You guys picked the cool aliens, and not the boring ass humans for your squad, right?
You guys picked the cool aliens, and not the boring ass humans for your squad, right?
Normally I use a some combo of Garrus, Liara and Wrex.
when i first played this back when i was a teen a sarcificed my bro kaidan for that dumb thot ashley cause she pranced around the the battlefield in tight bubble gum pink powerarmor that accentuated her ass.
i regret it every time i think of Mass Effect. I'm sorry Kaidan. You were always there for me and I dumped you because some new shiny cunt showed up and i didn't value what i had
Garrus and Wrex were fixtures on my team in ME1. The only worthwhile human teammate was Jack and only then because hot and crazy girls are the best.
Tali's ass is always in my squad are you kidding me?
Kasumi was alright.
Though I used Garrus, Tali, Wrex and Mordin for roughly 95% of the series.
I picked whoever I thought would have something funny to say
So usually it was
Wrex and Ashley in ME1
Zaeed and whoever else I felt like in ME2.
Javik and Stump Chunkman in ME3.
yeh my first run was liara and garrus then i swapped garrus with tali i think because i was like 18 and wanted to jerk off
Garrus and Liara were my mains in 1 and 3, in 2 it was Garrus and Tali
me1 liara and wrex/garrus
me2 i think i used the evil asari and mordin
never played 3 or 4
Garrus and Tali exclusively as soon as I recruit them, throughout the entire trilogy.
People like to give James crap for being the latecomer meathead of the group but I thought he had some genuinely funny moments.
Kaiden was old and busted anyways, you did him a favor by allowing him one last time to be useful.
tali and garrus or tali and wrex every single fucking time
Who has that really old "Shepard...Wrex..." comic?
>tfw you break his pull-up record despite being a tech/biotic class
kinda annoying how little things like that didn't take your class into account at all (e.g. being able to out-shoot Garrus even if you're a close range vanguard or something)
That boxing scene with him was one of the most engaging, intense character scenes in the franchise. It was more memorable than any of those ME2 loyalty missions
I am still mad about Mass Effect 3
Might help that that you're probably half-cyborg by that point.
I literally didn't care.
Best hunk was always in my squad.
>tfw I picked the humans and roleplayed shep as if he was a speciest
was weird when mass effect 2 came out and I held the aliens in higher esteem than jacob
Kaidan and Wrex were my go-to squad in my first run. Kaidan let me focus on my combat skills while I used him for biotics and tech (was Infiltrator). Wrex because he was so sturdy and did so much damage.
On repeat play throughs Tali really grew on me. However I always tried to take every character on a few missions and give them all a chance to sign.
i remember the time we spammed bioware forums with stanley woo clone accounts
Liara is overpowered, so a great teammate.
I love having Jack in 2 for the Shockwave ability. That is the power I take for myself when it gives you the option to use a teammates power.
>I can take you, all on
depended on my shepard.
generally played as a soldier. Garrus/liara tali/wrex.
Rarely used Ash as I was generally a soldier, and for tech stuff the aliens were cooler than Kaidan.
Jacob was a fucking awful addition
Bioware never could take criticism that's why they shut it down. After DA2 everyone except the waifuturds turned on them.
My squad was always
1 pure combat
1 combat/biotic
1 combat/tech
played Vanguard in 3 and it was fucking sweet
absolutely obliterated everything
I think Jacob is a good character but his presentation to the player was ruined by writing bad interactions between him and Shepard after Freedom's Progress.
When I was playing ME years ago I let Ashley die and saved "my bro" Kaidan. Later I learned that he was a faggot this whole time and Ashley has good taste in poetry. I regret it every time when I think of Mass Effect.
DA:I was certainly better than DA2 but that's not saying much
The really annoying thing was that none of the party members were particularly interesting and all of the romance options were fucking terrible, especially if you wanted to play a straight male
Made even more annoying since Morrigan and TopLel are there to rub it in your face that you're not just playing DA:O instead
How was he a faggot?
>Though I used Garrus, Tali, Wrex and Mordin for roughly 95% of the series.
At least he died a straight man and not a aids ridden faggot
>is away from Shepard for 6 months
>has already impregnated some other chick even if you were in a relationship
bioware is racist as fuck
The only people who look remotely alien in that picture is Wrex and Garrus.
Something like 70+% of people killed him.
You could fuck him
>all of the romance options were fucking terrible
I think this is the case with every single Bioware game I've ever played. Every single time, the characters who aren't romance options are better than the ones who are. Only exception was Fenris being alright in DA2, but that's only because he was the only person on your team other than Varric who wasn't absolutely awful.
Same. Been boycotting EA since that game came out.
Jacob's only problem is being the average joe security guard on a team of elite alien assassins, psychics, and tech wizards.
The only thing really awkwardly written about his story is his romance arc. With Femshep's flirting coming across as just kind of creepy and Jacob abruptly cheating on you at the high point of the war.
>Run Male Soldier
>Team with Liara and Tali for balanced comp and ayy ass
It's the true way to play.
Kaidan was with shepard long before ashley, who wasn't even an orignal part of his team. He always looked out for Shepard, has a more detailed backstory and skill set (other than just being a shitty aimbot)
Ashley just shows up as this ridiculous looking dyke and waltz in like she fucking owns the place. At several occasions she even directly challenges shepherds decisions despite being her supieor officer.
Fuck that thot. Literally all the other girls in ME are more interesting and useful
Well I'm just talking about ME2. Jacob starts off good by being open and honest with the player and stating that he wants to earn their trust, even if rebuked. After Freedom's Progress he has the nice line about wanting to get drunk with Shepard on the Citadel, which makes him seem like a guy who really wants to be your friend. It's done very well.
However what ruins him is that his "I don't have anything more to talk about right now" line is one that makes the player feel stupid and silly for asking. It feels like the player is being told off and Jacob suddenly comes across as a prick looking down on you just for talking to him. It gives him a very bad vibe and makes the player feel bad for interacting with him. Thus, players start to view him very negatively.
I think player hatred of him is simply that. If the writers had actually let him follow up on the "let's spill drinks on the Citadel" sometime and if he didn't have that hostile line when he's out of conversation topics then I think he might have been more popular.
That's not getting into how bad his romance is written.
It's just because he's a man so he's seen as more expendable and Ashley is the only human female romance
I kind of like certain elements of the romance with Solas, simply because I think the set-up for him tearing down everything you thought you knew about your culture and being the rival villain in the next game makes things that much more personal as the conflict proceeds.
Assuming they're even still making a sequel.
>Jacob's only problem is being the average joe security guard on a team of elite alien assassins, psychics, and tech wizards.
Zaeed is in the exact same game. He's just some merc with a gun and a habit of getting his squad killed, yet he has infinitely more charisma.
Tali, Wrex, sometimes Garrus.
Miranda and Zaeed, sometimes Garrus and Grunt.
I would also probably use Legion more if you could get him without fucking starting up the IFF or Jack if she wasn't garbage.
Tali, EDI, and Garrus.
Most players like really bombastic characters that are very easy to understand. More subtle characters just go right over their heads and bore them.
Kaidan is a great example of this. He has some interesting stories to tell that relate to transhumanism, alien/human politics, and space exploration. It's rather heady stuff and most players just don't care for it. It's too bad because he is well written.
Ashley is well written too but she is also polarizing for similar reasons. Most players it seems can't really come to grips with what she is saying or represents and so just interpret in a very shallow manner.
The point is, gamers are dumb.
Ashley > Kaidan
You don't know?
I save Ashley for story reasons; she has a character arc if she survives Virmire.
I think DA2 and Inquisition were on opposite ends of the spectrum as far as their problems go.
DA2 was painfully repetitive and rushed, but still had an interesting premise for what it wanted to do with its characters and the idea of fleshing out their personal story in a small location.
Inquisition had big and beautifully varied environments by comparison, but hardly anything of interest to find in them after the first surface look.
lmao fuck outta here xeno sympathising faggot
i mean all the romantic options go both ways in this game right?
No. Ashley for example is hetero.
i take back everything. fuck kaiden
The point is human companions are trash
You can romance him as either gender, so why scream "HE GAY!!!"?
But Humanity Fuck Yeah!
Yeah but Jacob was supposed to be grounded and relatable to give Shepard someone normal to ease you into the new team and environment. Zaeed was an unstable killer for hire with wacky monologues about a rifle that he named Jessie.
lol imagine turning against people for such petty meaningless reasons.
He wasn't gay in the first one Bioware changed it in 3 when they started turning all sjw
Do you get replacement squad members if you kill off all the ME1 characters before 3, or are you stuck with Vega and EDI the whole game?
This, betraying your planet and siding with the aliens is how all Yea Forumsirgins should be, we despise the rest of humanity already.
I actually did like Ash and Kaidan, but think it's a shame that they basically boil down into the same underutilized character after their potential death scene.
Is it worth picking up these games for $10?
He is bi... so by default he is a faggot. Its not like he magically change his sexuality depending on what version of Shepard you are playing. He is bi in both version. Simple.
You will have Kadian or Ashley
A dude fucking a dude is gay
Bioware was kind of in a really weird spot for ME3.
>SJW enough to make Kaiden gay
>Based enough for battle-bimbo Ash complete with skirt and makeup
>it's still Bioware so even the sexist decisions are retarded and terrible
Yep. This is true. But fucking bioware fucked up everything. And sadly ME3 is canon.
Liara always lives. Either Kaiden or Ashley always lives, although you can kill them in 3.
Technically you can kill off all your squadmates over the series if you don't pick up Javik, get the lowest ems destroy ending, and bring Liara and Vega to the end run since that's the only way they can die.
Whatever helps you rage and whine, I guess. Seems to be the default mental state of a Yea Forumsirgin.
There are some different side-characters that show up to fill certain roles in the story, like Wreave instead of Wrex, and Padok Wiks instead of Mordin, but there are no other full-time squaddies that show up to replace everyone if you pulled a Zapp Brannigan on the suicide mission.
Liara is unkillable, virmire survivor is alive in 3, Wrex isn't a companion, you just need to keep Garrus and Tali alive in 2
ME1: Wrex/Garrus and Tali
ME2: Garrus/Tali
ME3; Wrex/Garrus and Tali
Gotta take Tali along as the main romance, Garrus as the bro, and Wrex as Wrex. Best part about being a Vanguard is group/power combination is pretty irrelevant on any difficult, so you get to experience dialogue with the squadies you want.
>huge subquest where you have to hunt down a terrorist hiding among refugees
>matriarchal feminist society gets their ass handed to them and was revealed to have had everything handed to them on a silver platter
>suicidal gay dude lets himself die unless you specifically befriend him
>space gypsies go full genocide the moment they're given any power
>volus go turbojew
>krogan hold the galaxy hostage because muh genophage
>TIM was right all along
ME3 is surprisingly redpilled.
I missed hair-bun Ashley
Why you so mad user? Just chill. You don't need to agree with us. No need to be so rude though.
I might run through the games again now after reading this thread. I only did one play through of each on the hardest difficulty.
you think i could just skip one and reuse my save or something for 2? i get that one had a bigger world and all but the combat was just so tepid it puts me to sleep
>cool aliens
>blue human
>arabs in a space suit
>reptile human
such variety.
>gay people arent gay
>>TIM was right all along
>Let me try controlling the power of beings infinitely older and more sinister then me because I know best
>Get indoctrinated
I not so sure about that one chief.
>can finally play as non humanoids in 3
>multiplayer only
I guess it would be a little weird for a harden christian to be a lesbian.
never even tried the mulitplayer. is it still up on 360?
2 lists off all the choices you made on the old save file so you could start from there
>can finally play non-humanoids
>never ever unlocked the races I really wanted to play because I've refused to ever buy a loot box
If you don't mind some minor details being missing. Personally, I like the extra and changed dialogue you get from 1 if you play it. Might be insignificant, but the continuity feels really good.
Bi people are bi. Also whether he's gay or not depends on you, so it's your own fault if you went a route that made him gay, faggot lover.
If they just had another year or so, it could have polished it up some. It was interesting what they could manage in such short time and the twist at the end was pretty kino.
>Yeah but Jacob was supposed to be grounded and relatable to give Shepard someone normal to ease you into the new team and environment.
...and he is, but the problem is that the game doesn't then write him into being Shepard's confidant and friend. Even though Jacob and Shepard should be able to relate to one another very well; both kind of cast aside by the Alliance, both want to do good but hampered by bureaucrats, and Jacob doesn't even trust TIM.
Could have just Novaguarded straight to gold and farm moneys. Doing it rn on PC.
What if I just wanted to be friends with a character? NOOooo, I cant do THAT! Because Jacob now wants to give me dick up the butt. This game fucking rapes you and calls it a choice.
Fuck that.
>can finally play as non humanoids in 3
I don't think you understand what "humanoid" actually mean user. You can't play as non humanoid in ME3. All species you can play as are humanoids.
Pretty sure you could play as Elcor in the multiplayer and they definitely weren't humanoid.
Would've been neat if Bioware wrote Jacob into best friend status, then had him betray Shepard at some point.
I've completed 2 once when it came out and I still have warm feelings to some scenes.
Inquisition left me with nothing but OH COME ON, FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT
>OMG these fictional nonexistent characters are ruining my real life!
No wonder you people have such problems.
>game with cool races
>forced to play a human
>game with cool races
>most important characters are all human
Why were the alien characters so much more relatable than the human ones?
It's one of those flawed games that I have a real soft spot for because it actually tried to do something that I had never seen done before with an RPG. Stepping away from the standard "Save the World" story and following a dysfunctional group of friends just trying to make a new home for themselves in the city over the course of several years.
Just wish that they could have had a director's cut or spiritual successor that wasn't rushed out the door.
I don't know about that, but I do hate that Bioware wrote all the squadmates to be totally loyal to Shepard above all else. It's very boring.
It'd be cool in ME3 if you might have to fight against Jacob and Miranda, maybe even Kasumi and Zaeed (they can be bought).
Or if Tali was more loyal to her people than to YOU.
Or Garrus was also forced to pick his own tribe over his friendship with you.
In real life friends sometimes fight because they have ultimate loyalties that supersede their friendships. Tragedy of war and all that.
Nope. You can't play as Elcor.
I want to play as a quarian girl on her pilgrimage who turns to prostitution to survive.
I mean, they did have Wrex pull a gun on you over the Genophage stuff
>forced to play as a human in the new world of alien races and cutlers
gee I wonder why
>important characters are all human
boy do I wonder
>What is facetiousness?
Congratulations, you have Autism
Because actually they were just human characters in alien "costumes", nothing more.
It took 7 years for Origins they had years of ideas in it from the Kotor era all the way until late 09, even another year for DA2 wouldn't have matched up.
You people seriously act like vigeo games affect you in real life. Look at how many threads a day scream and cry about things that no normal human being would even think about.
Based, I had exact same teams on all three games but had Javik with me few times in 3, he was a swell guy.
Yes because Kaidan and Ashley are both shit characters
Yeah, and that's a great scene. Albeit, I still think ME3 gets his character wrong.
In ME1 the arc with Wrex was him realizing that curing the genophage would not save his people; that they needed to change who they were so that they could successfully adapt to the Genophage. Wrex literally says, "the Genophage may have infected us, but it's not what's killing us." He explains that he wanted his people to stop focusing on war and to instead focus on breeding since they could no longer produce the numbers for continuous war.
So in ME2 when you meet him Wrex explains how he has taken control over the other clans by controlling access to the females. Since other clans can't breed easily without his say-so, he defacto rules them all. The basis of this power being the few (more) fertile females he controls.
So what would be the WORST thing Wrex could do in this case? Cure the genophage of-course. Curing it would mean that ANY krogan female could birth thousands of young every year. In that case even a handful or a single krogan female not under Wrex's control is going to be birthing entire armies. Wrex's whole system of control will come crashing down and the cured krogan will spread and grow and agitate for war among one another and the rest of the galaxy. History will repeat itself.
Thus, I think the twist in ME3 should have been that it is actually WREX who wants a placebo and not a real cure. He can use the placebo to unite his people for the purposes of the Reaper war, meanwhile he enacts his long-term, GENERATIONAL plans to change the krogan culture. Might even involve letting the most aggressive krogan get killed in war against the Reapers so as to improve the species.
The krogan don't need a cure; they need evolution.
Wrex and Legion try to kill you depending on your choices, Mordin actively walks away from you with a gun pointed at his back, Ashley/Kaidan can be killed in a shootout with you, and Tali can commit suicide if you let her people be decimated.
So there are a few moments.
>Also whether he's gay or not depends on you
That doesn't work like that you stupid faggot. If you play fem shep he is still bi. If you play male shep and don't romance him he is still bi. Even if he is romancing you as fem shep he still is atracted to other dudes so he is still faggot. What is so hard to understand?
Wrex and Garrus for the ground team, Liara for the pound team, and Tali gets the airlock. Quarian are scum.
>How dare you talk about video games on video games imageboard???
Are you by any chance retarded?
Trust me, you are taking this way more seriously than I am.
Wrex and Legion try to kill you to preserve their people/programs, totally understandable id do the same in their shoes.
I want to thighfuck Tali.
Choice dependent. You can talk him down in certain circumstances. It's a good scene even if it never made sense for his character to want to cure the genophage.
I don't consider her suicide being an example of divided loyalty. She's not siding against you in some way. SHE doesn't try to kill you to save her race.
A misunderstanding, not an ideological factional divide.
Here is how it should be done.
If you don't let him kill Vido he should attempt to get revenge in ME3. Either way he should be bought by Cerberus but if you let him kill Vido you can talk him down. (let Renegades win something for once)
If you are going to doom her species then she should be the one to try and knife you in the ribs.
She should have died in ME2 if you decided to blow up the Collector Base and she was in your squad. You'd be forced to kill her. Otherwise you should fight against her in ME3. Perhaps she is indoctrinated. If you romanced her or did her loyalty mission then you might be able to save her or talk her into suicide.
If Renegade then she should try to kill you.
A prequel to the original mass effect where you get to explore the politics and intrigues of the setting instead of a bombastic save the world story could be cool. Private eye character who gets sucked into some dark conspiracy during a missing persons case maybe.
hell yeah
It could work but I don't want to be restricted to prequels forever.
Javik is just renegade Shepard 50,000 years prior. He's kinda a secret-bro.
The fact that people jump to the conclusion that Kaiden is boring and that Ashley is a raycis is kind of mind boggling to me.
Ashley makes a good point about being a minority in the galaxy's eyes, and that in her analogy, we're the dog the aliens would sick on a bear to save themselves; so we have to prove ourselves.
Kaiden like you said explored a lot of different aspects of the ME world by being at a medical deficiency and more reserved character at first.
Human characters were well written, alien characters were well written. The writing - in terms of the main plot at least - went downhill in ME2 and onwards and unfortunately both Ashley and Kaiden had to bear the brunt of that.
>ywn play as a pirate in the traverse
>ywn have a crew of galatic criminals
>ywn experience the raid on Torfan
Why the whole galaxy hasn't teamed up to genocide the batarians and the vorcha is beyond me.
>over Garrus
I wonder how much it pissed you off that you decided to save the tranny.
ashley is pretty redpilled so I used her all the time
you can genocide the batarians in that one dlc. leave them stranded in their own half of the galaxy to be reaper food. they are pretty much extinct at the beginning of ME3.
GARRUS! was the only cool alien.
You did him a solid. To bad you can't pick up reave tho.
>open up galaxy map
>map music starts to play
Will I ever feel something like this again?
i picked the slutty nerd with a respiratory problem and the renegade that admitted he was never a good representation of his own species
>Ashley makes a good point about being a minority in the galaxy's eyes, and that in her analogy, we're the dog the aliens would sick on a bear to save themselves; so we have to prove ourselves.
Ashley's politics being poorly understood by players, and by the writers perhaps, is a separate issue. It's not quite what I was talking about though. I mean that her backstory about her father and how it motivates her to need to prove herself, while also making her prone to self sacrifice, is a good character concept. It gives her an arc if she survives Virmire as afterward she will be confronted by Shepard about her sub-sconscious death wish. Her nervousness about being religious is in this far flung, technological future is also a nice bit of world building on Mass Effect's portrayal of humanity.
With Kaidan, he is polite and reserved but is actually very passionate. Take him to the Rachni Queen sometime and try to kill her. Talk to him extensively and you can eventually get into an argument with him over humanity's role in the universe. His passions make sense if you pay attention to his backstory.
He grew up an outcast because of his biotics, as all human biotics do. However he learned to control his abilities and his temper after accidentally killing an instructor. An ALIEN instructor who shit on humans but whom, ironically, taught Kaidan that aliens aren't that different from humans, aren't superior or inferior; that they are just people. With that perspective he goes to explore space but finds that it is mostly settled. His view of humans and aliens lets him empathize with both sides and his personal sense of responsibility and self-control is something he projects onto humans, whom he fears are growing too fast and becoming too aggressive, to their own detriment.
I agree that ME2 was the beginning of the end. Taken on their own ME2 did characters well, but the main plot suffered as did the world building.
>incredibly hyped for ME2
>plan the whole day around that
>mfw 10 minutes in
Speaking of Jack - What came first? Her ME3 Haircut, or Christy Mack's haircut? I mean, is it a vidya character trying to look like a sexy pornstar, or a sexy pornstar trying to look like a vidya character?
ME 2 is the best game in the series doe....
That's the one.
user I don't know how to to explain this, but you're fuckin wrong mate. 3 doesn't even exist to me. I've tried it. Hated it. Hated it a lot
Ash has no tech skills, she wouldn't know what to do if something went wrong and she had to re-arm the nuke.
>get revenge for Admiral K and his boys in ME1
>one of the better quest lines
>i am cerberus now
no thanks
I knew something was wrong during the intro to Horizon when Mordin suddenly had a captive seeker swarm bug-thing. I mean, shouldn't we have been told how we got one or gotten one in a mission? That was minor.
It REALLY hit me on the Collector Ship when the revelation that the Collectors are Protheans is revealed and there is a musical sting and Shepard is shocked, but my reaction was,
"Okay, so what?"
combat is much better in 2, I miss the armor custimization from 1 but not much more, mako was tedious and 2 had a much better story.
3 however is shit that I'll agree with you.
Perfect mass effect to me would be to retain the rpg elements of 1 and the combat of 2/3
She is a gunnery chief. She is trained to use and maintain all armament on the ship.
Working with a former enemy is a cool concept with lots of dramatic potential, but ME2 doesn't 'realize any of it. No arguments with TIM or Miranda about Cerberus past deeds, even if you are a Sole Survivor. No strong sense of mutual distrust and tension. It's a waste.
>rpg elements of 1
Such as
my most used companions
>first game
Wrex, Tali, Garrus
>second game
Garrus, Tali, Mordin, Legion
>third game
>Garrus, Tali, Javik
>combat is much better in 2
>2 had a much better story.
If you are counting the recruitment and loyalty missions, then sure. Albeit that is a collection of stories and not one good one.
>there will never be a mass effect game where the crew is Liara, Wrex, Tali, Garrus, Mordin, and Legion
I'm mad as hell
I can't even say based because it's the most logical thing and common sense to do
actually being able to find gear in the wild, more skills and weapon proficiency being tied to skill points...
ME 1 combat was tolerable but clunky as hell when comapred to 2...
What was your reaction?
>combat is much better in 2
universal cooldowns, maybe 2 actives per squaddie, ammo as a skill not mod, no weapon mods, and thermal clips disagree with you.
I thought it was cool as hell. I'm pissed they just made every reaper look the same in 3. I ho estly really like the boss fight too
It's like in ME2 they thought they could fix the inventory problem by just getting rid of all of it. I fucking hated the intense limitations in ME2.
yeah you can at best begrudgingly go along with him. at least the Normandy looks good in black and gold.
I partially agree with this, but then in ME1 all that gear felt the same to use. I do wish ME2 had more armor customization/components, but I think ME2 has way better weapons. Every weapon feels distinct.
I just wanted Firefly with a wacky alien crew.
I was a dumb kid and just shot at whoever was the bad guy. It's pretty dumb though.
Are you me?
why did personal firearm technology make a massive leap backwards from ME1 to ME2? why use a thermal clip when you can just drop a nice heat sink in and shoot forever?
yea but charge....
I was never a big biotics guy so I guess those changes you mentioned didn't bother me as much, you can't deny gunplay is much better in 2 vs 1
A little silly but an alright boss fight. Kind of wish that they had gone with something closer to the creepy concept design.
to be fair I actually enjoyed the modular N7 armor customization in 2, I just wished they made more pieces, but yea at the time or release I remember that was the biggest let down for me
Because the updated pacing of new game mechanics took precedence over finding a reason to explain it.
Why blue ball Tali's face only to show literally nothing at all?
In retrospect, it prepared me for seeing all my once favorite series to completely dive bomb. It was a harsh lesson...
>corridor shooting
>updated pacing of new game mechanics
Pretty sure that was the core idea for Andromeda at one point, being a space cowboy in an untamed galaxy. But mishaps in development happen.
And now EA and Bioware will suffer eternal damnation for it
OH SWEET JESUS I FORGOT ABOUT THAT and the fact that it was just a simple filter on a basic Google search. This board was on fire then.
That's not the original photo Bioware used. Trying to remember what mod gets you that.
user, fuck man that would have been sick. Never was something that crossed my mind.
No sir, I don't like it
ME 1 combat had wider extremes. It started clunky but as you got better weapons, mods and skills you became an insanely well-oiled killing machine. The Spectre shotguns are some of the best-feeling shotguns in any video game, they can actually kill at range like a shotgun is supposed to. ME2 tries too hard to be more like traditional TPS combat which makes it boring.
ME2 combat starts better than ME1 combat, but also never feels quite as good as ME1 combat eventually does. Thermal clips are largely responsible because even at endgame you still feel very tethered by them, held back. ME2 combat keeps you from ever feeling very powerful. You are always just "sufficient". Yes it adds some new tricks like the power combos and GCD, but the overall flow and feel of combat is worse.
While I wish there was an option to ease the krogan into the genophage cute as opposed to an all-or-nothing deal, I could see why the reaper war would kickstart the desire to be able to have children again, considering that any victory would still leave planets and entire races on the verge of being decimated.
>you cant deny gunplay is much better in 2 vs 1
i can and will deny it. you could actually mod your guns to get very different performance. you had more choice than gun shoots fast or gun shoots slow. ME1 made guns with low accuracy feel like shit to play, which they should if they have a shit accuracy stat. the only reason ME2 seems more smooth is damn near every gun can shoot dead nuts where you aim, which just ruins the variety of weapons. instead of making a choice of which pistol to use based on accuracy, damage, overheating, available mods and ammo you get a choice of Predator vs Carnifex. since both these guns shoot dead straight and cant be modded your choice is more damage and less ammo vs less damage and more ammo. it isnt any better, just like combat in general its watered down, at least they improved the melee attack in 2.
This shit is why I still browse Yea Forums I never even thought about it like that but that makes more sense then what happens in the fucking game.
Fairly well said, in my opinion. ME1's combat lacks enemy feedback and reaction, but it is more open and fluid. ME1 lets you charge an enemy squad, hitting the first to the ground with throw, lifting the second over your head with Lift, and then lets you blast the last guy with a carnage shot. It also has battles in more natural environments that don't feel like they were tailor-made to have chest high walls. I also love the big open spaces you can get into fights in, vast stretches of land with canons, rockets, and long-range sniper rifle fire.
So, what happened to Stanley Woo?
I'm thinking about replaying these games sometime. Considering maining Infiltrator, but I've heard it slows the pace to a crawl. What can I do about that?
>considering that any victory would still leave planets and entire races on the verge of being decimated.
Yeah, and with a cured krogan race quickly out-breeding everyone else. It's an apocalypse scenario. What if Wrex dies in the war? What if the war ends with the mass relays blowing up so that everyone is isolated to each star system? You'd have several viable populations of krogan, with no influence from Wrex, growing on their own.
>Assuming direct control
>Finished series modded
>Citadel as epilogue + a ton of other stuff
>Red end, Ai's survives, Shepard survives, your choices aren't worthless, Shepard beliefs aren't pointless, beating the EMS by 2x isn't pointless
>Fuck creatively empty writers and fuck hamfisting synthesis as best ending
It took a long time, but I am above hate now. I'm content.
Thank you. Something else to keep in mind; Wrex knew about Maleon's research into ME2. He outright rejected letting Maleon work for him and then he sends Shepard out to attack his bunker without warning him first about preserving any cure or other research. Since Wrex knows what is going on we can surmise that he wanted Shepard to destroy that cure. It makes the most logical sense.
Bioware forgot about it though... or maybe that was never the intent and I just read too much into it? I don't know how anyone can play ME1 and not recognize Wrex's arc. It is even reinforced by the salarians present who have idle comments about the confrontation on Virmire depending on what happens. They'll basically say either that the krogan are too aggressive to survive, or express surprise that they've met a krogan who listens to reason.
Imagine if at the climax of Tuchanka in ME3 you get up there to deliver the cure with Mordin, but then WREX pulls a gun and shoots him, or is about to? You'd have to think fast, talk someone down, or either Wrex or Mordin or both die.
>you now remember that the robot has a camel toe
he wasnt a faggot until me3. he's just a bi dude in the first 2 games and me3 he becomes a valley girl flaming faggot.
I like to kill off squadmates for dramatic effect.
>4k camel toe with mods
>what if
none of your what ifs matter if the reapers win. thats the point. why not get rid of the 100 percent known threat of extinction that is knocking on your door, instead of worrying about a problem that only might occur later? the genophage could potentially be remade and released, you could betray the Krogan after beating reapers. point is the Krogan question was answered before, was never as serious a threat compared to the reapers, and can only become a problem again if you beat the reapers.
>tfw transhumanism has been tainted forever in the last few years
Guess which squadmates I let die
>imagine if everyone got into petty squabbles while the reapers digest them
id rather not
ME 1: Liara and Garrus
ME 2: Legion/Samara and Grunt/Zaeed
ME 3: LIterally no difference as long as you have Garrus
I didn't like him until I watched his movie. He had a hard life.
>none of your what ifs matter if the reapers win. thats the point.
Go extinct now, or go extinct later. You can mobilize the krogan without curing them. So do that.
Mind you, the krogan being an important force in the war is very flimsy and questionable writing in the first place. They shouldn't possess the infrastructure or organization for war. Not to mention it makes no sense when you understand the scale of the Mass Effect universe that the turians should need the krogan to defend their own home world or any world. The turians have a vast empire with many client races and many colonies with populations in the millions of if not billions. They don't need the krogan and even if they did the krogan haven't been permitted a real military in thousands of years. It's dumb.
I suppose the writers felt they had to shove them into the central conflict when you could argue it was settled in ME1. The average player couldn't accept something that subtle though.
Survival is a petty squabble, apparently. Why not sell tomorrow to buy today?
I only did this for Tali.
I liked the bad end for it.
I pick any two from the right hand side of the image.
> fuck hamfisting synthesis as best ending
Did they, though?
I thought Shepard surviving only through high-score Destroy was fairly indicative of what they thought the 'correct' ending was.
Synthesis seemed morally dubious to me, at best. Forcing everyone in the galaxy to become cyborgs seems ludicrously extreme to me, and gives the middle finger to the fact that organics and synthetics were finally starting to get along just fine on their own - naaah, just kidding, let's FORCE everyone to make nice by turning you all into cyborgs because fuck you.
not being a biotic in me1 what are you retarded? me2 sentinel was broken and soldier is busted in me3
sure you can play whatever class you enjoy but aside from the aforementioned best of the series classes the vanguard is the 2nd best solid choice throughout the entire series
>the reapers
kilometer long sentient warships who have exterminated the galaxy at least once, probably more times, successfully.
>some lizardbois
expanded rapidly. fought to a relative stalemate thanks to the turians. decimated by simple genetic sciences.
>better nerf myself against the reapers to be sure i dont have to face a significantly lesser threat in the future
if the galaxy can beat the reapers im sure the krogan can be handled. might as well kill all your allies since you might have to fight them one day.
ME1: janky gameplay, good main story, awesome companions, awesome atmosphere, awesome villains, shit side missions
ME2: good gameplay, shit main story, good companions, good atmosphere, shit villains, awesome side missions
ME3: let's not talk about it
>not being a biotic in me1 what are you retarded?
For roleplaying reasons I stick with Infiltrator though I concede that ME1 was way more fun as a biotic.
I really wanted to like Jacob, but his facial animations were just broken. He was also boring as fuck. I mean, we had a space lizard murder machine would randomly zone out and start spouting poetry. that bland "just the facts, ma'am" bullshit didn't cut it.
sentinel is broken in ME1 on Xbox. You can take assault rifle bonus talent and use the equip any armor glitch for heavy armor, giving you the soldiers fun toys. the class comes preloaded with tech/bio goodies. its also the only way to guarantee you have access to fully upgraded healing without running Kaiden.
ME1 : Garrus and Wrex.
ME2 : Garrus and Tali
ME3 : Garrus and Tali.
Gotta take the best bro and the wifey with me everywhere.
garrus/wrex master race
probably the most common duo though outside of waifufags
no one liked the humans you can bring on missions.
Garrus is complete shit in ME1. He has no defense and his damage output isn't that high either.
>Did they, though?
Absolutely did. Even the faggoty starchild plainly says that Synthesis is a "preferred option" or something along those lines. Can't get more hamfisted then going "this is the best choice so do it". Even though all in-game logic points to red as the best ending, it's fudged some because the writers are hacks and needed some downside to it besides the highest EMS requirements, so you lose the Geth. Which is shit for what you said, invalidating the idea that this cycle can be different and everyone's actually trying now to get along with synthetics, them as well.
Who plays ME with actual squad comps? Just get your waifu + you favorites and enjoy the dialogue.
I really don't understand why people like Garrus or Tali so much either. Garrus is just a dork tryhard and Tali barely even has a personality and is mostly just there to exposit about the quarians
ME3 had most fluid combat, but it was the worst game of the three story-wise.
You don't need to worry about proper composition unless you're doing a new game on insanity, anything less can be slept through in ME1 with the basic weapons and half a fucking brain.
i used garrus as a decrpyt/electronicsbot and i just ran around killing everything with wrex. garrus usually died in fights but i didn't really give a shit, he was only there cuz he was a bro and so i didn't have to waste points on decryption and electronics
I'm more into hips and thighs. Not a feet guy my man.
I picked whatever had the best synergy with my combat style
>Need a squad at all
Just play soldier. Adrenaline rush and ya, you're pretty good to run in half the time and or marksmen the other half when there's too much.
I pick squadmates for roleplaying reasons.
Garrus and Wrex to help navigate this back-stabbing bureaucracy.
Tali/Kaidan, geth and injured colonists. We'd take Liara but this is a combat zone and she's not a soldier.
Garrus/Tali heavy combat against the geth and Wrex has been put down.
Garrus/Liara, since it is another Prothean World and we need Liara's on-site expertise.
In ME2 I have Mordin and Miranda mostly stay on the ship to do their jobs. Miranda only leaves for personal business or Cerberus related activities.
>Tali's recruitment mission
Garrus comes along for old time's sake and Kasumi wants to sniff around the ruins for artifacts
>Jacob loyalty mission
Tali comes along to help with salvaging the crashed ship.
>Jack recruitment
Zaeed and Miranda, Zaeed for a show of strength and Miranda to oversee the transaction.
>Jack loyalty
Jacob and Grunt to help handle Jack if she gets out of control.
>Thane recruitment
Tali and Kasumi for their technical expertise as this is kind of an infiltration mission.
...and so on.
I fucking love the deception series
Yea that plus I love that harpoon rifle in ME3
Well you should work on that.
Who did you use then nerd.
I would work on every part of her.
Whoever was the biggest asshole on the ship other than me, mostly, which changed from game to game
Tali and Garrus, obviously.
If you're a homo, sure
Play as an Adept and take Liara and Wrex.
Garrus was Bro tier and Tali was the cute nerd girl you got to hang around and learn stuff with. In 2 it became even better when you could romance her.
I disagree with DA:I being empty. the game was packed full of little stories running in the background, and vast histories only hinted at through the environment. Like, when you are attending the ball at Halamshiral, you start at the beautiful palace, but eventually wind up in the squalid servant's quarters. There is no explanation, but seeing bedrooms built right off from the kitchen says a lot about how the human rulers view their elven servants
I think the problem with DA:I is that it tried to do too much. Everything was a B or C effort. Like, you were supposedly customizing your castle, but never fixed broken walls. There was a shitload of weapons you could create, but several item classes were buggy and wouldn't show right on certain characters. There was an area that was crowed about because it was soooo vast, but it was a fucking EMPTY DESERT.
Fuck anybody, though, the characters were the best thing that game had. the cute banter during missions was priceless
Tali is a shitty girlfriend though.
What class allows me to play ME as if it's Doom?
They had lesbians in Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire. When were they NOT sjw?
>Has the best development arc personally and feelings wise
>In the end realizes that her "home" isn't some rock she's never been on, it's wherever Shepard is
>Affectionate and caring whenever you take her with you
>Shitty girlfriend
Solider/Vanguard in 1. Soldier/Vanguard in 2. Vanguard in 3.
it's okay that you have shit taste user, it's not illegal to be wrong.
Bullshit. Tali had a real character. If you didn't pick the space gypsy, you're an idiot.
Cute lesbians were never SJW.
I don't care how much I hate Ashley. Carth needs to die.
Is this really just Uncharted World except it's slowed down?
Vanguard is so broken in 3 and I love it.
best opening line for a renegadeshep to garrus
Yea Forums is getting better because kids are getting ready for school.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Post your age.
Where you work.
What's your fave vidya of the past 7 years.
I picked the jerks. I did paragon Shep backed up by people willing to kill anyone.
It got better when I romanced Jack.
is there any class that wasn't broken in me1 or was the pistol so good all of them could fallback on it?
Vanguard is balls-deep fun. Play it on normal and you steamroll everything. Play it on insane and you still steamroll everything but with the thrill of 1 fuckup meaning your dead.
DA2 had alot of fucking problems, but being dumbed down wasn't one of them, atleast where the combat was concerned it was honestly an improvement over DAO if you turned auto attack on.
It's big problem was being a rushed mess with a terrible plot and no fucking dialogue options with surprise butt sex.
Tali was mai waifu and Garrus was my bruh.
Ash and Kaidan.
Kaidan and Wrex after Virmire.
Sorry but my Fem Shep fell in love with Ash.
I think the point was to make the game as marketable as possible and the game didn't really have a strong creative vision like 1 or 2. 1 being a sort of semi realistic military vessel ala Star Trek TNG and 2 being more of motley crew of people with big personalities.
Blast Hardcheese feels like he was only added to appeal to CoD kiddies and dudebros, despite being a pretty well written character in the end
Pistols were fucking amazing. IIRC infiltrator with a pistol could achieve the highest DPS in the game.
>Blast Hardcheese
Is that... Vega? Why is this not the first time I've heard this? What's the context?
I always had Ashley and Garrus, or Wrex. The rest were boring.
I remember the first time I played mass effect in 08 or 09. I hadn’t really played rpg games before so I had leveled up, but didn’t realize I could change my weapons. It wasn’t until I fought Saren at the citadel tower that I realized I could so so. I went from barely making a dent in his health to annihilating him.
He's not gay unless you character is a homo too. And that says more about you than Kaidan.
Is 3 really all that bad? Other than the ending, what's wrong with it?
I really think people don't give Kaidan a fair shake.
He's pretty cool in ME3.
>in charge of his own biotic commando squad
>outranks Shepard within the Alliance hierarchy
>plays poker with Vega
The original system was mass effect 1 with ability to eject thermal clips in emergencies but the game testers didn't like it.
>2 had a much better story
2 has the worst story in the trilogy.
felt generic as fuck, literally just lasers
Ashley was right about everything though
The Council, Cerberus, dropped the ball in 3 but 3 dropped a lot of balls
The writing in general, this is just one example . It didn't help that the one female krogan they showed was an absolute Mary Sue, making the whole thing come off as a hamfisted feminist message. There was also some other things that upset people, like how hard the ME2 characters got sidelined to wank off the ME1 characters more, the day 1 DLC, that fucking gay reporter that joins the Normandy, and forr me personally, I liked playing Renegade, and the writing for Renegades was the dumbest in the entire series, we're talking pointlessly antagonizing people in a crisis situation. There was the dumb kid, there was Kai Leng, there was most of your choices in the previous games amounting to war assets, which were just a number in a stat bar (again, usually retroactively making any Renegade decisions into bad ones), there was the army strength shit forcing multiplayer in order to have better outcomes, it was overall just a mess. But there is nonetheless some good stuff in between all that crap if you're not willing to go along with the outrage culture and keep your expectations in check.
Garrus as a mainstay with Wrex and Tali being switched out situationally.
>he goes down below the platform
>does a one eye peek-a-boo
holy fuck, made me laugh
If I had the picture of that one guy explaining how his seething will survive to the solar death of the universe, I'd post it to describe a fair chunk of the fanbase. Lots of seething clouding people's opinions.
What's actually wrong with it was the the main missions are inconsistent, ranging from good or great to mediocre. The mediocre half has poor or just uninspired story-based drive for you to actually do them, unlike all of 1's and most of 2's missions. While the boots-on-the-ground side missions were generally all good and even better with dialogue using your ME1/2 pals, there was also a ton of fetch quests and half the N7 missions were also, again, mediocre. Kai Lang is talked up but get's rolled too easy, making him a useless antagonist who just sorta, shows up to just show up? Exploration is like in 2, which some people can't stand.
Pinocchio, auto dialogue, priority earth, allers, no middle option in most dialogue.
I pity you for having such shit taste in teammates
Wrex, Garrus, and Male Shep AKA the BASED BOY CREW are the only true choice
Damn that would have been an amazing reveal. Really given his character a full arc. Dammit Bioware.
Is that Version of Ash modded?
>cool aliens
>bipedal human reskins
pick one, retard
Wrex & Tali.
Other than when going for cheevos, I always run with my brother Wrex and my wife Tali.
can you prove this ?
>entire series is about how humans are trying to fit in in this new alien civilization and shit
>we get an established protagonist who is human with a minimal backstory
Listen retard, if you wanted to play as all the other aliens you'd have to have an MMORPG or some dumb shit like Skyrim. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.
man I wish there was a modded version of Ashley without those rubber raft lips.
i am not i the only one who unironically loves how ME2 starts ? I fucking love that beginning. I know they did it as a way to "reset" Shepard, but i love that they had the balls to go there. I remember first time playing i was hyped as fuck, and seeing the new visuals and those cutscenes i was thinking "holy shit this is awesome". The rest of the game was awesome too
>he can't appreciate DSL
Obviously. Garrus and Liara were my main homies.
i played that and it;s tough in ME1 because your main weapon is a sniper riffle, and the final boss jumps around really fast but other than that i loved it, and it's great in 2 and 3
meh, i liked it, and the DLC are all really good. It helps that i played them much later after all the controversy ended. I love the world and the gameplay and the characters, idgaf what people say. It's my favorite fantasy world
Garrus and Tali, i always figured most people went with that. Engineer Shep, losing out on Biotics honestly didn't matter in the slightest from what i remembered.
Kaidan/Tali -> Liara/Tali
I love that Tali model. Just fan art or is that a mod?
I wanted to use Tali but anything that isn't Wrex/Grunt is completely fucking useless with a shotgun
So I always stuck with Garrus and Wrex/Grunt
Unmasked official model doesn't exist. Purely fanmade
I'm well aware of that fact, which is why I asked if it was just fanart or a mod.
it's not racism if it's accurate and factual, lol
ME2 beginning was pretty fucking kino in my opinion. It's slightly later that things start to fall apart, the first big sign being fucking ammo being limited.
Not him, but pretty sure that scene was made in the source engine huggybear the creator has made rule34 content using source before.
So it's no a mod available for a mass effect game
It's an asset someone created for source engine
I still can't believe that Bioware managed to absolutely nail Big Largehuge despite his terrible origin as a third act newcomer intended for the dumbass "Call of Duty audience", while also fucking up most of everything else. Mass Effect 3 is basically upside-down.
>ass effect
>cool aliens
>painted humans
>cool aliens
I always went with garrus and tali
I think out of all of those Jacob, Miranda and Kasumi are the only ones I could see really working as antagonists, perhaps Tali turning away as well depending on your choices in previous games. Zaeed is a relentless pragmatist and would understand that going after Shepard would be very unhealthy, plus he was paid an astronomical amount by Cerberus for his services in ME2 (IIRC it was enough to retire and never so much as think about money ever again) so he wouldn't have a financial incentive. Garrus is Shepard's rock solid right hand/best friend forever by ME3, and he also understands that Shepard is probably represents the single best chance at stopping the Reapers. To use his own words, Garrus would probably see giving up on Palaven to help Shepard as "the cold calculus of war".
Tali could go either way. I don't think a romanced Tali would abandon Shepard without the player having the option to do some serious shit, but then again the way the Rannoch arc is structured Shepard cannot actively work against/horrifically bungle helping the Quarians until right at the very last minute and that causes Tali to commit suicide anyway.
I picked the humans, because I myself am a human and enjoy the familiarity that comes with other humans. Aliens are not real and if they were we wouldn't look like that
Garrus best boy. Tali best girl. Playing femshep and romancing Garrus is weird but kinda hot.
>Not Using a Combination of both
>lose the fight with a female Shepard
All of the major conflicts are written in the dumbest way possible
There's nothing wrong with our birth rate and we totally promise not to kill everyone this time. The only character who disagrees is a racist, so you should listen to us
>Geth vs Quarians
We dindu nuffin, welcome to our literal propaganda tour. Also Reaper code is beautiful and we want to be humans now
We somehow hired an army without anyone noticing and we're now determined to kill the man we brought back from the dead for a gazillion credits. I sure hope Shepard doesn't choose Control at the end, otherwise most of our conflict won't make much sense lol!
Attacking the Citadel worked so well in our other cycles, so let's mix it up this time. Oh crap, they're winning! Hurry up and get the Citadel, then open up a tractor beam in the middle of an active war zone! And turn on the elevator to where the Catalyst is!
I wish I could just ignore or kill liara after the me2. She's so fucking annoying in 3
>ME2 Legion
>"The Geth split because we didn't want the Reapers to mold our future. Different paths to reach the same end result still have value, and may open up new avenues elsewhere. We do not understand individualism, which is fine because we do ok with our form of intelligence and just want to be left alone in peace."
>ME3 Legion
>"Shepard let me use this Reaper code to uplift my race as the Reapers designed, I want to be an individual, I want to be a real boy."
I'll never not be mad. They must have lost the guy who wrote the Geth the first time around because the new writers were extremely retarded and didn't get it.
>trying to imply that some Geth took part in hostilities and others didn't
>trying to imply that Legion rose up for peaceful farmbots and was the first Geth to arm itself
It doesn't fucking work that way, they are a collective intelligence. When the collective decides to do something, ALL Geth do it.
Anything less is a schism.
>If you're looking at the game as a whole sure it's better
What the fuck was your point even.
femshep>ashley>kasumi>miranda>jack>edi>>>>>(fuck xenos)>>>>>liara>tali>samara>morinth
special mention to garrus who is a total bro
I feel like they could have had a less silly design that still looked human enough to get the point across.
Reminder that Tali is objectively the worst choice. She walks around in her own shit, piss, and sweat. She couldn't even swallow your cum without dying and forget about ever having actual skin to skin sex. Enjoy space condoms for the rest of your life. Sorry Tali fags, but she's garbage.
I always save Kaidan. He's a higher rank so its make more sense lore wise.
He's higher rank than Shepard in 3 and also a specter and yet is the one who follows. Fuck protocol.
>Tali will literally risk her life to be with you
>Every other space thot finds someone else between games
Boy howdy user, I guess haveing to use a condom really is a deal breaker. Anyhow enjoy your alien stds.
>They must have lost the guy who wrote the Geth the first time around because the new writers were extremely retarded and didn't get it.
They did lose them, Chris l'Etoile and Drew Karpyshyn wrote the Geth in Mass Effect 1&2, Both left after 2. I feel sorry for Drew, the Mass Effect universe was mostly his creation and Bioware handed it to Mac Walters
>every other space thot finds someone between games
I'm pretty sure Jacob was the only one that ever cheats on you.
Kaiden goes on a date with a doctor between the SR1 getting destroyed and Horizon.
In Kaiden's defence it's not really cheating if the other person is dead and gone.
Why does Merrill have pubes on her face and in her mouth?
sounds kinda gay
I want to be an ME1 era serial killer that exclusively preys on desperate quarian girls. Imagine how easy it is to get one to trust you. Imagine the betrayed look in her eyes as you rip her suit off. Imagine the despair when the realization dawns that no one will miss a quarian in this unforgiving colony.
Tribal tattoos
i took both of them