Comfy MH thread
Comfy MH thread
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FUCK your favorite game
New twitter vid out of sword boi hunting
In MH World I just finished hunting the Pink Rathian and have to do a expedition into the Everstream.
When do I get to get better armor. These monsters are doing too much damage. Fuck High rank
You mean this one?
Juts make better armor
You know you don't have to immediately do a story quest just because it's available, right?
how dead is the online for XX? I want to play through online from the start, but I'm guessing there's 0 lobbies for early content
You didn't have to make it personal.
You're right about that, Earlygame is pretty dead, G-rank is decently alive from what i've heard tho.
There are some lobbies, but you might have to play with chinks or yuros
I bought World during the steam sale and went through the game too quickly. I'm not even HR29.
What's the fastest way to grind HR besides event quests? Farming Xeno'jiiva?
Make whatever you want until you get Nerg's gear. Just make sure you pump armor spheres into your armor.
Is drachen good for hammer?
Was it autism?
>runs into wall
>get stuck
Only a little bit.
If you have the right jewels, Patch+Drachen is great for just about everything except for fixed damage sets for GL and HBG. There may be sets that might do a very specific roll better(like spare shot gunner sets, crit element, and wide range support), but Drachen Patch will still give you very high performance with those.
Hammer uses the usual blademaster bnb skills, so Drachen is ideal. Do not use slugger - that's a noob trap with hammer. Focus on maximum damage and roll through the roars instead of using HG earplugs.
>DB wakes up uncoated ATKT right before we put our bombs down
why do these weapons attract the worst faggots
The only way to advance beyond HR 29 is to finish the quest with the two tempered Bazelgeuse.
top tip: make them attack each other till one of them dies
Download the mod.
We need a hardcore Yea Forums session no scrubs allowed
Pinecone deserves a spot in Iceborne.
user, I'm asking get my HR up quickly. Can't do double tempered Beetlejuice and tempered Kirin if I'm not there yet.
>Helping friend who's kind of a shitter with the Teostra/Lunastra hunt
>I'm just average at best, and still struggle with Luna constantly
>Friend can't deal with Luna's Nova
>Keeps carting to Teo before we even work on fighting Luna
>Final attempt for the night
>He carts to Two times against Teo again but we manage to finish him off
>Figure the hunt's fucked either way
>Decide fuck it, SOS flare
>Two randoms join immediately
>First guy leaves instantly
>Other guy is Japanese HH user
>Basically carries us through the fight
>Saves our asses constantly
>Have like 8 close calls over the course of the hunt
>Still manage to win
Is there a better feel?
Thanks for betatesting Consolecucks.
To be fair, World's PC port is pretty shit.
It's good enough now
It's still a colossal CPU hog and requires special k to even change the resolution properly.
Can't remember if it was exclusive or not to Hellblade but did Glavenus have the double tail slam or was it always single?
I wanna fuck Behemoth
he's not even a MH monster though
I want to fuck Nergigante
I know you’re still coping with being behind on everything but there’s no need to be rude.
Is this game good? I saw some mixed reviews on steam a while ago. Might pick it up if I have some extra money on the side.
It's fun, the mixed reviews were mostly about the port itself.
The negative reviews are mostly from the launch period when it released with a lot of disconnection issues. Not an issue of that scale anymore.
but why
are you so inept that you can't look at the recent reviews yourself?
Anyone heading down to check out Glavenus tonight?
I appreciate the effort they put in XX to make it have as much content as it has, but holy shit some of these monsters just do not belong. Their whole design and attack patterns are just incredibly dated and really aren't fun to fight, Gravios being the worst offender.
Loved the fated four though.
What armor should I have for AT stuff? I have like 430 armor and still get one shot by most shit.
World is better than XX as far as actual quality and game assets go. MHXX has a lot more content however, and you can emulate that for free, even play it online.
I'm trying to get back into Monster Hunter after taking a break from it for so long but the grind is still wearing me down. Not even looking at Iceborn videos is motivating me enough.
>tfw comeback after a few months
>All my old builds are out of date and I have no clue where to start, just want to farm some Kjarr Weapons
Feels fucking bad man.
Gravios is probably the only monster that needs a rework. The vast majority of the monsters after getting reworked for 4 are fine.
Some monsters did not need a rework. Lavasioth is one of those monsters. It went from the only fun piscine wyvern in the entire series with good hitboxes to a twisted mockery of Agnaktor with soft magma armor that lasts half as long and the hitbox on his Dire Nuke extends far beyond the explosion.
You can try it gradually or the bare minimum. I pretty much grinded each festival so i dont really have to do much other than get more crowns. But you can do the daily hunt things at least. Since its a big festival thing it will probably be just a handful of hunts each day.
He got a double slam in G rank, but in HR he only had a single slam.
I want to ____ Mizutsune!
Remember to bully Dodogama.
I just came back to play and stopped after killing tempered jho, what should i do?
I wish the Monster Hunter movie was coming out this year. Just to compare it to that piece of shit Godzilla King of the Monsters.
>Arch tempered Ancient Leshen
Leshen you silly old man the elder recess isn't your retirement home.
HR has double slam its just only when hes enraged
>Arch-Tempered Deviljho
If only
I'm thinking of getting back into MHW, I hit a wall with the Pink Anjanath and the Kirin and stopped playing a few months ago.
I'm using the Charge Blade, is there an easier weapon to use? I've had success with this weapon, but wondering if maybe I'd be better and have more fun with some other weapon
Try the hammer
LS is pretty easy and fun to use, Hammer might be a good option too.
2 hours to glav gameplay fellow Yea Forumsirgins
play tactical bros
raptor dromes should have been replaced with the -aggis in gen/genu.
Will i need to finish regular mhw to play IB?
With the riot and gangstar on the street? Nigga you got balls.
Kind of a stupid question, is there anyway to guarantee my hp is maxed after eating? I'm sick of chowing down on max potions
It's only lewd if you want it to be
If the end of the health bar on the right side is ended with a white bracket instead of a green bar only.
yes hello ^^
Each fresh food. The icons that are sparkling. If you want max stats like AUL from eating you don’t always have the choice because sometimes only a one or two of a particular type of ingredient will be fresh.
>don't have much qualms about entering ATKT rooms when it was up a month or so back
>end up screwing up a lot due to taking a break for this giant event
>tfw more paranoid about joining a group and being dead weight more than before
Fuck man, just kill me
You can still compare it with Godzilla vs Kong movie when it come out next year
Why bother with Kulve? Those weapons are going to be meaningless in a month and a bit.
Mostly for the Ice and Thunder CBs
>elemental CB
keep us updated based user
What monster has the sexiest feet?
I'm starting to finally enjoy this game now that I hit HR, it takes a while to get used to this new style of gameplay but is worth it, I still greatly prefer the old ways tho.
Are you the LBG user from the earlier threads?
Yeah, I got my fancy new Barroth LBG and attack 6, even if the monsters run like faggots I can try and shoot them so they fight me on the spot, or else I flash the running faggots.
Are people generally friendly in MHW? I've been soloing this whole time because I'm sure I'm a shitter.
Glad you're enjoying the game man, World has a lot of flaws but it's a breath of fresh air compared to older MHs, Hopefully they iron out a lot of those flaws by the next game
100 minute time limit. Doable solo. Timed out bc I'm bad but behe was last one left.
What's the reward?
just dont play on pc
>emulating XX on citra because lol pc may 2020
>playing with a friend
>some dude joins the hub
>he is HR 300+
>we are HR 1
>he joins the quest
>we ask him politely to please use low rank armor and weapons if he wants to join our hunts
>after asking him five or six times and getting no response I have to kick him
I feel bad but why would you join 1 star quests with HR armor and weapons?
who you quoting
Citra does online now?
How good is the xeno/lunastra LBG? I see it being used a lot I'd like to give LBG a go
>he thinks HR has anything to do with LR/HR/G
>just don't play with /mhg/
fixed that for you, falseflagger faggot
I just did my first AT kulve and even though we kept carting we managed to do it and no one said anything
generally I think if you look like you have suitable gear they won't mind if it's all randoms
are they that bad?
I guess to show off and feel good about themselves
>he thinks that's /mhg/ and not the discord trannies pretending to be /mhg/ that might as well be listfag tier now
In fact, one of them is actually listfag.
can u proof
Yeah I expect MH6U or whatever they call it to be much like world but with a lot of the shit fixed, there is an odd tendency with MH games being better on pair generations, and so MHFU, MH4U and the future MH6U will always be the better games.
Hong Kong streaming starting in 30 minutes, featuring first Glavenus hunt (and maybe something more)
I hope they play its theme
I mean, they're gonna hunt him
3G is better than 4G though. Even with swimming it didn't have the lopsided dynamics introduced in 4th gen. Mounting and vertical maps on land fucked up a lot of shit, and 4th gen introduced RNG relics which made endgame even more tedious since you're just grinding the same shit on a table rather than for parts to craft.
If you're in an actual room 95/100 they're fine.
The threads are some of the worse I've ever seen outside of gacha generals
I mean I dont think you could hear tigrex's theme during the e3 presentation because shit was too loud
Nigga they're exactly the same as these threads. It's practically the same people posting in both, and the dumb shits that spend all their time shitposting seem to be unable to multitask so they alternate. When these threads are fine the /mhg/ threads are shit, and when /mhg/ is shit the Yea Forums threads are fine.
Didn't 3G have those loot table issues where you could be locked out of getting anything good for certain specs if you got a bad table on game start?
the shitposters don't actually play the game, that's why they shit up the general
9/10 the room itself are fine
b-bing! delte this..
the audio quality is hurting my ears lol
>20 Kulve runs and still no claw lance
Now I wish I played on PC just to cheat this shit in
what the fuck where did this play?
anyway I like it
It turned out to be a glitch because the tables wouldn't refresh like P3rd due to how online worked in 3U, similar to the MHW decorations table that got discovered. Thankfully Capcom patched the MHW one though.
pretty sure they will announce something for the current festivals today
t. user who aced narga update on beta
>Only 20
I don't even wanna know how many Kulves I've killed and barely got any Lances at all, let alone Claw
Thank god Iceborne is close so I don't even have to think about caring
430 armor kinda sucks desu. make sure you have the talons and the charms (They stack)
>frosted kulve
Finally bros.......... it has eluded me for so long.
what is a good defense then, like 500?
Eat for feline foodie. It keeps your stats/buffs after carting but it's a daily rng skill so if it shows up, eat fresh food.
Japs can find shit from any place
Would you mind if they added Sky Blue sharpness from Frontier to mainline?
purple is enough as it is
Fuck that, the normal sharpness is fine.
I'm fine with that since the actual fight and optimizing it with friends is enjoyable, but I've done it enough that I'm fine taking a break until the inevitable G Rank return. I might do a bit more here and there for Emperor Nuggets I guess since I never collected the Gamma set, and we may be getting layered armor crafting tkk
damnnn monster hunter stories looks like THAT?!?
Based retard.
Probably ripped directly and edited from developer diary video since the theme played when they showed Glav footages there
i fucking despise how long tremors and stuns are in World compared to older games.
>the exception that confirms the rule
clueless nitwit
>he thinks it'll be frosted
You're not thinking grandpa enough, but Ryozo is going full grandpa for iceborne.
>Crystal Kulve Taroth
>beneath the glimmering platinum coat lined with precious jewels are the relics of bygone ages melted in the fires of the abyss that they've surpasses metal and transformed into pure crystal scales
Only way to hurt her at all is purple sharpness. Everything below purple bounces.
brainlets love misusing that quote.
>first guy leaves instantly
I’ve been playing since day one ps4 and PC, but I’ve noticed tons of fucks doing this recently. Why?
>Kulve Taroth sub
Lmao guys it's just gonna be the standard Kulve, but a bit harder and with an extra phase in her nest where you kill her
>Doggo get stabbed in the butt my a hunter
Could be a whole host of reasons. Most of them are just cunts though.
Because they already carted twice and will more likely fail the hunt unless babysitted, so it's most likely a pointless loss of time and resources
tyrannis hits 100 per phial
which other CB does that you fucking clueless nounce?
What if Kulve doesn't change at all and stays the same for people still in HR, and Capcom adds a new/returning siege monster with MR gacha bullshit?
>Fatty comes back
>He's a siege monster that drops RNG armor
>master rank zorah siege
There is no way they are gonna waste any content.
They're putting everything they can in MR, including MR versions of Behemoth and Ancient Leshen
I really doubt we'll get an all new monster for the loot pinata, I do expect another "giant" fight though. Probably Fatalis or some shit.
Anime rex soon.
Not him but you could safely say all kjarr element cb hit 100-380 on the monsters weak to that element
as I said, they dont. You never played CB
>MR Behemoth/A.Leshen
My solo ass wouldnt be able to handle it at all.
why couldn't I find the link in their channel what the fuck
but thanks user
Oh, thing happening? A real thing, or just a gay repeat thing?
Where the fuck is the hongkong glav gameplay
It's time
it's new gameplay where the devs fight glavenus
you're still too stupid to understand what you quoted.
A full hunt
30 minutes developer conference from an Hong Kong weeb con.
They'll show a Glavenus hunt, maybe something extra
>kulve keeps iterating on itself
>AT gets replaced by MR kulve, which gets replaced by AT MR kulve, etc.
>kulve weapons R8 and below go extinct, along with bushi tickets
>"I substitute reality and facts with my own fantasy!"
Ok nigger. There's plenty of videos and raw data online for you to choke on if you don't want it from me.
T. 500 cb hunts in world. 1000+ in 4u
Nah, Fatalis will just come back as a mean to make people suffer, I'm starting to think they will buff them.
you are projecting way too hard now neckbeard
wow another word you dont understand
ok retard take a screenshot of you using elec CB dealing 100 damage per phial that isn't bazel
i will be waiting you double nigger
its on
wew really stupid arent you
yes triple down you fucking brainlet
Chinese is a terrible language
Japanese at least sounds nice
yeah I dont know why but it sounds like a fucking barbarian
I fucking hate this kind of behavior, It's some dungeon finder shit from MMOs. Those games taking a shit on their communities recently probably drove players with that kind of mindset into MH.
Cantonese specifically is horrible.
seethe more nitwit cunt
It's the punchy syllables, it doesn't flow, it HITSeveryOTHERbeatWITHsuchFIERCEemphasisGOINGupANDdownOVERandOVER
holy fuck Chinese is hard to listen to
Does kulve count you niggerfaggot? Asking because I'm not gonna waste time again
ching shong shun shu shang shong
has pinecone ever appeared in cold areas? i always thought he is more suitable in deserts
Yeah please use elec CB on kulve
based japs telling the chinese to stfu in the chat
I love the new theme
This stream quality is abysmal.
goddamn i finally was able to beat AT kulve twice. i was lucky to find a useful team. now i have the other AT left to defeat
They apparently can show up in every area in 4U.
can't expect much from HK streams
It keeps jumping from 720 to 360
>cutting Brachy tease
These fucking chinchongs
i never encountered him in cold areas, which is why i believed he is more comfortable in heated places
He appears everywhere, his only native environment is the everwood
>Monsta hanter warudo
>Monsta hunte worl
I thought that was because he got pushed out or some shit
>tfw want Guild Cross layered armor
>so far just one ticket in 20 minutes
One thing I'll say is I have a student from Hong Kong, she's about 30, and her voice is angelic compared to this, so I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that Cantonese has to sound like shit.
So the next actual trailer is during Gamescom right?
>Monster starts spamming slam tremor attacks
Thank you, it's not like I wanted to play the game or something
Asian language backgrounds have an impossible time pronouncing double consonants like "ld", "x", "ks" and the like. Most languages do, but them especially.
Trailers are never during the events, but prior.
Probably early August.
I don't think it'll be that late, I reckon one will come around next week
The final boss of iceborne is just a giant bazelgeuse
There's canteen and mandarin orange. Both are terrible.
Did they stream something? Did I miss anything?
Pretty sure HK can speak perfect english, but this cantonese shit sounds so rough
Makes sense, i doubt they would shove out another developer diary mid event, They'll probably keep Gamescom for showing minor information related to the trailer, like a Brachy hunt or something
Just started
Imagine if G kulve is done like goldbeard ceadeus where the entire pursuit phase is dumped
Mixed reviews are because it started out as a shitty PC port, it's better now
>xbox beta when
Chop suey jackie chan wantan chinawok
Here it is you quintuple fucknigger
They're in Hong Kong, it's Cantonese they're speaking.
They're not going to show a new trailer, I've gotten excited by their autistic hunting streams before, I won't fall for it again
Im just here to see how they changed glav
Of course not, only a Glavenus hunt
gum gum chou zun gun shang da pao monster hunter world: iceborne™ shung dao ni za chin go
Nobody is expecting a new trailer
We want to see the Glavenus hunt
>Tfw watched 7 tigrex hunts in hope that they would eventually show Glavenus
Why are HK chinks so hyped
>98 on a weak monster that takes more damage than normal
THANKS for proving my point you infinite nigger
The chinks are clapping
It must be a good sign
So is this their first time introducing Iceborne to their chink audience or what?
It really feels like it.
>Narga hammer
I think they just said they're going to show a new monster but I kind of zoned out and I only understand about 50% of the Japanese side if I pay attention
chinks better shut the fuck up when his theme comes on
god damnit audience I want to hear the theme
They just gonna do fishing.
>shiny thighs
Hub music is way better than the last one
I hope the rath hammer gets in as well
Dumb cat.
Absolutely brainlet faggot cant see 2 posts down.
Did she just fellate her own cat under the water
Glav hunt prepping up
Can the Sword and Shield solo the game? I'm not looking for extremely fast clear times, I just like the weapon because it's safe, easy, and you have a panic shield.
>leonid starcrusher
Name a cooler weapon name
You can solo the game with any weapon
any weapon can
It's not good but it's playable
What about crushing monster skulls for fun ?
I can't
That's good to know.
>Ancient Forest
FUCKING HELL, couldn't they show it on Wildspire instead?
Why fight here?
>chink crowd cheering at retarded shit
Fuck this audience
He can show in up in a stiggy hunt in the frozen seaway iirc
Tigrex GS confirmed too
fucking grug hammers knocking everyone else out
Is it just me or his throat doesn't glow anymore?
Get out of my way, peasant
>dodged the roar
>Didn't even eat before hunting
what the fuck Ryozo
It's a thing he has to activate
Holy fuck that double strike
why does glavenus look like hes teleporting
is the stream just shit?
My bad. He just lit it up.
just did it now
I don't know what weapon to use. Give me something that's not Hunting Horn. How is the Charge Blade? Is it really as complicated as everyone says? Please help, I never know what I want to use.
I wanna hear the grind
do the spin
Why does it sound like the roar is coming from behind them
It's freaking me out
>jagras isn't retreating
The mad lad
Is this MR Glave? He seems faster than the trailer.
He's tired of running away
>MR Glave
Glave is only MR
Fucking nice. Hope it's good
>clutch claw spam
The GS user is so fucking terrible holy shit.
Ryozo again is carrying in every hunt
Glav is G-rank only I think
>Ichihara's a shitter
did he just get revived?
what the fuck was that?
looks nice but we know they are still going to use the iron/bone designs for a lot of shit still
Cool, thanks.
the new vigorwasp gadget can revive once now
That's it?
New thing for the health palicrutch. 1 revive per hunt.
The new vigorwasp power
It's for shitters like the temporal mantle
maybe they're still hiding something?
So the fight (and animation) is pretty much 1:1 from X, which is nice i guess
they break his throat at the end right? the throat explosion is a lil bit too subtle, but yeah
Yep. 4 player, 4 revive. That mean 7 faint before game over.
They didin't even kill him what the fuck
Damn it Ryozo left us with blueballs
is there a most disgusting language to hear than chinese?
God chinese sounds so ugly what a dog language.
Who are these fuckboy nerds
I can hear his omega maleness even between languages
Chinese sounds so terrible wtf. Its got so many abrupt stops compared to japanese, which flows smoothly
>implying everyone will use that
I'm not really focusing on event quests right now. I'm actually doing arena since I want my divine slasher back. Only have to fight the twin Diablos 3 more times for those coins.
you don't get palicos beyond 2 players user...
Good to see that Dinovaldo wasnt nerfed for Iceborne.
They stopped because there are somethings that he does not want to show and would be shown if they continued.
>states awkwardly in chinese
Winners of the arena quests HK tournament.
Master rank has 5 carts to fail, not 3
Charge blade being complicated is a huge fucking meme, especially if you're playing World where it's unga bunga flowchart simple
im out
>neutered Glav
I really hope the revive shit doesnt make it to the next installment. Holy fucking shit.
>Another Spergrex hunt
What the hell would they have to show us about Glavenus
It's not like he transforms when at low hp or some shit
What's with Glav's glowing back?
probably not glavenus but something else in the forest
Heheh :)
relax, it's not even good
Why you lying bro? We've already seen multiple variations. Niggas tried to say all the narga weapons are iron and bone, but then they showed the unique versions of narga weapons that also have shown iron and bone versions.
"Chinese" isn't a language
It's Cantonese in this case since it's Hong Kong (not actually China), Mandarin for China
World is my first MH game so I want to understand some things. Will Master Rank be the new G rank? Will there be new Master Rank armors that are better than the High rank variants?
Yes to both.
Yikes embarrassed himself with the failed LS
Master rank is G, just a different name. And yes.
Yes and Yes
next question please
>master, forgive me, I must go all out......
>China managing to prove Japanese is the superior ching chong language in less than five minutes
More like in less than five syllables, Japanese is literally the only Asian language I can tolerate and might even say it sounds good.
>sns subhumans
SnS hitting the head when hammer is hitting it already and interrupting him.
Like clockwork holy fucking shit
Based SnSchad tripping hammer grugs.
>Ryozo is angry
>angry about SnS and GS users
I can't believe he's going to fucking nerf GS and SnS right before launch
>based hammer bro goes unga on the head
>retarded long sword animetard trips him
The fact all those terrible non-hammer weapons remain in simply shows how magnanimous he is.
Unironically gives me a bit more hope for this game
Truly, Ryozo is a saint.
Hammer will receive a big buff before launch
Not gonna show Bushido Glavenus?
That's a suck a basic bitch shirt lol
I'm feeling a pretty fucking significant cringe coming on
>Want to try Kulve siege since I've never done it before
>Autism doesn't let me start the grind before getting every single piece of event gear, layered armor and a spare ticket to keep in my item box as a souvenir
Why am I like this.
>Hammer is now uninterruptible by other weapons while unga slamming
I can see it
What the hell are they saying god damn it it seems important
>finally did ExBehemoth
Thank fuck for having a competent team thats on point. Still need to do A.Leshen
looks like some dumb trivia shit
man i love that armor. male and female.
>which monster has the biggest dick in relation to their body?
That's a pretty weird question but ok
>chink with a turkcroach soccer kit
Nergigante obviously
Did they just give them a towel and a printed picture or Velkhana
Any tips for somebody who’s trying to learn HBG? I’m currently grinding for Dark Devourer but I also want to play mixed offense/support build with Recovery/Demon/Armor ammo which DD doesn’t use.
It's actually a shirt, but yeah it's pretty lazy
No, you do damage
It's fair imo
Later end of the weapontree confirmed to have unique designs
Nerg vs Velkhana soon
Don't use cluster in mp hunts or you will get kicked
Well just like all Nerg weapons
Nerg wants a piece of that frosty Kushala looking motherfucker
>Recovery Ammo
Stay the fuck away from this. If you hit the monster, it heals them. Also, go spread or go home. Shotgunning is the most effective and fun way to play HBG. Shields are for pussies shields ain't actually for pussies
Nice Lance
waow a watch!
Really hope that non-flagships get their weapons back too
>Ryozo thinking about how the chinese talk too much and how he just wants to hammer things
This is blatantly false. recovery/armor/demon no longer affect the monsters in world (rip griefing)
It used to be fun making all attacks deflect on frenzied shit
Fucking hell
The life of the humble grug in the big city is a difficult one.
I regret staying up
If you use cluster during multiplayer make sure you don't use on small monsters like Kirin, you'll knock everyone away and you'll get kicked. You can use it on larger foes like Nerg or Jho but make you chose a spot where there's no one and try to make sure the explosive radius doesn't hit anyone, for example if everyone goes for Nerg's head, I'll aim the for the tail and have the edge of the aim ring just touching the tail.
Are you crossposting with /mhg/?
chargeblade has tons of mechanics but playstyle wise its extremely basic. you literally ignore half of the weapon because it was designed by retards.
That was GS user
Truly GS users are the true LS users
It was said in the stream at the end
>trailer shows off Brachy
>trailer ends teasing Gore/Seregios/Zinogre
You could understand what they were saying?
You can play a demo at the event... I think
The new particle system and motion blur make Gotcha Bitches so damn ugly in World.
It a damn shame.
They already said last dev diary that the August trailer and dev diaries would be the last one before launch. They're not going to tease another trailer, and given that they've been following the MHW format of trailers the next one is going to be about elders once the Brachy part is done.
new demo incoming
>he's playing with motion blur
Aisha best girl.
Finally, my PS4 will become useful once again
But we still have the three subs they teased....
Get good retard. Learn to roll or block
Do you think our hunter ever got that sweet puss after all the trouble he went to for her
They're probably going to show off the 3 subspecies that were teased at the end of the sdcc panel.
You know what they about Moga girls...
I'm going to start using Hammer. Is the best one still a BLOS hammer with non element?
Do you want everything to be spoiled for you instead of encountering them in the wild and beating them without prior info? Leave some stuff as surprises for yourself, delayed gratification is much better than instant gratification.
Most large tremors hit you even if you roll unless they're pussy tremors like Deviljho
You know girl was wet just watching him come back after saving everyone's lives.
It’s a product and I’d rather know what I’m buying. I really don’t care about them revealing what monsters, I’d be happy with just a number, like shit how is them saying 25 or whatever monsters a bad thing for them? Most games of the boss rush genre do it
Man, that Glaiveanus looks great
His tailswipe is smoother but doesn't cover like 2/3rd of the entire room
WAY more snappy and tracking on his standard tail moves though
Yeah but it's a pain in the ass to manage white sharpness so Kulve sleep is in theory better
She went all the way to dundorma just to be his maid and have threesomes with him and her best friend
Fuck Kulve and her RNG nigger horseshit. I hope she gets raped by big black Fatalis cocks.
Surprises is part of the charm user
Remember when absolutely everyone refuses to believe there's a literal B52 in MHW and people insisted on it being paint edited in that one frenchie stream? good times
I just hope you fight it more in the wildspire than the forest, the spaces are much better for it there
I remember that
To be fair, the image was edited to look like a painting
Wow, they casualized Glavenus worse than Tigrex.
That thing was slower than LR Glav in GU
He's in.
>*tips nintendie switch*
Of course best monster is in.
>didn't play on console
>specifically avoided information about the game
>got the bazel surprise and never saw it coming
Chinese has a lot more monosyllabic words than Japanese in general, so it sounds choppier.
t. Talking out his ass
Im currently progressing through 6 star hub quests solo but Im already tired with regular HR monsters with multiplayer HP lasting forever. Where do I find communities that actively do hunts in GU nowadays ? Not sure if joining random lobbies would work with my low HR,not even G rank yet.
Stop it you shitlords are making me want Chinese food
taroth hammer sleep
diablos shatterer
empress mace ruin is decent too
people compared footage of xx tigrex with ib beta tigrex and they’re about the same speed. it’s your perception or memory that’s fucked up
Maybe xx Monsters seem faster because Xx hunters are so fucking slow
At least his first promo appearance had him in the Wildspire
It's pretty fitting, hope so too
Stop replying to list fag
Best non-Kulve LBG in the game. Obsolete once you rng into Kjarr LBGS.
Were they speaking Cantonese or Mandarin? Cantonese is fine but I can't stand Mandarin.
>Lemme add 1000 Def and 1000 Atk and 1000 HP before taking on modded Arch Tempered quests
PCheaters, everyone.
He would be better in something similar to the Jurassic frontier
But alas there's nothing like that in world
I stopped doing Kulve once I got Taroth Assault Support and Glutton, really can't be arsed doing her again.
The first one of those is probably him samefagging, as he is known to do
Re-installing on my PS4 and hopefully the save on the cloud is close to when I stopped playing on console. Guess I can catch up on all the layered armor quests I missed and farm some decorations before Iceborne hits.
Just because they might not show up in a trailer doesn't mean they aren't going to show them. Barioth showed up in Gameinformer, and Acid Glav was at the SDCC panel. They've got a dev diary, another trailer, and gamescom before launch, plus whatever launch trailer they do.
The Elder Dragon trailer was the final MHW trailer before the launch one.
If you like LBG, you should just suffer the ATKT grind again. Her Kjarr weapons are pretty much all best-in-slot for rapid fire elemental, and innate crit element lets you use way better armor instead of being forced to use Rath/Azure.
Ryozo is truly /ourguy/
>cat is literally named after his colleague who always shittalks him for not being tryhard
>narga hammer
>maximum GRUG
Don't forget
>played a light skin nargaslut just to prove to all those CENSORED shitters that the thigh windows are the same as always
And now for some random images
Nice projection nigger.
>need 3 pieces of At Nerg gear to update my Charge Blade armor
>26k HP in single player
I actually like fighting Nerg, but holy fuck, do all the AT's have to be such a fucking chore to deal with?
He is an inspiration to my hammering soul.
that overblown blood effect looks absolutely retarded
That's a big bulldrome
300000 zenny.
Sprinter Jewel.
A few streamstones.
5 carts.
They gave him a bajillion hp because he's a walking weak spot
Compare him to normal nerg who has less hp than fucking KIRIN
not worth it. the fight is cancer.
yeah but it will harden way more often because the spikes dont break as easily and because it spends like 90% of the fight doing those stupid flight stomps.
it looks like 26k but 9k is shaved off with rock drops and the turf war
Been playing XX, currently in high rank. Is Brave/Valor Gunlance a good weapon?
His spikes are the same, they just start at a harder state
If the doragon slam is giving you trouble Dodge to the right, it shouldn't hit you as long as you don't roll into an obstacle
Based scrote shark
rolling only works if you haven’t yet committed to a move that takes 1 second or more to execute and recover
AT nerg isn't that bad solo tho
you could probably throw together a meme build with lance or gunlance for minimum effort kills
Also this, rocks are a god sent since they not only hit like a truck but they also incapacitate him and give you time to break his thorns
I did the fight and often you will get fucked because you committed to an attack and he just decides to take off.
That move is retarded and way too fast.
But thats not the point, when that piece of shit does the move you obviously cant attack. Earlier when I killed it it literally did three air stomps in a row. What a trash fight.
I mean, I guess, it heavily depends on what you're using
>fight Nerg on console all of last year
>Nerg sometimes uses the flying punch, but not a big deal
>double dip on PC
>Nerg flatout spams the move. In addition, if anyone gets hit by one of Nerg's attacks, he immediately targets them and goes for a guaranteed flying punch
>more people are now dying to it than the super dive
I do not remember seeing that move used LITERALLY every 5. No, really. I just saw this nigger use the move three times in a row an hour ago. Nergigante has changed.
I'm still freaked out by how Kushala actually has no teeth
The super dive is more beneficial than dangerous really
Just RNG. I did a hunt in which he only slammed like 2 or 3 times the whole hunt. Other times he slams 5 times in a row.
Valor Gunlance is incredible in high rank. The only reason it's bad in G rank is because shelling is bad in every G rank game except for 3U.
Some of the monster teeth are weird as fuck, especially the ones that have "fleshy" teeth as well as regular ones like Lagiacrus and Glavenus.
just play gunlance, holy shit is it the most boring and one dimensional weapon ever but it gets the job done
poor deviljho has to mash up his food before he can eat it.
Death by Deviljho would probably be the worst way to go in MH
He basically digests you before swallowing with his saliva
Would any of you fuckers watch a mhw custom quest stream and heckle me to death?
>all those hops through the spike throw
also swinglance can be fun but its just as 1 dimensional
he has lv4 evade window. the set isn't even optimised because he put in lv3 partbreaker but partbreaker doesn't actually work on the spikes so you could probably fit in more offensive skills like max might or something
Good thread anons
Good night, best monster.
Even in G rank I feel like this sentiment is exaggerated, fullbursts in G still more than get the job done, and the guardpoints make it oh so easy to land.
>rolling generals in Yea Forums
still easily outclassed by adept pokelance and that's saying a lot considering how shitty that is compared to the other weapons in the game
Outclassed means very little in a PvE game when both can still achieve very reasonable times.
>GX gramps with a Chinese
>Usual mantis set plus uggo gold GS
>doesn't help bait to dragonator at start
>never heals teammates
>immediately leaves after running around sheathed for 90% of the hunt
>ran out of combines for pierce meaning he didn't contribute shit
Thanks for the help!
Imagine if they all had human teeth haha.
what armor is that
> tfw no tittyfucking gesture
you don't get palicos beyond two player hunts, play the game before shitting it.
Is he a dementia?