Gamer fuel thread

Gamer fuel thread

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for me its water

Bite sized celery pieces.


Only water? What about food?

My friend unironically has that and carrot sticks every single day.

Good for him I guess.


Celery and Pineapple gives you tasty cum

100% biological organic natural water at room temperature

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How do you eat that without dip? Celery only exists to be eaten with dip or put in a stew

where is cosmo now?

water isn't organic

greek yogurt, homemade peasant bread, and v8

You start by being a man.

>Crendor opens Jesse's fridge to see what he has
>Its nothing but fiji water, liquor and onions

Do people who drink this crap just abandon all enjoyment of food for the sake of being "healthy"?

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>Celery only exists to be eaten with dip
celery turns to water the moment you start chewing it. just save yourself the trouble and drink water and have a vegetable with structure and actual nutrients than celery. all celery has it vitamin k which you can get from much more tasty greens in a good salad or even broccoli which has the add benefits of weapons grade farts to unleash on the unsuspecting.

The reason for celery is to cure hunger, nobody eats it because it tastes good.

Well it sounds like I have to give up on good taste for that to happen
No they only do it to upset you, it's not like drinking only meal replacement drinks is healthy. They all come with a label that says "This does not replace actual food so make sure to balance with a proper meals"

I'm bulking.
Yes I'm stronger than you.

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snacks make you fat. just make a meal lazybutts.

It's not over...

Onions memes aside, how hard it to have a diet solely consisting of eating only for nutrition?

I've noticed that my body seems to be really bad with carbs and that it makes me twitchy and makes the thoughts race away.

>soilent doesnt turn people into trann-

pancreas cancer by 30 like steve jobs
He distills it from the blood of the deer he hunts

>I'll have one half stalk of celery, nothing on it please

Nothing wrong with basedmilk.

I love diabetes!

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He's de-transing now. I'm in awe, so proud of him and wish him all the best on his way to recovery of his manhood

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This is repulsive, what is wrong with you that you would want to eat this as a man?
Shit like this is basically directly made for women and their sweet tooth.

If thats the case thats even worse. They drink it to spite others?

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Yeah can you imagine doing things just to spite others? Madness I know, hell what's next? They are going to base their vote on how well they can spite others?

i'm getting hungry hombre

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I'm just sharing. I don't drink this shit.

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I put barbed wire around my land just to spite Hikers, they don't even cause any problems I just do it because its my land.

thanks doc

thanks, Doc

Based pailposter.

just get a fucking milkshake. it'd probably be healthier

How can you eat during gaming? Like action games require to always have your hands on the controller.

the damage is done, he probably has no balls and a tiny shrimp dick now

this but carbonated


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you disgusting swine
dont reply to me with your shit taste

I haven't snacked or drank sugary drinks in a while. Been steadily losing weight.


But would it be as tasty?

Do we have any final conclusions that onions in food is like female hormones in substantial amounts?
If it's like 1gr of onions has 0.0001% estrogen then it's nothing & onions is a meme.

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Imagine being the annoying cunt ordering these things.

after several pounds of sugar it stops mattering to your dead tastebuds anyways. may as well stop at 1 pound of sugar instead of 5

I can eat and drink whatever the fuck I want but I don't gain weight.


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Yes, for a long ass time. Do you think that /pol/ cares about actual since? They read a study on sheep and rats and thought that the human body works the same as the body of a sheep or a rat.

Says a lot about /pol/ don't you think?

No shit it's a fucking meme, onions protein is in everything from cheeses to breakfast cereals.

why havent you converted to liberalism yet

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Oreo shake (regular, not that brown looking shit) is genuinely delicious. But goddamn I ordered a small one with your usual Big Mac and fries combo after a long day of sports, driving and hardly eating a thing and I still couldn't finish half of the shake. I can't fathom obese fucks that slurp these and more on the daily.

No one cares about /pol/ you fucking kike.

its so easy to eat healthy

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Furthermore the male body already produces estrogen and is in fact important to the development of the human body, get rid of it and you might find yourself suffering from bone issues.

> drinking piss warm water out a paper cup
> not drinking thirst quenching, refreshing near frozen filtered water out of a stainless steel waterbottle.

I’m sorry, I thought this was a GAMER ONLY thread

doesnt look bad other than the mountain of whipped cream

whats disgusting about it, it's still water
If your objective is to lose weight then just fast for like a week, then eat a bunch of eggs with some meat ( or anything that's zero carb anyways ), and repeat until you're lean.


fucking why.

Fuels my system too!

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Fucking alcohol is more harmful since it halts testosterone production.

I wish I wasn't lazy to eat vegies. They are delicious.

I started looking at the ingredients on the food I get from the grocery and it is e v e r y w h e r e and I got worried I am becoming a lab rat to end my manhood.
>tfw not sure if we talk about onions or onions

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>what are healthy carbs
>what is bulking

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>and gay stuff
What could possibly be even gayer than being a sissy power bottom twink with no dick?

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>If your objective is to lose weight then just fast for like a week, then eat a bunch of eggs with some meat ( or anything that's zero carb anyways ), and repeat until you're lean.
no thanks, faggot. Ill just stick to not eating snacks.

there's nothing to eat even. I don't get people who can just eat a salad for lunch and still continue working

>all the sugar is fine
>oh but the single natural product that comes from milk is bad
you are retarded

Why are there only women and gay men in this webm?

why did they feel they needed to add a warning to not touch boiling water?

>I want worse results in 5 months, not better results and better health after 2 weeks!
suit yourself

sugar from sugar beets is all natural too

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But not something any mammal is supposed to be consuming

Nice, I will give this a shot next week.

I made this once

It was great but while I was eating it but afterwards you have that "i just ate way too much starch/cheese" feeling

Im not some mirror clinging homo who needs to impress daddy at the gay bar.

It was /pol/ who spread that false narrative and came up with that worthless insult

>how to get fat

Those are the only people that drink starbucks

Meant to say human, fucking weird slip

I imagine you have a lot more irrational fears attached to many other things that you should be doing. Sounds like an efficient way to avoid improving yourself

What the fuck is up with his mouth? That shit is not even human.

>32 fl oz = about 1 liter
>263g sugar
That's more than 25% sugar.
How do you even fuck up your brain so hard with your diet that you crave that much sugar?
>1 serving
Fucking hell.

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All this open mouth shit is so surreal, I'm beginning to think everyone is making fun of them and they are just masters of comedy

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>n-noo you are not an epic masculine gamer like me
lmfao at all you fags that try and pull macho shit on a dorky imageboard

Project more

Literal basedbouy.

ok so you only have that one irrational fear then?

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you obese fuck.

Is this a parody?

Kino incoming

that actually looks really good, but I'm too lazy to bake



>Can't go into the kitchen to make this right now
>Probably don't have the ingredients anyway
Life is unfair

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Oh man what's that YouTube channel where they show different army rations from around the world? Used to watch loads of them

this webm was absolutely fine until he made that face. Why the fuck did he feel the need to make that ugly, annoying face

How can you be so lazy that you can't making something that simple?

Isn't that the fruit that looks vibrant but tastes like nothing?
if it is then it's fitting for the kind of person who orders this shit

>True Milk™
Fucking americans.

>tfw went out to some fancy place to eat something like pic related
>felt absolutely nothing except "sugar" and vague hints of chocolate
>it had so many flavors: almonds, coconut, cookie, caramel and god knows what else, yet I couldn't distinctively feel any of them

I'm envious of women, I hear they have better sweet taste-buds which is why they can actually enjoy stuff like this. Meanwhile I'm stuck with a caveman brain that can only enjoy a flavor or two at a time.

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I like gween gamer fuel

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>OMG people are opening their mouths to look silly.... MY FELLOW KEKISTANIS this is a CONSPIRACY! xD magapedes, the libtards are gonna freak!

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Thank you

I meant to bake the bread, those ready doughs are yucky

To test it to see if it really works, might be harder to make it if he has a open mouth
Yes and no, has a vibrant look but not a vibrant taste.

No you're just a fat fuck

MREs are pretty good

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Tasty website is true cancer of cooking. It should be banned desu. Not even joking.

It actually started on Yea Forums and then got popularized on Yea Forums because of Cosmo Wright. Everything else is meant to be satire. Who the hell takes /pol/ seriously?

wtf why would it be harder

Don't even like onions but that looks delicious

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I'm built-fat and am close to placing in my cities power lifting meets.
I could break you little boy.

Surface remains hot, ??????? do not touch
is written on the stove, behind the pot. I agree it looks kinda like a watermark though


Probably because their "milk" isn't actually milk, just like most of their shitty products.

But even making bread is super simple. Yeast, flour, sugar, salt and water. Mix and let rise, it's easy and it's even easier if you have a mixer


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This is Steve1989 with MRE Info.
Lets get this out on to a tray.

I know but I hate baking. I like to cook but baking anything is just so bothersome to me, never liked it

Null community is absolutely fucked up. Some dude got his dick and balls bound with rubberbands by his master until they turned necrotic.

>tfw tried onions mocha and actually enjoyed it a lot

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activation complete

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Bullshit. You just drink or smoke too much. I get those subtle flavours, but much more-so in flavour-some savoury foods. You just need to try more exotic, home cooked shit. Or at least a half decent restaurant if you dont have the time or inclination to cook for yourself.

Now that I can understand, one can't like everything

No one cares kike


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Look at all those PS games doing cooking!

>2600 kcal in one shot
If you wonder how amerilards are so fat.

Cry more fag

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My mommy cuts me slices of carrots sometimes.

autistic cucksoy

Looks like something you would get at a hamburger chain restaurant

I didn't see the machines on the bottom of the pot and I thought they were floating.

half expected his cheek to continue sliding outwards like the Goldeneye boxart


Am I the only one who looks at this and thinks that looks fucking TERRIBLE ?

>Don't even like onions

Are you 8?

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Oh I do feel multiple flavors in normal, salty, savory, etc. foods. It's just with sweets that everything seems to blend together in a mush.
I don't smoke, but I wasn't aware that drinking fucks your tastebuds. Is that true?

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>tfw drinking nothing but soda for 20+ years without ever exercising
>still not overweight
>still dont have diabetes
who here /superior genetics/

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Look at drop all those onions on the stove

What's with TASTY and the constant cheese and dip?

If you eat half a slice of this no more than once a week you might keep your heart until you're 30

disgusting murican food

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Vanilla frapuccino is god tier bro, nothing wrong with taking one every few months.
I agree tho if you consume this shit more than once a month you're retarded.

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I fucking hate rich people.

Don't forget the olive!

>Have a cracker with a little bit of peanut butter and a little bit of honey on it
>Take a sip of coffee after
>Coffee tastes a thousand times better
Is there like some scientific reason for this because it blows my mind how much better it tastes

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Kill yourself my man.

Select your party.

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No reason for them not to use a plate honestly. They just want to be fancy.

what kind of fucked up Mozzarella is this ? This is not how its supposed to look

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