IRL vidya bosses

IRL vidya bosses

Attached: 1562733497482.jpg (1898x1540, 637K)

Other urls found in this thread:–cube_law

haha :)

I dont understand
What is supposed to be happening in this pictures?

manlet with sword douses weeb

Man, what do you even do here? Do you hit the guy?

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Looks like some otaku wanted to pray to his wife and that salary man thought him a nuisance. Also it's an umbrella.

Swordam in black douses weeb trying to take a picture of the anime character.

You definitely smack the weeb a bit to stop being a degenerate in public

show me an umbrella that long

>people will actually defend water samurai for his nigger behavior but would be angry if it was a black doing it to a white

this one is just a mini-boss

Attached: mini boss.jpg (962x1411, 206K)


>go to /vg/
>half the threads are non video game animu shit and gacha
>probably the same """people""" that shit on xbox everyday

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>bosses' aggro radius is tiny

Attached: 1519873735091.webm (640x360, 1.09M)

Smack the bottle out of his hand maybe. Learn proper escalation.


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Attached: 1549605375659.webm (406x720, 2.93M)

>Get health bar down
>Does a flip to tag in the back buddy, new health bar appears

Love-Live fans once again proving themselves the scum of the earth, he deserved it. Only Idolm@ster deserves to reign supreme, Symphogear and such can come too though.

Whats even happening?

That's worth a push at least, but you might be right since he's got the sword

being a NYPD looks fun
i'd beat on bums all day

Japan is a cucked police state hell. 95% percent of people that get arrested to to jail, so trying to punch him, especially in public, would just ruin your life. In reality Japs are the most slave like, docile people in existance unlike what you see in your average anime mc.

Attached: death_stranding.webm (640x640, 2.94M)

Attached: Random encounters.gif (609x862, 287K)

All idoltrash needs to fucking die.
All of it.

China, user, at least read the thread.

DS2 in a nutshell

>Watch me talk about things I don't know.

people prone to violence deserve segregation from the rest of society
they have the right idea, lock em up or kick em out

thank god i had my sound down

Cool where can I buy one?

low level police officer trying to solo a group encounter

bunch of junkies


get wrecked retarded LoveShit faggot
you deserve your poorly animated trash and worse

You’re right but this is in China.

someone should put the Sekiro symbol and sound effect when he points the baton at them

what are the odds under his suit that dude is covered in yakuza tattoos?

It's a gif, webms don't have sound on Yea Forums either.

>Symphogear faggots thinking they're above anyone else


They should all be stepped on.

Attached: tokiko01.jpg (640x800, 98K)

Dark Souls 4

Could you defeat a salaryman Yea Forums?

Attached: salarymen.jpg (1600x1004, 270K)

NYPD officer chose Gunbreaker class, I see.

>Idolfags arguing about who is the least shitty piece of shit.
Take a bath.

Why do people pretend homeless are something to be pitied?

It isn't? I sure wouldn't like to be homeless

I like you user.

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In rare cases, it is.
Sadly, homeless/panhandlers are absolute scams these days.
Offer a homeless person a sandwich instead of money and watch ho w quickly they change their minds.

God, I hate NYC. I don't understand why people love NYC and East Coast in general. traffic is shit, nothing ever fucking works, fucking tourist and their hard-ons. Nothing fucking works, reeks of shit, nothing fucking works, high taxes that never fucking fix anything. Corrupt politicians, HORRIBLE FUCKING DRIVERS, and NOTHING FUCKING WORKS.

>Always tired from work
>Barely any sleep
>Usually manlets
Easy peazy

Attached: KESLA 25RH-II.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

chad dabs on virgin weeb

all the bosses you defeated come after you as you make your way to the final boss.

I gave a mute homeless man half a sandwich and he seemed very grateful.

NYPD rookie defending his life fron savage monsters that didn't swipe their metrocards at the turnstyle

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ok now this is epic

Jesus told so.


It's time.
>One will be your mentor
>The others will try to kill you

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Attached: elephant thot patrolling.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

hobo man please

Humans are fucking cool

There's this one dude who has a place to stay and he's fed but he sits on the same corner outside a restaurant begging everyday. Reminds me of the time I saw this scruffy dude ask for a burger when the server realized he didn't have any money on him and he walked out... was unemployed at the time doing a job search & felt bad for him so I bought the order and caught up with him. Took a look at it and walked off somewhere. Apparently he does this every week

Attached: hey buddy.jpg (576x432, 66K)

Not an argument

if I was that cop I'd just pull my gun out, taking on those people in that tight space looks like a recipe for getting knifed.

k-on is best and we all know this. They clearly stole the characters from it. I'm on episode 6 and I honestly think im going to drop the whole thing

If they don't call this thing the Paul Bunyan they're not true lumberjacks

Techno Viking please

What is this thing and where can I buy it

BASED commie stopping poisonous Jap weeb culture infesting his country

Attached: sVjormU.jpg (1022x547, 57K)

This happened in China

Attached: benny boy.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

hell yeah FUCK forests and FUCK animals

Top left.

>Find out technoviking is actual an asshole
>Find out he wants to take down all the videos of himself

Who was in the wrong here?

>Destroying ecosystems and literally removing species from the planet is cool.

can you defeat the boos in all of his 3 stages?

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I'm happy moments like these are caught on film.

Don't take pictures up close of an animal that can kill you by moving an inch

Attached: Shad - back scabbard.webm (1280x720, 1.51M)

>he wants to take down all the videos of himself
wtf why? I thought he was based

Attached: Beastmaster.jpg (1024x1027, 278K)

Are you saying its not?

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Very cool that you hate houses and plumbing but I don't so I'm a big fan of human progress.

>that sudden sprint and jump
>goes for the legs takedown anyway
Fighters with a wrestler background are so dumb holy shit.

K-on isn't an idol anime and can't even be put on such a low level that can allow comparison with those shitty shows

>boys with fashion
>you mean boys with money

yeah lets get rid of humans. you go first.

womp womp

Anything looks good when you're shaped like a boutique mannequin

What's the point of having one of those if it can't bite your enemies?

Attached: lvl 1 beastmaster.webm (360x360, 555K)

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Nah. That tree he cut down is what's cool, it's several centuries older than that artificial collection of gears, screws and scrap metal that will break down and rust one day and the short-lived hairless primate organism that mans it. That tree is significantly more complex and benign than both of them.

Human progress at the expense of other creatures should not be called progress.

>fighting or standing up for himself ever


they're all the same, beat one, beat them all. Reminds me of FFXIV bosses

A real-life Ptumerian?

his face is absurd, that's why
i'm sure someone has a pick of regular guys trying this

I hate seeing that haircut everywhere.

be nice to that dog THOT

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why didn't animufag punch his face?
>public transport

Idolm@ster has SOUL, inbred.
Nothing wrong with Symphogear.
Based and Tokiko pilled. When's she getting fucking voiced though?
Okay, LL-tard
>they clearly stole the characters from it
LoveLive copied Idolm@ster though.

which wrpg is this?

Phase 2 it comes off. Enrage mode activated.

>dozens of miserable workers in blue striped ties
>one happy guy in swank purple

Attached: Alligator on a golf course.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

holy shit

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I like Tokiko but high heels are garbage.

I love this guy so goddamn much

Top left was literally diagnosed as mentally insane.

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Why is ZUN using a rocket launcher?

>nothing fucking works

stop hiring/voting in leftists.

aight it's legit

cool, thanks. I'm new to this whole thing and I honestly love k-on. I was so depressed and it helped.
I didn't want to start a thread on Yea Forums about it, that's for sure.

I can smell the basedbeans pass the monitor.

That's also Ricardo Milos


Attached: wheelchair warrior.webm (720x720, 1.54M)

Dark Messiah 2 looks pretty good. Nice opening level

Why'd he put his head down wtf?

LL > Idolm@ster
I watched both animes and they were both shit but I liked LL girls better.

Metal Gear Bunyan

I can detect the room temperature IQ all the way from over here. Is that why you consider global warming a good thing?

Stunned them both with his weight

he must be an idolmaster fan

>That tree is significantly more complex and benign than both of them.
He thinks plants are complex oh no no no no no NO NO NO AHAHAHAHA

>that tree
>centuries old

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This makes me fucking hard.

he's trying to come up with some levels for the VR game

goddamn what the fuck. Also I'm pretty sure Alligators can run at least 20mph so I'm not escaping that godzilla nigger.

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This is obviously a new Condemned you pleb

Japanese umbrellas are fucking huge.

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Easier said then done when you remember that the leftist faggots in question have a permanent welfare caste who will always vote for more gibmedats.

what the fuck

I don't have to, life already did.

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>Idolm@ster has SOUL, inbred.
Idolmaster has literally not had soul since 2010

Well go live in the woods and get off the goddamn internet you tree hugging faggot. You're the worst kind of person, enjoying all the benefits of civilization while complaining about the means to achieve it, likely while contributing nothing either to the privileges you enjoy or to solving the problems that you complain about.


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>approaching and elephent when it has those weeping secretions down its face

That thing would kill them all. Goddamn idiots.

implying a black would just poor water on a guy lmfao

how did he do?

>want the benefits but not what it costs

sleep and forget about it baby boy

ZUN is making a VR game?

Wrestlers and bjj fighters often start their fights like that, grabing their opponents legs so that they fall and then the grappling starts, is one of the most commons takedowns.

Fascinating and strangely disgusting.

That's why its called HUMAN progress not every fucking animal on the planet progress

>hurr durr I bet you like global warming

that tree is bare minimum 400 years old. I know because I actually study these things instead of shitpost on a nepalese rock collecting forum while trillions of germs marinate between my unwashed layers of fat.

The Virgin Nature vs The Chad Humanity

>"We have a T-Rex"

>boss employs psychological warfare

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No doubt, top left.

Attached: homo.png (596x429, 180K)

yeah, the taxes they pay literally support my life.

It's fake. Notice how the alligator keeps repeating the same walking animation.

How do I stop having this body type
I fucking hate eating and my lungs are shit so I have no endurance

>caring about idols not from the original games
>watching secondary media
>not playing the games to enjoy the bond between you and your idolwife
Kuso poster

Wow Condemned 3 is looking good.

You have no clue what the fuck you even talking about. They probably planted those trees in the first you literal child.

Real life isnt Ferngully you fucking teenage know nothing faggot. Stop pretending you know how things work.

that would be a nice spin-off, to play as a normie cop, no bullshit superpowers, and meet ethan hawk along the way

>boss uses health items

Attached: The Virgin Brunch vs The CHAD FEAST.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

I love the tall weeb giving the ISHYGDDT look.

>I study these things bro trust me blowing shit out my ass
Age is still no automatic reason for it to stay.


>Shoes without socks
>Good sense of fashion

>tree bad
>green thing bad
>wild bad
>software error detected, shutting down NPC to prevent damage

Attached: 1554021765813.png (311x274, 64K)

The anti-weeb revolution starts here

Top left looks like he was the strongest member in the organization before defecting to live in hiding.

Sorry for being a EOP. I'm sure I would greatly enjoy im@s more if namco localized the fucking games.
So 765 is the only good girls? Then why the fuck are there 100+ girls in their franchise?
Did they really shit out a bunch of crappy girls to fap to?

>speedrunner vs completionist

You dumb retard, companies will keep down unsustainable trees. Illegal logging in places like the Amazon happens all then time.

vid of me on the right when an e-girl unfriends me on discord after they find out they aren't getting money from me


>I fucking hate eating and my lungs are shit so I have no endurance
It sounds like you already know the answer. Eat plenty of protein and exercise. Eat a fuck ton of food in general. Read the /fit/ sticky if you have to. For skeletons, bulking up is all about eating more food DESPITE feeling full, just like how cutting is about avoiding food even if you're a bit hungry. You just lack discipline.

>muh global warming
I didn’t think we had literal sõys on this board either that or a woman.

jesus fucking A, look at that absolute unit on the right
im not sure if he's closing his eyes as he's eating to enjoy the food or if he's passing out mid bite, hot damn i want to enjoy food that much

Both are disgusting in their own rights but christ I wanna hit the fag on the left

has science gone too far?
this feels like genocide

These things keep growing as long as they're alive right? Is anyone currently trying to get one to MAXIMUM POTENTIAL?

>opponent beats you by cheating
>game doesn't detect it and punishes you for calling it out

Attached: iu[1].jpg (700x467, 64K)

I hate faux robotics like this shit

>not ferngully.webm
cmon man

The napkin thing at the beginning makes sense, too much grease is just a pain, but what in the hot crispy Kentucky fried fuck is the purpose of the glove

>he doesn't know how to go through the ꜱoy filter
Yikes, shoo summerfag. Get out of my board and go back to twitter. rebbit refugees unwelcome.

but doctor i am a salaryman

its not electrical its just puppets what fucking idiots on here cant see this for what it is fucking larping cosplay made out of paper mache

the duality of man

There is a point where too much progress is detrimental, like say, removing natural resources of your planet and endangering and in some cases making species go extinct? Planet Earth is beyond complicated, and every single piece of life on the planet exists for a reason.

>tree good
>metal thing bad
>human bad
>software error detected, shutting down NPC to prevent damage

Yeah, I have one that's over 200ft long and 10ft tall
His name is Miguel

>machine bad
>cuz they kill nature
>human bad
>human should dead
>human not smurt
>I smurt
Peak homo.

Never meet your heros.
Apparently Michael Jordan is a complete douche.

Amazon forest being "green lungs of the planet" is a myth. Most oxygen is produced by phytoplankton in the ocean, Earth could be completely deforested and we wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

>false dilemma
yep, this one has been fully NPCified

white people are so pathetic

God salarymen are so fucking hot

saved, thanks for posting

It's a mediocre machine I guess, but it's missing a billow of smoke voiced by Tim Curry

Attached: Hexxus.jpg (1000x800, 271K)

Left, a faggot.
Right, a guy that just came out jail.

and i could cut it down with a piece of wood and stone

Hear hear, I ll eat a PHAT burger in your name

Goddamn the fus-ro-da shit was so fucking retarded, nothing kills horror faster than trying to explain everything with retarded bullshit

alright china. you win this time.

I have a questions, how the fuck did conservatives, who have conserve in their name become anti preservation and anti nature. How did respect and love for nature become a left wing thing in the mainstream.

you dont need endurance to lift

you do 5 reps, then you wait 1-5 minutes. then you do 5 more reps. then you wait 1-5 minutes. then you do 5 more reps. then you move on to another exercise for another muscle group and do the same there.

That little fighting game bounce he does... thats not actually helping him any is it?

Attached: 4322353.jpg (777x888, 76K)

>bro just trust me, I got a Yea Forums license. Ignore the rising temperatures or the rising mean sea level goy those things are a psyop

>makes sense
fucking faggot

Based yakuza
I remember this pic from that one cuck's thread where he wasn't man enough to eat pork buns
Imagine bowing down to an anime girl on a train LMFAO

Attached: lololol.gif (384x372, 1.84M)

90% of this board is reddit newfag. This is /our/ board now.

what happened

Shad is based draws porn and loves medieval history.

dam son
u got some pics?


cring and urnpilled

Dude looks like he's about to break some barrels open to try to get some health pick ups.

I could slice through you with a knife, too. You're just a collection of organs covered with skin.

99% of all life that ever existed on Earth is now extinct. We didn't kill ALL of them. But we probably would have been one of the 99% if we didn't figure out how to sharpen sticks and use them to wipe out the wooly mammoths.

wood is sustainable resource, provided that they bother planting new twigs in cleared area
heavy metal, pesticides and chemical pollution of air and water is hundreds of times more effective species removal tool vs chad woodwork that grows back each 10 yrs (provided that they bother planting new twigs in cleared area, like, say, swedes do)


>5 minutes
lol no


Probably from getting all upset about fracking

>hitting a series of buttons instead of just one
You ineffective little basedböy.

Look at all the triggered NPC's
This meme literally keeps proving itself

>he wasn't man enough to eat pork buns

are you on HRT?

>did the gacha spinoff Cinderella Girls shit out gacha bait idols?
Yes. Ignoring the unvoiced girls though, Cinderella Girls still has some pretty nice SOULfull idols, like the LiPPS group, Sachiko, Syoko and Koume, Natsuki, Rina...
Some are certainly more fap bait than others and 765 are by and large the best girls, but there's still good girls there. Audio CDs and the web radios are also acceptable primary sources, as well as obviously the music but that doesn't give tons of characterisation.

Literally everyone has artificial forests for wood production

Attached: 1563908768566.png (900x603, 871K)

>Misplacing the O
Oof, it must be really difficult to function on a basic level with single digit IQ

If you didn't see it, the thread was about some fag getting Sleeping Dogs as a gift from his GF, and asking if he should trade it in for Yakuza. That was a good thread

No because the trees they're converting to lumber were planted by them

If they can afford a machine like that they're probably sustainably logging. The trees look pretty young too.

Marine biologist here, he's right you shitstain. The ocean is also responsible for a good 95% of CO2 disposal from the atmosphere through phytoplankton. Deforestation doesn't fucking matter one way or the other as far is dealing with global warming is concerned, it's all ocean health that matters.

>having a pinneapple face is good

you must be ugly as fuck homie.

>immune to being blinded
>has various status effecting abilities.

That dude may literally be yakuza

For me, it's Clock King

Attached: The_Clock_King.png (552x480, 264K)

>act retarded
>"If you call me retarded, u mad"
>make a meme about people being mad, when no-one is
>"See, my meme is right because you called me rightfully retarded!"
Okay, basadoboi

There was Gustave(croc) but he's presumed dead as he hasn't been spotted since 2015
>Since Gustave has not been captured, his exact length and weight is unknown, but in 2002 it was stated that he could be "easily more than 18 feet (5.5 m)" long, and weigh more than 2,000 pounds (910 kg).[2][3] He was estimated to be around 100 years old in order to achieve such outstanding size; however, further more careful observation of Gustave revealed a complete set of teeth when he opened his mouth. Since a 100-year-old crocodile "should be nearly toothless" (according to the documentary), he was estimated to be "probably no older than 60, and likely, still growing".
>Gustave is also known for the three bullet scars on his body. His right shoulder blade was also found to be deeply wounded. Circumstances surrounding the four scars are unknown. Scientists and herpetologists who have studied Gustave claim that his uncommon size and weight impede his ability to hunt the species' usual, agile prey such as fish, antelope and zebra, forcing him to attack larger animals such as hippopotamus, large wildebeest and, to some extent, humans. According to a popular local warning, he is said to hunt and leave his victims' corpses uneaten. The documentary film also stated that since crocodiles can go several months without eating, Gustave could afford to select his prey carefully.

Attached: chad_hangout.webm (240x426, 2.96M)

post pics of your stand

left: soulless
right: SOUL

>ever fearing a manlet faggot who barely even lifts

>falling for corporate lies
yes goy, keep drinking that koolaid. Environment care is just a leftist thing and it's cool to hate leftist things! it's all just part of the right-left political spectrum!

Attached: trust me.png (331x132, 40K)

I mean, it's probably not a trained fighting technique or anything. I imagine it's just something people do to keep themselves moving and also deal with the surge of adrenaline their brain is sending them.


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bro why are these bros kissing each other on the lips bro

Why don't we just turn the entire ocean into an algae bloom so we can own global warming?

Attached: 1560811896421.jpg (900x600, 276K)

>seething no u
>sÓy level is dangerously low.
Quick drink more sÓy.

you just have shit dna

i feel like by design a detective game has to lay down hard answers to mystery and they've sign-posted the bullshit from the get-go (revealing a ''chosen one'' dossier + dropping a ''cult'' cliffhanger in the end of the first one.
I love the series as melee-action first and then as a horror, and i like how Monolith always focused on gameplay elements, massively improving both melee variety and investigative guesswork in second one.

Not at home right now but here's a drawing that sums up how we look together
Sometimes I ride him (like on his back, not his dick that's gay)

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Why are the only whites that act like this living in Europe?

This honestly looks like good combat. Combat in real life always looks fucking stupid because they always end up fucking wrestling. This guy is playing defensively and uses spacing.

The machine is cool and you're not cool. Simple geometry, really.

Attached: aught.jpg (900x1179, 80K)

also the first thing that came to mind lol

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Attached: big dog.webm (1280x720, 1.3M)

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>He's never kissed his bro's on the lips
That's literally worse than being an incel

Attached: 36ojcv.jpg (643x388, 90K)

>Not an argument
Not an argument

>boss can freely roam the overworld

Nothing, prove that your above his primitive behaviour

you just know.

I've heard if you're constantly hopping it's easier to make a sudden movement rather than doing it from standing still.

> martial artist | monk | marksman | white mage |
> black mage | beastmaster | beserker | armsmaster |

This guy really pulls off the pirate chimpanzee look.

>boss can chase you to a different location

Attached: you're fucked.webm (720x404, 2.57M)

Imagine being such a literal babyboomer that your logic and reasoning for destroying the Earth is, "I won't be around when it dies, so who cares. It's not real, and even if it is real, I won't be around for the fallout of it."

Attached: 1517369337101.jpg (400x400, 25K)

does anyone honestly believe a chink wouldnt do anything to get ahead?

Here she is now
>We need to care for the oceans more so than the trees if we're talking purely global warming prevention
This is your brain on dumbfuck juice.
Unironically a decent idea, except many species of algae can be toxic to marine and terrestrial life (shellfish poisoning for the terrestrial part) and the decay of these blooms when they eventually die off causes notable oxygen depletion in the areas, although oxygen dead zones from algae blooms are more of an issue in inland, freshwater systems where there isn't as much volume to cycle. There's still oxygen dead zones in the ocean but it takes a lot more to fuck it irreversibly.

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I'm cool and you're simply not cool, basic logical reasoning quite honestly.

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because NYC only functions if the rich and the jews trick millions of retards into going there and being their morlocks

reminder that almost all of NYC's labor can't even live in the city and comes in from outside every day

t. monki

what episode of overlord is this

You take it like the little bitch you are redditor

Attached: 1527014608700.webm (332x500, 2.91M)

>He doesn't know about Bleedman

Ruling class/Fox News said so

I'm colder than the average temperature, and you're simply average temperature or above. Easy mathematical calculations desu

Attached: bug sleep.jpg (800x625, 45K)

This but unironically.
Literally get good, other species.

Attached: bung.jpg (768x768, 107K)

>emphasizing your manlet legs
>good fashion
oh god no. any manlet knows to hide that shit as much as possible.

I literally can not think of an animal that is worse than the Hippo.

>based confederate flag patch
epic bro is MAGAing in fucking europe hell yeah based

add me thot
i'll kill you

>wagie screeching at neets
LMAO, maybe if he stays a little later he will get that pay raise!

>that kidney shot from based chair leg in the end
makes me wince every time

looks like Sean Bean.

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Attached: fe6.jpg (720x714, 115K)

Fair enough

Dont compare the kino of Bill & Mandy to the trite shit that is Overlord

Imagine caring more about fucking trees than how cool humans are
If trees were so fucking cool how come we're kicking their ass?

Attached: violence_has_escalated.jpg (567x567, 60K)

>provided that they bother planting new twigs in cleared area
Who doesn't do that?

i dont remember the episode of seinfeld where kramer becomes a matador

tell me this is fake please please please
holy christ look at the size of it
fucking jurassic park ass
glad i live in canada

Attached: GET OUT OF MY SWAMP.webm (640x640, 2.91M)

>I'm colder than the average temperature
Oh noes, the unliving machine that is the NPC gives himself away

I cant tell if youre trolling

This applies to every major city in the world

>a terminator

absolute unit

if NPC's are so cool why is it easy to force them to shut down using logic?

Attached: Alligator_with_three_legs.webm (1280x720, 2.12M)


Top left is obvious

y-yeah, that's exactly what he said r-right bros?!

Honestly I wonder the potential of some animals and how fucking big or buff they could get.

Take a grizzly, everybody knows that grizzlies are huge and fucking dangerous animals, and incredibly strong. But it isn't like the grizzly is working out - it gets exercise just doing grizzly things, sure. But what if you put it through a training regime that would be the bear version of a body builder's? Have it train its muscles, get as strong as possible and bulk the fuck up.

How big or powerful could something like that be? What is their potential?

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keep crying homie, but that's you not me.

Guy getting hit looks like young Ivan Drago training to be resilient.

Its real, but most gators don't get that big.
At least I don't think they do

The fact that male hippos do this to their own children and children of other male hippos is fucking absurd.

Out of all of the dangerous animals in the continent of Africa, how did the hippo become the most dangerous?

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any cuntry in either of american continents - lardland owners mostly don't bother

All urban life is identical, the founding fathers knew this

By being the absolute most territorial creature on the planet.

what do they eat to maintain and increase their mass?

It's a fucking tree you retarded city slickers.

Attached: 1423507632074.jpg (232x255, 14K)

If you're so cool why are you such a fucking faggot?
Checkmate treefag

What movie?

>technoviking is actual an asshole
>wanting basic privacy rights make you an asshole.
He wasn't filmed with consent. He did not give consent to the video uploader.


t. Joe Rogan

Attached: charlie.jpg (2500x1407, 2.83M)

Does this meme only exist to provide comfort to particularly retarded people that at least their retardation is making them stand out?

What's he doing?

Wait... THATS shadman?!

I though he was some skinny pasty basement dweller with an afro


It's true about China as well.

bruh, didnt even notice that at first. Who the fuck is in charge of that shithole and why are they letting people get that close to roid-raging elephant.

This seems true. I came to the same realization when I was trying to give someone a verbal cue once, it seems like your reaction time will be better if you're not coming from nothing

Yeah, I'm sure. It also probably makes it harder for people to react to you. It's always kinda impressive to think about how you'll instinctively do shit like that even if you've literally never been in a fight before.

Is it bad that I'm even more of a fag eating than the guy on the left? I fucking hate touching the food and getting my hands dirty, I wash my hands every 10 minutes if I can.

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>using the npc meme in mid 2019

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Attached: life stealer joins the fight at 25%hp.webm (320x240, 2.51M)

Who knows. Many large animals may not be built for such a thing biologically as in their hearts, bones, limited interior space, etc. could have trouble sustaining or dealing with the extra mass. It could also be the case that their biology already has an upper limit thats commonly reached as muscles will not grow indefinitely and creatures typically have natural inhibitors to muscle growth. Regardless they would have to eat to sustain it which is obviously not realistic in the wild as their muscle masses are already optimized for the level of food they could get as per evolution.

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>when you realize that the alien species in sci-fi that goes to another planets just to harvest resources is us

Are you referring to technoviking from CCP or some other technoviking?

>Go on lads! This one's on me
What did Tim Sweeny mean by this?

>blacks have to compete with this
What a world we live in

I'm not a /fit/fag but there are 10k calorie chocolate bars for like people marathoning across alaska or whatever

The prequel

Attached: 1486063454606.webm (640x368, 2.74M)

>Y'know gators? I'm talking about like the big green guys
*pulls mic closer*
>Fucking crocs man. Those things literally don't stop growing. Must be like 500 pounds or something.
>Jaime, pull up that video of that Croc eating an african child
>Jesus, it's like a chimpanzee in reptile form

Attached: Screen_Shot_2019_05_17_at_11.48.34_AM.0.jpg (1200x800, 129K)

This. Back when I used to do MMA bouncing a bit on my toes helped me weave in & out & helps prevent telegraphing bigger movements.

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different Shad

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no, you simply have autism user

>never kissed a muscle man on the lips

Godamn fractures...I'll kill every one of you and those Freedom fucks too.

robots have exceeded humans... no they exceeded.... me :(

You got pushed in lockers.

Attached: 1519043862865.jpg (1245x1080, 665K)

this is fucking METAL

Nice, I wonder when will they start sucking dick

Tell me how I'm an NPC for thinking a tree eating machine was cool. I'm genuinely curious.



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This but unironically. Our prosperity is the result of our ability to manipulate nature and our surroundings.

Devil bringer unlocked

That's more like Cerebella from Skullgirls.

Yeah, bullshit faggo-

Yo holy fuck, my bad. Don't sic your sick ass dragon on me dawg

Bongs aren't human



an Arch-Vile?!

Attached: 1563206951677.jpg (780x438, 78K)

>reddit the thread

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Attached: LTG.png (1382x1392, 2.2M)

im surprised this hasnot been made into a "loss" edit

This is how the world ends.


That guy has to be like 5 foot nothing and that's why the umbrella looks crazy large. They also have large umbrellas because of their crazy ass weather. Legit breaks your umbrella unless you get a well made one.

>Manipulate nature.
Man's absolute biggest downfall will be mankind thinking themselves above nature. Just remember the next time we flood Japan.
Just remember the next time we storm through the East Coast.
Just remember the next time we quake California.
Remember that you thought yourself above the planet itself.

>how cool humans are

Attached: 1415149797093.jpg (686x608, 52K)

because it already is

Literally the only reason this picture looks bad is because all their suits are badly fitted

You'll have to wait for that.

Attached: 1544900410664.webm (640x358, 1.2M)

You don't need consent to film someone in a public space


I wish I had a father to exercise together

Of course we're above the planet.
We were so above it we were on the fucking moon, bitch.

If new trees are being planted in that forest after being harvested, then there's nothing wrong with this in moderation. Not that I have any way of knowing from this one webm, though.

Pretty blatantly. Anybody that's "the south will rise again" inclined knows exactly what the flag looks like.

>the tourists that give money to the fucking showtime performers on the train

I was so sad to find this was fake.c For a brief moment I was so happy.

You know any other animal that developed nuclear power?

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>that stare after it disarms him

Attached: 1559766669968.gif (500x217, 105K)

Because they are aggressive as fuck and are deceptively fast, more so than those animals that you listed.

If humans disappeared nothing of value would be lost

>when you realize that there is no aliens because we are the first ones

that "assume dominating position" right in the end
tot kek

Why be thirsty for crummy waifus when you could be drinking a fresh bottle of water?

>Brainwashed the other end like the reason why legal monopolies lowering standards but raising prices, and projecting rich person investments like jewelry and fixer-uppers on commoners isn't republicans.

>if you randomly assault someone you have a 95% of going to jail
The problem being?

Is this a RAGE engine physics demo?

what has value

I hate that whole "lole T-pose!!!" but this shit actually had me laughing

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Humans be the only ones who go fisshun its true.

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I wish I could find more of her porn, I'm not paying for any of it.

Attached: 1480367127977.png (410x385, 112K)

If Earth disappeared nothing of value would be lost either.

I wish I could be alive for first contact just to partake in the shitposting.

>fighting game let's you choose between 1 main, or multiples with assists

>black sclera
boner achieved

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He is worshiping a fucking drawing, he's the lowest of the low.

Wouldn't you prefer porn of people that resemble humans?

Attached: ghmw7Yi.webm (854x752, 1002K)

Sounds fair enough to me

my father failed me
your father failed you

>Death stranding

You're making the case for why we should continue trying to put ourselves above nature. Nature is out to kill humans.

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ok you first faggot

>business insider
Why does this make me laugh? I just picture a salary man doing this, peeping up people's skirts in an unorthodox way. The cutting edge of upskirt shot techniques. Truly THIS is what they should be reporting.

These guys look like they'd be talking in garbled roboty words to each other while hunting people they kidnapped on a private island

>if i deforest the earth, the ocean will be responsible for 100% of oxygen production
>therefore forests don't matter
we can already see the effects of oxygen deprivation to your brain

does this mean we need to kill all humans

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I think there is some porn with pornstars dressed like these robots.

Is that why you hear nothing about him any more?

Mother nature better fucking HOPE the great barrier hasn't been passed by humanity or else it's going to get banged up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top and possibly even to the fucking gluons by us eventually.

If we haven't met the great barrier yet pls don't we're peaceful humans

what if the funding for protecting forrests would cause significantly large gains if pushed towards maintaining marine life


That terrifies the fuck out of me.

"functioning vagoo" sounds like a captcha

my father is a compete and utter bluepilled faggot

I played that game.

>wasting perfectly good water on a virgin.
Who is the real loser here?

Literally me at work

There is.

Attached: 1554102579545.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

Look at that arched back, that kino haircut and hairline
then look at those weebs

>Prowling Magus & Congregation

just look at this happy jappy chappy, what a lad

Attached: happy.png (145x161, 52K)

I want to fuck it

>when you are designed and programmed for one purpose, fail spectacularly at it and you just give up

It was actually a weeb, who'd've thunked

Close, that's a special French unit of cops specifically trained to extradite criminals from the Paris Catacombs. There's miles and miles of unmapped tunnels under Paris that people hide in, that unit goes in and retrieves them. The tunnels are so vast, uncharted, and random that Paris specifically cannot build buildings above a certain height or they will just sink into the ground


Attached: 34d99db50211560e4a7e7b5627c3.jpg (326x326, 47K)

Is that a Jurassic park reference?

I need to hug him holy SHIT

no, my past self failed my father; I'm working to correct my past failings now

We're all gonna make it

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>opponent does the matrix

The fuck??

My dad was a literal flower power kind of guy.

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I wanna FUCK the great barrier.

>They'll be back, and in greater numbers too.

Fuck robots.

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I'll follow the lead of agent Brooke Bond (3) and stop the cunning plans of Master Devil Kettle (4)

What a chad.

>Objective: Escape

Elephants are usually pretty docile, mostly due to the fact they can kill most other animals by moving an inch.

That said, the elephant in the gif is in Musth, where it makes 60-140x the normal amount of testoterone and the temporal ducts leak a thick substance, that leakage puts pressure on the elephant's eyes causing pain similar to a sinus infection or toothache.

So basically, you have the most roided up dude in existance with a toothache that won't go away.

>Matador when he was alive

Attached: KazumaKaneko-Matador.jpg (1896x2428, 524K)

That sounds like an awesome premise for a video game

some point 300 years from now kids will have their teacher take them to some progressive cyberrights history museum where they get pushed with hockey sticks and kicked around by robots while they have to learn about that one fucking robot that invented cyberjam.

>even his helmet gets to wear sunglasses

Someone should upload that webm

>not degreasing your pizza

I don't get the stigma for dabbing off the extra grease on a pizza, it actually does make it healthier.

>There's miles and miles of unmapped tunnels under Paris that people hide in, that unit goes in and retrieves them
Why don't they just map the goddamn tunnels? They've had centuries.

trainfags must hang

They deserve it, though.
They are failures.

Attached: 1533163906710.webm (854x480, 2.07M)

I hate NY too but you dont need to drive, public transportation is pretty good

Those are from a rake, I finally figured out what they were. I wonder what these guys think, if they are in on the joke that all their "advanced military technology" is a joke.

Attached: mermaid.webm (854x480, 902K)

>Kurk, Night of Thorns

>bosses' master plan is twarthed by the incompetence of his lackeys

Cause then you'd have even more retards going down there and getting caved in and dying

That tree is 5 year olds you fucktard

Attached: THIS_ENDS_HYEAH_INDIGNATION.webm (406x720, 1.17M)

Attached: 1564182199898.webm (1000x800, 303K)

They randomize and rearrange themselves every full moon.

humans have natural limits too, reflected in classical greek images of the ideal male form. modern bodybuilding is purely a product of biochemical science. so the real question is, how big can bears get if you put them on a course of steroids, growth hormones, and insulin injections like human bodybuilders?

Very true, just wait 10,000 years for the tree to die, be compressed into a thick, viscous substance and THEN use cool machines to dig it up. Way better.

Cause niggas keep tryna explore them and end up dead

And you gotta realize how vast the catacombs are. There are an estimated 6million human remains in the catacombs which were slowly tunneled out since the 5th century. They're fucking enormous and only a select few sections are safe for people to explore

Professor Badass.



was there an Arc of Deliverance waiting around the corner for him

Hypothetically speaking, if I was a highly paid programmer would NYC be livable?
Better or worse than San Fran?

Theres only one way to find out

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what kind of mollusc is that its kickass

did it toss a part of itself away or is that a video glitch

F. Madlad just wanted to shield himself from rain.

>guy with the water is walking around with a katana
>in public
>in japan
They're both fucking weebs, and no he wouldn't be fucking yakuza, least not standing alone making such a display, more like a pocket knife when no one is looking or a gun hidden out of sight

Attached: 1411231696974.gif (320x180, 320K)

how is it legal to build cyber lin-kuei

God fucking damn it, Kojima. Just go back developing your game.

Here you go.

Attached: umbrella that long.jpg (800x800, 154K)

Meant to reply to this


is that a tibetan mastiff? they can solo mountain lions if they have a collar to protect the throat

>All these retards acting terrified like this is new tech
>Tree feller bunchers have existed since the fucking 60's

Boston Dynamics works primarily for DARPA.
All these robots are projects for the US military.

Attached: 1560168158920.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)


based nypd chad

I need a eurojank FPS based on this, ASAP.

As long as they avoid crossfit


Here's some reading I'd like you to do user.–cube_law

If you don't feel like reading this video covers it pretty well.

TLDR; more big means more slow or you die from overheating on an exponential scale.

That's the dude that never cut his fingernails, right?

Attached: 1562000295720.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

happening in the West Coast as we speak.
shill me a good city to live in regardless of weather. Only pussies hate weather.

>all these city fags never seen a feller buncher before

The catacombs themselves are relatively small and are all mapped though. It's the abandoned mines that are death traps.

>with a katana
that's a fucking umbrella. Has a handle with the little spokes coming out, creases along the length of it and everything.

Attached: file.png (344x214, 100K)

That's why it's so cool. Mankind has become as gods, to the point that not even nature can stop us. We have the ability to reshape the entire planet. We are truly powerful.

>deacons of the deep

This. Glory to humankind!

Jesus, he kills people with an umbrella? Even more impressive.

honestly more believable too. Probably has a stack of them at home.

cringey faggot kys and take your mor fag friends with you.

It's in China and he's holding an umbrella, you dumb anime nigger. Do basic research before saying dumb shit online.

Attached: 1554914339350.webm (480x360, 1.38M)

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god I can't wait for our robot infantry to backflip all over dirt farmers worldwide

>an ancient evil has awakened

>Mighty American Robot foiled by mighty Pakistani hockey team.

>>Not naming it Gta IV.

They'll just dig a hole and put a dirt colored tarp over it

>Find out he wants to take down all the videos of himself
mere mortals are not worthy to see him in video format

The power of RTX

>Man prints out 300 qr codes
>Fashions it into a suit
>suddenly immune to all robotic warfare because he's a walking shutdown/self-destruct code.

it's a fucking batarang

Attached: chinese UFO.webm (640x358, 1.4M)

>tfw this actually happens one time
>chuck my phone across the room

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Here’s the thing about the homeless. The general concept of them is that they are just the unfortunate who lost what they had and now have to live like an animal on the streets. That is true for half of them. The problem is that majority of them doesn’t really want to get better. I know it sounds insane but for them the advantage that they can take from being a transient gives them the freedom to continue the self destructive path they have been on (which honestly is the cause and reason for them becoming homeless in the first place). Trust me when I’ve said people have tried. The shelter I used to work for actually spent their own money to try and help out the homeless from every level of fucked up, only to experience disappointment when the person we’ve thought to have helped cleaned up and supported personally is now back on the streets doing what they were doing before, coated in their own filth, like as if nothing happened. There’s also something eerily frightening about how most of them knows how to work the system to their advantage to get what they want while just teetering on the edge of actually landing in deep shit.

tl;dr: No one wants to become homeless but most of them doesn’t want to stop becoming one either.

>mini boss
>not two stage boss
You fucked up

This is so cute

fucking hate this

Billings, Casper, Little Rock, Tulsa, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Omaha.

>When you say Winnie the Pooh in China

oh no its retarded

Attached: reee reee reee.webm (320x240, 1.13M)

>All UFO footage is shot on a 1898 bakelite pinhole camera by a man riddled with fatal cataracts and parkinsons

>Wearing animu jacket or any merchandise at all in public

Fuck I just cringe physically

Surprise motherfucker!!!


Attached: 1562799475433.jpg (381x380, 35K)

that event is one of the most well documented and legit UFO sightings literally ever

Holy shit this is such a cringe post

ALL heads

the fuck nigga it's not fighting game bouncing, have you never seen a boxer do that kind of thing ? You don't stand around in a fight with your feet planted flat on the ground, you rock yourself around and bop exactly like he's doing.

holy shit, did he survive?

Cool, so there's some actual evidence you can post then? I'd lead with that user, it might help.

Yeah, it’s a very well known Shazam video, he is fine

Saved but taken with a grain of salt because I been to slc and it's garbage. Literal tourist trap with hippies.

>ignoring science, only to turn the thread political for no reason by claiming "they" ignore science

Attached: multishot.gif (294x269, 1.48M)

Well you could also just not live in a city, there is that option.