>It's shit
>Play Vanilla
>It's still shit but much less
No wonder people hate DS2 when SOTFS is memed up to be some sort of fixed version when it's inferior to Vanilla in literally every way except for an insignificant graphics upgrade
>It's shit
>Play Vanilla
>It's still shit but much less
No wonder people hate DS2 when SOTFS is memed up to be some sort of fixed version when it's inferior to Vanilla in literally every way except for an insignificant graphics upgrade
People hated the shit out of vanilla too. The only people who like DS2 are pvp queers. You have to be mentally ill to take pvp seriously in any souls game considering the netcode.
The hate for DaS2 started at release.
It's unfortunate, but players are required to possess a triple-digit IQ to appreciate Dark Souls II. It was a difficult choice to make when designing the game, but it was one we made nonetheless.
People and critics alike fucking loved DS2 when it released, what the fuck is wrong with you
i like dark souls 2
I enjoyed DS2 more than any other souls game, it's more polished than DS1 and DeS and less queer than DS3 and Bloodborne
Video games as a medium are subjective.
I've enjoyed many games that are critically panned. It doesn't mean much to me.
DS2 is better than DS3 that was the only souls game I dropped.
>Know fully ds2 has bad reputation
>Play it first because it's the cheapest and things can only get better from there
>I love it
There's only happiness in my future
Ds2 difficulty and fun mostly came from the enemy encounters, the bosses are meh
But pretty much the only thing people remember about the series are the bosses, so it ended up underrated
Also its a bit clunkier, but it still not gothic or dark messiah.
Generally i assume every souls fag started gaming with dark souls 1 and never played anything jankier than that.
It only got good critic reviews because of the osmosis of the first game and the fact most critics were too dumb to play the game for more than the first 20% of it.
>Imagine you have to fight a skeleton, but instead of making the skeleton hard to fight, we just put 10 skeletons
>WOAH! So hard and engaging! What great and difficult game design
Legitimately the biggest problem with the entire game, it even extended to bosses.
You were clearly not on Yea Forums when it released. It was a shitstorm.
are you actually too mentally deficient to look at the right half of the game that explains the "bad" metacritic score you chimpbrained failed abortion
>caring about what the laughing stock of the entire internet thinks about a game
I played Demon's and Dark Souls 1 before 2, got 2 at launch, and enjoyed every moment of it. Never once did it feel clunky or bad, never once did I think an enemy placement or boss was too easy or too hard, unfair or badly realized.
Skip ahead to Scholar, pick it up on PS4 for some nostalgia. Holy fucking shit why is this game so god damned terrible?
Ah yes, but we should care about what critics think about the game. Good goy.
>people literally paid to write about and critique videogames are less credible than a containment forum for a legion of autistic basement dwellers
People used to say SOTFS fixed the game
SOFTS ruins the game with the horrible enemy placement
>No wonder people hate DS2 when SOTFS is memed up to be some sort of fixed version when it's inferior to Vanilla in literally every way except for an insignificant graphics upgrade
You might be fucking blind then. Or you're an ADHD zoomer who runs past every detail and only focuses on what you want to focus on.
Unironically yes. No matter how hard you try to deny it or make it sound retarded, it's completely true. Critics are the lowest of low and a lot of them basically don't even play games.
SOTFS has to be the most puzzling remaster I've ever played. It doesn't really make anything better, just rearranges item and mob placement. And literally everything about Aldia is terrible. His design, his dumbass rambling, the way he just pops up at primal bonfires like hes something important when hes clearly a lazy afterthought. Just weird.
>but instead of making the skeleton hard to fight, we just put 10 skeletons
Why would you want to make skeletons hard to fight? They're skeletons. And many weapons are useful for crowd control and many are more useful for 1v1s which is something DaS2 tried to create incentives for. Your obsession with difficulty is showing. Fucking redditor.
>SOFTS ruins the game with the horrible enemy placement
Explain this?
based hand poster with an actually honest opinion I happen to share
1 or 2 areas got worse when 15 got better. But people only focus on the negatives because of bias.
>Your obsession with difficulty is showing. Fucking redditor.
You're right. I don't play Souls games for relative challenge, I only play it for the lore and the PvP. Fuck engaging gameplay, give me LOL TIME WORKS WEIRDLY AND AMBIGUOUS SHIT as well as nothin' personel teleports behind you while your attack takes 3 seconds longer to hit than it's supposed to. Don't forget to bow, it's duel etiquette!
as someone that likes das2 i must agree. i think the most obvious example of this the first bonfire at iron keep where you have a perpetual train of like 30 alonne kniggers constantly running up your ass and hitting you with their near-instant slash or hitting with their heat-seeking arrows all the way up to and including the boss fog. i get its suppose to be a well guarded castle but they put in way too many of those guys. i find it easier to just avoid smelter entirely and head straight for the iron king.
I hate both versions but I never played SOFTS what's worse specifically?
That's one area out of an entire game though.
I never said that. Dark Souls 2 Platinum Edition is mostly arbitrary changes that do little to make the game better or worse overall. Besides, you can't ruin something that was already shit to begin with.
>implying the entire game adds an overwhelming amount of enemies
lol no. git gud.
That's not at all what I was implying. Are you stupid?
I kinda enjoyed 2 when I was playing through it, then I finished it and realized I fucking hate this shit.
if thats not what you were implying you must of replied to wrong post because you post otherwise makes no sense.
Meanwhile the other entries in the series are
>you have to fight a skeleton, but instead of making the skeleton hard to fight, we'll leave it like that.
>Why would you want to make skeletons hard to fight? They're skeletons.
meanwhile in the shrine of storms
I think it was the fact that the game was gutted 6 months before release and every area was thrown together hastily to meet deadlines, with enemy placement suffering as a result.
DaS2 DLC is by far the best content in the Souls series because they actually had time to put some effort into it, and enemy placement is fine.
What I'm saying is that if you're going to make a claim like "SotFS ruined the game with terrible enemy placement" I'd expect more than one example from one area out of the entire game.
that's the most prominent place in my mind. i remember the gutter being a little more tedious too. but, like i said, i like das2 so im bias.
People never mention everything DaS2 did right.
>power stancing
>best weapon pool
>best fashion souls + best armor pool
>most entertaining covenants
>largest pyro/magic/miracle/hex tome pools
>best pvp
>best DLC
>QoL changes like omnidirectional movement, action cancelling, inventory overhaul, etc.
>best hub
>most build variety
>most starting path options
>neat quirks like the Looking Glass Knight being able to summon you
I could argue a lot of those things, but fuck it. Biggest thing for me is that NG+ actually adds new things.
Seriously, why are 2 and Sotfs the only games that get any guff about their design but the other souls games get free passes for their own respective design flaws and annoying bullshit?
Especially autistic shit like complaining that the tower leads up to Iron Keep
Humans are inherently bias so if they dislike something else they won't really bring up flaws in a game they do like.
All subjective issues at hand.
>3 doesn't have the bone fist
>Not even a cool or even decent replacement
Biggest Travesty of 3 right here
>bone fist
Stop stealing the names of my sex moves.
>it's okay when miyazaki does it!
>it's a Yea Forums grossly exaggerates their distaste for Dark Souls 2 episode
>that fucking beginning area where 50 enemies charge you up a ladder
Fun little known fact: If you mod Vanilla DS2 (just like everyone in their right mind mods DS1), the game looks much better and you actually need to use the torches
I actually liked to do playthrough that needed torches.
>started at release
It started once the downgraded screenshots came floating in
playing through it right now, it feels less fair than DS1 when it throws a half dozen enemies you've never seen at you. It's still really fun and above the curve as far as games in general go, though, imo; I think if none of the other souls games existed, then this would be listed among some of the great titles people liked, but it just feels worse compared to the original.
The game gives you a shitload of souls, reset items, armor, titanite slabs, etc.
Whenever you get to a new area, go back to the main blacksmith in the keep, reforge your weapons and get some armor to counter the new location
I enjoyed the base game more too. Less of a hassle to get to the dlcs. That dragon with the spear in it was cappable of being the third boss you fight in the game.
>most entertaining covenants
>all are PVP only