>"Dude I love this game: I know it like the back of my hand."
>"You need to go to... uh... the uh, volcano place... near, uh... uh, that one town where everything's, like, red, and fight uh... uh... the dragon guy."
"Dude I love this game: I know it like the back of my hand."
Just because I'm good at something doesn't mean I'm good at teaching it
When you've played a couple hundred RPGs you stop remembering stupid shit like the names of towns, and just subliminally memorize them by their stereotypes. No use wasting that space in your brain.
Calling something "the ice level" or "the volcano level" is perfectly acceptable.
I also give characters nicknames based on their appearance or abilities.
For example, nameless king is "the lightning faggot"
crystal sage is "the magic faggot"
etc etc etc
I can run through kotor 2 and halo 2 completely in my head, with about 10-15% haze
>play game flawlessly
>friend ask what button does what
>have no clue
Muscle memory is something else
>not intentionally avoiding a loved game in hopes of forgetting as much of it as possible to emulate that "first time playing" feel
How often are you in a situation where someone is teaching you how to get past a game?
I did this just yesterday with my GF telling her where to go in a tales game.
I've played it like 20 times, but I also haven't played in 6 years. so its not like i'm going to remember every single moment to the most accurate degree.
>Dude I love the persona series. I just beat chie's palace!
>Adachi is the killer
Did you beat them with a shoe until they begged for mercy, and then continue beating them, user?
>not avoiding discussion about it so it becomes obscure and you have it all to yourself without normies gayifying it or w/e they do now
Reminder all r/gatekeeping fags are just corporate paid shills to get EVERYONE to consume more and more
>Develop an optimal or favorite path/way to play through the game
>Do literally nothing but that preferred route on runs across the years
>Someone in friends' circle plays the game for the first time
>They ask you about an item, mechanic or location you do not know jack shit about in one of your favorite games
>You missed out on it all this time because of the routine
Tell me I'm not the only one
>Literally have zero problems like this to the point that I kinda creep myself out.
big kitty
>tigers have killed and eaten hundreds of thousands of pajeets over the past century
>Playing game
>Phone rings
>Talk on phone for hours
>all the while still playing the game, but not actually progressing, instead doing mundane shit like jumping from pedestal to pedestal, spinning the camera, consistently crouching, or running circles on the overworld for literal hours.
>played literally thousands of games
>don't replay 99.5% of them because you're not on the spectrum
>supposed to remember things in great detail
uh huh
I spent like 10 years taking the DK coin in the kremland strickerbursh level in DKC2 the wrong way, in my last replay last year i found the invisible wall our of pure luck
literally never happened
you're like a woman, inventing non-issues with your dumb girlbrain
>talk on phone for hours
how can people do this?
I try to get somebody off the phone within 60
>played literally thousands of games
No you haven't. I have though.
the autism level here is off the charts
everyone since fucking 2007 knows that adachi is the killer
>CRT DKC2 bro
Absolutely fucking based my guy. I was doing a 100% run recently til my save wiped, gotta do a battery replacement.
>play game
>get so angry, reduced to a ball of screaming, writhing rage
>so fucking aggravated
>beat game
>"Damn, that was a really good game. 9/10."
I don't smoke weed so my memory isn't terrible like all of Yea Forums's.
10/10 is perfect you can't get better. bad list
This scenario. This EXACT scenarios has played out in front of me so many times that it has taught me through experience why gatekeeping is absolutely necessary for any hobby to maintain integrity. I don't believe anyone has played any game unless they can hold at least a 2 minute conversation regarding the technical gameplay aspects of it.
Perfection has no ratio simpleton.
Trying to teach someone a fighting game is pretty damn hard, even if you're a master.
>ok so next time, remember to EX that move
>EX it, use the EX meter
>the red one?
>no that's the burst meter...
>what does that do?
>we're not there yet, now remember that EX version will work on everyone except this character in the corner if he has rage.......
Metal Slug 3, all the alternate paths blew my mind when I first found out about them.
>Play Persona 3 FES for the first time.
>Have NEVER touched any of the Persona or SMT threads before in my life
>Finally beat P3
>Order P4 immediately off of Amazon
>Go on to Yea Forums, find the first thread that is JUST P3, avoid the two other P4 threads
>Second post in
>Get game
>Immediately connect the dots the second I see spoiler
>Go on a 10 year+ vendetta to make sure anyone who even posts it as a joke without spoiler tags gets flagged.
im experienced in a lot of things at my job but i am terrible at explaining how to do those same things.
Wow what a baby. Its not even a spoiler. I went in fully knowing long before i even tried the series and still enjoyed myself. its not like they told you HOW he did it or WHY. "X is the killer" is never a spoiler. for all you know the person could have been lying.
After awhile it stops becoming actual knowledge that you could realistically instruct to other people and it's just muscle memory at that point. I haven't played Bloodborne in two or three years, but I guarantee that I would still know my way around that game with ease just because I've played it so many times.
I did this for maybe 15 years until I caught a random speedrun of what I thought, at the time, was the hardest RPG ever, FF5. Someone did a really dumb, easy trick with a bunch of spells I thought were utterly useless. From that point on, I always try out every new spell/technique on every enemy/boss at least five times.
It can be a little tedious, but it's shaved off a YEARS of pointless grinding when I find out shit like "Yes, this wizard final boss actually IS weak to the silence spell".
I didn't know cats could masturbate.
Playing a game, internalizing your thoughts on how it is, and using that while you play is much different than articulating that to someone who isn't in the loop.
An example: I've played RE4 countless times, collected everything in the game, DONE everything there is to do in the game, yet I'll stutter and think for a second even when explaining simple things like who the Ganados are and how to kick enemies.
I wish I was dumb as a bag of rocks like you. I saw the person, saw some of the facts, and immediately connected all of the dots, thus ruining hours and hours of the game spinning it's wheels going "hurr durr I wunder whodunnit". If I was even a quarter as stupid as you are, I might have actually enjoyed it more. I envy you.
That sounds like a fantasy game. And, like all fantasy games, it’s extremely forgettable (though not quite as bad as modern-era). I wouldn’t blame someone for not remembering the details.
you seem to have an obsession with faggots, user.
It's okay to tell us. We won't judge you
Happens when you remember things in pictures and muscle memory.
>"D-D-d-d-duh it's MUSSLE MEMORY I SWEAR"
>Somehow can't take the two seconds to pantamine holding a controller and thinking about that part.
Yeah, sure, you totally know the game. The next thing you'll be saying to protect your ego is that I have autism and nobody is this smart.
I'm being a hyperbolic piece of shit about people not remembering names specifically. I fully admit to how petty and shitty and unfair it is, but it's always been a pet peeve of mine. It's just annoying when someone will claim to love (to arbitrarily toss something out) FF7, but not know what "Wutai" is, instead calling it "that one place the ninja chick is from" or whatever. It's nothing to do with inability to explain things; you guys are totally right about that.
Feel free to mock my poor phrasing in the course of complaining about other peoples' speech patterns. Set that trap for myself, I did.
You've clearly got autism. Nobody is that smart.
And I wish I was as obtuse as you. You get no motive 5 seconds in for why he did it or how he'd do it. It just sounds to me you derive no pleasure or imagination in murder mysteries.
That's... That's how muscle memory actually works. After awhile it stops being about you remembering what action or function does what, and it just becomes you instinctively knowing how to do it automatically. How often do you actually think about the things you do in your normal everyday routine? Do you need to tell your legs to get yourself out of bed, or tell your hands that they need to turn a doorknob?
Not everyone is OP. I still end up remembering the names of a lot of things, but sometimes people come up with their own names for shit to help them better remember it by having a simplified version in their head.
>Can't solve a mystery when directly told the answer
>Someone has enough gall to call other people obtuse
I've also got enough gall to call you a stupid faggot, you stupid faggot.
>How to get through the Deku Tree? Sure, I've beat Ocarina of Time at least 7 times now.
>spend a long time trying to get them past the cobweb becuase I thought you needed to drop on it with fire for whatever reason
That's some next level autism right there.
Why would you replay a game the same why? Experimenting with different builds/paths/characters etc is what's fun
>That's... That's how muscle memory actually works.
Do you genuinely have so little imagination that you don't actually know how to trigger your muscle memory on command by just simply imagining the scenario? Have you never even tried?
>play game
>phone rings
>spend about twenty minutes talking
>go 1/23 in TDM
Muscle memory literally happens automatically without you having to actually think about it.
Also, you need to quit your projections, mister. Dang.
is this achievable natty
Yeah, but if you were in front of the game, you could literally just say "I have this committed to muscle memory, let me hold the controller" and do it for them. The only way this scenario actually works is if you can't be in front of the controller and you're just conversing about it, which means you either don't know, or you might unironically fit the NPC meme.
Buzzwords are not arguments.
>Hey you know you can kill The End before you have to fight him as a boss right? Just get the sniper rifle from that one area with the supply shack
Replies that say "buzzwords are not an argument" are not an argument.
>be streaming some hard ass megaman game
>getting my ass handed to me
>someone in chat asks a complex question
>spend a few minutes answering question while playing, focusing more on my response than the game
>beat most of the level and miniboss without taking damage
>finish answering question, go back to playing badly
Faggot is an incredibly fun word to use when it's not aimed to hurt anyone. I say that as a bisexual faggot.