HellMOO, kill other people and blow up crack mansions

If you've never heard of it, it's like a text adventure game but with other players and PvP.

For awhile it wasn't PvP cause the head admin was having a midlife crisis, but it's basically PvP again.

Come murder orphans for money, fuck whores for sexual experience, and fight the terrors of the abyss.

connect at


Attached: hellmoo.png (647x188, 11K)

Lmao text game? Grow up oldman... There's better stuff out there now

hey, some people like these still, doesn't make us old. I enjoy modern games too -- I just can't snort cocaine, kill crackheads and abort babies in the streets for money on most modern games. ;)

I still play from time to time, decent game but its reputation definitely precedes it.

i tried it for about a day a week or so ago and embarassed myself so bad i quit, 10/10 game

Played this for a while. Made my character a trap, and ended up getting a sugar daddy who gave me stuff in exchange for fucking my ass.

Ded gaym
Still less ded than Hate, Inferno, and Sheol MOO.

Spearzombie still best build

Attached: zayU.png (795x553, 737K)

I'll only play if you guys have a corp that can give me gear. Or if you're all heavy-type roleplayers and not metagaming retards.

Is this the game someone managed to nuke an entire city, killing a big number of players by using a portal gun?

>heavy-type roleplayers
>in HellMOO
ok carebear
Numbers are the only truth.

Say what you will, text adventures are in some ways better then graphics based games; for example, they offer far more creative liberty and freedom, since you need to use your imagination and text takes up far less space on disk and memory then graphics do. What would be impossible with a graphics game today (say, being able to traverse a whole continent full of lore and story) is possible with a text based game.
That said, I do prefer graphics based games though, since I'm a lot more of a visual person.

Multiple times.
Someone also killed a few people by tossing giant crates full of dildos out of a helicopter over the main city hub.

>tfw you killed someone once by flushing live grenades out of your plane's toilet onto them

i think i read a story that a group of players gangbang raped another player, printed t shirts with mercy plead quotes from said player and mass distributed them to the entire server

>Used to have a notorious serial killer who went around killing n-tags
>Game became carebear central from 2014-2018 so he fucked off
Fuck this gay earth.

Top fucking lel. That's awesome.

half of the people online are admins

I counted the players on the playerlist, didn't count any admins.

it's decently populated, and yes it's reputation precedes it.

PvP is pretty much everywhere except the main hub, but even that might change since they gave carebears the option to 'opt out' of pvp if they rerolled.

there are more pvp players than carebears tho rn

You can just read Celine or something instead

>can't play it offline
Fuck you faggots, I don't want to be part of your shitty community.

>can't play an MMO offline

The community is the best part in MUDs, though. Git gud.

Git gud at fucking what? I don't want to force myself to socialize with other faggots when I just want to bash shit.

>Git gud at fucking what?
You'll see if you play the game. Someone is going to wreck you.

and then they eat shit due to the gay as fuck challenge system
fuck carebears
fuck sexhavers

the combat is pretty tactical/strategic. There are metas and builds and shit.

I'm here for the community and the stupid memes though.

If anyone gives it a shot, come back and tell stories of your adventures! :)

Modern HellMOO sucks shit and if you can't let it go you're fucking retarded. Even Gilmore almost shut this garbage down AGAIN recently and the badmins saved it. The pwipe did nothing. The game is born to stagnate because there's no real content. PvP loses all meaning once the game stagnates (it has) and everyone has infinite piles of text. The carebear system is beyond retarded, but not for reasons people expect. If you're a PvPer, you're actually better off going carebear because it's to your advantage in almost every way possible. Being new to the game sucks dongs too because the way to speedrun to 100k is to know all the tricks like journos and hidden quests. The balance is beyond garbage too. If you don't have dodge trained really fucking high you'll NEVER be able to PvP. You'll get fucked on. Once you're poopsocked up, it becomes a screech/spew, POW, and grab fest. Basically it's a battle of RNG stun cannons. Also the challenge system is mad gay and makes 0 sense.

Let it go, faggots.

whens the last time you played? the challenge system is literally only applicable if you try to fight in cities/settlements like lurleen/fc/cc/slagtown/etc. Anything that isn't like, a fucking proper village and shit is all red zone, where challenges don't exist.

Carebears are cancer, but the challenge system is good
Stop complaining that you have to at worst wait until your target can react before you pick their apartment, faggot

>there are metas and builds
like what? last i heard it was only
>vamp gunners
>vamp in general
>dual sonic scalpels
>capping out focus and spamming screech/carrie/etc
were the only pvp meta at all

based, this man knows the truth

error when inputting it into url bar feelsbad

Legends of the Jedi is better IMO

you need to use a mud client, like MUSHClient or some shit man

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this game was only good for the orphanage
and I think you know why.......

>Tfw Wayfar was shaping up to be an awesome Hellcore game inspired by SWG
>Creator was nuts and did alcohol + xanax on the regular
Fucking RIP. That would've been an awesome game.

Vamp got nerfed, things have changed a lot.
really the only place I remember vamp being good in the past 5 years was inferno, and inferno is fucking dead r.i.p.

thanks friend
i will end you

hey man, whatever floats your banana boat you know?

Not my boat, though.

hellMOO seemed interesting but it didnt work when i tried to play that shit years ago
im also pretty sure its not worth my time