>early game dungeon completed
>your character is joyful, smiles and laughs
>shadowbringers dungeon completed
>your character closes his eyes and hangs his head solemnly
kinobringers thread
Other urls found in this thread:
would've been better if they didn't do it for every duty in shadowbringers, it's not always appropriate
Yeah. we could've had a regular victory pose after don mheg.
Seriously thinking about blowing lLITERALLY ALL of my Gil on this fucking Summer Indigo shirt (it costs 6mil on my server), please fucking talk me out of it. It looks so cool
Just fyi, the first time you see Vauthry and his harem of sineaters is AFTER the weeping warbler quest.
Not sure why he sad, it was just a fun trial by the Fuath so he should be celebrating
The shirt will likely drop from the new treasure dungeon coming out on friday. If you can hold out, its price is about to tank
it's a miqote, miqotes want to fuck lions
Nothing we say will change the facts...
They're tired, not sad.
It's an expression of relief you retards.
tuesday I mean. dunno why I typed friday
We all know the Garleans had fun forcing the resistance bunnies and hrothgar royal guard into violent sex matches for their amusment.
patch when? I want to see my job buffed
Tuesday is savage drop along with crafter stuff and treasure dungeon. No major class changes until 5.1. It has been decreed by Yoshida-san.
WoL is just tired
Reminder that Sin Eaters remain lucid for a short time after turning meaning that she was perfectly aware of what was happening to her as she was transformed and slaughtered to make meol.
>Completely gut Bard’s utility and support from its kit
>Remove SUPPORT from a fucking BARD job
Fucking bullshit. Troubadour went from a cool support action to a lame 10% less damage buff. Warden’s Paen is a meme and Nature’s Minne is alright but ughhhhh. So fucking lame, stupid fucking dancer I know that’s the reason they fucked BRD over. Can’t have our new special snowflake support job have competition now can we??? ;)))
only ugly people like the femroe become meol, cute au ra become succubus reskins
its the au'ra song bird
Unrelated to this user’s rant, but on the topic of bard: Can someone please explain the Enhanced Army’s Paeon trait to me? It’s literally a wall of text and I can’t figure out what the fuck it means
You have to be literally retarded to not understand EAP on first read.
Should I level DRG or MNK?
Army's Paeon gives you haste. If you let the song wear off naturally instead of cancelling it early, you get to keep the haste.
A-user watch out He's coming straight for you!
FSH chads rise up
hardly see any retarded frogshit anymore. thank god that meme died fast
??? Read it again
Monks ATM are anti-fun incarnate, avoid them like a plague
>Side profile animation for the next tank
>Au Ra
>Character posting
>Probably dilating as we speak
Incel at best.
Ok thanks, seems simple enough. Don’t know why there’s so much text for such a seemingly simple effect but ok.
nice collar cumscales, who is your master?
Hildi quests when?
Because he's wrong.
Shut the fuck up and catch some oysters for my raid food, whore.
He literally just told you what you asked.
If you let the song end without switching songs, the bonus skill speed is stored in the form of a buff that activates when you start your next song
is this the biggest rip off you've ever seen?
Why can't you people read. You don't have to let AP fall off. The buff is exactly the same whether you let it fall off or switch songs 5 seconds into AP
she was chosen specifically because she was already showing sings of changing. look at her skin. she was ripe for harvest
I have had the starter Lv. 70 gathering gear since 4.0 and I never upgraded. Now I can't do the first tier of collectibles from jewina's house of splendors. Is it worth to just spend all my yellow scrips on the augmented "AF" or will that wreck my CP? What would be the best viable way to get a decent set to carry me to ~75 or whenever you upgrade to the next tier without having to spend millions of gil on the crafted Stormblood master sets.
I never said the bonus only happens if you let it fall off. When I said bonus skill speed I meant the extra bit it gives you when you start the next song. Maybe you need the reading lessons
What? He's just fucking with pf he can't be serious.
What's it like to regularly group with people you trust and appreciate? I haven't been in a guild for so long.
why is cocobusi so cute, lads?
>tanks get ANOTHER sword job
fuck off
user who asked here, and that’s not me dummy, I still don’t understand what the trait does. Fuck it I’ll just go with the flow and I’m sure it will click eventually
>female Au Ra
>that glamour
What's your current max GP
Because you're a flaming faggot.
>WAR’s Dwarven Mythril Hammer exists
Screw Judge, when are we getting an Exorcist healer class?
My FC finally challenged Innocence last night. We're a bunch of average skill players. We were proud of ourselves for only taking 2 wipes to clear it (clear on 3rd pull). It's very rewarding and fun, and supporting each other by knowing how everyone in the group plays.
I mean all her attacks are music related more or less.
Then why do you people always say "let the song end without switching songs"? That isn't the case. You still get the bonus even if you switch songs halfway into AP. Letting AP fall off gives you the exact same buff with a 30 second buffer window.
All it does is let you keep the AP effect of increased skill speed for 10 seconds when switching songs. It's some shitty "we took everything from bard so heres a lame buff to your worst song". You still don't want to use AP for its full duration.
It basically carries over the skillspeed bonus you get from AP into what ever song you play next. The more procs you got during AP the better the buff when the next song starts
Just buy landking/handking, my dude.
No need to upgrade and it's useful for all the classes.
Next tank right here.
I think you're looking at the wrong number
>not gun shields
717 GP and I have the Fieldking's hatchet, fieldking's shirt, and the pants. Everything else is the base 70 thing at least 2 - 3 melds on the left sides and all 5 melds on the right side.
What's the problem?
>cum stained dress
user you don’t need a new class to do this
god i fucking wish we got a knight
What the fuck do you think Paladin is? It's even called Knight in JP.
>His cum is red
user I don't know how to tell you this but...
DRK pals where we at?
With a propper rotation I would think you should at least be able to get minimum collectability. If not just do leve quests until you're high enough to buy a better main and off hand from the vendor
Red card.
I'm bored. Do people really pass the time playing dress up and sucking each other's dick while drunk off 6-packs of Fantasias?
>sword and shield
>katana (the only sword)
I know what the game needs, another sword tank :))
look at this fatso
>doing the DNC job quests on a male character
Heh... busi
Swords are cool. I want to become a sword.
Yeah I tried it earlier and the white oak branch needs at least 450 to turn in and I'm getting ~415.
Though IDK if i'm using the right rotation, I've been doing the heavensward rotation so that may be the problem
[Discerning Eye] -> [Impulsive Appraisal] if proc [Single Mind] if no proc [Discerning Eye]
I try to make nice outfits, yeah. I also do crafting on the side. Trying to level my guys, finally got 80 weaver tonight
I want to invest and start decorating my house but nobody will see it :(
>a fag that cant have sex and uses light is the same as a knight
are you niggers retarded?
I got it. Magic tank with energy sword.
Where are the most chivalrous PLDs at?
>unlock house
>put in logbook for housing commendations + praise
>nobody will see
>weapon resistance doesn’t exist
>Jobs are getting weapons outside the norm
So the fuck what if we get a another sword tank.
Would you skewer a potato?
Why you gotta be mean user
why do you have to eat so much
I want /xivg/ to leave.
a Halberd/Lance tank would be cool
They are LITERALLY a Knight. They're the royal guard of Ul'dah's sultanate, there's a sect of them called Free Paladins that act as knight errants. It's called fucking Knight in JP. It's only Paladin in English so it would feel more familiar to FFXI players.
I never bothered with the disciples of hand/land shit and just did high end duties. Should I bother?
>tons of layers of makeup
Vanity is unbecoming of a knight. There is no pride in one's self, just pride in serving your lord.
>dirty face
I wanna fuck your c@ user
Yeah. Be sure to level all of the crafters for the cross class skills.
Do you need money?
Yeah, that would be a proper rotation. Try swapping out the last methodical appraisal with an instinctual appraisal and hope you get lucky. If youre still just barely missing it try some gathering food. Theres some good ones at the vendor in the crystarium. And if that still doesnt work youll just need to swap out a few more gear pieces until it works.
you can let people see your house, as long as you don't lock it from others. you can also put a log book in there for visitors to comment on it, as well as give you a housing commendation. the total comms will show in your log book.
Sometimes I run low for materia but otherwise no
Hail, my chivalrous friend.
And thief is the same thing as ninja!
Finish high school before you reply to me again, mong
so when are we getting them?
Go on and tell me what about Paladin is not a Knight you dumb motherfucker.
>leveling crafting because you need money
too bad you need millions just to reach cap. not even counting gearing up once you're at cap
>Showing your face to the rabble
Not quite, ser knight.
Unironically go to /vg/ faggot
You've never played a single rpg before have you?
Black mages are the same as red mages because they cast magic!
Fucking brainlet.
Wrong nigga. You gather shit. Sell shit. Grab more shit. Sell more shit. Grab shit. Sell shit. You're more breaking even than spending money.
bros why is innocence EX so hard I can't get a clear!
k I'll just go full slut then.
When EXACTLY do I get to fuck the granny cat?
>gathering everything on your own
cool, you might be able to start stormblood content by the time 6.0 drops
Just dodge the shit on the floor my dude.
Why is Sony allowing that design on the play station 4
Hey, East Coast bros, what's your ping like? I'm getting 90-92. Mudfish lowers it to 85 but I get lag spikes and sometimes disconnected so I don't think it's worth it. WTfast and pingzapper don't change shit. Is 90ms the best I can do?
don't stand in fire
I do but the other guys don't!
90 is not that bad, I'm regularly 140-200.
Because I gotta endure the hits man! I'm a tank!
Thanks m8
I'm rather proud of how she looks now.
For comparison's sake, this is how she used to look like
Thanks for the tips, bro.
>choose conjurer as starting class
>get it to 15 and switch to lancer and never touch healers again
>go back to it tonight
>actually pretty fun when in a party
>instant queues
bros why didn't I take the WHMpill sooner
Make your own PF and kick underperformers. But be honest with yourself on your own performance.
Ok Shiro
I meant nobody's going to visit my house, smart guy.
How you doing QT?
>the literally who Scions
user, I would mating press your c@ with my elf dick.
I want to fuck her.
Fuck off.
>2.0 cutscene
>Shisui gear
Way to fuck it up completely
If you're really struggling and just want the 450, do 3 Methodicals, then Utmost Caution and a 4th Methodical.
>get another fucking sword tank before giving a dps a sword job that isnt uchiha tier retard
Lord Janny, deliver us from this avatar faggotry
>they use sword and shield, traditional knightly weapons
>lorewise they're noble guards of a royal house
>there's a faction of them that roam the land and help people in need
>in FF terms they use Cover and white magic
>they are literally called KNIGHT
You still haven't said what autistic condition they don't fill
well sucks to be a friendless virgin then I suppose.
more like
>tanking at all
>slutsui gear
massive retard
Can you explain what that even means besides "I don't like it"?
>mfw there were people who thought Samurai would be a tank
When the fuck is SAM dps getting buffed? why is it on par with MNK/DRG??
Evasion tank soon.
because out of all the tanks only 1 is not a DUDE SWORD LMAO tank. We could have more interesting weapon picks for tanking like the user that pointed out halberd/lance but all we'll ever get is slight variations of sword that would have been better off going to the role that has literally 1 sword job that is weebshit.
/tg/ here. Typically the difference between Knights and Paladins is one uses (Holy) magic and the other doesn't.
He's still retarded of course.
>There are people who thought DNC would be healers.
>Heavensward collectables are easier and give equal xp to Stormblood ones
Okay, "uchicha tier retard" = "has a katana", got it. Try to speak in English next time.
I'm glad its not, we already have too many fucking sword tanks. Shame about having to share gear with MNK though. Would like more heavy armored samurai gear like deltascape gear.
Do you think Alphinaud tried it?
I mean he had been there for some time, I'm sure he got hungry and they were giving it away.
We already got him in heavensward it's called DRK and you could viably evasion tank in dungeons if you Dark Arts Dark Dance + Dark Arts Dark Passenger :^)
>use light magic
>sword and shield
>lawful good
>can't cast magic
>uses mace/axes
>ranges from lawful good to lawful evil
You really are a fucking retard, aren't you ? Blow your brains out, dumbfuck.
Post le epix moments with ur char!
Do they really? I better hurry up and grind that before they fix it if so.
Go back to your quest threads, neckbeard
remember technically Gunbreaker is a form of knight based on the lore of hrothgar or whatever
How about you join us in 2019 sweety, everyone already did this two years ago.
Yeah but in XIV they don't use holy magic at all. They're only called Paladins to appeal to FFXI players, because in that game they actually were holy knights.
don't get /slapped on the way out kirito
Heavensward has a lot of ingot-style collectables that never seem to change. The higher level ones give 260k base, same as the level 64 Stormblood collectables which require a full item.
I didn't even bother with Stormblood collectables on my gatherer, just did the Heavenward circuit. Currently grinding Birch Lumber collectables to get CRP to 70 because I'm massively autistic and don't want to waste my leves.
I wish we shared with DRG just for their great looking Genji set.
Job armor could have been something like what Tenzen was wearing.
>can't cast magic
>uses mace/axes
>ranges from lawful good to lawful evil
That's some extremely specific autistic headcanon you got there nigger.
This was Haurchefant, right?
yeah and guns were named after gunblades right? Shut the fuck up Koji
gamers know this feel
>They don't use holy magic at all
>Holy Spirit
>Holy Circle
>Divine Veil
>Hallowed Ground
I want Tenzen's set so fucking bad, it's just light enough to stay within the ronin class-fantasy while being ostentatious enough to be an artifact.
It was both Haurchefant and Ysayle
Its okay to be wrong user, you tried, and still look retarded. You can leave now.
It was the embodiment of your survivor's guilt with the features of both Ysayle and Haurchefant.
Haurchefant and Ysayle's lovechild.
You seem to know a lot more about anime than I do, so I can't really keep up with these references.
Makes sense
This questline was outrageously good. Definitely didn't expect something of this quality from a fucking mmo of all things
Honestly, if I were an adventurer, any of the female shaped or looking monsters I defeated I would probably then fuck. I'd most likely get some horrible incurable monster STD, though.
Don't forget they also had access to cure and protect before they took out cross class shit
>using an axe
Knights are more associated with swords.
lmao. that was a weak defense.
At least this was in English, good job.
I hate this faggot kid for having ysayle's hair and we are still not able to have it.
inb4 it's gonna clip like crazy, yes i know it will
>against plate armor
do you try to cut metal with a pair of scissors too? I know this is a new thought, but use your brain.
Why the fuck dont we have wearable Tenzen set yet god damn, give me more ff11 wank fuck
What are the JP names? Because Hallowed Ground at least is Invincible in JP
right here friend
Oh, I'm not weeb-san. Different user. I'm just disappointed that you guys aren't actually trying your best in roasting each other.
*slips into the gaps between your plates*
>dude that is bitching about katana being the only dps sword
What the fuck are collectibles?
Alisaie IS a GOOD wife anons! She IS a CUTE wife! You SHOULD romance Alisaie anons she IS my [beautiful branch]! Ysayle IS a GOOD wife too anons you SHOULD romance Ysayle she IS my [beautiful branch!]
*smacks you in the fucking head and kills you while you dance around like a homo*
Where does the mats for it even come from? Or is it a drop from regular treasures right now? I've got almost a dozen maps in reserve for when the new dungeon comes out.
Ysayle is for Einstein.
You look like a bun got spliced with a baby.
You have excellent taste my friend, Alisaie continues to be best girl.
Crafting/Gathering thing. Certain items can be made/gathered as collectables and handed in to an appraiser for xp and scrip. They change every day.
You're probably a homo so go for it
These are literally the same
Divine veil = ディヴァインヴェール
Holy Spirit = ホーリースピリット
Holy Circle = ホーリーサークル
Confiteor = コンフィテオル
Besides hallowed ground there's another that's different
Atonement = ロイエ (I don't know if this is supposed to be a french word or something, hopefully someone else knows what it's supposed to be)
Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! I do NOT play Final Fantasy XIV BUT it DOES have GOOD wifes AND anons! (It does! It does!)
Are you the aura faggot?
Google says Atonement's translation is "Loire" which is the longest French river, though the importance of that beyond it being the start of France being wine-country (vineyards began to pop up from the fertile soils after Christians converted the local pagans) is beyond me. Might be a reference to the conversion of pagans to good Christians and that's why it localized as Atonement
>600k per level
That seems about average for 70+ levequests...
>your mats
This man is mad, arrest him.
That's a fan art of Haurchefant's mom. Here's another Elezen mommy.
Oh, okay, no wonder I haven't heard of them. Im always missing something with this game. Thanks.
You're a good man. You deserve to be happy.
You sure it was for level 70+?
Imagine if he meant 15-70 as well.
My man Paladin is literally , LITERALLY called "Knight" in the japanese version of the game
It's pronunciation sounds more like "Loi" which means "law", it makes more sense than some river.
Welp, there's your Judge class
>can cast clemency
>can heal itself and uses holy magic
You are literally retarded if you don't understand the difference. Do you also think that dragoons and monks are the same because they have physical damage? Neck yourself, brainlet.
>blue mage's spellbook is its own lore-dump on how all of its magic works, both when used by the BLU and when used by the original monster
There's all sorts of cool shit lads, like The Look using the caster's own eyes as anchors in three-dimensional space to imagine arcane geometries and focus energy beams out of them.
Yeah, that's all BLU is. A sightseeing log for monster attacks.
>waiting in queue for 10m then doing a dungeon with df people in 20m
>going into the dungeon right away and then spending 30m in the dungeon with trusts
You're a barrel of sunshine.
oh no, you mentioned blue mage. now the trannies are gonna bitch about how they can't orange parse with it
You ARE a GOOD user too user! Love FOR wife DOES give life user! I am wife scholar I DO give ALL anons wife SO every user DOES have wife!
It's from German "Reue" (meaning contrition, remorse, penitence).
Spelled "roie" (ロイエ) in Japanese because that's how it's pronounced.
You also have to risk that the DF people are absolutely garbage.
You can try to justify it with any logic you'd like, it will never change that the job is officially called Knight in the original version of the game. We only got "paladin" because Koji wanted something that sounds less generic.
I'm fucking furious that my favorite job is a useless clown minigame, yeah.
And thieves are the same as ninjas, red mages are black mages, white mages are chemists, and monks are geomancers.
Literally shoot yourself in the head you fucking retard.
I've literally never opened the trusts menu and I see no reason to do so.
This is the kind of fag that likes the trust system
You are entirely too emotionally invested in blue mage and/or XIV if you want me to believe that's a genuine sentiment. Stick out of the ass mate.
>have every combat class leveled to 70 with three leveled to 80 (so far)
>have good parses in SB high-end contents and raids as well as current ShB endgame content
>People still think they can send me random FC invites and copypasta tells asking me to join their shit
you'd think they'd get the hint someone as accomplished as me being FCless is by design. I don't want or need an FC.
>has never played a fff before xiv
okay retard
i am wood
I tire of this charade.
If you can't read katakana, get the fuck out.
>spend years hoping for BLU
>CEO of SE comes out on stage dressed as a blue mage
>"but you can't actually play the game with it ;)"
You're damn fucking right I'm emotional about it. I'm fucking seething. I had the only thing I wanted in this game dangled in front of my face and then shit all over and made into a clown minigame. Fuck you and everyone who defends that fucking garbage.
We got paladin because of XI's localizing Knight as Paladin as well.
>read my make-believe moonrunes or depart!
Nah retard, I'm staying, go educate yourself on class differences.
Is this autism?
might need to dilate a bit before tuesday, savage raids are coming out, you don't want to be all tense before the raid champ
"my seething every single thread that blue mage is mentioned in is a perfectly normal reaction"
don't fall for it, user. guilds, whether it be the regulars inside of it or not, are destined to fall apart at the seams.
i've seen it happen too many times over the years.
>I'm fucking seething
>expect cool class with monster abilities
>class gets fucked
Make sure to put on your helmet before you go outside today.
Falling apart naturally is fine.
I can't seem to join any FC now because they have their cliques and other shit. It's always links to discord which end up disastrous. I should really just try a fresh FC but then they don't get the FC buffs and house.
Go back
Don't sit here and fucking act like savage raiding is the only thing you can't do on BLU. You can't even fucking progress THE MAIN FUCKING STORY ON BLUE MAGE. This has nothing to do with parsetranny bullshit you apologist nigger.
It's worth doing the dungeons with trusts at least once so you can see their interactions and dialogue as you progress through the story. Beyond that it's not worth it, especially once you have to level the fuckers.
So in other words the WoL feels the same way I do after playing this game for 5 years straight
>expect cool class with monster abilities
>get cool class with monster abilities
>mad because i can't self-destruct in the middle of a raid with it
Have you guys tried to perform a lali-ho in real life? Be honest
Yeah like 25 years ago.
>get cool class with monster abilities
No, we got a shitty minigame with a life of a whole two days with monster abilities.
No because I haven't spoken to anyone in months.
"i didn't like it so it doesn't count"
>its absolute shit but it counts
No user, YOU are the retard.
>tfw DESTROYED rdps rankings and am now #1 rDPS tank in my DC
why do retards reply to obvious bait
I may be autistic enough to come to xiv threads on a near daily basis, but i like to think that I'm able to keep it together enough in front of others to not completely sperg out like i'm at some anime convention
It's objectively shit, but even the developers don't count it as a real job so go fuck yourself.
I don't mean to anyone, just doing the gesture in the mirror
user it’s literally just a minigame
you can DO fucking anything with it
what point are you even trying to argue
what job? I wanna call others cuck if it's the one I like and I wanna seethe if it's the one I hate
>Go back
You need to go back to your Discord
It's usually the same retards drudging up the same issues and overreacting over the same things and then some people wonder why there's a shred of legitimacy to the claim that these things are generals.
>t-tranny c-cringe!
I'm paladin. I'm actually #5 pDPS for eden normal and I had no pad until yesterday(farming a piece for my gf and she was sick of shitty dps)
Based retard.
Who are you quoting?
I feel bad for your parents.
Pick your FC kids!
>hiii guys ^_^ how's everyond doing today "posts 10 pictures of their catboi" oh my goshhh don't I look so sexyyyy???? anyone wanna erp in my mansion? Oops sorry I'll brb my silly artificial vagina is acting weird again :o
>guys I can't take it anymore, I'm gonna kill myself tonight. I hate my family I hate my job, I hate everyone around me. Nobody cares for me. I AM GOING TO FUCKING HANG MYSELF TONIGHT I can't find a reason for living anymore. Sorry guys, I'm going to go to sleep for tonight. (repeat every night)
reposting this shit since you didn't get any replies last thread? yikes
>he doesnt have a completely mute fc
You haven't seen reposting. Piss me off again and see what happens.
did fflogs get reset?
you wont do shit pussy faggot
Looks like “Reue" - german for regret.
Gun to my head, I'd pick the Yea Forums FC. Atleast in that one I could openly call them all the faggots that they are.
>getting pugs that kill things slower than trusts
Found you. ;)
Well bros, guess I'm done with XIV. Beat innocent EX and got all the accessories, got my tit weapon and nice stuff from Eden. From this point on it's eden savage and there's no way I can get into a static with my work hours, so guess that's GG for me. Was a fun month
Just PF it
You're doing it right.
it was a hologram
You guys think Titan will have a savage-only phase like the Omega series bosses had?
Just find a FC to hang out with and chat to, XIV isn't a job unless you make it one by doing all the achievements and grinds. Just take it easy user
That one faggot called them sightseeing logs for monster spells but that's the best part honestly.
Join a fresh FC. Current FCs will have cliques which are impossible to get into.
>Broad Beans going cheap on my server, like 200 gil per item.
>Their dish is in demand in the house of splendors, paying out 1.7m exp and 126 scrips per turn in.
>Buy like 600 of the things and crafting macro them to level from 72 to 80.
>Sell materia bought with the scrips and make 9 million gil off of it.
It took like two and a half hours of hitting a macro every 45 seconds, but damn was it worth it over doing leves. I wish I would've paid attention to Rowena's while I was leveling everything else, not only was it pretty quick, the scrips print gil right now.
Dingdong. Use a third party tool to afk craft that shit.
Mindbroken by Vauthry!
>make-believe moonrunes
i want normies to go back to reddshit
Vauthry hasn't seen his penis since he was a young boy!
Yep and it's been leaked already
I honestly hope not, the gimmick was already wearing out its welcome by the end of Omega. I'd prefer them to not make that an expectation/standard for every 4th turn moving forward. To each their own though
5.3 character columns are assured.
I thought about it, I've heard Cactbot has one that'll hit your buttons for you so you can walk away, but I just bound things to a controller and tapped X/R1/R2 while browsing Yea Forums. No need to even tab back in.
I like Trusts. I get to experience the dungeon and all its surprises without having to watch a YouTube video first, which I'm normally compelled to do because I don't want to spur the experience for anyone else by messing up mechanics.
Really? Care to post it?
>which I'm normally compelled to do because I don't want to spur the experience for anyone else by messing up mechanics
How fucking low is your IQ that you can't recognize story dungeon mechanics?
It won't have a pure faust if that's what you are asking since they explicitly stated they weren't doing those anymore. It will however have a new phase transition, but should still be within the same 12min total range for a standard savage fight.
>make it so after 80 you have to level the Trusts
>takes several runs of a dungeon for them to go up a single level
>each run takes fucking forever because they don't aoe trash down
who the fuck came up with this dumb system.
More like how low is your self esteem that you actually give a fuck what other people think over experiencing a dungeon for the first time without any spoilers?
They only did it because raidfags think they deserve special treatment above other players because they are super special. I don't think any content should be locked behind a higher difficulty honestly. It generates some real problems like how the Kefka normal fight is boring as fuck because he runs out of mechanics at 50% HP. I think everyone's enjoyment of the game would have been greater if everyone got to experience Neo-Exdeath. God Kefka and Ultimate Omega. Can't have the raiders feel like they're not special though.
What does my self-esteem have to do with you actually being so fucking dumb that you watch youtube videos for story dungeons that are meant for literal retards to be able to clear? Story dungeons that haven't have a new mechanic in 6 years.
Based retard
Based Emit-Belch tearing them up as always
>no 24 man raid series will ever top ivalice
it makes me kinda sad to think about it
We do deserve special treatment. We run the harder versions of the content and thus get to see their true forms :)
What Stormblood dungeons would you like to see a Hard version of? Personally i wish we got the Swallow's Compass Hard
Ala Mhigo (Hard)
Lyse lets in tempered snakes again
More like disgusting. It's not chivalrous to be ugly liptick/makeup/earring wearing abominations. Either wear a helmet or have nothing on your head at all.
>They only did it because raidfags think they deserve special treatment above other players because they are super special.
Doing the harder content absolutely deserves special treatment.
>I don't think any content should be locked behind a higher difficulty honestly.
Git gud you whiny faggot. Nothing in this game is too hard for the average player, you just don't want to even bother to try. You're a weak-willed little faggot who thinks everything should be available to him with no difficulty. Fuck off.
Hades EX when
its been this way since 11. if they think something could possibly be more effective than doing in the "right" way (ie running with trusts instead of queuing) they overcorrect so hard that there's no reason to use the new feature.
most likely 5.1
>actually learning chinese
i feel bad for you
Will MCH get a 2P skin for the queen automaton?
>Git gud you whiny faggot
>tfw i'm a gud healer but cant find 7 other people who are gud
>It's even called Knight in JP.
Wasn't it because of koijmemefox that it's called paladin in the west though?
>Got the mount from Innocence EX after like 5 runs
>Still can't clear Titania EX
See? They get so defensive because they really think that doing hard content in a game makes them better as humans. In truth, nothing in their lives would meaningfully change if everyone had access to these battles, its just that they're so shallow and boring people that they have to place part of their value as people into an MMO. They would rather gloat about an achievement in a game than have more people around them have fun. Imagine how nice it would be if everyone got acess to those amazing God Kefka and Neo Exdeath phase changes? They went viral even being limited to a small subset of players, now imagine if every V/VI fan got to experience it by themselves without being spoiled? Surely it would make it a better game for everyone. Stay on your high horse though, i'm sure you can ride that thrill of being better at an MMO for however long it takes until you notice the emptiness of your life.
It's because it was Paladin in FFXI, and it was actually a holy knight of the San d'Orian church. XIV used a lot of stuff from XI to appeal to those players and try to get them to move over since that was the intended audience. Koji worked on XI but I don't think he joined the team until later in the game's life.
>tfw in a similar position
I have a small chance to get a static but it is such a specific time frame that I have no idea if I can get a party for it, on top of that it cucks me hard if I have to go to work the next morning. At the latest I'll be at work is 10PM. Never after that, so by 10:30PM I can be home and ready to raid, assuming it lasts 3 hours I'd be out at 1:30AM. If I have work the next morning though that means I barely get like 5 hours of sleep. Not to mention I have to shower before bed which docks more time.
Shit bros what the fuck do I do
>if everyone had access to these battles
Everyone does have access to those battles. You're just not willing to even fucking bother trying. I'll say it again. You're a weak-willed faggot who's scared of a fucking video game.
>Surely it would make it a better game for everyone
No, it wouldn't. People like difficulty, and they like being rewarded for overcoming difficult challenges. I'm actually in awe of how much of a gigantic fucking faggot you are.
Lose the eye patch and earrings and wear some goddamn pants and your character would be bearable(excluding the fact that you're a tranny /vg/ avatarposter of course.
>implying i care about the opinion of an eop
> It generates some real problems like how the Kefka normal fight is boring as fuck because he runs out of mechanics at 50% HP.
So you're complaint is that normal mode is not hard enough and that those fights should more complex mechnaics? Because if you think adding more mechanics to a normal mode fight is what a casual audience wants you are massively disconnected from this games user base. Just look at Shinryu for what happens when a normal mode fight has any element of complex mechanic and causal players try to beat it.
FF has a massive legacy of super bosses that many player may not ever encounter, and that's fine. It's meant to be a tough challenge for those who want it.
>I don't think any content should be locked behind a higher difficulty honestly
If you truly think that and are not baiting then you would believe the game should not have a Savage or Extreme mode which would mean many fights would have to remove the interesting mechanics you claim to want to have in normal mode because by their design they would be "difficult" (eg Hello World).
and a ching cong nip nong to you
>hating on earrings
I never wipe in story dungeons even when I know the mechanics but I like to give other players a flawless and quick experience. It makes me feel good to make sure those runs are quick. Part of the fun for me is making sure it's fun for others, and it's not fun for me when I make things worse.
*even when I don't know the mechanics, I mean
>not wanting to fuck a dirty cat then lick her clean as she wraps her tail around you
>Eulmore is back to normal and all happy peoples with janny kill
>can walk in at any time
>People STILL live in the shithole slum outside eulmore
>Just look at Shinryu for what happens when a normal mode fight has any element of complex mechanic and causal players try to beat it.
I'm sad we'll probably never had a normal trial on this level again because I feel like Shinryu was just right for what a final boss should be.
>beat A8
>your team faces their back to Brute Justice as it explodes
>beat A8S
>your whole team is fucking exhausted and down on their knees as Brute Justice explodes
>ching cong nip nong
>can't cast magic
Knights/Paladins in XIV are based on Agrias (and Delita, and Wiegraf, and like half of the Knights Templar) who uses holy magic all the time.
>FF has a massive legacy of super bosses that many player may not ever encounter, and that's fine. It's meant to be a tough challenge for those who want it.
Well, sure, but every other FF game is extremely easy. The hardest boss from a non-MMO FF game is still much easier than, say, Titan (Hard).
sorry i don't speak vietnamese
Not everyone has the time to do what basically amounts to a part time job in a game in order to clear the hardest content. Belive me, if it could be done solo i would be on your side, but the time commitment that clearing the savage content requires is just not worth the hassle. Hell, i have time and i restrict myself to Extreme primals because the concept of having an appointment every week with a grop of people to clear content in a videogame just seems like adding more chores to my life. It doesn't make you a better person, it doesn't make you strong willed. Also, have you considered that people who like difficulty are already properly rewarded for overcoming challenges? The gear and mount would still be savage exclusive. Just admit it, you like to be pampered, to be treated as a special boy because of your meaningless achievement in what basically amounts to a toy. You are afraid of having more people acessing the thing you enjoy because it would make you less special, even though in reality nobody gives a fuck about you. Its terribly pathetic really.
>Just look at Shinryu for what happens when a normal mode fight has any element of complex mechanic and causal players try to beat it.
God dammit why? Shinryu was the fucking final boss when it released, why wouldn't the final boss be a test for your skills?
>PF it
>PF fucking savage
user I want to actually CLEAR content.
And do what exactly? the FC will have it's own static and I won't be able to join in due to my times
Earrings are just a little worse than tattoos which ruin the "purity" of a body or something like that if you get what I mean. Call it autism or whatever you want but it's just ugly.
>holy knight, ark knight, white knight (paladin)
>same as a knight in clunky armor swinging a mace
Does the government pay for your mental deficiency?
Doma castle
I don't have anything against harder difficulty, i just think that major parts of bosses shouldn't be locked behind them like with God Kefka. What if, instead of being a boring fight that starts repeating mechanics at 50%, normal kefka had 50% less HP and transitioned into a simpified version of God Kefka for the second half of the fight? That way everyone gets to see god kefka, have fun fighting him AND you can also have the savage difficulty as usual. Its literally an everyone wins scenario.
The problem you have to understand is it's content made for the more hardcore audience which may not be you. If the content in this game was easy as fuck you would find the game would start to die off, if you need proof look no further than wow
>Call it autism or whatever
that's like "get therapy" level autism, bro, and i'm not just saying that cuz i got a bunch of piercings and tats
its fine to not like it but don't dress it up with some old bullshit like that
>Not everyone has the time to do what basically amounts to a part time job in a game in order to clear the hardest content.
Good news! The 'Party Finder' was added in patch 2.1, and allows you to easily meet up with people from across your data center looking to do the same content as you! If you don't want to commit to a static, it's as easy as finding a group in your free time!
>Just admit it, you like to be pampered
No, the person who wants to remove difficult content and have everything easily available without any sort of effort is the one looking to be pampered. Just play the fucking game you whiny faggot.
>You are afraid of having more people acessing the thing you enjoy because it would make you less special
No, I would actually love if more people even bothered to try Savage. Instead you whiny niggers don't even queue into it a single time and instead rally to remove everything special from it so you don't feel like you're missing out on something that you don't have to miss out on in the first place.
>knight in clunky armor swinging a mace
Does yours? This has literally never once been a thing in the FF series so I'm not sure why you keep getting assblasted that they don't exist in a franchsie that never had them to begin with.
Would you rather go back to how it used to be in the old wow days where there was only one difficulty level so most people never cleared the content at all. What's funny is this when wow was at it's peak in popularity and sub numbers. Funny how a game which locked content behind hard content was super popular
Ah yes, here you see how when cornered in an argument, the pathetic autist resorts to gaslighting and deliberately misinterpreting arguments. By pretending that i had somehow implied that shinryu's difficulty at launch was a problem (or that difficulty is a problem at all for that matter), he tries to make it sound like my argument is hurting the state of the game as a whole.
>The raid finder crowd are moving from wow to ff14
I honestly feel so sorry for you guys. If you give into them it literally is the beginning of the end
>ff1-9 never happened
Please do the world a favor and cut your own throat.
Knights don't use maces in a single one of those games. And they use white magic in all of them.
Are you able to read? When in my post did i infer that? Here, let me make it extra simple so even a special boy like you gets it :
>Current system : Normal encounter with one phase, Savage with 2
>Proposed system : Normal encounter with two phases, savage with two.
No difficulty settings would be altered, no version of the encounter excluded. It would exclusively make the normal encounter cooler for everyone.
>steiner uses white magic
cringe frog poster
God I hope so.
Beatrix does
Have you never felt the strive to push to something and then complete it after numerous attempts and difficulty? Or do you just want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
They had the opportunity to make it a proper parry tank like it was supposed to be in XI, but instead said "lol no one plays tank"
LITERALLY VERY FIRST GAME IN THE SERIES has Knights that can cast white magic you fucking imbecile.
>No, the person who wants to remove difficult content and have everything easily available
See? He resorts to intelectual dishonesty once again. I don't think you're dumb, just stubborn. So i know for a fact that you understand that i don't want hard content to be removed, justt for the boss phases to be present in both tiers. Honestly dissapoiting that these are the only "arguments" you are able to find. Then again, search as you may and you'll find none, because your position is of one that finds joy in making sure that you're the only one having fun.
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
They literally don't you fucking mong.
They can't honestly be any worse than the current crowd fucking up BASIC TETHER PASSING on Titania EX.
FF5 also has a tutorial on how to make your knights cast magic
>After completing the Citadel of Trials, Bahamut, the Dragon King, upgrades all Warrior class party members to the rank of Knight (ナイト, Naito). Knights can equip nearly every weapon and armor, and cast White Magic spells up to level 3.
You could still strive to complete the hard fights all you want, i have nothing against them. Hell, you'd even get rewarded with a cool mount that i would never have because i don't do savage. You could rub it in my face all day. All i'm saying is that by making the two phases availible for everyone you're making XIV an objectively better experience for the majority of your playerbase, which is good for the game as a whole. All it would take is to hurt the ego of people like you
It's fun
If the savage version is a carbon copy of normal just with higher numbers what is even the point of doing it?
You fail to understand how people with a competitive mindset think and are stuck in your own world where you think everything has to cater to you.
If you want to see the exclusive content you need to actually try just like everyone else and this is true for any game
>FSH 72
Why do people say HW fishing sucks? If anything SB fishing was pure garbage
>The fish gets away the fish gets away away away away
>collectables are literally impossible to catch outside last tiers
Yes spearfishing and new deliveries were good but it's still "the fish gets away" simulator. Best thing about SB fishing are 68 collectables.
>~40k gil per HQ batfish on my server
>ShB fish prices
Looks like after all this suffering you finally get your gil. Is this just beginning? 70-72 lvl fish cost 50k+. Should I feel bad for selling 100k fish? Or this is not big money for crafters?
You can keep fucking crying, or you could utilize the fucking party finder and see this content you're so fucking mad about not experiencing.
>Just bought my way from level 74 to level 80 in Fishing
I really want to know whose idea it was to make practically two thirds of all fish in the game fucking pointless. And that number goes even higher if you consider 'not pointless' things that are actually used in crafting.
>At the end of the game they become paladins
How does it feel to be the most retarded people on the site? I'm genuinely curious.
They design raids with savage in mind then trim/dumb it down for casuals, not the other way around. They already split the difficulties into two so you can experience the story even though you're casual trash. Savage raids should have unique experiences to reward those that make it that far.
I guess i wasn't clear enough. Let me try explaining again. The savage version would not be the same as normal but with higher numbers. It would continue to be a more difficult fight with expanded and new mechanics. It would be the savage that you know and love. The ONLY difference is that a dumbed down version of the second phase would be availible in normal mode too.
If anyone needs therapy it's you because there must be something wrong with you if you can't be satisfied with the body you were born with and have to quite literally damage and ruin your body.
Piercings and most tats are ugly as fuck and you'd have to be a maniac to want them.
The game would also drop sub numbers like flies and defeat the entire purpose of harder content. If the savage version is the same fight with higher numbers why should I do it? If you need evidence of this again look no further than wow and its content cycles at different periods of the game.
I spent 300k-400k from 70-80 for a job using just items on the Market Board this morning. Big ripoff
Tethers sucks. Worst mechanic in XIV
>No difficulty settings would be altered, no version of the encounter excluded
>i just think that major parts of bosses shouldn't be locked behind them like with God Kefka
But that would be unavoidable as you wouldn't be able to expose normal mode player to mechanics like Forsaken or Beyond Death. Even if you dumbed down the mechanics (which would piss of even casual fans as they would think you made their beloved boss weak even with a savage) you would still have content locked by difficulty. A Normal mode Hello World would be vastly different from a Savage Hello World and would therefore be content locked by diffculty.
You're attempts to make everyone happy are noble, but you don't understand this player base enough to know that not "everyone" would be happy with these changes, not even the majority of players as they don't even touch normal mode.
The unique experiences and extras in Savage are incentive for players to improve so they can experience those things. Prompting people to actually PLAY THE GAME and strive to get better is healthy. Handing everything out on a silver platter for your whiny pampered ass is not. Just go back to whatever fucking game you came from that you're so used to having your ass kissed. I know you're not an FF fan because if you were you wouldn't be whining about fucking superbosses. Did you cry because FFV didn't give you a story mode baby casual version of Omega or Shinryu?
Imagine a boss right with zero mechanics are people standing in fire and never dying. That is raid finder and it's the biggest plague that almost murdered wow.
stfu erp trannie
truly fsh is the blu of gatherers
There's not really a lot of SB dungeons I'd care to repeat except for the Burn. Maybe a Gimlet Dark Hard, perhaps one where the Alliance is on their last legs and we have to do some desperate works to turn things around.
I'm sorry user but I guess you just aren't a competitive or person who likes to accomplish things. This content is not made for you just like how other parts of the game are made for other players and how they like to experience things.
Again would you prefer it to be the old style of raiding in mmos where it is one difficulty and you would never see any of the content at all.
>people HONESTLY suggesting party finder as a viable alternative to a static
Is this a FUCKING joke?
They just let FSH be its own thing aside from some specific items and I hope it stays that way. I do not want rng to be a factor in my acquisition of gathering mats.
That being said, I feel like they could do something with CUL desynth. Maybe make it a wild card where you can get just about anything from desynthing fish.
>US/EU cares about parses
>JP cars about clears
>US/EU have low clear rates
>PF is full of meta and "NO DOUBLES"
Explain this.
They have come a long ways since the BS of A3S.
>tfw Alex Ultimate comes and they bring back the 'broken' tether mechanic
Your own personal definitions for the jobs don't matter. The jobs as they have been used previously in the series matter. Are Knights in this series more closely resembling Paladins like traditional D&D than they do actual real life knights? Probably, but that means jack shit because that's not how this series works. Knights in Final Fantasy frequently use magic. This has been the case since the franchise started over 30 years ago. Your personal feelings on what a knight SHOULD be has zero impact on what a knight IS in a Final Fantasy game. End of discussion. Go back to WoW if you still can't help but be anally ravaged about this fact.
>supposed to be a primarily support class
>but I keep topping the DPS chart in all my dungeons as I level because everyone else is so awful
Summoner is too hard. I'm just going to play RDM and ignore its low ass damage. At least I can do mechanics with it rather than stare at my hotbars and still do everything incorrectly.
shisui, swallow compass, maybe bardam
depends on if your static is hot garbage or not since being in a static isn't a guarantee of competent teammates
There are a shitload of people who exclusively do Savage through party finder you fucking moron.
West values personal-performance over the east's group-performance. Tunnel vision develops more easily
if you do shit damage with rdm then blame yourself not the job. I do perfectly fine damage on rdm.
Given that humans around the world in different cultures throughout history have tattooed themselves or body modded, it's safe to say that there's something intrinsic to human psychology that makes some of us want to modify our physical presentation for whatever reason. It'd be as autistic to criticize that as it would be to criticize a hermit crab for being picky about its shells. It's just what the animal we call "human" sometimes does.
Never give into entitled casuals or this game will forever die. This game will become wow but worse overnight if that ever happens
Statics are literally second job.
Kinda fucked up that people don't know that Tigole is overwatch patch note meme man.
Sounds insufferable to be a healer in WoW, especially with the lack of combat rez.
I do a solid 1.5k less on my RDM than I do with SMN's garbage-feeling Tokyo Drift rotation.
Teamwork requires time.
Tsk tsk tsk, already resorting to the all caps strawman. I mean honestly it took you way longer than i though it would so i commend you for that. You still failed to adress how having the normal version of the raids have the two phases would harm the game rather than your fragile ego.
Would it though? Alexander didn't have exclusive phases (other than the very limited Winged Justice) and it did just fine.
The mechanical side barely matters for what i'm suggesting here. Just have the cool second phase. If Hello World is too hard and impossible to simplify, then just don't have it, just like how many many mechanics aren't present in normal modes of existing fights.
How would it be handing things on a silver platter? Is being able to play against the bosses the game has "handing things on a silver platter"? Savage players would still have all exclusive trophies they love. This would make the game better for EVERYONE.
It doesn't have to be the old way and it doesn't have to be the way that it currently is. There is an objectively better system for everyone, but its held back by the egos of 1% of the playerbase.
I hope your definition of using PF to do savage doesn't actually involve CLEARING it. Randoms can barely pull their shit together for EX fights, imagine progression raiding but you keep changing 7 of the 8 people every few runs
Bardam's Mettle and Swallow's Compass hard, hands-down. Maybe Kugane Castle.
Literally who cares?
>Massive Clear rates on JP through pf
>Significant pugs clears of EU/NA as well
>Not viable
not based, but retard
yeah so you suck at rdm don't blame the class blame yourself
More like never give into raidfags. People who want exclusive savage fights are the same people using jump potions because raids are the only thing they care about in the game.
lord??? what lord, hydaelyn is fake
Japs exclusively use duty finder for raids, they don’t need no pleb static’s or party finder groups to clear content.
>Literally who cares?
literally anyone who wants to finish it in less than 25 minutes you faggot
This is a whole lot of seething. LMAO just do the content nigger
I did sigmascape and alphascape entirely with pugs. Wasnt that bad
>This game will become wow but worse overnight if that ever happens
WoW is nothing but raid simulator. If anything WoW is cancer of MMO. No MMOrpgs are not about raid circlejerk 24/7 with. And everyone know Blizzard specially releasing broken unbalanced raids just to nerf them later to keep your subscription rolling
Japs are more inteligent on average and also don't suffer from the tranny menace
raiders usually do since they're forced to do dungeons if they want to see their epic raids for epic raiders
I did all of O1-O12S via party finder. The one time I got scouted for a static they were stuck on O3S for so long that I just cleared it and O4S with randoms on the Sunday/Monday.
>not having your Mumble Bros FC where nobody uses FC chat
I mean why don't you just improve and do the content like anyone else that has any interest in it.
How about you respect the content you dumb bitch?
Again, not an argument. Its honestly so dissapointing to see that you people are not only so ego driven but also so utterly stupid that you can't even argue against me. I expected more.
wow I don't give a SINGLE fucking shit
It is absolutely impossible to suck at RDM with how simple its rotation is compared to all the other casters. The only thing you can get fucked on is RNG procs on the opener and that's the main thing.
>How would it be handing things on a silver platter? Is being able to play against the bosses the game has "handing things on a silver platter"?
You're pissed off that other people are experiencing things that only you are stopping yourself from experiencing. You want to get all the cool stuff handed straight to you because you're a self-entitled whiny bitch. You get to fight those bosses, you just don't get to fight the special, more difficult super form. Don't like it? Learn to play your job at even just a competent level. That's all you need to clear. Then find a group in the party finder and play the content. You are not blocked from it, the content is there and available to every single person playing the game.
Nah. People who are into the hardest content will do the hardest content just because it's there regardless of whether or not it has unique phases or forms or whatever. What're they gonna do, unsubscribe because Kefka's last form is experienced by everyone? I think they're already in it too deep for that. Hardcore players are there for the difficult mechanics and overcoming them, not the visual aesthetic or anything.
>load into lvl 44 dungeon
>tank stands still for 1 minute
>says the healers name
>waits for the healer to respond 'yeah?'
>"ok im gonig play it soft"
>"do NOT cast a single dps healer"
>he does single pulls but for some reason drags them around corners and activates rampart at low HP only
>keeps chastising the healer
>on a boss i smack the boss as his Shield lob goes out, getting aggro for a microsecond
>"DPS do NOT pull"
i did it i met my first wowrefugee he was level 80 too
We need to kill WoW/parse mentality for high clear rates.
Start shaming static trannies
Start shaming padded static fflogs
Start shaming meta
Start shaming job locks
Start shaming tryhards
Everything in our hands. RISE UP
bro there is nothing wrong with not liking those things but that is literal crazy person talk
i'm not even meming on you. get help
except the people moaning about not seeing the content are the same ones who play the game for a month and then quit. you don't gain anything by giving into them and being the game only gets content every 3 or so months, it makes the game stale real fast
Most players in ARR did Coil specifically for the story. They wanted to know what was going to happen, and that inspired them to improve at the game so they could clear Coil and experience that story.
Just hang out. Maybe go in with them if they have time for reclears. I ain't teaching John Beef E4S, but I'll do primals and prolly 1/2 with him
I'm not even a savage raider and I can tell you what you're doing is dangerous to the longevency of the game.
MMOs thrive off of keeping people committed. That doesn't happen when the playerbase sees everything out there the day its released and moves on, and that's one of the cancers that killed WoW. On its face, it seems like the majority of players not getting to see some part of the content is a bad idea, since a lot of development time and resources went in to its creation. However, by placing something out of reach of part of the playerbase due to skill or commitment, you're instilling a desire in them to see the content, and in turn propelling them to improve to do so. You're keeping them engaged by dangling that carrot on a stick and even if they're not meeting that goal within a patch cycle, they'll always have the capability to come back to it and experience it anyway.
EVE was actually real good about this. The majority of the game is out of reach for 80% of the playerbase, leading to a lot of mystery and desire to "see what's out there" and a lot of speculation on just how things worked. If you were to open the floodgates, so to speak, and reduce the amount of effort needed to see it so the entire playerbase could, it would all be farmed out within a day and leave you with nothing but tons of bored players who have nothing to do and just quit. Creating this sort of content means there's always a goal to strive towards.
Its availible, but hardly acessible. Savage raids are completed by less than 5% of the playerbase. Even taking myself out of the equation, this change would bring more fun to most of the players and make xiv a better game, objectively. Most players will not do savage, so by giving them a fun time on normal you're making this a better game, you're giving it more longtime fans and improving its health overall. Its a win for everyone.
how about you jut go press a fucking button kid
You got blown the fuck out so hard you fucking retarded holy shit.
If there is no content to build towards people just get bored and quit. You need both a hardcore raiding scene as well as lots of side content for people to enjoy. Wow fucked up because they only made raid content so outside of raiding no one had anything to do
the content isnt even the hard part in this game, it's finding 7 other people that aren't absolutely braindead.
but what if I have a full time job and can't meet these retarded expectations
>It is absolutely impossible to suck at RDM
says the shitter RDM...
>The only thing you can get fucked on is RNG procs on the opener and that's the main thing.
Fucking KEK, as an actually good red mage, I laugh at you if that's what you think the difference between good and bad is
See thisIt's quite literally the opposite
>do weekly clear of shit to learn/finish the final or penultimate turn with static
>tank/healer dies for being greedy
>whip it! Muh parse
>takes 3 times as long to just get to the prog part of our week
please no
that first stretch with the swordrobot still fucks tanks up
I've made close to a million gil selling a level's worth of repeatable levequest items on the MB, it really depends on the server and the job you're leveling. Pretty much everything but CUL printed me money, WVR especially since it needs more stuff than other jobs.
Uh, they had their trap menace years ahead of us.
>Savage raids are completed by less than 5% of the playerbase
Talking modern Savage? I thought it was more 10%, unlike Gordias/Midas times. Can we go back to Midas Savage difficulty?
>3 books left in the ARR Relic quest
Please tell me it gets easier after this, is the next step with the materia hard?
Do you know that before WoW other MMOs existed too, right? Why do you always talking about WoW endgame as pinnacle of MMO?
Now user I want you to think about the dumbest person you know. Now imagine 50% of people are dumber than that person.
5% as a whole is actually quite a high number considering their is plenty of people who play this game for just a couple hours a week and lots still leveling for example. If you could compare the amount of people who actually try savage to the amount that complete it you would find it a lot more accepting.
That's actually an interesting point.I understand what you mean, but wouldn't the unique gear drops and/or mounts seve as an adequate carrot for that stick? It seemeed to work with Alexander. Plus, i'd go so far as to say that XIV is dfferent to most MMOs as a lot of the playerbase is maintained with its story focus, world and social activities. I think the harmful effects of this would be certainly present to an extent, but diminished due to the playerbases's nature and overall lead to a net positive.
>Savage raids are completed by less than 5% of the playerbase
Because whiny faggots like you don't even bother to try.
>this change would bring more fun to most of the players
No, all it would do is make people clap because OMG I SAW KEFKA OMG OMG and then they continue to not play the game.
>objectively. Most players will not do savage, so by giving them a fun time on normal you're making this a better game
No, a game that's just a cutscene simulator is not a better game. A better game is one that provides you with challenges and the incentive to overcome them.
>you're giving it more longtime fans and improving its health overall
No, handing out everything on a silver platter does not improve longevity.
to tigole you're a forumdad and don't even deserve to play, to yoshida and the rest of xiv's development-team you're exactly the kind of player they want
>start shaming tryhards
but i dont want to prog the third turn for 2 months due to effortlets
This is probably the most disgusting viera I've seen. Giving them to xi/v/trannies was a mistake. They should have stayed in Ivalice.
Because WoW changed the entire genre, for good or ill.
There’s a good reason why so many mmos that came after we’re called wow clones and such.
Cause they can't let go.
It wasn't long ago that these threads shamed all of those people and called them WoWfugees, but it seems that times are changing for the worse with the growing playerbase. Soon the general consensus will change and we'll have the majority of people claiming that its ok to use story skips. Tragic times indeed.
Except every multiplayer game that has had a shit competitive scene or no harder exclusive end game content dies off incredibly fast.
If you want a job as a doctor you don't just turn up on the day and expect a job do you? It's something you work towards and it helps you improve as a player overall.
Would you prefer more Shinryu type difficulty bosses for normal user? You understand the average player in these games doesn't even move out of fire
god only knows what a good character looks like to you if that's the most revolting thing one you can think of, show us your own character big boy
>Alexander didn't have exclusive phases
It had exclusive mechanics, which is what your arguments merit is based on if you drop it and say, oh I don't know something like
>The mechanical side barely matters for what i'm suggesting here.
Then your arguments of "content should not be locked behind difficulty" has been completely abandoned.
>This would make the game better for EVERYONE.
From this you are saying that you have not experienced these fight in their savage form (unsyned). As I said it's noble to want players to experience everything, but you are projecting your own issues onto "everyone" in order to justify yourself which people are rightfully calling you out on. People who wanted to fight Neo, God Kefka and Final Omega (like I did) pushed through Savage to do so. You're saying that "everyone" (you) wants to have super dumbed down mechanics but a flashy end fight, but this thread has cleary shown that other people disagree with you and as I said in another post most of the playerbase doesn't care for Normal, heck they have never played another FF game.
>There is an objectively better system for everyone, but its held back by the egos of 1% of the playerbase.
It's incredibly egotistical to claim you, a non-game developer random fan, have come up with a idea that is far superior to a full development teams works with years of experience.
I wish zones were 10x harder. I only ever subscribe for about one month, then I drop off and wait until a few patches are out, essentially subscribed for two months per year. I'm not interested in doing the same few raids over and over, the best carrot on a stick for me is the main story quest and I breeze through it. If I had to assemble a party just to get through basic mobs in a zone, I'd be subscribed year round.
This is why I've started to slowly level crafting and gathering after not doing so for years in XIV. I keep hearing about all the cool shit you can make and and sell and I want in on that.
what the fucks he supposed to do, it's the main scenario roulette, change gear before starting it? fuck off
>Because WoW changed the entire genre, for good or ill.
It changed it into glorified single-player games with forced co-op sections, instead of mandatory socializing/manual group.
Savage raiding is no different than joining a bowling league in real life. In the past, I've been with groups that only raid for 3-4 hours on Thursday, it's not an undo burden to show up for one night a week for a few hours despite working a fulltime job and having a wife and two kids. You schedule your raid night and just assume that evening will be occupied by an extra-circular activity.
Now if you want to debate if a video game should require such forethought and planning, I could see where you're coming from, but I've chosen to liken it to other group activities of adults, so the only thing I'm concerned with is if I want to commit to a reoccurring event when I'm expected to be there every week. If someone doesn't want to make that commitment, that's fine too, just don't expect everything to cater towards the lowest common denominator because of it.
And japs are not special. This
>japs just play game instead of ERP
is metal gymnastics. Watch JP streams. They fail easy mechanics, they die. But they keep trying to clear shit. Meanwhile on US/EU people are scared to even to try BA without discord. PF is often full of memers or parse tryhards who keep casuals in check instead of helping.
Dilate more you mentally ill fuck.
I'll repeat myself as many times as it takes. As i've already said 2 times in this thread, the game fared just fine with Alexander not having "exlcuisive" content for hardcore raiders. And mounts, the greatest badge of honor for any MMO would still be present. Your job analogy is apt to illustrate my point though: This is a game, not a job. Games are meant to be fun. And if that fun reaches a lot of people, that's even better. Of course, this doesn't mean that the game should be dumbed down to cater to everyone. Just make sure that all players get equal treatment. Give casuals second phases of the fights so they can be happy, give soul crushing difficutly to the people who want it. That would be ideal.
I honestly prefer Shinryu difficulty. I was dissapointed at how easy Hades was. But difficutly isn't even the main point i'm arguing, i just want a purely visual thing, the second phase, with its new model, animations and soundtrack to be availible to everyone, even if mechanically it pales to its fully fledged savage counterpart.
I'd think it's fun. I love Shinryu.
is this what passes for banter in these threads now
because mmo's might as well not have existed pre wow.
>86 (17) FFXIV threads up
What the fuck happened, bros?
It made mmo's more that just 10 people and bill down the road playing them
jp has no double pfs too after the shb changes
kinda funny how ALL my parses were uploaded by english speakers though
It could be worse.
I do as well. The moaning from the more casual playerbase being too shit to clear it was icing on the cake
Not him but viera is a tranny/faggot magnet race and I have never seen one that was not not ugly. And frankly yours is fucking ugly as well.
alexander had one bit of exclusive content for hardcore raiders and that was like the final phase of midas, winged brute justice.
If we had more Shinryu-tier normal bosses at regular intervals then most players wouldn't be retarded enough to stand in fire to begin with. The reason people are idiots in current content is because old content is so easy these days that they never have a reason to improve and learn as they're going through the MSQ.
I want the fight itself to be availible to everyone, not necessarely the mechanics. IF you're considering the mechanics themselves content then yes, i'm fine for that content to be gated behind a wall, so long as most people have acess to the full versions of bosses.
>st of the playerbase doesn't care for Normal, heck they have never played another FF game.
They don't care because they don't know what they're missing. The average person is too dumb to understand that they're being shafter, and i'm acting as a champion in their behalf. They would be happier and have more fond memories of these fights if they had their second phases, but as they don't the average player is doomed to obliviously move on without knowing what they're missing.
>It's incredibly egotistical to claim you, a non-game developer random fan, have come up with a idea that is far superior to a full development teams works with years of experience.
It is an objectively superior system that i deeply believe that the development team also agrees with, but finds themselves limited from implementing due to the pressure exerted by egomaniacs that place so much value into raids.
Game became poplar.
Janny is asleep.
> the game fared just fine with Alexander not having "exlcuisive" content for hardcore raider
it did
>And mounts, the greatest badge of honor for any MMO
it aint
>This is a game, not a job. Games are meant to be fun
not mutually exclusive
> Give casuals second phases of the fights so they can be happy, give soul crushing difficutly to the people who want it.
It's not taken away from them. They can press a button and get there just like anyone else.
Yes, and if you must know i already adressed that point. You may find it by using control F and searching for winged justice. And if i may add to that point, while not significant enough for me to consider it gating content behind savage, i still was bothered by it back then.
Don't forget Manipulator's rear legs. Actually please do.
materia costs pennies now so yeah
Would you rather I use other examples such as you couldn't enter a premier fishing tournament because you didn't meet the requirements because it's exactly the same thing. You have to understand is different people have different forms of fun.
You can't just turn up to something and expect to be catered to, anything in life you want you need to actually work towards and that doesn't have to be ff14.
This is not WoW's fault. It's logical development of genre.
The carrot is different for everyone. Mounts, gear, etc. does attract a small part of the population. Story, lore, and experiences that can't be found elsewhere are far more powerful however, as evinced by the number of people who complain they can't see them. Thus, having it as the carrot is far more enticing if you're trying to steer people towards improving and committing more effort and time to things.
Baldesien Arsenal is a great example of this. It's a 56 man raid that had stringent requirements to enter (Read: an artifact weapon grind), and while the buildup wasn't particularly hard, it was certainly a long, arduous task. However, being able to see a unique raid with its own lore was quite a reward, and still pulled in many people to complete it to see what's going down.
>casualization good because more people
bet you're also the type of person that thinks if a game doesnt have literally 5 million people playing at any given time its dead right
if i were to believe Yea Forums the only race that isn't heckin' cringe and bluepilled is male elezen
It has been proven that most of the playerbase disagrees with hiding Story and lore behind such gates though. This is evidenced by how Alexander had a normal mode. People were very dissatisfied back in ARR that they couldn't experience the Coil storyline without having to do the savage versions of encounters. This is not a good form of carrot and stick, and its why the game has steered away from it with time. The baldesion arsenal was, in my opinion, another misstep as it harbors the same issue.
It you're pretty confident for someone who's idea is opposed by people in this thread, the playerbase at large, and the development team at large.
>i'm acting as a champion in their behalf
Oh hi Vauthry. Holy fucking shit listen to yourself, this must be bait.
>never got to do Eureka because I quit XIV for the longest time
>Savage raiding is no different than joining a bowling league in real life.
this is how i justified it to my normie girlfried 2 years ago. it basically sums it up
The current raid system is pretty fine.
>normal/savage for pugs
>ultimate for hardcore
But i think we need more content. How about classic "WoW" like raids for 6/8 people? When you explore zone instead of fighting on arena
Remember how there were people complaining those solo duties as NPCs like the Alphinaud and Y’shtola ones were too hard?
This playerbase is made up of extreme casuals.
I havent been paying attention to most of your argument and am just jumping in now but have you said anything about ultimates. Like the "exclusive" Golden bahamut and powered up Ultimate weapon?
Shinryu was a great difficulty on release. It wasn't a trial that was simply one-shot by most players, it required repeated attempts, requeues, and even for some multiple days to be able to finish. There was no gameplay function hidden behind him at the time, so no one was "losing" anything by not finishing, beyond not seeing a continuation of the story. Shinryu naturally became easier over time as more players gained familiarity with it, and even easier still as artifact armor gave way to iLvl 300 gear, and eventually to Deltascape items.
Compared to Hades, Shinryu served as an actual block on progress for at least some time, which made defeating him very exciting. Failures are memorable and make victory taste all the sweeter when it comes.
Yet people still present Vanilla/TBC as the golden age of mmos. Funny how this was when the game had 10 million players, raids locked to one difficulty and plenty of other content for other players.
If you want true casualization look at modern wow, because that is the term taken too far. Again before vanilla wow mmos might as well have not existed because nobody cared about them
based retard
And this is good. If you want to be special MLG pro play fighting games. Pure 1vs1 skill vs skill
>They fail easy mechanics, they die. But they keep trying to clear shit.
this is the hardest part of PF. fuckers that quit after one wipe on day one of new content
Are female cats still the most popular or did the rabbits displace them?
My ideas are hardly despised by the playerbase or the devs. In fact, you'll find a large amount of support for what i'm proposing anywhere outside of Yea Forums, where people's ugliest flaws come to bear and where such egotistical individuals are rampant. While its true that the way i posed my point was rather pompous, i still belive it to be the larger truth.
There is no gate, why don't you actually put in some effort and try. Is it so hard a term to try or actually schedule in a night that you and 7 of your other friends log on to try get through the content. If you can't commit time to a game for others ahead of time how do you manage this with other meet ups outside of work
>>normal/savage for pugs
>>ultimate for hardcore
I love only having one fight every six months...
wow nice blog dude
lone wolf haha epic bro..
Cats are still most popular, hrothgar/viera ended up mostly siphoning off au ra and roegadyn players.
Those are basically recolors with new abilities, so as with Brute Justice i think they're just on the line of fine. Lock them behind whatever you want, i don't think it makes the game any worse. Stopping the fights against Exdeath and Kefka at their midpoint however, does.
What's the best bot out there right now? Miqobot, Rebornbuddy, or FFXIVMinion? Or some other one I don't know about?
please understand
I suggest you quit ff14 and play BFA. It sounds more like what's up your alley
>Meanwhile on US/EU people are scared to even to try BA without discord.
This was more a checkmark of commitment, that you knew what to do and would not fuck shit up for the 55 others.
>wider audience casualisation to get more people to play WoW
>most of these people its their first game
no shit you're gonna have a bunch of retards saying vanilla wow is golden age because its their first game and they literally don't know anything else you absolute ape. Plenty of people cared about Everquest and mmos before, not every mmo had to break fucking 20 billion players to be considered a success back then though you stupid fucking zoomer.
It makes the old meme images even more of a sad reality.
lurk moar
Resorting to pathetic insults again. Oh well. Soon this thread will 404 and nobody was able to defeat me in discourse. My point continues untested. I wish only for this game to be more fun, and i've come to the conclusion, by the inability of any of you to argue against me that i'm indeed correct. I hope that you, as well as most of the community comes to see this in the future, so that XIV may be a better game for everyone.
>thread-quality gets lower the more discussion veers towards savage/ultimate and how difficult the game is
fucked up that they managed to make EVEN EASIER ex primals than susano
Are we the new smash trannies?
how do I replay the story? want to do Stormblood again
Agreed and yet you had tons of people moaning because it was too hard for them to clear. People legit want things given to them on a silver platter and just quit when they lose
5.1 will have NG+ that'll let you replay the story and all associated story-quests
You can't just play game. You should prove everyone around that you're better.
The game isn't more fun just because a model suddenly appears and says a thing.
damn...when does that come out? July 30th?
Whatever you say user you and your 5 buddies can go back and play everquest then. Again mmo's might as well not have existed pre wow
What the players think they want and what they actually want are often two different things. Players want to be able to claim rewards for themselves, but the easier those rewards are to get, the less meaningful they are to them. This is why it was perhaps a good idea for coil to be a "savage" only raid. An easier, 24 man instance still existed to provide a practice outlet for max level players as well, and when those players were ready to step up and see what they're missing, Coil will still be waiting.
Do not be the spoiled player who expects to have everything handed to them for only the most minimal amount of work. Use that sting that comes with missing something like this guy here and strive to make yourself committed enough to see it. If you can't see it on release, you can always work up to it with friends or an FC and see it later.
There's groups still running BA, just so you know. If you're not at the level cap in Eureka, do the challenge log every week, it's soloable and will provide you with levels without needing a group.
5.1 is slated for September-October (more likely October)
>July 30th
>he wants content
Then i suppose that by catering to that logical extreme the game might aswell be composed exclusively of poligons. The lllusion of the world is what makes the game fun.
I'm just hoping the new Ult throws a wrench into how we expect to play/handle mechanics, and isn't as much a joke to execute as UWU was once the mechanics were sussed out. Give me more RNG, less role-specific shit (UCoB was better about this), and allow full upkeep on the boss. No dumb add phases or invuln parts.
>there is no even beast tribe quests on release
>no even post game quests
You can't defend this
you might as well just plant your hill and die on it. If you want this game to become like wod/bfa, again there is already another mmo called wow you might enjoy in it's current form.
Do sidequests which are actually worth doing in Shadowbringers.
>but as they don't the average player is doomed to obliviously move on without knowing what they're missing.
Didn't you remark earlier that stuff like the Neo transition went viral? People who had done or heard about the Omegascape raids WOULD of been aware of this content and know what they were missing and they still choose to not do it.
>i deeply believe that the development team also agrees with, but finds themselves limited from implementing due to the pressure exerted by egomaniacs that place so much value into raids.
They literally do not financially account enough to have that sort of impact on the games design. Either raiders boycotted the game for following your system, following your logic it would not matter due to the exceptional increase in player activity it would produce. Which it wouldn't as it would actually lead to further stagnation due to lack of incentive.
Exactly. Just because a model appears doesn't make it cool. The combination of that model AFTER working "hard' on a fight makes it fun.
I did them all while progressing story. Yeah they're full of lore.
>Mt Gulg
>All the sineaters are named after some sin
>Forgiven Whimsy
Why is whimsy a sin?
Yoshi originally wanted to name it "Forgiven Faggotry" but ERSB held him back
>Soon this thread will 404 and nobody was able to defeat me in discourse
>i've come to the conclusion, by the inability of any of you to argue against me that i'm indeed correct
Just gonna casually ignore all the replies you got blowing you the fuck out aren't cha. Holy shit this was bait all along
Did they ever have any on release?
>savage for pugs
What universe do I have to move to for this to be possible?
Not all of them are named after something explicitly sinful, some of them are only named after stuff that gets bad after excess. Too much whimsy being a fitting crime for an elemental that's already not particularly grounded to begin with.
On JP servers. OR create your own party. Be kind and after sometime you will clear shit
No. New expac, new wave of dolts pretending things that're true of every expac are earthshattering and unforgivable injustices
in nipland, thinking about anything that isn't your job is the deepest dishonor
They chose not to do it because the time commitment to savage raids isn't attractive design to most of the playerbase. We've already gone over this. And raiders cannot be boycotted. Their massive egos and unfortunate popularity in the community makes it so, combined with the Japanese mentality of never saying "no" to a customer's worries.
I have hardly ignored any reply. And certainly none that "BTFOs" me because such a reply does not exist in this thread, regretably. All you have been capable of is arguing in circles, namecalling and resorting to emotional, ego-driven responses. My ideas maximize the fun in the game in an objective manner.
It's not about new wave. How can you even defend lack of ANY content?
Magnus, that drunk lion who doesn't want to work to get the carts running, has some pretty sweet boots. Any idea if you can get something similar ingame? They basically look like hiking boots.
By not turning over every available rock and then complaining there's nothing to do
Garland Tools says he's wearing the lv. 80 Miner artifact
Your concept of fun is a hollow notion that will never provide anything but the smallest amount of satisfaction. Without difficulty, the game would be no different than a movie or storybook. Understand that it's in your best interest, though you might not realize it at this time, that you're not granted all access to everything in the game by simply showing up.
I want at least one beast tribe or Ronka dungeon
>a guy wrote this article
why the fuck are people such big sissies now? why can't anyone handle a tiny bit of heat from fucking up?
have you never striven for something through effort and hard work before and then finally succeeding? honestly it's one of the best feelings in the world and if you haven't experienced it before I feel really bad for you user
if you don't mind be asking user what do you do for a job and what do you do for fun outside this game so I can get a feel of where your beliefs stem from
Honestly I was so sad that Big Mac's lion wasn't the sin eater and instead just a random boss in Mt Gulg
ShB EX are harder than susano.
>inno ex
inno ex is easy if you never get targeted by anything
>striven for something through effort and hard work before and then finally succeeding
its really, really sad to seek this feeling through vidya
>Be kind
I tried this throughout all of heavensward and couldn't even down ex trials until I learned every fight inside and out to carry hard as a healer.
How is it any different then any other hobby you invest time into?
How you invest your time is completely up to you and whether it's work or hobbies you should always be trying to improve and be bale to accomplish more
I'm on my last year of my Electrical Engineering course. Believe me, i'm no stranger to hard work, it took nothing short of it to get here with the grades that i have. Besides this game i like hanging out with my friends, watching anime and of course playing other games, mostly online FPSs such as Siege and Tarkov. And before you ask, no, i have never touched Siege's ranked mode. I have too much stress in my life, so when it comes to games i just like takiing it easy, and i'll be the first to admit that it does shape my view on things.
It still isn't very hard. The mechanics as a whole are really quite basic and the fight is pretty much a tank & spank encounter