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90s-00s EGM > Gamepro

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I miss when magazines were actually informative

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Perusing game magazines. Join me!

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Weird i wonder if this pc action magazine was the euroversion of PC Accelerator because i swear this is familiar

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In the words of based lo wang

Horee shit

Attached: Computer_Gaming_World_Issue_208_0000.jpg (368x522, 61K)

I used to be obsessed with the sega saturn even though nobody had one and i knew i would get an n64 before ever touching a saturn. To this day i have never seen a sega saturn in person.

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Last one for now! This is major nostalgia plus getting to read issues i would have loved to have.

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>Gex: Enter the Gecko
That's some good shit right there

These issues are huge each one is 150 pages.

That weird era where online gaming was the coolest but most multiplayer was still splitscreen.

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Did this issue came with a LamePro section too?

Speaking of wang.

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Old gaming related magazines seem pretty amazing. They didn't focus on having a clean, sleek look, instead they focused on telling you what the fuck to expect and trying their best to hype you up over video games. This looks more fun than a modern game informer magazine.

I remember this one too

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Yeah the designs are hilariously busy and yet somehow simple.

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Flipping through this one is blowing my mind. I read through this edition so many times.

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Free demo cd included!

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I just got one this month. The System, S-Video cable, and Pseudo Saturn softmod cost me about $150 total. I dont regret anything its great. Gonna play the shit out of it. The Dpad is so beyond PSX its hilarious.

If only they revealed Fox was a robot and that blocky thing is his canon appearance. That would show the furries.
