This is kicking my ass lads
This is kicking my ass lads
is it just me or do the jumps feel so much different?
It's got some tricky bits, no mistake. What part are you at right now?
Apparently his hitbox got rounded off a bit.
the first game is annoying as shit. i beat the other two though. fuck the bridge levels.
Don't laugh, but I'm on the Temple Ruins in Crash 1. It's not this level specifically I'm having trouble with, I'm just generally shit at the game. Haven't played a platformer in ages and the rust has set in.
I got the plat on Slippery Climb, then I 100%'d C2, and I never got around to 3 because CTR came out
>jump on rope
>run down rope
>complete stage in seconds
If you didn't do this on the PS1 as well you don't know SHIT about Crash Bandicoot.
Ah, no worries, you'll get the hang of it eventually. It wasn't exactly the easiest platformer back in the day.
git gud, the first game is soulful
Because it's a bad game with an ancient gameplay that aged like milk?
Gee, user.
its a lot harder to do in the remake
I'm only 23% done with Crash one on Switch and occasionally I'll reach a level that just kicks my ass.
Get good faggot
It's not really that much harder and it's worth persisting with due to the sheer amount of lives you'll save.
Reminder to emulate the original trilogy
The remake are objectively broken in both collisions and jump physics and are close to being unplayable
As proof, I was able to finish OG Crash 1 in about 3 hours. I wasnt able to finish the remake.
>jump on rope
>slide off because of broken hitboxes
Weak bait. The first game is the most broken one. Play the real OG versio ln
git gud scrub.
>and are close to being unplayable
>I wasnt able to finish the remake
They're fine, you're just a casual.
>not re-adjusting with the stick/d-pad as you run across the ropes
Are you people just bad at video games?
2 and 3 are fine. 1 is the worst because you have to be so precise.
Not everyone has an older brother to teach them how to get past the tricky parts, user.
It took me like three days to 100% NST Crash 1 (excluding time trials because fuck trying to run fast in a deliberately paced game like Crash 1). Maybe you just need to acquire adequacy
I AM the older brother of my family user I didn't have anyone to teach me shit I just did it.
I need more cute brother sister Crash and Coco art
tfw you're the little brother and you had to get past the tricky parts for your older siblings
anyone who blames the hitboxes is a shitter.
adapt, the game is easy
Yeah, it does that. It's part of the fun, though.
Getting the green gem in The Lost City still fucking sucks. It's even worse now that there are two bonus stages.
I'm the oldest sibling as well, but didn't get to play Crash 1 as a kid since I was a dumb 4 year old. Copy of the game broke and I got a new one around 2010 or so. Still beat the game 100% multiple times, but on PSX it's far easier to do than the remake funny enough due to the controls being shit. Who knew that no Dualshock and only the D-Pad would make a 2.5D game easier?
>that one shill itt
The new engine doesn't allow you to jump as high and your hitbox has been rounded instead of being a square so expect to slide off the edge of platforms alot
It's really not as the collision detection in the remake is much more round. Works like a dream in the original, though. How you actually break the bridge levels in the remake is slightly run off the stage before jumping. There's like a frame or two where Crash will fall before the death animation kicks in and you can still jump in that period. Do it right and you get like an extra Crash in jumping distance, which makes the precision platforming in those stages much more bearable. Well, except for the parts where you have to jump off turtles, at that point you just pray to whatever god you believe in.
When the little brother surpasses the older brothers in skill
The remakes are easier than the originals, even with the slightly different collision.
It's definitely satisfying learning every bit of a level that's giving you trouble and breezing through parts that killed you earlier. I'm on the first bridge level right now and I'm getting better bit by bit.
I had incredibly limited exposure to Crash growing up, so this is really my first real try at it and I'm having a blast in spite of being so shit at it
big tip: when youre sliding off a platform, you can keep jumping
That still hasn't happened with me, at least in most games. He's more of a fightfag than I am and is way better at Killer Instinct 2 than me.
I think 100%ing the remakes are MUCH easier due to the QOL changes. What deterred me from caring more about the original was its dumbass save system and lack of informative box counter. I still beat it but I didn't care to complete it. I was way more enthused about playing 1 when it got those QOL touches in the remake.
Im good. I proved that when I beat the real game in mere hours. N.Sane is broken and unplayable and you wasted money
>i beat the playable version so Im a casual
Bait or are you a paid shill?
No? They're basically unplayabe because you get randomly killed by slipping off platforms
alright i thought something was wrong. i've just been sliding more than usual in 2 now but 1 has been kicking my ass
>paid shill for a game that came out ages ago
Wut. Yes you're a casual because you beat the game with the easier hit boxes but couldn't adapt to the new one with tighter hitboxes. I've done both, you have no excuse outside of being bad at video games.
Crash 1 has a save system.
>b-but I need to beat a piss easy bonus level
Fuck zoomers
>game is unplayable because I'm shit and can't adapt
>game is unplayable despite everyone else being able to play it
>paid shill
>for a 2 year old game
Acquire proficiency.
Who Platinumed all 3 games?
>tighter hitboxes
So you ARE a shill. Why else would you lie about documented facts?
>I'm a casual because I beat the real version
Begone shill
>I beat a broken game instead of the real game
So you admit to being a shill or a casual?
Who's lying? tighter isn't a compliment it's a fact you dumb casual. They altered the hitboxes which made it harder, was it the right choice? no but a good player adapts. Stop making excuses and stop being bad at video games.
Well you have like 6 seasons of CTR dlc to protect, little shill. Gotta defend the brand
Even in 1996 it was a bad one. I liked its level design a lot, I think it's the best straight up platformer of the original trilogy, but fuck if I've got the patience to blindly hunt down every box, do it all in one life, and then fuck around with that save system. Great platformer, terrible QOL. And no, I don't think I'm being unreasonable because Naughty Dog had all that shit mostly sorted out a mere year later with 2. Crash 1 was just unpolished in that regard.
There's a few games that I'm better at than my older brother. He's actually not that good at Smash Bros (he hadn't even unlocked Ness), but otherwise he's a pretty tough dude in fighting games.
Say shill again
Wow you really are a shill
If I was a casual then I would think N. Sane was unplayable.
I don’t have the patience to platinum 1 but I have the other 2 done along with CTR
No thats what an intelligent person thinks. A casual would think the newer version is better just for being newer. Aka you
Getting platinum for The Lab was legitimately hard for me, even more than Stormy Ascent
>zoomer can't deal a shitty version of a good game.
This is getting pathetic. You're very clearly in full defence mode of your ego unable to handle your shortcomings so you're screaming SHILL SHILL SHILL at everyone telling you the same thing: you're a casual. I've not denied the hitboxes are bad, I've said you can adapt and I've completed all 3 remake games doing that, being unable to adapt means you're bad at video games.
Never said I can't deal. I'm complete shit at it, but still having a good time
user, please, stop for your health. There's no arguing with autismos
You're putting words in my mouth, I didn't say anything about it being better. It's just that it's not unplayable. The hitboxes are different from the originals. Okay, so adapt. It's doable.
NST is the definitive way to play the Naughty Dog trilogy and if you couldn't beat NST you're fucking dogshit at games.
>Lex Lang
>Playable Coco
>Time Trials in 1 and 2
>1's fixed save system
>Stormy Ascent
>Future Tense
NST has more content and just as much SOUL, and that more than makes up for the different jumps.
t. 100%ed both trilogies.
nice meme faggot. go back to whatever shitty site you came from.
>Never said I can't deal
>I'm complete shit at it
They're the same. Play the ps1 ones instead.
True but I still like to make an attempt, perhaps in the hope that they realize and even better themselves. Egotistical of me sure but I've at least got to try.
when i realized i could just walk past the obj_motherfuckers it was easy
It was never that good.
>get out of my secret club!!!
Not even close. Not to be a pedantic faggot, but if I couldn't deal I would have given up already
>but if I couldn't deal I would have given up already
They are; if you could deal with it then there would be no kicking butt in process.
I'm on floor 3 of crash 2, I forgot how to advance the game itself. Do i just need to pass the levels? or do I need to replay and get the gems?
Sorry it's been over a year since I last picked up the game.
purple crystal in each level on that floor then beat the boss
>play levels until you beat Cortex
>replay them and get gems
>watch true ending
thanks a million, wonder why I couldn't advance further.
you only need the purple crystals to proceed
Why do white people suck at video game?
Based black hand poster
Gotta start somewhere. Can't get better if I don't try
I like (you)
>literally just beat that level
>beat the next boulder level
>decide to save
>not thinking and don't remember the retarded decision to have "load" be X and "save" be O in the save menu and mash X
>back two levels before Road to Nowhere
I almost did the exact same thing. Thank god I caught the word "Load" before I continued on, I last saved back at the Native Fort.