When does this game get good?

When does this game get good?

I picked assassin and combat is already boring.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Assasin is like the easiest class.

Try warrior.

Assassin is a literal one button spam class, try others. Personally Mystic Archer and 2 Handed Warrior are my favorites

This is a terrible game, but it's also one of the best games I've ever played.

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bitterblack island is the only fun area in the game

I loved this game and ache for a sequel. I recommend it to anyone I know that enjoys action RPGs. That said, it's pretty much always been a case of love it/hate it. if you dont' enioy it by the time you're getting access to a Hybrid Class like Assassin, you probably aren't going to ever enjoy it.

Sorry mate.

I'm doing the mission where you transport the snake head for the first time and you guys weren't kidding this part sucks. The combat hasn't been fun enough to justify pushing through.

Thats the first 30 minutes of the game user. Its a trial to test your patience. Right after that quest, the entire world opens up

Yeah, but does the gameplay improve at all? I'm just not seeing what's supposed to be so hyped about this game. It feels super janky and unsatisfying.

If you get close to the ox you get a button prompt to kick it and make it run. If you have a mage pawn stand in front of the ox when you kick it so you take damage and the pawn will heal you, so position yourself in front of the ox so the ox will walk through the healing field.

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Thanks for the tip. Do you have any tips on getting good at the combat? I'm playing the strider class.

Your enjoyment of the combat is up to you, make sure you're playing a class you enjoy first. Getting gud just takes some time. I'd say after youre 10th Chimera kill, you'll have the core mechanics down pat.

>OP finds Assassin boring
>here’s a class that’s even worse than that

Not really for those starting off other than unlock skills as fast as possible. For me I like to have leaping stone and helm splitter for damage and instant reset so I can roll any time I want. My muscle memory forces me to hit the instant reset button every time before I roll so no matter what I'm doing I can dodge.

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Which vocation is more fun, warrior or fighter?

I would say it depends on if you like tanking damage and knocking down/staggering enemies vs perfect blocking to KD/stun and Dragon's Maw-ing everything

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Does anyone else feel like we're getting mixed messages from Capcom? They announced the Netflix series but then announced DDO is getting shut down soon. Makes me worried about the future of DD as a franchise.

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Did you save the artbook before sadpanda went down?

I just guess that DDO wasn't super successful and they'd rather put the money they'd put into keeping it up into a sequel. Capcom has a lot of franchises they could make a Netflix anime out of, Dragon's Dogma getting one has to mean something is being done with the IP.

It's not so much DDO specifically being shut down as the people handling it are. Everything they did is being discontinued.


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It's still up on E-Hentai. Most artbooks still are. You can back them up until 2020.

They shut down MHO and Frontier as well, and MHW was the most successful Capcom game ever. I think they're just reorganizing/refocusing. Some speculate that MHW is basically a replacement for a MH MMO, based on how the online works. Maybe they're looking at that sort of model for DD2 as well?

Oh cool. I looked a couple of days ago and didn't see it, because apparently it doesn't use the "non-h" tag for some reason.

this is how i feel about this game too

Huh, didn't hear about that. I suppose that kind of alleviates some of my concerns, but I'm always wary about DD news.

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I can't wait for 2. A more complete, polished game, it could be amazing. 1 is already pretty fuckin choice if you don't take everything so seriously.

los senos del judío

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La cabra...

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puta enferma

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>MHW is basically a replacement for a MH MMO, based on how the online works.
What, a fucking shell of what it once was, with player interaction or bonding?
>Gathering hub is empty except for the guild girls and the canteen, no farm/bounties/blacksmith without leaving
>SOS system means it's faster and more rewarding to just join one-off groups running whatever it is you wanted instead of forming a group in the lobby to round robin requests and interact
>STILL has a microscopic character limit on text chat

The MMO elements I'm referring to are login bonuses, seasonal events, and post-launch updates. But yeah, they fucked the online. Iceborne fixes the hub at least, but there will never be comfy turn rooms ever again.

well 2/3 of those are still shit, so great track record.

So, is using a sword and bow with assassin a good idea? I got a cool sword after beating the zombie dragon.

you won't have roll or double vault with a fucking sword

High level Assassins could equip a twig and 2 shot most bosses. Sword and bow is like a limitation, you'll still do crazy dmg but not nearly as much as 2 daggers

I messed up my main pawn and saved by accident. Please tell me I can change him later or just drop him completely? I don't feel like restarting.

You can change everything again later.


It doesn’t, like Monster Hunter you have been memed into playing a substanceless game with “great combat” but it really isn’t good enough to make up for how bland the rest of the game is. People only like Dragon’s Dogma because they can make their waifus, that’s it.

>First playthrough
>Fighting your first ogre in the abyss or whatever it's called
>Jumped on top of his head and went full-retard
>Ogre proceeds to run off of the stairs and kills himself, bringing me to the end of the mission
>Shit was so coincidental it almost seemed scripted

Its got waifus and good combat.
I've had the same loli pawn I picked up in the rift one day, since ps3 release.
I hope that jap dude see's how much time i've spent with her

DD doesn't have the shitty oversized cartoon swords

>dismiss all your pawns
>find a griffin
>enjoy the free ride across the map
its the small things

why is this game suddenly unavailable in saudi arabia? I want to get it

If you don't have a loli pawn you aren't playing this game right.

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Pirate Bay is your friend

It seems to happen to a fair amount of people. I think ogres AI has them wild out if they get climbed on and that's the only place I can think off where they're close enough to ledges to fall off. It was probably done on purpose to give people a way to "fight" it, because normally it's a grueling fight at low levels.

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Because Saudi Arabia is shit

must be the is is

>running a melee only build in DD

I'm gonna BE the loli on my next playthrough. I always forget about those small holes on goblins or lolis can crawl through, so I wanna try that for once.

Or maybe I'll be a shota with an amazoness pawn.

>playing with offline pawns

that used to be the meta before DA dropped and BBI annihilated anyone without magical offensive skills

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still looks practical
MH is filled with non practical weapons that don't make sense

I always wonder what kind of combat people want who say they don't like the fighting in this game.

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also the fact that Assassin augments got fucking dunked

conquerors periapt would like a word

The only balancing the game really needed was to remove periapt stacking.

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daimon 2 requires stacking if you aren't minmaxing

No, he doesn't. If you fight him as intended the battle is actually challenging and fun.

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Stop following dumb min maxing guides and do whatever you want

hard mode daimon 2 is fucking bullshit

munchkin ruins game for himself, again

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okay, retard

Conquerer's periapts and blast arrows definitely BTFO of everything else, but maxed out Magic Archer beats anything with relative ease on it's own without periapts. Also immolation is too good to pass up on.

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Mystic Knight

That goes for most fantasy games. At least MH put their own spin into it which makes them stand out.

If someone hires your pawn, and your pawn proceeds to level up, does your pawn level up alongside the arisen who employed your pawn, or when they rest at an inn?
Or do pawns just remain the same level as when they were hired?

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it doesn't. you fell for the meme. don't feel bad because i did too. it's an unfinished game, just wait for DD2 and hope they actually complete it this time

>not BEING the loli
what is wrong with you

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Pawns just remain the same level as when they were hired. You don't get any experience, but you do get rift crystals, bestiary/location knowledge and any items/equipment either equipped to or given as a gift to your pawn.

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Warrior is extremely limited and slow, but it's too satisfying to hit things with a giant sword.

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if you prefer second best then be my guest, i can agree that immolation is S+ tier

I heard if you wanna go Magick Archer, you can't just go with full m attack growth while leveling. Are there some actual details on the kind of gains needed to make one that's actually usable?

No one is hiring my pawn, is there anything I can do to encourage people to hire my pawn?

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>the armchair expert believes this

Leveling stats really don't matter, the game is easy enough that it's almost impossible to fuck your character hard enough for any class to not be usable. Magic Archer in particular is carried so hard by how good their skills are that their stats can be basically just whatever.
Play how you find most fun, if your damage feels lacking upgrade your weapon or change your strategy.

And if you do want to optimize MA for some reason, the most common path is just full sorc 10-200 max magick attack anyway, because all your bow skills scale off it, liquid vim means you don't need stamina and you can pretty easily just never get hit and spam ninefold bolt/ricochet hunter whatever. I don't find that much fun though, a balanced build you get by just playing the game naturally gives you enough stamina to not constantly need to use curatives, enough health to survive playing risky a bit, enough strength to make it worth climbing on things and using thousand kisses while on fire once in a while etc.

just go mystic archer. the damage you can spit out and the amount of cheese you can find is glorious.

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Sorcerer to 100
Something with a dagger to 200

This happened with me too in same place

It's an 11/10 7/10 game

Make them aesthetically pleasing. This gets them noticed so people consider hiring them. If female DO NOT give them the princess dress, they'll disappear in the sea of other female pawns wearing the same thing.

A lot of people look at inclinations so read up on them and makes sure your pawn has class appropriate inclinations. If they don't, try to get some rift crystals to buy inclination potions to change them to more desirable ones.

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>look up class guides for fun tricks
>ok first youre gonna want to play as every other class for 90% of the game to get some good stats
>then just spam the most obvious abilities

let me guess, you're a zoomer?

I don't have a picture, but she's a level 34 strider with scather/challenger inclinations.
Is she just too under-leveled?

A balanced build fits MA best IMO. Immolation is one of their best skills and it's damage is based off of STR not MAG. The big thing with MA is it's more of an end game class because it only really shines once you get BBI weapons and skill rings, which is highly RNG dependant. When it finally gets everything it needs it become the best jack of all trades class that will buzzsaw it's way through anything.

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Normally a lower level is more desirable because newer players are more likely to hire them. What system you on? If on PC I can help you out with a hire if you post their name.

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Min/maxing stat gains is a waste of time; the difference in stats will hardly matter. Just play what you want and have fun.

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Anyone know if dark arisin is worth it if you already have the vanilla game? Am I missing anything major?

Ahh that might be the problem, i'm using my PS3 capy of Dark Arisen.
The last time I played this game was like 4 years ago, offline as well.
These threads though made me want to replay the game.

There's a potion you can buy to change your mc and pawn. Costs a shit ton of rift points though.

I meant copy.

You can totally just go Sorcerer the whole way.
The only thing that suffers is the situational setting-yourself-on-fire-and-climbing-them strat, which you can still do, anyway.
And if you find that you don't like being Magick Archer after all, oh hey, you're still a fuckawesome sorcerer.

Bitter Black Island is a great expansion to the main game and offers tons of expanded content once you've exhausted all the other content. There's tons of small quality of life improvements that make the game more enjoyable to play as well as giving you access to a bunch of new DLC items.

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Thanks user, might look into getting it after I replay vanilla.

Do not speak of the promise land brother, I feel akin to the jews who have been waiting an eternity for the great coming. I feel Hideaki Itsuno will never make it as he just gets assigned to more profitable IPs.

Madre dios

I know the Xbox 360 servers got shut down not too long ago and I don't know how well populated the PS3 ones are but I can't imagine too many people staying active there considering the performance improvement more modern ports present. It's making me nostalgic though since I had OG DD on PS3

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>need to get a ring from the expansion area to gain increased discipline so that getting new skills isn't a pain in the ass
>have to jump through a bunch of hoops if you want two rings
top tier design

Do I need to play BBI before confronting the Seneschal? I forget if the completion of the Seneschal quest ends the game.

>Playing anything other than Mystic Knight or Magick Archer

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Yeah do it first

Holy fuck I've been waiting all week for a DD thread to naturally pop up. I'm about 10 hours in and I have so many questions:
>Why do they specifically tell you ferrystones are a one use item but then you're given an eternal one? And why do I have 4 normal ones if I have an eternal one?
>Why the fuck won't my healer cap me and the other pawns up? My entire group rolls into battle with half hp all the damn time
>How do you even recruit a good healer, or did I fuck up not making my pawn one? Every caster I've recruited has at most one healing spell and it's like I have to suck their dick to cast it. They're too busy buffing my weapons for no fucking reason.
>Why does the game tell you nothing? I did the Everfall quest and when I got to the bottom a cutscene played and I had to run. Thankfully a friend was with me and informs me I missed a super valuable item, portal thing, and I had to go back. Why wouldn't they give me time to grab it or even give me SOME indication that I needed to?
>Is Fighter the only class that can wield a shield? I am strider/assassin so I made my pawn a tank but surprise, she can't wield a shield in her superior vocation. The fuck?

I'm sure I'll think of more questions later but overall I'm having fun but bothered by the bullshit lack of guidance. The game also gave me a helm piece that I could sell for a TON of gold. Feels like cheating so I haven't but I'm also bored of everyone having standard weps. I got lucky and got some blades for my char that always apply oil but that's it.

So I should make my loli show her butt is what you're saying?

I think just having the eternal ferrystone is more than enough reason to play Dark Arisin. I played vanilla and Dark Arisin and good lord is it annoying to buy and use ferrystones over and over.

gonna get this game just so i can create a character like that and spend hours fapping to her/it

Pretty sure you can do a hard mode restart after getting the first ring with a moonbeam gem and just do it again to get a second since the restart also resets BBI.

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I don't agree with that but I'm sure other players will appreciate it

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Ferrystones used to be one use item, but they added an eternal one with Dark Arisen.
If you take too much damage, your healer can't top you off. You'll need to heal using items.
Look at their inclinations. Depending on what they have, they can focus on attacking, defending or just standing around like goofs. Better off not using a healer and relying more on items.
You don't need to take it. It's just useful to have.
Assassins, Fighters and Mystic Knights.

You don't have to be playing it like a standard RPG with healers and tanks or whatever.

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>>Why do they specifically tell you ferrystones are a one use item but then you're given an eternal one? And why do I have 4 normal ones if I have an eternal one?
Vanilla ferrystones were consumable. It made the game unbearable so they gave you eternal one in an expansion.
>Why the fuck won't my healer cap me and the other pawns up? My entire group rolls into battle with half hp all the damn time
There's two kinds of healing, white bar can be healed by the heal spell and items, empty bar can be healed only by items.
>How do you even recruit a good healer, or did I fuck up not making my pawn one? Every caster I've recruited has at most one healing spell and it's like I have to suck their dick to cast it. They're too busy buffing my weapons for no fucking reason.
Spam "HELP". It will slowly change disposition of a pawn IIRC.
>Is Fighter the only class that can wield a shield? I am strider/assassin so I made my pawn a tank but surprise, she can't wield a shield in her superior vocation. The fuck?
Look it up on the wiki.

What influences a pawn doing a perfect block? I know you can kinda influence what skills they use by only giving them 1-2, but do shield skills affect blocking?

I spam healing items like I'm playing BotW, don't worry about that. Eating myself out of house and home. But how can I get my healer to heal the pawns, seeing as how even if I give them food I can't force them to eat and they'd rather just die apparently?

>already maxed out fighter and strider
>enjoy strider the most
>gonna max out Warrior so I can get a nice 20% STR boost while also using the fast and nimble class
Min maxing in this game is pretty fun.

Pawns are more inclined to use items in their inventory if they have the Utilitarian inclination.

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Doesn't make it any less of a pain to get as a new player and discipline gains without it are ASS. I don't want to spend time grinding for shit as classes I don't want to play but need to unlock shit from.

>eternal ferrystone is an item that was introduced in the Dark Arisen expansion. Before that only single use ferrystones were available.
>healers can only heal white bar health, any other bar damage must be healed by curatives
>ironically people would prefer utilitarian/"buffer" pawns because they're more helpful once you know the game and it's systems well. Consider giving your pawns flasks filled with healing spring water if healing is your main concern
>while the port crystal is a highly valuable and useful item it's in no way absolutely necessary and you'll find more throughout the game.
>Mystic Knight also wields a shield, but they use different shields from fighters. You might be trying to equip the wrong shield for the class.

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Not sure if you're brand new or an experienced player running a new character (assuming the latter since you already know about the discipline ring), but I always blast through the game as fast as possible on a new character to do the AFK Gran Soren DCP farm method which isn't that hard if you're familiar with speed running the game.

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I thought I got super lucky that the ogre charged my pawn and plummeted to his death. This was after I had an epic 10 min fight in which he eventually pushed my shit in.

So the ps4 version has fast travel from the beginning, right? Like for free?

I think it's a Dark Arisen thing in general. It's the same on PC.

You have to get to Gran Soren first, then you can get the eternal ferrystone from your storage there

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>Why the fuck won't my healer cap me and the other pawns up? My entire group rolls into battle with half hp all the damn time
Inclinations. Dragon's Dogma poorly explains what is probably the most important pawn-related status. Basically inclinations influence the behavior of pawns. Go to "Status", select a pawn, then scroll down to "Profile" to view the pawn's inclinations. You'll see the two inclinations given priority (there's actually a third inclination of less importance that's hidden but still somewhat important). The priority of inclinations is important: a pawn with Medicant as their first priority will heal any amount of damage, but as a second priority they'll only heal party members once they've sustained around 20% of damage. (A pawn with Medicant as their highest priority will spend most of their time healing and doing little else, so I'd recommend looking for a healer with Medicant as their second priority.)

There are nine inclinations, and I'd recommend reading up on all of them. Definitely look at a pawn's inclinations before hiring them (inclinations really should've been included as a search condition). For a good healer look for Utilitarian/Medicant. As a rule, Utilitarian is the most useful and Acquisitor/Nexus/Guardian is useless. To influence your pawn's inclinations, buy 3 inclinations potions of the 3 inclinations you want your pawn to have from Jonathan at the Encampment and drink them in reverse order. Commands and Knowledge Chairs are useless.

He's still in your party, right? You didn't abandon him did you?

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You really have to get into it, exploring and doing every quest before you progress into the story. Assassin is easy modo, play it at night, no company and kill your pawn or it'll be boring.

Nope booted him out as soon as I could in place of this beauty

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You're at early game, it'll only get better , specially at bitter black island.

Grigori is a lad

>I can't wait for 2. A more complete, polished game, it could be amazing
Play DDO.

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>Play DDO


We still have time till December.

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>>Why the fuck won't my healer cap me and the other pawns up? My entire group rolls into battle with half hp all the damn time
Survival style sense. You should only full heal when you truly rest. It's intended and I find it a good mechanic: you're traveling trough a realm , it was the intention: weariness, ya know, survival.

some like a challenge and don't have a pc for 60 fps

Anyone have the picture of Super Rook?

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Dark Arisen everywhere has it, but you'll lose the immersion of traveling weariness. You'll never be afraid of being ambushed at night, you zoomer.

>You'll never be afraid of being ambushed at night, you zoomer.
Oh, no, Goblin Ambush #4526! How are we to deal with it!

Spirit Lancer is the best vocation in the series.

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>take the time to create an attractive pawn, gather all 3 knowledge stars for each quest, properly influence behaviour, and research, equip and upgrade the best weapons and armour
>someone leaves me a 1 star review

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It blew my mind the first time I realized you could duplicate quest items like keys and levers and shit at the black cat, and could therefore keep copies to save time on NG+ and onwards

Calhoun fuck up your build in this game, like in Morrowind ?

Barney can fuck you up anywhere.

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Because you're all backwards sandnigger mudslime cunts.

>144 post
>no post Arisen & Pawn
Lets fix that shit. Also toss some info so I can hire your pawn if you need RC

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only picture I have of him saved
I'm still mad that they are shutting this down without ever even ATTEMPTING a western release. Hopefully it just means more resources are being put into a dd2

also feel like making a new save again, lads, what should I go? Thinking mystic knight or sorc

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very cool system, keep the originals and give forgeries to every one else

When you start unlocking some skills and movesets.
Mystic Archer is easy mode
Warrior is boring as fuck. His attacks are too slow.

>not posting chad alchemist boxer
gay autistic swirling around with a dildo

arc moves are stupid. dont use them

It doesn't
I made it 40 hours until I couldn't stand anymore. This game is such a boring slog

infinitely richer than you, david.

thats what you get for having high expectations son about time you learned to expect the worse and be pleased when life decides to present otherwise, if not be ready for eternal suffering

>pleb status: filtered

Anyone else just refuse to hire a pawn if they're wearing DA gear? Doesn't matter how good you made your pawn look or how useful they are, if they're wearing Aelinore's dress they can fuck off.

OK but how badly does your cancerous Islamic regime cuck you out of cool shit that's deemed Haram?
Even DD is banned there like you mentioned.

I mean, if you're into empty worlds with no memorable characters sure
The combat is not enough to carry the negatives for this game

Oh, fuck off.

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Yeah, also if they're a loli or black.

>OK but how badly does your cancerous Islamic regime cuck you out of cool shit that's deemed Haram?
it "cucks" me out of degenerate garbage like parties, discos and poisonous beverages like alcohol and animals that lack sweat pores and thus are a factory for toxins and e. colli such as pigoids, otherwise I'm all cool senpai.
>DD is banned there
no it isn't. I can buy DD on playstation right now, or get it directly from their store. This is steam specifically not setting a price for DD on the saudi region in steam. Unlike you though I'm not a brainlet and will set a vpn to NL or anywhere else and buy it on some other store region and switch back easy peasy.
Cope and dilate.

>not a brainlet
pick one

>degenerate garbage like parties, discos and poisonous beverages like alcohol

I really enjoyed this game on PC. Can't really tell why tho.

I hope for a sequel.

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any tips on making a Serenity pawn?

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>lol just gimp yourself and use the shittiest class

stay. small. son.

yes because minmaxing in an easy single player game is fucking retarded

then read a book or watch a movie witcher fan

The 4K/144fps performance certainly helps a lot as opposed 480p and to the average of 15 fps on 360 and PS3.

Not him, but thank you user, I did not know that.

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>play magic archer/ranger all the way to level 120
>made sure Fournival was declared guilty because he was a stinky fat jew
>whenever I'm doing NO DAMAGE to enemies unless I use Gamble the solution online is always Blast Arrows and Conqueror Periapts
>this is the solution to every single fucking thing as a ranger
>find out about min maxing stats too
>just wanted to use cool bows
>can't even cheese the fights from ledges and such because the pawn AI just shits itself
>if there's no opportunity to cheese the game from ledges then my pawns all just run around like headless chickens and either get stomped on until I kill the boss or they're instakilled by death
I loved every bit of the game up the post-game farming/end game content. I still want to play it as I really love the game, but having to do cheese strats to play the game with the class I want is rather annoying

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Of course. Simply changing your pawn's inclinations around could boost their effictiveness and their hires. No one wants a Guardian who's gonna stand around sniffing your ass all day.
Showing them the ropes also doesn't hurt.

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Magick Archer is literally easy mode. How the fuck are you struggling?

I didn't phrase it right sorry, I went magi archer up to like level 60 or something and then Ranger all the way to where I am now. The Magi Archer bit was just because of the stat growth thing

Stats mini maxing in the long end doesnt really do much since the game cares more for gear over stats

Really? Everyone outside of Yea Forums seems to make such a big deal out of using a high str growth character to level up first that it just seemed necessary. I feel like my equipment is pretty ok since I can take on shit like Daimon's first form without struggling (I do need items for the second one though), but then whenever Death, or 2 Prisioner Cyclops show up I get fucking shat on unless I game the system and the solution always seems to bee waddling around with hundreds of blast arrows and with periapts that I no longer have access to, I'd go back Magi Archer I guess, but like with the Strider class I didn't like their end game abilities and didn't want to keep playing with the abilities I spent all game using

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It makes a change but is not night and day to waste time making a perfect minimaxed Arisen in my opinion. Also Leaping Stone into Helm Splitter murders everything.

Well that takes the load off I guess, what is it that makes Magi Archer easy mode by the way? I liked the versatility a lot but that last ability left a sour taste in my mouth so I didn't really bother with it, I also don't really like changing weapons mid fight and that seemed like it was part of the class that I was missing out on

>Magick Rebalancer
>Ninefold Bolt
>Ricochet Hunter
>Explosive Rivet
>Magic Rebalancer is a magic and magic defense Periapt and can be stacked to 4 like normal Periapts plus its AOE. Inmolation deals physical blunt damage
>trophy armor set gives you huge boost to magic unlike other class sets
>can deal with any mob in the game with no problem
>king in BBI thanks to the level design

Yea, only played at 1080p with a 144hz monitor and ENB, it was clean and smooth. I really enjoyed map exploration

So yeah, Magic Archer is strong as fuck

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>I'm still mad that they are shutting this down without ever even ATTEMPTING a western release.
It sometimes really feels like japs don't want to have their games translated into English at all but they occasionally do it because the publisher says they have to. Like they'd rather just not bother with baka gaijins even if it means their game will sell a fraction of the potential amount.


>Hopefully it just means more resources are being put into a dd2
It fucking better mean that. The last good game was nu-Hitman 2 and the only thing I'm excited for is CP2077 (and maybe Dying Light 2 but that looks meh so far). I don't think think there's anything else wothwhile coming out. But man if they announce DD2 I'd be over the moon.

speaking of ddo, did they unfuck the warrior in that game? I'm thinking if trying it before the shutdown

Yeah, they add more skill slots.

Warrior has a rage/brace mechanic, which lets you poise through attacks, get pissed off deal more dmg, or use the brace animation to cancel out of swings recovery etc. Also you can use savage lash while climbing enemies.
Pretty fun, but jap. vpn, and the server being in japan makes it so lagggy and its an mmo, so theres a shit load of boring stuff to do.

I'll try it out then, I'm doing a strider speedrun as we speak but once I get back to my main save I'll give that a try, I only have the trophy greaves but I enjoy some of the set up it takes to get a build going

Maybe they should have brought it to the west then.

>that face
>not having a fit brown female pawn
No lolifag, you aren't playing it right.

This. Perfect class would be long bow and sword.

>It'll get better
>Especially like +40h later

I tried this and it looked like shit.

>alchemist boxer
wut got a webm?


Any recommended mods for this on the nexus?

the dinput one is a must because it does too many useful things, the rest is up to you since it's mostly texture mods
I haven't tried any of the gameplay mods yet

Personally I was only really sold on the game once I reached Gran Soren and it oppened up for me. At the end of the day though, Dogma is the kind of game that gives you a shit ton of tools to have fun with and if you aren't willing to explore them to make your own fun then it's just not your type of game.

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>find a road
>follow it
>it doesn't lead to Gran Soren


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>be completly underleveled in BBI
>fight the minotaur in the tower after the two big skeletons
>two of my pawns die to a mix of harpys and the minotaur
>out of health items, have to run away
>minotaur catches up to the bridge
>my fighter pawn bangs his shield
>minotaur charges at him
>both fall down the bridge into nothingness
That was one of the most awesome moments for me.

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>want to get speedrun achievement
>forgot to set up portcrystals
>forgot to have all of the forged items beforehand
>forgot to buy periapts and blast arrows beforehand
Guess my time's ok when all's considered

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>not having a goblin pawn

why would you want to BE the loli?