How’re you guys holding up? Just finished Shadow Hearts Covenant and now am looking for random shit to play. How about you guys?
/25+/ thread
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Fuck off boomer
Just finished BotW. Started out feeling like a 10/10, but after 200 hours it meandered down to an 8. Tried to play some Smash Ultimate later and I almost immediately regret having bought it. I just can't get into fighting games anymore, but I thought I'd give Smash a chance since I played Melee obsessively as a kid. Nah, just a waste of $60. Dunno what I want to play next. Maybe Odyssey.
Playing through Okami and Okage for the first time. Might replay DMC3.
I enjoyed Odyssey, personally my favorite 3D mario
Finished Your Time to Die, very solid freeware game. Recommend for anyone who likes Phoenix Wright/Danganronpa/Zero Escape. Though the third and final part is still being worked on.
My backlog is gigantic so it can be often be hard to decide what to play and I just fall back into old habits. Right now I'm on a Warcraft 3 custom map kick since there's been a resurgence.
Not really interested in games anymore. I thinking I'm going to in the gym, buy myself a superbike, and also take a trip to Bangkok.
Playing this game for the first time. Never got around to it. Never been a huge fan of the series, despite having played DW1/2/3/6/8 and a large chunk of 7.
Smash isn't a fighter. What were your thoughts on the divine beasts and shrines? I recently played through BotW and did all the shrines, but the divine beasts were a joke of a dungeon I thought the shrines were shit too.
I'm probably gonna try Fire Emblem Three Houses since I picked it up the other day, but apart from that I'm finishing Link's Awakening. I just got to Eagle's Tower so hopefully it isn't a shit dungeon.
Didnt play anything today. Went out to the lake with my gf and her family. What I wouldn't give to fuck her aunt jfc. Has such a banging body. Also noticed she shaves her pussy today.
wouldnt mind fucking my gfs cousin either. She isnt as cute as my gf but she has some huge tits
Anyways been playing CK2 alot here lately
Also in the middle of Sekiro and replaying Wild Arms 5. And trying to 100% RE2make.
consider suicide
>he thinks the thread related to his blogpost even though he didn't play any games
>had to mention that he also has a gf
fuck off retard
Well I didn't hate the shrines / divine beasts like a lot of people seem to, but still between them and dungeons, I vastly prefer dungeons. Also felt like the game didn't have enough bosses, and only 2 of them were even good (the monk and ganon).
I have a lot to criticize about the game but I did enjoy it a lot overall. It's more quantity over quality for a Zelda game, but for an open world game it's honestly a lot higher quality than most of the competition. I think a game like this is fine as a one time thing for the franchise, I just hope it doesn't become the standard for all future Zelda game.
I'm 26 and am still a kissless virgin but ar least I have my video games.
27 yo reporting in. Crashing with a friend who doesn't have internet. Just replaying some old single olayer stuff. Looking forward to LM3 and LAR later this year and NMHIII next year. Things are going well at work personal life is a mess. Exgf is threatening to take her dog back after leaving it with me for the past 7 months. She only had it for 5 months before breaking down and going back to live with her parents. She can fuck right off and kick rocks though
4 is good but 5 is the best one
Recently did my annual playthrough of Dark Messiah. I think it holds up very nicely. I'm going to play Half Life 2 next, haven't decided on the platform yet.
This. Im literally fucking shaking
>weekend arrives
>alright time for vidya all day
>too many things I want to play
>can't pick one
>end up not playing anything
I hate myself and I want to die
Replaying FF9 for the first time in 11 years, still a fantastic game. If you're looking for a good PS2 game, play Skygunner, it is literally the best game on the system.
well so far every single fucking game except for TF2 bores me to tears. 29 year old semi-boomer here.
I keep getting the feeling my time gaming is coming to an end, hope vanilla WoW can help breathe some life into my hobby I guess. or maybe its time to find a new one
dumb frogposter
people like you deserve to be shot
i hope your gf cucks you
Dont you fucking faggots literally have a thread for this already?
>b..but its not specifically for 25+ anons to post and moan about the sorry state of their lives
force yourself to just play one!
put it in a randomizer or something, let fate pick it.
I been working on getting a better job rn by studying for my net+ cert but play dark souls 1 for the first time to fill the void.
>Got a massive paycheck so I decided to get a bunch of shit during the steam sale and a few misc things.
>Like half way through Shadow of the Tomb Raider
>Bought Super Mario Maker 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and have barely played them.
>Decided to get back into FFXIV after several years and have been leveling like crazy the last few weeks.
I really wish I had more time to play crap. Even with FFXIV, I only have a couple of hours per day if I am not busy to do much of anything.
Working through Dragon Quest 8 very slowly.
Also dabbling with Attack on Titan 2 on PS4.
Spend most of my free time making youtube videos.
what kind of videos do you make, user?
I've tried that, it usually works a couple of times, but then sooner or later I use it and throws up something I then decide I don't want to play. And once I've ignored the command of the randomizer once, that's it. It's over. The illusion of the randomizer's authority is shattered, and I never listen to it again.
What’s the point of these threads? 25 isn’t old. Not even 40 is old. You’re only old when you feel like it, but you are objectively old at around 50 years old. Hell, there are some 50 years olds who look better and are more active than kids in their 20s.
>post is basically laid out just like every other post in this thread (starting out with some random non vidya related bullshit before mentioning what games youve been playing)
>anons fucking getting pissy because you sound like a normie
Good way to farm (you)s ig
Whatever inspires me at the given time.
Le 50 is the new 30
Boomers who can't age gracefully are the reason society is so fucked. 59 year olds out partying and LARPing like frat kids . No one wants to be an adult
>20 years old
>40 years old
>50 years old
>70 years old
>90 years old
human life is so damn short compared to how quickly the world moves. I await oblivion, fellow anons.
i'm sorry, maybe just try hard to stick to it. play a minimum of 3 hours of a game you think you might not even want to play, sometimes that helps me even when i'm not in the mood.
Because 25 is around the age you can start really feeling shitty about how little you have accomplished in life so far. This is just a thinly veiled thread for these pussies to cry about it.
ironically 30 is the age you truly start to enjoy your life I heard too. then 40 is when heavy regret sets in. life is weird
what the fuck does this have to do with video games
boomer isnt 25+ you fucking retarded, dumb fucking asshole.
Just for you I'm gonna go into my Backloggery right now and pull the trigger on the randomizer, and this time I'll stick with it. The randomizer's word will be law.
>25 is considered old now
>most of my online friends are around 18-22
>be 32 yrs old
Been playing towers of time in mk11 a lot.
it's too late user, the psy-op campaign worked
It doesnt. You find this sort of shit on evey board though desu.
i like it!
I'm a 33 year old NEET and I love my life
how's that grind gramps? get used to it, video games are being made to exploit your time for cash now
That makes me very happy to hear.
what have you been playing, user?
25 is when the brain becomes fully developed.
this. I'm a little behind the curve (29) but the world and my purpose seems so clear now more than ever before. except i can't stop posting on this stupid fucking board, maybe one day I'll get tired of it I hope
i just finished dragon quest builders 2! i put about 120 hours into it, and now i'm playing 3 houses.
around 20 hours in and so far i'm liking it, i just wish it wasn't so ugly.
I managed to give up Yea Forums for a couple years and got a lot of stuff in my life sorted out. Now I'm back and more excited about games than ever.
Just dont take this shit hole seriously. Should be easy since Yea Forums is unironically one of the worst boards.
I'm 5 months from becoming one of you faggots. What do I do in my little time left? Once I'm 25 I will probably give up vidya and most other things I enjoy for at least a year to pursue some things I gotta pursue.
Oh fuck yeah dude my good friend has been digging into DQB2 as well. I'm iffy on three houses because I don't want more MC dick sucking after playing Attack on Titan. It's so unrealistic and really puts me off. People don't act that way even when you're good friends.
Might grab DQB2 tho, someday.
yeah i play less and less every year, just make sure what ends up taking your time is something you value
I make shit money and had to buy a new car today.
I've been playing Skyrim but FE3H also arrives so I might shift to that
Completed the newest quest in Old School Runescape. I've put in 3000+ hours since starting last year, but I just stopped wanting to play a few weeks ago and haven't touched it since. Never knew this feel before.
Also trying to play DMC5 after finishing Sekiro and I'm hating it. I hate fighting multiple enemies and miss my parries.
If you're ok 18 RIGHT NOW you're a boomercuck
Been playing vampire the masquerade bloodlines for the first time. It's a really sad look at how great devs used to be.
i don't have a backlog and need something fun to play
Do any games really retain a 10/10 past the 50-hour mark? I, too, had about 20 hours where BotW was a solid 10, but after that, the cracks started to show.
Finally recorded a full playthrough of FFXII. Maybe now I'll get around to making that Youtube channel I've always been thinking about. Besides that, I've been emulating DQVIII on the 3DS. A comfier JRPG, there is none.
Oh, and I got fitted for my tux today, and the lady said my arms were too muscular to fit the jacket, so I should stop lifting weights until the wedding day. It was quite an ego boost.
>thinking 25 is old
>the brainlet Soulsfag who has to aggro enemies one at a time to stand a chance vs. the galaxy brain DMChad who can juggle multiple enemies while retaining a high style and not getting hit
pikmin 2
>Thinking 25 is young
Go to a highschool party user. It's okay, you're young, you'll fit right in.
Fuck off, I’m probably older than you kiddo
Playing some minecraft while I wait for 2077. I tried to get back into guildwars but no one in the big clan wants to teach me the new strats for speedclears n shiet. I'm also really looking forward to Witchfire. It had a really slick looking announcement trailer a while back at one of the e3s or something but I haven't heard shit about it since. It looks fucking cool though.
Should I buy dusk?
25 is young but you should have your shit semi together by then
Society has always been fucked zoomy. Things aren’t going to be like your perfect safe space in mommie’s womb. The sooner you realize that and learn to enjoy yourself, the better.
just burning AP in FGO before I go to sleep.
Exhausted from work to play any sort of real game
Started playing Morrowind for the first time. Only at Balmora but I love the game already for not handholding me.
>the Blades leader is a drug addict
I started going out with people[/spoiler instead of playing video games on weekends and I'm having a good timeno sex yet though Fuck not playing video games.
Yea Forums was specifically popular among the people born between 87-94. Therefore most of us are sad that we grew up and neither gaymes nor Yea Forums give us any joy. Since that is the only hobby, we all feel sad and old.
I'm on the epilogue of Zero no Kiseki so I'll try to finish it tomorrow. It's been pretty good. I wonder how much recycling Ao will do, like TotS 1 and 2.
Also I think I have an ear infection, which I haven't got since I was a kid. Just annoying, but not enough to do anything about it.
>Also dabbling with Attack on Titan 2 on PS4.
let me give you a tip for the Final Battle DLC's Territory Recovery Mode
Get this guy and get his bond with the Custom Character ASAP. He gives your CC an equippable skill where if you kill 10 titans with gold ranking (as in no fuckups) you get a lot of shit. Like 22ish of every possible material for that stage
Morrowind is such massive comfy
The end of this game has some poignant moments that get overlooked in the midst of the clusterfuck of everything that happens in MGS4.
>"hey you wanna hold the man responsible for all that you've been through accountable for his actions, right"
>*brings out 100-odd year old man in wheelchair*
>"alright let's get him" *turns valve*
38 year old reporin'
I played a little Ultimate Alliance 3 this weekend, it's kinda boring. Otherwise, I've just finished a ROM machine that can play just about any retro console. I'm thinking about playing the Legends of Localization's retranslation and decensor patch for FF6 as the first game on the machine. Then Pop n' Music USANEKO.
You're the zoomer if you can't notice the difference between now and even as recent as the late aughts. Social media proliferation over smartphones has turned the adult habitat into a continuation or revival of high school clique mentality when 20 or so years ago, you'd have to be a loser to give a shit about which herd you fit into as a grown person.
i want to have a son so badly bros
Persona 4 (Vanilla)
And i realized my high school life is so boring and bland as fuck....
thinking of trying this game out, is it worth buying a computer for?
>qt asked me to text her so we could hang out this weekend
>no response
So now I'm upset. I don't know what to play and I forgot to eat today. I miss my ex-girlfriend.
Waiting for pic related to release Thursday while finishing up leftover quests in mhgu. I want to play something other than mh to recharge for iceborne
haven't played vidiya since spring.Haven't finished any game since February. Wasting my evenings in bars and gym.
Video games
>tfw want to buy more games but my backlog is already big as fuck
Same but want to die.
Playing Risk of Rain 2 at the moment. I've unlocked all the items so now its just having fun and trying to get the new enemies and the new map to spawn their data logs. Fuck the gold golem though, the combined rarity of its stage and log drop make getting that thing a pain in the ass. They should have made it a 100% drop like its boss item.
So anyone else afraid that the way the internet is going, Yea Forums will bite it like YTMND did and we never find another home?
I have honestly looked for Yea Forums alternatives for years now and nothing good ever comes up. Normie media is a good way to lower your IQ and making friends gets exponentially harder as you go from college to IRL.
Apparently, by our mid 30's we are expected to rot silently in our wagie cagies and expect death. Not even cucked, just silent death as we waste away...
Even if you are not a wagie, there is really no way to make friends or society if you did not already grew up in a large social group which is its own hell.
23, but close enough. Been playing Destiny on PC in my freetime, though I'd prefer to be playing gauntlet with friends if they weren't all fags that think they're the saviors of the damn restaurants they work at so can't possibly risk gaming on a Saturday night or their coworkers will judge them. I'm a hibachi chef and bartender myself, these bitches just don't understand how to not care about others.
Sorry to rant, sucks getting drunk by myself. Also been really considering getting back into dark souls 2. Got pretty demotivated last time I did a 0 death run, lost at the third major boss
The answer I found (I posted above though, not quite 25 yet), is to get weird with it. I'm playing cards with strangers, building mopeds, going fishing, swimming across lakes, singing while going on walks, and a few other things. Those things are what keep me going personally, don't see why it matters if the random person here and there looks at you funny
Internet is going to shit, though, I agree. I only ever post here anymore. Life is best without multimedia, an anonymous board like this is the most we should be connected. Otherwise, email groups are pretty much the extent of what is good.. so many fucking people just staring at their phones doing nothing other than viewing others doing nothing for five to seven hours a day
I want to buy Yea Forums just to shut it down honestly, it's the only way for our souls to be free... this is not a place to make friends anyway to be d e s u.
I think it is awesome but it really feels bad to use lethal force, but sometimes there is no other way as non-lethal gadgets are not available until later in the game.
I never had to use the knife before in a MGS game as much as I do in PP. MGSIV really called you a jerk for using lethal force, MGSV still reprehends you for it (No Foxhound) but making a similar rank attainable through lethal force (Fox) is still somewhat messed up.
I do not know how Kojima Productions did it but they manage to insert a pacifist message this time without ever being preachy about it.
If this site goes away (which it probably will before the end of the 2020's) I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. I've tried browsing reddit on my phone since Yea Forums is blocked on it and it's just so fucking shit the way everything is formatted/layed out and the kinds of posts that get upboated. If that's the best alternative the internet has to offer than I think I'll just be done with the internet.
>this is not a place to make friends anyway to be d e s u.
And yet I have.
To a point my steam friends list was full of you faggots but I lost touch.
I was the guy missing for 3XX days, except I came back but it feels weird to talk to anyone after so long. I still have 3 good friends (1 from v 1 from a) who still keep in touch with me.
Despite its reputation, you people are the finest lads anyone could ever met.
I keep buying games but I never play them. I installed 2 older games and haven't touched them. Shit I want to reinstall Dead Space and play it, but I know only half of that will get done.
I don't want to be a virgin anymore but that's about it
I remember that kiddo posting that selfie in a thread where they said they look like male Heather Mason several years ago.
I'm literally 30 and the only game I play these days are random coop servers on Zandronum.
I literally am the meme in real life. Though I actually don't like Monster and prefer Mountain Dew Code Red or a Frap.
28 here. Playing Judgement on PS4.
Trying to finally get a switch as there are FINALLY games I want
luigi mansion 3
Daemon x machina
Astral Chain
Link awakening remake
probably more
>Black,Single,no kids,own income,no criminal records,good credit,etc.
I think I'm doing okay I just need to make more money that's about it.
Anybody else my age so fucking glad they grew up with single player before all this online shit took over and now we have cancerous BR games?
>most of my online friends are around 18-22
This is false. A lot of Online fuckers like to lie about their age. I have friends that claim they were 18 - 20 years old in college but these fuckers play retro games, listen to retro video game music, and know more about older games than I do (which suggest they're older than me).
I didn't enjoy a single player video games since 2007. Keep coming here to shitpost making fun of Zoomers.
Only play fifa and mobile games.
29 KHV. Saw some titles in the summer sale I might like, along with some dota items from back when I played all those years ago that are actually worth a few bucks, only to find valve now has a 15 day hold on all market listings. Glad they are keeping me safe from not having to spend real money on the summer sale.
Reddit is not a social media site, it is more like an upgraded Fark or whatever the hell Digg was supposed to be.
It is useful for life stuff such as gardening, home improvement and other topics but for a site with allegedly millions of users it feels mostly empty and it is worthless as a discussion site.
With the rise of A.I and political involvement, governments placing their money on manipulation through social media...the internet is fucked.
We are already seeing grand scale manipulation with even our fucking videogames so normie media is a no go unless you want to have your privileges read by a sponsored python script created through machine learning.
Eventually we will have to go back to real connections, for the reasons stated above, internet is really becoming obsolete for social relationships.
I mean you got snapchat filters that change the sex of the user, surely that won't be used maliciously...
Then you got machine learning algorithms that can create Facebook users or Twitter users accompanied with their own unique name, face, videos, feed, preferences, homes and even pets!
It will be naught impossible to detect who is an A.I and who is real without some Blade Runner level test and even so all of those machine made profiles can be manipulated by corporations, governments, perhaps even terrorists.
32 here. I literally get a white Monster (I call it WhiMo) each weekend and spend my whole day (or both) gaming. I got FFXV in the summer Steam sale, and I've been completely hooked! 27 hours in and loving it, despite being a hater for years. Also been playing EDF 5 and, as always, Counter Strike Source with internet friends.
>Playing though Fire Emblem 3H
>Remembering my excitement when my mom bought me fe7 on gba, very rare considering how poor we were, and playing a chapter before middle school in the morning, standing with my friends in the blistering cold
>First srg so I was so bad at it
>Didn't bother leveling any of the lords, using any prepromote I got, being carried by Marcus the entire game
Now I'm playing though hard more blind and I'm just stomping through it wondering what stupid handicaps I'm going to have to add in order to wring any amount of challenge out of this
Video games have stopped being hard for me for a few years now, and I'm wondering if it's going to keep being like this. I bought MM2 and the kaizo levels stopped being fun after a short time. I feel like after playing games for so long, I'm just naturally good at them now. Only MMO raiding and competitive games seem to challenge me, but it's so emotionally draining playing with other people.
e-celebs and twitch streams are introducing kids to these games
working, don't have time. just want to play some Gothic
25+ yo's who still play games should be euthanized
They don't watch twitch streamer. ever.
r u me?
You'd be doing me a favor if you had the balls to pull that trigger.
Fps and mmo are the only difficult games now, user. A life of gaming means that the games being released, you learn them within an hour or two. If you want difficulty, go to renowned difficult games, like dark souls, for example. However, I've completely 2 and 3, and they got pretty damn easy near the end too...
>Being angry about a person's hobby
Haven't played much really , only ffxiv and streets of rogue. thinking about starting underrailr maybe restarting an rpg of some sorts. was thinking about getting a switch for xeno2 and the new FE but don't really feel like dropping a few hundred £.
Found out last week that I'm going to need surgery. My diet is about to be flipped completely upside down, which might not be the worst thing but it'll be a big change. I'm looking at maybe 2 weeks off of work and a great deal of pain. I need to pick up a new console to fill that time with, maybe a PS3 since I had a 360 last gen.
Currently replay Spider Man on PS4, probably one of the funnest games I've played since a few years.
Other than that my life is boring as shit.
27 here. I have a few gray hairs already.
>hit 28 this year
>but working hard, making some money, working out like a mad cunt, probably in the best shape I've been in ages financially and physically
>but got no fucking friends where I live, get to see my internet friends maybe twice a year tops
>every fucking weekend I just knock back brews and play games cuz I got no one to do anything with
On the flipside Judgement has been keeping me entertained and I've back on the Tekken 7 grind which has been keepin me fairly occupied mentally in my free time, gonna suck when I become a wizard, might have to blow my brains out come then
I heard it has some shitty sections with Miles and Mary Jane.
Planning on buying 2077 and play it on my Ryzen 7 computer.
Just fuck an escort. You get to have sex minus all the hidden expenses and drama
No point in working out if you aren't getting pussy
>there is really no way to make friends or society if you did not already grew up in a large social group which is its own hell.
Seems like one can't win. Socializing is problematic, but so is isolation.
gonna play KCD with the DLC, comfy game.
I didn't even mention anything about girl troubles, I wouldn't even know how to acquire an escort and that being said I'm too old fashioned to want one, I wouldn't help but feel like I didn't do it the "right" way. I just wanna learn how to date
>No point in working out if you aren't getting pussy
physical health made me better at video games
oh wait I did mention wizardy, my bad I'm an idiot
I hope none of you guys are balding.
Playing Minecraft, nice and relaxing.
Currently seeing a psychologist because of ongoing depression that I'd denied for years.
Man I just realized I turned 25 eight days ago. Dead ringer for 18, with just as many job prospects.
>Playing Minecraft, nice and relaxing.
>Go back to Minecraft after five years
>They've added these flying cunts at night now
Yeah, this isn't relaxing anymore. I want to play Minecraft as it was a few years ago without all these stupid additions. I'd keep the new blocks though, having carpet in your house makes it extra comfy
I am, and I am slowly preparing to let go.
Making a bed is my first priority ahead of anything.
Started doing that after finding out about them.
Yeah, but I'd miss walking around my base at night. It used to be comfy.
Why do degenerates always suggest this? For most people companionship is more than just fucking a hole.
Playing GTA4 again. Pretty decent hungover game. I appreciate it way more now than back in 2008.
No more nights out on the cobblestone ramparts, watching the zombies and skeletons roam outside.
Only part of the genetic lottery I won. My legs and hands are fucked, my reaction time is now around 350ms, but I have gloriously thick hair.
Post hairline.
>Just finished Shadow Hearts Covenant
Very nice, man. Great game.
35 here. I've been taking the opportunity to buying up games from the past generation for pennies. This current gen doesn't offer much.
There's something comfy about GTAIV. Also, Rockstar put more effort into it. The police actually need to use the pit maneuver on you, and don't have magic control-fucking abilities from tapping your car. Also people take more damage to kill in general than V.
GTAIV is really atmospheric. I recall just driving around the city playing listening to The Vibe radio station. It might be gray and brown in some areas, but it legitimately aged well.
I am but I started taking finasteride so I'm hoping that helps, I think it was the cause of this pain in my balls I had a couple days ago.
I’ve both seen and been through relationships. I’m just too tired, bitter and jaded over these bullshit. Its always the same. But good on ya for not giving up the fight. Best wishes on finding that special someone.
I'm playing GoW5 pretty much the same as the old ones tbqh
Sorry 27 here also playing fifa19 and destiny 2
I think I grew tired of videogames but never stopped loving them. I think this is because they need time to dedicate on them, something that I dont have these days. I play some GTAV story mode here and there, some starcraft broodwar but I have started reading books recently. I picked something relaxing to read at first. Lovecraft's Necronomicon is a good start for me
That sucks to hear. My experience is that the best girls are in long-standing relationships anyways. I'm too old to find the perfect single girl. They've already been taken. I wasted my opportunity when I was in my early 20's doing fuck all but study.
28 here
I playing Hitman 2 and Shadowbringers. Waiting for Terraria update
>a few
I had a few when I was 14, now being 27 it's large chunks of gray and everyone spots them.
Played some company of heroes campaign yesterday, want to bring myself to finish Katana Zero, but I prefer to procrastinate for now.
>just finished Shadow Hearts Covenant
Time for Shadow Hearts From the New World
>dat feel when we'll never get a SH collection, remake, or sequel because the owners of the IP prefer the easy money they get from pachinko machines
Just finished marathoning FFXIV for 16 hours straight. Taking a quick nap in a few minutes
26 here.
I've been playing through all of the Final Fantasy games. Lot of fun.
Got through 1, 4, 5, and 12. Starting on 7 now and will probably play 2 next.
>actually feel guilty and never leave work exactly at 5 pm
I'm not even getting paid for that extra time, and I still have tons of vacation days
>I think I'm doing okay I just need to make more money that's about it.
I feel you, senpai.
I'm able to make it on my own so far, but just an extra $200 a week would make me beyond happy, and I could live in peace.
>feel guilty
the fuck?
Depends on how competitive your job is, but GO HOME AND BE A FAMILY MAN.
2 main games recently have been
Deathsmiles steam port for that 1cc
Pop'n Music Usaneko arcade data
Don’t be a workaholic, user. Be punctual and work smart
>expecting zoomers to not be completely dumb ignorant parrots
Really eager to get into wow classic when that drops. Even took out a couple of vacation days. Right now I'm playing age of empires 2, dwarf fortress and a little bit of csgo, although I leave 80% of games because of blatant cheating and not wanting to tough it out or deal with it. Anyone else playing classic? I'm rolling an orc warrior.
you again, leave this website, faggot.
fuck you, no one even wants you here, so leave and don't come back.
25yo wagie recently turned NEET reporting in. Personal life is a shambles at the moment so I've gone full Hikki and retreated into my vidya. Just beat Subnautica after 50 odd hours of sheer thalassophobic terror and now I'm looking for another SP survival game. Any good ones out there?
stop running away from your problems you fucking coward.
notEPic killed the game i was waiting for the most and now its dead to me.
Fuck you Piranha niggers!
Feels bad user, feels reale bad.
nah, think I'll keep running until they catch up to me, then it's dirt nap time.
>Playing Monster Hunter World
>Been setting up Expedition Parties to farm Rathalos
>Had one guy come in muttering faggot and nigger on the mic
>Kicked him and ditched his friend request
Anyone who thinks its okay to shout abusive language needs to check themselves
don't come crying to me once you realize it's too late to turn back.
Played Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion and enjoyed it after 1+ year of trying to convince me I have fun playing the same old shitty VR games and autism sims.
Wish I died years ago.
I heard it. We all did.
Point still stands
I've been on a mission to go back to all the games I liked in my life, some of which I had emulated or never finished, and buying them on PS4 (if available, of course) to plat them. Got the platinum on all SoulsBorne games, all MGS games except V, which is next on my list, ICO, SotC, all Quantic Dream movies, all available FFs, ZoE's, etc. This caused me to play a lot of remasters and remakes of varying quality like Abe's Oddysee New 'n' Tasty, Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle, Beyond Good & Evil, Bioshock Collection, Gravity Rush etc.
Ironically, I've been playing more older games on my PS4 than actual PS4 games because of it.
I was never a big fan of trophies, but I learned to appreciate them once I realized that they can serve as an additional incentive to replay games, try out more things and play them in ways you otherwise would never do.
30 here
35 here
Bought Three Houses yesterday and so far its really underwhelming. All the monastery walking is just unnecessarily padding out basic actions and the combat is the easiest FE I've ever seen
Larp somewhere else, you piece of shit.
35 this august
Time goes by quicker every year, especially if you stay busy
27 here and everything is utter shit. I've got no will to live, nothing I've experienced in the past 12 years makes me want to live, because I haven't experienced anything, I've thrown away 12 years on actually nothing.
Ion Fury looks cool, I'll play that.
why do I recognize the photo of this person? why does it feel like it's from 2011 or 2012?
There's still time to turn things around user. Get some exercise, for a start. And clean and tidy your living space if you don't keep it regularly.
>just make sure what ends up taking your time is something you value
are people actually intelligent enough to do this?
I waste away years like I'm 17 still. Sure I think about killing myself every night but that doesn't stop me from not doing anything. I go to work but I'm still a friendless fucking loser that does nothing, literally never does anything.
This. Just bought a paraglider and should be launching off a mountain at the end of august
Feels pretty hopeless, user. I don't know how I'm supposed to fix life at this stage, incrementally make things better, sure. But fix it? getting friends at this age seems impossible for even normies, so I don't understand how I'm supposed to manage it.
I can't even talk to women, I haven't even made the attempt to date or approach a woman because my sense of worth is so low that I don't actually feel like I deserve to.
I don't know, user. I think I blew my chance at a fun life, I missed the best years, I missed those years when you feel alive and part of something, where you actually feel part of time as it unwinds, not just this hazy garbage when you get older, where time just passes and you don't even notice it. Like for christ sake it's almost 2020 now, how did that even fucking happen?
Going to be fun being alone on new years eve as we enter a new decade.
nice blog post
imagine being under 25 and browsing this hellhole.
imagine wasting your best years on an internet forum.
this is where you spend time when you realize it's all over and you're old and have no friends.
Got surviving mars lars week and lost interest now after 13 hours or so.
Now I just got no man's sky and it's really weird.
my ps3 and 4 are getting dusty but i keep buying games i'll probably never get around to playing. if i do play something its an old game ive finish a few time already.
My father is almost bald, but luckily it seems that I have inherited from my mother's genes for this.
A lot of people I know are already balding, and they're not even 30 yet
same situation here, but I think wagekeking makes everything hopeless. Even if you had prestige job and a family you'd still feel the same way because why not give your 4/5 of conscious life for those shekels lmao. Anyways, gym and the occasional drugs/alcohol make me feel a bit better.
Today is my 30th birthday.
I'm playing my second game of Alpha Centauri and I'm already close to being sick of it. Master of Magic is a much more fun and varied 4X despite lacking all the QoL features and decent AI of SMAC.
Do you just do drugs by yourself then?
I've never tried it. Also I've never stepped inside of a gym because I'm so ashamed of my body.
playing through witcher 1
happy birthday if you are not just lying for (you)s
I'm 30 years old in a week and I haven't had a reason to be excited for anything in 11 years. :)
Do you have friends? girlfriend? job?
I have all of this and still feel like dying. whats wrong with me?
anyway 27 here. been playing GOW ps4 and klonoa caus o finally bought a wonderswan
>I have all of this and still feel like dying. whats wrong with me?
I don't know, but I wanna punch you since I'm the same age with none of that.
I could do without a girlfriend or job, but no friends makes everything pointless.
a man of fine taste
I also struggle with anxiety if this makes you feel better user. I have like 2 friends cause i feel bad telling other ppl about my shit so i pushed the other ones away
I have none.
I even lost the online friends I had because I was too much of a pussy to use voice chat. On the 3rd year completely alone by now.
26 here, been diagnosed with cancer a few days ago. It's not the worst kind, so I will most likely survive, but the chemo is gonna be brutal.
Sorry for the blogpost, guess I'll continue Valkyrie Profile : CotP, Xenogears or FFXII.
I wish you the best of luck, user.
To all you Anons who don't know where to start:
/fit/'s sticky,
'Bigger Leaner Stronger' by Michael Matthews,
Tsatsouline's video/lit material,
Athlean-X or Jeff Nippard (the mighty manlet) for solid YT advice,
myfitnesspal for web/app tracking, diet planning,
And 'Delray Misfits' for some keks as a bonus.
>game you're playing
>first real job you wanted to do as kid
>where are you now?
game dev
office wageslave, intend to become accountant
How do you guys deal with the crushing sense of failure that comes with lost youth and long forgotten ambitions? Also share your progress.
ur fine. got time to get your shit together. i believe in you. i got a lot to fix as well. been trying to exercise more hope it helps. my back and legs are killing me
Define semi-together.
>How do you guys deal with the crushing sense of failure that comes with lost youth and long forgotten ambitions?
I always get the feeling that I am missing out in life even though i had pretty decent experiences
This. I blew $150 during the steam sale because fuck it, I got the money now. Got like 7 games but I'm now realizing these will probably last me to next year's summer sale. I've only got about 15 hours into one of them so far. The pain of the backlog is real.
Just do a little bit, one step at a time. Life does not have an early expiration date. You can start to live another way, as soon as you choose to live. There is always a choice to be made.
I don't understand how I'm fine. Explain to me a scenario where I suddenly find myself having friends again after this fuckup.
Reminder that I lost online friends because I was too pussy to use a fucking microphone. 25 and too scared to voice chat with people my own age.
I bought Prey during the sale. Will play it after I finish my current Beyond the Sword game.
did they suddenly stopped talking to you after you didnt join a voice chat? if so i think they made you a favor lol what kind of jerk does that
No, I stopped because it gave me so much anxiety and I felt inferior and stupid to be around them when they'd much rather just voice chat when I was the fucking weird autist that never did and stuck to chat while they spoke for real.
So after a while I stopped coming online, I haven't signed into my discord for 2 years now.
Just play games by yourself you faggot. What's wrong with that? Ask yourself why you need other people to enjoy video games. answer is you are broken. you think that if no one else plays with you then you are a loser but you are already a loser. Stop caring so much. These days I just play MMO by myself, the last time I played with an online friend was when FO76 came out. sorry you fell for the discord meme but I beg of you, don't be a pussy ass bitch for the rest of your life
you shouldve tried to tell them about it,honestly. im not the most suited person to tell you this, but thats what friends are for. you're here telling me all of this, might as well go tell them. lie if you must, tell you got ill or something i dont know. but get on discord and talk to them
they've moved on with life now.
we were all on equal ground in the past, all neet losers spending our days talking about video games, but their world actually got larger and they escaped this hell. The group we shared in common is completely dead by now, I lurked their chat in offline mode last year and from the sounds of it they all lead busy lives now, they have girlfriends, they have jobs, they do fun shit in real life.
Nothing to come back to.
>but thats what friends are for
I've always been dumb and immature, too fragile to actually open up for real. Time and time again when you do this, whether it is to a parent or someone you trust, change is expected and change seems to be the thing I'm not capable of here in life. They hear you out and then they want you to get better so they want you to face your fears but I never do, I retract further back instead.