ITT: Games Yea Forums tricked you into playing

ITT: Games Yea Forums tricked you into playing.
I gave this an honest shot against my better judgement and it turned out to be a tumblr dumpster fire. The small town setting was relatable and pulled me in but it just devolves from there. Somehow it nails every red flag.
>simplistic tumblr art
>lack of gameplay to appeal to limp wristed vegans
>can't go a moment without mentioning why capitalism is the source of all of society's problems and Socialism will lead us to the promised land
Should have long before, but I dropped this shit right here:

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 102K)

It should have been obvious from the cover art that its shit

The art is the one thing this thing has going for it.

>shitty art

>slice of life adventure that successfully captures the sleepy post-highschool malaise and perpetual anxiety that permeates rural small town america
This game was painfully mishandled, what the fuck were they thinking

Attached: poseidon.jpg (406x347, 16K)

Unironically great game (although I never finished it since I can into a game-breaking bug). I still remember all of what I played ~2 years later, which is very rare. Perfectly captures the feels it's going for.

In better hands it could have worked, but the writer can't go five seconds without using the game as a mouthpiece for the EEEEEEVILS of capitalism. MC is a useless college dropout who is not only ungrateful but resentful of her friends and family and is fine with not finding a job or refining life skills because 'LUL I don't believe in money, I didn't choose to be born into society'. It's a shame because it nails small town living but then shits the bed in every other aspect.

>Ending has you smash the literal patriarchy

It's a great game for what it was. Shame that the devs has go to THAT route by revealing it to all about chtulu shit. I just want a comfy slice of life game man

Hilariously, the decaying state of Possum Springs is directly attributed to the rise of labor unions pushing out industry. Yet the lesson the player is supposed to learn is that industry is evil and old people suck. It's like the people who wrote it never even read what they'd written.

Attached: 3D1BABA7-AF62-46CD-81FD-D5C1393FB999.png (657x623, 97K)

Did you miss the detail about how useless, unlikeable the protag is and how his family and friends are disappointed in her

Attached: dragonsdogmaswitch.jpg (550x550, 58K)

Yeah I caught that, clearly a self-insert character, along with the 'ABOLISH CAPITALISM' poetry girl.

Did also miss the detail about how Mae was always in the wrong and the plot is about her growing up, becoming more mature and understanding the people around her?

Literally when does this happen
All of the blame is shifted onto the "spoooooky" monster and you're expected to believe that Mae was a good person all along.

A lot of people didn't like mae, I actually do in that I think she is the most realistic person I've seen in media. What else, the main storyline culminating into some fucking ghost in mines and some old cult murdering children to appease it was a dumb letdown. Looking past these two flaws and it's a good story. It's not in any way a video game desu

>Literally when does this happen
It's literally the arc of Bea's route. Bea's life is so shit and she's jealous of Mae's, and she berated Mae for being an ungrateful pos.
>All of the blame is shifted onto the "spoooooky" monster and you're expected to believe that Mae was a good person all along.
That's the problem with the writing. To me, the actual game is on chapter 2 and that's when the theme plays the strongest.
Yeah, the casts felt amazingly real, especially Mae and Bea. Which is something considering it's a tumblr furry trash.

I'm halfway through and despite it's flaws I plan on finishing it, but the bildungsroman theme only works when it BILDS on something.
I liked Mae at first, unironically I feel most of Yea Forums can relate to her failures (dropping out of college, living at home, murky past that's on the surface forgiven yet is secretly abhorred are all things Yea Forumsirgins can relate to.

>the actual game is on chapter 2 and that's when the theme plays the strongest.
Nailed it, everything was downhill after that point. The fight with Mae's mom and dinner at Bea's hit like a brick.

Fuck Mae, I hope she got bullied on college

Despite anti-bullying campaigns there are some demographics that would benefit from MORE bullying, ex: furries, sonic fans, FNAF players, etc. Mae falls into this category.

dragons dogma, over 30 hours and stopped after how boring it was getting. the world and quests were just very uninteresting and I hated the pawn system and ai, would have preferred actual characters.

maybe it gets better at 50+ hours somehow