Why aren't the Amazing Spiderman Suits in it? They were better than the Raimi films.
Why aren't the Amazing Spiderman Suits in it? They were better than the Raimi films
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bc literally nobody asked for it
>better than the raimi films
Nobody is nostalgic for ASM
i did
Andrew Garfield >>>>>>>>>>>>> Tobey Maguire
>Andrew Garfield
the guy is a literal faggot
What costumes should've been in?
>even the manga verse and shitty mcu suits are in
>but not the greatest spiderman cartoon suit
>le cool spiderman
fuck no spiderman is supossed to be a beta
stop making this thread those movies were shit and the suits were shit too
Better than any scene in the Raimi trilogy
1. He's not meant to be a beta
2. it's spelled Spider-Man
Why are you pretending to be a fan?
lol no
If we're talking about high-school Peter, then yeah he's a beta. It wasn't until college he started to be more of a man.
The ASM2 suit was literally just the classic suit. It would have been nice for them to add the ASM1 suit in though.
Garfield is an underrated actor, ASM movies really wasted the talent of all the actors involved. I still really enjoy the first movie though
you two are just embarrassing
A man of culture I see, it would look amazing in the game's engine. But to answer your question its literally because of the begging meltdown of the raimifags to get their suit in the game, maybe it will come eventually (or not as to not upset them).
the tasm game's costume is good on its own right but it doesn't really done the movie suit justice. The fabric, textures and bumped materials would look pretty nice in the new game
user, I...
Just no. Holland is great to take the mantle but Toby was really special. Garfield and that director get a no from me.
Saving them for the sequel, just like the symbiote suit
Tobey was a terrible actor and read all of his lines through a breathy whisper
Special? Toby is a piece of shit actor.
cmon man this is obvious bait
Are they the same universe?
i hope so
>Black Cat
Hot, Sarcastic, Smart. Good match with Spider-man.
Hot, Dedicated, Sincere. Good match with Spider-man.
>Silver Sable
Hot, Strong, Passionate. Good match with Spider-man.
Ugly, Stupid, Whiny. Poor match with Peter.
But who does he choose?
>everything on the model looks good except their faces
Yeah, I think so, KEK!
Name one thing the Raimi films did better than the Webb ones.
>They were better than the Raimi films.
This is obviously bait because nobody on the planet who's seen both has this opinion.
>They were better than the Raimi films.
>Andrew Garfield >>>>>>>>>>>>> Tobey Maguire
big oof
Nostalgia Critic does
1. Literally every single thing
Sorry, meant nobody on the planet who's seen both and isn't a complete and total fucking retard with bad taste and literal mental problems
Spider-man stories
Felicia is a criminal. Yuri went crazy and started killing criminals after quitting the force. Sable lives in a completely different country and is currently dealing with a war. MJ took off to Symkaria to cover the story on the war.
Yeah, retard, I played the game. What is your point?
The suit from the 2nd movie was the only good thing to come out of that series.
They’re all bad matches for him.
They're all shit.
>samefagging over this
Big oof and a yikes. This aint it, chief.
You’re intensely retarded.
how do you think they are gunna improve on the swinging, combat, and bosses in the sequel? i feel like there was a lot of potential there for good shit but it ended up being close to great, but not quite there
Kill yourself tonight, zoomer.
Lessen the QTEs, especially in boss fights. I don't mind a few here and there for the epic gamer cinematic moments, but there was a lot of missed potential for actually challenging gameplay and deeper combat.
That alone would make it much, much better,
But there’s an option to completely turn off the QTEs.
Does it actually change the combat and how boss fights play out? Because disabling them does nothing if that doesn't go with it.
agreed. I feel like bosses never did attacks in combos or ever countered your moves/webs. That doc-ock fight had real potential of being god tier 1v1, but ended up being the same spam web followed by spam square x3. Also I liked the QTEs desu they are okay if the rest of the fight is good. look at MGR: revengeance
Agreed, the potential was there for a lot of fights but ruined them with poor design. Mr. Negative is another good one, when he does his attacks that send shockwaves at you and you either dodge left or right or jump over them. It got better towards the end of the fight but the first 3/4 of it were "HEY HAVE YOU LEARNED HOW TO AVOID THIS YET" over and over.
You're right, but as Spiderman? Nigga you high
There were several bad actors in the Raimi films. There were no bad actors in the Webb ones.
>Score swells as the credits show Peter standing over uncle Ben's grave at 2:42
Still gives me chills.
exactly. just when he starts mixing up the patterns and introduces delays, the fight is over. What's even worse is that the same shit happens when you play ng+. you'd think the game would respect the player enough to disable tutoriols in ng+, but nah. overall, I did enjoy vulture/electro and 2nd mr. negative fight.
>There were no bad actors in the Webb ones.
It's you who's out gobby
That doesn’t count.
I’m not a fan but even I know that spiderman is about a nerdy boy that gets tons of shit on his life and he must endure it. he’s probably a soiboy. CHAD from high school isn’t spiderman.
I'm still waiting.
>There were no bad actors in the Webb ones.
tfw it could have been a solid 9/10 action game, but is held back by excessive amounts of handholding
>TASM2 suit
It's basically a new and improved version of the Raimi suit, you pleb.
>Thinking the outcast is chad
LMAOING at your lifes...
Lately I've come down to a conclusion that the Sam Raimi's Human-Spider trilogy is noting but a fulfillment fever-dream resulted of a post traumatic coping mechanism from a regular 9/11 witness newyorker.
You see, it looks like he subconsciously translated the Amazing Fantasy to his own detrimental characteristics instead of completely changing his mannerisms, as a both for credibility's sake and somehow self-deprecating by the social stigma engraved into his mind. You see this with his mindbogglingly social inaptness, probably the outcome of home fostering at some point by his old, out of touch senile uncle and aunt, of course the trauma of losing his parents or never meeting them in the first place (the only resemblance to the Amazing Fantasy which he hold on onto) severely contributed to this and further aggravated with the September 9th attacks.
The coping too hold on in the self-insert idea that the Amazing Fantasy mythos could be experienced by anyone given the luck (?) of granting themselves his powers, which is in fact a fallacy as the outcome requires a specific set of mental faculties, emotional state and skills to even remotely approach it. He knows this too, so he subconsciously modifies them like the ability of producing literal spider silk from spinnerets within his arms, ignoring the anatomic and chemical inaccuracy, instead of ingeniously constructing a mechanism and artificial web like chemical never seen before to fit his characteristics or just pure and plain ignorance from his troubled mind, as the biomagnestism caused by the radiation was swapped to merely DNA-splicing as a failed attempt to understand the spider motif.
Also because of his social inaptness he can't really understand the alter ego concept, so both of his identities barely differs one from the other, so is the limited range of delivery and creativity with taunt like phrases.
Count... (1/5)
it's worse than the raimi suit in every way but the eyes
Fuck man, you don't even know how much I hate the ASM OST. They're so fucking shit.
Raimi films (and MCU now) have J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson, and there's several instances of perfect casting in the trilogy
the jameson in the spider-man 2018 game is pretty fuckin spot on too. i genuinely had a smile everytime he went on the podcast
Yeah, I really liked those too. It was always pretty funny
>arrow pointing at his dick
I'm hoping for new love interests for the next one
He usually made a lot of sense too w