Why does Yea Forums hate this game?

It's pretty fun with satisfying combat desu

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>old game good
>new game bad
is literally Yea Forums's slogan.
No matter how fun a game is, it's not good if it came out after 2005.

i really liked the music and aesthetics. malthael was an awesome villain too.
all the additional content was a godsend for the base game, too. it improved upon what was already there in almost every way.

I don't hate it. I have a couple hundreds of hours in it. But having said that i still vastly prefer D2 over this game. I am heavily disappointed in it is all I can say.

I played it at launch and it was pure shit

at launch it was TERRIBLE, just disgracefully bad
they made the game itself very solid but the campaign and story are still hot garbage

It's the McDonalds of it's genre.

It's nice for a quick fix, but you can't eat it every day. The entire game is

>Oh a new season is out
>Spend a day levelling to max level
>Spend the next day unlocking your welfare set and build surrounding said set
>Spend the next day or two working towards the build you actually want to play
>Now you have your build you just do the same content over and over and over and over and over and over for marginal upgrades and spots on a meaningless leaderboard.

I wish it looked more like D2. D3 to me looks too cartoony. Gameplay wise I like it though. Aesthetically not so much.

I don't hate it, but the way the weapon system is set up makes the game unfun and pointless

hardcore rifting is fun

it had a godawful launch

What's so satisfying about it? I felt I was just smashing the mouse brainlessly, without having to actually try at all.

It is, but only if you take risks and only because of the fear. If you make one mistake then say goodbye to the game for another couple of months until the next season.

it's piss easy and while it doesn't look bad it doesn't good great like D2 did. They dropped the aesthetic that made the Diablo games so memorable and the story is just trash

>tfw have a level 94 WW barb solo hardcore file entirely on /players8 setting

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>Plays Barb
>Isn't a charge barb

You fucked up. Charge Barb is the most fun build I've ever played in any diablo-like game.

Only play it if you already got 200+ hours of the better games in the genre (D2, Grim Dawn, Torchlight, etc)
It's okayish but pretty fucking bad compared to what D2 did. There are tons of mods as well for D2 that make it more enjoyable if you already got your fix.

I played D3 for a bit at some point but.
>boring unengaging story
>fucked up massively on launch
>extremely simplistic and boring gameplay
Also any atmosphere Diablo had before is completely gone.
PoE completely stole what D3 was supposed to be and they were in development for fucking ever. Even with all the problems it has, PoE completely blows every hack n slash diablo clone of the past 15 years out of the water. It's not even close, and GGG fucked up so many times too.


i mean at least it's better than poe but still lmao

The difficulty scaling is really bad. You have to manually crank it up every act to stay at least somewhat challenging. It's just kind of watered down and easy at all times. There's no real ramp up in difficulty.

Also, playing couch coop is a huge pain. Why, in a game about loot, is there only one inventory screen??? You have to halt all gameplay for both characters so one of you can compare belts for a minute. It's especially bad in town where you have to go back and forth setting up your gear. This makes no sense as even Diablo 2, a game old enough to legally buy alcohol, had the inventory only take half the screen.

you don't even have to open your inventory to compare belts wtf
it tells you the only relevant things (damage toughness recovery) on mouseover

PoE exists why should i play an inferior game?

They can't pirate it.


Also diablo 3 is great, but you have to be quite autistic to still be playing it at this point since its launch

poe is mostly just farming for better gear and shit, i found it's story almost impossible to follow due to how boring it was, and how badly presented it is. The diablo story is also average, but more engaging because it's better told throughout the game

>hold mouse2 to instakill everything
>rpg mechanics even more barebones than skyrim
>everything shits randomized loot for adhd retards
>bro you just have to play on torment 999999999999 where mob stats are so inflated random farts destroy you. Thats the real game
entire genre is trash

No content, no balance. I really like the leaderboard system except for the fact that you need to mindlessly grind xp in a group to keep up even if you just want to push the solo leaderboard.

Well I played a lot of Diablo 1, didn't get to 2, and went right to 3 when it first came out. (haven't tried the xpac yet)

I like a lot about it, the drop in friends, the every class being able to sustain itself if built right, and the better spell variety. What I didn't like was the dungeon generation was very predictable and the atmosphere was weak with dull colors, I missed the more creepy D1 look.

Recently been playing D2 for the first time and honestly its not living up to the hype. The second act is fucking horrible and going back to such a simple spell load out is kinda dull. The tight spaces in Act 2 and less fluid aiming making spells a fucker. I'm only up to Act 3 at the moment though. But i am noticing things that I see this game pioneered but also things later games in the genre fixed and improved on heavily.

I plan to play through D1 again after I'm hopeful it will be what I remember. May try RoS after.

Wolcen looks very promising, if and when it's ever finished.
There's also this gook MMO that I'm interested in called Lost Ark Online.

I feel like some people are gonna say "no content", but forget how D2 was as bad or even worse in that regard. The only thing to do were Baal runs, MF and PvP over and over again. As for PvP, I never cared about that, but if you think it was fun and hate how it's absent in D3 that's fair enough I'd say.
The problem D3 has is the gearing. First, how sets determine your playstyle and basically dictate what skills are usable because only those get a 10,000% damage buff. The Legacy of Nightmares set tries to alleviate that, but even then there are unique items that give these X00% damage multipliers which might not exist for the skill you want to build around.
Second, how fast you get your gear. During the first weekend of the season you can get all the gear for the build you want, and then you're gonna look for copies of the same items with better stats and upgrade them with gems (Caldesann's).
Makes it so D3 is fun for me for short periods of time, but I can't play it a whole season through.

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if you're interested in a gook MMO it's already too late for you, suicide is the only option

story in ARPG are just there for the sake of having one nobody actually cares.

>poe is mostly just farming for better gear and shit

no shit brainlet thats why ppl play this kind of games. poe have 100x more content than d3 and top it of with great graphics and animations. why would anyone play d3

>reaper of souls
>art has him posing like a uterus
>implying women should get abortions and "reap" the souls of unborn (and most likely white) children
Blizzard, this is disgusting.

>The diablo story is also average,
Say what you will about PoE's story but it doesn't force you to listen to Diable and the other fatfuck demon going on about how evil they are at your face is not good story telling.
>but more engaging because it's better told throughout the game
How is a face in the corner going on and on about how the thing you destroyed wasn't needed anyway and that his evil evilness is going to be victorious because evil good story telling?

Look PoE's story is there but it doesn't get shoved down your throat like diablo does, you have to go out of your way to find the story which is fine because that's not really what these games are about.

>art has him posing like a uterus
I think it's suppose to be a sort of angel.

i dont know bout you guys but i just
>start to play d3 again at the start of the new season
>beg for a boost to max level
>get some gear
>do the achievements for the set
>unlock the wings
>stop playing

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I do the leveling myself with a group more often than not and also complete the whole season journey, but after that I usually stop as well.

POEs endgame is trash. Its to hard for me as a brainlet. Diablo 3 has a clear path forward at all times. Style is so so, but everything such as animations and sound is better than POE.

But Blizzard ditched it completely after their auction house turned out to be shit. Then they released Reaper. And then the necromancer. Reaper was ok and lasted a while. Then they ditched it again and its been years now without anything. They have even run out of cosmetics for the seasons. They have 1 dev working partime changing the numbers around.

So many cool skills and items just sit there. Players are railed into sets. Most have left now. They ignored the game to death.

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Poorfags always crack me up.

Yeah in a thread about a Blizzard product, gook MMOs are the issue.

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>buy DLC to access shitty endgame
diablo ended with d2

Played up to torment 8 on hardcore without dying, then went afk for 30 seconds and came back to the game over screen. It's really, really easy.

It's ok. But the itemization is shallow and what they did to the overarching storyline was a crime, and you can tell that Blizzard isn't trying at all with this game anymore.

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i mean, if you get boosted you are playing for nothing really..it's boring as fuck when you get carried

The launch was very rough. That is when the vast majority experienced it.

If you compare D2 and D3 in difficulty : D2 would be doing one Pushup while D3 would be winning Gold Medals at Olympia in swimming, running, martial arts and platform diving.

Difficulty is utterly stupid and the opposite of what D1 and 2 were.
You have to stand still hitting things for 5 minutes while they barely touch your HP, that's with you actively avoiding defensive items.
In 2 you would OHKO things that would take 25% of your hp when they hit you very often. That's satisfying, not spamming the same skill for hours because your weapon isn't legendary yet or some shit.
Harder difficulties only make enemies tankier but their damage is constantly negligible unless it's a special elite or something.

ultimately nothing to do in seasonal events

But poe gameplay is garbage, why farm for the required 8h + per day when in the end its not enjoyable at all