Cannot port a 25 year old game without fucking it up

>cannot port a 25 year old game without fucking it up

Todd explain yourself

Attached: 220px-ToddHoward2010sm[1].jpg (220x330, 16K)

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how fucked is it? not willing to pay for it and i cant find an apk

How do you fuck up porting Doom?
People have ported Doom to fridges.
People have ported Doom to cars.
Doom runs on everything?
How do you fail to run Doom?

It's Todd

the music is slower and they added DRM BY ACCIDENT

It's not Todd's fault. It's the fucking workers they have there. Should show you the absolute state of the industry. Study and get your ass in there now fags.

It's like that time I accidentally pulled my friend's pants down and he accidentally put his dick in my mouth

fuck todd. He shills all this fucking shit. He proudly got on stage and shilled that fallout 76 shit. He deserves no respect. Fuck that manlet liar shill.

Bethesda didn't do the port, they contracted it out to Nerve Software, who otherwise are a company with quite a lot of pedigree, they even once made a 9 level episode for Doom (it was a bonus for the old XBLA port) that's regarded by most people who still play Doom regularly as a very good one.

The Switch port of Doom and Doom 2 look like it's at least partially done in Unity, and not in a very good or smart way.
Judging by how janky it is, and how Nerve otherwise have made good ports of Doom before, with the aforementioned episode that's now absent, I'm willing to go along with the rumor that the port was done by a team of interns who were being paid by the hour and intentionally just made things go along as slow as possible so they could collect on more hours.
There's no proof of this, but it sounds plausible given what we're looking at, and it's the only real reason I can imagine as to why they're using fucking Unity (which it seems they didn't even license, considering people's screenshots are watermarked).

Comparatively, the port of Doom 3 was done by a different company, and apparently it works perfectly fine and isn't all fucked up.

Attached: unity.png (1833x374, 139K)

Bethesda didn't make the port. The people who did the Xbox ports of Doom & Wolfenstein and the 20th Anniversary Duke port did. But they also did RTCW multiplayer

That's the funny thing, Nerve Software have done ports which are alright, yet this one is a disaster, and it just has to be because of the actual dev team involved.

It doesn't even have No Rest For The Living, which otherwise it would have been totally normal for them to include just as bragging rights.

Fucked music, fucked audio, fucked aspect ratio, has The Master Levels (which are shit), but doesn't have No Rest For The Living, TNT Evilution, or The Plutonia Experiment.

Attached: mhz.png (1834x657, 327K)

Fuck Todd but he had nothing to do with it. There's Bethesda Softworks and Bethesda game studios, all he handles is BGS

Todd deserves some criticism, but I think the biggest evil at Bethesda is probably Pete Hines, and Zenimax would be their vile overlords.

>TNT Evilution, or The Plutonia Experiment.
I don't know why people would expect this. Final Doom has always been treated as a separate entity.


based audio user running experiments to determine exactly how bad they fucked up

Music was fucked in the Xbox ports too.

It was included in Doom Classic Complete, and just Plutonia alone is considered one of the bests of the classic Doom era.
Nothing stops them from putting it in, iD has owned the rights to it ever since they bought it (iD now owned by Bethesda), and it would only be a dozen megabytes each.

There's zero reason to not include it, it's near no effort in doing so and it works as a selling point.

I assume the interns who did the porting had never actually heard of it before, and that is why it isn't included.

It's included in Classic Complete, but that release had all 4 iwads to begin with. Every digital release splits Doom 2 & Final Doom.

That's your reason.

Sounded alright on my PS3.
No, the problem with the music in the Switch port is that the music runs at half speed, and using a soundfont which sounds extra shitty when running at half speed.

Listen to it:
It's literally the same as this.
Music plays at correct speed here. Maybe this problem was specific to the Xbox360

Nerve didn't make Classic Complete.

I guess they're fuckups then.

You can also BARELY hear the music in that video.

>Relax kid, just pay up and enjoy the ride

Attached: 0826BB64-D202-43CD-9883-24B6115EECCC.jpg (1024x677, 98K)

Nonetheless, when you do hear it, it plays at proper speed.


Attached: 1564284555624.jpg (432x432, 64K)
