So how do we fucking fix Sonic?

So how do we fucking fix Sonic?
Hardmode: "Sonic was never good", "3D Sonic was never good" and "Sonic Team" are not allowed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We need 3D sonic to get sonic mania'd

Make mario 64/odyssey style maps with collectables everywhere and tons of paths to get places, incentive people to finish as fast as possible. Wow done.

Now, hear me out.....Sonic 06 Reboot.

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open world sandbox

I 100% no meme believe that Sonic was never good. I used tonrwad the comics and qatch the cartoon but the games were and still are extremely overrated gimmicks with a fanbase who doesnt know what they want.

Sonic 2 and 3 and knuckles were literally the only good ones

The core problems with Sonic are the ring system and the conflict between wanting to run fast and being a platformer.
The answer is to remake Sonic R.

You failed. Also English motherfucker.
>but the games were and still are extremely overrated gimmicks
Example how 1/2/3K are gimmicks compared to SMB1/2/3/World.

Interesting, but sadly zoomers hate this.

Simple answer, but hard to just pop into existence.

Super Hard Mode: You can't kill Modern or Classic

Date sim elements


Give it to a developer that actually makes games.

>The core problems with Sonic are the ring system
Why? The point of them is to have higher score for keeping them and keeping at least 1 just to live. How is this hard?

Remake sonic underground and have Bartleby be his love interest.

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I feel bad for clicking this link.
It's some faggot sperging about cutscenes the whole time.

How about you show some gameplay

Actually put time and effort into a game for once

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>keeping at least 1 just to live
That's the whole problem, there's functionally no difference between having 1 and having 1000.
>How is this hard?
The exact opposite, it makes the games too easy in most cases.
They didn't put much thought into it, they just wanted to be arbitrarily different from Mario while also showing off the physics, then later games just stuck with it because it's a staple.

I unironically think they should make a game with Amy as the protagonist.
Not just for the obvious reasons, but it would be an interesting direction for a game to go in. Kinda like what Nintendo did with Super Princess Peach.

mania 2

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We've seen Sega make a good game, it's not like before where a decent Sonic offering seemed impossible. They just need to put some value on their star franchise. Funny jokes can only go so far.

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It's more than possible to make a competent 3d sonic now
Maybe they'll bumble into it now that boost is dead

>The way that line delivered makes me cringe
This video is purely subjective. nothing to see here

I really hate the fact that a borderline cult group for 06 has formed recently on the web.

>hard mode: no correct answers

There is no gameplay in Lost World. All that's left is shitty written """comedy"""

>The core problems with Sonic are the ring system
This is reasonable. Rings doubling as health is a smart move, but it also saps the difficulty out of the game, so that people can just face tank their way through without learning from their mistakes.

>and the conflict between wanting to run fast and being a platformer.
Get good. Basic challenges are not a design flaw.

Here's my 5 year plan
>2020: Remake Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes
>In the realm of the Spyro/Crash remakes, just prettied up but with very minor gameplay concept changes (in this case, the collision changes might be a plus)
>2021: Make Sonic Mania 2 with all original levels.
>Sonic Mania 2 has a DLC suite that brings in entire games as expansions to be played. (A full Sonic 1, 2, 3, Advance, and so on done in Mania 2's engine and style)
>2022: Remake Sonic R, just cause
>Announce Sonic Adventure 3
>2023: Use the connections with ArcSys to develop a 2D Sonic fighting game
>2024: Sonic Adventure 3 drops
>Base it VERY LOOSELY around the Metarex arc of Sonic X
>Big space adventure with big, open ended hub planets
>Each planet has a planet egg that the bad guys want to steal
>Only Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow are playable
>Sonic stages are just like Adventure Sonic, except there's a bigger emphasis on momentum and fluidity. He even has his drop-dash instead of a ground pound.
>Tails stages are on his plane. Afterburner/Ace Combat style.
>Knuckles' stages are combat and exploration heavy. Treasure hunt, but mainly fight off small enemies until he has to fight a big boss.
>Shadow stages are a mix of Sonic and Knuckles. Speed platforming, but with more enemies to fight. He has a move-set that lends itself to both. He also serves as the window to Eggman/Rouge's crew and an additional perspective on the story.
>The planets, themselves, are big hub worlds that you travel to [Action stages] from. You have the option to travel from stage-to-stage, but this hubworld allows you to practice your abilities in a wide open space.
>You have to complete missions and side-quests to face the bosses (kind of like the Just Cause chaos system)
>The ship is also a mini-hub where you can interact with the team and form bonds/friendships (semi social-link ish) that unlock new abilities in the style of Sonic Advance 3's team moves.

>That's the whole problem, there's functionally no difference between having 1 and having 1000.
There is, it gives you more score bonus at the end of the level.

Sure, it's rather arcadic for Sonic's gameplay, but so is pratically everything in Sonic since he's a 90s video game series. It's like complaining about the coins in Mario, which literally only exist to give you 1 out of the 1000 extra lives the games throw at you.

The best thing to do more with rings after you beat a level could be just to use them as currency, which SA2, Generations and Forces does among other Sonic games.

>The exact opposite, it makes the games too easy in most cases.
It's a kids game. Not Dark Souls.

I like points in the 2D games, 50k gets you a free life so why not

Not him but being able to pick up the same ring over and over is what enables the retards who play sonic wrong

>so that people can just face tank their way through without learning from their mistakes.
Easy fix, bosses aren't damagable when under inviniciblty frames and bosses all now fight like the Shinobi Hard Boiled Heavy from Mania. Done.

How about a rhythm platformer ala Rayman?

>Not him but being able to pick up the same ring over and over is what enables the retards who play sonic wrong
See There is no "wrong" way to play Sonic outside of "get to the goal as fast as you can". You get punished enough from going from 200 rings to now allowed to pick up a 10th of that.

Counterpoint, Mario World's extra power up slot 100% removes all challenge because you can stock two cape feathers to fly all over the level design.

I kinda like the way Rush did it, where with every hit you took, your rings would bounce farther away from you and became near impossible to recollect after 3-4 hits

Waifu fags mixed with children who grew up watching their favorite lets player play sonic 06 thinking its a hilarious meme to pretend it is good or fun in any capacity. The game is barely even ironically good thats how fucking terrible it is.

Sonic Heroes 2 with customizable teams

>Waifu fags
I hope you're not implying Elise has fans.

>Sonic Heroes 2
Not a permanent fix, but a better idea for a Heroes sequel.

Literally any anime looking girl can and will have fans. Its basically a law.

Meant to highlight customizable teams

>How about you show some gameplay
Literally at 15:30
Gotta love zoomers and their short term mental spans.

>but it also saps the difficulty out of the game, so that people can just face tank their way through without learning from their mistakes
But that's not where the challenge is, that comes with replaying the game and doing it faster.

I guess I wouldn't expect any less from the people who follow Premydaremy.

>Great level design like Sonic Colors
>Classic mechanic & Boost Mechanic
The music is good shit so left it be
>Extra content
These mechanics + good level design.

Jesus christ, you don't need to seethe and make asinine assumptions over a simple suggestion. Calm down.

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That sounds really nice.

>But that's not where the challenge is, that comes with replaying the game and doing it faster.
This is true, but the type of person who would do that is either already familiar with Sonic games and how they work, or they were born before 90s. A good enough portion of people today can't even understand what pressing down does, yet they can still beat the game.

Just make the game that I want. and admittedly sounds fairly likely to me at this point.

>30th anniversary
>make it akin to Sonic generations but more geared towards 30 years of sonic
>Features Classic Sonic, "Adventures" Sonic (mix b/w SA1&2 Sonics), and Modern Sonic
>9 stages. 3 acts each (for each sonic respectively
>stages a mix b/w Original Stages and Fusions of different stages from past games.
>Classic Sonic plays like Sonic 3 + Drop Dash
>Adventure Sonic plays like a mix of SA1&2
>Modern Sonic plays like he did in generations but with no 2D sections.
>Story could establish a "Sonic Multiverse" which would help fix the many retcons iizuka and his team have made over the years and establish all 3 sonic coming from 3 different universes.
>Sonics have been pulled from their respective universes by an evil force (Eggman + Nega or possibly even an evil Tails) that wishes to destroy sonic from existence entirely.
>The 3 Sonics must team up to stop them
>Chaos Emeralds are obtained for final boss through Story progression but super emeralds can be obtained through additional challenges

That's pretty much how I'd do it.

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Forgot to add:
>end of game
>The 3 Sonics go their seperate ways
>Tease Sonic Adventure 3

Remake S3&K, but in 3D. Have exactly the same level design (literally everything takes place in linear corridors), mechanics and physics, just with Z-axis movement and maybe nerf flight and glide time a bit on Tails and Knuckles to compensate.

Sonic Team needs to study the original games and relearn how they were made, and as a result, why fans enjoyed them. There's not a better way to do that than an actual remake. It would also make them lots of money, because most Sonic fans love the game and would be interested in seeing a new version of it.

sonic runs around at a pace reasonable for navigating through interiors and narrow walkways. he accelerates quickly, but not so quickly that he will go flying off edges.
hold R to sprint. sonic accelerates to a ridiculous top speed and handles more like a car, complete with skids and drifts. tap R to make him dash around and change direction. he can now navigate both parts of the level without feeling really loose and weird whenever you need to stop and interact with stuff.
make levels racetracks like in the adventure games but give them multiple tubes to go through. falling down lands you in a more dangerous part of the level before the death pit, like in the old sonic games.

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We make a 3D platformer that supports momentum and speed being the reward for good skill. The gimmick will be fucking nothing because one of the series' biggest problems is the unspoken law that some strange shit outside the main gameplay mechanics needs to exist to sell the game.

Fuck off to plebbit faglords.

I don't give a fuck, 3D Sonic was never great. The Adventure games are just okay and pretty much everything since has been shit. Either somehow force Sonic Team to get their shit together and make a new 3D Sonic that isn't a wonky buggy mess or just hand the franchise over to classic Sonic.

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>>Base it VERY LOOSELY around the Metarex arc of Sonic X
Fucking thank you. Easily one of the top tier Sonic stories and basically the real SA3, they literally have no better alternative than to use this to bank on the Adventure audience being on board.

Lock a bunch of people in a room for a year with Super Mario World, Mario 64, Sonic 3&K and Sonic Adventure. Those are the only games they are allowed to play. Then force them to remake Sonic Adventure from the ground up (REmake 2/FF7 style) using the lessons they've learned.

Japanese and their fetish for gimmicks will always taint good game design decisions and fool many weebs into thinking they are the only good game developers period.

Straight up there's actually a video I found of a guy who lays out a concept that I agreed with on every single step. The video is an hour long though, so I won't bother linking it.

let it fucking die

Stop letting the industry lazily cling to old IPs, shitty rehashes and ports that they don't have a single ounce of respect or love for

Bad level design.

Fucking link that shit, I'm all down for an hour long video about game mechanics.

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Just let the talented autists handle it.

Ah, there's my daily dose of Yea Forumsirgin shitposts.

it's almost like it was meant to test the engine

You got it. Have fun going back if you find yourself wanting to watch the whole series because this is actually the third of a trilogy. This guy can go one forever, it's ridiculous.

>So how do we fucking fix Sonic?

-physics based movement in 3d
-decent budget
-go full n64 styled collectathon like mario
-stick with it until the end, stop trying to reinvent the wheel every 3-4 years

hedgehog saved

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>Every jump and ramp is rewarded with an alternate path you can reach depending on how skilled you are
>Bad level design
Congrats, it's clinically prove-able you're retarded

I think the new problem is "We can fix Sonic, but how do we keep it fixed without Sega undoing everything in order to release another shitty relaunch of the franchise that unfixes everything?" I think even if we get another good Sonic game, it'll be closely followed by another Forces-tier shitfest.

I wholeheartedly believe that Sonic is no longer Sega's star franchise, they have given that glory to Yakuza. If Sonic Mania wasn't a thing, Fire and Ice would have been the last Sonic game, especially since Sonic at that point reached rock bottom in sales, brand appeal, and game quality.

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This is a great idea but Sonic Team will never try to take inspiration from Mario again after Lost World. They don't try to improve if something doesn't work the first time, they throw everything in the trash and move on to something else. Absolute garbage developers.

The same argument can be said about Mega Man, Bomberman, the current state of MGS, etc... It's not that people don't care, the people making the games needs to stop being fucking hacks and actually enjoy making the shit they are forced to work on. If it would have been law not to do something without passion for it, all media wouldn't suffer from "no one likes it anymore, better cancel it lol". But no, fuck Japan and fuck their pride that they can never do wrong.

Unironically make remasters of the Adventure games.

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Mega Man had a good game recently, problem is just Capcom dicking around with Monster Hunter way too much to work on literally any other IP they have since it's unfortunately their biggest seller ever

They did release DMC V a couple months ago.

That's the worst thing they could do. It would be best that people aren't reminded how shit they were.

Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"

Let me know what you think

Why won't you leave us alone...

If they remade those three games well enough, I could give less of a shit what critics have to say, even if I don't like Heroes much myself.

Have you actually played any of the Adventure games in the past few years?

Remake SA, SA2 and Heroes like Spyro and Crash
Plus a side Shadow story that is a remake of Shadow the Hedgehog

not him, but I have. THey're great. and there's a reason why Adventure 2 still has more congurent players on Steam than Mania.

>mania war out of nowhere

>Kiryu mascot
but isn't Kiryu's story done?
inb4 they make that game about how Kiryu and Majima met

Sonic '06 but put another four years of work into it and find/replace the princess and other humans out with some new furry companions from the comic or boom. Remove all of the retreading of content, make it a massive FF-tier epic but every level does something new with a lot of space for experimentation and speed. Completely delete rail grinding, unless it is used creatively and not purely a function of movement from one end of the level to another. Sonic games are at their worst when on rails or 2d. Ideally the extra development time should be used to unfuck the performance and flesh out features rather than pairing anything down.

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Make a competition to make the next Sonic game. Sega and the fanbase really don't know what they want, so lets crowd source the basis for the next Sonic game.

Give a couple months for developers to submit a proof-of-concept for the next Sonic game. Then have Sega pick the top 100 or 50 or 10 or whatever games and let the community download and vote which project gets the go ahead to make the next game.

>how do we fix X
>hardmode: none of these facts or solutions I list can be used in your post

No, you, memelord

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I'm not trying to cause a fight. I'm just saying. THere's a good reason why so many people like Adventure 2 to play it as often as a relatively recent Sonic game release.

You know, you could have just ignored the Hard Mode and just posted your wojack and fucked off.

Make a 3D game with passion put into it. Don't half-ass it, don't just shit out bland NSMB-tier garbage, care and put real effort into it. That's all it takes. Also don't split your team in half twice like they did with 06/SatSR please


2D games don't sale well with zoomers, which are the demographic that played SA2B. Bad comparison.

It's not about "playtime" its about "which one plays better?"
Chao Garden does not count towards play time in a Sonic game about going fast and platforming. Lets put it this way, if Mania was as original as SA2 was, would things be this bias?

i love this video but utopia is basically just the streamlined and practical version of it

We stop buying classic sonic games and we tell Aaron Webber that big the cat sucks ass. I will burn omochao in fire and stab charmy bee with a kitchen knife.

Human background characters > shitty forces animal background characters

Chucky what are you doing here, shouldn't you be in /sthg/.

BASED Anti-Omochao user. I admire your dedication.

Genesis Sonic's pinball physics but in 3D.
Keep the original alien-eqsue aesthetic.
Remove boost (or reduce it to a rare monitor-powerup).
Have a decent-sized group of similar-but-unique characters to play.
Stop trying to push either edgy fanfiction-tier or overly-childish Wisp/LW-tier elements.
Stop trying to ape Classic as some hollow surface-level puppet.
Don't push any gimmicks until you've perfected all of the above, and even then learn from why they worked in Mario and why they failed in Crash/Spyro/Banjo/etc.

Basically fix the mistakes that Adventure started and continued into the post-'06, boost2win-ridden shovelware dilema we're in now.

Also for the comics I'd just say continue where nu252 left off. IDW's run has been way too slow and uneventful past its arc prologues.

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No meme? Lol lurk more

I know people like to dump on 06 and believe me its no fantastic game. But im playing it for the first time and its the first 3d sonic ive enjoyed since unleashed. I really like how it feels like sa1 but in HD, where you have more control over sonic and co, the levels are wider, fully 3D. The story seems to be repeating but i appreciate its ambition and its certainly more interesting than shit like colors and forces was. I also think the load times arent that bad, but the amount is. But im playing it on 360 with the game installed, its probably worse on ps3 since its a launch era game. I really wish they would return to this style of sonic, fully 3D with hubs, levels where you arent just blasting forward and can interact more with the enemies and environments. The soundtrack is also godly

His design needs some fix.

I think I know how to fix the "monoeye", all you've got to do is to add ehite fur between his eyes, like Klonoa.

And again, like Klonoa, give him some clothes.

As for the games... Thry need to slow him down. I aleays thought that the Mario 3D World was something that Sonic should've going for. That was what Sonic Jam tried to do.

Let the 2D Sonic eith the Mania's team, but use hand drawn graphics, like Hollow knight.

Make Sega sell Sonic because they don't know what the fuck they are doing anymore.

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Make it a open field, every time you’re in the air instead of home attack you need to shoot sonic in ball form like it were a shooter, no more turbo only momentum and make it very explorable with having to choose between two routes

Sonic will never be fixed because it has a loyal fan base of people who will eat up anything that is released. They dont give a fuck if the games suck, they will just buy the next one. The most discussed game in the entire series is 06 for fucks sake. The games may have gone to dog shit but I guarantee you the sales have remained the same. Sega is content with being a C- grade studio that it always wanted to be.

that's what the movie did and no one really likes it.

Should i feel bad for only liking 3D Sonic unironically? I remember playing the 2D Advance game when i was a kid and liking it, but i tried to play the entire franchise a year ago and the level of frustration in the older ones is pretty insane. I got 100% on Lost world and have buyer's remorse over Mania, i just can't get into it.

I guess it's just differing tastes, it's not really a problem, just so long as you're not putting others down for what they like

I do tend to remember my time with 3D sonic more fondly than the 2D games if only because there's some really crazy stuff you can do with the levels that just isn't possible in the 2D games. That's less true of the boost games though, they're more restrictive.

make a game with good controls

I wouldn't say that... You can do some good stuff in 2D too

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They already fixed Sonic.

They called it "Sonic Mania"

Yes I have, they're still very fun games, even through the jank, which a faithful remake would alleviate.

as a character and a brand
>erase the sonic movie from the public eye like 06
>revive the sonic boom tv show with the same style and writers but with a higher budget
>keep everything modern sonic related in spinoffs, the comics and the twitter account
>keep classic sonic in 2d games
>create a new sonic for the 3d games. keep him silent or give him a more laid back personality similar to sonic from the OVA
as for the games
>let christian whitehead and co. handle 2d/classic sonic
>don't touch mobile because dash is just fine and probably makes plenty of money
>reboot 3d sonic with a new sonic, a new setting, utopia-esque gameplay and character customization
>confine modern sonic to spin-offs like racing/sports games

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Just steal all this guy's ideas and make an open-world Sonic game with missions and challenges in every world rather than traditional race track shaped Sonic levels. Doing a Super Mario 64 style Sonic game was not possible in the early 2000s because the hardware couldn't support worlds that big that moved that fast.

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Sonic is going to be bad as long has sega keeps fucking up their part
Make a sonic game that ISNT rushed and it will atleast be decent. We keep getting these carelessly rushed games.
they not only need a management shift at SEGA, but also different people hired at sonic team. People who actually never understand how to make levels fun and not just have us boost through hallways.
it can be 2d or 3d, but for the love of god, they just have to fucking try and care about it

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>Fix Sonic.
You don't. Sega needs to leave it in the past and move the fuck on already.

even as someone who thought TSR was worse too, unironically go back to /sthg/ and stay there.

You strictly make 2D games going forward because they’ve proven to be more solid overall compared to the 3D entries.

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>I got 100% on Lost world
That's because you have casual standards, aka, the newer games literally shit out S ranks at yeah with no skill so you feel like you're good at the game.

I think you're just looking for excuses. Fact of the matter is, if there was an OFFICIAL Sonic Adventure 3 it would probably be the most sold modern Sonic game ever.

The movies destroyed Sonics design.
Im talking about subtle things.
Think about Klonoa.

Not because it's good, but because of brand loyalty shit ala Pokemon. See . Anyone that does this should all be fucking lynched with the dead series. I'll forever sprite SEGA if they ever make a SA3, instead of moving on to making a stronger brand with brand new direction instead of this nostalgia trash.


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You forget they can make more Kiwami remakes or make another prequel.

Also, while folks are cool with Yagami and the Judgement spinoff, nobody knows if he'll take over the Yakuza series proper. And the minute this new guy Ichiban fucks up in Shin Yakuza, you bet your ass they'll bring back Kiryu faster than Sonic can run.

Face it, as long as SEGA keeps cranking out these games, Kiryu's story is never done.