Why do Japanese use Americans as monsters in their games?

Why do Japanese use Americans as monsters in their games?

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I'd rather have a fat goblin then an oni which literally just stares at you with a giant eyeball in it's fucking asshole

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murrshit education, everyone

Dios mio...el Americano...

You'd be bitter, too, if you got nuked twice.

Jesus christ how horrifying.

too hot for yokai watch

>japan gets nuked twice
>completely forgets about it
>mutts got a plane into a building

how'd you get an image of me browsing the Yea Forums catalog?

t. seething mutt newfag

I know you were an infant back in 2001, but the japs were butthurt about the nukes for decades. Pic related was released in 54, almost 20 years after the bombings. Throughout the 60s and 70s, Japanese filmmakers released allegories for the bombings as well as outright dramas revolving around them. Grave of the Fireflies is a popular one, for you weeb shitters, and was released in 88.

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japs don't mention it anymore,
meanwhile at mutt land...

Based and self concious pilled

I mean you think it's silly because you're sitting in the safety of your room with the lights on, but if you encountered that out in the dark somewhere, you'd be fucking scared as shit, because you don't completely know if all it can do is stare at you


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Imagine the anuses that are where his eyes should be


They sure do. Go ask Yea Forums and /m/ about whichever anime is out recently that has references to how shitty war is and weapons of mass destruction ruining everything. Or, since this is Yea Forums, go look at whatever new jap games are out that feature such a trope.

Everything in DQ has an insanely exaggerated British accent though.

notice how you had to look for it to find something

you sure got him

just like how the 747's got the WTC LOL

Notice it took 30 seconds to find them. If I had posted the films from before the turn of the century I am more familiar with, you would have moved the goalposts. You got btfo, deal with it.

Watch Rhapsody in August, if you want a movie that did cause some butthurt. Probably about 12 years older than you, though, so I suggest popping some addies before you sit down to watch it zoom zoom.


this was definitely op replying to himself

how sad!

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even if it was OP, he's still right.

i have never heard a japanese even mention this accident stop bullshitting, mutt.

no it's not! good bait shouldn't have to be bumped by yourself just to get anywhere! there's more replies to the falseflag than the thread itself, so shit thread! shit fucking thread user!

Yea Forums needs IDs and flags. So much shitposting would be abolished.

just ban burgers and all of Yea Forums improves.


Most of shitposting comes from Canada and Israel tho as proven by /vint/

As an American, La Creatura was one of the funniest memes of recent memory

>wojack edits are funny
Newfags are such trash these days, goddamn.

mate when i stay up until 4am this board is way fucking worse than it ever is during burger hours. i see nothing but trap asshole and wojak threads, way more fuckiong frequently than peak burger hours

you HAVE to be baiting

IDs would just get shuffled by any idiot that can reset a router or use a VPN and solve nothing. /vint/ however showed us that flags were very important in revealing the Brazilian menace.

but that's just a black guy

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Don't forget Australia

>Pic related was released in 54, almost 20 years after the bombings

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>wojak edits
b r u h

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really just unfunny tbf, not even a burger. trying way too hard

>really just unfunny tbf
yes it is
>not even a burger.
something a burger would say
>trying way too hard
not really

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Constant America hate threads are getting a little old, not American btw.

Then pepe edits, who gives a fuck since they're the exact same goddamn thing.

Pass me them PS4 games white boy,.

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bro your spray tan is staining your controller you gotta stop

>image md5 is in the archive 17 different times ranging back to 2017

nigger what the fuck

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I'm black tho

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The ride never ends. You're here forever.

>traffic slows to a crawl
>original content stops
>ESL retards spread
>posts become illegible nonsense like porn comments
>ad revenue sinks because traffic dropped so drastically
>hiroshima closes the site
great plan ahmed

okay but you can get some new fucking material to post in the meantime. i'm not reddit, i don't want to recycle the same shit 2 years after it stopped being funny and new

yet you love pepe and wojak

Japs don't mention it because their societal autism renders them incapable of expressing "uncomfortable" feelings publicly. But rest assured, deep inside they are seething.

i sure fucking dont user you watch your goddamn tongue

>implying the monsters in a game where the characters speak in English accents were inspired by anyone but Ingerlanders.

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