Is there a proper term for when a single character outshines the rest of the cast?
Is there a proper term for when a single character outshines the rest of the cast?
John Lee
Asher Nguyen
based gay guy
Kevin Reyes
It's called "having a shit cast." Kanji's great, but he really only outshines the rest because the rest are so fucking awful.
Logan Walker
The "MJ", everyone else is just a bunch of Tito Jacksons
Wyatt Watson
Nice reading comprehension, retard.
Nolan Edwards
Wrong on all points, good job.
Thomas Mitchell
Why do people still think he's gay
Joseph Rodriguez
l m a o
Your existence is a joke. Don't (You) me again.
Xavier Jenkins
Hes straight as diamond. Naoto is his girl if you didnt pick her first.
Lucas Kelly
Persona made its name from 4. Deny all you want.