Yea Forums: hardware limitations produced games with soul

Yea Forums: hardware limitations produced games with soul
also Yea Forums: lmfao at the Switch obsolete hardware

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yea Forums: piracy doesn't hurt anyone
also Yea Forums: we need to pirate to directly hurt the epic games store.

Attached: Sachiko.jpg (620x456, 102K)

My wife Sachiko...
Sex with Sachiko.

In this thread, Sachiko realizes there is more than one person on Yea Forums.

That's because the devs aren't trying.
They just lower the resolution and framerate and call it a day because the game already exists on other more powerful platforms.
If they were creating new games from scratch exclusively for the Switch, or if all the current platforms were similar to the Switch in terms of power the games would be better because they would be made with the same limitations in mind.
The question isn't "how do we make our game work around this?" the question is "how do we get this current gen game to run on the Switch"
Just look at some Wii and Wii U multiplats. Same thing there.

Yea Forums is one single hivemind with some outliers.

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Nuh uh.


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I saw a chart about this once.


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Yeah you are right, she's not cute.
She's the cutest.

>sex with your wife
absolutely degenerate

Sachiko is ugly

>That's because the devs aren't trying.
>They just lower the resolution and framerate and call it a day because the game already exists on other more powerful platforms.
That's true for every platform though.
Botched ports are pretty much the standard.

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But that's wrong Yayoi is much cuter than Sachiko

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I want to kiss Sachiko's cunny!

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Yea Forums: Fuck videogames
also Yea Forums: FUCK videogames

I want to punch her tummy


It's more about tech limitation than hardware.
Back then you had to know your shit to make vidya.
Now it's so piss easy any numbnut that knows how to read&count can make vidya with little to no care about technique.

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I want to mating press it

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I don't like anime girl threads but since this is 404 girl/Yea Forums chan I will allow it

It's OK because it's the site owners waifu.

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She's been the new queen for quite some time now.

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its almost as if Yea Forums isn't one person.
the switches library is garbage too. so i dont think its really comparable.
sachiko is for normalfags too. watch more anime newfiggy

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Says the faggot with imgur shit

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which one has the tighter cunny?
this will determine the real queen of 4channel

Friendly reminder that the only good Sachiko is a bapped Sachiko.

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Sachiko's game looks better than most switch games OP

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can confirm that Sachikos cunny is very loose now

Do NOT post the Kong

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Sachiko is so cute and funny.

Dumb drink boomer

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she approaches

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Sachiko a shit

Im@s games in the west when

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fetching crummy idol creatures

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Hopefully never. Western idolfags are the worst.

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>cant spend months on modeling Arthur Morgan's nose hairs or on a FULLY MODELED HORSE VAGINA
>gee might as well make the rest of the game good with this 5 year deadline

this is why nintendo games are soulful by nature. nintendo works magic with its own hardware.

Wish 3rd party would do the same instead of fucked ports.

the issue is also that switch players will support a game even if the port is borked