Halo CMT SPV3 leaked source assets

continued from you stole my assets, removed me from the credits while still using my work, you fired members of your team for politics they didnt even bring up, you doc dropped a minor for petty reasons, and you continue to harass innocent people. I have broken into your account, and now you will face the consequences for being a shitty human being, masterz1337.
you want to compile shit, extract the tar file in the maps first. the commands to compile are in the batch file.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry I don't play shitty fan games.

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Can someone give us the run down on CMT and SPV3?

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Give me one good reason why I should care about whatever the fuck you are seething about

I nee a quick rundown

What is this?

what the fuck are you going on about

Anyone make a lolcow thread on this Master1337 sperg yet? This future suicide seems ready for milking.

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I dont really give a fuck if you care or not, this fucknut has done enough wrong to where its going to be public now

CMT is a Halo mod group, they plan on making single player campaigns for the mod friendly Halo Custom Edition on PC. SPV3 is one of them, basically it was a total revamp, but still had the same campaign levels.
tldr mod group making modded levels

Why do people even want to play this?

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How long before jannies and tranny mods start autopruning these expose threads?

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Could you explain what these people did to hurt you? Because you sounds like a fucking faggot.

are you retarded, fucking read cunt

starting to get suspicious after an entire thread already retard

I really don't think this needed a second thread

Yes it does, I want more details on Masterz1337 and his autism fits, spit it out leaker post screencaps and shit.

The mod is shit though...

>you fired members of your team for politics they didnt even bring up

What politics?

>you doc dropped a minor for petty reasons

What reasons?

>and you continue to harass innocent people

What harassment and what people?

These are vague, context-less accusations that make you sound like a fucking homo.

This was all already posted and discussed in the previous thread linked in/by the OP.

Good job proving you don't read.

I wasn't in the previous thread you fucking nigger. But thanks for confirming you're a fag who deserved whatever these guys did to you.

You don't have to space after every line, especially with the contrast of the green text already providing a break.

>previous thread
Too dead, didn't read.

Never actually had him do anything to me. I've just had the displeasure of sitting sidelines watch him do this shit for years.

just go to the police?

>i dont play shitty fan games
>literally posts a fan game


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Don't care about your gay drama, faggot

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Why not send these to 343, since they claim to be working with him on MCC mod support?
Even if he denies it, they can ask Discord to verify the chat logs. It'd get him removed if they're legit.

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is masterz a cunt?

What did masterz1337 mean by this?

>Ha, 2 and 3 are my least favorite games of the franchise. Whole reason I got into wanting to make my own halo was because of how disappointing those games were.


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What you quoted isn't the most distressing part. He said Halo 4 was his favorite after one. It's impossible to have this shit of taste without being unironically retarded.

2 and 3 are more casual than 1, but they are by no means shit.

Should shitty drama threads be banned

From what I understand, only the ElDewrito and Project Cartographer guys are working on MCC, not anyone related to SPV3.

What shit? Fucking explain. I even went and scrolled through the previous thread and the only thing close to an explanation was which is still just vague accusations. If you want to act like a teenage girl and start a thread for internet drama, you better do it right and dish the deets.

Everything in that image is correct, Halo 2 was shit.

Halocucks really are the biggest retards in the industry

I dont care about your gay post cunt

its obvious that faggot is here trying to shit things up

By bugs alone you can't say Halo 2 isn't shit. That's literally the only thing Masterz is right about.

Evidently you're the gay one

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we know its you shitcunt

I assume that most of these posts arguing against OP or trying to derail the thread are Masterz and maybe whatever cucks are loyal to him on his team.

they are, he posted this to his faggy discord

source? image?

you dont need a source, we know hes trying to find out who did this

So you can build SPV3.5 with this, but what does that mean exactly? You can turn disjointed files into the finished mod, but can you alter the individual files? Mod the mod? Or what?

should I go to the party?

>From what I understand, only the ElDewrito and Project Cartographer guys are working on MCC


Should Jews be systematically gassed?

Should cops be allowed to shoot niggers on sight?

Should i Jack off?

Should I continue with my spam?

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Welp, the conch has answered.

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Oh wow, masterz actually came to this thread to continue the retard-drama.
Take your pedophile ass back to rebbit.

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This reminds me of the character art that would be on each bad dragon product page. Why did they stop doing that? why didn't they ever make a sangheili dildo?

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Sup fagalah

I know some mod on fa had one custom made way back

Never going to support BD to begin with.

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>fan project ruined by autism drama
every fucking time

I assume it's because the guy who made the art died

Narse isn't dead

i know exactly who you're talking about and that in and of itself spawned a metric shitton of drama iirc. fuck i've been in this game too long.
i'll bite, why not? who do you prefer?

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Lmao get cucked modfags

Get a real job your mods suck

Never knew it caused any drama fill me in

>i'll bite, why not? who do you prefer?
I'm not into that kind of stuff, and I heard the company is shit.

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who wants to bet they were using discord

the custom edition outpost is cancelled?

it was over a decade ago, i can't remember the person's name but i think it had "lekgolo" in it. she made a clay sculpture of a potential sangheili dildo and it caused a nuclear shitstorm on FA and i think she resigned over it. i can't even seem to find her account now.
i try to not put too much stock into hearsay but i can't fault your first point.

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based sangheili posters

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I like some designs thick like the next guy, but you gotta post proportionate ones.

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I hope someone mass shoots you faggots at the outpost, keep bumping my thread so people can see the old one

masterz here, get a real job tranny loser


would there, could there ever be love for a sangheili that's not actually in a halo game?

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I find it hillarious that Masterz wanted to do some work on Eldewrito as if right wing guys like Gamecheat would let him.

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The last panel needs to be pitch black but otherwise basically this

It's a deviantart-tier re imagining of the halo 1 campaign

Will I ever find true happiness?

Was it really worth it in the end?

does anyone have more dirt on this turbocunt

shut the fuck up retarded samefaggot. fuck we know for sure your kind is flooding in from the discord, look at all the gay spam.

Oof! Thats a swing and a miss!

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Should I Jack off?


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nice inspect element retard

thread's getting boring, post more hot aliens you faggots

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Beg for it

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might as well. nobody has any more dirt on these faggots. but if you're going to be gay about it then post to the discord.

>that one guy who hacked hardcore porn into his fileshare screenshots

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if you came to hear me beg then you get off to weird shit son
>the discord
excuse me? there's a discord for alien faggotry?

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I have a server, but it's kinda private.

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yes there is

>spv3 server

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you already know me :^)
i can guarantee you without an ounce of edgy in me i would be banned within five minutes of joining that shit. hard pass

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your images aren't private

They definitely are. The majority of them are hidden.
Yeah, still.

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why do such things exist


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someday then
because there is at least a little justice in the world

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jesus christ, sometimes I forget how fucking horrendous 343's visual design is.

agreed, i just like how the screen came out. god i hope the elites in infinite are hot again.

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Any Anons getting on the next Halo MCC PC flight soon?

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Someone mentioned it in the previous thread but I think it is worth mentioning again that armor abilities suck and shame on you fags for implementing that garbage into this mod even if it was optional.

How does Gamecheat factor into all of this. Is he still cool or is he a big faggot?

from where this abomination is from?

Instead of doing something good with your life or hacking someone worthwhile, you decide to go after Halo modders?


will a certain project in my life be successful?

>OP is a fag
I guess this always good holds true.

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you can really tell discordags caught wind by now

well i mean i am so i guess this will work out

hi Alice