How accurate is this?
How accurate is this?
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fuck of wojack poster.
How accurate is the claim that OP is a giant faggot?
aoomer boomer coomer doomer eoomer foomer goomer hoomer ioomer joomer koomer loomer moomer noomer ooomer poomer qoomer roomer soomer toomer uoomer voomer woomer xoomer yoomer zoomer
You know it actually kind of surprises me that we're able to fit 26 medium-length words on less than a single line. I guess I never really counted.
Your screen resolution is smaller than mine. I see 5 words on the second line
Post in on leddit and count the upvotes
>ability to spot blatant propaganda in video games
>doesn't enjoy feminism being pushed into video games though not vocal about it
i cringed
1920x1080 here
>wants a japanese gf
Try Emerald you fucking pleb.
Halo 2 and mw2 were better, fuck off fake doomer
Very accurate. Undeniable, in fact.
If you're actually 25 years old and bought emerald after you bought fucking ruby or sapphire neck yourself
Pretty accurate beside the weed. I'm a no drug guy.
Wojack also is shit.
>tumblr framerate
so close
>implying I didn't emulate everything
Out of the way pleb.
Depends on the window because word wrapping like said. I use windowed mode, can see 4 words on the second one.
hah i thought that was a gaping butthole from the thumbnail
>tries to greentext outside of Yea Forums
what is the fucking point in newfags
Maybe like half?
>thinks greentext started on Yea Forums
YOU are the true newfag. But I'm sure you were just pretending to be retarded.
Yea Forums is absolutely the reason people use it the way they do.
Those who played Halo 3 on LAN were too old to truly appreciate Pokemon Platinum
fuck off fortnite poster
>halo 3 LAN
Nah, halo sucks
Don't care
Don't like it
>Spot propaganda
That's anyone who isn't a retard
>Japanese gf
I prefer white chicks
>misses buying games with no bullshit
Yeah, again, anyone who isn't a retard should.
>feminism in vidya
Depends on context. Nothing wrong with a strong/competent female character so long as I'm not getting politics shoved down my throat. (inb4 that's impossible)
Was fun at the time. I liked BF2 more.
Never got into it. Yugioh was better.
Kill yourself
Quality satire
or youtube
Make some original content you fucking faggot.
Who in the ever loving fuck played halo 3 on lan
We all had Xbox live then, lan was for halo1 and 2
Source I am 25
Both came out the same year didn't they
>says the guy with no original content
not going to lie this is BASED
stop making depression cool
everything except
>jap gf
>pokemon platinum
is me
hi CIA
>likes everything OP likes
fuck off
>american reading comprehension
This wojak shit has to fuck off.
So what you saying is...It's time for sweetie posting to make a return?
>blatant propaganda
>translation:things i dont like
uh no. Propaganda exists. Fact
Based Scout.
and it conveniently happens to include all things you dont like
Why do you create shit threads about your "woe is me"? Need to get something off your chest? Go to GIOYC in /adv/. Actually wanna rant about life and find possible solutions? Go to /SIG/ on /fit/. Wanna make no attempt at changing yourself and stay in your pussy mindset? Go to /r9k/. Why do you insist on posting this shit all over this website where it doesn't fucking belong? I honestly think it's because you wanna be "le cool depressed smart guy" because it gives you an identity that you don't actually have to think about or work towards. That or your some meme-lord from reddit that needs to find a new edge.
Fuck off already. Either get your shit together or unironically neck yourself tonight
Name some examples of video games with right-wing propaganda in them
i never said games did have propaganda in them so i dont know what the fuck youre getting at
How do you figure that? Do you have a very specific definition of "propaganda" or something? Virtually all forms of media are used to spread propaganda, including video games
You’re not allowed to post on Yea Forums if you’re under 30
It's funny because it assumes people to spot blatant propaganda(in videogames), when in reality it's a piece of propaganda itself.
Also fuck off
How soon can we require users to provide birth certificates before posting?
yeah and there's never been a point where ive played a game and thought"FUCKING NAZIS SPREADING THEIR RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA"
so i still have no idea what the fuck youre getting at with
things someone may like or not like is different than propaganda, retard
Okay I'll break it down for you.
OP's image included a reference to left-wing propaganda in video games.
One user derided OP by saying "propaganda" was only things he doesn't like (meaning there's no actual propaganda)
Another user responded by insinuating propaganda in video games is a real thing.
You again repeated the dismissal that "propaganda" is only things OP doesn't like, meaning that either A.) Propaganda doesn't exist, or B.) You think OP doesn't notice right-wing propaganda in his video games.
So which is it, faggot?
C.)Propaganda does exist, but its massively blown out of proportion because some people are legitimately too retarded to understand the idea of other people liking different things
Try Blue
24 here
Definitely those halo lan parties.
so dont scream "PROPAGANDA" whenever you see a brown person in your game, ok?
>halo 3
Try 17 year old zoomers
That kinda boils down the conversation to too simplistic of a view. It ignores the impact media has on children and teenagers, automatically assumes that propaganda in video games is widely supported by a large fraction of the community so long as they like its message, and uses the tired old dismissal of "LOL JUST DON'T BUY IT" in response to criticism.
>Never knew someone could be super fucking retarded to get mad a rpg game for 5 year olds
oh wait
>It ignores the impact media has on children and teenagers
>automatically assumes that propaganda in video games is widely supported by a large fraction of the community so long as they like its message
>"LOL JUST DON'T BUY IT" in response to criticism.
these are all assumptions you've pulled out of your ass
No, just boredom. Are you mad that I don't like Halo or something?
i have a feeling people who think they can spot propaganda also like Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro, or some other similar "thought leader"
>these are all assumptions
Because you refuse to actually put thought into any of your posts, instead you just type vague chides and play dumb whenever I engage you. Now I see you aren't interested in discussing anything and just want to fling shit, so fuck you very much and have a nice day