Do my absolute best as Mercy

>do my absolute best as Mercy
>get only one lousy endorsement at the end of the match

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>He still plays Overtrash

Yeah, you got used up like the whore you are. What more do you want? Kill yourself.

i feel like "have mercy" would be a nice name for this image

Maybe your best was not good enough :^)

>playing support classes
what, do you hate fun?

>I-I did my best. P-pwease give me a participation ribbon.
Fucking pathetic

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i feel like "have sex" would be a nice name for this thread

>autoaim healer

stop playing healer and main your worst character. It's infinitely more fun and you aren't cucking yourself for literal whos.

>playing this bitch instead of chad healers like lucio and moira

Unless you were actually doing the best on your team (like a shit ton of gold medals throughout the whole game), you don't deserve a "ribbon" of any kind. Which makes it all the more sweeter when you get one regardless when people recognize your effort.

If you're not healing > 40% of team dmg taken, you're an absolutely useless mercy and should stop playing immediately.

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currently deranking an account to bronze in preparation for the upcoming split to comp

>3 bronze troll accounts for the price of 1
I could NOT resist

>why yes I love playing healer, prolonging stalemates and causing stagnation

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Unskilled retards wanting to be recognized for supporting is the most pathethic thing in any game, get good and play a real fucking role bitch.

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Why would you care about a virtual pat on the back? Aren't you having fun already? What other purpose is a video game supposed to have?

Fuck off back to your general

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when is role matchmaking releasing?

it takes two clicks to endorse someone and you even get bonus xp for doing so. There is no reason to not endorse your healers

>great character design
>shit and vapid game
why does this keep on happening?

I want to thank all the heal sluts in this thread who do their best to heal me and keep my hp topped off at all times. I am willing to prove roleplay head pats and compliments to any healer in this thread that wants one.

this but only if you aren't exclusively playing mystery heroes

>do my absolute best every match
>always have fun regardless if I win or lose

We're a team, user.

I enjoy playing support, you enjoy playing what you like. Let's work together and achieve great things.


>Not enjoying Zennyata

there is also no reason for me to give a shit

>endorsing anyone except whoever the biggest shitter in the game was
Endorsements was a poorly implemented mechanic. The decay rate is absurd and it punishes you for playing with friends.

endorsements are meaningless, I at least get 2 every game, people just Hand them out for the free exp.