Hes gonna take you back to the past

Hes gonna take you back to the past

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Is that Bored James?

shitty polybius ep of avgn

Mioe being more self aware is honestly cringier than when he would ban people.
the self aware humor gives me the same vibe as drumpf jokes


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>Mii Plaza music starts playing

Seriously? Life of Black Tiger? Oh I'm laughing. As ALWAYS, James is 5 years late on the newest meme game. You all do realize that he isn't even picking the games for Nerd reviews anymore, right? He's got the Geek Squad coming up with ideas, and any video that James doesn't have a personal investment in is always boring mediocre trash. RIP AVGN 2006-2012


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no. this was james chosen. mike showed it to him last year and he made a tweet saying ot would make a good avgn ep

He rather bust...
a nut to BLACKED
than fap to yuri like a patrician!

I remember that episode. It was so boring. James didn’t care about that game. I remember the episode seemed like a lot of forced laughter. But I only watched it once

james is someone who hides his emotion by default. lots of people think he overreacts like the nerd or his goofy photos, but james is more reserved in his true nature


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Hellooooooooooooooooooo I'm the Nostalgia Critic, I fuck your wife so you don't have to

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hed rather yeet
the rotten asshole
of a fuckin nig and drown with some queers

I need some good webms

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>black tiger
This is such an easy and old (in a non-retro way) target. Maybe AVGN should be retired.

i got u senpai

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>Maybe AVGN should be retired.
youre 8 years too late. James confirmed in recent update that hes badically doing AVGN till he dies

hes good dont worry. he was just fixing himself for a nap.

i need an explanation right now

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is it having a seizure?

hi april!

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Poor thing.

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its not dying. its just stretching

Is that ESL James?

heat stroke
some other kind of seizure or stroke
brain parasite
heart attack

take your pick

It's scary how much that little girl looks like James. Also, this is a new pic. I haven't seen this one before.

came out this month!
god bless april facebook stalker

>brain parasite

don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby

Based. Btw, not for nothing, but that little girl doesn't realize yet how genetically lucky she is that she came out looking like girl James, instead of girl April. Look at that sour face of hers. She should've been a 4th grade Math teacher, she missed her calling.

I'll jump on you like a spider monkey

My cat kinda acted the same when he died of a stroke so I think it's that.

I wonder what it's like for James, to look at another human being and see your own exact face on them. If you told me James had sex with himself and birthed this baby, I'd believe you.

yeah. theyre pretty cute. Hazel i think her name?
some user said that they are the types of kids who look cute young but will grow up ugly tho

What's wrong with letting a black man take your wife?

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Hmm.. that's always a possibility right? It's not like James or April are super hot, but right now shes adorable. I look forward to watching her youtube reviews of Wii U games in 2030, where she poops on the game cases and swears like a sailor with her best friend from college Michelle.

girls dont poop

Insecure wh*tebois will always find something to get offended by.



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Back to the cuckshed


I'll dilate your wife's pussy alright.

sure trannie

One copy of Super Castlevania IV for the SNES, please.

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when will james make list like this?

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>no fun allowed

holy cringe.

>Doug Walker
>Using Cringe like that

Kill yourself.

>kill yourself

You go first, and then I swear I'll go right after you. Trust me.

He can't respond, since he's dead.
Your turn. We'll be witness that you kept your word.

>reddit spacing

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>Reddit memes.

Reddit spacing is a hail mary last ditch attempt to disregard a post you have absolutely no comeback for.

So great job.

*cucks u*

>Game gets a remaster
>Contains reused assets

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How does he do it Yea Forumsros

cuckold hypno trannys will always find excuses to queerpost


I miss Dave already

>game in development for 3 years
>gets released
>still heavily references pop culture 3 years back

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Spacing quotes for readability is ubiquitous web decorum and only stopped being as much of a thing here when this place started suffering the presence of people like you.

by playing minecrap

>lion.exe has stopped working

Would watch.

Based. I miss him too. I know Joe is the one who does all the editing and all the cool little camera tricks and stuff, but not having Dave their to see them work off each other leaves a giant hole. I have a feeling his wife forced him to stop, which is pretty fucking shitty if it's true. Just a feeling I have.

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From what i understood, he works as a courier in some big company. This really demands tough work schedule, and producing GS stuff prolly took most of his free time.

>that moment when Dave turns lights off during his last episone
These little thing man.

[The Godfather "Immigrant theme" music starts playing]
Nyeah, have a seat Jimmy. You doing fine? Good, good. Now Jimmy, Mike has been telling me you want out. Wanna retire the Nerd. Wanna shave ya head to boot. Ahh Jimmy, you always was a good kid, a good oiner. But this, this you wound me. After all Screenwave has done for ya. You can't get out now. No sir, I can't have that Jimmy I'm sorry. Say hows the kids? The sick one healed up all nice and good? Good good. Be a shame if something happened to em. Ya know even if you want out, think of yer family. Wouldn't want them to... suffer because of your selfish mistake would ya? Life is hard for a family man outta the job. Good, good boy now you see it my way.
Now get the fuck outta here.

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>criticizes bad movies yet made the shitty AVGN movie on the basis that its post-ironic
>stuck playing shitty games to keep his fanbase happy
>only emotion he can display on screen is seething
>never beat Ninja Gaiden, got btfo by a bird and made a video blaming the game for it
>looks like a soÿboy, earns less than everyone on Cinemassacre

>creator of loco bandito, a masterpiece of post-irony
>plays whatever game he wants to play that day
>always glad to play the game he wants to play
>actually beat Ninja Gaiden
>chad, has a 10 inches penis

I just remember him talking about spending more time with his family, so maybe between his job and making gamesack he really was gone from home a lot. Maybe his situation will change and he'll come back. I just hope Joe keeps making videos and doesn't burn himself out doing it all alone.

Don't forget that Mike got a pale nerdy ginger to spread her legs for him.

theres no way that piece piece of shit could say a quarter of this without breathing heavily and sweating profusley

>creator of loco bandito, a masterpiece of post-irony
This but with Gadget

He'll prolly focus more on the hardware and single game episodes, but the daddy's humour is still there, so I'm happy.

Absolutely :)

just end it

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James hasn't been passionate about gaming since the N64 generation, and here we are about to go into the 9th console gen. You ever think he feels like he created an out of control monster, and now he's stuck inside it's stomach, burning for the rest of his life?

james rolfe cteated the most influential and funny web series on youtube. i think james is now realizing avgn will be the boggest contribution he did with his life and that horror movie will be extra.
he hated knowing this few years ago but i think he looks back on it with smile now