums is helping with this.


why are you so addicted to posting these threads of him then retard?

someone should cut his beard and force him to eat it

this dude has gayface

Thinking about "leveling up" your gamer wardrobe? Now is your chance!

Attached: 1545170140931.png (796x675, 209K)


I watched his videos awhile but all he does is complain about marvel movies.
>can you believe they did this?! Sjws am i right?
It gets old. Everybody knows where disney stands, making outrage videos about what brie larson said or natalie portman becoming thor is the laziest kind of clickbait trash content and it's all he does.

He is even tranny?
Fucks sake

>I don't like this guy but let me advertise for him for free real quick

Attached: 1371435192907.gif (164x275, 1.98M)

Sweet Not only I get sweet gamer merch I also get to stick it to the SJWs! What a steal!

Attached: 1554107276958.gif (494x740, 2.46M)

I don't necessarily disagree with him, but he's such a sperg that I'd rather not associate with him.
Not counting the fact that he's been making the exact same videos since 2016. He's YongYea but with an /ourguy/ taint.

>he has the pedo audience
not surprising

>if you don’t like this boring faggot who gets beaten up by trannys then you are a tranny
Have sex

Takes one to know one

Attached: 1564194648817.png (493x479, 296K)

I thought the whole thing about hating sjws and totally owning the libs or whatever is supposed to be anti-soi, but this fucker looks like he's drowning in phytoestrogens.
What's the deal?

That's right boys and girls, the time of Youtuber is OVER. The time of the Game's Journalist has COME.

i dont care who this turd is hes not /myguy/ thats for sure

Why are you following him? who even knows about his site unless youre watching him, do you do it just to seethe and post his face here constantly?

I love to watch poltards seethe

Made sure to tell the algorithm I wasn't interested in his videos.

nice hairs
fuck you and your ecelebs, sage

Are you implying they like him? Pretty sure they hate him too. I’m actually not quite certain who likes him or how he has so many subs.

wait, isn't that guy who got beaten up by a tranny at some sort a comic con?

>trannys and game bloggers mad he's about to dunk 600k subs

Most of /v and /pol likes him and I like watching them seethe over it

It was a martial artist teacher. He sucker punched him from behind.

Attached: tranny btfo.webm (288x360, 1.56M)

>Makes 20 videos on how Captain Marvel is a giant fucking flop because of X and Y
>Later still refuses to admit it was a success but merely cites it as a ''cultural failure''

I don't even like Capeshit but seeing him have an sperg panic attack anytime Brie Larson says she likes sucking BBC and makes a 15 min video of how it relates to white genocide is hilarious.

My hat goes off to you my good Xir

>Most of /v and /pol likes him
well this thread seems to prove you wrong

Politics in games isn't the problem. Bad politics in games is. We want games to be political in ways that encourage us, rather than demoralise us. State-sponsored nationalist games would be a great way to revive the patriotic spirit in the youth of today.

Attached: the hebrews did it.png (600x461, 618K)

Brilliant double leg takedown

Yes! That's a good narrative! I'll use that later