Should Nintendo unironically hire this man for Metroid Prime 4?

Should Nintendo unironically hire this man for Metroid Prime 4?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-27-23-52-22~2.png (1080x1241, 526K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus christ


is this what we have become? remove all gender identifying features so we dont trigger anyone? looks like a crack addict

no, but they should hire this man

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Turning Samus into a twink is an improvement? Hard pass. Bimbo or bust, bro.

shigeru miamaot5o: heysd what can wedo to make gamewers angtry >:)

bwoeser (ceo who is also evil): do onot hirew him >:P)

That hack just turned the SMT4:A protag blonde, gave him tits, and stuck him in the Zero suit.

>you know Samus?
>lets make her a man
Isn't this going backwards? Samus is close to being gaming's first lady why would you want to ruin that?

Yeah just make Samus Emenim


oh, this image again
oh, this thread again
exact same purpose to stir outrage and get people bitching about irrelevant things

people don't deserve internet.

But what if Zelda was a girl?

Uhhhhh genders aren't binary y'all. This is a good thing!

it's actually a new image but with the same garbage take as the last time he drew ``her''

Deviant Art tier. Looks god awful

ice cream? god I love ice cream!

Can the real Samus Aran please stand up?

There's some tranny who insists Samus is a tranny. I think he wrote about Samus being a tranny and tried to use it as proof to change Samus's wikipedia page. I guess others feel the same way


Why does she have to be thin?
Why does she have to be white?
Why does she have to.... etc etc


Man of refined taste for delicious frozen treats

I was into it until I dawned on me that that was supposed to be Samus and not some rule 63 version of her


This, the internet was a mistake.

>I’ve been found out
>now just stop talking about it you stupid goyim!
Kys tranny

Why are western artists so afraid of attractive people?

>reasonably small artist makes picture of game character
>some literal who responds
>retards on Yea Forums (or more likely KotakuInAction because you ideologues seem to crawl out from there) start screeching about the game industry being overrun with SJWs
Why do you do this?

>what if Samus was an angry dyke?


Making pictures decipting sexy women is misogyny (if male artist)/internalized misogyny (if female artist)

lmao, why change her entire design for only one game ? i dont get it, also she is canonically not flat so it would make no sense

can someone explain this to me ?

Attached: Kurona.jpg (331x331, 16K)

Samus shouldn't even take her suit off in Metroid Prime 4, except for the credits.
Just focus on the fucking gameplay.

>I'm gross so everything needs to be equally gross so i don't feel bad
It's why pretty people are slowly being edged out of popular media.


you might have a point if 10,000 ``people'' on twitter didn't think this was a good sign. twitter screeching is how shit gets changed, and these fags screech about games they don't play all the time.

People like to search for reasons to be angry because it makes them feel validated.

nintendo please don't hire that lad

I'm very glad you brought this up in Yea Forums. How very clearly you wish to have a discussion about this, unlike others that might post it for no reason other than (you)s.
Good thread OP. I hope you never kill yourself.

>can someone explain this to me?
the decline of western civilization

We need to make western "art" illegal.

10,000 people on a platform of half a billion people is absolutely nothing.

Samus should look like this instead.

Attached: strong_samus_by_verdazin_dcwn4ow-fullview.png (1024x777, 314K)

>Take away her bust and butt.
>Give her a messy buzz cut that wouldn't fit any military regulations now, let alone decades into the future like Samus is still in the Federation Force even though she has always been a bounty hunter in every game in the series.
>Give her some kind of facial irregularity (scars or eyebrow slits)
>Call it a day.
Why is it always these?

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Doesn't it kind of miss the point of feminine strength to just completely reject the feminine half of the equation?

>not the shithole remodeller

Unironically mental illness.

That slouch is so awful

tell that to companies who freak out over 5k people bitching on twitter

no thanks, if you want a realistic looking samus the first prime game is the way to go.


Attached: NINTENDO HIRE THIS NINTENDO.jpg (1280x720, 140K)


why do people get triggered by things like body types? why cant they appreciate the body they have? why do they have to push their ideas of what things should be because they cant have bodies that others have? obviously its alot easier to go complain on the internet rather than go to the gym and work on the body you want to have but why do they go out of their way to make game designers out as misogynist for making females appealing to look at?

>we need to portray that or female lead is strong and independent
>draw a butch man/dyke

Doesn't this stereotype go against what these people from san fransisco supposedly """"""""fight"""""" for?

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Because most western artists are hideous and insecure about it.


why do faggots hate cute muscle girls and want to make them look like dudes, also that armor is fucking atrocious

does it tickle your prostate when you get a bunch of (you)s with a shitty bait thread?

>literally WHO Twitter thread
>almost 60 posts already

Yea Forums is a fucking shitshow

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Needs thicker thighs and arms, taller and a less retarded face

>Literally who

>Draw a man
>Say its female

God bless Japan's xenophobic and racist ways to never hite this man.

Pretty much everybody who makes a "new" design for Samus should be shot dead.

unironically based
>fat for sjws
>hot for normal people
>buff for lesbians
>thick thighs for cultured men
>long hair like a normal person

>gave him tits


to lazy to look through his shit did he make more or is this a one time drawing?

>not being here for NINTENDO HIRE THIS TRAN

Is this a bot?

the comments are pretty based

Attached: 22.png (1075x1314, 903K)

what do you guys think about my ideia for a samus redesign ? i think nintendo should realize that sexualizing woman is NOT OKAY, we are on fricking 2019

Attached: samus aran.jpg (408x741, 40K)

Oh god now I know Nintendo, with it's thousands of employees and millions of fans, will surely hire this guy to make changes to their franchise

>all attractive female characters need to be redesigned to look like they were bottlefed testosterone as an infant
>all attractive male characters need to be redesigned to look like they mainline estrogen
>all underaged characters need to be as sexualized as possible and have canon relationships
The world's gone fuckin mad

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Looks like a chimpanzee lmao



Shut up spaz

This is just a malnourished dyke. She doesn't have the muscle needed to justify the loss of her bust and ass, and that's not even touching how many Olympic-tier women have great looking curves. These design changes are always so prejudiced against women who actually put effort into being strong.

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atlus altered catherine to appease a few thousand fags on twitter
quit pretending like this isn't a problem. of course nintendo likely won't cave, and especially not to this retarded of a degree, but you'd have to be a braindead mong to think twitter isn't a problem

>we want more diversity in video games
>draw a generic white male with shaven hair
fucking full circle.

Boobs are bad user.

>fat for sjws
Sjw's don't want fats, they want slobs to represented

>dude what if we take a japanese female character and make "her" look like a literal man lmao it'll be empowering
Why are they like this?

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Mocking retards who think that 'strong women' can only be ugly dykes is an honored tradition for the non-retarded

Fuck this thread.

What's a game where the MC is a short-haired qt lads?


Based and embarrassed tomboypilled


I like “tough chicks” better to rough fuck balls deep.

Damn.. Samus looks like THAT!?

Attached: samus.jpg (394x640, 34K)


>draw woman
>call it a man
It would be a hypocritical to say Japan isn't guilty of the same thing but at least in their case, it's done for comedic relief, for the literal lolz.
When the west does it, it's activism.

Attached: fagbait.jpg (1024x724, 132K)

What's she blushing at?

Attached: samus.png (1000x689, 352K)


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Are you a fat fucking faggot?

This design is cool enough, but not for Samus.

What the fuck is that goblin thing?

There are few things in this world that make me lose more hope in humanity than the current state of twitter. It is beyond embarrassing the kind of absolute garbage that makes it to the top on that site.

Nothing cuter than embarrassed tomboys, especially ones embarrassed over being dressed in girly clothing.

>average guy

Attached: 75710715_p0.jpg (2125x2086, 917K)

>Average Guy

Sure triggered (You).

>it's done for comedic relief, for the literal lolz.

No. When Japan does it's for jerking off which is pretty much the best reason you can come up with.

>turn her into Sanchez
she's Ripley, though.

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>for the lolz
and for my dick

True, the genders are flipping in media.

And it is not women's fault. I think it is because there are so many beta males in our generation. The more I think about it, most of our problems in culture are due to the proliferation of weak, effeminate men. I think you could apply that to history too. Maybe we need another war.

Why do these people insist on making women fucking ugly

>haha I only fap to traps as a joke haha

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that image looks like it was made by a man who wants to be dommed or pegged. Sad.

Tawawa is the only reason I ever go to Twitter.

>for the literal lolz.
nah its because its hot

Maybe among the autistic ideologues you associate with. Go talk to a person with a well rounded life about how the Jewish funded social justice left is trying to exclusively push a type of design.


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Should consider it for a spinoff, though. Interesting design. A bit Ellen Ripley-ish. If the rest of the game and other characters are in that artstyle, a lot of potential.

Imagine a Ridley looking like that.

>dat average
maybe in China

Consider all the short guys in China., They're like one in six people.

>every artist is the same

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>this need to be a thing
Have these people lost all ability to communicate like humans? What the fuck is up with this robot speech?

I think Samus could look good in short hair if she's drawn properly.

user called her cute

Why would you fap to men wearing women's clothing

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Ask my cock.

Wait, that's not just r63?

Just admit you are gay user, we understand.

>dude what if she was like the spic from Aliens


accept your fate manlet

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No they should hire THIS man.

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Yes, Twitter is a problem.
It's a problem that people are bringing their Twitter drama on here and demanding Anonymous get care about it.
Why should I care about a piece of fanart? There's billions of those, why should I be bothered that one in a billion pieces of fanart hurt your feelings?
Why should I join your cause, when I was just fine talking about video games? What is in it for me, Twitter baby?

Better question: Why isn't Twitter as reviled as Reddit? If this thread opened up to Reddit, no one would even bother discussing it. Go away.

I want to go on space adventures with samus

>all underaged characters need to be as sexualized as possible and have canon relationships

Jews have nothing to do with it. It's a matter of sexist philistines who think women are useless if they retain any spec of their femininity, especially in regards to their sexual preference.

Attached: 1563085100383.png (222x227, 35K)

>market demands something
>corporation responds
inb4 ''durr dey dont even play vidyo game'' prove it

>who think women are useless if they retain any spec of their femininity
Link one person with a prominent voice in the gaming community that has said this.

Attached: 1563954994527.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

Why do feminists think that for a woman to be strong and respectable she needs to be indistinguishable from a man?

You're onto something...

They want to be men, that's why

>long hair like a "normal person"
that's what'll stir outrage, give her a haircut that's not too basic like a simple ponytail, shorten it up, maybe have short twintails or something

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Okay pedo

More like Sammuel

>they weren't the person complaining
Are you illiterate?

>make samus a dyke

Very subversive and original.

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because I'm bi-sexual you dumb retard faggot niggerfucker dickweed fuckwad faggy fuck
I'll suck a dick while penetrating a vagina, what'll you do about it?


>get called out with the inb4 because he's a predictable NPC
>still can't prove it despite this
Holy fucking cringe.

Not the same user retard

So there are two NPCs and your collective AI power couldn't come up with proof? That's even worse, retard.

>Phones and social media were a mistake

>le bisexual meme
No user, you're a faggot.

What the fuck is their problem with tits?

I showed her my cock

short twintails on the sides or back look good on women, very underrated hairstyle, I would post a picture to elaborate but gookmoot decided to range block uploads from my area for a while trying to coax me into buying Yea Forums pass
and what the fuck is this bullshit about twintails making one a pedo? You're a purebred retard.

Do these artists not realize that even fucking women in the military don't look like this?

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Needs a chastity cage bulge

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>Maybe we need another war.
This. Sadly we can't just have another war because of nukes. It's all just pathetic skirmishes now. If nukes didn't exist Putin would have started World War 3 decades ago.

Not exactly.
Some guy who worked on the graphics of Metroid and Super Metroid was interviewed back in the 90s, and was asked if there were any secrets about Samus only he knew. He (jokingly) said something like "Samus isn't a woman, she's actually a newhalf" (a "newhalf" being a derogatory Japanese term for a tranny)
Some actual tranny found this interview a few years ago and latched onto it as irrefutable proof that Samus was a tranny, even though series co-creator Yoshino Sakamoto put it to rest years ago by saying "a Metroid game on PS2 is as likely as Samus actually being a newhalf"
I find it funny how none of the trannies seemed to care about the slur, though.

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this. but unironically

Good god, I think I'm gonna be sick...

Oh, you're one of those cretins who don't believe in bi-sexuality. I've had threesomes with women and traps and it's a match made in heaven. Your two brain cells rubbing against each other can only process one sexual preference at a time, so stick to that celibacy before marriage honeymoon with a roastie that has all of her partners names tattooed into her beef curtains, based retard.

Bisexuality is a just meme sluts and manwhores came up with to cover up their hedonistic tracks.

Because they are the big gay.

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people don't deserve to vote

>women and traps
Make it just traps and I'm in

Nintendo hire this guy too

>Hur dur slap the same outfit on a strange male
fucking garbage

I'm a bisexual virgin.

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not taking care of your health and appearance is apparently "realism"


Just say what you mean, you're desperate.

there's nothing wrong with feeling bad

The other m/smash 4 attempt to turn her into a sex symbol may have been retarded but that's no reason to turn her into a man.

>Average height 5'6"
>Average height 5'11"
who do I believe

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>average guy

maybe in taiwan

the one that doesn't sound like manlet cope

>Make her less attractive so I can self insert.

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that's my exact measurement

Guys who do shit like this are unironically incels in disguise.

I would still fuck this samus
And this one
And these ones

Place a Samus before me, and I shall fuck it

Is that some pussy fuzz showing through her suit?

this dude just made Samus into a bootleg version of Jack from Mass Effect

Yea Forums might be legitimately retarded if they think that looks like a man. I'm assuming people have literally never been around tomboys or butch lesbians before.

Attached: 1554414455973.jpg (1200x791, 173K)

would slamfuck

it looks like a man, it looks like a fucking macintosh fan, it does not look like a tomboy.

masculine skull shape, masculine hairstyle
you're gay

Looks like an FTM tranny to me. Like a girl trying way too hard to look butch.

Insecure women and betamax boys trying to get e-pussy really seem to hate femininity and beauty. It's really sad.

Tomboys have nice feminine faces, that's a mans face you dumb nigger.

Nigga outside of the chin the skull still has a feminine shape. There are women out there genetically that have stronger chins, usually of European descent. Never go full retard if you don't know basic anatomy.

And the hair style is a fairly typical butch style. You're retarded.


and it's called butch because butch is a masculine name
if you didn't know it was samus you'd say it was a mtf tranny

I can make you just a bisexual ;)

Are you that guy on Yea Forums who keeps defending the ugly terminator goblin?

It's called butch because it's women taking on masculine traits, not because they're looking to become men. But I'm guessing you're one of those retards that assumes when a woman cuts her hair short that means she secretly wants to be a tranny. No wonder you're a virgin.

>we demand change
>we aren't gonna buy it though

every time, every fucking time, and yet companies froth at the mouth to capitulate.

I hope by fat, you mean tits, because everything else is clearly swolemeat. SJWs do not, in fact, like fat being solely in the tiddy.


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I want Samus to head scissor me and choke me out with her muscular thighs.

Attached: 1558397655606.webm (1152x648, 2.78M)

Who would you like me to start with? There's quite a few.

Calm down, ACfag, Other M was one game back in 2010.

>woman bad
>men good
I thought we were supposed to be the women hating nerds?



Nu-Western design in a nutshell

but thats just a dude with gyno

Something wrong user?

Attached: 1558397158213.webm (1152x648, 2.78M)

Hell fucking no
That's not Samus, that's Frankie Muniz with yellow contacts and mosquito bite tits.

Attached: frankiemuniz.png (711x380, 334K)



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>calls everyone else NPCs because he refuses to see how these people are destroying the video games he claims to love

Now this I can get behind.

>Nigga outside of the chin the skull still has a feminine shape.
I bet >she has a feminine penis too, gayboy.

Soiboys only like metroid so much because of the ending twist that she was a girl.

Matches up with their rub-it-in-your-face SEEEEE girls are good too mentality.


>I choose to ignore the problem, who cares if they influence games

That's all that there is.

Unfortunately I got it from someone else in another Samus thread a while back, so I don't know.

Ok, ok... But why yellow eyes?

You have failed as an artist if you can't design attractive characters.

I'm a literal who drawfag who rarely posts, and even I have some shit with 10k likes.

Who's hand is that cupping her tit?

Some fag from Nintendo Power made some shit up about Samus being an amazonian and now all of you autists believe it's canon.

>Samus gets a partner in Metroid Prime 4

Attached: 1518455654028.jpg (600x1200, 127K)


>chocolate samus

Metroidfags are so autistic holy shit

Yea Forums has become obsessed with trannies for a while now.

Serious question: Would you marry a biological horror 10/10 super wife?

Attached: X-Lust.png (1330x832, 1.01M)

The sheer number of chinese drag down the average astronomically, anything below 5'11 is certified short.


user, please... read the fucking filename.

I don’t know if it’s because I just spent 8 hours making drawings that look awful or if I’m just extra emotionally vulnerable right now but that image pisses me off.
The dude clearly has an understanding of fundamentals, and what does he choose to make with it? This stupid bullshit. Fuck I’m mad. I’m actually fucking seething.

Attached: 1F19F1CC-AE8B-490C-A201-6787D609B86B.jpg (1024x576, 87K)

yeah actually. That's one of the main focus of this crowd.

looks like a 90s rapper.

No, user. What you are experincing is actual honest, righteous indignation.

>tfw 6' 4" and now girl to sate my amazonian fetish

where are the cute flat chested girls in rl? all I see are porkers with retarded jugs


I could be doing with this

Remember when Eminem was good?

Why did they make samus look like a fucking chav?

>lol this'll piss off the people that buy this
>they should change it, I'm not gonna buy it though

its like a virus incarnate.

Busy getting implants

White people are fucking sick.

I want a big, amazonian Samus who is 8 feet tall and could crush my head between her thighs. I want to get a titjob from her abs. An absjob if you will. I will not stop until swole Samus becomes a reality. Especially with a tomboy aesthetic and a somewhat Tsundere personality, hiding a heart of gold. Nintendo, hire me.

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There are subtle ways to tell whats a man, and they put all of them on him.
That's a fucking man.

>shoulders wider than hips
>eyebrows close to ridge
>adams apple

guys a closet homo.


Why does the west hate women so much?

Attached: hat bitch.png (300x300, 60K)

>draw bad art
>company thinks its progressive

...Fuck it just make it so she doesn't go 1982 the thing (the husky scene in particular) when she consumes me and ill go all day and night till my last breath

Average height is quite different by country. If you mean the US, it's like 5'7 for males in general. With white males and black males being taller than asian and hispanic males.

I like the design in yours pic more.
There's a surprising low number of girl characters with actual scars and not just deep cuts.

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I wish he would make a short story with these two.


>burned eye isn't pale blue
Hm hm.

>go for the tomboy look
>draw a man

give the calart faggots a break. They only need to draw long hair and hair ornaments in order to differentiate between female and male these day

Attached: trump-joker-batman.jpg (735x719, 123K)

Why does it look it she(he) is wearing a diaper?

Attached: Trans_Sam_Ass.png (149x441, 61K)

No, just the w*stern ones

hire for what?


this could work in a post fusion story with samus losing parts of her body. Shit could be lit.

this a mix between a man and a monkey. gross.

Something to do with female empowerment or some other gay shit. I don't think anyone actually likes these kinds of characters, its just Silicon Valley and Hollywood keep forcing these kind of women.

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Sorry guys. I have to say it. It's the law.
Cute feet.

I know user. As much as I don’t want to see some trans pride shit or #BLM crap it can’t be helped.

>He doesn't know

Attached: qt.webm (1280x720, 939K)

Even Ripley from Alien looked way more feminine than this.

I mean specifically for the ring girl and the pervert.

You mean women.

>sexualization is fine so long as she looks like an angry dyke

Eh not really liking the blaster.

He's so scared to even accidentally sexualize the character he made it ugly and misshapen.


He's bad at drawing.

>clown meme
you got every single meme wrong.
What an idiot.

that's waaaaay below average. like without memes I think the average is 5'10, and with actual normal human standards, it's 6ft

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>because I could care less
So they still care?

The burn victim you posted looks way more feminine than what OP posted.

The absolute STATE of manlets.

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no one asked you nigger


Absolutely based.


Why does she have doritos glued to her shoulder?

is that why she's squinting?

>another design implying strong female characters should never be attractive
These people cannot be more transparent with their hatred of women.

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Is this mental illness?
Do these “people” honestly think anyone would buy a game with a female mc looking like that? I like how these parasites already memoryholed wha happened to the american comic industry after they got a hold of it.


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imagine having such an inflated fucking ego

No, but would they hire him ironically?

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>already assumed that the profile pic is going to be some cartoon caricature of themselves or a fursona

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>a "newhalf" being a derogatory Japanese term for a tranny
Eh. Calling it derogatory is a pretty big stretch. The term itself has no real negative connotation. Maybe some people use it in a derogatory way but that's like saying gay is derogatory because some people use the word in that way.

Why is it when American artists do "sexy" women they look like 40 year old, man-jawed porn stars with fake tits?

The diaper is obviously there to get anything its "Neo-Vagina" puts out when he's not dilating of course.

>market that does not even play video games demands change
>alienate the actual buying customers
Good job.

>willingly supporting the death of millions of innocents due to a misplaced romantization of the past that you feel entitled to yet have nothing to do with as an individual
>implying you aren't instinctually distancing yourself from anything 'too cucky' out of peerpressure and spouting radicalized slogans just to prove you're not a part of it (wich creates actual dangerous retards who believe it)

as for culture, it became shit because of corporatization and its almost inherent destruction of actual creativity
rather sell more copies of halo 7, Fast and furious 16 and starwars: infinite and try to appease to literally everyone and try not to offend literally anyone
genderflipping is an easy tool:
-we want the female audience
-look, we subverted your expectation and took a creative new direction! (despite rehashing within the confines of whatever ip is being milked)
-literally free marketing in either: a) sjw browniepoints or b) incel internetrage
wether they pull it off well or its a exploitative move doesn't even matter
eventually the lucrativity of this current hype will dwindle and big money will drop it like its nothing
I expected the 'dad' meme to be the next thing where people take advantage of the 'manly alpha man with beard!' yet also making it mediafriendly thanks to being pro-family and attractive to women i guess
(logan movie, last of us, Gow) but i'll see if that has staying power

Holy shit you're right. This is the alternate universe Samus where other M is a Ninja Theory reboot.

it's design exploration, he's throwing various changes at her design and is seeing what sticks. at least that's my guess

>not kuudere

Attached: 1556120523616.jpg (1260x1600, 1.46M)

I'll just go to sandpanda and!...

a better question is why their idea of a "competent" strong female is to remove all female characteristics from them

Reminds me of Wunclers son from the boondocks

Good question, I have the same one

this, us army vet
granted a handful of females that were in our brigade were legit not attractive and there's always that saying that once we get back home from deployment you're no longer attractive anymore, but there are plenty out there who are p cute and this one i had a crush on but i obv had no chance because i'm awkward and even if i wasn't she was married anyway

e-hentai still works dumbass.

Doesnt even have HALF of sadpanda. It wasnt all porn on there. Old comics, magazines, pc-98 art. Stuff you LITTERALY cant get anymore, all lost.

Oh noes, there's less content of the more problematic stuff.
Meanwhile for the doujin that was posted, it still exists on the normal archive that you can look up right this instant.
fucking moron.

>problematic stuff
You need to leave

And how the fuck is making 2 dozen twitter screencap shitpost threads a day supposed to change that in any way, you retarded monkey?

quit whining, theyre already talking about new hosts for exhentai

It isn't lost yet. People who donated have access to the rest of the content.

And people say I’m mad for wanting Sami’s to be retconned into a robot.

You wouldn’t get garbage like this.

>problematic stuff.
please leave, dont ruin this already shit board

>Maybe we need another war.
Good luck getting all these effeminate men to start it faggot.

Prime reaction image for manlets, saved

Why did he draw a man with a bellytop

these faggots were more then willing to support a war against states like Israel because "muh refugees", hell you probably convince them to sign up to a meat grinder just to save some literal who minority

no, i like my game protag best when she can bear my children

sorry fucked up there, but then again you probably get some /pol/tards for that one

>were more then willing to support a war

Lol, sure dude.


These people don't like anything. They only get enjoyment out of making fans angry and "drinking those salty male tears,", because they're evil.

An bitches keep saying that Penis Envy is not a real thing

Have sex, incel

I see

Attached: Ryuji_Sakamoto.png (324x866, 270K)


Raise awareness of Syria's condition, more than support a war. And if you saw how fucked things were there then you would feel sympathy too.
I was in Berlin in 2016 and they had the Berlin wall filled with murals about the horrendous shit happening in Syria, it was really quite sad to hear some of the stories.
But then again I guess it's easy to just go "LUL STUPID MINORITIES" while you're shitposting from your parent's basement

To stay on topic, new and improved petite qt samus is best samus

I really don't give a fuck about syria no matter what manner of bullshit is happening there. As far as I'm concerned, they deserve it.

You know what I don't even mind this design, I think it looks pretty cool
What fucking triggers me is the mouthbreathers cumming over themselves when they see this shit and think it's somehow much better than a sexy character

This, go search female artists, they really like cute women. Hell tomb raider and doa are famous with women. Girls also loved 2B's design

The tumblr.-userbase has migrated to Twitter

Attached: moa.gif (220x292, 743K)

>I think it looks pretty cool
He looks like he's wearing a diaper.

>You know what I don't even mind this design, I think it looks pretty cool
Well, it does look like the bro as fuck dumb sidekick archetype character you'd see in a 20's action cartoon

>As far as I'm concerned, they deserve it

Attached: ouch.jpg (680x510, 72K)

What's up with that Gorillaz face?

>should x hire some faggot artist
unless they made high quality 3d models in a short time period, fuck off.

I just realised that Zebes must have a breathable atmosphere if Saymoose needed the Zero Suit in Zero Mission (Never mind the impractability of having a spacesuit tied to your PMS). I'm sure Super's manual said Zebes had acidic rain.

Because we want you out.

What women look like this? Not even dykes look like this.

Are you aware that you are stupid or are you THAT dumb? Inb4 im just pretending

women who smoke crack 24/7

(((Satanists))) will always try to destroys Truth (Beauty, Reason etc.). That's why these things will always try to mix everything up, right now making Samus an ugly looking butch.

>destroying the video games he claims to love
No video game that I've had an interest in has been destroyed by SJWs because I'm not an autistic ideologue that freaks out at the sight of a black or gay person. I'm sorry that you're so easily triggered, though. Do they have good mental health facilities where you live?

I actually like this design but why would you want to change how samus looks

Name a single person and link the proof.

eyes too anime to be official but cute

>does not even play video games demands change
Prove they don't play video games.
>alienate the actual buying customers
These games are still insanely profitable, either most people don't care about this and you're an autistic fuck or these people do buy the games. Which is it?

Is there a way to describe avatars like the one this bearded guy has? I can only call it the next evolution of tumblr shit. Sóyboy isn't quite correct. Whatever it is, I despise it so fucking much. I think the beard is what tips it over the edge for me. Why does everyone have a beard now? I feel like 95% of these people with beard hair would look way better clean shaven or at most something really short.
I guess it must be the combination of the blush and effeminate(?) Hamd gesture with the beard and balding head. Effeminate boy is a legitimate look. Go for it if you can pull it off. But beard and shitty hairline objectively contradict that aesthetic.
Maybe I'm just a fag?

Nanashi is prettier than that abomination

One of the markets that have assblasted people demanding this shit is Overwatch but that’s because their audience has a lot of tumblr in it. Other than that this demanding just shits up the game

>mfw 5’8
see ya later shorties

Women will never be Men and vice versa.

>Think boobs and ass is really hot
>Think twink men are hot
What am I user?

No legs putting me off and she looks like a character from Shark Tale.
A mix of zerosuit and power suit blaster seems interesting though

Why not this but Samus?

Attached: 1564086588305.jpg (4803x3452, 2.69M)

He wants to make Samus a man?


>I'm 1cm taller than Samus
Good thing I'm not a manlet

Surely you are aware that calling people stupid on this website doesn't make anybody feel stupid right?

>Doesnt care about video game/metroid anyway
>Enjoy watching real fans crying because their idol is now ruined
>enjoy watching a japanese studio crashing because they hate japan