DPS or Tank which is the true chad class?

DPS or Tank which is the true chad class?

Attached: axe armor shrek.png (896x406, 510K)

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DPS, nothing impressive about just having a shit ton of health and tanking with it

Dps with max STR and CON with a 2h weapon.

The only correct answer

Tanks that can out damage most dps players

both are shit

>Tanks are talentless hacks playing the "easy mode"
>Supports just want to leech off others glory
>DPS are the cancerous faggots who ruin gaming

Depends on the game
If tanking involves positioning, cooldown usage and party leading then tank is the winner
But if tanking is just tank and spank DPS wins

Tank, dps ist literal brain dead rotation spamming
The tank manages the encounter

Dps is for those who don't want to step up and take responsibility.
Just look at the numbers. DPS players are literally disposable betas

Tank requires abnegation, DPS in my experience are just babies.

Tank. Simply because greater health and defense outscales mere damage output.

Healer/medic ofc

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Fuck you

Looks like Mordhau took its toll.

Hey fuck you, leatherman.

>Shrek as Tank when he's clearly a Fighter/Barbarian type

Depends on the game, but most of the time DPS is the only fun class.

Usually tanking capability doesn't matter if you don't have DPS, also DPS tanking is generally a good tactic.

Tanks are meatshields for retards. I rather be the retard instead.

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DPS because they do their own thing without really giving a fuck and just playing for fun. but it is also the Virgin Role if the Class/Job is Magical or setting-equivalent because people in THAT role tend to actually give a fuck and probably Min-Maxed..

Tank is basically the Designated Driver/Dad class, you do it because someone have to bite the bullet without becoming a complete entitled bitch like healers get. You learn mechanics because you spam the fights and dungeons and generally have the easiest optimal rotation that you don't need to focus on, don't really need to pay that much attention to your health provided you pop your cooldowns to the right attacks which means watching the enemy attacks (which is what tells Mechanics are coming up 90% of the time), and therefore you often end up in a "Leader" explaining shit for PUGs because you tend to be the one who ran the content the most of everyone in it.

Healer is either a "PLEASE LIKE ME" Healslut or a Passive Aggressive "I'l just stop healing then and we will see how you like it" Bitch who doesn't bother to learn mechanics due wanting watch what health bar is the lowest rather then the enemy movements and running damage control to the fact a mechanic was just fucked up by someone. or just getting big dick feels from healing past mechanics and therefore not bothering to warn people about them. So it is the THOT role.

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shrek is obviously a monk


DPS actually have to compete with each other people go easy on the tank because they're essential and their dps doesn't matter

DPS generally don't HAVE to compete with anyone but themselves as long as DPSchecks are being met, they just do it anyway because it helps them improve and play optimally and lets them shift blame when DPSchecks aren't met, NO WIPE, NO PROBLEM! :^)

If you are talking about raid spots and shit other roles also get their "competition", yes, there is (usually) a smaller population to draw from, but you also don't need more of them the bare necessity unless actively mandated by shit like PUG creation tools, FFXIV comes to mind wit someh 8-man content not needing 2 healers and/or 2 Tanks even at "appropriate" levels and ilevels.


resustaining tank with low health but high healing capabilities and active defense