I start with a few easy ones.
ITT: games that completely fucked an entire franchise
That's the best xenoblade though?
Persona 5
XC2 is the best in its franchise, though.
RE4, except that game was actually good.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA gameplay was a step up, that's true
This but unironically. P5 was so fucking boring.
>Neptuniablade Cringeicles
Pokémon X and Y
Technically X&Y were the first games to really showcase GF's incompetence when it comes to modern 3d games
>Eric still COPING
For the record, GF have showcased their incompetence since Red/Blue.
Nah, Joker getting into Smash fucked it. Its only been a few months but I'm already tired of these fucking secondaries
>Only see thumbnail
>Immediately assume OP is being a tryhard contrarian faggot
>Open thread and read OP
Imagine my fucking shock.
I've never played other Niers but Automata is one of my favorite games.
Autonamata and Awakening give their respective franchises a mainstream push. Maybe awakening ruined it with the waifus, but only had effect on the next entry, TH is less of that shit.
XB2 was pure cringe in plot but better at gameplay.
FXIII is debatable. Did those unwanted sequels really affected FFXV development? If anything the guy behind Lighting is working on gacha now, so it must had some effect on the company itself.
>literally and unironically saved the whole series from limbo
>hurr durr it fucked up FE
Dragon Age 2
Mass Effect 2
Fallout Brotherhood of Steel
Supreme Commander 2
Monster Hunter 4
>except that game was actually good.
How so?
And the best NieR/Drakengard. OP is obviously just a contrarian full of shit mad he can't like the series anymore now that they're popular.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Literally not a single one of what you posted is right.
turned a shitty franchise into one of the best ones
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
it's literally the last one, how can you say it fucked anything?
>Fire Emblem Awakening
widely considered one of the best in its series
>Final Fantasy XIII
FF was already fucked way before that
FE bro here
It hurts
3H is alright but not muh FE
New game bad: the post
Some of those are old as fuck
>And the best NieR
>gameplay barely better than og Nier, especially for Platinum Games standards
>most cool stuff people praise Nier Automata for was already in the og Nier, who no one cared for
>story is maximum anime cringe
>characters are all bland as fuck, no party banter like in og Nier, maincharacter is a fuccboi with mommy issues and 2B is the most boring waifu pandering character ever seen in a videogame
>"overworld" is yet again a small boring area with nothing to explore despite being a PS4 game
You can whiteknight that piece of shit game all you want, it definitely was shit and only gets so much praise because it has robot ass for virgins and muh deep philosophic literal art story for Redditors. Its the definition of a blunder.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the worst games ever made and its popularity is baffling
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Technically since G/S but back then we had Iwata.
Isn't the Nier "franchise" like two games in total?
It's part of the Drankengard series which has 3 games
They are part of the Drakengard series.
>That's the best xenoblade though?
Yes and it sold the most
as for fucking over a series, this game
>I'm already tired of these fucking secondaries
Now you know how Megaten fans feel about Persona 3 and on faggots.
JRPGs have dropped the ball so XCX/XC2 pretty much carry them now
Pic unrelated right? Because Other M was so bad it couldn't fuck anything up.
Literally the only good example of a game actually fucking over its series in this thread, congrats.
>Because Other M was so bad it couldn't fuck anything up.
Other M being so bad fucked over the series and forever ruined Samus as a character.
Hell, the only games we got AFTER Other M were that shovelware Federation Force an a remake of Metroid 2.
Other M killed the Metroid franchise for about a decade, it's barely even attempting to make a comeback now with a third party remake and vaporware Prime, it's still very much suffering from the wounds inflicted by Other M.
Persona does. XC is absolute janky garbage, with abysmal writing and character design.
Bad example, Other M was reviled with even Sakamoto eventually renouncing it.
>Bad example, Other M was reviled with even Sakamoto eventually renouncing it.
I know but see the series is still recovering from the damage Other M did to it
And? The game being hated doesn't mean it didn't ruin the franchise. Where's the new Metroid game if the series is so healthy?
>still recovering from the damage Other M did to it
Not really, Metroid is known for having long gaps remember there was absolutely nothing between Super and Prime unless you want to say that Super killed the franchise too given that was a longer gap than Other M to SR.
Other M was simply a bad game.
Only due going overdrive with animu and waifus.
That's the videogame equivalent of dying as a hero or living long enough to become a villian, which in this case is either going full waofus or mobile, depending on the company.
you deserve cancer
>The game being hated doesn't mean it didn't ruin the franchise
Hey you're right! Not ruining the franchise means it didn't!
Moron, if Nintendo and everyone hates it then they aren't going to use it as a basis like say Atlus did for Persona 3. It's contained entirely within itself affecting nothing in the franchise.
Xc2 saved the series though
There's only 2 niers, the first one is better than automata in everything but combat. People like to include Drakengard games in the same franchise but the truth is they are barely playable let alone enjoyable.
But FE isn't fucked, 3H is fucking great Fates was a bump but if anything Awakening saved the fucking franchise.
FF trying to reinvent itself with each game is what fucked it. XIII isn't special.
Final Fantasy was fucked as early as 4 when it decided to put gameplay second focusing on a Z-grade story that tries to be dynamic but becomes so cyclical you can start guessing when characters are going to pretend to die. That became the baseline for most of the rest of the series as well as half the JRPG genre.
sleep fighter 5 isn't even last at evo
I love the game adn is one of my favorites but I can get why the most "purist" fans of the series are salty with it, not everyone finds joy in Shounen tropes.
>as for fucking over a series, this game
Nah, that would be Metroid Prime:
>Samus, supposedly an agile bounty hunter, moves like a senior citizen who just got released from the hip replacement ward. She is slower than a generic FPS protagonist. This is especially egregious since the game has a ton of backtracking
>tank controls, can't even strafe freely, can't even look up and down while moving, absurdly low FOV. What is up with these weird limitations?
>you don't even have to aim because of lock-on (thus completely negating the advantage of going with a first-person perspective, so why did they even choose it?)
>bosses are boring HP sponges that barely even move and are basically stationary and boil down to 'scan for weak spot and wait for boss to open their sphincter to reveal their weak spot. After a few shots, they closes their sphincter and periodically opens it again, allowing you to get a few more shots in. Rinse and repeat about a billion times'.
>they prioritized graphics over gameplay, so the exploration is constantly broken up with corridors that are disguised loading screens, which also makes the level design feel very artificial
>instead of building to a proper climax, last stretch of game is literally one giant fetch quest
>instead of letting you explore and examine things yourself (which the first-person perspective is ideally suited for), you have a scanner that spoonfeeds you everything rather than letting you discover things for yourself
>third-person transitions like the morph ball transformation are too long and constantly interrupt the flow of gameplay
>does a bad job of immersing the players with constantimmersion-breaking third person cutscenes of Samus riding an elevator or doing some other pointless shit (again, why even use first-person then?)
Metroid Prime is a prime example (no pun intended) of how NOT to translate a 2d game into 3d.
Again with this bullshit.
Awakening sold well because Nintendo actually advertised it as a major release and the casual consumer actually knew it was coming out.
if we're going for that then DQXIS should be able to surpass the 3M barrier with no effort.
>Nah, that would be Metroid Prime:
nice bait, not reading the rest of your post
Why do those age rating cases have box art in them?
Are you retarded?
You do realise that DQ11 was already released on other systems right? No matter how much they advertise it the thing is unlikely to sell as much because people have it already
Yea Forums jannies are braindead and blame you when a single dude in your city isn’t a good boi.
>Sir someone made a wojak thread, what should we do?
>Just IP rangeban that area with half a million people lol
Very cool 4chinnel thanks
Probably some idiot spammer or cp poster with dynamic ip.
nier wasn't a fucking franchise it was a single game
Its part of the Drakengard franchise.
God faggots on here are more retarded than PedoEra.
>tfw Three Houses punishes you for waifuing the big, promotional main girl
Get fucked Azura/Camilla/Hinoka-fags
Best selling Xeno game and adds an incredible level of context to XB1
Stopped the series from dying and eventually led to Three Houses, which is based as fuck and trolls waifufags
I'll give you that
Red & Green were repeatedly delayed and a bug-ridden mess. That the series ended up becoming a mega franchise was in spite of GF's technical ability not because of it
>and a bug-ridden mess
Really? Because I only count 10 bugs out of 151.
spoken like a true boomer right there, and not the 90's boomer meme an actual "golden age" boomer.
>Implying an actual boomer would know how many bug types there was in any Pokémon gen, even gen 1
I disagree with this, but I would hardly call 2 a franchise killer. In fact its pretty great outside of not being able to use pic related goddammit. People just need to realize that every Xeno game is heavily HEAVILY anime. Its just that 2 wasn't the type of anime they like.
Awakening was a big launch that ended the game drought the 3ds had.
DQXI is coming in a pretty busy year.
But who knows maybe it will sell well.
The game keeps getting praised all around and hero is about to join Smash maybe DQXIS will actually break into the western market.
>and trolls waifufags
How so? My favorite girl has the best ending with pregnancy included.
It suuucks because I've made an OC meme for this thread and it will probably die before I'm able to post it.
Is there anyway of directly contacting moderators? I've checked and I'm not banned, I'm just unable to post with pictures.
yes that's the entire series
i love awakening and automata
also how is nier a franchise when its one game and a sequel
drakengard doesnt count, that franchise was always thrash
fortunately, the series got back on track with p4.
thats one of the weridest opinions about this franchise i ever seen
>p1 and 2 good
>p3 bad
>p4 good again
can you please elaborate im interested
Nier is a considered a spin-off of the Drankengard series so it's still part of the franchise
thats dumb, then according to OP Drakengard 2 and 3 were both better than Nier Automata
Kill yourself
Just change your IP
Same user, would you happen to be on a certain island, and the north of it?
The only truly accurate post in this thread. The fact that the Metroid series still hasn't fully recovered from Other M to this day should tell you what a disaster it was.
>gameplay barely better than og Nier
Epic meme. OG plays like shit and NA is infinitely better and one of the best ever.
>no party banter
Doesn't need to be. Characters are better.
>most boring waifu pandering character ever
Stop using words you don't understand.
Also wrong.
>literally trying to use that it's not some open world garbage as a reason
Eat shit, nigger.
You can white knight your piece of shit inferior version all you want, it definitely was shit and doesn't get any praise because it was just that. Worthless gabarge.
>Only due going overdrive with animu and waifus.
Good job proving you never played FE before redditor.
XB2 helped Xenoblade as a franchise though
I wouldnt even say FEA or Nier Automata fucked their franchises. Bad or subpar entries don't fuck up entire franchises.
The big issue with FEXIII is that is began incentivizing SquEnix to go full dick into AAA budgets for realistic graphics and shit and eschew any desire to put out games with good writing and just adequate graphics.
>Only due going overdrive with animu and waifus.
That's Fates. Awakening is relatively tame.
>Epic meme. OG plays like shit and NA is infinitely better and one of the best ever.
It was perfectly playable and the battlesystem was simple and functional. Automata was just as barebones as the original Nier was and boiled down to hammering the attack and dodge button. Compared to actual action games it was still a shit game on that departement.
>Doesn't need to be. Characters are better.
They had barely any personality other than that stupid drama and how they want to fuck each other.
>literally trying to use that it's not some open world garbage as a reason
I never said that. Even fucking N64 Zelda games had a more interesting overworld than Automata despite being similary small. My point was that Automata came on current gen consoles and still managed to have an incredibly boring open world with nothing to do on it. The setting had tons of potential and they completely wasted it. After the amusement park they didnt even try anymore.
People who like to go after the Lucina expy in these games are attracted to Edelgard only to find out that's not only a hyperbitch but cucks them in her paired ending