This literally makes no sense. If your heart stopped working repeatedly, even over the span of a few days, you'd get heart failure and die, not to say of the brain damage you'd get from oxygen deprivation. Who thought this could be a good idea?
This literally makes no sense. If your heart stopped working repeatedly, even over the span of a few days...
Other urls found in this thread:
he has a special heart though
I dont people can "die" since the Death Stranding occurred.
>he has a special heart though
You mean one that FUCKING KILLS you all the time?
>Cosmic brain starts to glow
It's almost like the game featuring shadow monsters and tangible forces of life and death is running on different physics and metaphysics to our real world.
Is George Kojima. You only need to focus on the game mechanics merging with the lore.
The fucking ghosts I can accept, but the heart thing is fucking retarded.
Kojima has the same heart and he's okay. Brain damage helps develop genius games, even!
>Cosmic brain starts to shit and piss in its cosmic diaper
Does anyone else find it ironic that he would literally be unable to play any Kojima game since they all have cutscenes that are longer than 20 minutes?
Dude, Norman Reedus' character gets fucking NUKED REPEATEDLY within the story. Quit acting like this is the last straw or whatever. It's been obvious for a while that death doesn't carry much meaning for the people of this world anymore.
Reminder that bowels empty themselves when you die. Kojima created a character that shits himself every 21 minutes
Have you ever heard of pausing the game?
do you think its gets all over his balls and he has to clean it up every time he wakes up so he doesnt have shitty balls?
or does he just leave it their to crust on his crotch because he know he will only shit himself again shortly
will have to eventually or he'll probably get a rash
I don't think you can pause in all of his games. I don't recall being able to pause codec calls at the very least.
what the fuck is going on in this thread
Doesn't he explain this exact thing in the trailer? He says that most everything he needs to do "fits" in 21 minutes. He just shits after digestion has started.
There is this character in Death Stranding who dies every 21 minutes because of his heart, then at this 21 minutes mark his attached heart defibrilator shocks his heart and he revives.
Is that the dude that directed Drive?
alright i am missing something, where are those info?
new trailer check it
>tfw Heartman gets to experience dying on the toilet multiple times a day
Think about all the free radicals that would form in his brain from lack of sleep. He should have holes in his head by now.
this one?
yes he did the face scanning shit for the model but not the voice acting
>Think about all the free radicals that would form in his brain from lack of sleep.
Does lack of sleep release free radicals on the brain lmao?
You bastard it's 4am over here
I'm saving this
i can't believe kojima called him fucking heartman yeah i get it because his heart stops fuck off kojima you fucking hack go back to making metal gear
Die-hardman mean he dies hard. It's hard for him to die.
Yes, sleep has been proven to clear toxins from the brain. An extreme consequence of this is a family which cannot sleep from a genetic disorder and they end up dying horribly.
Oh fuck you're now scaring me about my late night habits.
Your body plays catch up anyways. If you stay up late, you sleep in until noon most likely. Shouldn't be a problem unless you get less than 6hr of sleep desu but I am no doctor.
>This literally makes no sense.
It's a video game.
you raugh now but wait until a woman take over
The user it was a said special heart not a good one.
No at the 21 minute mark he dies, at the 25 mark his defibrillator shocks him back to the land of the living. He spends 3 minutes in the land of the dead looking for his family.
21 + 3 = 24 though
Will this game be playable via the PSNow streaming service on release? I sold my jailbroken PS4 since there were no games.
Don't correct me.
Not always. Source: I saw a dead body.
If I took off his defibrilliator would he die
for you
yes but only the character Big Guyman (by kojima) could do it
Well yes user, of course.
Press X, it should pause the text and let you advance the rest of the conversation line-by-line.
Kojima can simply not be stopped.
fuck that, heartman would literally be dead because it'd be impossible for his intestines to digest anything without expelling it every 21 minutes
Actually you only shit yourself when you die if you need to shit when you do die.
>only lost virginity at 24
HOW IN THE FUCK??? The guy is handsome as fuck and is 1.89m tall. 1.89 FUCKING METERS TALL. That's like 6 foot 3 or something for muricans.
you are just as autistic, if not more than Refn. The fact that you act superior is some hyper cringy shit and the latter post will definitely be screencapped to be mocked for being so obsessive
6'2". Also, britbongs also use feet/inches.
But once you recognize the secret reason for his heart, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds
Highlighted is me. Nice try.
He should have been called DieHartMan
>nice try
what? try at what? you're not the guy who made the original post but you linked his spergout further
you just don't get it
There are this wonderful inventions called pacemakers, for people with arrhythmia. You can't possibly be this dumb.
based boomer sam
>Big Guyman
Holy shit it does sound like an actual Gundam name or something
Graphically it looks worse than mgs5, 3 years realy isnt enough. He either was rushed or doesnt want to spend long time under sony.