What does Yea Forums think about dragon quest BASED edition?
What does Yea Forums think about dragon quest BASED edition?
Seems pretty based
That image isn't real right? Like, there is absolutely no way they are branding it as "Definitive Edition" when the graphics look like complete shit right? Nit even Nintendo would stoop that low right? Right?
It's handheld, of course it's not gonna look as good. This is like getting upset that Max Payne on the game boy advance doesn't look as good as the PC version.
At least it has a unique selling point, the PS4 version is just an inferior version of the PC version.
>tons of exclusive content
you're right, it is based.
Why is Dragon Quest not popular in the West?
Yeah man, imagine playing a JRPG made past 2000 where you can’t even see your party members follow you around in the Overworld like how could Nintendo allow tha- waaaaaait a minute....
Why does the top image have a watermark in the bottom corner
It's real
600k isn't bad for a niche game in a long-running series that's never been popular in the west.
600K in the west would imply it selling 0 copies in Asia, people. The 600k numbers is for overseas, basically everything besides Japan.
It likely did at least 100K in Asia.
Fucking bloom
>already have it on PC
>have switch
>considering buying it on Switch for all the extra content
>paranoid that the content will be released on PC at a later date as has happened many times before with """exclusive""" definitive editions
>PC version
Best performance.
>Switch version
Most amount of content + can be played portably.
Honestly I doubt they expected more than 500k or so in the west. And I have no idea how popular DQ is in Asia outside of Japan. Did it even get a chinese localization?
>A Squeenix Definitive Edition having the content released somewhere else.
If you are lucky, they'll let you buy the whole game again in a remaster version, 5 years down the line.
Hmm. I see your point
Switch is barely, barely a step up from the 3DS. It runs a chipset so similar to the 3DS that they had almost no problems copy pasting the 3DS emulator code directly into the Switch emulator and that's why they're ahead of emulation schedule by 5+ years now.
I really don't think the Switch was meant to be anything other than a mid gen transition console that boosted Nintendo until they could put out their next gen. It blew up and then Nintendo had to pretend like they were really going to load it up with games.
Poor sales and being overshadowed by Squaresoft's FF1 and FF4.
God, the PC edition looks so good that I might get it instead of the Switch edition, but the Switch's extra features are too good to pass up. AAAAAAAAHHHH
I have to disagree, it's not apocalyptic numbers for Squeenix but it's very disappointing especially for DQ fans like myself. 2 million would have been really good and comparative to other triple A games in the west. This isn't just the united states, it's also Europe so it's doubly disappointing.
I'm sure that they've probably close to or over a million copies now in the west because the game has seen a number of sales since those reports but still not great imo.
Only played it on ps4 thats all i needed
The switch seriously can't handle a few extra blades of grass? Really?
Jokes on you op, top pic looks way more comfy and better. Its not always about graphics
JRPGs are not mainstream at this point. You are not going to hit AAA numbers selling the most JRPG-y of JRPGs. It wouldn't surprise me if DQB2 is a breakout hit though.
the bottom one looks like DQ 8 on 3DS... Thank God it’s only $39
Why can you see your party members in the bottom image?
Wait a minute did they put a new filter in? I remember OP was talking about how much it was low quality, not “based”.
Based black bro.