>Yea Forums always complains about how bad the overwatch maps are
>never says why
Is Yea Forums just mindlessly hating again or are there legit problems with the maps?
>Yea Forums always complains about how bad the overwatch maps are
>never says why
Is Yea Forums just mindlessly hating again or are there legit problems with the maps?
Other urls found in this thread:
>push wheels down some stairs
>instant kill
Why does she need glasses if she's deaf?
>wheelchair in the future
sure thing goy.
The maps encourage exactly one style of play. It's the style that makes casual matches stomp fests and pro matches a game of chicken with ultimates.
oh i get it the blonde is deaf
koth maps are god tier
2cp maps are the worst maps ever made on the history of videogames
hybrid maps suffer from the same 2cp shit at least for the first point
payload maps are hit an miss, some are good and some are cancer
there is nothing else to explain
the real crime is being unable to pick which gamemode you want to play
nobody would play 2cp if they could choose
heres your you
the maps are uniformly funnels, with uniformly sized choke points to facilitate 1/3rd of the game's classes, this repeats 2 to 3 times per map, symetrically on koth maps, periodically on objective maps
none of them feel inspired and none of them incentivize or create new gameplay
they are literally formulaic
Decent ideas on paper, but I really don't think the Blind chick would be fun to play at all.
I like the idea of a Hero with an animal companion but holy fucking this is just "handicap pandering" in a universe where you physically CAN'T be handicap because of the established technology. They even say there's procedures to give sight to the blind IN THE FUCKING GAME (Mercy: You know, Ana... there are procedures we could look into to repair your eye.)
Why is the wheelchair guy white cis male?
Every map is linear. There's zero back and forth and your flanking options are a difference of about 15 degrees of vision.
Add to that that many characters require others to be around to gain full effectiveness (Most tanks, any support, any character previously filed under 'defense', ect) and it routinely devolves into bum rushes down one lane in one direction.
Most KotH maps are better at being open and having actual options, but you still want to be in one large force, plus there are many narrow approaches with little to no cover so attacking teams are softly herded by the map down the one or two safe options.
I know everytime I here Jeff speak I want to deck him in the nose. It's something about his voice.
Artists rarely have good game design knowledge.
The way to do a blind characters sight would be by making them just see slightly differently or have certain alterations to normal vision.
For example enemies at a distance don't have red outlines while enemies that are close enough have red outlines, even through walls (because you use sound to hear, rather than see), then just slap some kind of filter on the screen to not make the game look too visually different.
Explain this by saying that technology solved her blindness, but she doesn't see exactly the way normal people see.
I like some of it as an idea.
But you would either take a character is for example deaf, blind, lost a limb and have it be replaced in some interesting way by technology (not just with McCree where there is no gameplay change).
It could also be interesting to have a character for example refuse to get a leg replacement for some reason, but get around that in some different way.
Or take OPs blind chick. Maybe have her have a lost leg butas in the image just make her float. Like "Why bother getting a robot leg when I can just float?".
I don't mind any other map besides 2 CP ones because it's as easy as 2 fights that the attacking team needs to win and the previous 4 minute add on was so fucking obnoxious if you held all the way to overtime that it pretty much evolved into a snowball most of the time.
>have technologically advanced prosthetics
>I'll just make a dog instead of getting a new leg
>tfw no slutty self inserting girl (male) from Yea Forums to queue late night and early morning games with, and discuss lewd stuff
>Technology to teleport and turn invisible and even rewind time
>still reliant on wheelchairs, blind canes and cripple dogs
Lol, okay
Only good maps are payload. KOTH is okay and 2 capture point is awful.
The sound location will be seen through glasses.
even lamp post in that universe levitate but cant make hovering chairs lmao