But only if you promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike

>But only if you promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike

Attached: Days-Gone-PV_02-13-19.jpg (600x337, 49K)

Man, people forgot about this shit in less than a week.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190516225853.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

Still selling well actually

>that ending
what the fuck was that?

Attached: dnr7nqlj4js01.jpg (322x322, 13K)

I mean here, I know the game sold rather well. But the threads died out in days. I enjoyed my time with it but they sure picked the most generic premise they could.

This is pretty realistic, biker wives wear shirts that say shit like that

They should add a battle royale mode

The bike on days gone is gay as hell, they really want to hammer home this Harley Davidson cruiser shit but the bike is always a fucking dual sport or just a fuckin dirt bike with wonky handlebar placement and seat position.

Legit 8/10 game. Looking forward to the free story DLC and possible sequel.

So did sekiro. singleplayer games will never have lasting discussion. Literally, the only time a singleplayer game can be talked about is when it gets tons of awards and accolades. So people can air out all their grievances with the game.

>Expect a shit story full of cliche
>95% of the cast is likeable and the story is nice
I was not ready to like this game so much bros

As opposed to an illegit 8/10 game?

Same VA as Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite BTW. Came back to acting after like 5 years

Why can't someone just make a good open world biker game without Zombie shit?

Yes, thats what IGN 8/10s are

BoozeBro is the most likeable character of 2019

Alright, you got me there. Carry on.

Why does she look like a 40 year old hag even though she's probably in her late 20s?

Shouldn't she be the one riding him?

>New Vegas
>San Andreas
Yeah, haven't heard bout these in a while

Let it go, man. Just chill out.

is Days Gone named after the amount of time it took for people to forget that this game existed
it was alright

Yes user she's the one saying that

So she should be saying
>but only if you promise to let me ride you...
Not what is in ops pic

Bb was memed because it was the only good exclusive
Mod support is the only reason new vegas keeps getting new discusdion
San andreas was online mp.

Why does this bitch have old face?


What was the ending

i honestly thought this game would be shit but it was alright

some really good banter and the gameplay was decent. i enjoyed the characters a lot more than i thought i would

Is it a success while Yea Forums thought it would flop?

>marrying someone with some weird skin defect on their arm
gross dude

>marrying someone that wears their hat-with-attached-sun-guard-visor backwards
Gives me the heebiejeebies.