She killed millions

She killed millions

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Other urls found in this thread:

To save thousands

she cucked millions

What the fuck was her problem?

to produce 0 children

of sperm

>Everyone thinks Dimitri's gonna be the edgelord when it's actually their precious gorilla waifu

This shit's been fun to watch.

Dmitri deserved a happier life.

>everyone turning on edelgard when their precious waifu they projected their fantasies onto was actually quite violent and willing to do anything for the sake of permanent change
>meanwhile dimitri went from crazy violent guy to the sad otome boy fujos can project their fantasies onto once people began playing the game

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They definitely did it on purpose.
>look guys Dimitri is a total edgelord and Claude is a scheming fuck. Go side with Lucina 3.0 like a good goy.
>loljk you sided with a demented warmonger.

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the violence shit doesn't matter everyone hates her now cause of her cuckshit ending lmao

Does class changing even matter in this game? The beginner certifications at least don't seem to make any kind of noteworthy difference.

How would you rate each route, Yea Forums? Do you think they'll shill out a 5th route as DLC?

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Dataminers have found supports between the lords, which supports the idea of a "golden route" revelations style DLC down the road.

>How would you rate each route
Has literally anyone, even pirates, managed to play through every single route? Also yes they will. If you look in the expansion pass, story DLC is already listed.

Yeah, definitely. All the routes kind of just leave off without any substantial conclusion.

Wait what's the 4th route? Killing all of 3 of them?


any dlc to remove the cuckshit

Black Eagles have a split branch, either you can stick with Edelgard on her murderous spree or fight with Rhea and the Church instead.

And if they wanted to romance Edelgard, they got fucking cucked.
Waifushitters utterly destroyed.

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For me, it's Lysithea.

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What did people even see in Edgelord? She's been nothing special this whole time other than being essentially a female lord.

>straight men getting cucked
>cause the japs pandered to faggotry

I joined Golden Deer gunning for Marianne, but Lysithea is really growing on me.

>the backlash to edelgard now that the game has been released is primarily from waifufags mad she's the most extreme out of the lords in terms of her actions and she's not the generic blank slate to turn into their waifu

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It's the same kind of people who liked Lucina and Azura, they cannot help but latch onto the most shilled dev waifu.

Oh don't worry, faggots got fucked over too.
>can S Support Alois
>it's purely a platonic relationship and he hooks Byleth up with a village girl in their ending.

>random village girl
>better marriage than edelgard
holy fuck lmao

I suppose the route they went with her is a good thing then. Maybe now these people will stop latching onto the first female character they reveal for these games.

Faggots didn't even like Alois or the other old guy, they and fujos are mad because the male lords are straight.

>a good thing
fuck you retard

I'm not in the loop here, what happens with Edelgard?

Seethe harder, Edgelord defense force.

Bap Edgelord!

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I love Bernie!

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>fucking jap cucks pandered to dykes
>edelgard is too ashamed to marry you cause you're a commoner she doesn't give you children even if you're male byleth
>edelgard marries ferdinand and keeps her throne while pumping out babies for him

But couldn't they have just as easily done two different endings? I don't see how you're blaming dykes over Edelgard just being shit all around.

Also, what happens if Ferdinand just so happens to forget his weapons and march out onto a busy battlefield?

This is my first Fire Emblem game and I decided to start on hard just to test the waters. I don't think I've experienced so much satisfaction from winning at a videogame in a long time. Why did I not get into this series earlier?

The shorts ruined it

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same shit with dorothea and rhea don't fucking pretend it's just edelgard it's all the fucking dyke pandering s ranks
he'd clobber them with his cock i guess cause the japs are sucking his dick

This characterization seems all kinds of fucked. Why the fuck would she care about your birth? It just means she has to go on one more murder spree and get rid of more traitorous shits who whine. Why does she become prim and proper the second her vagina comes up.

Watching Petra kill bandits in her tight miniskirt makes my peepee rock hard.

there are other dudes that can impregnate her, not you though

So she finally broke the wheel?

Because Awakening and Fates are dogshit, don't let anyone tell you different. I don't care if Awakening "saved the franchise", that doesn't mean I gotta suck its dick.

it's not a problem for ferdinand lmao

Still my empress I would follow anywhere

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is that one user still melting down about imaginary cuckolding

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>costume literally has horns
>fags surprised she's the bad guy

Do supports reset after the time skip? Or would a support you left on like C as a student still continue onto rank B 5 years later as if nothing ever happened?

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If you were that loyal, you'd know her title is Emperor.

>wants to destroy the Church

hmmmm, too deep for me

Supports stay in place. I'm pretty sure you can't get higher than B pre-timeskip on any unit.

>imaginary cuckolding

>S0 and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a\ngodlike being. S0 was wounded and lost\nthe power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not,\nas EK00heEL00sheEM00 and >Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting\npeace, the two fought against those who slither in the\ndark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and\nfall by their own merits, they spent their lives >reforming\nthe antiquated class system. They achieved much in their\ntime together, and it is said that they were sometimes\nspotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world\nthey had created. How they spent those precious\nmoments, none but the two of them will ever know.

>As the Adrestian emperor, Edelgard appointed Ferdinand\nas her prime minister, and the two devoted themselves to\nruling Fódlan. Their sharply contrasting views made for\nfrequent and lively debate, but with each enhancing the\nperspective of the other, >Fódlan was better for it. As they\nworked tirelessly to create a better future, they were soon\nbound together by marriage as well. >Their children,\nborn to those who had torn down the old social hierarchy,\nwere encouraged to choose their own paths.


Oh alright. That makes a lot of sense. I figured they'd have to incorporate adult supports in somehow.

That's the Edelgard x Ferdinand S rank, that doesn't automatically happen ... right?

Holy fuck did you just have a seizure? Lol

More like, Fedoragard

there is no fucking edelgard x ferdinand s rank man that's her ending with him on a rank vs byleth on s rank hahahaha

Didn't know about the 4th. How much into Black Eagles is it?

I'm curious about the estimated playtime for the full game, but not counting the bit you have to do multiple times more than once.


that's text from the datamine directly, it's not properly formatted.

shut the fuck up you stupid bitch you know there's no such thing as edelgard x ferdinand s rank you lying piece of shit

Cope cucks

Pretty far in. iirc it requires you getting an S-rank support with Edelgard and choosing to side with her when she reveals that she's the bad guy.

Yeah, the Church route is actually the default route for Black Eagles, you have to do specific shit to go along with Edelgard.

Ok so it's not a full route, but more of an alternate ending. Still pretty neat that they have that.

I wish I had money rn.

>edelgard is actually the true route since it's the only route you have to unlock

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At this point, pretending Conquest isn't way better in being an actual game than a majority of the old ones is being a contrarian.

Yeah. I haven't even unlocked it yet. I did beagles focusing on the smelly autist girl.

Based Bernie-bear lover.

Conquest is only 1/3 of Fates. The other 2/3s (aka the majority) are dogshit, so it's fair to say Fates as a whole is dogshit. Yes, I'm still mad about shelling out 80 bucks for the special edition.

Wait, you HAVE to S-rank Edelgard to go full Black Eagles?

>fags hate Alois

The fuck are you talking about?

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>I bought Birthright and Revelations blind
>So Conquest is shit

Were they trying to rip off daenerys targaryen by any chance? Also why there's no porn yet?

More like a bad end

No. You just need C and to talk to her during explore mode at a certain point.

I don't think it's necessarily s-rank, it's just pretty high in the game when it happens. There's some event you can get in explore mode.

Yeah, I like her for that.

Truth is... the house battle was rigged from the start

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So I have to explore every time at the Monastery so I don't miss it? I need to batlle some days though.

>tumblr hates Golden Deers because NO GAYS ALLOWED

she just needed a good dicking

I think it appears over a range of dates. As long as you check in at least once a month, you'll probably find it.

No, it's during chapter 10, pre-timeskip, 2/8 on the calendar. You have to pick to go with her to the capital for her coronation, but the game really makes it clear that's gonna change the plot if you do.

that's the same logic women who try to control men have with their pussies

tumblr can fuck off about the GD, but the Alois S rank is really unfortunate. Same with Gilberts.


These are some ballsy decisions from the weebshit VNs that newer Fire Emblems are.

According to these are 2 different endings though

Manuela is best woman!

>Edelgard wants to "deal with the inequality between nobles and commoners"
>forms her entire government out of the richest most powerful nobles in the land while sending her commoner husband to the cuck shed
>while THE CHAD LORENZ marries his commoner sensei wife and has lots of kids with her and takes on the political strife and gives commoners more status and chance of advancement and better social rights

are you retarded? ferdinand's a rank ending is better than byleth's s rank cause of the fucking dykes that's my fucking point

Wow. People are literally freaking out that player S rank is written gender neutral for Edelgard, and calling it a cuck ending. That's hilarious. You two are still fucking in her ending. Still in love. Nothing cuck about it.



she won't even give you children and she's too ashamed to fucking marry you stupid cunt lmao she marries ferdinand keeps her fucking throne and gets impregnated by him multiple times are you fucking brain damaged?

Lorenz has such a shitty hairstyle but he really does have a heart of gold.

What did gorillafags do to you that you keep forcing an imaginary cuckoldry?

on a fucking s rank ending with byleth when she gets married and has kids on a fucking a rank ending with ferdinand? you're damn right you stupid bitch

You are associating 2 diferent events with no relation with cuckoldry, it has nothing to do with one being better than the other

Wow, just because it doesn't spell out you have kids, it's fucking worse? You can just throw in one last line in your head saying you had 12 babies or whatever. Who gives a damn. You're getting angry because it isn't exactly worded the way you want lmao. You're gonna be as bad as the Monster Hunter list fag at this rate.

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can you read? do you eat shit? fucking retard

>nothing to do with one being better than the other
>s rank with byleth is worse than a rank with ferdinand
>this is fine with you cause you're a stupid cuck bitch
lmao fucking retard

He's a noble, Byleth is a commoner, the last thing they need is another full out war because of a marriage between classes. And lmao needing the game to spell out exactly that you had kids. Use your head, like Edelgard would want you to.

She also marries Caspar and no one else besides those two in her paired endings, aka it really is about being a noble, not dykes or whatever.

>ferdinand's a rank ending spells out he marries edelgard and has kids with her
>byleth's s rank ending doesn't
you stupid faggot

those endings never happen at the same time, are you fucking retarded?


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>Needing things spelled out for him

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You have mental issues. Seek help.

you are defending this shit lmao you stupid cuckold bitch you're fine with this cuckshit you stupid furry faggot

Why aren't you pissed about Edelgard x Hubert then? At least Byleth gets to fuck her, Hubert doesn't even get that.

hubert isn't the fucking protagonist you fucking moron

The power of your autism could fuel a thousand red giants and still not run out.

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>it doesn't matter if it happens at the same time
Behold, weaponized autism

But his support has nothing to do with dykes and he still doesn't get to fuck her, so half of your little temper tantrum doesn't really count.

ferdinand's a rank ending with her is better than byleth's s rank ending yes or no you stupid bitch

I fucking hate you Dimitri otome fags. You are the absolute worst in all things that have come to pass. Fucking Tharjafag haven't even been this bad when the leak came out. What is you fucking issue, you obsessed fucks?

It's the exact fucking same. One is just more spelled out then the other.

>people are mad that you get cucked as part of the obvious bad ending

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all the dykeshit women have this garbage look at rhea and dorothea man byleth gets to impregnate flayn and lysithea they're better than this fucking dyke cunt

Blue Lions was pretty good, however it ends really abruptly and the timeskip is retarded. Byleth literally falls off a cliff and gets knocked unconscious for 5 years while everything goes to shit, then after a peasant wakes him up the whole thing is glossed over and nobody talks about it.

>tfw the same level of rivalry between Dmitri and Edelgard in the game is reflected here in real life

>it's the exact fucking same
>except for the marriage
>and the children
you fucking retard

It is irrelevant, you're a filthy commoner, ferdinand is nobility, and the rank is irrelevant either, for all you know you could be spanking her ass everyday while she's not ruling, needing explicit statements is THE mark of the brainlet

Literally no one has mentioned Dimitri itt. I think you’re the one that’s obsessed, user

>people whining and crying about how Edelgard is the Augustus Caesar route
Wow I'm sorry when was Yea Forums injected full of soccer moms and babies that look down on playing as the edgier faction?


How mad are you that IS shit on homo and fujo?

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>you're a brainlet if you need explicit statements
>ferdinand a rank ending gets explicit statements
>byleth's s rank doesn't
fuck you bitch

This user gets it.
You need to relax.

>25 hours long

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More like a fucking based end.

>this entire fucking thread

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i'm fucking right and you know it don't say that shit is exactly the same when it clearly isn't fucking morons

they didn't shit on homos they fucking pandered to those faggots

>church hierarchy is full of weird degenerates

Bit on the nose

And I helped.

Dude, you're gonna blow an artery at this rate. Chill. You can still love and knock up Edelgard just fine in her S rank.

It's beautiful isn't it?

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FE is popular among the trannies on Resetera so I assume they're the ones crying about letting you play as the 'bad guys'
Like how is that not an enormous plus? One of Fates many problems was being so pussy when it came to conquest.

It's the Conquest problem. There's edge galore but it's really stupid

that's not supported by the fucking game man you can't deny that

You picked the best house right?

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Figured as much, that makes sense.

lysithea or flayn the only waifus worth a shit in this faggot game man

>Review bombing just because ISIS don't pander to their mentally ill sick fetishes
How mad are they right now?

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is is fucking pandering to them they're just fucking retarded the fucking japs ruined 5 women for this dyke bullshit fucking jap cuck bastards

Wrong. Conquest was portrayed as you being the good guys in a bad situation and you can't actually side with daddykins in the end. There's also zero redeeming conquest, it's just evil for evil's sake for the dragon ritual.
Black Eagle (BAse""""D""""" route) goes full throttle on an Augustus Caesar reset route. Sacrifice for the sake of improvement

>Yo Dimitri stop reconquering the lands I took from you

The game doesn't discredit it either. So I'll be having my Byleth living it up with his secret family while rutting Edelgard on a regular basis. Now go fap to some porn or something dude.

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Say the one who can't keep Edelgard out of their head!

>just use your imagination bro
that doesn't excuse the fucking cuck bullshit and dyke pandering man

>crest experiments are terrible
>sacrificing black eagle students for human experiments are fine

Their sacrifices will carve a better future

There is no cucking. Adding lesbian options is absolutely fine. You spend too much time on /pol/ from the sound of things.

ferdinand's a rank is better than byleth's s rank fucking fact don't give me that imagination bullshit by what the japs wrote ferdinand's is explicitly better you can't fucking deny that shit

I took to Marianne because the tired, unkempt, pessimist look appealed to me, but Lysithea is just a better character and she's cute to boot.

If you think the lesbian options are for actual lesbians then you're an ignorant retard.

so they're for trannies who gives a shit the fact is they fucking ruined 5 women for that shit

>fot trannies

What the bloody fuck?

>tries to assassinate dimitri and claude at the start of the game
>gets your dad killed
>shits on you for crying when your dad died
>experiments on her own houses' students
>kidnaps villagers to experiment on
>has magic aids that she uses as justification for her actions
>doesn't tell anyone or ask for treatment
>4 people find cures for magic aids soon after they find out it exists

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if it's not for real lesbians it's for faggots pretending to be women that's trannies lmao

How is this even possible? I'm 20 hours in and I'm only on Chapter 6.

You can, and I am.

Most of them are women user, the only thing that they can do is shitposting and pretend to be an expert of the game, though most of them don't even owned a switch and don't play the game

Pic related is self explanatory

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>durrrr my imagination ending is better than ferdinand's ending hurrrrr
lmao you fucking retard by what the japs wrote byleth doesn't marry her and he doesn't fucking have children with her so shut the fuck up you stupid fucking bitch

How do I actually get Byleth to use magic? I've raised faith enough that I have some healing and it shows up in my inventory with full charges during fights but I can't actually use it

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>If Claude hadn't ran Edelgard would have probably succeeded

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I don't think it's better. So yeah, I do deny it.

Speedrunning a FE game is pretty impressive.

Switch to a class that can use magic. Either that, or wait for Byleth's promotion after time skip.

Pass me some punished Dimitri images or your ass will get it.

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So is it good? It honestly seemed subpar from all the trailers. How is the map design?

>byleth with no marriage and no kids
>ferdinand with marriage and kids
>byleth's is better
fucking moron stupid fucking idiot

If you're just in it for map design, don't bother. The story, mechanics, characters, and music are all pretty good though.

What if I don't want kids?

Catherine is cute! CUTE!

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That's like, your opinion man

Is there yuri pairings in this game since they don't have to worry about kids?

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Worst map design in the series :^)

then ferdinand will impregnate her lmao you fucking cuck bastards

>Byleth gives me room to use imagination on how things would play out
Yeah, I'm thinking it works just fine. You know this is never gonna stop, right?

Game is really easy, I put school stuff on auto, and I didn't explore. I'm starting hard Deer route and it's still seems easy even though I'm not using ng+ shit.

you that gay fucking wife autist lmao catherine doesn't give you kids lmao

Why? She's clearly in love with you, did you read the support?

>most streamers are doing her route
I can't wait for the tears

you forced to use your imagination pretend you're not a fucking cuck to ferdinand but ferdinand gets a fucking written ending he marries and impregnates edelgard you stupid cunt lmao

Can I just ignore the relationship stuff in the game and just focus purely on gameplay?
Seeing relationships in video games or other media just makes me extremely sad

Because for him, if the game doesn't describe how she squeezes out a child from her cunny lips in exact detail, it doesn't happen.

I've heard that hard mode is easy compared to other FE games. As someone who likes playing hard mode but not lunatic mode, would this game's hard mode be too easy for me?

I'll bite your bait. But I want to state that goes to Echoes and Revelations by a large margin.

This is even more retarded when Edelgard says she's appoint anyone to a high position as long as they're good at doing their jobs, whether they're a noble or a commoner

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she in love with you won't even fucking marry you or have kids with you lmao get the fuck out here with that shit but she does it with ferdinand you retard

I'm seriously starting to think you need therapy. I hope this is bait, and we're both just getting our rocks off playing with each other, but if you're actually this mad, please, get some help. You deserve it user.

Not understanding subtly IS a clear sign of autism...

it does with ferdinand tho you fucking retarded faggot lmao

>plays on easy mode
>skips everything
>lol why is this game so short

He's nobility though and Byleth isn't, and she says she's going to find someone to handle the throne and then peace out.

Those are mutually exclusive events, you know, things that never happen togheter, like, in the same timeline, but hey, it seem that the cuckoldry is deep inside your brain, so much that it destroyed your critical thinking, but hey, at least i can reply the same 30 times in the mongolian videogame board that i calm home

This man needs a team dedicated to observing him around the clock. Working with him to cure his problems. Every post he breaks down more and more.

>byleth's is "subtle"
>ferdinand explicitly said to marry and have children with her
you stupid fucking cunt

All I want to know is if Dimitri ends up being Berkut levels of Reddit so I can avoid him or should I go the edge route and s-support some random whore

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Normal is Easy, Hard is Normal. Hopefully the Lunatic update has Real Lunatic in addition to Lunatic (Hard).

Oh, that explains it. I've been doing all the content I can and talking to everybody when I explore. Of course the game is gonna be short if you just skip everything ya cunt

To be fair, the delusions of a teenager rarely coincide with the reality of being an adult. People hated Fates for being so fairy-tale like that Corrin could be crowned High King of Everything without any fuss.

it doesn't fucking matter you fucking retard the same fucking japs wrote the game but they gave ferdinand a better ending than fucking byleth you stupid little bitch you can't get that through your fucking retarded brain you cuck bitch

>Berkut levels of Reddit
In english please

Edelgard literally wants Byleth's dick so hard and often, she wants to flat out ditch the throne to ride it all year long.

K thanks. Guess I'll wait for Lunatic then.

are you the same autist shitting up FFXIV threads talking about the WoL getting cucked out of Y'Shtola

awakening and fates were and still are better than three faggots
cry louder

I'd recommend doing a Hard playthrough first just to get a handle on how character development works, so as to not cock it up in a Lunatic playthrough.

Truly kino and canon
>Edelgard's main theme is the game's main theme
>The only route that can unlock the 4th route (Rhea's story)
>The only route where you can fight the "True Boss"
>The only route where Byleth can be saved and regained his/her heartbeat and humanity back
>The only route where you can destroys the ancient crests that had ruled the world since time immemorial
>The only route that removes Seiroh/Nemesis permanent threat to human race
>The only route where you became the humanity savior that ushers a new era that solely belongs to human race
>The only route where the lord love you regardless of Byleth gender

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>plays on easy mode
Hard is ez mode too, if you want difficulty you have to wait until they release Infernal

I think he's the list fag from MHW threads too.


Post-war Edelgard seems like the type who wants to just get out of the struggles of leadership and live a quiet life somewhere out of the way.

not interested in playing the game
but why did Byleth's hair go from dark turquoise to light green??

I don't understand this cuck argument....


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>won't even marry him
>won't even give him kids
>will do it for ferdinand
fucking cope you dumb ass

So is she pretty much Danny?

Is Dimitri a sore loser and does he bitch a lot, similar to Berkut.

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What route is this? Getting the game tomorrow, planning my routes out.

she won't even fucking marry you or give you children you retarded little bitch but she'll do it for ferdinand you delusional fucking cunt

Of course you don't, cuck.

Edelgard is more of pic related

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Normal is literally easy mode, though
FEHggots OUT

No, he's pretty tame (aside from his depression) in his route and he goes full Caim in Claude's.

Neither does he.

>Cuck Emblem: Three Sheds

Why is the interface in this game such a fucking mess, and what's with the random 16bitish sprites in certain menus

It's been fun. Goodnight man, seek therapy. I'll look for you in other threads!

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don't fucking do it man it's the fucking cuck route cause the japs pandered to fucking dykes that character won't marry you or give you children but she will to another man lmao

Frieza blew up Krillin

I have to give them credit for making the best route in terms of impact on the world and your character the darkest out of them all.

>FEHggots OUT
>He doesn't know
It's in the datamine user

it's not the best fucking route it's the fucking cuckold bitch route cause the dirty fucking japs pandered to dirty fucking dykes

So did the game live up to the hype?

BE route, also note that BE have an exclusive ending portrait, different from other routes
Eye color and Hair color difference from ending portrait
Top: other routes
Bottom: BE

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I've been in this thread long enough to see you acting like a retard, cuckposter. Begone from my (you)'s.

She is my empress so I don't care (also, I don't want it and never have so being NTR'd is fine)

Is this your first Fire Emblem game or did you somehow manage to miss the visual style of 14 other games?

What fucking hype

>The only route where Byleth can be saved and regained his/her heartbeat and humanity back
That happens in every route, Sothis confirms it.

then fuck you faggot go get cucked you stupid little bitch

>>The only route that removes Seiroh/Nemesis permanent threat to human race
That happens in every route

All the maps can only have 10 units deployed, right? So I just need to recruit one person from any other house and build my team from that?

you totally are that guy from the XIV threads, that's hilarious. Why are you so obsessed with cuckoldry?

>You look so... happy. I love seeing you like this.

>Hm? Hey, Professor. Can you make that expression one more time?

>It's just... I've never seen you look so happy before. It's downright mesmerizing.

>Professor! Welcome back... I was... We all were... You've been on our minds.
>Know that your enemies are my enemies. I will do all I can to help you find justice.
>There is no one else I can... My strength is yours alone.
>I'll fight as you command... I will kill anyone should you ask of me.

A- Anons, help! I think that anime DiCaprio is yandere who wants to shove his penis up my ass. Did I made a mistake for picking Lions as a dude?

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What route lets me keep super saiyan?

or bench someone like Ignatz

Every route but Gorilla's

I am starting to think her house was a bad decision
Arogant little brat

Don't resist. Just let it happen.

you sound like your mom cucked your dad lmao

tell me your waifu so I can cuck you

The only reason why Dimitri went full edge is because he was forced to be the Lord of Dancers and he couldn't say no because a big tittied teacher he's into asked him to

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you fucking cucks and cuck apologists took over popular media that's why every fucking game is full of disgusting cuckshit now fuck you faggots for normalizing that pathetic fucking shit you cuck bastards

Im not sure how acquainted FEfags are to autists shitting every thread 24/7, but if this isn't an elaborated troll, i think you just adquired your own FFXV-kun

Good taste
Was about to choose her shit house only for her
Can you marry her?

How do you get the Edelgard ending where you don't get cucked?

>sothis gave the leaders/hero of fodlan crest to better protect their land
>some of them went mad for power, killed sothis to obtained more power by forging bunch of weapons from her bones
>Seiros went mad, gather the rest of the crest bearers and fought Nemesis
>Nemesis lost and their crest are erased from histories
>Seiros took back whatever left of Sothis carcass, formed the church and protected them
>centuries later, Rhea implanted Sothis core into byleth because she wants her mommy back

In BE Sothis core get destroyed along with crest

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this nigga has been haunting FFXIV threads since Shadowbringers launched, he's not FE-specific.

you can marry her and she gives you children man she's a good waifu not like the fucking dyke women

Now, now. Don't be like that. You need to bend over to help your student out with his depression, user.

He has the same lines for FByleth and Maleth just like the other Fire Emblem games. Only difference is he leads Maleth on and "no homo"s him while he marries the female one.

Did you somehow missed that they're placed completely inconsistently in this game or were you to busy stroking yourself off the the 14 other games you didn't play?

you don't get a edelgard ending where you don't get cucked man it's cause the fucking dykes made it so you can't get married or have children with any of the fucking dyke women man don't fucking s rank edelgard she pumps out babies for a rank ferdinand lmao

Thanks. Time for me to reset and chose the blue lions. Eldegard comes off as someone who would turn her back on me if she found a flaw in me, not to mention its easy to foretell that she has bad intentions. As for claude, hes into schemes and I dont trust that, also he looks like a fag.

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There was already echoes sperg

Don't worry, it's not gay as long as balls don't touch.

Golden Queers is secretly the best house

Stop replying to yourself.

Don't forget to pick a female, unless you don't mind no-homo baiting .

Don't worry Claude's the biggest bro out of the three and his house is 100% straight

Should I recalls myself and my units ASAP at level 5?

fucking retard

They aren't placed inconsistently lol

Come on cuckboy, tell me who your waifu was so I can show her a good time.

bros why is lysithea so fucking perfect

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fuck you faggot

Why couldn't they just do separate endings where Edelgard has kids with a male Byleth?

Don't worry. His time-skip version won't chase after you like a little puppy. You'll be chasing him!

Can i fuck Manuela or not

Why so salty? You sound like you're used to the taste of jizz in your mouth. Put your money where your mouth is you little queer.

cause they're fucking jap cucks pandering to the fucking dykes

Reminder to pick fembyleth regardless of your house
Reminder to always make her running towards the screen so you can see her massive titties in clear view
Reminder to buy the DLC outfits and peek at her panties
Reminder that Rhea, Sothis and Edelgard will always love you regardless of Byleth gender

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The same reason Robin's epilogue was extremely vague in Awakening, because they never spell out the ending for the MC so that people who want to self insert are free to make their own canon up.

He is only like a puppy/thirsty hoe for you before the time skip.
After the time skip it's the other way around. You are the one who is mostly chasing after him.

shut the fuck up retard

Bullshit, Dorothea has different s supports depending on your gender

I feel like I messed up picking golden deer first. From what I hear their route is pretty chill story wise and that they are the true bro's of the game. Now all I have to look forward to in the other routes is a bunch of drama and suffering.

Attached: fire-emblem-three-houses-pick-the-golden-deer-claude.jpg (1839x1035, 244K)

she has the same fucking endings you fucking moron

>Paired with the end of the war, the joyous marriage of Byleth, the newly-appointed archbishop, and Dimitri, the newly-crowned king of Faerghus, gave the people of Fódlan much to celebrate. The two were devoted to improving life for the people and to seeking greater wisdom in order to reform the government and the church from the inside out. As leaders of church and state respectively, at times they engaged in heated debate. Even still, when enjoying a long horse ride or a quiet evening, they were not as the world saw them, but rather two adoring spouses, desperately in love. They remained as such for the rest of their days.
Say what again?

She's one of the few characters that are confirmed to be impregnated by you.

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I just want a canon confirmation that I get to creampie edelgard, is that too much to ask?

This fbyleth is superior

Deers are basically the backstory to the main conflict that plays out in the other routes

they'll do this shit for the trannies but they won't give a good ending for straight males fucking jap bastards

You sound really defensive. Are you so obsessed with cuckoldry because you have low self esteem in your manhood? You certainly sound retarded, but I can understand all this frothing tard-rage if you're both stupid AND a dicklet.

you won't get it cause the fucking jap devs are dyke pandering cucks and tranny lovers lmao

The real canon is in your heart.

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Actually, she care about you the most. She's even willing to let you kill her.

Wow that's gay

my god i'll really enjoy resetting for all these dancer dialogues

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Based Femleth.

>she care about you the most
she won't even fucking marry you or have kids with you but she will with ferdinand lmao you fucking moron

>Destroys your village
>Helps to kill your father
>helps to lure you into trap so you will be trapped in darkness for all eternity
So, why should I ally with Edelgard again?

>worked with people who killed your dad
>tries to kill you after the time skip if you didn't picked her
>the only time she "lets" you kill her is when you beat her
Sure thing bruh.

She cute.

>won't marry you or give you children
>marries and gets impregnated by ferdinand
you shouldn't if you're not a cuck lmao

lmao the fucking japs fucked up with her cause of their dyke pandering

Edelgard is the only character in the game with same supports for both genders
Really shows that even Rhea cares more about you as a person, while Edelgard only sees you as a tool she can discard anytime

Not really. There are tons of girls miles better looking that walking tomato with dumb horn ornaments. Even Annette beats her in the time-skip.

I'm still waiting to hear who your waifu is, dicklet cuckposter. I want to laugh before I go to sleep.

>not even the best looking female in her own house let alone in general
Get some standards.

Reminder that both Edelgard and Dimitri are both violent lunatics without their beloved sensei to calm them down. You are literally the only thing keeping them from going over the edge.

>quest to find Flayn
>Manuela also missing but no one says anything
>figure out where Flayn is immediately
>get the option to skip the entire month immediately
>wait and do paralogues until it forces the quest to happen on the last day
>Manuela laying on the ground with a stab wound
>She has been laying there for a month and still survived

It's persona 5 all over again.

Attached: b rank support.jpg (1248x2876, 985K)

>hottest waifu
>village was probably full of shitters
>dad was going to die anyway when he gets older

If it wasn't for her, the land who have still be shit.

I-is there any ending where fByleth doesn't get cucked if you dyked a girl?

>No 5th route where I can make them get together
Wasted opportunity

Holy shit, that's actually kind of based when the Jap devs give the player character the middle finger and cucks them too while they're at it. I don't recall any Western game doing that except ME3 with that Black Guy. Props.

The difference is that Dimitri has actual reasons to be this way
Edelgard just a cunt

Does Lorenz marry Dorothea or does he friendzone her since she's not a noble?

Muh kween. Ah dun wunt eet. Nevah ave

What date does the calendar end pre timeskip? My hair just turned green and I'm trying to beeline it for Ferdinand.

After 90 CAD and 10 hours, I cant get into this game bois. It's just not for me, it's my first FE game, and I'm just too overwhelmed. Keep dying over and over again. My confidence is getting killed, and I'm not even having fun, I'm just forcing my self to play it because I keep reading how fun everyone is having with it. I tried guys, it's just not for me.

Can you fuck multiple girls?


>Literally over 50 times the word "cuck" is mentioned in this thread alone
Cuckolding really is the Thinking Man's Fetish. It's also a magnet of hot garbage controversy because that's all anons really care about that your virtual, fictional waifu choose someone else other than your Avatar player.

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Can I not savescum certifications?

Am I the only one who picked her hoping she'd be the villain? I picked Conquest for the same reason and got pussy shit about how they "never REALLY killed anyone so they're still the good guys", Black Eagles was refreshing

I mean she leads a giant empire with a red and black color scheme and her house sigil is similar to the German eagle, it was pretty obvious.
Plus her young design rips off Napoleon's cape and Japs are super in to him. If you told me Edelgard was a gender-bent Napoleon from Fate, I wouldn't question it.
Hubert is also a huge red flag, and you get to meet him before you choose your house

There were a ton of warning signs, anyone who was surprised by her going full Revolutionary Empire it is a brainlet

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without sensei claude is worthless and gets killed

Why are Religious women always dykes?

ffxiv user? Is that you? You seem to care about cucking a lot and you type like you're mad y'shtola doesn't slobber over your dick

Truly the cuckolds choice

Jesus christ your butthurt. What happened, did a dyke steal your gf?

What, so you can S rank her to get the no marriage, no kids end with her and she can still A rank with Ferdinand and have that happen too?

Dimitri was ironically the most sane in Edelgard's route. At least as far as time-skip version of him concerned.
He's only nuclear in Claude's route. Haven't played/seen him Church's route to judge.

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well a lot of people inferred from the trailer that Ega will be a lawfag that side with the church, sacrificing her ideal and stuffs with the "unreasonable sense of justice", and Dimitri's the chaotic nuclear man
so Ega's body count was really surprising

Lorenz takes pride in his own nobility, but he's not aggressive or against commoners.

or just marry one of the dozen girls that isn't an insane axe murderer

>Edelgard literally goes no u

I wouldn't say sane... but, yea. He was least nuclear in her route and was quite justified in being mad. Which made killing him feel the worse.

Dimitri is obsessed
His route is revolves around muh Edelgard, while Edelgard don't give a shit about him in her route

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>Must you continue to conquer? Continue to kill?
Wtf is that type of response? Jesus!


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I know that I won't like her since literally announcment trailer where she went full Ike/Corrin about traditions being evil and need to rebel

>352 post
>85 posters
This motherfucker have been samefagging nonstop lately.

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Her route is very refreshing after playing so many games where your character is a boy scout that solves everything with minimal loss and completely changes the world with only the obvious bad guys dead (and that might not even happen). More games need playable characters and routes that make you do morally questionable things for the sake of a good ending for the world.

>Human experimentation bad!
>It's ok when I do it lol

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Yet she goes "muh Dimitri" and almost cries because "I REMEMBERED" after killing him.
I thought she would be more likable in her own route, but she is downright retarded cunt whose reasoning never makes sense.

Yeah but that's just because Edgelord is a psychopath with no capacity for emotion or compassion. She's literally just a robot fulfilling her mission for the sake of fulfilling her mission.

Isn't Claude the only one that can live in all 4 routes?

Yep, she would even relinquish her throne and her country after that and spend her lifetime with you

here's Edelgard S support after you give her the ring

Attached: EdelgardS.webm (1024x576, 2.91M)

Is that why she almost cried after killing him?
That being said... She is retarded and she somehow managed to be even more unlikable on her own route than Dimitri's own. Quite hilarious.

Why is that one guy getting so upset at dykes? Was he cucked by a dyke?

he has a fetish for being cuckolded by Japanese men, likely brought on by reading one too many loli doujins.

Nah it just means that Dimitri is pretty much irrelevant outside of his route

Edelgard and Rhea are the driven force behind the story

Yes. He just goes missing in the route where every other lord (and Rhea) can die.

>I don't like thing
>gotta use my reddit image XD

THIS is what people are pissed about? I mean, I still don't really get why her A support with Ferdinand is the way it is while things are like this for both Byleths, but whatever. This isn't that bad.


It's for the greater good, please understand

His mom cucked his dad and he has a microdick.

She is a fucking hypocrite. She tried to kill him at the very start, then is confused why is he against her. She attacks his homeland, then she is confused WHY IS HE AGAINST HER. Kills him like a pig and then almost cries for him after it because NOW SHE CARES.
I don't know how did they manage to make her character shit in her own route compared to others, but writing of her character is a mess in her own route and she is straight up unlikable.

After timeskip I learned that you can level professor's level by fishing
Literally level per around hour
With enough grind its possible to get s level in second month
More likely tellius newfag, this guys are always upset about everything

Glad I went with my heart. He seemed like a good guy. I know he's a fictional character but I typically can tell if someone is a genuine asshole from the start.

she won't even fucking marry you or give you children faggot but she does with ferdinand


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>ywn have be a dyke with a former empress lover retired and living on an island you own

Can students reach A Support with only one character? There was a list of endings posted online that made it seem like this would be the case.

I like how this is the character nintendo is shilling the most.
t. absolute kek

>not siding with vagina hitler and gassing all the dragons before retiring to fuck the crestaids out of your cute wife lys

Attached: fuhrer.jpg (349x445, 29K)

>play fByleth
>now the no children thing doesn't matter
Problem solved, you fucking brainlet.

I dunno about outside of these threads, but it seems like it's all one autistic faggot here who can't stop ranting about cucks and dykes. probably got cucked by a dyke.

I'm not a tranny, fag

Reminds me Corrin

you are the problem you fucking tranny you fucking disgusting cunts ruined the game for male byleth you fucking axe wound

>playing female characters makes you a tranny
Fucking smoothbrain, nice job proving your brainlet status.

>play mByleth
>marry the pope
> did i ever tell you that i plan to murder you to bring my mother back

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Hopefully the Support endings change a bit in the DLC route

So I never played a FE game
I choose black eagles for this arrogant thot but I am already regretting it in introduction after the choice
Is she worth waifuing? Can you still marry a girls from another house?

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Read the thread

Can you marry the pope as FByleth, and does she still plan on murdering you to bring back her mommy?

she's not worth waifuing she won't fucking marry you or give you children but she will for another man lmao you can marry girls from other houses flayn and lysithea are best

>male byleth
Eh male byleth looks ugly and i only play cute girls

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Are byleth and chaos gorilla worse than corrin and robin?

Just fucking do it, don't ask for others opinions. Only one you'll get is that cuck and dyke obsessed sperg.

Yes, and you beat the murderyness out of her as the final boss.

Oh yeah the way you type and how you repeat stuff says it all. You're him

Nah. She is literally meme-related in her own route.

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I am in the middle of the game
You thing I will spent 15 minutes to read 400 posts?

Then why are you playing yourself in life?

>confirmed mostly just side stories and no major route added
They better be baiting us

Yes & Yes

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Can you marry the pope and side against the church?

Why am I so fucking bad at the tea parties? I got all the answers right with Hilda until the end, then I figured since she's a spoiled noble chick, she'd want praise. But nope. Apparently she wanted me to nod or admonish. God, it's just like real life.

Says the sperging tranny


Went Black Eagles, should I do the Church route first or later?

>shittiest maps
>18 chapters
You tell?

Just save scum

Wait what? You can't fuck her? What's the point in choosing her house then? Cuckhold?

>Messy living conditions
>Unquenchable Thirst
>Ample Plot
Name a better girl. Pro-tip, you can't

Attached: Manuela_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 996K)

You only have to scroll down a little to get your answer retard

Do church first, the fuck religion route is basically the red pill route

>literally beat her until she loves you more than her mommy
>whisper in her ear 'I'll be your new mommy.'

it's cause of the fucking dykes the japs wrote 1 ending even if you're male she can't marry you or have children with you lmao but she does with ferdinand

Going full Beagles without sticking your dick in Elegard feels like a waste.

>Literally nobody in the thread even brings up Dmitri so far



You do fuck her. He's autistic.

From the bottom or top?

Don't forget
>pumps out multiple children for you before she hits the wall
She is best girl.

You fuck her, the problem is that she cant publically marry you, so she starts looking for a candidate to dump the empire and go fuck her husbando

>betraying the waifu in your first run of a game
Bro no we're chaosCHADs who hate religion
Not chaotic evil retards

Don that fedora with her, and keep cleaving

>powerlevels your best skills
No one else can compete desu

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>literally doubles down on his idiocy
Stop, you're just making yourself look even worse, you troglodytic plebian.

Nope because you share the same end male or female so no kids

Stop spreading misinformation.

You forgot cake
Can she become your mommywife?

>That projection
Lol, are you mad that i said that malebyleth looks ugly? is he your husbando? you do know that you're playing waifu emblem right?
if you can't stand cute girls then this game is not for you

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yep and shes one of the ones that bears children in her ending

OK so can you fuck the green hair girl
And I mean any of the 3 from rhea to her sister or your persona

fuck you faggot she doesn't fucking marry you or have kids with you but she does with ferdinand that's fact you stupid cunt

I don't actually have the game yet, I'm waiting for my next paycheck. It just seemed pertinent to ask since I know you're a chud IRL.

Tell me autist, where in does it mention even kids. Tell me where it even mentions them fucking.

Keep coping you transexual freak

flayn is the best man she gives you children don't fuck rhea the milf she's another fucking dyked s rank she won't marry you or give you children lmao same with sothis 2 out of 3 dyked lmao

I just got the a rank with lyz
Is the power of dick good enought to save her?
I dont want to only have 5 years with her

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>love is about marriage and children
True Yea Forumsirgin logic. Enjoy getting fucked over by the first girl you knock up, if you ever even manage that.

Can you really recruit units just with B rank support?
Because I just tried and it didn't work.

Watching you have a mental break down over dykes is hilarious. I can feel the SEETHE from you where I sit.

Only Flayn is worth it because you fuck her

That's not how it happens. Play the game and stop basing your view on memes.

Lol i bet you don't even have a switch

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Am I blind or is the text tiny?

I can't decide which girl I should go for since the character design is all garbage
The green haired girls are OK but can you go for any of them?

Continue to seethe, you cuckoldry obsessed mental midget.

Dude I try to be a ChaosChad, but I always default to a LawFag.

You still need the stats they want but it's significantly lowered at B rank

It's Xenoblade X tier, for sure.

Where do you know this? Game is not even out for a week

How many units can you field down the line ? I recruited a bunch but i'm stuck not being able to bring them along and it annoys me.

It's a lot smaller than it should be, Handheld especially. I wouldn't be surprised if they patched in a goddamn accessibility font size option

Stop falling for (((Her))) word user, before it's too late and you create an incestuous monster!

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You can but one of them has daddy issues, other has mommy issues and the third one is a tulpa.

>like Leonie once she's revealed
>Doesn't stop taking about your dad
>get up to C rank with her
>gets mad that you don't like your dad enough or something
Well fine, you like him so much why don't you fuck him?
Mercedes has been better anyways

Just starting. Any tips for the beginning? Do I class change immediately or keep them as nobles/commoners?

9-11. They made it so you can focus on favorites more and care less about shit units.

Change them. Noble/Commoner mastery skill is HP + 5 wich is nigh useless after the first few chapters

her ending is still obsessed with your dad lmao she doesn't give a fuck about you

You can, you can be her mother and give her milkies, here's her S support after you give her the ring

Attached: RheaS.webm (1024x576, 2.88M)

To be fair, as far as Blue Lion ending goes, character by the name of Gilbert DOES MENTION Dimitri's son. Therefore, that does mean that any woman married to him, has a kid.

What's your obsession with having children sperg?

So flayn and Lysithea are objectively the best girls to marry?


No, I asked where does it say they had kids. Not some made justification that you'll use for one case and not the other.


Rhea route seems like the best route by far

He isn't memeing, he genuinely believes what he says.


Dimitri has a child by default.

Attached: young_prince.png (1388x580, 312K)

Of course

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>Prefacing a marriage proposal with a string of words like "I wished for you to become the progenitor god"
JRPGs are ridiculous, but I love them.

Lysithea is fucking CUTE but unironically too young.

Not young enough

I’m honestly disappointed Dimitri wasn’t insane. From that time skip trailer he looked menacing and terrifying. I thought Edelgard was a calm and protected emperor that was trying to stop Dimitri from killing everybody. Both it was the reverse and they manage to do nothing important with Claude. It kinda of worsens the characters for me

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Me think she's into lesbian incest

I'm not the "cuck" guy you seem to be arguing with. I'm just saying that said Dimitri has a child by default regardless of does he marry someone, or not. Here , since someone posted it. So as far as lords go, he is the only one to get a child by default compared to Edelgard (who only has children with Ferdinand) and Claude.

Show me where he has a kid user, in their ending epilogue.

>>And they lived happily ever after. The end.
Imagine being more retarded than literal children.

Lysithea is cute as hell, strong as fuck, and has a good personality too.

None of them are too young after the time skip.

Are there repeatable paralogues until the grinding map drops?

Sothis end is literally masturbation

Nice. How old is Rhea suppose to be anyways... age gap /u/ is patrician.


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He's insane, Byleth just tardwrangles him. Look at how he is in Claude's route if he isn't there.

Honestly if they added child units this would not have been an issue

No children apart from this are mentioned because, again, he is meant to have a kid by default in his ending.

And for note: Not THAT user. Just talking about Dimitri's children. So marrying him obviously means that is your son.

Can I get a list of waifus in this game who aren't gay? Thanks.

>literally masturbation
So you get cucked?

I can assume i'm talking to more than one person because that faggot didn't bother to respond. He's crying that in Edelgard s rank and epilogue, she doesn't give you kids. Where does it say that Dimitri gives you kids in his s rank and epilogue.

Black Eagles has the worst "trademark noble man" compared to the others.
>generic snooty noble that helps the Empire continue to rule
>combats the crest discrimination culture
>combats the caste system

No, she's a tulpa in your head. Fucking her is essentially fucking yourself.

I skimmed this thread. So there’s an Edelgard ending where she ends up with you but they don’t explicitly say what’s being done because the ending is the same for both male and female PCs? So what’s the problem

Physically 28 in the data, but old enough to have created your mother, so at least 60.

Oh, okay, that makes sense. So, if I need C in riding normally I would just need D after support rank B, right?

>living happily ever after
>without spreading your seed

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You have to put the ring on your own finger because she is in your head and you can't be with her until you die

What difference does it make in choosing a house if you still can marry girls from other houses

tfw fuck up every counseling letter

Insane but still defends villages and the church.

Your Tulpa rapes you every time you jack off with her smol feet, then gives you wet dreams and something to clean up every morning

Fall in love with real people anons

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>until you die
She says she'll die when you do, not that you'll be with her when you die

Can I get supports higher than B rank before the timeskip?

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A impregnation obsessed autist

OH no...

If you wanna fuck the lord

No, Sothis the default S support ending, she lives in your soul dimension, you can just go to sleep and meet her

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Guess I am choosing green loli then

Is that like her one character trait?

>Flayn is so thirsty she even fucks her blood descendants

Autistic sperg is mad that you don't have children with her

So she eat alot of sperms ??

Each route is it's own divergent route with their own maps

They frontloaded the route choosing option a bit too early honestly before you have more than even a half paragraph description of each lord

Guess thats pretty cucked then

No. Anything higher than B is reserved for time skip.


So Edelgard is off the list. Cool.
I joined blue team and to be honest, Ingrid caught my eye. Is she good marriage material?

Any you marry multiple girls?

Flayn is bae

Did someone try to pair up Annette with Dimitri? I'm honestly interested in seeing how will ending change since Gilbert would be his grandfather in that case.


>84 posters
>Reaching the bump limit in just a few hours
Very impressive.

Seek help.

Yes, Ingrid is great.

Does it matter which house you choose?

But aren't you immortal?

go dilate

No Polygamy is a sin

The issue is one guy disliked how she puts the Empire above you when you marry her, but not above her other options.

There are four story paths user, of course it matters.


I mean in terms of marrying

she won't even fucking marry byleth or give him children but she does with ferdinand the fucking cucks itt keep denying it

I don't know why someone would want to romance Edelgard anyway, she's unlikeable and insane. Tharja's violent tendencies were played for laughs, Edelgard is an actual psychopath.

>Don't know which girl to pick
>Have to worry about them becoming a crazy bitch post-timeskip

I don't like this, it's just like real life

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No, but church is the best

the rest were meh at best


flayn or lysithea

Pick with your dick



Church you can marry:
>Dragon mommy
>Dragon loli


The child is meant to be the default thing. Not something that depends on his marriage with you, or anyone. He is meant to have a son by default, that is only mentioned by Gilbert and the only way for child to pop-up in Dimitri's ending is by A ranking him with Gilbert.
>Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fódlan. At his side was the knight, Gustave, who had discarded the name of Gilbert and reaffirmed his oath of fealty to the royal family. After many more years of service, in which the trust between them grew and never wavered, Gustave finally wished to retire. Though he bristled slightly at Dimitri's request to look after and tutor the young prince, it is said that Gustave took on that duty with due patience and solemnity for the remainder of his life.
In short: It wouldn't be DEFAULT child if it depended on you pairing him up with someone. Like how Edelgard depends on Ferdinand in order to have any. His child happens anyway and is always mentioned by Gilbert. The only thing you can get out of marrying him is that you are mother of that kid, I guess.

Also, why the fuck are you autists fighting over children and shit? What does it matter?

man i'm glad i didn't get this game, seems like a step up from corrinshit but still not great

Beagles are fags
Lions are decent
Deers are weirdos but they're alright

My dicks tells me Edelgard but I am not a fan of getting cucked

>why does it matter she won't give children to byleth but she will to another man?
fucking retard

is the objectively correct path

If you're a galaxy brain, maybe start with Deer since they're a worldbuilding heavy route that may make your understanding of the rest far enhanced if you're actually following the geopolitical intrigue to a T

If you've come to that conclusion based on this thread, you should really seek out some second or third opinions. The same few dipshits bickering back and forth about the same shit all day don't really do much to express how good this game actually is.

>believing the autistic retard

You can't S rank Flayn unless you go church?

flayn or lysithea then that's it

cucked is a strong word but not having a kid is gay

Fuck off pedos

fuck you faggot edelgard endings for byleth vs ferdinand are posted here you stupid cunt try to dispute that you cuck bitch

I was gonna do Deer > Lions > Eagles > Church. Is there any inherent reason to do Eagles before Lions?

You can, just not eagles

>it's not flat out mentioned
>it didn't happen

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First it doesn't. Second, The faggot is crying about s ranks and ending epilogues, not oh but this happens later. Outside of Dimitri's generic ending, which can be anyone, it does not say he gives femByleth in their s rank nor epilogue.

yeah that's usually how that works

flayn or lysithea if you want children you can with manuela and shamir but they spend their entire romance plots talking about other men before you get their marriage ending lmao

I guess they kill her? I'm deers so I should be good.

Fedinand is a noble though, Byleth is just a mercenary captain.

>it's not flat out mentioned for byleth
>it is flat out mentioned she marries ferdinand and gets impregnated by him several times

Because you understand a bit more of Edelgard (aka you see her being a cunt and symphatize with Dimitri's autism better), also it's the shortest route. That's why I think you should start with either Eagles or Deer

Manuela couldn't get someone to fuck her if she tried but that's the point I guess

>it's not a cuck ending
>it is a cuck ending but it's for a good reason
lmao what's your fucking point

I never denied that. That's the point. If you are obsessed with having a child in the end, then you can console yourself with knowing that Dimitri has one by default (that doesn't depend on you).
But it's honestly stupid to even get worked up over a shit like this. Many great endings that mention children, but that doesn't make them less great. If he is so upset about nobody mentioning Edelgard popping him baby, then he should visit and problem solved.

Not really, the only real question in my mind is the placement of Deer, and that depends on how well you care about the overall setting. Either way you split Eagles/Lions, you're taking one hell of an emotional cudgel at a point based on the prior route

If you're the kind to actually read all the books in the library, note the dates and actors, start with Deer and move onto the other two afterwards

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Ah, I see. I guess I'll do Eagles before Lions then. I definitely wanna start with Deer though.

she explicitly fucking marries ferdinand and gives him children but not byleth do you fucking understand why the fuck do you think i'm not complaining about the others

>If I spam the meme word reddit taught me then it means I win
What's yours?


Literally obsessed with Ferdinand kek. Seethe more captain autism


>b... but ferdinand is a noble that's why it's fine for her to marry and get impregnated by him she can't do that with byleth because he's a commoner it's not cuckshit
fuck you retard

The point is that nobles marry nobles without issue but have problems marrying commoners. Edelgard literally needs to abdicate the throne in order to allow herself to marry a commoner. Read a book, sperg.

I'm just playing by the goal posts that are set up. He still won't respond to anything I've said so far, but fuck it, he's an austis.

yeah why would i fucking mention the faggot that marries and impregnates her when we're talking about her getting married and impregnated

You're literally obsessed. If you dislike her so much, why even go into a thread about her? Is your life so devoid of stimulation you need people on fucking Yea Forums of all places to berate you?



114 posters user
not that it's much better

because faggots like you try to mislead about the cuckshit you give your cuck justifications for why it isn't lmao if you're fine with cuckshit just admit it but don't try to fool players that hate that shit you fucking cuck

Maybe he really likes Edelgard or something. For me I'm too busy laughing because she's really unlikeable and bitchy so she can have a bad ending with Byleth if she wants, Byleth has great stuff with Petra and Bernie.

Does Edelgard 100% not give children and never will in the ending, or is it just not mentioned because it’s the same for both PCs

Jesus christ you are the most autistic person alive. Stay obsessed while I laugh at your cope.

it's not mentioned for byleth but it is mentioned for ferdinand

The epilogues are clearly "where are they right after the ending" things. You can't find a replacement monarch, abdicate the throne, marry, and have a child in short order Autisticus Maximus.


The cast will have children eventually but some pairings have children straight away. For Byleth it's Lysithea, Flayn, Manuela and Shamir. Basically the autistic guy is obsessed.

False, you can S rank Flayn in BE

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It's not mentioned becuase it doesn't matter. Elegards' entire existence is being Emperor, to mention anything outside that life would be a disservice to her.


>epilogues are where are they right after the endings
>epilogues mention legends they created hundreds of years after or how the character died
are you fucking retarded?

The latter. It's pretty obvious you have sex at some point but fisting cant impregnate so they dont out right say it.

It's a faggot autist. Dimitri's s rank and epilogue doesn't mention kids, but I guess it's 100% never ever.

Does...that matter?

if it's fucking explicitly stated in 1 ending but not the other what the fuck makes you think it happens in the ending it isn't mentioned

I hope the legend of Cuckfag, Lord of the Dicklets keeps on for at least 3 more FE threads.

>List includes three of the girls I was already trying to choose between

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user Byleth's ending with Bernedetta doesn't mention kids but does with Caspar's but that doesn't mean that Byelth and Bernedetta will never have kids.

Then Why isn't it explicitly mention in Dmitri's.

Is Flayn the most precious thing in Three House?

yeah you stupid bitch you didn't fucking refute it cause you're a retarded faggot for claiming all the epilogues are right after the ending you stupid fucking cunt

She literally is abandons you and goes into hiding as far as I know. Don't know what that picture is for.

After reading this thread a bit, that you're autistic?
And probably secretly a cuckold.

imagine getting cucked by fucking caspar

OBSESSED, I bet Edelgard was your waifu before right?

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So girls don't take a shit?

Refute that you're not autistic.
Oh wait.

>the virgin Edelgard is too scared to have a commoner husband
>the OMEGA CHAD SUPREME GENTLEMAN Lorenz destroys his commoner wife in bed and flaunts his son to everyone
Why haven't you restarted as FemLeth and married Lorenz yet?

Refute what? Weaponized autism?

you talked about shit that was in the game but you were fucking wrong you fucking moron

Caspar is canonically a sex god, Hilda literally tries fucking him in their A support. I must give him Hilda to appease him so I may keep my Bernie untouched.

You can pretty much recruit all students from other house, pic related is ending prtratot from BE route

that the epilogues aren't right after you stupid fucking bitch cause they mention legends the characters create and where they died so fucking admit it you stupid cunt they could've had edelgard give byleth children you fucking moron

I know that, but she is recruited automatically, and then leaves when you go against the church. As far you legitimately can not get that picture.

i don't think they can, i've never seen one do it

user it's to prevent every ending from being the same. "they got married and had kids" can only be used so many times. Basically some characters become housewives and have lots of kids while others have less kids because they are out doing things.

How many threads has this guy sperged in anyways?

Post yfw you're not a cuckolding obsessed dicklet ESL who spams weebshit games on a mongolian basketweaving forum as this thread slides into oblivion.

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you don't see the problem that it happens with a fucking a rank npc bitch but not s rank with the main character?

so some endings are good and some are shit?

sounds about right

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Paired A ranks are the equivalent of S in Three Houses.

The only problem here is how obsessed you are.

then s rank doesn't mean shit and byleth's ending with edelgard is inferior to ferdinand's you agree lmao

Not every ending has to be "and MC's waifu became a dedicated sex toy for his personal pleasure" retard.

I hope it's Barry.

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So then why doesn't Dmitri have any kids user?

but you're fine with her becoming a dedicated sex toy for some npc faggot's personal pleasure cause you're a retarded fucking cuckold bitch you stupid fucking cunt

whatever queer

I don't care about your children autism but it definitely is a shit ending because it shows how shallow her motivations are, despite going on about wanting to break down the caste system she doesn't dare marry a commoner.

i don't give a shit about dimitri romance you faggot i'm not a fucking tranny pretending be a woman dumb ass

>Same syntax
>Same post replied
>Same point
You loaded this thread on two machines and hit send at the same time, didn't you.

Nope, apparently for him they do. What's that, you have hopes and dreams dear? Too bad. Then if you mention playing fByleth so you can't have dyke kids anyways, he reverts to calling you a tranny.

>actually wanting the shitty copy/paste avatar ending from Awakening and Fates where every single ending is the same one for the main character

Iirc she leave when Route Split if you're choosing Edelgard, but she and seteth can still be recruited afterwards

That's your opinion and you are allowed to have it.

i've been samefagging a lot in this thread and i think you managed to pick the only other post that wasn't me

good job

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You sounds like a women, maybe i'm wrong but i think you're either a women or just gay

no you retard don't want the fucking shitty endings for main character and the good endings only for the fucking npcs you fucking retard

But not every ending for the player is a bad one, you fucking lackwit.

As far as I know that's wrong. They go into hiding and are never heard from again. Their endings from the datamine are as follows

>S0 announced EK00hisEL00herEM00 marriage to Flayn\nshortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom\nof Fódlan. Flayn did not get involved in government\naffairs, but instead focused on making frequent public\nappearancwhere her calm and pleasant demeanor\nhelped endear the new leaders to the people. When\nFódlan was finally restored, the couple left the throne to\ntheir children and retired to a royal villa on the Rhodos\nCoast of western Fódlan. They spent their remaining years\nthere in peace, fishing a great deal. It is said that no matter\ntheir age, they always retained a youthful appearance.

>S0 announced EK00hisEL00herEM00 marriage to Flayn\nshortly after being named archbishop of the Church of\nSeiros. Flayn chose not to get involved in management of\nthe church, instead focusing on healing those who had\nbeen hurt by the war. Her compassionate demeanor led\nmany to speculate that she was "the second coming of\nSaint Cethleann." When Fódlan was finally restored,\nthe archbishop named a successor, and the couple retired\nto a royal villa on the Rhodos Coast of western Fódlan.\nThey spent their remaining years there in peace, fishing a\ngreat deal. It is said that no matter their age, they always\nretained a youthful appearance.

but byleth x edelgard's fucking is compared to ferdinand x edelgard you fucking cocksucker

If you dislike the canon ending, just use your imagination for a headcanon. Oh wait, you're autistic.

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>He fell for the child meme

Call me when someone's cheating on someone. Besides your parents, I mean.

Cope nigger, and realize the folly of your inferior imagination skills.

She had 2 version

>Flayn disappeared soon after the war, and over time\nit was all but forgotten that she had ever existed. Many\nlong years later, however, a young woman resurfaced in\na completely transformed Fódlan. When she looked to\nthe man who stood beside her, she wondered if it would\nbe all right, in this new era, to call him Father.

>Flayn disappeared soon after the war, and after a time,\nproof of her very existence faded from memory. Many\nyears later, a young woman appeared at the monastery,\nwhich had been restored to its former glory. Speaking to\nno one in particular, it is said that she gazed at the\nentrance and reverently whispered, "I am home."

You know, I might roll with that on my route - pairing him up with Eddie.
Hubert is too obsessed and I like Petra more.

Good taste
Thats what I had in sight
Exactly those 2
Can I Marry flayn when I chose black eagles or do I need to restart