*kills you instantly in one hitscan shot from across the map*
*kills you instantly in one hitscan shot from across the map*
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Lmao just dont walk into their sight lines lmao just bag the dumb pyro then attempt to rush jajajjajaja
>Scout mains when their health is at 124
Respect good snipers
Don't be predictable
Flank him when he's distracted
Wow what a difficult class to fight
He's only an issue when his team is good and actively stand in your way when you try to get to him.
>meet TF2 hacker who headshots invisible spies
>entire team goes deadringer
>proceeds to panic as he is shanked to death
>locks down a whole chokepoint against 12 players
b-but sniper is balanced! stop being so cuhringe!!!!!
no you don't see, it's balanced because uhh
>Run behind sniper as scout
>Pyro had been tailing me
>Land a hit on the sniper then get flamed to death
what kind of timmy has trouble fighting a sniper
shits one of the most minmaxed limited ability specific role things in any game
>he's only the only class in the game that has his own class be the only reliable way to counter him bruh how can you say he's not balanced even though he has everything in his favor and is better than spy at every range why you gotta act like he's broken in a game based around close to midrange fights bruh just don't do the objective and spend almost all your resources and time taking him out once
Would it be better if sniper were a projectile class? Kinda like halo combat evolve sniper rifle
>t. sniper shitter pretending he's not a broken shitheap in TF2
>none of those players can switch to counter him sounds like you've got a shitty team mate
Literally Salt Lake City in this thread
>play spy back stab the three snipers camping in the same spot
>switch to sniper
>counter-snipe them
>watch them rage quit
>tfw you 180 on a spy as he starts shooting you and headshot him
>tfw people start switching to sniper just to kill you but they can't even hit you
>tfw both teams start debating whether or not you're hacking
>tfw your own team votekicks you
Sniping's a good job, mate.
*teams up with my gay medic e-boyfriend to be unkillable*
You got a character in the game that can grant invulnerability to any other team member.
One that can assplode you from across the map.
One that can turn himself literally invincible and run real fast
One that can turn invisible or immortal.
One that can travel point A to B in a single leap.
But that asshole who has to aim IS the problem.
How garbage are you?
Those other things don't instantly kill you in one shot from the other side of the map with essentially no counterplay.
I haven't played in 10 years but I never healed Black Boxers. They were unreliable.
How does this fucker work. I swear when I miss by a margin I get the sweet 1337 head shots, but I suck otherwise with the bastard.
>he can hitscan you in less that a second for critical damage with little to next cooldown
They only need to add a bit more of delay before he is able to do crit damage
That is what snipers do, yeah.
>He unironically has the balls to say this when soldier and demo exist
Yes yes well done sniper well done, HOWEVER
Didn't they nerf the fuck outta that?
This, effective rocket jumpers make even the best snipers shit themselves.
Still crits on headshots which will kill a sniper in less than 2 hits.
What are you talking about? The last update we got was Tough Break nearly four years ago.
Imagine playing a class with 150 health or less
I thought I read that Ambassador was nerfed a lot. I don't play TF2.
I was trying to joke by pretending the game never got updated beyond 2015 because of because they forced matchmaking shit on it shortly after
It's total trash now, the other two are pulling your leg. Enforcer is without memes better at the one two punch on killing micrococks that are so bad at the most low risk class in the game they need a crutch to stop from being soft countered
>balance his damage around the class he shoots and how much charge he has
shoot a Scout with no charge? 75
with max charge? 185
shoot a Heavy with no charge? 150
with max charge? 450
What's this 6v6 meta nonsense these kids are going on about these days? Why bother talking about strategies for when the server is still filling up?
Or you could just, y'know, stop being shit at the game
>sniper does what a sniper's supposed to do
Shocker. More news at 11.
TF2 competitive is a meme born from autistic competitive fags that refused to compete in anything other than TF2. They pretend TF2 is a 6v6 competitive game and nothing else exists. I'd like to think that nowadays, most of those people fucked off and are now miserable. They helped TF2 become worse.
They are ok if they run shotgun.
the virgin quick scoper
>wears cosmetics
>main way of dealing damage is quick, cowardly headshots
>causes poorly refined animations to play when he kills somebody
>too afraid to use the smg
>runs around the map to find enemies because nobody wants to play with him
>people find him unfun to play against, and his own team will regularly boot him
>tries to justify being the 4th sniper with "skill", keeps getting killed by Soldiers and Demomen
The Chad Classic Sniper
>doesn't use cosmetics
>much more sporting, gives enemies the opportunity to find cover or close the distance
>enemies explode into a glorious cloud of blood
>pulls out his trusty sidearm for maximum efficiency
>tiny beetle-like stride, or runs around scoped at full speed for fun - 360 noscopes
>enemies acknowledge his prowess and sense of sportsmanship, teammates will spam "nice shot"
>everybody switches to Classic Sniper just to be like him
>snipers complain about caber
>it gets nerfed
>engies complain about direct hit two-shotting their buildings
>nothign happens
for some reason i find the classic more comfortable to use than the regular sniper
i think it's because being zoomed in all the time gives me anxiety due to the reduced awareness
The Classic is fucking amazing for potshots. It's something nobody really takes advantage of. Perfect for cheesing sniper duels
Don't forget, no falloff damage AND no arc. Literally point your crosshair and double click from any point on the map
>weapon goes from generally worse but fun to boring as fuck
I would use this more but it's not a vintage/stock item so I can't equip it because it would ruin the purity of my loadout continuity which makes me feel violently ill.
>everybody switches to Classic Sniper just to be like him
This so much
>kill another sniper with the Classic and taunt
>he kills you with his own Classic and taunts
>repeat all match
I love this weapon
Used to know a guy who had an extremely specific config file and ran torrents while playing to get the perfect 120 ping for sniping. Shit worked.
the virgin every other sniper rifle vs the chad sydney sleeper
sure you could just kill your enemies, but almost killing them and coating them in jarate strikes FEAR into the opposing team
Or just give him 90-100 hp
can someone tell me how the fuck to have fun as heavy in pubs without a medic or a payload up my arse
I feel like the most vulnerable person on the map at all times even though I should be the big nigga with the big gun
using jarate has taught me that most of my teammates have an extremely difficult time hitting enemies at all
all those things can be countered
sniper has no counterplay other than going sniper yourself
>tfw old dead ringer spy I used to play is dead
I know it was probably just broken, but god I loved it so much. Made me feel like a god
>not using shitty meme weapons to focus people and tilt the shit out of them
>it's a Darwin Shield sniper being pocketed by a Vaccinator set to bullet resistance
>you can't flank sniper bro
Mate if you get the jump on him and STILL lose, he's better than you. He needs to be good at emergency point blank quickscope headshots with aimpunch, you need to shoot him with your gun
Direct hit is nothing compared to the LNL
>does more damage AND the splash goes through the sentry gun so you can't repair it
To flank him you have to get through the rest of his team first
I don't know if it's overpowered or not, but it's certainly unsatisfying. Nothing is more unfun than just randomly instantly being killed by some guy that wasn't even there. I swear when I play TF2 these days 90% of my deaths are to snipers.
>not saying >Reminder
Fag you ruined it
go heavy or scout
click on him
go soldier or scout
jump in his face
is there some sort of backstory to this image, or is it just a scoreboard where le Uncle Dane performed very badly
froyo picked up uncle dane for rgl as a joke
is froyo a top ranking team or something? what's rgl?
>is froyo a top ranking team or something?
get out
>get killed by a random crit
this is the worst game I've ever played
>get a kill with a random crit
this is the best game I've ever played
>get killed by a random crit
mildly annoyed
>get a kill with a random crit
feel nothing
if you don't get an erection from watching a crit rocket fly towards a group of people, you are hollow inside
>reflect a random crit rocket into enemy team for great justice causing the ancestors of the soldier who fired the crocket to hang their head low in shame for all eternity
bretty good
Vaccinator is usually the anti-hack medigun.
>get a kill with a random crit
>type "skill" in chat
Gotta admit, I rarely get kills with it, but I rarely lose when I use it too. Putting players out of the fight so they have to hide and heal is sometimes better than giving them an instant trip back to spawn.
soldier is infinitely worse
>le "shoot at the ground in your general vicinity and win" man
>play competitive years ago
>enemy team has cheater sniper
>change to heavy with fists of steel
>friend takes vaccinator
>beat the fuck out of cheater
>he changes class into pyro
highlander is the true competitive form of TF2, so much more entertaining to watch than meme 6s with the same setup over and over again
post your most effective salt harvesting methods, i'm partial to standing in retarded places a sniper has no reason to be in and bodyshotting anyone i see with the machina
>be that one spy that just doesn't die behind enemy backlines
If 5-6 people are actively looking for me then I did my job.
that weapon is seriously moronic and makes people so mad
I remembered going full piss sniper to counter a hacker back when you could survive a headshot with the full set.
>Playing game full of hackers
Camping health packs with sticky traps. Simple but after someone dies 3+ times to it they start getting upset.
>equip gunslinger and fj
>put mini next to corners near health kits
>farm free crits for days
>less than two hits
so... it kills in one shot?
I haven't played TF2 in years but it always bugged me that sniper could just right click left click to kill the medic.
Just give Medic a base 1% bullet resistance and everything is fine.
b-but he's hard to play :-)
What does it say about me if I switch the moment I see a sentry to disable it?
>how the fuck to have fun as heavy
You can't.
Flank him you noob
He means that the full damage from both shots is more than his total health.
Reminder that the scout's maximum health is 185
As a medic I never overheal scouts. Fucj those annoying cunts.
If the Heavy update actually does give him a Reinhardt style shield I can only imagine how much Snipers are going to whine for it to be nerfed into oblivion
>get killed by a crit
>basedboi post a bind in the lines of "We at valve feel sorry for this unjust crit u.u"
>kill him with a crit
>bitchs about it all the match
What is wrong with those fags
>Go ahead and build your little toys! And i'll shove every one of em right up yer arse!
>headshot a scout running in a straight line
>respawns and beelines straight towards me
>get one bodyshot on him and he's toast
>spends rest of match trying to kill me and taunts every time he gets the one kill and dies right after overextending
>cant even taunt after body shot kill with the crocostyle set anymore after tanking the head shot
TF2: Absolutely zero fun allowed
what takes more skill, hitscan or projectiles?
>WAAAH more buffs for medic
>holds two of the most op weapons in the game
>cunts want more buffs
Fuck Medic mains
just keep repeating what everyone else is, even if you don't know what it means or if you even care what it means
that shit was pay to win, I'm glad it's gone
Projectiles, cause with hitscan as long as an enemy's on your crosshair it's a guaranteed hit.
Drop your shit revolver now, you can never hit those headshots unless you're a script kiddie. You're just gonna run backwards panic shooting around a heavy's tiny head before you get mowed down like fucking nothing.
Get a normal revolver and actually get reliable damage.
>still using ambassador after the nerfs
>Machina + Cozy Camper
>Fanfare sound effects for days
>Headshot anyone as they walk through the chokepoint
>People on the other team start switching to Machina + Cozy Camper sniper just to kill me
Projectiles are way harder, assuming there's no splash or anything.
If you're playing Demo and a Scout gets in your personal space, it's really fucking hard to land a good hit on him
the only reason i hate sniper is they ruin fun frontline brawls. games at its peak when it's two teams fighting each other and a sniper just forces that fight to evolve in one way and that way is always boring
>tfw playing RED sniper with machina on Dustbowl last point
>sentries everywhere so you can just bodyshot peekers and throw jarate if BLUniggers try to push
> boot up the game for the first time in a while yesterday
>Defending last point
>team is actually communicating
>comraderie all around
>Auto balanced to blue in the last 5 minutes
>all of it is gone
>someone on Red says "don't worry, bro, It's a win for you" after we lose
Why is this game so good
Just shoot him. It doesn't matter if it's only doing 3 damage. It will mess up his aim and he'll have to readjust. Not that hard. I don't even play this shit anymore.
keeping the fire button pressed hurts my finger.
*mashes ctrl*
Pssh, nothing personnel kid