ITT: heroes of gaming

ITT: heroes of gaming

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His hairline matches the quality of his content

Basedboy beta cuck who is virtue signaling in order to hide the fact he used to be a Something Awful goon and a sexual harasser

*Blocks your path*

Attached: mauler.jpg (350x350, 19K)

>sexual harrasser
Do we have proof of this or is it just hearsay? I know he almost let a friend get raped

His best moment was when all those socialist subreddits banned him cause he denied some tranny got raped on his discord, is he /ourguy/?

I started to listen to hour long video game essays while playing video games.
I think the loneliness has finally started getting to me thus the need to hear someones voice in the background to fake my brain I'm not alone.

Listen to defunctland podcasts instead of shitlib trash

He is so based, his video on DS 2 is on point and kino.

Attached: Micheal Based.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

>watches gay anime with mister metokur way back in 2008
lmao dis nigga gay

>Do we have proof
>I know he almost let a friend get raped
He also was a member of a trolling forum that drove people to suicide and had heavy involvement in it.

Listen to Shad overanalizing fantasy weapons and castles instead.

Attached: Shad - back scabbard.webm (1280x720, 1.51M)

Why do all these people wanna fuck/get fucked by Contrapoints?

Is he being confused for Shmorky?

>getting hit on the way to a boss is no fun!!!
>but losing max HP is
Brainlet tier

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>Makes a 2 hour video defending Dark Souls 2
>Gets an 8 hour rebuttal

Attached: 693976.png (236x192, 6K)

>He also was a member of a trolling forum that drove people to suicide and had heavy involvement in it.

Post pics and links.
Skeleton fetish

Okay so where is the proof

she's hot

Attached: Contra.webm (1920x1080, 1.84M)

but you already know this brewer.

Nah, theres a misunderstanding being spread about regarding hbomber and metokur. They werent friends, hbomber was a low tier member of the metokur crew only cause he was friends with one of the main members. He partook in no 24hr ops, he was a nobody. The only thing metokur ever said about him was that he enjoyed sonic the hedgehog porn and hbomber refuses to talk about him and blocked him on twitter.

Honestly Contrapoints and Coach Kino Pill really need to make a video together.


Attached: oi.png (600x800, 269K)

He also got caught gaslighting an employee.

were you a member?
because he did a lot more than just talk in a few videos.
like he physically held stuff and sent packages.

Okay so you’re trying to force a meme

>Hbomberguy pretends to be an intellectual
>Blocks or filters everyone who disagrees with him
At least other leftubers are willing to engage with people.

I know kiwifarms posts shit but they are ass at making condensed data dumps besides the OP of a thread. I’m not reading through 100+ pages of internet reacts and witty comments to get it.

Shad's kind of a fag, but he's also kind of based.

Sure thing Harry "Slazenger Rapemachine Whiteshaf" Brewis.

they like dudes

Why is there always this fucking universe behind every youtuber that I know nothing about?

I watch his videos and that's about it how the fuck do people know so much about random youtubers


>how the fuck do people know so much about random youtubers
because these autistic spegs tell strangers on the internet so much about them.

>has a wife, four children, two houses and a published book
I dream of being this kind of a fag

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How do people unironically watch this garbage?


She makes like 400k+ a year, so all the sycophants come out. Even people like shoeonhead are on that girldick

This was a pretty hardcore takedown and was pretty strong till episode 3/4. When he started talking about spambushes it felt like he was actively engineering the scenario in ways that no player would ever normally encounter which felt weak argumentatively. He would run through 3-4 packs and then complain about getting ganked, like yeah no shit.

every youtuber has his own subreddit or discord. of course its filled with drama, fags with anime avatars, trannies, pedos, coprophiliacs etc

He was a member, but he wasnt as serious as the rest of the crew. He just got handed off side shit and never engaged in 24hr ops. This is straight from Jim during one of his streams, hes pretty open about it.



The best thing about his rebuttal is the 15 comment tweet chain hbomber made saying how he wasnt mad at all and couldnt comprehend someone making a response video to his

>people want to fuck Contra
>when transgirls like Ella Hollywood exist

but why tho

Youtubers are not videogames.

the color scheme in her videos makes me cum, I have a thing for purple/pink/magenta shades

>45 yo
>subsists on welfare and youtubux
>still makes fun of people who do the same exact thing
>fucking TERRIFIED at the prospect of his dox being released
>set up an urgency stream where all he did was nervously titter when it did happen
>entire channel consists of nothing but reading kiwi farms/encyclopedia dramatica
At least hbomberman puts some effort into the shit he makes. All Metokur has to do is talk over still images and he can't even be bothered to do that. So worthless.

Attached: 300px-MisterMetokurProfile.jpg (300x300, 25K)

I can't wait for him to get outed as the creep he is. Absolutely insufferable smug cunt. You just KNOW he's trying to make up for the shady stuff he did years ago.

Videogame youtubers are

non existent?

I know this is a bait thread but
>takes Marx more seriously than Adam Smith
>thinks DS2 is better than DS1
>talks about oil as if it's a luxury good we can abandon, like ivory, and not the foundation of our economy
>grossly wrong everything

He got doxxed?


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absolutely fucking not. if gayming had any "heroes" it'd be the actual people that make them, the studios, designers and writers.

streamers/ecelebs are bottom feeders, and if you care at all about them you are lower than a bottom feeder.

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I'd honestly take Sue Lightning over Contra and that's not exactly a good choice either

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Not even hot for a tranny

I always thought KF worshipped metokur, I guess they do make targets of everyone

>The problem with bioshock infinite is they didn't say NIGGER enough

Attached: Matthewmatosis.jpg (900x900, 32K)

Two sois in their natural habitat.

Nah he makes a good point. The game wants to criticize racism but presents a PG-13 sanitized version of it that undermines any point it could have possibly hoped to make on the subject just so they can still market it to the lowest common denominator.

Who cares about effort when Metokur's entertaining while Hbomber's not

I dont like either, but Quin is the ultimate cuck trying so hard to get into breadtube. He makes videos just shilling them now, atleast hbomber has a handful of decent videos.


Hbomb is alright but Quinton is such a brown-nosing little toadie. That video he put out about Contra was absolutely pathetic. He’s clearly the type of person who holds beliefs solely because his idols expressed them rather than having his own ideals.

Dont worry friend, I am the biggest mathewshill, I just like to post purposefully incendiary statements in order to generate discussion

Matthew is unironically /ourguy/ and I don’t want you lumping him in with other ecelebs. He’s never been wrong about a single game and you can’t prove me wrong.


Shit I agree with that. Hbomber is the worst kind of eceleb pond scum but once in a blue moon he can do something watchable

holy shit

wtf? i love hbomberguy now

Hbomb was literally a member of Metokur. He and Jim knew one another back in the day. IIRC Jim said hbomb harassed some dude by mailing him weird fucking naked pictures of people and the guy ended up killing himself or something.


Quinton used to be alright before going full blown retarded SJW.

And yet he fucks his thicc asian gf on stream like an absolute chad and gets away with it


Is Quinton doing trying to do a funny face here? because he looks like a fat retarded man meeting his idol... oh wait.


>>fucking TERRIFIED at the prospect of his dox being released
bit too late for that, time to update the pasta m8.